Yandex.Disk 歷史版本列表 Page2

最新版本 Yandex.Disk 3.2.30 Build 4914

Yandex.Disk 歷史版本列表

Yandex.Disk 是由 Yandex 創建的一項免費云服務,可讓用戶將文件存儲在“雲”服務器,並在網上與他人分享。上傳到 Yandex.Disk 的文件保存在雲中。這意味著您可以從任何連接到互聯網的設備訪問它們。即使在您的計算機或手機發生任何事情時,也不能丟失他們.您的照片是安全的! Yandex.Disk 當您連接到互聯網時,將自動從您的手機上傳,並在您每次將其連接到電腦時從相機上傳。照片... Yandex.Disk 軟體介紹

MorphVOX Pro 4.4.87 查看版本資訊


Yandex.Disk 3.1.22 Build 3711 查看版本資訊


Groovy 3.0.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bugs fixed:
- Incorrect "Possible solutions" when calling a method on super in a non-derived class
- groovy compiler ignores import * for static nested classes in java sources
- Semantic of access super fields is not consistent: [email protected] == super.field
- Cannot call Trait method from Closure when using static compilation
- java.lang.IllegalAccessError occurs when attempting to run code built with CompileStatic
- org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.typehandling.GroovyCastException in Groovy ".with { ... }" - Block
- Closure generic parameters ignored and return types missing from collections methods
- MarkupBuilder cant yield before first tag
- methodMissing not executed when the delegate is an inner class
- Cannot resolve array of inner class from type in same package (no import)
- CLONE - Compile Static causes getAt to fail (advanced cases)
- Access to private fields and methods from subclass exhibits strange behavior
- CCE in closure shared variable assignment
- @CompileStatic non-static inner class instantiation in closure
- FastStringServiceFactory SPI loading in OSGi
- Static compiler infers wrong type for implicitly shared variables
- groovydoc: properties claim to be "private" and don't show annotations
- @Field variable access within closures broken
- Wrong code for putAt on Map that is member of closure delegate
- Base class property causes CCE
- Default import for Proxy is wrong
- groovydoc: abstract methods do not have abstract modifier
- groovydoc: extra default constructor
- SC: new compiler error for access of static, non-final, outer-class field
- groovydoc: annotation definitions, enums, interfaces, and traits have a default ctor
- groovydoc: byte[] shown as [B
- ConcurrentModificationException in Java9.concealedPackageList
- ASTNode.hashCode violates Object.hashCode contract: does not return consistent value
- Order of ModuleNode#getImports() is expected but not guaranteed
- STC: return type checking for generic, covariant property gives false error
- コンパイラで、クロージャから静的クラス変数を参照できない.
- CLONE - Error when creation a variable named "context"
- CLONE - SC: calling trait method inside closure has incorrect receivers data
- Scope of method call changed from non-static to static 2.4->2.5
- groovyCompile 6x slower in 3.0.4 than 2.5.6
- Compiler error for use of variable expression within tap closure
- CompileStatic: @ClosureParams in @DelegatesTo doesn't work
- CompileStatic: Runtime error: Access outer class property from static inner in @DelegatesTo
- CliBuilder: Option with "type: String, defaultValue ''" (empty String) results in NullObject if default value is applied
- Picocli-related VersionProvider helper classes should be public to avoid access warnings
- Parsing text into a class became much slower under Groovy 3.x
- Assignment of Map literal to Map element fails to compile (static)
- STC: method or property missing errors for Closure's getResolveStrategy(), etc.
- leftShift operator does not work on BigInteger (throws UnsupportedOperationException)
- Traits using generics generate incorrect stub for Methods
- Class generation regression in 3.0.5-ss: This method should not have been called
- MetaClassImpl.getAttribute(Class,Object,String,boolean) drops super
- Reflexive access to class attributes broken in Groovy 3
- super.method() can trigger method on outer class in case of missing method
- Property reference resolves to field, not getter when property name is single upper-case letter *
- MetaClassImpl uses findPropertyInClassHierarchy inefficiently
- ClassNode hasPossibleMethod and tryFindPossibleMethod make inefficient use of getMethods(String) and getSuperClass()
- Inner interface of parent class unresolved in anon. inner class expression
- Using Spock thrown() method causes IllegalAccessError for 2.0-M2-groovy-3.0 on JDK 8 with noverify switch
- Inconsistencies in JavaBean naming for property access

Dependency upgrade:
- Bump gradle to 6.5
- Bump javaparser to 3.16.1
- Bump Spock to 2.0-M3-groovy-3.0
- Bump testng to 7.1.0
- Bump gradle to 6.5.1
- Bump checkstyle to 8.34
- Bump Jackson version to 2.11.1
- Bump Codenarc to 1.6
- Bump spotbugs/plugin to 4.0.6/4.4.4
- Bump rat to 0.7.0
- Bump picocli to 4.4.0 *

