
最新版本 Groovy 2.5.13

Groovy 2.5.13

Groovy 2.5.13
Yandex.Disk 是由 Yandex 創建的一項免費云服務,可讓用戶將文件存儲在“雲”服務器,並在網上與他人分享。上傳到 Yandex.Disk 的文件保存在雲中。這意味著您可以從任何連接到互聯網的設備訪問它們。即使在您的計算機或手機發生任何事情時,也不能丟失他們.

您的照片是安全的! Yandex.Disk 當您連接到互聯網時,將自動從您的手機上傳,並在您每次將其連接到電腦時從相機上傳。照片上傳到雲後,您可以自信地從您的設備中刪除它們,並釋放內存以獲得更多照片.

編輯您的 Yandex.Disk 照片,並將它們放在一起,放入帶有名稱和封面圖片的相冊中。您可以選擇將相冊設為私密或公開,也可以在社交網絡上分享,並查看他們獲得了多少觀看次數.

您可以在瀏覽器中打開,編輯甚至創建 Yandex.Disk 文檔。無需下載或安裝其他程序。 Yandex.Disk 支持您的文本文檔,電子表格和演示文稿.

Yandex.Disk 上的所有內容:


Yandex.Disk 可以幫助您瞬間截取整個屏幕或其中的一部分。然後可以編輯圖像,也可以添加文本等元素.

任何互聯網文件  即伴隨有 Yandex.Disk 圖標或按鈕可以保存到雲中.

注意:需要 Yandex 帳戶。 10 GB 的免費存儲.

也可用:下載 Yandex.Disk 為 Mac


檔案版本 Groovy 2.5.13

檔案大小 29.2 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Yandex
更新日期 2020-07-19

What's new in this version:

Bugs fixed:
- Incorrect "Possible solutions" when calling a method on super in a non-derived class
- VerifyError With Inner Class
- Semantic of access super fields is not consistent: [email protected] == super.field
- java.lang.IllegalAccessError occurs when attempting to run code built with CompileStatic
- org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.typehandling.GroovyCastException in Groovy ".with { ... }" - Block
- Closure generic parameters ignored and return types missing from collections methods
- IllegalAccessError when calling a public method on a field whose type is declared to be a package-private implementation one
- Access to private fields and methods from subclass exhibits strange behavior
- Traits using generics generate incorrect stub for Properties
- @CompileStatic and @PackageScope support for inner classes and package peers
- Default Arguments: non-static inner class constructor call in default value not supported
- Compilation error when accessing a protected super class field from inside a closure
- Compilation error when accessing a protected super class field from a closure using owner, delegate or thisObject qualifier (different package)
- @CompileStatic non-static inner class instantiation in closure
- FastStringServiceFactory SPI loading in OSGi
- VerifyError when AIC used as argument to special constructor call
- @Field variable access within closures broken
- Wrong code for putAt on Map that is member of closure delegate
- Base class property causes CCE
- SC: new compiler error for access of static, non-final, outer-class field
- STC: return type checking for generic, covariant property gives false error
- コンパイラで、クロージャから静的クラス変数を参照できない.
- CLONE - Error when creation a variable named "context"
- Scope of method call changed from non-static to static 2.4->2.5
- CompileStatic: @ClosureParams in @DelegatesTo doesn't work
- CliBuilder: Option with "type: String, defaultValue ''" (empty String) results in NullObject if default value is applied
- Picocli-related VersionProvider helper classes should be public to avoid access warnings
- Assignment of Map literal to Map element fails to compile (static)
- leftShift operator does not work on BigInteger (throws UnsupportedOperationException)
- Traits using generics generate incorrect stub for Methods
- MetaClassImpl.getAttribute(Class,Object,String,boolean) drops super
- super.method() can trigger method on outer class in case of missing method
- MetaClassImpl uses findPropertyInClassHierarchy inefficiently
- Inner interface of parent class unresolved in anon. inner class expression

- Add DGM `minus` to `LocalDate`
- Also output aborted tests in JUnit 5 GroovyJUnitRunnerHelper
- Rename whitelist/blacklist in SecureASTCustomizer to more meaningful names *
- return more specific type for ifS/ifElseS helper methods in GeneralUtils
- Adjust pom for groovy-test-junit5 so that junit-jupiter-api is compile time not runtim

Groovy 2.5.13 相關參考資料
Changelogs - The Apache Groovy programming language

Here you can find the changelogs for the past Groovy releases. ... C hangelog for Groovy 2.5.13 [Released: 2020-07-19]; C hangelog for Groovy 2.5.12 ...

Download - Apache Groovy

Groovy 2.5. Groovy 2.5 is the previous stable version of Groovy. 2.5.13 distributions. binary dist: asc ...

Groovy 2.5 release notes - Apache Groovy

跳到 Addendum for 2.5.13 - Addendum for 2.5.13. Breaking changes. If you are using the SecureASTCustomizer and relying on the exact wording of error ...

Index of Apachegroovy2.5.13

Index of /Apache/groovy/2.5.13/ ../ distribution/ 22-Jul-2020 03:59 - sources/ 22-Jul-2020 03:59 -

Index of docsgroovy-2.5.13 - Apache Groovy Documentation

Index of /docs/groovy-2.5.13. [ICO], Name · Last modified · Size ... licenses/, 2020-07-19 13:05, -. Apache/2.4.29 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 443.

Index of pubApachegroovy2.5.13sources

Index of /pub/Apache/groovy/2.5.13/sources/ ../ 22-Jul-2020 03:59 7701048.

org.codehaus.groovy » groovy-all » 2.5.13 - Maven Repository

Name, Email, Dev Id, Roles, Organization. Guillaume Laforge, glaforge, Despot, Developer, Google. bob mcwhirter, bob<at>, bob ...

The Apache Groovy programming language - Download

Groovy 2.5. Groovy 2.5 is the previous stable version of Groovy. 2.5.13 distributions. binary dist: asc ...

The Apache Groovy programming language - Groovy 2.5.13 ...

Changelog for Groovy 2.5.13. Bug. [GROOVY-4945] - Incorrect "Possible solutions" when calling a method on super in a non-derived class; [GROOVY-6809] ...