All My Movies

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All My Movies 是您的個人電影收藏編目,為 Windows PC 和電影組織者與 IMDb 查找!無論您是在尋找收藏目錄還是追踪觀看過哪些電影,All My Movies 都有您需要的工具來開始構建自己的電影數據庫。這個靈活的,用戶友好的界面使得存檔,組織和跟踪電影比以往更快。通過訪問所有主要的在線電影資源庫(TheMovieDB,Amazon,IMDb 等),添加您的第一部電影就像輸入標題一樣簡單。 AMM 將在幕後工作; 自動收集關於那部電影的信息!

記得你第一次在劇院看過電影嗎?當你買第一台 DVD 播放機時怎麼樣?也許是期待著觀看你在 DVR 上錄製的一個你喜歡的電視節目的興奮。雖然我們每個人的情況都不一樣,但我們大多數人都有這樣的看法 - 電影很有趣!在觀看了數百個 YouTube 視頻並訂閱了 999 多個頻道的衛星電視之後,很容易忘記電影真的有多神奇。當你開始使用 All My Movies 時,你會發現這是過去的事情。這個驚人的程序將讓你以全新的方式觀看你的收藏.

親自看看一個出色的電影目錄製作工具 All My Movies 可以通過我們的 30 天免費試用下載。 HTML 導出是有限的,你將無法使用免費版本創建一個新的數據庫,但是歡迎您使用提供的樣本數據庫。如果你喜歡你所看到的,並決定購買一份,你可以利用其中的特別優惠。

All My Movies 特點:
包括支持電視劇。從 自動填充劇集詳情在 AMM 內直接播放電影(可用作視頻播放列表)。自動查找演員的照片,傳記和電影。使用不同的字段(標題,導演,年份,演員,流派,簡介等)搜索電影。掃描您的硬盤驅動器的電影文件; 在批處理模式下添加全部或選擇幾個。從在線數據庫下載大型封面圖片和 DVD / 藍光海報。直接從 DVD 或 AVI 文件捕獲幀並將其添加到電影數據庫。使用 UPC / EAN 電影條碼添加 DVD / 藍光。從 IMDb(以及您選擇的其他在線電影數據庫)自動導入詳細信息。其他數據庫可通過插件獲得。從其他格式(CSV,EXCEL 或其他電影管理器程序)導入 DVD / 藍光目錄,以便輕鬆遷移。將您的收藏數據導出為 PDF,HTML,TEXT,CHM 或 EXCEL(模板可用,或者您可以創建自己的)。將您的收藏與 iPhone,iPod,iPad 和 Android 移動設備同步。通過自定義表格視圖瀏覽您的收藏。使用自定義數據點生成關於您的收藏的報告。通過清晰地查看視頻廣告資源來訪問收藏統計信息。使用內置的報告編輯器打印收集詳細信息的硬拷貝。網絡模式允許您一次在多台計算機上與家庭網絡共享收藏數據庫。多級自動備份選項。密碼保護。生成具有 Tvix 或 Dune 等硬件媒體視頻詳細信息的圖像。通過 MediaInfo.DLL 支持自動填寫視頻文件的技術細節。注:30 天試用版。有限的功能.


檔案版本 Select Version

檔案名稱 amm_setup.exe
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Bolide Software
更新日期 2023-09-17

What's new in this version:

All My Movies 9.2
- added internal links to the movies in the collection. Use "Copy internal movie link" from the main popup menu. The link can be pasted into the "Description" or "Comments" fields in the movie card.
- added key shortcuts to quickly jump to previously accessed movies. Use Alt+left and right arrows for navigation through the recently accessed movie list
- added import parental guide rating from the TheMovieDB
- the Statistics dialog is now resizable
- cover thumbnails now use the same font as the main movie list (can be changed in the Preferences)
- minor improvements in "Copy movie files" function
- Import from CSV and Excel dialogs are now resizable
- fixed getting movie details from and
- some minor improvements, some bugs were fixed

All My Movies 9.1
- added support for WEBP image file format. Some websites switched to webp for the cover images
- added the ability to group movies by personal marks. Menu item "View - Group movies by - Personal marks"
- added 14 new virtual shelf templates
- changed the main font to the standard Segoe UI
- added the ability to copy linked movie files - menu item "Tools - Copy movie files..."
- CTRL+click on the movie in the Filmography in the person's details area will open the movie's web page in the default browser

