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最新版本 XYplorer 25.20

XYplorer 歷史版本列表

XYplorer 是 Windows 的文件管理器。它具有選項卡式瀏覽功能,強大的文件搜索功能,多功能預覽功能,高度可定制的界面,可選的雙窗格功能,以及大量獨特的方式來有效地自動執行頻繁重複的任務。它是快速和輕便的,它是創新的,它是便攜式的。立即下載 XYplorer!XYplorer 免費功能:它的 PortableXYplorer 是一個便攜式文件管理器。它不需要任何安裝,將所有配置數據存儲在... XYplorer 軟體介紹

XYplorer 24.50 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

XYplorer 24.50
- Folder Icons Based On Content. Now you can define custom icons for empty, full and Access Denied folders. These icons are used everywhere, in the folder tree, file list, all menus and drop-down lists, breadcrumb bars, address bar, etc., so you can immediately see whether a folder has contents or not.
- Quick Boolean Filter. Now the Live Filter Box can treat space-separated items as ANDed Boolean operands. This makes filtering simple, fast, and effective in a way that feels natural.
- Wrap-Around List. Now you can have the file list wrap around the edges, i.e. if you press UP at the top of the list, you go to the bottom of the list, and if you press DOWN at the bottom of the list, you go to the top of the list.

XYplorer 24.40
- Mobile Hover Box. Now you can easily move the Hover Box (instant file preview on mouse over) from file to file with the navigation keys. Cool and useful.
- Custom Event Sounds. Now supports all playable audio formats.
- Open Folders with a Single Click. Now you can optionally open folders in the file list with a single click, just like in the folder tree.
- Many Other Improvements

XYplorer 24.30
- Event Sounds. Tired of staring at a progress bar until a file operation is finally finished? Starting from this version you can have a short sound playing that tells you when the operation is finished and if it was finished successfully.
- There is also a pop sound for deletes, which are usually instantaneous. This was added just for fun. You may find that completing an operation with a sonic event generally gives you a strange sense of primal satisfaction.
- Custom Event Sounds. If you don’t like the default sounds, and/or have better ones, you can easily add them to the soundscape. Yes, you can have the application play an entire song when your backup is complete.
- Background Dragging. Now you can drag files from a background XYplorer window to another application window in the foreground. A long awaited feature is finally implemented.
- Go Now. If you’re a habitual scripter, you’ll love the new ability to launch a script from the address bar with a keyboard shortcut of your choice.
- Many Other Improvements

XYplorer 24.20
- Image Columns. So far a data record in a file listing consisted of an icon, maybe a thumbnail, and various bits of text. The signature look of a details view in a file manager. Those days are over. Now you can add images to the mix. And not just one per file, but many: Up to 80 different pics per file, all in one list!
- These images can be arbitrarily assigned to a file (and recorded in a database), or based on rules (e.g. based on the file name or other file properties). Typical use cases would be showing wave forms for sounds, or album covers for songs, or different states or angles of people or designs.
- And that’s just the beginning. Since columns can be scripted, the possibilities are endless. A column could even create the image it’s about to show.
- By the way, if you move your mouse over these images, you’ll optionally get an enlarged view, the so-called Hover Box
- Absolutely massive new feature. Ground-breaking

This is a screenshot by a user showing a display of wave form images in an XYplorer Image Column:
- Wave form images in Details View
- Note that the wave form images are not created by XYplorer itself. Another software has to take care of that. But in XYplorer you can assign them to a sound file, and display them along with the sound file.
- So, how do we get there, step by step (arbitrary assignment)?

First, set the list to Details View and add an Image Column. For arbitrary assignment we take an Extra Column (there are 16 available) via View | Columns | Show Columns..., open the Configuration Dialog via right-clicking the column header, call it "Waves" (or whatever you like) and set the column type to "Image":
- Configuring an Extra Column as Image Column

Now here is our minimalistic example setup: one WAV file and one PNG file containing the corresponding wave form image. Both files have the same base name, but obviously different extensions. Our new Image Column "Waves" is already visible but still empty, folder tree is hidden:
- Image Column "Waves" is still empty
- Now we select the PNG file and press Ctrl+Shift+P to copy the filename without path to clipboard

Then we right-click the WAV file cell in the Waves column and select the Paste command:
- Pasting the image file name into the Image Column cell

Done. This is how it looks now:
- Voila, the wave form is there

Move the mouse over it to get a zoomed view (need to tick "Image Columns" in Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show Hover Box | Select Context... first):
- Wave form zoomed in a Hover Box
- Do it again, but differently (automatic assignment)
- Okay, this was an arbitrary assignment and it is stored in a database. If you are well-behaved and your wave form files always have the same base name as your corresponding wave files then there is something better: automatic assignment based on rules! No database involved, no disk space wasted.

This time we add a Custom Column (there are 64 available), and configure it like this:
- Configuring a Custom Column as Image Column
- As Template we use <cc_base>.png which is template speak for "same base name, but PNG extension"
- And that’s it! Once you OK the configuration dialog, the wave form image will show in your column. And it will do like this for all WAV files that have corresponding wave form image files, in all locations, wherever you show this column!
- Voila, the wave form is there (again)
- Of course, you don’t have to keep your wave form images where your wave files are. You can as well have them in a different place, for example in a sister folder "WaveForms", which you could reference like this (using standard Windows relative path syntax) in the template: ..WaveForms<cc_base>.png.
- That was just a small scratch on the surface. The possibilities are endless. Check out the Help file and the User Forum for more ideas, tricks and tips.
- SketchUp Preview. Now previews and thumbnails are supported for SketchUp Pro (3D CAD software) *.skp and *.layout files
- I told you it works
- Many Other Improvements

XYplorer 24.10
Empty Cell Defaults:
- If you suffer from fear of the void you will be glad that this version offers easy ways to fill the void. The marking of the different types of emptiness can actually serve a better overview.
- Empty cells are cells without content. Normally they simply show nothing. Now you can make them show something, something of your own free choice. It can make quite a difference in the look and feel of a list.

Fake Right-Drag-and-Drop:
- Now you can fake a right-drag-and-drop by holding down CTRL and SHIFT while doing a left-drag-and-drop. That way you can have the drag-and-drop context menu on left-drag-and-drop, which is pretty cool in limited hardware and software contexts.

XYplorer 24.00
- Virtual Folders. Virtual Folders are folders where you define the content directly in the folder name. You can directly "create" such a folder by typing it into the Address Bar. Nothing is created on disk, it's all in the name. And it's super fast because almost no file system browsing is involved. A revolutionary new concept that adds a number of interesting possibilities to your file management.
- Drop Menu on Hover. Now the menus optionally auto-drop on hovering a component separator. No more clicking. Smooth and comfortable.
- Many Other Improvements. See change log.

XYplorer 23.90
- Native Context Menu. Now you can replace the normally slow shell context menu with a blazing fast native one.
- AIFF Audio Properties. Now AIFF files (Audio Interchange File Format: *.aif, *.aiff, *.aifc) are supported natively, i.e. you get Length, Sample Rate, Bit Depth, Bit Rate and Channels, each in its own column
- Media Length Custom Format. The context menu of the Length column header now offers the toggles "Show Hours" and "Show Milliseconds". Lets you format the length display the way you like it.
- Many Other Improvements

XYplorer 23.80
- Multi-User Tagging. Significantly improved and reinforced to withstand fast-acting, high-impact environments on shaky networks.
- Access Control. Many additional user access control options to increase corporate security in a multi-user tagging context.
- Batch Renumbering. Now you can easily update numbering in files with serial numbers.
- RAW Photo Preview and Thumbnails. Faster. Much faster.
- App Icon. Back to the old icon. It’s just too iconic to be replaced.
- Many Other Improvements

XYplorer 23.70
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 23.60
- This is a BIG maintenance release. Numerous minor fixes and improvements have been made since the last major release.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of PJ Harvey.

XYplorer 23.50
- Overlaid Thumbnail Captions. Thumbnail captions can now be superimposed over the image like subtitles in a movie. Saves space and looks cool.
- Color-Code Folders by Content. Now color filters can be applied to folders in tree and list depending on what items they contain.

XYplorer 23.40
- Indestructible Tree. Currently not interested in collapsing or expanding? Now you can lock the nodes to fix your folder tree in its current expanded state.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the voice of Nico

XYplorer 23.30
Ordinal Date:
- The new Ordinal Date option for the date format eliminates the months from the equation and only displays years and days. This makes it easier to estimate a date difference at a glance. For example, today would be "2022-179" (year 2022, day 179). The Ordinal Date format is used by the military in some contexts, so it’s safe to assume it has its uses.
- To switch to Ordinal Date right-click any of the date column headers, e.g. "Modified", and select Ordinal Date from the popup menu

Preview Pane to the Left:
- Now you can show the Preview Pane to the left of the file list. The obvious advantage is that the previews then are nearer to the name column, which is where you usually look and click.
- To toggle the Preview Pane position use menu Window | Arrangement | Preview Pane to the Left

Duplicate File Finder Can Ignore Numbers:
- Now it can optionally ignore serial numbers and strings like "Copy of" that are auto-attached by Windows to the name of a file copied in the same place. If "Ignore numbers" is enabled, the file names "Fred.txt", "Fred (1).txt", "Fred (2).txt" and "Fred - Copy (2).txt" are considered duplicates.

Compilation Soundtrack:
- Compiled to "(I’m) Stranded" of The Saints

XYplorer 23.20
Main developments since last release:
- Filter Images By Aspect Ratio. You can now filter or find all images that are equal to or wider than 3:2, for example.
- Sort Images By Aspect Ratio. You can also sort your image folders by aspect ratio, for example from tall and narrow (portrait) to wide and flat (landscape).
- Filter Images By Area. You can now filter or find all images larger than a million square pixels, for example.
- Sort Images By Area. You can as well sort your image folders by the area covered by the images.
- Make The Name Column Stand Out. Now you can dim the other columns slightly to highlight the name column. A helpful feature for column messies.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of The Brothers Comatose

XYplorer 23.10
- Wheel Through The List Views. Now you can scroll through the available 10 list views with the wheel, Ctrl+Wheel to be precise.
- Auto-repeat Search At Next Location. Now you can automatically repeat the current search for the next selected location. No more browse-then-search, browse-then-search, browse-then-search, but just search, search, search.
- Skip Invisible Subfolders. Now you can control whether invisible subfolders are included in a recursive search.
- Transparent Folders Through Color Filters. Now you get advanced folder color filters that show the type of folder content right in the file list. Saves you a lot of guessing and opening.
- Show Bitness In Tooltip. The bitness (32-bit or 64-bit) is now displayed at the end of the tooltip for all file types where it makes sense (EXE, DLL, DRV, TLB, etc).
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Obongjayar.

XYplorer 23.00
- The Hamburger. Now you can cram all sorts of ingredients into a single hamburger menu: Menu commands, toolbar buttons, scripts, paths, URLs. The syntax couldn’t be simpler, and before long you’ll be creating custom pop-up menus that serve as mighty power hubs tailored to your exact needs.
- Ads. Still none.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Beatles.

XYplorer 22.90
- Change log not available for this version

XYplorer 22.80
- Dark Mode. Much improved. Everything is dark now, at least if you are using Windows 10 Release 2004 (May 2020) or later. Only the menu bar is still white, but hey, you now have a button to toggle it on and off quickly.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Jenny Lewis.

XYplorer 22.70
- Custom Toolbar Buttons Support Middle Click. Now you can define a separate script that will be triggered by the middle button. That gives you 64 more possible scripts to make your life easier.
- Tooltip Zoom. Now you can enlarge the tooltips by up to 400%, which turns each tooltip into a kind of magnifying glass. Relaxes the eyes and makes the file manager easier to use for users with visual impairments.
- Verbatim Tooltips. Now you can optionally display whatever the mouse is pointing at in a tooltip. This option is aimed directly at screen readers who read tooltips aloud and makes the file manager easier to use for users with visual impairments.
- Hover Box Zooming. Now you can hold down the CTRL key to make it super fine: 1 pixel per step. And if you hold SHIFT, it's 10x faster than normal: 100 pixels per step.

XYplorer 22.60
Custom Status Bar Info:
- Now you can freely define what you would like to see in the 3rd section of the status bar when a file is focused or the current file selection changes. This is a quick way to get additional information without adding an entire extra column or showing a file info tip. This can be, for example, the dimensions of the currently selected photo, or the sample rate of the currently selected song. You can even get information not available anywhere else, like the total length of all currently selected media files.

XYplorer 22.50
- This Is A BIG Maintenance Release. There have been numerous minor fixes and enhancements since 22.40

XYplorer 22.40
- Word Break Style: Improved the automatic word boundary recognition (on double-click, Ctrl+Arrow, Ctrl+BackSpace) in various text boxes including
- Address Bar and script boxes
- SC listfolder: Flag 64 (return special paths) could return the wrong
- special paths if there was more than one theoretical option. Fixed.
- Live Filter Box: Making the factory default width dependent on the screen width (v22.30.0004 - 2021-10-02 12:01) was a mistake. Fixed. Now it's back to a hard 140 pixels (at 100% resolution) initially.

XYplorer 22.30
Main developments since last release:
- Live Filter via Cell Context Menu. Now it's just a click to filter the list for a specific property. And that's any property, including the standard columns, tags, comments, extended shell properties, and even your own user-defined custom columns. Unprecedented and addictive usability booster. And the learning curve is a dot.
- Quick Search via Cell Context Menu. Now it's just a click to search the current location including its subfolders for a specific property. And that's any property, including the standard columns, tags, comments, extended shell properties, and even your own user-defined custom columns. Just wow.
- Photo Data in the Hover Box. See Camera Model, Focal Length, F-Stop, Exposure Time, Exposure Bias, ISO Speed, and Date Taken, and of course an image preview by simply moving the mouse over the photo file.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the groove of Charlie Watts.

XYplorer 22.20
- Autofit the Name Column. Now you can let the Name column automatically take up all of the space not used by the other columns. A simple check mark saves you a lot of scrolling and dragging. So useful that you’ll stick with it forever.
- Autosize the Size Column. The Size column is the one with the most variable content, the one that’s typically always either too wide or too narrow. With this option, the width of the Size column is automatically adjusted when positions are changed or tabs are switched or when a new column layout is loaded.
- Secondary Sort Order Arrow. Now you can indicate the implicit secondary sort order by a very light little sort arrow. You’ll love it if you’re nerd enough.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to music by Cedric Burnside.

XYplorer 22.10
Extra Safety on Name Collisions:
- The new condition "Overwrite if different contents", in which the contents are compared by comparing the SHA-256 hash of each file, offers additional security for your backup, copy and synchronization jobs.

Converting Filenames to Title Case:
- The bulk renamer will now recognize words that are excluded from conversion to upper case. This way, your song and photo collections will look more natural with just a single click. The list of exclusions can of course be edited.

Irrational Aspect Ratio:
- Now ISO 216, also known as the "Lichtenberg Ratio", an international standard for paper sizes used around the world except in some parts of the Americas, is shown in XYplorer as 1:√2 or √2:1, for images whose aspect ratio is close enough to the irrational number. A little nerd honey ...

Compilation Soundtrack:
- Compiled to music by Joe Strummer

XYplorer 22.00
- Column Layouts. Now you can load predefined and custom column layouts with just one click. Instead of laboriously collecting special columns, the photo column layout, for example, shows the date the photo was taken, dimensions, aspect ratio, exposure time, exposure compensation, F-stop, focal length, ISO sensitivity and camera model in no time at all. The audio column layout gives you length, sample rate, bit depth, bit rate and channels. You can adapt the column layouts to your particular needs.
- Maximum Depth. Now you can easily narrow the search recursion depth. E.g. maximum depth 2 means: Search at the current location and 2 levels deeper.
- Sorting Search Results. The new "Always sort search results this way" option lets you control exactly how all of your search results are initially sorted. Sorting column, sorting direction and even secondary sorting are supported.
- Add Tabs Using Drag & Drop. Now you can turn a folder into a new tab by simply dragging and dropping it onto the empty part of the tab bar or the gaps between two tabs.
- Autosize Columns Here. Now you can limit the automatic adjustment of the column sizes to the currently visible rows. This has two advantages: You don’t get super-wide columns for something that’s miles out of sight, and it’s much faster with long lists.

XYplorer 21.90
- This Is A BIG Maintenance Release. There have been numerous minor fixes and enhancements since 21.80

XYplorer 21.80
- Favorite Live Filters. Now you can define up to 32 Favorite Live Filters for the Live Filter Box. Makes you filter faster
- Enhanced Archive Extraction. The various extraction commands now also support *.rar and other WinRAR formats and *.7z and other 7-Zip formats if those applications are present (even on a portable medium)
- Permanent Random Sort Order. A randomized sort order now survives a list refresh and is remembered between tab switches and app sessions
- Marked Custom Sort Orders. Now the random sort order is indicated by a small "dice" character in the Name column header, and the manual sort order by a small "hand" character. It’s the little things
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of The Black Keys

XYplorer 21.70
- Seamless Wave Looping. Just select a sample file and hear it spinning in a perfect seamless loop. Audio folks love it
- Smart Branch View. A new branch view (aka flat view) type shows only files and non-empty folders, i.e. any folders that contain nothing or only empty folders (or, in case of a search, do not contain any files that match the search) are not listed in the branch view. Gives you a much cleaner and more useful view.
- Tree Scroll Position Remembered Per Tab. Optionally, each tab restores the tree position it was in when it was last exited. Many users have waited for this feature, not many file managers have it.
- Color-Code Empty Tree Folders. Finally color filters can be applied in the folder tree in a way that lets you spot all empty folders at a glance
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Elise LeGrow

XYplorer 21.60
- Hover Box Wheel Scaling. Now the mouse wheel can scale images and PDF previews while the Hover Box (a zero-click preview that pops up by merely hovering the filename) is shown. So natural and so useful.
- Mouse Down Blow Up Zoomed. Ready for another game changer? Mouse Down Blow Up (a large preview that pops up on mouse down on a thumbnail or icon) now can zoom into the original by a freely configurable zoom factor. Got small images, large screens, and weak eyes? MDBUZ is your ticket.
- Find Files by Contained Characters. Now you can find files that contain certain characters or character ranges within their textual contents. Allows you to search for files containing any characters in the upper Unicode range, or any Mongolian characters, or whatever specific characters you are interested in.
- Apply Button in Configuration. Street pressure became unbearable so an Apply button was added that allows you to apply any changed settings to the main window without closing the Configuration dialog.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Starcrawler.

XYplorer 21.50
Hover Box Scrolling:
- Now you can keyboard-scroll and wheel-scroll the Folder Contents Preview, the Zip Contents Preview, and the Text Preview You won’t get this degree of interface coolness anywhere else

Hover Box for Tabs:
- Now you can show a Hover Box with Folder Contents Preview for any tab simply by hovering the tab header icon Saves you a click if you just want to quickly see what’s in the tab, or what has recently arrived in the tab Even works for Paper Folders

Custom Copy with Free Space Status:
- Now the progress dialog shows the amount of used and free space on the target drive in real time, graphically and in numbers Just gives you that soothing feeling that comes from knowing the consequences of your actions

Shorten Filenames:
- Now you can shorten the names of a whole bunch of files by cutting off a certain number of characters from the right end of the base name

Compilation Soundtrack:
- Compiled to the music of The Hi-Jivers

XYplorer 21.40
- Custom Event Actions. A major new feature that provides you with an easy to use yet powerful usability booster. For example, you now can freely decide what should happen when a folder is middle-clicked, or when the status bar is double-clicked, and so on. It can be simple things like "Open in new background tab" or "Go up", but it can also be much more. If you know a bit about scripting, Custom Event Actions can be a real game changer. And if you don’t you now have a good reason to learn it.

