Yandex.Disk 歷史版本列表 Page1

最新版本 Yandex.Disk 3.2.30 Build 4914

Yandex.Disk 歷史版本列表

Yandex.Disk 是由 Yandex 創建的一項免費云服務,可讓用戶將文件存儲在“雲”服務器,並在網上與他人分享。上傳到 Yandex.Disk 的文件保存在雲中。這意味著您可以從任何連接到互聯網的設備訪問它們。即使在您的計算機或手機發生任何事情時,也不能丟失他們.您的照片是安全的! Yandex.Disk 當您連接到互聯網時,將自動從您的手機上傳,並在您每次將其連接到電腦時從相機上傳。照片... Yandex.Disk 軟體介紹

Yandex.Disk 3.2.30 Build 4914 查看版本資訊


Yandex.Disk 3.2.18 Build 4611 查看版本資訊


Gajim 1.4.6 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Publii 0.40.0 查看版本資訊


Yandex.Disk 3.2.18 Build 4610 查看版本資訊


Yandex.Disk 3.2.18 Build 4589 查看版本資訊


Yandex.Disk 3.2.13 Build 4258 查看版本資訊


Yandex.Disk 3.2.0 Build 4105 查看版本資訊


Groovy 3.0.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Cannot mutate private field from within an AIC or a closure
- Interact Closures withing Groovy Trait methods are not recognized by the implementing class
- Method "with()" fails to call on the object reference in Trait
- @Lazy does not work when used in a Trait
- Trait method calling closure cannot be inherited while using CompileStatic
- Problem With Trait Generics
- Trait properties with 'with'
- getMetaClass should be annotated as (JavaBeans) transient
- Closure inside trait cannot use Closure's delegate variables
- Cannot pass generic list into explicit setter
- Seems to be a gap in method reference support
- trait property throws MissingPropertyException when read using qualified super expression
- trait qualified-super expressions fail when inside closure
- Field initialized in a trait using tap doesn't work correctly
- Groovy 3 Compilation Failure with method with argument Class<?> called with Class<D>
- STC: no type check error for invalid method pointer or reference
- Class-Level Closure Definition With Generics Fails TypeChecked
- Generic types get mixed up
- Bad error message when attempting to call a missing constructor
- MissingPropertyException when accessing @Log-generated log field from a CGLib-proxied outer class
- SC: ClassCastException for comparison to single-character string literal in closure
- SC: ClassCastException on delegate object property set
- should not consider bridge methods when determining whether an overridden method annotated with @Override is valid
- Groovy 3.0.5 regression with the "with" keyword
- JmxMetaMapBuilder.buildOperationMapFrom throw StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
- Infinite recursion exists in HashCodeHelper#updateHash(int, java.lang.Character)
- Since Groovy 3 ArrayExpression#sizeExpression can suddenly return null
- Groovy 3.0 does not work with Groovy 2 code using groovy.xml.XmlUtil
- Regression in 3.0.5 for accessing static constants in closures
- ConcurrentModificationException with ASTTransformation
- trait conflict resolution not available for static methods
- GroovyCastException when using = ... with multiple setters
- Changed behavior of delegates in 2.5.13
- Groovy 3.0.5 references groovyjarjaropenbeans.BeanInfo (doesn't seem to be included in the distribution) and 3.0.0.rc1 uses java.beans.BeanInfo
- Method call "main" is replaced with StaticMethodCallExpression in script
- Adding extension method 'call' on ArrayList with Closure as a parameter stopped working in 3.0.x
- Regression for accessing private static constants in closures from Parent Classes
- @CompileStatic does not use bridge methods for keyed map access
- SC: set groovy property written for variable expression assignment that should be direct setter call
- DefaultGroovyMethods.reverse(T[], true) performs extra copy
- The '~' negate operator causes an ASM processing error when static compiled
- Groovy 3.0.5 varargs [Static type checking] - Cannot find matching method
- @Sortable annotation always sorts by the parent properties
- groovyc fails when compiling class starting with unicode character
- 3.0 stubs include packages annotations on classes other than package-info.groovy
- CompareToNullExpression has empty implementation of transformExpression
- STC: incorrect error for actual vs inferred closure parameter type
- NPE in ClassNode.isDerivedFrom while compiling trait with Groovy 3.0.5
- STC: error for addAll with collect argument

Dependency upgrade:
- Bump TestNG to 7.3.0
- Bump gradle to 6.6
- Bump spotbugs library/plugin to 4.1.1/4.5.0
- Bump versions plugin to 0.29.0
- Bump codenarc to 1.6.1
- Bump checkstyle to 8.35
- bump picocli to 4.5.0
- bump jackson version to 2.11.2
- Bump xstream to 1.4.13
- Bump JUnit5/platform to 5.7.0/1.7.0
- Bump gradle to 6.6.1
- Bump hsqldb to 2.5.1
- Bump picocli to 4.5.1
- Bump versions plugin to 0.33.0
- Bump spotbugs to 4.1.2
- Bump sonarqube plugin to 3.0
- Bump checkstyle to 8.36.1
- Bump ASM version to 9.0 and JDK 16 support

- Enhance immutability check
- Support coerce for @NamedVariant
- Compile error needed for illegal field modifier combination
- Provide a way to filter illegal/discouraged characters when using MarkupBuilder

- Remove GroovyDoc JANSI dependency

OfficeSuite 4.70.34701.0 查看版本資訊