All My Movies 9.0
- Please note, it is a major version upgrade and the registration details for v8.x will not work with this version
- Removed all IMDb and Amazon connections due to Amazon lawyer request
- replaced IMDb - for movies, TV series, and person's details. It is a faster, stable, multilingual database with the actual data and official connection via API. The language of the data you get from depends on the selected UI language.
- Added the ability to edit the recently opened database list. Use menu item "Database - Reopen - Edit list".
- added "Show similar movies" link in the movie details area if the movie added from TheMovieDb or Kinopoisk
- person search results now include the photo
- person's filmography is displayed as a bulleted list now
- optimized images loading in the "Select movie" dialog (lazyload)
- added "KinopoiskOld" and "LikelMDB" templates for the movie details area. Use menu "View-HTML template" to select
- audio stream details now displayed as a table in the movie card dialog
- fixed getting some media info from the video files
- fixed getting TV series details and updating existing episode details from
- fixed image files deletion when deleting multiple movies and images are stored in a folder
- a lot of minor improvements and fixes

All My Movies 8.9
- added the ability to scale fonts in HTML template. You can do this either in Preferences or with CTRL+Plus and CTRL-Minus keys
- added alternative Excel export function. The old export is available as a separate menu item
- added the ability to export to RTF, ODT, ODS formats. Check "Tools - Export to" menu item
- added folder history in "Scan drive for movies" menu
- added the ability to import collection from dying Personal Video Database program
- added the ability to copy cover image and screenshots to the clipboard with the popup menu
- fixed getting movie details from,,
- fixed getting a video bitrate for DVDs
- fixed: delete movie in a "group by..." mode deletes the movie from the tree too
- sharper images in "cover thumbnails" view mode
- fixed a dozen of minor issues as well

All My Movies 8.8
- added a field for the personal movie rating
- added the ability to sort movies by date added and date modified in the "Append from..." dialog. Click with the right mouse button on the list and use popup menu to change the sort mode
- added statistics chart by File type. Press F5 to open
- added the ability to export Seen and Wishlist field values to CSV, Excel, simple HTML table
- improved quick search by title. When you type anything in the main program window, the program will try to jump to the movie title that starts with what you typing
- fixed grouping collection by custom fields using a button on toolbar
- fixed Last 10 opened video files list for Unicode file names
- several minor fixes and improvements

All My Movies 8.7
- bigger buttons on the toolbar, new panels added for quick sort/group the collection and more
- added the ability to import movie details from Kodi .nfo files
- added the ability to group movies by Scenario
- group by director and scenario now possible with the popup menu when you click on person's name in the movie details area
- plugin for import from Ant Movie Catalog updated to support 4.x databases
- fixed several issues with treeview view mode
- fixed getting movie details from
- improved function of parsing title and year from the video file name
- batch add by barcode now can accept comma-delimited barcodes
- minor fixes in getting person details from IMDb
- minor fixes in getting movie details from

All My Movies 8.6
- added the ability to batch update media info from the linked video files in menu item "Tools - Batch update movie details..."
- batch movie files rename feature now can create folders and can use "Quality" field value
- added generic parser for unknown URLs
- person popups now includes the movie amount (in brackets) with them in the current collection
- fixed clearing personal marks from the popup menu
- fixed a bug with program start after turning off the skin support
- improved DVD Cover print template
- fixed getting movie details by Australian barcodes
- fixed getting movie details from (cover image, rating)
- fixed several minor issues

All My Movies 8.5
- `improved module for getting images from scanners. More devices are supported now
- added the ability to tune hue and brightness for the current skin (Preferences, "Display area" tab)
- added a button to paste image from Clipboard as Screenshot ("Screenshots" tab in the movie card)
- added an ability to set filter by name in Friends directory
- added an ability to continue batch update of the movie details process that was cancelled or aborted due to an error (menu item Tools - Batch update movie details)
- added the option to get first search result in batch person details lookup
- now you can setup a folder list (instead of just one folder) to scan for new video files on program start (menu item "Movie - Scan drive for movies...")
- now it is possible to add movies to the collection from person filmography (for the persons, updated with this new build from IMDb or Kinopoisk)
- now the program can rename the existing movie titles when you turn on/off the option of transferring the articles on "Expert options" tab in the Preferences
- a dozen of minor issues were fixed

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