This your Custom Event Actions (CEA) cockpit, you are the pilot now:
- CEA control panel
- Sorting the Folder Contents Preview. Now you can control the sort order in the Folder Contents Preview, which also includes the Hover Box on folders. Quite likely you want to see the recent files on top. Now you can.
- Shorten Filenames. Finally the app offers a way to shorten the names of a whole bunch of files. You can cut them down from both ends
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Black Pumas

XYplorer 21.30
- Transparent Folders. Now the Folder Contents Preview supports the Hover Box which means you can preview the contents of files in folders before even opening those folders, just by moving the mouse over the items listed in the Folder Contents Preview. You can look into closed folders as if they were made of glass.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of AC/DC

XYplorer 21.20
- Set Archive Attribute. Now you can automatically set the archive attribute on all recursive contents a renamed folder. This allows backup operations by programs like XCOPY to decide what has to be backed up
- Swap Panes. Now you can swap the positions of both panes, including tabs, breadcrumbs, and the pane dimensions. Good news for left-to-right draggers
- Buttons In Catalog. Now you can easily add toolbar buttons with their icons, captions, and functionality to the Catalog. So the Catalog can serve as a second, vertical toolbar
- Backup Logged. Backup and sync operations are now added to the action log. You cannot undo them (that would be meaningless) but you have them nicely logged now, so you can look up what you have done and when
- Autosize Name Column Right Margin. Isn’t it annoying when on autosize the name column springs to a width far beyond the window edge where you cannot see it anyway, and where you’re forced to horizontally scroll the list to enable you to manually grab the column separator to make it smaller again? Not anymore! Now you can define a minimal margin from the right window edge. The name column will not go beyond this margin on autosize
- Adaptive Name Column Width. Tick it to soften the width of the name column when resizing the list so that all other columns keep their width and visibility. Try it, you will quickly get used to it
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Norah Jones

XYplorer 21.10
- 64-bit Preview. Some file types, e.g. WebP graphic files (WEBP), SolidWorks files (SLDASM, SLDDRW, SLDPRT) or OpenOffice files (ODP, ODS, ODT), implement their preview not via preview handlers but via thumbnail providers. This has always been supported for 32-bit thumbnail providers. However, in some cases those thumbnail providers are only provided in the 64-bit flavor (e.g. SolidWorks). Those are supported now as well, so there are SolidWorks and many other previews now.
- Quick Find Files. The Quick Search dialog now offers a Quick Find Files mode where you can remote control the Find Files tab in the Info Panel (F12). That way you can quickly do a Find Files search without first opening that tab and without having it in the way of the search results listing
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of The Surfrajettes

XYplorer 21.00
- 64-bit Preview. Now XYplorer supports 64-bit preview handlers for Office files (MS Office, PDF, EML). No configuration necessary, it just works
- Message Preview. Now you get a WYSIWYG preview for email files (EML and MSG). No configuration necessary, it just works
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Justin Townes Earle

XYplorer 20.90
- Middle Truncation. Now you get the option to truncate overflowing filenames in the middle instead of at the end. Useful because the end of the name often has interesting info bits like dates or serial numbers.
- Dark Mode with Adaptive Colors. Now you can control the retina-friendliness of the Dark Mode. It's your choice whether brighter colors (selections, filters, highlights, etc) are automatically dimmed down a bit to make them softer on the eye.
- Duplicate Image Finder. Now the hash is also generated for ICO and CUR files, so these image types will also be searched and found
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Bob Dylan

XYplorer 20.80
- Duplicate Image Finder. Now you can find image dupes, and fast. Quite handy when sweeping your photo collection. You can even sort images by visual similarity, an interesting feature and hard to find elsewhere.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Skip James

XYplorer 20.70
- This Is A BIG Maintenance Release. There have been numerous minor fixes and enhancements since 20.60
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Blackberry Smoke

XYplorer 20.60
- Highlight Hovered Items. Now hovered items are optionally highlighted everywhere in the app. Huge usability boost
- Custom Tab Bar Height. Now you can modify the height of the tab bars on-the-fly by Ctrl+Shift+Wheel over any of them. Makes a larger click and drop target, and a lighter look
- Volume Labels In Folder View Settings. Now you can use volume labels instead of drive letters to specify the drive or folder to apply the settings to. Lets you store individual settings for your removable drives independently of ever-changing drive letters
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Marc Bolan

XYplorer 20.50
- Filter By Properties. Now you can filter the file list by each of the hundreds of available item properties. E.g. you can show only those photos with a certain aspect ratio, or only those MP3s from a certain artist
- Filter By Lengths. Now you can filter the file list by the item name lengths. E.g. you can show only those items with 12 or less characters in the name, or only items longer than 259 characters
- Focus Next Selected Item. Now you can assign a keyboard shortcut of your choice to each of two new commands that move the focus to the next or previous selected item. Quite useful to quickly browse through the currently selected items while giving the mouse a rest
- Full Name Column Select. Having a hard time hitting the name of a short named file? Now you have the option to use the full width of the name column as click target. Should increase your hits
- Shuffle Your Files. There is a new dice shaped button on the toolbar. If you are feeling lucky and bored at the same time you can use it to shuffle your image, sound, or video collections
- Fat Recent Location Pin. Now the current path pin is drawn fatter than the others. So you know where you are at a glance
- Quick MIDI Preview. Now the Quick Audio Preview supports MIDI files
- Set Extension. Now the dialog has a Most Recently Used (MRU) list
- Flexible Size Format. This format has been improved to take even less horizontal space in the Size column
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of The Sweet

XYplorer 20.40
- Content Search and Preview. Now both 64-bit and 32-bit IFilters are supported. This broadens the support for previewing and searching the textual contents of complex document formats (e.g. Office files)
- Quick Refresh List. The white space context menu of the file list now features the command "Refresh List". A little gesture towards heavy mouse users
- Color Filters. Now you can optionally have Color Filters fill the whole column. Makes them more visible, especially with short-named files
- Previewed Audio Formats. Added DSD and DSF files (Sony’s DSD Stream File) to the previewed audio files. Note that this format is ID3V2 compliant and thus XYplorer will show the tags in the Preview Panel and in the various ID3-Tag columns. Needs a matching CODEC installed, of course
- Mouse Down Blow Up. The new "Fit width only" option is perfect for quickly previewing vertical images in best resolution for vertical-only panning
- Mouse Down Blow Up on Thumbnails and Icons. Now the middle mouse button can be used. Frees left and right button to perform their traditional tasks
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Sanford Clark

XYplorer 20.30
- Numerous minor fixes and enhancements since 20.20
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Kitty, Daisy & Lewis

XYplorer 20.20
- Append to Clipboard. The new Append command allows you to append files to the files that are currently in the clipboard. Hunt and collect.
- Clipboard Peek. Now the "Edit Clipboard" button provides a real-time indication of the current clipboard contents, so you always know whether there is something in the clipboard and of what kind it (text, image, files). The clipboard is no black box anymore
- Restore Previous Clipboard. Ever accidentally lost some valuable clipboard contents? Argh! Relax. The previous state of the clipboard is now automatically stored whenever the clipboard changes, and you can toggle the current and the previous state by using the new Restore Previous Clipboard command
- Nested Hamburger. Now the Hamburger menu in the Breadcrumb Bar ("Recently in the Breadcrumb Bar I asked for the Hamburger menu...") supports submenus
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of The Last Internationale

XYplorer 20.10
- Clipboard Markers. A new way of marking items that are currently in the clipboard, whether they are cut or copied
- Sorting. Now you can choose between three sort methods in folder tree and file list: Binary, Textual, Natural
- Recent Location Pins. Now you can customize the color and the number of the pins
- Reset Zoom. Now you can reset the font zoom to the startup values by pressing Ctrl+0
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of The Raconteurs

XYplorer 20.00
- Recent Location Pins: Navigating a huge folder tree is much easier with pins at your recently visited locations. One of those features you will never want to miss again
- Custom Colored Tabs: Now tabs can be individually colored
- Wheel Scroll Lines: Now you can customize the number of lines that are scrolled for each notch that the mouse wheel is rotated, independently of the host system settings
- Compilation Soundtrack: Compiled to the music of Gillian Welch & David Rawlings

XYplorer 19.90

Clipboard Viewer:
- What’s in the clipboard? What will happen when I paste now? Curious? Need to know for sure? Well, just hover the "Edit Clipboard" or "Paste" button in the toolbar for an instant preview of the current clipboard contents. No clicks required. And it even works for images

Paste Text As Item:
- Now you can paste a copy of the item(s) referred to by textual clipboard contents. Works with local paths and even with web addresses. Which means you can download a file to the current folder right from an http path in the clipboard

Dropped Messages From Thunderbird:
- Now, additional to Outlook, also emails dropped from Thunderbird are processed along the your settings for dropped messages

Editing Dropped Messages:
- Now you can trigger an edit prompt for each field you please (From, To, Subject, Date Sent). Helps when archiving emails

Transparent Images Preview:
- Now you have four options for how to display the transparent areas in images: Neutral, Grid, White, Black

Hover Box With Transparency:
- Now it supports the user-selected transparency background (Neutral, Grid, White, Black), and you can easily change it on-the-fly while the Hover Box is shown

Compilation Soundtrack:
- Compiled to the music of Mike Doughty

XYplorer 19.80
- Multi-User-Tagging. The concept of Multi-User-Tagging, i.e. sharing file tags within a networked team, is around for quite a while in XYplorer, but the first implementation lacked power, comfort, and elegance. Not anymore
- If you are looking for a way to implement a shared tagging system, you found it. Easy setup, fast automatic real-time synchronization, access control, and a large number of independent fields (Label, Tags, Comment, and 16 freely definable Extra Tags) for each file
- Give it a try, annotate a file and have all your team members see your notes in real-time in their file manager. And see their comments in your file manager. Your team is fully connected
- Status Log. Now the last 1000 changes in the Status Bar are permanently logged. It might be interesting to see what those rapidly changing Status Bar messages actually said, or what exactly you were doing 15 minutes ago. Now you can find out
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Fanny, "The Godmothers of Chick Rock."

XYplorer 19.70
- File Tagging. Now you have sixteen freely definable Extra Columns, sixteen user fields for each file and folder, fields that you can fill, display, sort by, search for, carry around on a stick, and share with your team
- Quick Jump. Now double-clicking a cell in the Path column will open that path and auto-select the double-clicked item
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Kurt Vile

XYplorer 19.60
- Maintenance: This is primarily a maintenance release with lots of bug fixes and small improvements, especially concerning the new Dark Mode
- Disallow Delete By Key: Now you can prevent accidental deletions-by-key in the folder tree
- Confirm Delete: The Confirm Delete prompt has been much improved
- Selection Stats: The Selection Stats dialog prompt has been much improved
- Random Rename: For what it's worth, now you can rename any number of files to random strings. Might come in handy if you make your money as a spy
- Compilation Soundtrack: Compiled to the music of Larkin Poe

XYplorer 19.50
- Dark Mode
- Compilation Soundtrack

XYplorer 19.40

- Archive Contents Preview. Now you can preview the contents of archives just by hovering the file icon. No clicks required. Works for ZIP and, if WinRAR and/or 7-Zip is installed, for RAR, TAR, GZ, 7Z, and many other archive formats
- Live Filter Box. Now you can choose the position of the Live Filter Box. Either it is shown right of the Address Bar, or in the left end of the Status Bar
- Hover Box Icon. Now you can toggle the visibility of the file icon in the status section of the Hover Box: Simply press key "I"
- Hover Box Status. Now you can cycle the amount of information shown in the status section of the Hover Box: Simply press key "S"
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Khruangbin

XYplorer 19.30

Folder Contents Preview:
- Now you can get a folder contents preview in the Hover Box. Simply hover a folder and see its top 20 items instantly listed in a small popup. Works in the folder tree and the file list. Addictive is an understatement. This will change the way you work. Your file management will become smooth and silent through a reduction of futile clicks

Mouse Up Show Down:
- Now it’s available also in the folder tree. Like in the List it works on mouse up on the folder icons. Lets you quickly peek into folders without leaving the current location. Lets you even list and open files right from the tree

Canvas Color Toggle:
- Now you can quickly toggle the background color of the Hover Box for images. Cool feature for photographers

Invalid Filename Warning:
- Now you get a warning in the status bar when a file or folder with an invalid filename (invalid in the Windows shell, not in NTFS) is selected in the file list. Leading or trailing spaces are made visible by a replacement character

Horizontal Scrolling:
- Now Shift+Wheel horizontally scrolls folder tree and file list

XYplorer 19.20
- Mouse Up Show Down. What about a mouse-driven instant non-invasive Folder Contents Preview that lets you look into a folder without opening it? You can jump into subfolders or open files right from the preview. You will get hooked to this amazing speed booster in a second and never look back
- Tab Colors. Now you can have the selected tab auto-match the color of the breadcrumb bar of each pane. So what? Well, try it. It makes a lot of sense in terms of user guidance and interface balance
- Tree Path Colors. Just like with tabs you now can also have the "Tree Path Tracing" auto-match the color of the breadcrumb bar of each pane. It’s a small thing but it makes everything look better
- Drag and Clone. In all small lists where you can drag items to a new position you now can drag-and-clone an item by Ctrl+Drag
- Remove Search and Filters. The context menu of the Search Information Bar and Filter Information Bar now tells you what you can do with a double click: Remove the search, or the filter. You always could, but now you know

XYplorer 19.10
- This Is A BIG Maintenance Release. A major Windows 10 related issue regarding XYplorer’s portable devices support has been finally resolved, and there have been numerous minor fixes and enhancements since 19.00.

XYplorer 19.00

Hover Box:
- XYplorer’s zero-click wonder, the HoverBox, now supports thumbnail previews for text, image, video, office, and PDF files. A pleasure for your eyes and your tendons. Immediate addiction guaranteed

Select On Hover:
- Optionally you can now select list items by just hovering their icon. Another comfy zero-click service

Find Hidden Files:
- The new "Find hidden" option lets you find all items regardless of any settings that might currently hide them

XYplorer 18.90
- Drag Status Box. The Drag Status Box™ is a color-coded information box shown at the mouse pointer when hovering over a drop target
- You turn it on/off here: Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Safety | Safety Belts | Show drag status box. That’s all you need to know. The rest is plug and play as they used to say many moons ago. Nothing to learn, nothing to know. It just works in a natural self-explaining way in full harmony with the universe
- The Drag Status Box moves with the mouse while dragging 5 items from the file list to the folder tree
- Prevent Unwanted Dragging. Now you can disallow dragging from folder tree and file list independently. Lets you for example protect the tree from potentially disastrous drag-and-drop mistakes while keeping the list drag-ready to rock

These are the options you want to play with for better drag-disaster protection:
- Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Safety | Safety Belts | Disallow left-dragging from folder tree
- Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Safety | Safety Belts | Disallow left-dragging from file list
- Drag-disaster protection here
- Toolbar Font Size. Now Ctrl+Wheel over the Toolbar changes the button captions font size on the fly and with high granularity
- This only works when toolbar button captions are turned on. Do it here: Tools | Customize Toolbar (Ctrl+Shift+F9), then Options | Show Button Captions

XYplorer 18.80
- Open Throw Away Clone. Now you can open a clone of the current XYplorer instance in read-only mode. You can use such a clone for quick in-between jobs that should not affect your main configuration. Highly useful
- Selection Colors. Now you can customize the text and background colors of selected items. Offers you a break from the age-old white-on-blue without messing with the Windows system-wide color settings
- Vertical Grid. Now you can have vertical grid lines in the details view
- Live Filter Highlights. Now the matching parts can be highlighted
- Filename Length Info. Now a yellow warning icon is shown in the box when the new filename would trigger a move-on-rename
- Toolbar Captions. Now you can customize the number of caption lines. The more lines you use the less horizontal space is taken by each button
- Scripting. Added Compound Assignment Operators .=, +=, -=, *=, /=, =.

XYplorer 18.70
- Filename Length InfoNow you can have a little info bar at the right end of the inline rename box showing the current length of the filename and also (in parentheses) the length of the full pathThe bar turns red when the item name is overlong (longer than 259 characters) and warns you if you enter characters that are not valid in a filename
- Find Text in Text BoxesNow all text boxes support a basic find dialog that lets you search for strings inside the text
- More LabelsRaised the maximum number from 16 to 32, so now you can label your files with up to 32 color labels
- Hover BoxNow it supports previewing cursor files

XYplorer 18.60.0200
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 18.60.0100
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 18.60.0000

Self Update:
- Now the updated app will auto-run after self-update

Transparency Grid:
- Now you can customize the two checkerboard grid colors
- Numerous Small Improvements and Fixes

XYplorer 18.50.0300
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 18.50.0200
- Change log not available for this version

XYplorer 18.50.0100
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 18.50.0000

Toolbar Captions:
- Finally XYplorer’s newbie-friendliness extends to the toolbar. If you ever wanted to know what those colorful toolbar buttons actually do, this version comes with optional captions. To turn on the captions use menu command Tools | Customize Toolbar... (Ctrl+Shift+F9), then click the Options button in the Customize Toolbar dialog, and tick Show Button Captions. Well, this is definitely a newbie-only feature (but hey, we all should honor our inner newbie once in a while). Fortunately you can scroll the toolbar (by dragging it with the mouse) to move the rest of the buttons into view

Sync Caps:
- Now Sync Folders ensures that the capitalization (lower/upper case letters in the item names) of the target files and folders exactly matches that of the source items. There is nothing to learn. It just works.

Filtered Sync:
- Now you can explicitly include and exclude files and folders from Sync Folders by passing a list of patterns to the job. Wildcards supported. Scripting abilities needed

Shortcut Overlays:
- Now you can say no to shortcut overlays

XYplorer 18.40.0100
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 18.40.0000

Sync Folders:
- Finally XYplorer lets you synchronize two folders. It's a one-way sync, also known as mirror sync: The target folder is made to be like the source folder. Now it's just a toolbar button away
- Advanced Users: Scripting support lets you create buttons or batches for frequently recurring sync tasks

Time Stamping:
- Now you can easily "touch" files (set the filetime to now) via the context menu

Know Your Clipboard:
- The Paste toolbar button now shows what's in the clipboard, i.e. the stuff that will be pasted if you click the button

Backup Speed:
- Backup operations are much faster now when most items are skipped, which is the common case in large incremental backups

XYplorer 18.30.0000
- Touchscreen Mode. Bigger icons are just a click away now. Big enough to be touched with big fingers. The fonts get bigger, too. Easier to read in harsh lighting conditions.
- Time Stamping. Now you can edit file dates right from the list column. You can even paste a file date from the clipboard directly into the column. Multiple files can be stamped in one go.
- Age Display. The unit "week" has been replaced by "month". Easier to process for most brains assumingly.

XYplorer 18.20.0300
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 18.20.0200
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 18.20.0100
- Change log not available for this version

XYplorer 18.20.0000
- Age Circles: Little visual helpers that let you instantly grasp the rough age of a file. No more brain power wasted on deciphering date strings. Addictive killer feature of the year so far
- Age Tips: Now when you hover any cell in any date column the corresponding age is displayed in a tooltip

XYplorer 18.10.0100
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 18.10.0000

Hamburger at the Breadcrumbs:
- A new button brings some often used commands closer to the mouse. Actually we should have made it a Cheeseburger to attract the mouse even more. The button pops a menu that is fully customizable. However, you need to acquaint yourself with light programming skills to make it happen. No worries, even the default commands will likely streamline your workflow

Dual Pane Commands:
- Added commands "Move to Other Pane" and "Copy to Other Pane" to the context menu of any selected items

Dual Permanent Startup Path:
- Now can define a permanent startup path for each pane. Use the field Configuration | General | Startup & Exit | Permanent startup path and enter both paths separated by a double pipe (||). For example, to open pane 1 always in C:, and pane 2 always in D:, enter C:||D:

Toolbar Goes Nuts:
- New buttons "Move to Recent Locations" and "Copy to Recent Locations" drop the list of recent locations as targets to move/copy the currently selected items to. Use command Tools | Customize Toolbar... (Ctrl+Shift+F9) to add the button(s) to your toolbar. BTW, the icon is an acorn, typically collected by squirrels in their storage locations. Well, that's the idea, collecting stuff in known places. The Copy acorn is blue as in blueprint (= copy)

XYplorer 18.00.0000
- Persistent Live Filters. Now optionally Live Filters persist across folders, and are remembered across tab switches and across sessions
- User-Defined Preview Handlers. Now you can freely associate particular file types with particular preview handlers. This means full preview control without touching the registry

XYplorer 17.90.0400
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 17.90.0300
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 17.90.0200
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 17.90.0100
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 17.90.0000

Size Graphics:
- Now the size column can have graphical representations of the byte counts right in the column. Simply right-click the size column header and choose between three options: No Graphics, Circles, Bars

Size Tooltips:
- The size column now always shows a tooltip (even if the text is not cropped) with the exact byte count of the hovered item. Saves lots of clicks when you are interested in exact numbers

Live Filtering:
- Now you can filter-as-you-type right in the file list. Try it and you will love it. A brilliant way to tame long file lists and focus on what’s important now

Icon Lists:
- Now you can specify a list of icons that are shown side by side for each item in custom columns. Write a script to determine which icons are shown for each particular file. This lets you present file information in a visually catchy way

XYplorer 17.80.0000

Icons in Custom Columns:
- Now you can create your own columns and have them display icons of your choice. E.g. you could create a column that shows a special camera icon for all photos that were shot with a Nikon. Make stand out what’s important to you, and do it in a way that works best for you and your eyes

Circles in Custom Columns:
- Now you can decorate your files with colorful circles. Brings back a long-missed psychedelic kindergarten vibe to file management

Scroll Margin:
- Introducing a smart little usability enhancer that gives some context to your cursor when moving up or down the list with the arrow keys. Lets you see where you are going before you go there. Relaxing

XYplorer 17.70.0200
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 17.70.0100
- The last version, v17.70.0000, had an issue where the mouse input was not released to other processes under certain conditions. Nothing dangerous but certainly annoying. It’s fixed now.

XYplorer 17.70.0000

Hover Box:
- When hovering a file icon or caption of an image file a popup shows a thumbnail and basic file, image, and photo information. A highly addictive zero click preview.

Keyboard Navigation:
- Now you can navigate the list and open files and folders right from the Live Filter Box. Productivity boost for typers.

Live Filter Box:
- Now you can type a space to see only those items with at least one space in their name. Sounds lame but File Explorer can’t do it.

XYplorer 17.60.0100
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 17.60.0000

Find Files by Path:
- Now you can find items by the name of their parent folder or full path, using a simple inline switch

New Overwrite Prompt:
- Redesigned the dialog for clarity and usability

Audio Properties:
- Now the basic audio properties (Bit Rate, Sample Rate, Channels, Length) are shown right in the Large Tiles view. Allows for a quick glance without displaying any spacy extra columns

XYplorer 17.50.0200
- Change log not available for this version

XYplorer 17.50.0200
- Change log not available for this version

XYplorer 17.50.0000

Quick Audio Preview:
- Mouse down on the file icon to hear the sound. Mouse move to scroll. Mouse up to stop. MP3, WAV, FLAC, OGG... you name it. With interactive progress bar. Probably the most convenient audio file previewer on the planet.

Support of Filenames Ending With Dot or Space:
- Those filenames are invalid in the Windows name space and the shell cannot do anything with them. Delete, rename, move, it all fails with the standard File Explorer. XYplorer now can handle them.

Extra Large Toolbar:
- Now you can have extra large buttons (48x48 pixels). Increases toolbar usability on high-resolution screens.

