mediainfo cli

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mediainfo cli

Simple command-line application that can be used in order to bring up various information about audio and video files, including HTML and XML tags. ,Search for MediaInfo in your package manager or apt-get install mediainfo-gui (for GUI) or apt-get install mediainfo (for CLI), Activate MediaArea ... ,MediaInfo is a convenient unified display of the most relevant technical and tag data for video and audio files. ,2023年1月12日 — Download the mediainfo CLI(!) · Extract it anywhere and add the folder location to PATH · Verify if mediainfo is working in CMD by simply typing  ... ,Build MediaInfo CLI. When you have done all the prerequisites for your configuration, then build MediaInfo. We start with the CLI. cd $BUILD_DIR git clone ... ,A graphical interface : MediaInfo GUI · A Command line interface : MediaInfo CLI · A DLL to interface with other software : MediaInfo DLL. ,MediaInfo is a convenient unified display of the most relevant technical and tag data for video and audio files. ,MediaInfo是一款自由開源的應用程式,它可以顯示媒體檔案相關的技術資訊,以及許多音訊和視訊檔的標籤資訊。它已被許多程式使用,例如XMedia Recode( ... ,2016年12月19日 — This tool uses filters to manipulate json data like if you are querying a Database. It seems to me that this tool could be a perfect companion ...,2022年11月2日 — I have a few portable apps as well and I store them in a folder called Tools located in the root of my User Profile: %UserProfile%-Tools.

相關軟體 MediaInfo 資訊

MediaInfo 提供有關視頻或音頻文件的技術和標籤信息。信息的例子是編解碼器,比特率,每秒幀數,寬度,高度,頻道數量,持續時間,標題,作者,字幕語言和章節名稱。 多種方式查看信息(文本,圖表,樹和 HTML ),你可以自定義這些視圖。可以輸出文本,CSV,HTM,圖形界面或命令行的可能性。支持的格式包括 MKV,OGM,AVI,MPEG1,MPEG2,MPEG4,DVD,OGG,MP3,WAV... MediaInfo 軟體介紹

mediainfo cli 相關參考資料
Download MediaInfo CLI

Simple command-line application that can be used in order to bring up various information about audio and video files, including HTML and XML tags.

Download MediaInfo for Debian

Search for MediaInfo in your package manager or apt-get install mediainfo-gui (for GUI) or apt-get install mediainfo (for CLI), Activate MediaArea ...

Download MediaInfo for Microsoft Windows

MediaInfo is a convenient unified display of the most relevant technical and tag data for video and audio files.

How to install MediaInfo? (Windows) · Issue #2035

2023年1月12日 — Download the mediainfo CLI(!) · Extract it anywhere and add the folder location to PATH · Verify if mediainfo is working in CMD by simply typing  ...

MediaAreaMediaInfo: Convenient unified display of the ...

Build MediaInfo CLI. When you have done all the prerequisites for your configuration, then build MediaInfo. We start with the CLI. cd $BUILD_DIR git clone ...

MediaInfo - FAQ

A graphical interface : MediaInfo GUI · A Command line interface : MediaInfo CLI · A DLL to interface with other software : MediaInfo DLL.

MediaInfo - Quick start

MediaInfo is a convenient unified display of the most relevant technical and tag data for video and audio files.

MediaInfo - 維基百科,自由的百科全書

MediaInfo是一款自由開源的應用程式,它可以顯示媒體檔案相關的技術資訊,以及許多音訊和視訊檔的標籤資訊。它已被許多程式使用,例如XMedia Recode( ...

MediaInfo CLI (Command Line Interface) Syntax Teaching ...

2016年12月19日 — This tool uses filters to manipulate json data like if you are querying a Database. It seems to me that this tool could be a perfect companion ...

Where to install MediaInfo CLI in Windows?

2022年11月2日 — I have a few portable apps as well and I store them in a folder called Tools located in the root of my User Profile: %UserProfile%-Tools.