- groovydoc: $INIT static method shown on Groovy enums
- Also output aborted tests in JUnit 5 GroovyJUnitRunnerHelper
- Parse source codes in parallel
- Replace "" with "groovy.mem.stub"
- Rename whitelist/blacklist in SecureASTCustomizer to more meaningful names *
- return more specific type for ifS/ifElseS helper methods in GeneralUtils
- Adjust pom for groovy-test-junit5 so that junit-jupiter-api is compile time not runtime
- Improve the doco on the Groovy Console
- Add to immutable type lis

Groovy 2.5.13 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bugs fixed:
- Incorrect "Possible solutions" when calling a method on super in a non-derived class
- VerifyError With Inner Class
- Semantic of access super fields is not consistent: [email protected] == super.field
- java.lang.IllegalAccessError occurs when attempting to run code built with CompileStatic
- org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.typehandling.GroovyCastException in Groovy ".with { ... }" - Block
- Closure generic parameters ignored and return types missing from collections methods
- IllegalAccessError when calling a public method on a field whose type is declared to be a package-private implementation one
- Access to private fields and methods from subclass exhibits strange behavior
- Traits using generics generate incorrect stub for Properties
- @CompileStatic and @PackageScope support for inner classes and package peers
- Default Arguments: non-static inner class constructor call in default value not supported
- Compilation error when accessing a protected super class field from inside a closure
- Compilation error when accessing a protected super class field from a closure using owner, delegate or thisObject qualifier (different package)
- @CompileStatic non-static inner class instantiation in closure
- FastStringServiceFactory SPI loading in OSGi
- VerifyError when AIC used as argument to special constructor call
- @Field variable access within closures broken
- Wrong code for putAt on Map that is member of closure delegate
- Base class property causes CCE
- SC: new compiler error for access of static, non-final, outer-class field
- STC: return type checking for generic, covariant property gives false error
- コンパイラで、クロージャから静的クラス変数を参照できない.
- CLONE - Error when creation a variable named "context"
- Scope of method call changed from non-static to static 2.4->2.5
- CompileStatic: @ClosureParams in @DelegatesTo doesn't work
- CliBuilder: Option with "type: String, defaultValue ''" (empty String) results in NullObject if default value is applied
- Picocli-related VersionProvider helper classes should be public to avoid access warnings
- Assignment of Map literal to Map element fails to compile (static)
- leftShift operator does not work on BigInteger (throws UnsupportedOperationException)
- Traits using generics generate incorrect stub for Methods
- MetaClassImpl.getAttribute(Class,Object,String,boolean) drops super
- super.method() can trigger method on outer class in case of missing method
- MetaClassImpl uses findPropertyInClassHierarchy inefficiently
- Inner interface of parent class unresolved in anon. inner class expression

- Add DGM `minus` to `LocalDate`
- Also output aborted tests in JUnit 5 GroovyJUnitRunnerHelper
- Rename whitelist/blacklist in SecureASTCustomizer to more meaningful names *
- return more specific type for ifS/ifElseS helper methods in GeneralUtils
- Adjust pom for groovy-test-junit5 so that junit-jupiter-api is compile time not runtim

Groovy 2.4.20 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bugs fixed:
- java.lang.IllegalAccessError occurs when attempting to run code built with CompileStatic
- MetaClassImpl.getAttribute(Class,Object,String,boolean) drops super

Yandex.Disk 3.1.8 Build 3059 查看版本資訊


Yandex.Disk 3.1.7 Build 2893 查看版本資訊


Yandex.Disk 3.1.6 Build 2833 查看版本資訊


Yandex.Disk 3.1.5 Build 2808 查看版本資訊


Infix Pro 7.4.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Added support for 256-bit encryption:
- Styled checkboxes and radio buttons were sometimes rendered (and printed) incorrectly.
- Drop into form mode for a forms PDF.
- pasting text into invisible OCR text box causes a crash.
- Long tooltips could overflow the edge of the screen making them difficult to read.
- checkmarks in checkboxes were not always centred within their boxes in interactive forms
- Improved compatibility of interactive forms created in Infix with Adobe reader
- OCR Cancel button not working on Macintosh
- Tooltips of form objects were not being shown
- Pasting RTF from clipboard can cause a crash
- 'Join files' crashes.
- viewing overset text problems could cause a crash.
- Fixed font display issue which could result in gibberish text being displayed

Image missing on Activate dialog:
- Improved behaviour of auto-scrolling
- "Zoom in on results" increases zoom level too much
- Improve rendering of B/W bitmaps