SoftEther VPN Gate Client Plugin 2023.06.07 build 9787 查看版本資訊


Element 1.11.32 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Element 1.11.32 (64-bit)
- Redirect to the SSO page if sso_redirect_options.on_welcome_page is enabled and the URL hash is empty
- Vector/index.html: Allow fetching blob urls
- When joining room in sub-space join the parents too
- Include thread replies in message previews
- Use semantic headings in space preferences
- Use semantic headings in user settings - Ignored users
- Use semantic headings in user settings - profile
- Use semantic headings in user settings - account
- Support Insert from iPhone or iPad in Safari
- Specify supportedStages for User Interactive Auth
- Pass device id to widgets
- Use semantic headings in user settings - discovery
- Use semantic headings in user settings - Notifications
- Use semantic headings in user settings - spellcheck and language
- Use semantic headings in user settings Appearance
- Use semantic heading in user settings Sidebar & Voip
- Use semantic headings in user settings Security
- Use semantic headings in user settings - integrations and account deletion
- Use semantic headings in user settings Preferences
- Use semantic headings in user settings Keyboard
- RTE plain text mentions as pills
- Allow welcome.html logo to be replaced by config
- Use semantic headings in user settings Labs
- Use semantic list elements for menu lists and tab lists
- Fix aria-required-children axe violation
- Enable pagination for overlay timelines
- Add tooltip to disabled invite button due to lack of permissions
- Respect configured auth_header_logo_url for default Welcome page
- Specify lazy loading for avatars
- Room and user mentions for plain text editor
- Add audible notifcation on broadcast error
- Fall back from server generated thumbnail to original image
- Use semantically correct elements for room sublist context menu
- Avoid calling prepareToEncrypt onKeyDown
- Allows search to recognize full room links
- "Show rooms with unread messages first" should not be on by default for new users
- Fix emitter handler leak in ThreadView
- Add better error for email invites without identity server
- Move reaction message previews out of labs
- Sort muted rooms to the bottom of their section of the room list
- Use semantic headings in user settings Help & About
- Use ExternalLink components for external links
- Use semantic headings in space settings
- Use semantic headings for room settings content

- Use consistent fonts for Japanese text
- Fix: server picker validates unselected option
- Fix room list notification badges going missing in compact layout
- Fix call to startSingleSignOn passing enum in place of idpId
- Remove hover effect from user name on a DM creation UI
- Fix layout regression in public space invite dialog
- Fix layout regression in session dropdown
- Fix spacing regression in user settings - roles & permissions
- Fall back to receipt timestamp if we have no event (react-sdk part)
- Fix: Room header 'view your device list' does not link to new session manager
- Fix display of devices without encryption support in Settings dialog
- Use aria descriptions instead of labels for TextWithTooltip
- Use grapheme-splitter instead of lodash for saving emoji from being ripped apart
- Fix: content overflow in settings subsection
- Make Privacy Notice external link on integration manager ToS clickable
- Ensure that open message context menus are updated when the event is sent
- Ensure that open sticker picker dialogs are updated when the widget configuration is updated
- Fix big emoji in replies
- Hide empty MessageActionBar on message edit history dialog
- Fix roving tab index getting confused after dragging space order
- Attempt a potential workaround for stuck notifs

Element 1.11.31 (64-bit)
- Improve Content-Security-Policy
- Add UIFeature.locationSharing to hide location sharing
- Memoize field validation results
- Commands for plain text editor
- Allow 16 lines of text in the rich text editors
- Bail out of RoomSettingsDialog when room is not found
- Element-R: Populate device list for right-panel
- Make existing and new issue URLs configurable
- Fix usages of ARIA tabpanel
- Element-R: Starting a DMs with a user
- ARIA Accessibility improvements
- ARIA Accessibility improvements
- Add arrow key controls to emoji and reaction pickers
- Translate credits in help about section

- Fix: reveal images when image previews are disabled
- Fix autocomplete not resetting properly on message send
- Fix start_sso not working with guests disabled
- Fix soft crash with Element call widgets
- Send correct receipt when marking a room as read
- Offload some more waveform processing onto a worker
- Consolidate login errors
- Fix all rooms search generating permalinks to wrong room id
- Posthog properly handle Analytics ID changing from under us
- Fix Clock being read as an absolute time rather than duration
- Properly translate errors in ChangePassword.tsx so they show up translated to the user but not in our logs
- Honour feature toggles in guest mode
- Fix default content in devtools event sender
- Fix a crash when a call ends while you're in it
- Fix lack of screen reader indication when triggering auto complete
- Fix typing tile duplicating users
- Fix wrong room topic tooltip position
- Fix create subspace dialog not working

Element 1.11.30 (64-bit)
- Fixes for CVE-2023-30609 / GHSA-xv83-x443-7rmw

- Pick sensible default option for phone country dropdown
- Relate field validation tooltip via aria-describedby
- Handle more completion types in rte autocomplete
- Show a tile for an unloaded predecessor room if it has via_servers
- Exclude message timestamps from aria live region
- Make composer format bar an aria toolbar
- Improve accessibility of font slider
- Fix file size display from kB to KB
- Handle /me in rte
- bind html with switch for manage extension setting option
- Handle command completions in
- Add room and user avatars to rte
- Support for MSC3882 revision 1
- Check profiles before starting a DM
- Quick settings: Change the copy / labels on the options
- Update rte autocomplete styling

- Fix create subspace dialog not working
- Fix multiple accessibility defects identified by
- Fix view source from edit history dialog always showing latest event
- Fix WebGL disabled error message
- Properly translate errors in AddThreepid.ts so they show up translated to the user but not in our logs
- Fix overflow on auth pages
- Fix incorrect avatar background colour when using a custom theme
- Remove dependency on org.matrix.e2e_cross_signing unstable feature
- Update setting description to match reality
- Fix no identity server in help & about settings
- Fix: Images no longer reserve their space in the timeline correctly
- Fix issues with inhibited accessible focus outlines
- Fix read receipts falling from sky
- Fix avatar text issue in rte
- Fix resizer only work with left mouse click
- Fix send two join requests when joining a room from spotlight search
- Highlight event when any version triggered a highlight
- Fix spacing of headings of integration manager on General settings tab

Element 1.11.29 (64-bit)
- Allow desktop app to expose recent rooms in UI integrations
- Add API params to mute audio and/or video in Jitsi calls by default
- Style mentions as pills in rich text editor
- Show room create icon if "UIComponent.roomCreation" is enabled
- Mentions as links rte
- Better error handling in jump to date
- Show "Invite" menu option if "UIComponent.sendInvites" is enabled
- Added UserProfilesStore, LruCache and user permalink profile caching
- Mentions as links rte
- Implement MSC3952: intentional mentions
- Implement MSC3973: Search users in the user directory with the Widget API
- Permalinks to message are now displayed as pills
- Show search,dial,explore in filterContainer if "UIComponent.filterContainer" is enabled
- Increase space panel collapse clickable area
- Add fallback for replies to Polls
- Permalinks to rooms and users are now pillified
- Poll history - access poll history from room settings
- Add API params to mute audio and/or video in Jitsi calls by default
- Notifications: inline error message on notifications saving error
- Support dynamic room predecessor in SpaceProvider
- Support dynamic room predecessors for RoomProvider
- Support dynamic room predecessors in OwnBeaconStore
- Support dynamic room predecessors in ForwardDialog
- Support dynamic room predecessors in SpaceHierarchy
- Support dynamic room predecessors in AddExistingToSpaceDialog
- Support dynamic room predecessors in leave-behaviour
- Support dynamic room predecessors in StopGapWidgetDriver
- Support dynamic room predecessors in WidgetLayoutStore
- Support dynamic room predecessors in SpaceStore
- Sync polls push rules on changes to account_data
- Support dynamic room predecessors in BreadcrumbsStore
- Improved a11y for Field feedback and Secure Phrase input
- Support dynamic room predecessors in RoomNotificationStateStore

- Use a newly generated access_token while joining Jitsi
- Fix cloudflare action pointing at commit hash instead of tag
- Allow editing with RTE to overflow for autocomplete visibility
- Added auto focus to Github URL on opening of debug logs modal
- Fix detection of encryption for all users in a room
- Properly generate mentions when editing a reply with MSC3952
- Improve performance of rendering a room with many hidden events
- Prevent future date selection in jump to date
- Add aria labels to message search bar to improve accessibility
- Fix decryption failure bar covering the timeline
- Improve profile picture settings accessibility
- Handle group call redaction
- Display relative timestamp for threads on the same calendar day
- Fix timeline list and paragraph display issues
- Use unique keys for voice broadcast pips
- Fix "show read receipts sent by other users" not applying to threads
- Fix joining public rooms without aliases in search dialog
- Add input validation for m.direct in DMRoomMap
- Reduce height reserved for "collapse" button's line on IRC layout
- Fix creatorUserId is required error when opening sticker picker
- Fix block/inline Element descendants error noise in NewRoomIntro.tsx
- Fix profile resizer to make first character of a line selectable in IRC layout
- Ensure space between wrapped lines of room name on IRC layout
- Remove unreadable alt attribute from the room status bar warning icon (nonsense to screenreaders)
- Fix big date separators when jump to date is enabled
- Fixes user authentication when registering via the module API
- Handle more edge cases in Space Hierarchy
- Further improve performance with lots of hidden events
- Respect user cancelling upload flow by dismissing spinner
- When starting a DM, the end-to-end encryption status icon does now only appear if the DM can be encrypted
- Fix [object Object] in feedback metadata ([...

Element 1.11.28 (64-bit)
- Fix detection of encryption for all users in a room

Element 1.11.26 (64-bit)
- Changes for matrix-js-sdk v24.0.0
- Changes for matrix-react-sdk v3.69.0

Element 1.11.25 (64-bit)
- Remove experimental PWA support for Firefox and Safari
- Only allow to start a DM with one email if encryption by default is enabled
- DM rooms are now encrypted if encryption by default is enabled and only inviting a single email address. Any action in the result DM room will be blocked until the other has joined.
- Reduce bottom margin of ReplyChain on compact modern layout
- Support for v2 of MSC3903
- When starting a DM, existing rooms with pending third-party invites will be reused.
- Polls push rules: synchronise poll rules with message rules
- New verification request toast button labels
- Remove padding around integration manager iframe
- Fix block code styling in rich text editor
- Poll history: fetch more poll history
- Sort short/exact emoji matches before longer incomplete matches
- Poll history: detail screen
- Provide a more detailed error message than "No known servers"
- Say when a call was answered from a different device
- Widget permissions customizations using module api
- Fix copy button icon overlapping with copyable text
- Support joining non-peekable rooms via the module API
- The "new login" toast does now display the same device information as in the settings. "No" does now open the device settings. "Yes, it was me" dismisses the toast.
- Do not prompt for a password when doing a „reset all“ after login

- Fix incorrect copy in space creation flow
- Fix space settings dialog having rogue title tooltip
- Show spinner when starting a DM from the user profile (right panel)
- Reduce height of toggle on expanded view source event
- Pillify http and non-prefixed matrix.to links
- Fix some features not being configurable via features
- Fix starting a DM from the right panel in some cases
- Align info EventTile and normal EventTile on IRC layout
- Fix blowout of waveform of the voice message player on narrow UI
- Fix the hidden view source toggle on IRC layout
- Fix buttons on the room header being compressed due to long room name
- Use the room avatar as a placeholder in calls
- Fix calls showing as 'connecting' after hangup
- Prevent multiple Jitsi calls started at the same time
- Make localization keys compatible with agglutinative and/or SOV type languages

Element 1.11.24 (64-bit)
- Drop support for Windows 7
- Remove experimental PWA support for Firefox and Safari
- Fix block code styling in rich text editor
- Poll history: fetch more poll history
- Sort short/exact emoji matches before longer incomplete matches
- Poll history: detail screen
- Provide a more detailed error message than "No known servers"
- Say when a call was answered from a different device
- Widget permissions customizations using module api
- Fix copy button icon overlapping with copyable text
- Support joining non-peekable rooms via the module API
- The "new login" toast does now display the same device information as in the settings. "No" does now open the device settings. "Yes, it was me" dismisses the toast.
- Do not prompt for a password when doing a „reset all“ after login
- Display "The sender has blocked you from receiving this message" error message instead of "Unable to decrypt message"
- Polls: show warning about undecryptable relations
- Poll history: fetch last 30 days of polls
- Poll history - ended polls list items
- Remove threads labs flag and the ability to disable threads
- Show a success dialog after setting up the key backup
- Release Sign in with QR out of labs
- Hide indent button in rte
- Add option to find own location in map views
- Render poll end events in timeline

- Use the room avatar as a placeholder in calls
- Fix calls showing as 'connecting' after hangup
- Stop access token overflowing the box
- Prevent multiple Jitsi calls started at the same time
- Make localization keys compatible with agglutinative and/or SOV type languages
- Add link to next file in the export
- Ended poll tiles: add ended the poll message
- Fix accidentally inverted condition for room ordering
- Re-focus the composer on dialogue quit
- Try to resolve emails before creating a DM
- Disable poll response loading test
- Fix email lookup in invite dialog
- Remove duplicate white space characters from translation keys
- Fix the caption of new sessions manager on Labs settings page for localization
- Prevent start another DM with a user if one already exists
- Remove white space characters before the horizontal ellipsis
- Fix Selectable Text on 'Delete All' and 'Retry All' Buttons
- Correctly Identify emoticons
- Remove a redundant white space

Element 1.11.23 (64-bit)
- Description of QR code sign in labs feature
- Add option to find own location in map views
- Render poll end events in timeline
- Indicate unread messages in tab title
- Open message in editing mode when keyboard up is pressed (RTE)
- Hide superseded rooms from the room list using dynamic room predecessors
- Support MSC3946 in RoomListStore
- Auto focus security key field
- use Poll model with relations API in poll rendering
- Support MSC3946 in the RoomCreate tile
- Update labs flag description for RTE
- Change ul list style to disc when editing message
- Improved click detection within PiP windows
- Add RTE keyboard navigation in editing
- Paragraph integration for rich text editor
- Add indentation increasing/decreasing to RTE
- Add ignore user confirmation dialog
- Use monospace font for room, message IDs in View Source modal
- Implement MSC3946 for AdvancedRoomSettingsTab
- Implementation of MSC3824 to make the client OIDC-aware
- Improves a11y for avatar uploads
- Add support for [token authenticated registration](https

- Jitsi requests 'requires_client' capability if auth token is provided
- Remove duplicate white space characters from translation keys
- Fix the caption of new sessions manager on Labs settings page for localization
- Prevent start another DM with a user if one already exists
- Remove white space characters before the horizontal ellipsis
- Fix Selectable Text on 'Delete All' and 'Retry All' Buttons
- Correctly Identify emoticons
- Should open new 1:1 chat room after leaving the old one
- Remove a redundant white space
- Fix a crash when removing persistent widgets (updated)
- Fix wrongly grouping 3pid invites into a single repeated transition
- Fix scrollbar colliding with checkbox in add to space section
- Add a whitespace character after 'broadcast?'
- Seekbar in broadcast PiP view is now updated when switching between different broadcasts
- Add border to "reject" button on room preview card for clickable area indication. It fixes #22623
- Element-R: fix rageshages
- Fix markdown paragraph display in timeline
- Prevent the remaining broadcast time from being exceeded
- Fix cursor position when new line is created by pressing enter (RTE)
- Ensure room is actually in space hierarchy when resolving its latest version
- Fix new line for inline code
- Member avatars without canvas
- Apply more general fix for base avatar regressions
- Replace list, code block and quote icons by new icons
- fix regional emojis converted to flags
- resolved emoji description text overflowing issue
- Fix MessageEditHistoryDialog crashing on complex input
- Unify unread notification state determination
- Fix layout and visual regressions around default avatars
- Fix useUnreadNotifications exploding with falsey room, like in notif panel
- Fix "[object Promise]" appearing in HTML exports
- changing the color of message time stamp
- Fix link creation with backward selection
- Misaligned reply preview in thread composer #23396

Element 1.11.22 (64-bit)
- Fixed: Bump version number to fix problems upgrading from v1.11.21-rc.1

Element 1.11.21 (64-bit)
- Move pin drop out of labs
- Quotes for rte
- Show the room name in the room header during calls
- Add code blocks to rich text editor
- Add new style for inline code
- Add disabled button state to rich text editor
- Change the rageshake "app" for auto-rageshakes
- Device manager - tweak settings display
- Add list functionality to rich text editor

- Fix RTE focus behaviour in threads
- #22204 Issue: Centered File info in lightbox
- Fix seekbar position for zero length audio
- Allow thread panel to be closed after being opened from notification
- Only highlight focused menu item if focus is supposed to be visible
- Prevent call durations from breaking onto multiple lines
- Tweak call lobby buttons to more closely match designs
- Do not show a broadcast as live immediately after the recording has stopped
- Clear the RTE before sending a message
- Fix {enter} press in RTE
- Fix the problem that the password reset email has to be confirmed twice
- replace .at() with array.length-1
- Fix broken threads list timestamp layout
- Disable multiple messages when {enter} is pressed multiple times
- Fix logout devices when resetting the password
- Fix: Poll replies overflow when not enough space
- State event updates are not forwarded to the widget from invitation room
- Fix error when viewing source of redacted events
- Replace outdated css attribute
- Clear isLogin theme override when user is no longer viewing login screens
- Fix reply action in message context menu notif & file panels
- Fix issue where thread dropdown would not show up correctly
- Fix unexpected composer growing
- Fix misaligned timestamps for thread roots which are emotes

Element 1.11.20 (64-bit)
- (Part 2) of prevent crash on older browsers (replace .at() with array.length-1)

Element 1.11.19 (64-bit)
- Fix crash on browsers that don't support Array.at

Element 1.11.18 (64-bit)
- Correctly handle limited sync responses by resetting the thread timeline

Element 1.11.17 (64-bit)
- Add inline code formatting to rich text editor
- Add emoji handling for plain text mode of the new rich text editor
- Overlay virtual room call events into main timeline
- Adds a new section under "Room Settings" > "Roles & Permissions" which adds the possibility to multiselect users from this room and grant them more permissions
- Add emoji handling for rich text mode
- Add setting to hide bold notifications
- Further password reset flow enhancements
- Snooze the bulk unverified sessions reminder on dismiss
- Honor advanced audio processing settings when recording voice messages
- Improve the visual balance of bubble layout
- Add config setting to disable bulk unverified sessions nag
- Only display bulk unverified sessions nag when current sessions is verified
- Separate labs and betas more clearly
- Show user an error if we fail to create a DM for verification

- Prevent unnecessary m.direct updates
- Fix checkForPreJoinUISI for thread roots
- Load RTE components only when RTE labs is enabled
- Fix issue where thread panel did not update correctly
- Remove async call to get virtual room from room load
- Check each thread for unread messages.
- Device manage - handle sessions that don't support encryption
- Fix hover state for formatting buttons (Rich text editor) (fix /issues/23832)
- Don't allow group calls to be unterminated
- Fix replies to emotes not showing as inline
- Update copy of 'Change layout' button to match Element Call
- Fix call splitbrains when switching between rooms
- bugfix: fix an issue where the Notifier would incorrectly fire for non-timeline events
- Fix power selector being wrongly disabled for admins themselves
- Show day counts in call durations

Element 1.11.16 (64-bit)
- Further improve replies
- Enable users to join group calls from multiple devices
- Fix(visual): make cursor a pointer for summaries
- Add placeholder for rich text editor
- Consolidate public room search experience
- New password reset flow
- Device manager - add tooltip to device details toggle
- Sliding sync: add lazy-loading member support
- Limit formatting bar offset to top of composer

- Fix issues around up arrow event edit shortcut
- Fix search not being cleared when clicking on a result
- Fix screensharing in 1:1 calls
- Fix the background color flashing when joining a call
- Fix the size of the 'Private space' icon
- Fix reply editing in rich text editor (https
- Fix thread list jumping back down while scrolling
- Fix regression with TimelinePanel props updates not taking effect
- Fix form tooltip positioning
- Extract Search handling from RoomView into its own Component
- Fix call splitbrains when switching between rooms
- [Backport staging] Fix replies to emotes not showing as inline

Element 1.11.15 (64-bit)
- Make clear notifications work with threads
- Change "None" to "Off" in notification options
- Advanced audio processing settings
- Add way to create a user notice via config.json
- Improve design of the rich text editor
- Enable user to zoom beyond image size
- Fix: Move "Leave Space" option to the bottom of space context menu

- Make build scripts work on NixOS
- Fix integration manager get_open_id_token action and add E2E tests
- Fix links being mangled by markdown processing
- Fix: inline links selecting radio button
- Fix wrong error message in registration when phone number threepid is in use
- Fix missing avatar for show current profiles
- Fix read receipts trickling down correctly
- Resilience fix for homeserver without thread notification support
- Don't switch to the home page needlessly after leaving a room
- Differentiate download and decryption errors when showing images
- Close context menu when a modal is opened to prevent user getting stuck
- Fix TimelineReset handling when no room associated
- Always use current profile on thread events
- Fix ThreadView tests not using thread flag
- Handle deletion of m.call events
- Fix incorrect notification count after leaving a room with notifications

Element 1.11.14 (64-bit)
- Loading threads with server-side assistance
- Make thread replies trigger a room list re-ordering
- Device manager - add extra details to device security
- Add plain text mode to the wysiwyg composer
- Sliding Sync: improve sort order, show subspace rooms, better tombstoned room handling
- Device manager - add learn more popups to filtered sessions [email protected]
- Show thread notification if thread timeline is closed
- Add message editing to wysiwyg composer
- Device manager - confirm sign out of other sessions
- Automatically request logs from other users in a call when submitting logs
- Add thread notification with server assistance (MSC3773)
- Support for login + E2EE set up with QR
- Allow pressing Enter to send messages in new composer

- Fix regressions around media uploads failing and causing soft crashes
- Fix /myroomavatar slash command
- Fix config.json failing to load for Jitsi wrapper in non-root deployment
- Fix NotificationBadge unsent color
- Fix room list sorted by recent on app startup
- Reset custom power selector when blurred on empty
- Reinstate timeline/redaction callbacks when updating notification state
- Only render NotificationBadge when needed
- Fix embedded Element Call screen sharing
- Send Content-Type: application/json header for integration manager /register API
- Fix joining calls without audio or video inputs
- Ensure spaces in the spotlight dialog have rounded square avatars
- Only show mini avatar uploader in room intro when no avatar yet exists
- Fix threads fallback incorrectly targets root event
- Align video call icon with banner text
- Set relations helper when creating event tile context menu
- Device manager - put client/browser device metadata in correct section
- Update the room unread notification counter when the server changes the value without any related read receipt

