artec 3d

相關問題 & 資訊整理

artec 3d

Artec Eva is a structured light 3D scanner for those who need fast, high quality textured scans in high resolution. It's capable of being used in a wide ... ,Artec Cloud for 3D data on your browser ... Develop your own 3D scanning application to capture and process data, or integrate 3D scanning into your own software ... ,Artec Eva配有结构光,可高精度快速扫描带有肌理的中型物体。 ,Artec Studio 11是一款用於3D掃描和後期處理的軟體程序。捕獲的數據被分為數份「掃描文件」,經過處理和融合生成3D模型。Studio 11包含全自動後期處理的「智能 ... ,Artec 3D is a global leader in handheld and portable 3D scanners and has been at the forefront of developing innovative 3D technology since 2007. ,Artec 3D is a market leader in professional 3D scanning solutions. Our online shop features the full spectrum of Artec 3D scanners along with powerful 3D ... ,Artec 3D是全球領先的專業手持3D掃描設備製造商,其總部坐落於盧森堡,擁有長期致力於3D掃描、3D表面數據採集和生物辨別技術的專業團隊,並將研發專業轉為可簡易使用 ... ,Artec Eva 手持3D掃描器是為需要快速、準確和紋理掃描的客戶所量身設計的專業機種,也是Artec最受歡迎的3D掃描器。該系統最高的捕獲精度可達每秒16幀,而且不需要對物體 ... ,Artec`s handheld 3D scanners are professional solutions for 3D digitizing real-world objects with complex geometry and rich texture in high resolution.

相關軟體 Artec Studio 資訊

Artec Studio
探索 Artec Studio 3D 掃描軟件的功能,該軟件使用 Artec 掃描儀的數據或 3D 傳感器(如 Kinect)進行入門級 3D 建模!強大的 3D 成像軟件對於順暢的掃描體驗至關重要。這實際上控制著掃描儀如何捕捉數據和精確度。 Artec Studio 功能最先進的 3D 數據算法,使您的結果高精度,同時使 3D 掃描直觀和用戶友好.沒有必要事先準備好你的對象,只需指向 3D 掃描... Artec Studio 軟體介紹

artec 3d 相關參考資料
3D Object Scanner Artec Eva | Best Structured-light 3D ...

Artec Eva is a structured light 3D scanner for those who need fast, high quality textured scans in high resolution. It's capable of being used in a wide ...

3D Software from Artec 3D | Best 3D Scanning Solutions

Artec Cloud for 3D data on your browser ... Develop your own 3D scanning application to capture and process data, or integrate 3D scanning into your own software ...

3D对象扫描仪Artec Eva | 最佳结构光扫描设备

Artec Eva配有结构光,可高精度快速扫描带有肌理的中型物体。

Artec 3D - 維基百科,自由的百科全書

Artec Studio 11是一款用於3D掃描和後期處理的軟體程序。捕獲的數據被分為數份「掃描文件」,經過處理和融合生成3D模型。Studio 11包含全自動後期處理的「智能 ...

Artec 3D is a Recognized Leader in the 3D Scanning Industry

Artec 3D is a global leader in handheld and portable 3D scanners and has been at the forefront of developing innovative 3D technology since 2007.

Artec 3D Scanners

Artec 3D is a market leader in professional 3D scanning solutions. Our online shop features the full spectrum of Artec 3D scanners along with powerful 3D ...

Artec 3D手持式掃描器- 通業技研3D整合專家

Artec 3D是全球領先的專業手持3D掃描設備製造商,其總部坐落於盧森堡,擁有長期致力於3D掃描、3D表面數據採集和生物辨別技術的專業團隊,並將研發專業轉為可簡易使用 ...

Artec Eva 手持3D掃描器 - 通業技研

Artec Eva 手持3D掃描器是為需要快速、準確和紋理掃描的客戶所量身設計的專業機種,也是Artec最受歡迎的3D掃描器。該系統最高的捕獲精度可達每秒16幀,而且不需要對物體 ...

Professional 3D Scanners | Artec 3D | Best 3D Scanning ...

Artec`s handheld 3D scanners are professional solutions for 3D digitizing real-world objects with complex geometry and rich texture in high resolution.