Element 1.11.13 (64-bit)
- Fix default behavior of Room.getBlacklistUnverifiedDevices
- Catch server versions API call exception when starting the client
- Fix authedRequest including Authorization: Bearer undefined for password resets

Element 1.11.12 (64-bit)
- Fix config.json failing to load for Jitsi wrapper in non-root deployment

Element 1.11.10 (64-bit)
- Fixed: Use correct default for notification silencing

Element 1.11.9 (64-bit)
- Legacy Piwik config.json option piwik.policy_url is deprecated in favour of privacy_policy_url. Support will be removed in the next release

- Device manager - select all devices
- New group call experience: Call tiles
- Add Shift key to FormatQuote keyboard shortcut
- Device manager - sign out of multiple sessions
- Display push toggle for web sessions (MSC3890)
- Add device notifications enabled switch
- Implement push notification toggle in device detail
- New group call experience: Starting and ending calls
- New group call experience: Room header call buttons
- Make device ID copyable in device list
- Use display name instead of user ID when rendering power events
- Read receipts for threads

- Use the correct sender key when checking shared secret
- Fix device selection in pre-join screen for Element Call video rooms
- Don't render a 1px high room topic if the room topic is empty
- Don't show feedback prompts when that UIFeature is disabled
- Fix soft crash around unknown room pills
- Fix spaces feedback prompt wrongly showing when feedback is disabled
- Fix tile soft crash in ReplyInThreadButton

Element 1.11.8 (64-bit)
- Fixed: Bump IDB crypto store version

Element 1.11.3 (64-bit)
- Improve auth aria attributes and semantics
- Device manager - New device tile info design
- Device manager generic settings subsection component
- Migrate the hidden read receipts flag to new "send read receipts" option
- Live location sharing - share location at most every 5 seconds
- Increase max length of voice messages to 15m
- Move pin drop out of labs
- Start DM on first message
- Remove "Add Space" button from RoomListHeader when user cannot create spaces
- The Welcome Home Screen: Dedicated Download Apps Dialog
- The Welcome Home Screen: "Submit Feedback" pane
- New User Onboarding Task List
- Add support for disabling spell checking
- Live location share - leave maximised map open when beacons expire

- Some slash-commands (/myroomnick) have temporarily been disabled before the first message in a DM is sent
- Use stable reference for active tab in tabbedView
- Fix pillification sometimes doubling up
- Fix highlights not being applied to plaintext messages
- Fix dismissing edit composer when change was undone
- 1-to-1 DM rooms with bots now act like DM rooms instead of multi-user-rooms before
- Apply inline start padding to selected lines on modern layout only
- Peek into world-readable rooms from spotlight
- Use default styling on nested numbered lists due to MD being sensitive
- Fix replying using chat effect commands

Element 1.11.2 (64-bit)
- Live location share - focus on user location on list item click
- Live location sharing - don't trigger unread counts for beacon location events
- Support for sending voice messages as replies and in threads
- Add Reply in thread button to the right-click message context-menu
- Starred_Messages_Feature_Contd_II/Outreachy
- Use "frequently used emojis" for autocompletion in composer
- Improve clickability of view source event toggle button
- Improve clickability of "collapse" link button on bubble layout
- Starred_Messages_Feature/Outreachy
- Implement Use Case Selection screen
- Live location share - handle insufficient permissions in location sharing
- Improve _FilePanel.scss
- Improve spotlight accessibility by adding context menus

- Replace mask-images with svg components in MessageActionBar
- Unbreak in-app permalink tooltips
- Show a back button when viewing a space member
- Align the right edge of info tile lines with normal ones on IRC layout
- Prevent email verification from overriding existing sessions
- Fix wrong buttons being used when exploring public rooms
- Re-add padding to generic event list summary on IRC layout
- Joining federated rooms via the spotlight search should no longer cause a "No known servers" error

Element 1.11.1 (64-bit)
- Enable URL tooltips on hover for Element Desktop
- Hide screenshare button in video rooms on Desktop
- Add a developer command to reset Megolm and Olm sessions
- add spaces to TileErrorBoundary
- Location sharing - add localised strings to map
- Added trim to ignore whitespaces in email check
- Improve _GenericEventListSummary.scss
- Live location share - tiles without tile server (PSG-591)
- Add option to display tooltip on link hover
- Support a module API surface for custom functionality
- Adjust encryption copy when creating a video room
- Add bidirectonal isolation for pills
- Delabs `Show current avatar and name for users in message history`
- Live location share - open latest location in map site
- Improve LinkPreviewWidget
- Render HTML topics in rooms on space home
- Hide timestamp on event tiles being edited on every layout
- Introduce new copy icon
- Allow finding group DMs by members in spotlight
- Live location share - explicitly stop beacons replaced beacons
- Remove unpin from widget kebab menu
- Live location share - redact related locations on beacon redaction
- Live location share - disallow message pinning

Element 1.11.0 (64-bit)
- Remove Piwik support

- Document how to configure a custom home.html
- Move New Search Experience out of beta
- Switch video rooms to spotlight layout when in PiP mode
- Live location sharing - render message deleted tile for redacted beacons
- Improve view source dialog style
- Improve integration manager dialog style
- Implement MSC3827: Filtering of /publicRooms by room type
- Show chat panel when opening a video room with unread messages
- Live location share - forward latest location
- Allow integration managers to validate user identity after opening
- Create a common header on right panel cards on BaseCard
- Integrate searching public rooms and people into the new search experience
- Bring back waveform for voice messages and retain seeking
- Improve colors in settings
- Keep draft in composer when a slash command syntax errors
- Release video rooms as a beta feature
- Clarify logout key backup warning dialog
- Slightly improve the look of the Message edits dialog
- Add support for MD / HTML in room topics
- Live location share - link to timeline tile from share warning
- Improve composer visiblity
- Makes the avatar of the user menu non-draggable
- Improve widget buttons behaviour and layout
- Use AccessibleButton for 'Reset All' link button on SetupEncryptionBody
- Adjust message timestamp position on TimelineCard in non-bubble layouts
- Use AccessibleButton for 'In reply to' link button on ReplyChain
- Live location share - enable reply and react to tiles
- Change dash to em dash issues fixed

- Reduce video rooms log spam
- Connect to Jitsi unmuted by default
- Work around a Jitsi bug with display name encoding
- Make invite dialogue fixed height
- Correct issue with tab order in new search experience.
- Clicking location replies now redirects to the replied event instead of opening the map
- Keep clicks on pills within the app
- Don't overlap tile bubbles with timestamps in modern layout
- Connect to Jitsi unmuted by default
- Maximize width value of display name on TimelineCard with IRC/modern layout
- Align the avatar and the display name on TimelineCard
- Remove inline margin from reactions row on IRC layout
- Align "From a thread" on search result panel on IRC layout
- Display description of E2E advanced panel as subsection text
- Remove inline end margin from images on file panel
- Disable option to Quote when we don't have sufficient permissions
- Add padding to font scaling loader for message bubble layout
- Set 100% max-width to display name on reply tiles
- Fix alignment of pill letter
- Move the beta pill to the right side and display the pill on video room only
- Stop using absolute property to place beta pill on RoomPreviewCard
- Make the pill text single line
- Hide overflow of public room description on spotlight dialog result
- Fix position of message action bar on the info tile on TimelineCard in message bubble layout
- Remove inline start margin from display name on reply tiles on TimelineCard
- Improve homeserver dropdown dialog styling
- Fix crash when drawing blurHash for portrait videos PSB-139
- Fix grid blowout on pinned event tiles
- Fix temporary sync errors if there's weird settings stored in account data
- Fix reactions row overflow and gap between reactions
- Fix issues with the Create new room button in Spotlight
- Remove margin from E2E icon between avatar and hidden event
- Fix waveform on a message bubble
- Location sharing maps are now loaded after reconnection
- Update the avatar mask so it doesn’t cut off spaces’ avatars anymore
- Add a bit of safety around timestamp handling for threads
- Remove top margin from event tile on a narrow viewport
- Fix keyboard shortcuts on settings tab being wrapped
- Add try-catch around blurhash loading
- Prevent new composer from overflowing from non-breakable text
- Use common subheading on sidebar user settings tab
- Fix clickable area of advanced toggle on appearance user settings tab
- Disable redacting reactions if we don't have sufficient permissions
- Update the live timeline when the JS SDK resets it
- Fix flex blowout on image reply
- Enable background color on hover for chat panel and thread panel
- Fix #20026: send read marker as soon as we change it
- Allow AppTiles to shrink as much as necessary
- Make widgets in video rooms immutable again
- Use MessageActionBar style declarations on pinned message card
- Expire video member events after 1 hour
- Name lists on invite dialog
- Live location share - show loading UI for beacons with start timestamp in the future
- Fix scroll jump issue with the composer
- Fix the incorrect nesting of download button on MessageActionBar
- Revert link color change in composer
- Fix 'Logout' inline link on the splash screen
- Fix disappearing widget poput button when changing the widget layout
- Reduce gutter with the new read receipt UI
- Add ellipsis effect to hidden beacon status
- Make the pill on the basic message composer compatible with display name in RTL languages
- Prevent the banner text from being selected, replacing the spacing values with the variable
- Ensure the first device on a newly-registered account gets cross-signed properly
- Hide live location option in threads composer
- Make sure MessageTimestamp is not hidden by EventTile_line on TimelineCard
- Make PiP motion smoother and react to window resizes correctly
- Prevent Invite and DevTools dialogs from being cut off
- Squish event bubble tiles less
- Use random widget IDs for video rooms
- Fix read avatars overflow from the right chat panel with a maximized widget on bubble message layout
- Fix CallView crash

Element 1.10.15 (64-bit)
- Fix missing element desktop preferences

Element 1.10.14 (64-bit)
- Make Lao translation available
- Option to disable hardware acceleration on Element Desktop
- Configure custom home.html via .well-known/matrix/client["io.element.embedded_pages"]["home_url"] for all your element-web/desktop users
- Live location sharing - open location in OpenStreetMap
- Show a dialog when Jitsi encounters an error
- Add support for setting the avatar_url of widgets by integration managers
- Add an option to ignore (block) a user when reporting their events
- Add the option to disable hardware acceleration
- Slightly better presentation of read receipts to screen reader users
- Add jump to related event context menu item
- Add public room directory hook

- Stop Jitsi if we time out while connecting to a video room
- Remove inline margin from UTD error message inside a reply tile on ThreadView
- Move unread notification dots of the threads list to the expected position
- Prevent overflow of grid items on a bubble with UTD generally.
- Create 'Unable To Decrypt' grid layout for hidden events on a bubble layout
- Fix - AccessibleButton does not set disabled attribute
- Fix font not resetting when logging out
- Fix local aliases section of room settings not working for some homeservers
- Align EventTile_line with display name on message bubble
- Convert references to direct chat -> direct message
- Improve combining diacritics for U+20D0 to U+20F0 in Chrome
- Make the empty thread panel fill BaseCard
- Fix edge case around composer handling gendered facepalm emoji
- Fix a grid blowout due to nowrap displayName on a bubble with UTD
- Apply the same max-width to image tile on the thread timeline as message bubble
- Fix dropdown button size for picture-in-picture CallView
- Live location sharing - fix square border for image-less avatar (PSF-1052)
- Stop connecting to a video room if the widget messaging disappears
- Fix file button and audio player overflowing from message bubble
- Don't show broken composer format bar when selection is whitespace
- Fix media upload http 413 handling
- Fix emoji picker for editing thread responses. Fixes matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#13129
- Map attribution while sharing live location is now visible
- Fix info tile overlapping the time stamp on TimelineCard
- Fix position of wide images on IRC / modern layout
- Fix other user's displayName being wrapped on the bubble message layout
- Set spacing declarations to elements in mx_EventTile_mediaLine
- Fix wide image overflowing from the thumbnail container
- Fix styles of "Show all" link button on ReactionsRow
- Automatically log in after registration
- Fix offline status in window title not working reliably
- Align input area with event body's first letter in a thread on IRC/modern layout
- Fix crash on null idp for SSO buttons
- Don't open the regular browser or our context menu on right-clicking the Options button in the message action bar
- Show notifications even when Element is focused
- Remove padding from the buttons on edit message composer of a event tile on a thread
- ensure metaspace changes correctly notify listeners
- Hide image banner on stickers, they have a tooltip already
- Adjust EditMessageComposer style declarations

Element 1.10.12 (64-bit)
- Made the location map change the cursor to a pointer so it looks like it's clickable (https
- Implement improved spacing for the thread list and timeline  
- LLS: expose way to enable live sharing labs flag from location dialog
- Fix source text boxes in View Source modal should have full width  
- Read Receipts: never show +1, if it’s just 4, show all of them
- Add opt-in analytics to onboarding tasks
- Allow user to control if they are signed out of all devices when changing password - Implement new Read Receipt design
- Stick connected video rooms to the top of the room list
- LLS: fix jumpy maximised map
- Persist audio and video mute state in video rooms
- Forcefully disconnect from video rooms on logout and tab close
- Add local echo of connected devices in video rooms
- Improve text of account deactivation dialog
- Live location sharing: own live beacon status on maximised view
- Show a lobby screen in video rooms
- Settings toggle to disable Composer Markdown
- Cache localStorage objects for SettingsStore
- Bring View Source back from behind developer mode

- Fix Jitsi Meet getting wedged at startup in some cases.
- Fix camera getting muted when disconnecting from a video room.
- Fix race conditions around threads
- Fix reading of cached room device setting values
- Fix issue with dispatch happening mid-dispatch due to js-sdk emit
- Match MSC behaviour for threads when disabled (thread-aware mode)
- Specify position of DisambiguatedProfile inside a thread on bubble message layout  
- Location sharing: do not trackuserlocation in location picker
- fix text and map indent in thread view
- Live location sharing: don't group beacon info with room creation summary
- Don't linkify code blocks - read receipts: improve tooltips to show names of users
- Fix poll overflowing a reply tile on bubble message layout  
- Fix text link buttons on UserInfo panel  
- Clear local storage settings handler cache on logout
- Fix jump to bottom button being always displayed in non-overflowing timelines
- fix timeline search with empty text box should do nothing  
- Fixes "space panel kebab menu is rendered out of view on sub spaces"
- Add margin to the location map inside ThreadView  
- Patch: "Reloading the registration page should warn about data loss"
- Live location sharing: fix safari timestamps pt 2
- Fix issue with thread notification state ignoring initial events
- Fix event text overflow on bubble message layout  
- Disable the message action bar when hovering over the 1px border between threads on the list  
- correctly align read receipts to state events in bubble layout
- Fix issue with underfilled timelines when barren of content
- Fix baseline misalignment of thread panel summary by deduplication
- Fix editing of non-html replies
- Read Receipts "Fall from the Sky"
- Make read receipts handle nullable roomMembers correctly
- Don't form continuations on either side of a thread root
- Fix centering issue with sticker placeholder and #6449.
- Disable download option on
- Fix infinite loop when pinning/unpinning persistent widgets
- Tweak ReadReceiptGroup to better handle disambiguation
- stop the bottom edge of buttons getting clipped in devtools
- Fix issue with threads timelines with few events cropping events
- Changed font-weight to 400 to support light weight font
- Fix issue with thread panel not updating when it loads on first render
- fix: "Mention highlight and cursor hover highlight has different corner radius"
- Fix regression around haveRendererForEvent for hidden events and #21725.
- Fix regression around the room list treeview keyboard a11y
- Remove float property to let the margin between events appear on bubble message layout  
- Fix race in Registration between server change and flows fetch
- fix rainbow breaks compound emojis  
- Fix RightPanelStore handling first room on app launch wrong
- Fix UnknownBody error message unalignment  
- Use -webkit-line-clamp for the room header topic overflow  
- Fix issue with ServerInfo crashing the modal
- Fixes around threads beta in degraded mode

Element 1.10.11 (64-bit)
- Handle forced disconnects from Jitsi
- Improve performance of switching to rooms with lots of servers and ACLs
- Avoid a reflow when setting caret position on an empty composer
- Add message right-click context menu as a labs feature
- Live location sharing - basic maximised beacon map
- Live location sharing - render users own beacons in timeline
- Improve Threads beta around degraded mode
- Live location sharing - beacon in timeline happy path
- Add copy button to View Source screen
- Add heart effect
- Update new room icon

- Fix: "Code formatting button does not escape backticks"
- Fix beta indicator dot causing excessive CPU usage
- Fix overlapping timestamps on empty messages
- Fix power selector not showing up in user info when state_default undefined
- Avoid looking up settings during timeline rendering
- Fix a soft crash with video rooms
- Fixes call tiles overflow
- Fix a bug with emoji autocomplete sorting where adding the final ":" would cause the emoji with the typed shortcode to no longer be at the top of the autocomplete list
- Fix image preview sizing for edge cases
- Refactor SecurityRoomSettingsTab and remove unused state  Fixes matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#12002
- Don't show the prompt to enable desktop notifications immediately after registration
- Stop tracking threads if threads support is disabled
- Fix some issues with threads rendering
- Fix threads rendering issue in Safari
- Fix space panel width change on hovering over space item
- Hide the reply in thread button in deployments where beta is forcibly disabled
- Prevent soft crash around room list header context menu when space changes  Fixes matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#11416, matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#11692, matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#11739, matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#11772, matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#11891 matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#11858 and matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#11456.
- When selecting reply in thread on a thread response open existing thread
- Handle thread bundled relationships coming from the server via MSC3666
- Fix: Avatar preview does not update when same file is selected repeatedly
- Fix a bug where user gets a warning when changing powerlevel from Admin to custom level (100)
- Use a consistent alignment for all text items in a list
- Fixes button labels being collapsed per a character in CJK languages
- Fix: Remove jittery timeline scrolling after jumping to an event
- Fix regression of edits showing up in the timeline with hidden events shown
- Fix reporting events not working
- Make Jitsi widgets in video rooms immutable
- Fix: Ensure links to events scroll the correct events into view

Element 1.10.10 (64-bit)
- Handle forced disconnects from Jitsi
- Improve performance of switching to rooms with lots of servers and ACLs
- Avoid a reflow when setting caret position on an empty composer
- Add message right-click context menu as a labs feature
- Live location sharing - basic maximised beacon map
- Live location sharing - render users own beacons in timeline
- Improve Threads beta around degraded mode
- Live location sharing - beacon in timeline happy path
- Add copy button to View Source screen
- Add heart effect
- Update new room icon

- Fix: "Code formatting button does not escape backticks"
- Fix beta indicator dot causing excessive CPU usage
- Fix overlapping timestamps on empty messages
- Fix power selector not showing up in user info when state_default undefined
- Avoid looking up settings during timeline rendering
- Fix a soft crash with video rooms
- Fixes call tiles overflow
- Fix a bug with emoji autocomplete sorting where adding the final ":" would cause the emoji with the typed shortcode to no longer be at the top of the autocomplete list
- Fix image preview sizing for edge cases
- Refactor SecurityRoomSettingsTab and remove unused state Fixes matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#12002.
- Don't show the prompt to enable desktop notifications immediately after registration
- Stop tracking threads if threads support is disabled
- Fix some issues with threads rendering
- Fix threads rendering issue in Safari
- Fix space panel width change on hovering over space item
- Hide the reply in thread button in deployments where beta is forcibly disabled
- Prevent soft crash around room list header context menu when space changes Fixes matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#11416, matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#11692, matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#11739, matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#11772, matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#11891 matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#11858 and matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#11456.
- When selecting reply in thread on a thread response open existing thread
- Handle thread bundled relationships coming from the server via MSC3666
- Fix: Avatar preview does not update when same file is selected repeatedly
- Fix a bug where user gets a warning when changing powerlevel from Admin to custom level (100)
- Use a consistent alignment for all text items in a list
- Fixes button labels being collapsed per a character in CJK languages
- Fix: Remove jittery timeline scrolling after jumping to an event
- Fix regression of edits showing up in the timeline with hidden events shown
- Fix reporting events not working
- Make Jitsi widgets in video rooms immutable
- Fix: Ensure links to events scroll the correct events into view

Element 1.10.9 (64-bit)
- Release threads as a beta feature
- More video rooms design updates
- Update video rooms to new design specs
- Live Location Sharing - left panel warning with error
- Live location sharing - Stop publishing location to beacons with consecutive errors
- Live location sharing: allow retry when stop sharing fails
- Allow voice messages to be scrubbed in the timeline
- Live location sharing - stop sharing to beacons in rooms you left
- Allow sending and thumbnailing AVIF images
- Live location sharing - handle geolocation errors
- Show voice room participants when not connected
- Add margins between labs sections
- Live location sharing - send geolocation beacon events - happy path
- Add support for Animated (A)PNG
- Don't form continuations from thread roots
- Improve handling of animated GIF and WEBP images
- Wire up file preview for video files
- When showing thread, always auto-focus its composer
- Live location sharing - refresh beacon expiry in room
- Use styled mxids in member list v2
- Delete groups (legacy communities system)
- Add a prototype of voice rooms in labs

- Avoid flashing the Jitsi prejoin screen at the user before skipping it
- Fix editing

      tags with a non-1 start attribute

      - Fix URL previews being enabled when room first created

      - Don't use m.call for Jitsi video rooms

      - Scale emoji with size of surrounding text

      - Make "Jump to date" translatable

      - Normalize call buttons

      - Show room preview bar with maximised widgets

      - Update more strings to not wrongly mention room when it is/could be a space and

      - Fix issue with redacting via edit composer flow causing stuck editStates

      - Fix some image/video scroll jumps

      - Fix "react error on share dialog"

EA Desktop App 查看版本資訊


XYplorer 24.40 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

XYplorer 24.40
- Mobile Hover Box. Now you can easily move the Hover Box (instant file preview on mouse over) from file to file with the navigation keys. Cool and useful.
- Custom Event Sounds. Now supports all playable audio formats.
- Open Folders with a Single Click. Now you can optionally open folders in the file list with a single click, just like in the folder tree.
- Many Other Improvements

XYplorer 24.30
- Event Sounds. Tired of staring at a progress bar until a file operation is finally finished? Starting from this version you can have a short sound playing that tells you when the operation is finished and if it was finished successfully.
- There is also a pop sound for deletes, which are usually instantaneous. This was added just for fun. You may find that completing an operation with a sonic event generally gives you a strange sense of primal satisfaction.
- Custom Event Sounds. If you don’t like the default sounds, and/or have better ones, you can easily add them to the soundscape. Yes, you can have the application play an entire song when your backup is complete.
- Background Dragging. Now you can drag files from a background XYplorer window to another application window in the foreground. A long awaited feature is finally implemented.
- Go Now. If you’re a habitual scripter, you’ll love the new ability to launch a script from the address bar with a keyboard shortcut of your choice.
- Many Other Improvements

XYplorer 24.20
- Image Columns. So far a data record in a file listing consisted of an icon, maybe a thumbnail, and various bits of text. The signature look of a details view in a file manager. Those days are over. Now you can add images to the mix. And not just one per file, but many: Up to 80 different pics per file, all in one list!
- These images can be arbitrarily assigned to a file (and recorded in a database), or based on rules (e.g. based on the file name or other file properties). Typical use cases would be showing wave forms for sounds, or album covers for songs, or different states or angles of people or designs.
- And that’s just the beginning. Since columns can be scripted, the possibilities are endless. A column could even create the image it’s about to show.
- By the way, if you move your mouse over these images, you’ll optionally get an enlarged view, the so-called Hover Box
- Absolutely massive new feature. Ground-breaking

This is a screenshot by a user showing a display of wave form images in an XYplorer Image Column:
- Wave form images in Details View
- Note that the wave form images are not created by XYplorer itself. Another software has to take care of that. But in XYplorer you can assign them to a sound file, and display them along with the sound file.
- So, how do we get there, step by step (arbitrary assignment)?

First, set the list to Details View and add an Image Column. For arbitrary assignment we take an Extra Column (there are 16 available) via View | Columns | Show Columns..., open the Configuration Dialog via right-clicking the column header, call it "Waves" (or whatever you like) and set the column type to "Image":
- Configuring an Extra Column as Image Column

Now here is our minimalistic example setup: one WAV file and one PNG file containing the corresponding wave form image. Both files have the same base name, but obviously different extensions. Our new Image Column "Waves" is already visible but still empty, folder tree is hidden:
- Image Column "Waves" is still empty
- Now we select the PNG file and press Ctrl+Shift+P to copy the filename without path to clipboard

Then we right-click the WAV file cell in the Waves column and select the Paste command:
- Pasting the image file name into the Image Column cell

Done. This is how it looks now:
- Voila, the wave form is there

Move the mouse over it to get a zoomed view (need to tick "Image Columns" in Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show Hover Box | Select Context... first):
- Wave form zoomed in a Hover Box
- Do it again, but differently (automatic assignment)
- Okay, this was an arbitrary assignment and it is stored in a database. If you are well-behaved and your wave form files always have the same base name as your corresponding wave files then there is something better: automatic assignment based on rules! No database involved, no disk space wasted.

This time we add a Custom Column (there are 64 available), and configure it like this:
- Configuring a Custom Column as Image Column
- As Template we use <cc_base>.png which is template speak for "same base name, but PNG extension"
- And that’s it! Once you OK the configuration dialog, the wave form image will show in your column. And it will do like this for all WAV files that have corresponding wave form image files, in all locations, wherever you show this column!
- Voila, the wave form is there (again)
- Of course, you don’t have to keep your wave form images where your wave files are. You can as well have them in a different place, for example in a sister folder "WaveForms", which you could reference like this (using standard Windows relative path syntax) in the template: ..WaveForms<cc_base>.png.
- That was just a small scratch on the surface. The possibilities are endless. Check out the Help file and the User Forum for more ideas, tricks and tips.
- SketchUp Preview. Now previews and thumbnails are supported for SketchUp Pro (3D CAD software) *.skp and *.layout files
- I told you it works
- Many Other Improvements

XYplorer 24.10
Empty Cell Defaults:
- If you suffer from fear of the void you will be glad that this version offers easy ways to fill the void. The marking of the different types of emptiness can actually serve a better overview.
- Empty cells are cells without content. Normally they simply show nothing. Now you can make them show something, something of your own free choice. It can make quite a difference in the look and feel of a list.

Fake Right-Drag-and-Drop:
- Now you can fake a right-drag-and-drop by holding down CTRL and SHIFT while doing a left-drag-and-drop. That way you can have the drag-and-drop context menu on left-drag-and-drop, which is pretty cool in limited hardware and software contexts.

XYplorer 24.00
- Virtual Folders. Virtual Folders are folders where you define the content directly in the folder name. You can directly "create" such a folder by typing it into the Address Bar. Nothing is created on disk, it's all in the name. And it's super fast because almost no file system browsing is involved. A revolutionary new concept that adds a number of interesting possibilities to your file management.
- Drop Menu on Hover. Now the menus optionally auto-drop on hovering a component separator. No more clicking. Smooth and comfortable.
- Many Other Improvements. See change log.

XYplorer 23.90
- Native Context Menu. Now you can replace the normally slow shell context menu with a blazing fast native one.
- AIFF Audio Properties. Now AIFF files (Audio Interchange File Format: *.aif, *.aiff, *.aifc) are supported natively, i.e. you get Length, Sample Rate, Bit Depth, Bit Rate and Channels, each in its own column
- Media Length Custom Format. The context menu of the Length column header now offers the toggles "Show Hours" and "Show Milliseconds". Lets you format the length display the way you like it.
- Many Other Improvements

XYplorer 23.80
- Multi-User Tagging. Significantly improved and reinforced to withstand fast-acting, high-impact environments on shaky networks.
- Access Control. Many additional user access control options to increase corporate security in a multi-user tagging context.
- Batch Renumbering. Now you can easily update numbering in files with serial numbers.
- RAW Photo Preview and Thumbnails. Faster. Much faster.
- App Icon. Back to the old icon. It’s just too iconic to be replaced.
- Many Other Improvements

XYplorer 23.70
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 23.60
- This is a BIG maintenance release. Numerous minor fixes and improvements have been made since the last major release.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of PJ Harvey.

XYplorer 23.50
- Overlaid Thumbnail Captions. Thumbnail captions can now be superimposed over the image like subtitles in a movie. Saves space and looks cool.
- Color-Code Folders by Content. Now color filters can be applied to folders in tree and list depending on what items they contain.

XYplorer 23.40
- Indestructible Tree. Currently not interested in collapsing or expanding? Now you can lock the nodes to fix your folder tree in its current expanded state.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the voice of Nico

XYplorer 23.30
Ordinal Date:
- The new Ordinal Date option for the date format eliminates the months from the equation and only displays years and days. This makes it easier to estimate a date difference at a glance. For example, today would be "2022-179" (year 2022, day 179). The Ordinal Date format is used by the military in some contexts, so it’s safe to assume it has its uses.
- To switch to Ordinal Date right-click any of the date column headers, e.g. "Modified", and select Ordinal Date from the popup menu

Preview Pane to the Left:
- Now you can show the Preview Pane to the left of the file list. The obvious advantage is that the previews then are nearer to the name column, which is where you usually look and click.
- To toggle the Preview Pane position use menu Window | Arrangement | Preview Pane to the Left

Duplicate File Finder Can Ignore Numbers:
- Now it can optionally ignore serial numbers and strings like "Copy of" that are auto-attached by Windows to the name of a file copied in the same place. If "Ignore numbers" is enabled, the file names "Fred.txt", "Fred (1).txt", "Fred (2).txt" and "Fred - Copy (2).txt" are considered duplicates.

Compilation Soundtrack:
- Compiled to "(I’m) Stranded" of The Saints

XYplorer 23.20
Main developments since last release:
- Filter Images By Aspect Ratio. You can now filter or find all images that are equal to or wider than 3:2, for example.
- Sort Images By Aspect Ratio. You can also sort your image folders by aspect ratio, for example from tall and narrow (portrait) to wide and flat (landscape).
- Filter Images By Area. You can now filter or find all images larger than a million square pixels, for example.
- Sort Images By Area. You can as well sort your image folders by the area covered by the images.
- Make The Name Column Stand Out. Now you can dim the other columns slightly to highlight the name column. A helpful feature for column messies.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of The Brothers Comatose

XYplorer 23.10
- Wheel Through The List Views. Now you can scroll through the available 10 list views with the wheel, Ctrl+Wheel to be precise.
- Auto-repeat Search At Next Location. Now you can automatically repeat the current search for the next selected location. No more browse-then-search, browse-then-search, browse-then-search, but just search, search, search.
- Skip Invisible Subfolders. Now you can control whether invisible subfolders are included in a recursive search.
- Transparent Folders Through Color Filters. Now you get advanced folder color filters that show the type of folder content right in the file list. Saves you a lot of guessing and opening.
- Show Bitness In Tooltip. The bitness (32-bit or 64-bit) is now displayed at the end of the tooltip for all file types where it makes sense (EXE, DLL, DRV, TLB, etc).
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Obongjayar.

XYplorer 23.00
- The Hamburger. Now you can cram all sorts of ingredients into a single hamburger menu: Menu commands, toolbar buttons, scripts, paths, URLs. The syntax couldn’t be simpler, and before long you’ll be creating custom pop-up menus that serve as mighty power hubs tailored to your exact needs.
- Ads. Still none.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Beatles.

XYplorer 22.90
- Change log not available for this version

XYplorer 22.80
- Dark Mode. Much improved. Everything is dark now, at least if you are using Windows 10 Release 2004 (May 2020) or later. Only the menu bar is still white, but hey, you now have a button to toggle it on and off quickly.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Jenny Lewis.

XYplorer 22.70
- Custom Toolbar Buttons Support Middle Click. Now you can define a separate script that will be triggered by the middle button. That gives you 64 more possible scripts to make your life easier.
- Tooltip Zoom. Now you can enlarge the tooltips by up to 400%, which turns each tooltip into a kind of magnifying glass. Relaxes the eyes and makes the file manager easier to use for users with visual impairments.
- Verbatim Tooltips. Now you can optionally display whatever the mouse is pointing at in a tooltip. This option is aimed directly at screen readers who read tooltips aloud and makes the file manager easier to use for users with visual impairments.
- Hover Box Zooming. Now you can hold down the CTRL key to make it super fine: 1 pixel per step. And if you hold SHIFT, it's 10x faster than normal: 100 pixels per step.

XYplorer 22.60
Custom Status Bar Info:
- Now you can freely define what you would like to see in the 3rd section of the status bar when a file is focused or the current file selection changes. This is a quick way to get additional information without adding an entire extra column or showing a file info tip. This can be, for example, the dimensions of the currently selected photo, or the sample rate of the currently selected song. You can even get information not available anywhere else, like the total length of all currently selected media files.

XYplorer 22.50
- This Is A BIG Maintenance Release. There have been numerous minor fixes and enhancements since 22.40

XYplorer 22.40
- Word Break Style: Improved the automatic word boundary recognition (on double-click, Ctrl+Arrow, Ctrl+BackSpace) in various text boxes including
- Address Bar and script boxes
- SC listfolder: Flag 64 (return special paths) could return the wrong
- special paths if there was more than one theoretical option. Fixed.
- Live Filter Box: Making the factory default width dependent on the screen width (v22.30.0004 - 2021-10-02 12:01) was a mistake. Fixed. Now it's back to a hard 140 pixels (at 100% resolution) initially.

XYplorer 22.30
Main developments since last release:
- Live Filter via Cell Context Menu. Now it's just a click to filter the list for a specific property. And that's any property, including the standard columns, tags, comments, extended shell properties, and even your own user-defined custom columns. Unprecedented and addictive usability booster. And the learning curve is a dot.
- Quick Search via Cell Context Menu. Now it's just a click to search the current location including its subfolders for a specific property. And that's any property, including the standard columns, tags, comments, extended shell properties, and even your own user-defined custom columns. Just wow.
- Photo Data in the Hover Box. See Camera Model, Focal Length, F-Stop, Exposure Time, Exposure Bias, ISO Speed, and Date Taken, and of course an image preview by simply moving the mouse over the photo file.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the groove of Charlie Watts.

XYplorer 22.20
- Autofit the Name Column. Now you can let the Name column automatically take up all of the space not used by the other columns. A simple check mark saves you a lot of scrolling and dragging. So useful that you’ll stick with it forever.
- Autosize the Size Column. The Size column is the one with the most variable content, the one that’s typically always either too wide or too narrow. With this option, the width of the Size column is automatically adjusted when positions are changed or tabs are switched or when a new column layout is loaded.
- Secondary Sort Order Arrow. Now you can indicate the implicit secondary sort order by a very light little sort arrow. You’ll love it if you’re nerd enough.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to music by Cedric Burnside.

XYplorer 22.10
Extra Safety on Name Collisions:
- The new condition "Overwrite if different contents", in which the contents are compared by comparing the SHA-256 hash of each file, offers additional security for your backup, copy and synchronization jobs.

Converting Filenames to Title Case:
- The bulk renamer will now recognize words that are excluded from conversion to upper case. This way, your song and photo collections will look more natural with just a single click. The list of exclusions can of course be edited.

Irrational Aspect Ratio:
- Now ISO 216, also known as the "Lichtenberg Ratio", an international standard for paper sizes used around the world except in some parts of the Americas, is shown in XYplorer as 1:√2 or √2:1, for images whose aspect ratio is close enough to the irrational number. A little nerd honey ...

Compilation Soundtrack:
- Compiled to music by Joe Strummer

XYplorer 22.00
- Column Layouts. Now you can load predefined and custom column layouts with just one click. Instead of laboriously collecting special columns, the photo column layout, for example, shows the date the photo was taken, dimensions, aspect ratio, exposure time, exposure compensation, F-stop, focal length, ISO sensitivity and camera model in no time at all. The audio column layout gives you length, sample rate, bit depth, bit rate and channels. You can adapt the column layouts to your particular needs.
- Maximum Depth. Now you can easily narrow the search recursion depth. E.g. maximum depth 2 means: Search at the current location and 2 levels deeper.
- Sorting Search Results. The new "Always sort search results this way" option lets you control exactly how all of your search results are initially sorted. Sorting column, sorting direction and even secondary sorting are supported.
- Add Tabs Using Drag & Drop. Now you can turn a folder into a new tab by simply dragging and dropping it onto the empty part of the tab bar or the gaps between two tabs.
- Autosize Columns Here. Now you can limit the automatic adjustment of the column sizes to the currently visible rows. This has two advantages: You don’t get super-wide columns for something that’s miles out of sight, and it’s much faster with long lists.

XYplorer 21.90
- This Is A BIG Maintenance Release. There have been numerous minor fixes and enhancements since 21.80

XYplorer 21.80
- Favorite Live Filters. Now you can define up to 32 Favorite Live Filters for the Live Filter Box. Makes you filter faster
- Enhanced Archive Extraction. The various extraction commands now also support *.rar and other WinRAR formats and *.7z and other 7-Zip formats if those applications are present (even on a portable medium)
- Permanent Random Sort Order. A randomized sort order now survives a list refresh and is remembered between tab switches and app sessions
- Marked Custom Sort Orders. Now the random sort order is indicated by a small "dice" character in the Name column header, and the manual sort order by a small "hand" character. It’s the little things
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of The Black Keys

XYplorer 21.70
- Seamless Wave Looping. Just select a sample file and hear it spinning in a perfect seamless loop. Audio folks love it
- Smart Branch View. A new branch view (aka flat view) type shows only files and non-empty folders, i.e. any folders that contain nothing or only empty folders (or, in case of a search, do not contain any files that match the search) are not listed in the branch view. Gives you a much cleaner and more useful view.
- Tree Scroll Position Remembered Per Tab. Optionally, each tab restores the tree position it was in when it was last exited. Many users have waited for this feature, not many file managers have it.
- Color-Code Empty Tree Folders. Finally color filters can be applied in the folder tree in a way that lets you spot all empty folders at a glance
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Elise LeGrow

XYplorer 21.60
- Hover Box Wheel Scaling. Now the mouse wheel can scale images and PDF previews while the Hover Box (a zero-click preview that pops up by merely hovering the filename) is shown. So natural and so useful.
- Mouse Down Blow Up Zoomed. Ready for another game changer? Mouse Down Blow Up (a large preview that pops up on mouse down on a thumbnail or icon) now can zoom into the original by a freely configurable zoom factor. Got small images, large screens, and weak eyes? MDBUZ is your ticket.
- Find Files by Contained Characters. Now you can find files that contain certain characters or character ranges within their textual contents. Allows you to search for files containing any characters in the upper Unicode range, or any Mongolian characters, or whatever specific characters you are interested in.
- Apply Button in Configuration. Street pressure became unbearable so an Apply button was added that allows you to apply any changed settings to the main window without closing the Configuration dialog.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Starcrawler.

XYplorer 21.50
Hover Box Scrolling:
- Now you can keyboard-scroll and wheel-scroll the Folder Contents Preview, the Zip Contents Preview, and the Text Preview You won’t get this degree of interface coolness anywhere else

Hover Box for Tabs:
- Now you can show a Hover Box with Folder Contents Preview for any tab simply by hovering the tab header icon Saves you a click if you just want to quickly see what’s in the tab, or what has recently arrived in the tab Even works for Paper Folders

Custom Copy with Free Space Status:
- Now the progress dialog shows the amount of used and free space on the target drive in real time, graphically and in numbers Just gives you that soothing feeling that comes from knowing the consequences of your actions

Shorten Filenames:
- Now you can shorten the names of a whole bunch of files by cutting off a certain number of characters from the right end of the base name

Compilation Soundtrack:
- Compiled to the music of The Hi-Jivers

XYplorer 21.40
- Custom Event Actions. A major new feature that provides you with an easy to use yet powerful usability booster. For example, you now can freely decide what should happen when a folder is middle-clicked, or when the status bar is double-clicked, and so on. It can be simple things like "Open in new background tab" or "Go up", but it can also be much more. If you know a bit about scripting, Custom Event Actions can be a real game changer. And if you don’t you now have a good reason to learn it.

This your Custom Event Actions (CEA) cockpit, you are the pilot now:
- CEA control panel
- Sorting the Folder Contents Preview. Now you can control the sort order in the Folder Contents Preview, which also includes the Hover Box on folders. Quite likely you want to see the recent files on top. Now you can.
- Shorten Filenames. Finally the app offers a way to shorten the names of a whole bunch of files. You can cut them down from both ends
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Black Pumas

XYplorer 21.30
- Transparent Folders. Now the Folder Contents Preview supports the Hover Box which means you can preview the contents of files in folders before even opening those folders, just by moving the mouse over the items listed in the Folder Contents Preview. You can look into closed folders as if they were made of glass.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of AC/DC

XYplorer 21.20
- Set Archive Attribute. Now you can automatically set the archive attribute on all recursive contents a renamed folder. This allows backup operations by programs like XCOPY to decide what has to be backed up
- Swap Panes. Now you can swap the positions of both panes, including tabs, breadcrumbs, and the pane dimensions. Good news for left-to-right draggers
- Buttons In Catalog. Now you can easily add toolbar buttons with their icons, captions, and functionality to the Catalog. So the Catalog can serve as a second, vertical toolbar
- Backup Logged. Backup and sync operations are now added to the action log. You cannot undo them (that would be meaningless) but you have them nicely logged now, so you can look up what you have done and when
- Autosize Name Column Right Margin. Isn’t it annoying when on autosize the name column springs to a width far beyond the window edge where you cannot see it anyway, and where you’re forced to horizontally scroll the list to enable you to manually grab the column separator to make it smaller again? Not anymore! Now you can define a minimal margin from the right window edge. The name column will not go beyond this margin on autosize
- Adaptive Name Column Width. Tick it to soften the width of the name column when resizing the list so that all other columns keep their width and visibility. Try it, you will quickly get used to it
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Norah Jones

XYplorer 21.10
- 64-bit Preview. Some file types, e.g. WebP graphic files (WEBP), SolidWorks files (SLDASM, SLDDRW, SLDPRT) or OpenOffice files (ODP, ODS, ODT), implement their preview not via preview handlers but via thumbnail providers. This has always been supported for 32-bit thumbnail providers. However, in some cases those thumbnail providers are only provided in the 64-bit flavor (e.g. SolidWorks). Those are supported now as well, so there are SolidWorks and many other previews now.
- Quick Find Files. The Quick Search dialog now offers a Quick Find Files mode where you can remote control the Find Files tab in the Info Panel (F12). That way you can quickly do a Find Files search without first opening that tab and without having it in the way of the search results listing
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of The Surfrajettes

XYplorer 21.00
- 64-bit Preview. Now XYplorer supports 64-bit preview handlers for Office files (MS Office, PDF, EML). No configuration necessary, it just works
- Message Preview. Now you get a WYSIWYG preview for email files (EML and MSG). No configuration necessary, it just works
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Justin Townes Earle

XYplorer 20.90
- Middle Truncation. Now you get the option to truncate overflowing filenames in the middle instead of at the end. Useful because the end of the name often has interesting info bits like dates or serial numbers.
- Dark Mode with Adaptive Colors. Now you can control the retina-friendliness of the Dark Mode. It's your choice whether brighter colors (selections, filters, highlights, etc) are automatically dimmed down a bit to make them softer on the eye.
- Duplicate Image Finder. Now the hash is also generated for ICO and CUR files, so these image types will also be searched and found
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Bob Dylan

XYplorer 20.80
- Duplicate Image Finder. Now you can find image dupes, and fast. Quite handy when sweeping your photo collection. You can even sort images by visual similarity, an interesting feature and hard to find elsewhere.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Skip James

XYplorer 20.70
- This Is A BIG Maintenance Release. There have been numerous minor fixes and enhancements since 20.60
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Blackberry Smoke

XYplorer 20.60
- Highlight Hovered Items. Now hovered items are optionally highlighted everywhere in the app. Huge usability boost
- Custom Tab Bar Height. Now you can modify the height of the tab bars on-the-fly by Ctrl+Shift+Wheel over any of them. Makes a larger click and drop target, and a lighter look
- Volume Labels In Folder View Settings. Now you can use volume labels instead of drive letters to specify the drive or folder to apply the settings to. Lets you store individual settings for your removable drives independently of ever-changing drive letters
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Marc Bolan

XYplorer 20.50
- Filter By Properties. Now you can filter the file list by each of the hundreds of available item properties. E.g. you can show only those photos with a certain aspect ratio, or only those MP3s from a certain artist
- Filter By Lengths. Now you can filter the file list by the item name lengths. E.g. you can show only those items with 12 or less characters in the name, or only items longer than 259 characters
- Focus Next Selected Item. Now you can assign a keyboard shortcut of your choice to each of two new commands that move the focus to the next or previous selected item. Quite useful to quickly browse through the currently selected items while giving the mouse a rest
- Full Name Column Select. Having a hard time hitting the name of a short named file? Now you have the option to use the full width of the name column as click target. Should increase your hits
- Shuffle Your Files. There is a new dice shaped button on the toolbar. If you are feeling lucky and bored at the same time you can use it to shuffle your image, sound, or video collections
- Fat Recent Location Pin. Now the current path pin is drawn fatter than the others. So you know where you are at a glance
- Quick MIDI Preview. Now the Quick Audio Preview supports MIDI files
- Set Extension. Now the dialog has a Most Recently Used (MRU) list
- Flexible Size Format. This format has been improved to take even less horizontal space in the Size column
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of The Sweet

XYplorer 20.40
- Content Search and Preview. Now both 64-bit and 32-bit IFilters are supported. This broadens the support for previewing and searching the textual contents of complex document formats (e.g. Office files)
- Quick Refresh List. The white space context menu of the file list now features the command "Refresh List". A little gesture towards heavy mouse users
- Color Filters. Now you can optionally have Color Filters fill the whole column. Makes them more visible, especially with short-named files
- Previewed Audio Formats. Added DSD and DSF files (Sony’s DSD Stream File) to the previewed audio files. Note that this format is ID3V2 compliant and thus XYplorer will show the tags in the Preview Panel and in the various ID3-Tag columns. Needs a matching CODEC installed, of course
- Mouse Down Blow Up. The new "Fit width only" option is perfect for quickly previewing vertical images in best resolution for vertical-only panning
- Mouse Down Blow Up on Thumbnails and Icons. Now the middle mouse button can be used. Frees left and right button to perform their traditional tasks
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Sanford Clark

XYplorer 20.30
- Numerous minor fixes and enhancements since 20.20
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Kitty, Daisy & Lewis

XYplorer 20.20
- Append to Clipboard. The new Append command allows you to append files to the files that are currently in the clipboard. Hunt and collect.
- Clipboard Peek. Now the "Edit Clipboard" button provides a real-time indication of the current clipboard contents, so you always know whether there is something in the clipboard and of what kind it (text, image, files). The clipboard is no black box anymore
- Restore Previous Clipboard. Ever accidentally lost some valuable clipboard contents? Argh! Relax. The previous state of the clipboard is now automatically stored whenever the clipboard changes, and you can toggle the current and the previous state by using the new Restore Previous Clipboard command
- Nested Hamburger. Now the Hamburger menu in the Breadcrumb Bar ("Recently in the Breadcrumb Bar I asked for the Hamburger menu...") supports submenus
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of The Last Internationale

XYplorer 20.10
- Clipboard Markers. A new way of marking items that are currently in the clipboard, whether they are cut or copied
- Sorting. Now you can choose between three sort methods in folder tree and file list: Binary, Textual, Natural
- Recent Location Pins. Now you can customize the color and the number of the pins
- Reset Zoom. Now you can reset the font zoom to the startup values by pressing Ctrl+0
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of The Raconteurs

XYplorer 20.00
- Recent Location Pins: Navigating a huge folder tree is much easier with pins at your recently visited locations. One of those features you will never want to miss again
- Custom Colored Tabs: Now tabs can be individually colored
- Wheel Scroll Lines: Now you can customize the number of lines that are scrolled for each notch that the mouse wheel is rotated, independently of the host system settings
- Compilation Soundtrack: Compiled to the music of Gillian Welch & David Rawlings

XYplorer 19.90

Clipboard Viewer:
- What’s in the clipboard? What will happen when I paste now? Curious? Need to know for sure? Well, just hover the "Edit Clipboard" or "Paste" button in the toolbar for an instant preview of the current clipboard contents. No clicks required. And it even works for images

Paste Text As Item:
- Now you can paste a copy of the item(s) referred to by textual clipboard contents. Works with local paths and even with web addresses. Which means you can download a file to the current folder right from an http path in the clipboard

Dropped Messages From Thunderbird:
- Now, additional to Outlook, also emails dropped from Thunderbird are processed along the your settings for dropped messages

Editing Dropped Messages:
- Now you can trigger an edit prompt for each field you please (From, To, Subject, Date Sent). Helps when archiving emails

Transparent Images Preview:
- Now you have four options for how to display the transparent areas in images: Neutral, Grid, White, Black

Hover Box With Transparency:
- Now it supports the user-selected transparency background (Neutral, Grid, White, Black), and you can easily change it on-the-fly while the Hover Box is shown

Compilation Soundtrack:
- Compiled to the music of Mike Doughty

XYplorer 19.80
- Multi-User-Tagging. The concept of Multi-User-Tagging, i.e. sharing file tags within a networked team, is around for quite a while in XYplorer, but the first implementation lacked power, comfort, and elegance. Not anymore
- If you are looking for a way to implement a shared tagging system, you found it. Easy setup, fast automatic real-time synchronization, access control, and a large number of independent fields (Label, Tags, Comment, and 16 freely definable Extra Tags) for each file
- Give it a try, annotate a file and have all your team members see your notes in real-time in their file manager. And see their comments in your file manager. Your team is fully connected
- Status Log. Now the last 1000 changes in the Status Bar are permanently logged. It might be interesting to see what those rapidly changing Status Bar messages actually said, or what exactly you were doing 15 minutes ago. Now you can find out
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Fanny, "The Godmothers of Chick Rock."

XYplorer 19.70
- File Tagging. Now you have sixteen freely definable Extra Columns, sixteen user fields for each file and folder, fields that you can fill, display, sort by, search for, carry around on a stick, and share with your team
- Quick Jump. Now double-clicking a cell in the Path column will open that path and auto-select the double-clicked item
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Kurt Vile

XYplorer 19.60
- Maintenance: This is primarily a maintenance release with lots of bug fixes and small improvements, especially concerning the new Dark Mode
- Disallow Delete By Key: Now you can prevent accidental deletions-by-key in the folder tree
- Confirm Delete: The Confirm Delete prompt has been much improved
- Selection Stats: The Selection Stats dialog prompt has been much improved
- Random Rename: For what it's worth, now you can rename any number of files to random strings. Might come in handy if you make your money as a spy
- Compilation Soundtrack: Compiled to the music of Larkin Poe

XYplorer 19.50
- Dark Mode
- Compilation Soundtrack

XYplorer 19.40

- Archive Contents Preview. Now you can preview the contents of archives just by hovering the file icon. No clicks required. Works for ZIP and, if WinRAR and/or 7-Zip is installed, for RAR, TAR, GZ, 7Z, and many other archive formats
- Live Filter Box. Now you can choose the position of the Live Filter Box. Either it is shown right of the Address Bar, or in the left end of the Status Bar
- Hover Box Icon. Now you can toggle the visibility of the file icon in the status section of the Hover Box: Simply press key "I"
- Hover Box Status. Now you can cycle the amount of information shown in the status section of the Hover Box: Simply press key "S"
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Khruangbin

XYplorer 19.30

Folder Contents Preview:
- Now you can get a folder contents preview in the Hover Box. Simply hover a folder and see its top 20 items instantly listed in a small popup. Works in the folder tree and the file list. Addictive is an understatement. This will change the way you work. Your file management will become smooth and silent through a reduction of futile clicks

Mouse Up Show Down:
- Now it’s available also in the folder tree. Like in the List it works on mouse up on the folder icons. Lets you quickly peek into folders without leaving the current location. Lets you even list and open files right from the tree

Canvas Color Toggle:
- Now you can quickly toggle the background color of the Hover Box for images. Cool feature for photographers

Invalid Filename Warning:
- Now you get a warning in the status bar when a file or folder with an invalid filename (invalid in the Windows shell, not in NTFS) is selected in the file list. Leading or trailing spaces are made visible by a replacement character

Horizontal Scrolling:
- Now Shift+Wheel horizontally scrolls folder tree and file list

XYplorer 19.20
- Mouse Up Show Down. What about a mouse-driven instant non-invasive Folder Contents Preview that lets you look into a folder without opening it? You can jump into subfolders or open files right from the preview. You will get hooked to this amazing speed booster in a second and never look back
- Tab Colors. Now you can have the selected tab auto-match the color of the breadcrumb bar of each pane. So what? Well, try it. It makes a lot of sense in terms of user guidance and interface balance
- Tree Path Colors. Just like with tabs you now can also have the "Tree Path Tracing" auto-match the color of the breadcrumb bar of each pane. It’s a small thing but it makes everything look better
- Drag and Clone. In all small lists where you can drag items to a new position you now can drag-and-clone an item by Ctrl+Drag
- Remove Search and Filters. The context menu of the Search Information Bar and Filter Information Bar now tells you what you can do with a double click: Remove the search, or the filter. You always could, but now you know

XYplorer 19.10
- This Is A BIG Maintenance Release. A major Windows 10 related issue regarding XYplorer’s portable devices support has been finally resolved, and there have been numerous minor fixes and enhancements since 19.00.

XYplorer 19.00

Hover Box:
- XYplorer’s zero-click wonder, the HoverBox, now supports thumbnail previews for text, image, video, office, and PDF files. A pleasure for your eyes and your tendons. Immediate addiction guaranteed

Select On Hover:
- Optionally you can now select list items by just hovering their icon. Another comfy zero-click service

Find Hidden Files:
- The new "Find hidden" option lets you find all items regardless of any settings that might currently hide them

XYplorer 18.90
- Drag Status Box. The Drag Status Box™ is a color-coded information box shown at the mouse pointer when hovering over a drop target
- You turn it on/off here: Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Safety | Safety Belts | Show drag status box. That’s all you need to know. The rest is plug and play as they used to say many moons ago. Nothing to learn, nothing to know. It just works in a natural self-explaining way in full harmony with the universe
- The Drag Status Box moves with the mouse while dragging 5 items from the file list to the folder tree
- Prevent Unwanted Dragging. Now you can disallow dragging from folder tree and file list independently. Lets you for example protect the tree from potentially disastrous drag-and-drop mistakes while keeping the list drag-ready to rock

These are the options you want to play with for better drag-disaster protection:
- Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Safety | Safety Belts | Disallow left-dragging from folder tree
- Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Safety | Safety Belts | Disallow left-dragging from file list
- Drag-disaster protection here
- Toolbar Font Size. Now Ctrl+Wheel over the Toolbar changes the button captions font size on the fly and with high granularity
- This only works when toolbar button captions are turned on. Do it here: Tools | Customize Toolbar (Ctrl+Shift+F9), then Options | Show Button Captions

XYplorer 18.80
- Open Throw Away Clone. Now you can open a clone of the current XYplorer instance in read-only mode. You can use such a clone for quick in-between jobs that should not affect your main configuration. Highly useful
- Selection Colors. Now you can customize the text and background colors of selected items. Offers you a break from the age-old white-on-blue without messing with the Windows system-wide color settings
- Vertical Grid. Now you can have vertical grid lines in the details view
- Live Filter Highlights. Now the matching parts can be highlighted
- Filename Length Info. Now a yellow warning icon is shown in the box when the new filename would trigger a move-on-rename
- Toolbar Captions. Now you can customize the number of caption lines. The more lines you use the less horizontal space is taken by each button
- Scripting. Added Compound Assignment Operators .=, +=, -=, *=, /=, =.

XYplorer 18.70
- Filename Length InfoNow you can have a little info bar at the right end of the inline rename box showing the current length of the filename and also (in parentheses) the length of the full pathThe bar turns red when the item name is overlong (longer than 259 characters) and warns you if you enter characters that are not valid in a filename
- Find Text in Text BoxesNow all text boxes support a basic find dialog that lets you search for strings inside the text
- More LabelsRaised the maximum number from 16 to 32, so now you can label your files with up to 32 color labels
- Hover BoxNow it supports previewing cursor files

XYplorer 18.60.0200
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 18.60.0100
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 18.60.0000

Self Update:
- Now the updated app will auto-run after self-update

Transparency Grid:
- Now you can customize the two checkerboard grid colors
- Numerous Small Improvements and Fixes

XYplorer 18.50.0300
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 18.50.0200
- Change log not available for this version

XYplorer 18.50.0100
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 18.50.0000

Toolbar Captions:
- Finally XYplorer’s newbie-friendliness extends to the toolbar. If you ever wanted to know what those colorful toolbar buttons actually do, this version comes with optional captions. To turn on the captions use menu command Tools | Customize Toolbar... (Ctrl+Shift+F9), then click the Options button in the Customize Toolbar dialog, and tick Show Button Captions. Well, this is definitely a newbie-only feature (but hey, we all should honor our inner newbie once in a while). Fortunately you can scroll the toolbar (by dragging it with the mouse) to move the rest of the buttons into view

Sync Caps:
- Now Sync Folders ensures that the capitalization (lower/upper case letters in the item names) of the target files and folders exactly matches that of the source items. There is nothing to learn. It just works.

Filtered Sync:
- Now you can explicitly include and exclude files and folders from Sync Folders by passing a list of patterns to the job. Wildcards supported. Scripting abilities needed

Shortcut Overlays:
- Now you can say no to shortcut overlays

XYplorer 18.40.0100
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 18.40.0000

Sync Folders:
- Finally XYplorer lets you synchronize two folders. It's a one-way sync, also known as mirror sync: The target folder is made to be like the source folder. Now it's just a toolbar button away
- Advanced Users: Scripting support lets you create buttons or batches for frequently recurring sync tasks

Time Stamping:
- Now you can easily "touch" files (set the filetime to now) via the context menu

Know Your Clipboard:
- The Paste toolbar button now shows what's in the clipboard, i.e. the stuff that will be pasted if you click the button

Backup Speed:
- Backup operations are much faster now when most items are skipped, which is the common case in large incremental backups

XYplorer 18.30.0000
- Touchscreen Mode. Bigger icons are just a click away now. Big enough to be touched with big fingers. The fonts get bigger, too. Easier to read in harsh lighting conditions.
- Time Stamping. Now you can edit file dates right from the list column. You can even paste a file date from the clipboard directly into the column. Multiple files can be stamped in one go.
- Age Display. The unit "week" has been replaced by "month". Easier to process for most brains assumingly.

XYplorer 18.20.0300
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 18.20.0200
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 18.20.0100
- Change log not available for this version

XYplorer 18.20.0000
- Age Circles: Little visual helpers that let you instantly grasp the rough age of a file. No more brain power wasted on deciphering date strings. Addictive killer feature of the year so far
- Age Tips: Now when you hover any cell in any date column the corresponding age is displayed in a tooltip

XYplorer 18.10.0100
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 18.10.0000

Hamburger at the Breadcrumbs:
- A new button brings some often used commands closer to the mouse. Actually we should have made it a Cheeseburger to attract the mouse even more. The button pops a menu that is fully customizable. However, you need to acquaint yourself with light programming skills to make it happen. No worries, even the default commands will likely streamline your workflow

Dual Pane Commands:
- Added commands "Move to Other Pane" and "Copy to Other Pane" to the context menu of any selected items

Dual Permanent Startup Path:
- Now can define a permanent startup path for each pane. Use the field Configuration | General | Startup & Exit | Permanent startup path and enter both paths separated by a double pipe (||). For example, to open pane 1 always in C:, and pane 2 always in D:, enter C:||D:

Toolbar Goes Nuts:
- New buttons "Move to Recent Locations" and "Copy to Recent Locations" drop the list of recent locations as targets to move/copy the currently selected items to. Use command Tools | Customize Toolbar... (Ctrl+Shift+F9) to add the button(s) to your toolbar. BTW, the icon is an acorn, typically collected by squirrels in their storage locations. Well, that's the idea, collecting stuff in known places. The Copy acorn is blue as in blueprint (= copy)

XYplorer 18.00.0000
- Persistent Live Filters. Now optionally Live Filters persist across folders, and are remembered across tab switches and across sessions
- User-Defined Preview Handlers. Now you can freely associate particular file types with particular preview handlers. This means full preview control without touching the registry

XYplorer 17.90.0400
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 17.90.0300
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 17.90.0200
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 17.90.0100
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 17.90.0000

Size Graphics:
- Now the size column can have graphical representations of the byte counts right in the column. Simply right-click the size column header and choose between three options: No Graphics, Circles, Bars

Size Tooltips:
- The size column now always shows a tooltip (even if the text is not cropped) with the exact byte count of the hovered item. Saves lots of clicks when you are interested in exact numbers

Live Filtering:
- Now you can filter-as-you-type right in the file list. Try it and you will love it. A brilliant way to tame long file lists and focus on what’s important now

Icon Lists:
- Now you can specify a list of icons that are shown side by side for each item in custom columns. Write a script to determine which icons are shown for each particular file. This lets you present file information in a visually catchy way

XYplorer 17.80.0000

Icons in Custom Columns:
- Now you can create your own columns and have them display icons of your choice. E.g. you could create a column that shows a special camera icon for all photos that were shot with a Nikon. Make stand out what’s important to you, and do it in a way that works best for you and your eyes

Circles in Custom Columns:
- Now you can decorate your files with colorful circles. Brings back a long-missed psychedelic kindergarten vibe to file management

Scroll Margin:
- Introducing a smart little usability enhancer that gives some context to your cursor when moving up or down the list with the arrow keys. Lets you see where you are going before you go there. Relaxing

XYplorer 17.70.0200
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 17.70.0100
- The last version, v17.70.0000, had an issue where the mouse input was not released to other processes under certain conditions. Nothing dangerous but certainly annoying. It’s fixed now.

XYplorer 17.70.0000

Hover Box:
- When hovering a file icon or caption of an image file a popup shows a thumbnail and basic file, image, and photo information. A highly addictive zero click preview.

Keyboard Navigation:
- Now you can navigate the list and open files and folders right from the Live Filter Box. Productivity boost for typers.

Live Filter Box:
- Now you can type a space to see only those items with at least one space in their name. Sounds lame but File Explorer can’t do it.

XYplorer 17.60.0100
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 17.60.0000

Find Files by Path:
- Now you can find items by the name of their parent folder or full path, using a simple inline switch

New Overwrite Prompt:
- Redesigned the dialog for clarity and usability

Audio Properties:
- Now the basic audio properties (Bit Rate, Sample Rate, Channels, Length) are shown right in the Large Tiles view. Allows for a quick glance without displaying any spacy extra columns

XYplorer 17.50.0200
- Change log not available for this version

XYplorer 17.50.0200
- Change log not available for this version

XYplorer 17.50.0000

Quick Audio Preview:
- Mouse down on the file icon to hear the sound. Mouse move to scroll. Mouse up to stop. MP3, WAV, FLAC, OGG... you name it. With interactive progress bar. Probably the most convenient audio file previewer on the planet.

Support of Filenames Ending With Dot or Space:
- Those filenames are invalid in the Windows name space and the shell cannot do anything with them. Delete, rename, move, it all fails with the standard File Explorer. XYplorer now can handle them.

Extra Large Toolbar:
- Now you can have extra large buttons (48x48 pixels). Increases toolbar usability on high-resolution screens.

XYplorer 24.20 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

XYplorer 24.20
- Image Columns. So far a data record in a file listing consisted of an icon, maybe a thumbnail, and various bits of text. The signature look of a details view in a file manager. Those days are over. Now you can add images to the mix. And not just one per file, but many: Up to 80 different pics per file, all in one list!
- These images can be arbitrarily assigned to a file (and recorded in a database), or based on rules (e.g. based on the file name or other file properties). Typical use cases would be showing wave forms for sounds, or album covers for songs, or different states or angles of people or designs.
- And that’s just the beginning. Since columns can be scripted, the possibilities are endless. A column could even create the image it’s about to show.
- By the way, if you move your mouse over these images, you’ll optionally get an enlarged view, the so-called Hover Box
- Absolutely massive new feature. Ground-breaking

This is a screenshot by a user showing a display of wave form images in an XYplorer Image Column:
- Wave form images in Details View
- Note that the wave form images are not created by XYplorer itself. Another software has to take care of that. But in XYplorer you can assign them to a sound file, and display them along with the sound file.
- So, how do we get there, step by step (arbitrary assignment)?

First, set the list to Details View and add an Image Column. For arbitrary assignment we take an Extra Column (there are 16 available) via View | Columns | Show Columns..., open the Configuration Dialog via right-clicking the column header, call it "Waves" (or whatever you like) and set the column type to "Image":
- Configuring an Extra Column as Image Column

Now here is our minimalistic example setup: one WAV file and one PNG file containing the corresponding wave form image. Both files have the same base name, but obviously different extensions. Our new Image Column "Waves" is already visible but still empty, folder tree is hidden:
- Image Column "Waves" is still empty
- Now we select the PNG file and press Ctrl+Shift+P to copy the filename without path to clipboard

Then we right-click the WAV file cell in the Waves column and select the Paste command:
- Pasting the image file name into the Image Column cell

Done. This is how it looks now:
- Voila, the wave form is there

Move the mouse over it to get a zoomed view (need to tick "Image Columns" in Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show Hover Box | Select Context... first):
- Wave form zoomed in a Hover Box
- Do it again, but differently (automatic assignment)
- Okay, this was an arbitrary assignment and it is stored in a database. If you are well-behaved and your wave form files always have the same base name as your corresponding wave files then there is something better: automatic assignment based on rules! No database involved, no disk space wasted.

This time we add a Custom Column (there are 64 available), and configure it like this:
- Configuring a Custom Column as Image Column
- As Template we use <cc_base>.png which is template speak for "same base name, but PNG extension"
- And that’s it! Once you OK the configuration dialog, the wave form image will show in your column. And it will do like this for all WAV files that have corresponding wave form image files, in all locations, wherever you show this column!
- Voila, the wave form is there (again)
- Of course, you don’t have to keep your wave form images where your wave files are. You can as well have them in a different place, for example in a sister folder "WaveForms", which you could reference like this (using standard Windows relative path syntax) in the template: ..WaveForms<cc_base>.png.
- That was just a small scratch on the surface. The possibilities are endless. Check out the Help file and the User Forum for more ideas, tricks and tips.
- SketchUp Preview. Now previews and thumbnails are supported for SketchUp Pro (3D CAD software) *.skp and *.layout files
- I told you it works
- Many Other Improvements

XYplorer 24.10
Empty Cell Defaults:
- If you suffer from fear of the void you will be glad that this version offers easy ways to fill the void. The marking of the different types of emptiness can actually serve a better overview.
- Empty cells are cells without content. Normally they simply show nothing. Now you can make them show something, something of your own free choice. It can make quite a difference in the look and feel of a list.

Fake Right-Drag-and-Drop:
- Now you can fake a right-drag-and-drop by holding down CTRL and SHIFT while doing a left-drag-and-drop. That way you can have the drag-and-drop context menu on left-drag-and-drop, which is pretty cool in limited hardware and software contexts.

XYplorer 24.00
- Virtual Folders. Virtual Folders are folders where you define the content directly in the folder name. You can directly "create" such a folder by typing it into the Address Bar. Nothing is created on disk, it's all in the name. And it's super fast because almost no file system browsing is involved. A revolutionary new concept that adds a number of interesting possibilities to your file management.
- Drop Menu on Hover. Now the menus optionally auto-drop on hovering a component separator. No more clicking. Smooth and comfortable.
- Many Other Improvements. See change log.

XYplorer 23.90
- Native Context Menu. Now you can replace the normally slow shell context menu with a blazing fast native one.
- AIFF Audio Properties. Now AIFF files (Audio Interchange File Format: *.aif, *.aiff, *.aifc) are supported natively, i.e. you get Length, Sample Rate, Bit Depth, Bit Rate and Channels, each in its own column
- Media Length Custom Format. The context menu of the Length column header now offers the toggles "Show Hours" and "Show Milliseconds". Lets you format the length display the way you like it.
- Many Other Improvements

XYplorer 23.80
- Multi-User Tagging. Significantly improved and reinforced to withstand fast-acting, high-impact environments on shaky networks.
- Access Control. Many additional user access control options to increase corporate security in a multi-user tagging context.
- Batch Renumbering. Now you can easily update numbering in files with serial numbers.
- RAW Photo Preview and Thumbnails. Faster. Much faster.
- App Icon. Back to the old icon. It’s just too iconic to be replaced.
- Many Other Improvements

XYplorer 23.70
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 23.60
- This is a BIG maintenance release. Numerous minor fixes and improvements have been made since the last major release.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of PJ Harvey.

XYplorer 23.50
- Overlaid Thumbnail Captions. Thumbnail captions can now be superimposed over the image like subtitles in a movie. Saves space and looks cool.
- Color-Code Folders by Content. Now color filters can be applied to folders in tree and list depending on what items they contain.

XYplorer 23.40
- Indestructible Tree. Currently not interested in collapsing or expanding? Now you can lock the nodes to fix your folder tree in its current expanded state.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the voice of Nico

XYplorer 23.30
Ordinal Date:
- The new Ordinal Date option for the date format eliminates the months from the equation and only displays years and days. This makes it easier to estimate a date difference at a glance. For example, today would be "2022-179" (year 2022, day 179). The Ordinal Date format is used by the military in some contexts, so it’s safe to assume it has its uses.
- To switch to Ordinal Date right-click any of the date column headers, e.g. "Modified", and select Ordinal Date from the popup menu

Preview Pane to the Left:
- Now you can show the Preview Pane to the left of the file list. The obvious advantage is that the previews then are nearer to the name column, which is where you usually look and click.
- To toggle the Preview Pane position use menu Window | Arrangement | Preview Pane to the Left

Duplicate File Finder Can Ignore Numbers:
- Now it can optionally ignore serial numbers and strings like "Copy of" that are auto-attached by Windows to the name of a file copied in the same place. If "Ignore numbers" is enabled, the file names "Fred.txt", "Fred (1).txt", "Fred (2).txt" and "Fred - Copy (2).txt" are considered duplicates.

Compilation Soundtrack:
- Compiled to "(I’m) Stranded" of The Saints

XYplorer 23.20
Main developments since last release:
- Filter Images By Aspect Ratio. You can now filter or find all images that are equal to or wider than 3:2, for example.
- Sort Images By Aspect Ratio. You can also sort your image folders by aspect ratio, for example from tall and narrow (portrait) to wide and flat (landscape).
- Filter Images By Area. You can now filter or find all images larger than a million square pixels, for example.
- Sort Images By Area. You can as well sort your image folders by the area covered by the images.
- Make The Name Column Stand Out. Now you can dim the other columns slightly to highlight the name column. A helpful feature for column messies.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of The Brothers Comatose

XYplorer 23.10
- Wheel Through The List Views. Now you can scroll through the available 10 list views with the wheel, Ctrl+Wheel to be precise.
- Auto-repeat Search At Next Location. Now you can automatically repeat the current search for the next selected location. No more browse-then-search, browse-then-search, browse-then-search, but just search, search, search.
- Skip Invisible Subfolders. Now you can control whether invisible subfolders are included in a recursive search.
- Transparent Folders Through Color Filters. Now you get advanced folder color filters that show the type of folder content right in the file list. Saves you a lot of guessing and opening.
- Show Bitness In Tooltip. The bitness (32-bit or 64-bit) is now displayed at the end of the tooltip for all file types where it makes sense (EXE, DLL, DRV, TLB, etc).
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Obongjayar.

XYplorer 23.00
- The Hamburger. Now you can cram all sorts of ingredients into a single hamburger menu: Menu commands, toolbar buttons, scripts, paths, URLs. The syntax couldn’t be simpler, and before long you’ll be creating custom pop-up menus that serve as mighty power hubs tailored to your exact needs.
- Ads. Still none.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Beatles.

XYplorer 22.90
- Change log not available for this version

XYplorer 22.80
- Dark Mode. Much improved. Everything is dark now, at least if you are using Windows 10 Release 2004 (May 2020) or later. Only the menu bar is still white, but hey, you now have a button to toggle it on and off quickly.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Jenny Lewis.

XYplorer 22.70
- Custom Toolbar Buttons Support Middle Click. Now you can define a separate script that will be triggered by the middle button. That gives you 64 more possible scripts to make your life easier.
- Tooltip Zoom. Now you can enlarge the tooltips by up to 400%, which turns each tooltip into a kind of magnifying glass. Relaxes the eyes and makes the file manager easier to use for users with visual impairments.
- Verbatim Tooltips. Now you can optionally display whatever the mouse is pointing at in a tooltip. This option is aimed directly at screen readers who read tooltips aloud and makes the file manager easier to use for users with visual impairments.
- Hover Box Zooming. Now you can hold down the CTRL key to make it super fine: 1 pixel per step. And if you hold SHIFT, it's 10x faster than normal: 100 pixels per step.

XYplorer 22.60
Custom Status Bar Info:
- Now you can freely define what you would like to see in the 3rd section of the status bar when a file is focused or the current file selection changes. This is a quick way to get additional information without adding an entire extra column or showing a file info tip. This can be, for example, the dimensions of the currently selected photo, or the sample rate of the currently selected song. You can even get information not available anywhere else, like the total length of all currently selected media files.

XYplorer 22.50
- This Is A BIG Maintenance Release. There have been numerous minor fixes and enhancements since 22.40

XYplorer 22.40
- Word Break Style: Improved the automatic word boundary recognition (on double-click, Ctrl+Arrow, Ctrl+BackSpace) in various text boxes including
- Address Bar and script boxes
- SC listfolder: Flag 64 (return special paths) could return the wrong
- special paths if there was more than one theoretical option. Fixed.
- Live Filter Box: Making the factory default width dependent on the screen width (v22.30.0004 - 2021-10-02 12:01) was a mistake. Fixed. Now it's back to a hard 140 pixels (at 100% resolution) initially.

XYplorer 22.30
Main developments since last release:
- Live Filter via Cell Context Menu. Now it's just a click to filter the list for a specific property. And that's any property, including the standard columns, tags, comments, extended shell properties, and even your own user-defined custom columns. Unprecedented and addictive usability booster. And the learning curve is a dot.
- Quick Search via Cell Context Menu. Now it's just a click to search the current location including its subfolders for a specific property. And that's any property, including the standard columns, tags, comments, extended shell properties, and even your own user-defined custom columns. Just wow.
- Photo Data in the Hover Box. See Camera Model, Focal Length, F-Stop, Exposure Time, Exposure Bias, ISO Speed, and Date Taken, and of course an image preview by simply moving the mouse over the photo file.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the groove of Charlie Watts.

XYplorer 22.20
- Autofit the Name Column. Now you can let the Name column automatically take up all of the space not used by the other columns. A simple check mark saves you a lot of scrolling and dragging. So useful that you’ll stick with it forever.
- Autosize the Size Column. The Size column is the one with the most variable content, the one that’s typically always either too wide or too narrow. With this option, the width of the Size column is automatically adjusted when positions are changed or tabs are switched or when a new column layout is loaded.
- Secondary Sort Order Arrow. Now you can indicate the implicit secondary sort order by a very light little sort arrow. You’ll love it if you’re nerd enough.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to music by Cedric Burnside.

XYplorer 22.10
Extra Safety on Name Collisions:
- The new condition "Overwrite if different contents", in which the contents are compared by comparing the SHA-256 hash of each file, offers additional security for your backup, copy and synchronization jobs.

Converting Filenames to Title Case:
- The bulk renamer will now recognize words that are excluded from conversion to upper case. This way, your song and photo collections will look more natural with just a single click. The list of exclusions can of course be edited.

Irrational Aspect Ratio:
- Now ISO 216, also known as the "Lichtenberg Ratio", an international standard for paper sizes used around the world except in some parts of the Americas, is shown in XYplorer as 1:√2 or √2:1, for images whose aspect ratio is close enough to the irrational number. A little nerd honey ...

Compilation Soundtrack:
- Compiled to music by Joe Strummer

XYplorer 22.00
- Column Layouts. Now you can load predefined and custom column layouts with just one click. Instead of laboriously collecting special columns, the photo column layout, for example, shows the date the photo was taken, dimensions, aspect ratio, exposure time, exposure compensation, F-stop, focal length, ISO sensitivity and camera model in no time at all. The audio column layout gives you length, sample rate, bit depth, bit rate and channels. You can adapt the column layouts to your particular needs.
- Maximum Depth. Now you can easily narrow the search recursion depth. E.g. maximum depth 2 means: Search at the current location and 2 levels deeper.
- Sorting Search Results. The new "Always sort search results this way" option lets you control exactly how all of your search results are initially sorted. Sorting column, sorting direction and even secondary sorting are supported.
- Add Tabs Using Drag & Drop. Now you can turn a folder into a new tab by simply dragging and dropping it onto the empty part of the tab bar or the gaps between two tabs.
- Autosize Columns Here. Now you can limit the automatic adjustment of the column sizes to the currently visible rows. This has two advantages: You don’t get super-wide columns for something that’s miles out of sight, and it’s much faster with long lists.

XYplorer 21.90
- This Is A BIG Maintenance Release. There have been numerous minor fixes and enhancements since 21.80

XYplorer 21.80
- Favorite Live Filters. Now you can define up to 32 Favorite Live Filters for the Live Filter Box. Makes you filter faster
- Enhanced Archive Extraction. The various extraction commands now also support *.rar and other WinRAR formats and *.7z and other 7-Zip formats if those applications are present (even on a portable medium)
- Permanent Random Sort Order. A randomized sort order now survives a list refresh and is remembered between tab switches and app sessions
- Marked Custom Sort Orders. Now the random sort order is indicated by a small "dice" character in the Name column header, and the manual sort order by a small "hand" character. It’s the little things
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of The Black Keys

XYplorer 21.70
- Seamless Wave Looping. Just select a sample file and hear it spinning in a perfect seamless loop. Audio folks love it
- Smart Branch View. A new branch view (aka flat view) type shows only files and non-empty folders, i.e. any folders that contain nothing or only empty folders (or, in case of a search, do not contain any files that match the search) are not listed in the branch view. Gives you a much cleaner and more useful view.
- Tree Scroll Position Remembered Per Tab. Optionally, each tab restores the tree position it was in when it was last exited. Many users have waited for this feature, not many file managers have it.
- Color-Code Empty Tree Folders. Finally color filters can be applied in the folder tree in a way that lets you spot all empty folders at a glance
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Elise LeGrow

XYplorer 21.60
- Hover Box Wheel Scaling. Now the mouse wheel can scale images and PDF previews while the Hover Box (a zero-click preview that pops up by merely hovering the filename) is shown. So natural and so useful.
- Mouse Down Blow Up Zoomed. Ready for another game changer? Mouse Down Blow Up (a large preview that pops up on mouse down on a thumbnail or icon) now can zoom into the original by a freely configurable zoom factor. Got small images, large screens, and weak eyes? MDBUZ is your ticket.
- Find Files by Contained Characters. Now you can find files that contain certain characters or character ranges within their textual contents. Allows you to search for files containing any characters in the upper Unicode range, or any Mongolian characters, or whatever specific characters you are interested in.
- Apply Button in Configuration. Street pressure became unbearable so an Apply button was added that allows you to apply any changed settings to the main window without closing the Configuration dialog.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Starcrawler.

XYplorer 21.50
Hover Box Scrolling:
- Now you can keyboard-scroll and wheel-scroll the Folder Contents Preview, the Zip Contents Preview, and the Text Preview You won’t get this degree of interface coolness anywhere else

Hover Box for Tabs:
- Now you can show a Hover Box with Folder Contents Preview for any tab simply by hovering the tab header icon Saves you a click if you just want to quickly see what’s in the tab, or what has recently arrived in the tab Even works for Paper Folders

Custom Copy with Free Space Status:
- Now the progress dialog shows the amount of used and free space on the target drive in real time, graphically and in numbers Just gives you that soothing feeling that comes from knowing the consequences of your actions

Shorten Filenames:
- Now you can shorten the names of a whole bunch of files by cutting off a certain number of characters from the right end of the base name

Compilation Soundtrack:
- Compiled to the music of The Hi-Jivers

XYplorer 21.40
- Custom Event Actions. A major new feature that provides you with an easy to use yet powerful usability booster. For example, you now can freely decide what should happen when a folder is middle-clicked, or when the status bar is double-clicked, and so on. It can be simple things like "Open in new background tab" or "Go up", but it can also be much more. If you know a bit about scripting, Custom Event Actions can be a real game changer. And if you don’t you now have a good reason to learn it.

This your Custom Event Actions (CEA) cockpit, you are the pilot now:
- CEA control panel
- Sorting the Folder Contents Preview. Now you can control the sort order in the Folder Contents Preview, which also includes the Hover Box on folders. Quite likely you want to see the recent files on top. Now you can.
- Shorten Filenames. Finally the app offers a way to shorten the names of a whole bunch of files. You can cut them down from both ends
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Black Pumas

XYplorer 21.30
- Transparent Folders. Now the Folder Contents Preview supports the Hover Box which means you can preview the contents of files in folders before even opening those folders, just by moving the mouse over the items listed in the Folder Contents Preview. You can look into closed folders as if they were made of glass.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of AC/DC

XYplorer 21.20
- Set Archive Attribute. Now you can automatically set the archive attribute on all recursive contents a renamed folder. This allows backup operations by programs like XCOPY to decide what has to be backed up
- Swap Panes. Now you can swap the positions of both panes, including tabs, breadcrumbs, and the pane dimensions. Good news for left-to-right draggers
- Buttons In Catalog. Now you can easily add toolbar buttons with their icons, captions, and functionality to the Catalog. So the Catalog can serve as a second, vertical toolbar
- Backup Logged. Backup and sync operations are now added to the action log. You cannot undo them (that would be meaningless) but you have them nicely logged now, so you can look up what you have done and when
- Autosize Name Column Right Margin. Isn’t it annoying when on autosize the name column springs to a width far beyond the window edge where you cannot see it anyway, and where you’re forced to horizontally scroll the list to enable you to manually grab the column separator to make it smaller again? Not anymore! Now you can define a minimal margin from the right window edge. The name column will not go beyond this margin on autosize
- Adaptive Name Column Width. Tick it to soften the width of the name column when resizing the list so that all other columns keep their width and visibility. Try it, you will quickly get used to it
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Norah Jones

XYplorer 21.10
- 64-bit Preview. Some file types, e.g. WebP graphic files (WEBP), SolidWorks files (SLDASM, SLDDRW, SLDPRT) or OpenOffice files (ODP, ODS, ODT), implement their preview not via preview handlers but via thumbnail providers. This has always been supported for 32-bit thumbnail providers. However, in some cases those thumbnail providers are only provided in the 64-bit flavor (e.g. SolidWorks). Those are supported now as well, so there are SolidWorks and many other previews now.
- Quick Find Files. The Quick Search dialog now offers a Quick Find Files mode where you can remote control the Find Files tab in the Info Panel (F12). That way you can quickly do a Find Files search without first opening that tab and without having it in the way of the search results listing
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of The Surfrajettes

XYplorer 21.00
- 64-bit Preview. Now XYplorer supports 64-bit preview handlers for Office files (MS Office, PDF, EML). No configuration necessary, it just works
- Message Preview. Now you get a WYSIWYG preview for email files (EML and MSG). No configuration necessary, it just works
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Justin Townes Earle

XYplorer 20.90
- Middle Truncation. Now you get the option to truncate overflowing filenames in the middle instead of at the end. Useful because the end of the name often has interesting info bits like dates or serial numbers.
- Dark Mode with Adaptive Colors. Now you can control the retina-friendliness of the Dark Mode. It's your choice whether brighter colors (selections, filters, highlights, etc) are automatically dimmed down a bit to make them softer on the eye.
- Duplicate Image Finder. Now the hash is also generated for ICO and CUR files, so these image types will also be searched and found
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Bob Dylan

XYplorer 20.80
- Duplicate Image Finder. Now you can find image dupes, and fast. Quite handy when sweeping your photo collection. You can even sort images by visual similarity, an interesting feature and hard to find elsewhere.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Skip James

XYplorer 20.70
- This Is A BIG Maintenance Release. There have been numerous minor fixes and enhancements since 20.60
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Blackberry Smoke

XYplorer 20.60
- Highlight Hovered Items. Now hovered items are optionally highlighted everywhere in the app. Huge usability boost
- Custom Tab Bar Height. Now you can modify the height of the tab bars on-the-fly by Ctrl+Shift+Wheel over any of them. Makes a larger click and drop target, and a lighter look
- Volume Labels In Folder View Settings. Now you can use volume labels instead of drive letters to specify the drive or folder to apply the settings to. Lets you store individual settings for your removable drives independently of ever-changing drive letters
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Marc Bolan

XYplorer 20.50
- Filter By Properties. Now you can filter the file list by each of the hundreds of available item properties. E.g. you can show only those photos with a certain aspect ratio, or only those MP3s from a certain artist
- Filter By Lengths. Now you can filter the file list by the item name lengths. E.g. you can show only those items with 12 or less characters in the name, or only items longer than 259 characters
- Focus Next Selected Item. Now you can assign a keyboard shortcut of your choice to each of two new commands that move the focus to the next or previous selected item. Quite useful to quickly browse through the currently selected items while giving the mouse a rest
- Full Name Column Select. Having a hard time hitting the name of a short named file? Now you have the option to use the full width of the name column as click target. Should increase your hits
- Shuffle Your Files. There is a new dice shaped button on the toolbar. If you are feeling lucky and bored at the same time you can use it to shuffle your image, sound, or video collections
- Fat Recent Location Pin. Now the current path pin is drawn fatter than the others. So you know where you are at a glance
- Quick MIDI Preview. Now the Quick Audio Preview supports MIDI files
- Set Extension. Now the dialog has a Most Recently Used (MRU) list
- Flexible Size Format. This format has been improved to take even less horizontal space in the Size column
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of The Sweet

XYplorer 20.40
- Content Search and Preview. Now both 64-bit and 32-bit IFilters are supported. This broadens the support for previewing and searching the textual contents of complex document formats (e.g. Office files)
- Quick Refresh List. The white space context menu of the file list now features the command "Refresh List". A little gesture towards heavy mouse users
- Color Filters. Now you can optionally have Color Filters fill the whole column. Makes them more visible, especially with short-named files
- Previewed Audio Formats. Added DSD and DSF files (Sony’s DSD Stream File) to the previewed audio files. Note that this format is ID3V2 compliant and thus XYplorer will show the tags in the Preview Panel and in the various ID3-Tag columns. Needs a matching CODEC installed, of course
- Mouse Down Blow Up. The new "Fit width only" option is perfect for quickly previewing vertical images in best resolution for vertical-only panning
- Mouse Down Blow Up on Thumbnails and Icons. Now the middle mouse button can be used. Frees left and right button to perform their traditional tasks
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Sanford Clark

XYplorer 20.30
- Numerous minor fixes and enhancements since 20.20
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Kitty, Daisy & Lewis

XYplorer 20.20
- Append to Clipboard. The new Append command allows you to append files to the files that are currently in the clipboard. Hunt and collect.
- Clipboard Peek. Now the "Edit Clipboard" button provides a real-time indication of the current clipboard contents, so you always know whether there is something in the clipboard and of what kind it (text, image, files). The clipboard is no black box anymore
- Restore Previous Clipboard. Ever accidentally lost some valuable clipboard contents? Argh! Relax. The previous state of the clipboard is now automatically stored whenever the clipboard changes, and you can toggle the current and the previous state by using the new Restore Previous Clipboard command
- Nested Hamburger. Now the Hamburger menu in the Breadcrumb Bar ("Recently in the Breadcrumb Bar I asked for the Hamburger menu...") supports submenus
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of The Last Internationale

XYplorer 20.10
- Clipboard Markers. A new way of marking items that are currently in the clipboard, whether they are cut or copied
- Sorting. Now you can choose between three sort methods in folder tree and file list: Binary, Textual, Natural
- Recent Location Pins. Now you can customize the color and the number of the pins
- Reset Zoom. Now you can reset the font zoom to the startup values by pressing Ctrl+0
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of The Raconteurs

XYplorer 20.00
- Recent Location Pins: Navigating a huge folder tree is much easier with pins at your recently visited locations. One of those features you will never want to miss again
- Custom Colored Tabs: Now tabs can be individually colored
- Wheel Scroll Lines: Now you can customize the number of lines that are scrolled for each notch that the mouse wheel is rotated, independently of the host system settings
- Compilation Soundtrack: Compiled to the music of Gillian Welch & David Rawlings

XYplorer 19.90

Clipboard Viewer:
- What’s in the clipboard? What will happen when I paste now? Curious? Need to know for sure? Well, just hover the "Edit Clipboard" or "Paste" button in the toolbar for an instant preview of the current clipboard contents. No clicks required. And it even works for images

Paste Text As Item:
- Now you can paste a copy of the item(s) referred to by textual clipboard contents. Works with local paths and even with web addresses. Which means you can download a file to the current folder right from an http path in the clipboard

Dropped Messages From Thunderbird:
- Now, additional to Outlook, also emails dropped from Thunderbird are processed along the your settings for dropped messages

Editing Dropped Messages:
- Now you can trigger an edit prompt for each field you please (From, To, Subject, Date Sent). Helps when archiving emails

Transparent Images Preview:
- Now you have four options for how to display the transparent areas in images: Neutral, Grid, White, Black

Hover Box With Transparency:
- Now it supports the user-selected transparency background (Neutral, Grid, White, Black), and you can easily change it on-the-fly while the Hover Box is shown

Compilation Soundtrack:
- Compiled to the music of Mike Doughty

XYplorer 19.80
- Multi-User-Tagging. The concept of Multi-User-Tagging, i.e. sharing file tags within a networked team, is around for quite a while in XYplorer, but the first implementation lacked power, comfort, and elegance. Not anymore
- If you are looking for a way to implement a shared tagging system, you found it. Easy setup, fast automatic real-time synchronization, access control, and a large number of independent fields (Label, Tags, Comment, and 16 freely definable Extra Tags) for each file
- Give it a try, annotate a file and have all your team members see your notes in real-time in their file manager. And see their comments in your file manager. Your team is fully connected
- Status Log. Now the last 1000 changes in the Status Bar are permanently logged. It might be interesting to see what those rapidly changing Status Bar messages actually said, or what exactly you were doing 15 minutes ago. Now you can find out
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Fanny, "The Godmothers of Chick Rock."

XYplorer 19.70
- File Tagging. Now you have sixteen freely definable Extra Columns, sixteen user fields for each file and folder, fields that you can fill, display, sort by, search for, carry around on a stick, and share with your team
- Quick Jump. Now double-clicking a cell in the Path column will open that path and auto-select the double-clicked item
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Kurt Vile

XYplorer 19.60
- Maintenance: This is primarily a maintenance release with lots of bug fixes and small improvements, especially concerning the new Dark Mode
- Disallow Delete By Key: Now you can prevent accidental deletions-by-key in the folder tree
- Confirm Delete: The Confirm Delete prompt has been much improved
- Selection Stats: The Selection Stats dialog prompt has been much improved
- Random Rename: For what it's worth, now you can rename any number of files to random strings. Might come in handy if you make your money as a spy
- Compilation Soundtrack: Compiled to the music of Larkin Poe

XYplorer 19.50
- Dark Mode
- Compilation Soundtrack

XYplorer 19.40

- Archive Contents Preview. Now you can preview the contents of archives just by hovering the file icon. No clicks required. Works for ZIP and, if WinRAR and/or 7-Zip is installed, for RAR, TAR, GZ, 7Z, and many other archive formats
- Live Filter Box. Now you can choose the position of the Live Filter Box. Either it is shown right of the Address Bar, or in the left end of the Status Bar
- Hover Box Icon. Now you can toggle the visibility of the file icon in the status section of the Hover Box: Simply press key "I"
- Hover Box Status. Now you can cycle the amount of information shown in the status section of the Hover Box: Simply press key "S"
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Khruangbin

XYplorer 19.30

Folder Contents Preview:
- Now you can get a folder contents preview in the Hover Box. Simply hover a folder and see its top 20 items instantly listed in a small popup. Works in the folder tree and the file list. Addictive is an understatement. This will change the way you work. Your file management will become smooth and silent through a reduction of futile clicks

Mouse Up Show Down:
- Now it’s available also in the folder tree. Like in the List it works on mouse up on the folder icons. Lets you quickly peek into folders without leaving the current location. Lets you even list and open files right from the tree

Canvas Color Toggle:
- Now you can quickly toggle the background color of the Hover Box for images. Cool feature for photographers

Invalid Filename Warning:
- Now you get a warning in the status bar when a file or folder with an invalid filename (invalid in the Windows shell, not in NTFS) is selected in the file list. Leading or trailing spaces are made visible by a replacement character

Horizontal Scrolling:
- Now Shift+Wheel horizontally scrolls folder tree and file list

XYplorer 19.20
- Mouse Up Show Down. What about a mouse-driven instant non-invasive Folder Contents Preview that lets you look into a folder without opening it? You can jump into subfolders or open files right from the preview. You will get hooked to this amazing speed booster in a second and never look back
- Tab Colors. Now you can have the selected tab auto-match the color of the breadcrumb bar of each pane. So what? Well, try it. It makes a lot of sense in terms of user guidance and interface balance
- Tree Path Colors. Just like with tabs you now can also have the "Tree Path Tracing" auto-match the color of the breadcrumb bar of each pane. It’s a small thing but it makes everything look better
- Drag and Clone. In all small lists where you can drag items to a new position you now can drag-and-clone an item by Ctrl+Drag
- Remove Search and Filters. The context menu of the Search Information Bar and Filter Information Bar now tells you what you can do with a double click: Remove the search, or the filter. You always could, but now you know

XYplorer 19.10
- This Is A BIG Maintenance Release. A major Windows 10 related issue regarding XYplorer’s portable devices support has been finally resolved, and there have been numerous minor fixes and enhancements since 19.00.

XYplorer 19.00

Hover Box:
- XYplorer’s zero-click wonder, the HoverBox, now supports thumbnail previews for text, image, video, office, and PDF files. A pleasure for your eyes and your tendons. Immediate addiction guaranteed

Select On Hover:
- Optionally you can now select list items by just hovering their icon. Another comfy zero-click service

Find Hidden Files:
- The new "Find hidden" option lets you find all items regardless of any settings that might currently hide them

XYplorer 18.90
- Drag Status Box. The Drag Status Box™ is a color-coded information box shown at the mouse pointer when hovering over a drop target
- You turn it on/off here: Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Safety | Safety Belts | Show drag status box. That’s all you need to know. The rest is plug and play as they used to say many moons ago. Nothing to learn, nothing to know. It just works in a natural self-explaining way in full harmony with the universe
- The Drag Status Box moves with the mouse while dragging 5 items from the file list to the folder tree
- Prevent Unwanted Dragging. Now you can disallow dragging from folder tree and file list independently. Lets you for example protect the tree from potentially disastrous drag-and-drop mistakes while keeping the list drag-ready to rock

These are the options you want to play with for better drag-disaster protection:
- Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Safety | Safety Belts | Disallow left-dragging from folder tree
- Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Safety | Safety Belts | Disallow left-dragging from file list
- Drag-disaster protection here
- Toolbar Font Size. Now Ctrl+Wheel over the Toolbar changes the button captions font size on the fly and with high granularity
- This only works when toolbar button captions are turned on. Do it here: Tools | Customize Toolbar (Ctrl+Shift+F9), then Options | Show Button Captions

XYplorer 18.80
- Open Throw Away Clone. Now you can open a clone of the current XYplorer instance in read-only mode. You can use such a clone for quick in-between jobs that should not affect your main configuration. Highly useful
- Selection Colors. Now you can customize the text and background colors of selected items. Offers you a break from the age-old white-on-blue without messing with the Windows system-wide color settings
- Vertical Grid. Now you can have vertical grid lines in the details view
- Live Filter Highlights. Now the matching parts can be highlighted
- Filename Length Info. Now a yellow warning icon is shown in the box when the new filename would trigger a move-on-rename
- Toolbar Captions. Now you can customize the number of caption lines. The more lines you use the less horizontal space is taken by each button
- Scripting. Added Compound Assignment Operators .=, +=, -=, *=, /=, =.

XYplorer 18.70
- Filename Length InfoNow you can have a little info bar at the right end of the inline rename box showing the current length of the filename and also (in parentheses) the length of the full pathThe bar turns red when the item name is overlong (longer than 259 characters) and warns you if you enter characters that are not valid in a filename
- Find Text in Text BoxesNow all text boxes support a basic find dialog that lets you search for strings inside the text
- More LabelsRaised the maximum number from 16 to 32, so now you can label your files with up to 32 color labels
- Hover BoxNow it supports previewing cursor files

XYplorer 18.60.0200
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 18.60.0100
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 18.60.0000

Self Update:
- Now the updated app will auto-run after self-update

Transparency Grid:
- Now you can customize the two checkerboard grid colors
- Numerous Small Improvements and Fixes

XYplorer 18.50.0300
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 18.50.0200
- Change log not available for this version

XYplorer 18.50.0100
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 18.50.0000

Toolbar Captions:
- Finally XYplorer’s newbie-friendliness extends to the toolbar. If you ever wanted to know what those colorful toolbar buttons actually do, this version comes with optional captions. To turn on the captions use menu command Tools | Customize Toolbar... (Ctrl+Shift+F9), then click the Options button in the Customize Toolbar dialog, and tick Show Button Captions. Well, this is definitely a newbie-only feature (but hey, we all should honor our inner newbie once in a while). Fortunately you can scroll the toolbar (by dragging it with the mouse) to move the rest of the buttons into view

Sync Caps:
- Now Sync Folders ensures that the capitalization (lower/upper case letters in the item names) of the target files and folders exactly matches that of the source items. There is nothing to learn. It just works.

Filtered Sync:
- Now you can explicitly include and exclude files and folders from Sync Folders by passing a list of patterns to the job. Wildcards supported. Scripting abilities needed

Shortcut Overlays:
- Now you can say no to shortcut overlays

XYplorer 18.40.0100
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 18.40.0000

Sync Folders:
- Finally XYplorer lets you synchronize two folders. It's a one-way sync, also known as mirror sync: The target folder is made to be like the source folder. Now it's just a toolbar button away
- Advanced Users: Scripting support lets you create buttons or batches for frequently recurring sync tasks

Time Stamping:
- Now you can easily "touch" files (set the filetime to now) via the context menu

Know Your Clipboard:
- The Paste toolbar button now shows what's in the clipboard, i.e. the stuff that will be pasted if you click the button

Backup Speed:
- Backup operations are much faster now when most items are skipped, which is the common case in large incremental backups

XYplorer 18.30.0000
- Touchscreen Mode. Bigger icons are just a click away now. Big enough to be touched with big fingers. The fonts get bigger, too. Easier to read in harsh lighting conditions.
- Time Stamping. Now you can edit file dates right from the list column. You can even paste a file date from the clipboard directly into the column. Multiple files can be stamped in one go.
- Age Display. The unit "week" has been replaced by "month". Easier to process for most brains assumingly.

XYplorer 18.20.0300
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 18.20.0200
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 18.20.0100
- Change log not available for this version

XYplorer 18.20.0000
- Age Circles: Little visual helpers that let you instantly grasp the rough age of a file. No more brain power wasted on deciphering date strings. Addictive killer feature of the year so far
- Age Tips: Now when you hover any cell in any date column the corresponding age is displayed in a tooltip

XYplorer 18.10.0100
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 18.10.0000

Hamburger at the Breadcrumbs:
- A new button brings some often used commands closer to the mouse. Actually we should have made it a Cheeseburger to attract the mouse even more. The button pops a menu that is fully customizable. However, you need to acquaint yourself with light programming skills to make it happen. No worries, even the default commands will likely streamline your workflow

Dual Pane Commands:
- Added commands "Move to Other Pane" and "Copy to Other Pane" to the context menu of any selected items

Dual Permanent Startup Path:
- Now can define a permanent startup path for each pane. Use the field Configuration | General | Startup & Exit | Permanent startup path and enter both paths separated by a double pipe (||). For example, to open pane 1 always in C:, and pane 2 always in D:, enter C:||D:

Toolbar Goes Nuts:
- New buttons "Move to Recent Locations" and "Copy to Recent Locations" drop the list of recent locations as targets to move/copy the currently selected items to. Use command Tools | Customize Toolbar... (Ctrl+Shift+F9) to add the button(s) to your toolbar. BTW, the icon is an acorn, typically collected by squirrels in their storage locations. Well, that's the idea, collecting stuff in known places. The Copy acorn is blue as in blueprint (= copy)

XYplorer 18.00.0000
- Persistent Live Filters. Now optionally Live Filters persist across folders, and are remembered across tab switches and across sessions
- User-Defined Preview Handlers. Now you can freely associate particular file types with particular preview handlers. This means full preview control without touching the registry

XYplorer 17.90.0400
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 17.90.0300
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 17.90.0200
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 17.90.0100
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 17.90.0000

Size Graphics:
- Now the size column can have graphical representations of the byte counts right in the column. Simply right-click the size column header and choose between three options: No Graphics, Circles, Bars

Size Tooltips:
- The size column now always shows a tooltip (even if the text is not cropped) with the exact byte count of the hovered item. Saves lots of clicks when you are interested in exact numbers

Live Filtering:
- Now you can filter-as-you-type right in the file list. Try it and you will love it. A brilliant way to tame long file lists and focus on what’s important now

Icon Lists:
- Now you can specify a list of icons that are shown side by side for each item in custom columns. Write a script to determine which icons are shown for each particular file. This lets you present file information in a visually catchy way

XYplorer 17.80.0000

Icons in Custom Columns:
- Now you can create your own columns and have them display icons of your choice. E.g. you could create a column that shows a special camera icon for all photos that were shot with a Nikon. Make stand out what’s important to you, and do it in a way that works best for you and your eyes

Circles in Custom Columns:
- Now you can decorate your files with colorful circles. Brings back a long-missed psychedelic kindergarten vibe to file management

Scroll Margin:
- Introducing a smart little usability enhancer that gives some context to your cursor when moving up or down the list with the arrow keys. Lets you see where you are going before you go there. Relaxing

XYplorer 17.70.0200
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 17.70.0100
- The last version, v17.70.0000, had an issue where the mouse input was not released to other processes under certain conditions. Nothing dangerous but certainly annoying. It’s fixed now.

XYplorer 17.70.0000

Hover Box:
- When hovering a file icon or caption of an image file a popup shows a thumbnail and basic file, image, and photo information. A highly addictive zero click preview.

Keyboard Navigation:
- Now you can navigate the list and open files and folders right from the Live Filter Box. Productivity boost for typers.

Live Filter Box:
- Now you can type a space to see only those items with at least one space in their name. Sounds lame but File Explorer can’t do it.

XYplorer 17.60.0100
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 17.60.0000

Find Files by Path:
- Now you can find items by the name of their parent folder or full path, using a simple inline switch

New Overwrite Prompt:
- Redesigned the dialog for clarity and usability

Audio Properties:
- Now the basic audio properties (Bit Rate, Sample Rate, Channels, Length) are shown right in the Large Tiles view. Allows for a quick glance without displaying any spacy extra columns

XYplorer 17.50.0200
- Change log not available for this version

XYplorer 17.50.0200
- Change log not available for this version

XYplorer 17.50.0000

Quick Audio Preview:
- Mouse down on the file icon to hear the sound. Mouse move to scroll. Mouse up to stop. MP3, WAV, FLAC, OGG... you name it. With interactive progress bar. Probably the most convenient audio file previewer on the planet.

Support of Filenames Ending With Dot or Space:
- Those filenames are invalid in the Windows name space and the shell cannot do anything with them. Delete, rename, move, it all fails with the standard File Explorer. XYplorer now can handle them.

Extra Large Toolbar:
- Now you can have extra large buttons (48x48 pixels). Increases toolbar usability on high-resolution screens.

XYplorer 24.10 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

XYplorer 24.10
Empty Cell Defaults:
- If you suffer from fear of the void you will be glad that this version offers easy ways to fill the void. The marking of the different types of emptiness can actually serve a better overview.
- Empty cells are cells without content. Normally they simply show nothing. Now you can make them show something, something of your own free choice. It can make quite a difference in the look and feel of a list.

Fake Right-Drag-and-Drop:
- Now you can fake a right-drag-and-drop by holding down CTRL and SHIFT while doing a left-drag-and-drop. That way you can have the drag-and-drop context menu on left-drag-and-drop, which is pretty cool in limited hardware and software contexts.

XYplorer 24.00
- Virtual Folders. Virtual Folders are folders where you define the content directly in the folder name. You can directly "create" such a folder by typing it into the Address Bar. Nothing is created on disk, it's all in the name. And it's super fast because almost no file system browsing is involved. A revolutionary new concept that adds a number of interesting possibilities to your file management.
- Drop Menu on Hover. Now the menus optionally auto-drop on hovering a component separator. No more clicking. Smooth and comfortable.
- Many Other Improvements. See change log.

XYplorer 23.90
- Native Context Menu. Now you can replace the normally slow shell context menu with a blazing fast native one.
- AIFF Audio Properties. Now AIFF files (Audio Interchange File Format: *.aif, *.aiff, *.aifc) are supported natively, i.e. you get Length, Sample Rate, Bit Depth, Bit Rate and Channels, each in its own column
- Media Length Custom Format. The context menu of the Length column header now offers the toggles "Show Hours" and "Show Milliseconds". Lets you format the length display the way you like it.
- Many Other Improvements

XYplorer 23.80
- Multi-User Tagging. Significantly improved and reinforced to withstand fast-acting, high-impact environments on shaky networks.
- Access Control. Many additional user access control options to increase corporate security in a multi-user tagging context.
- Batch Renumbering. Now you can easily update numbering in files with serial numbers.
- RAW Photo Preview and Thumbnails. Faster. Much faster.
- App Icon. Back to the old icon. It’s just too iconic to be replaced.
- Many Other Improvements

XYplorer 23.70
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 23.60
- This is a BIG maintenance release. Numerous minor fixes and improvements have been made since the last major release.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of PJ Harvey.

XYplorer 23.50
- Overlaid Thumbnail Captions. Thumbnail captions can now be superimposed over the image like subtitles in a movie. Saves space and looks cool.
- Color-Code Folders by Content. Now color filters can be applied to folders in tree and list depending on what items they contain.

XYplorer 23.40
- Indestructible Tree. Currently not interested in collapsing or expanding? Now you can lock the nodes to fix your folder tree in its current expanded state.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the voice of Nico

XYplorer 23.30
Ordinal Date:
- The new Ordinal Date option for the date format eliminates the months from the equation and only displays years and days. This makes it easier to estimate a date difference at a glance. For example, today would be "2022-179" (year 2022, day 179). The Ordinal Date format is used by the military in some contexts, so it’s safe to assume it has its uses.
- To switch to Ordinal Date right-click any of the date column headers, e.g. "Modified", and select Ordinal Date from the popup menu

Preview Pane to the Left:
- Now you can show the Preview Pane to the left of the file list. The obvious advantage is that the previews then are nearer to the name column, which is where you usually look and click.
- To toggle the Preview Pane position use menu Window | Arrangement | Preview Pane to the Left

Duplicate File Finder Can Ignore Numbers:
- Now it can optionally ignore serial numbers and strings like "Copy of" that are auto-attached by Windows to the name of a file copied in the same place. If "Ignore numbers" is enabled, the file names "Fred.txt", "Fred (1).txt", "Fred (2).txt" and "Fred - Copy (2).txt" are considered duplicates.

Compilation Soundtrack:
- Compiled to "(I’m) Stranded" of The Saints

XYplorer 23.20
Main developments since last release:
- Filter Images By Aspect Ratio. You can now filter or find all images that are equal to or wider than 3:2, for example.
- Sort Images By Aspect Ratio. You can also sort your image folders by aspect ratio, for example from tall and narrow (portrait) to wide and flat (landscape).
- Filter Images By Area. You can now filter or find all images larger than a million square pixels, for example.
- Sort Images By Area. You can as well sort your image folders by the area covered by the images.
- Make The Name Column Stand Out. Now you can dim the other columns slightly to highlight the name column. A helpful feature for column messies.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of The Brothers Comatose

XYplorer 23.10
- Wheel Through The List Views. Now you can scroll through the available 10 list views with the wheel, Ctrl+Wheel to be precise.
- Auto-repeat Search At Next Location. Now you can automatically repeat the current search for the next selected location. No more browse-then-search, browse-then-search, browse-then-search, but just search, search, search.
- Skip Invisible Subfolders. Now you can control whether invisible subfolders are included in a recursive search.
- Transparent Folders Through Color Filters. Now you get advanced folder color filters that show the type of folder content right in the file list. Saves you a lot of guessing and opening.
- Show Bitness In Tooltip. The bitness (32-bit or 64-bit) is now displayed at the end of the tooltip for all file types where it makes sense (EXE, DLL, DRV, TLB, etc).
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Obongjayar.

XYplorer 23.00
- The Hamburger. Now you can cram all sorts of ingredients into a single hamburger menu: Menu commands, toolbar buttons, scripts, paths, URLs. The syntax couldn’t be simpler, and before long you’ll be creating custom pop-up menus that serve as mighty power hubs tailored to your exact needs.
- Ads. Still none.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Beatles.

XYplorer 22.90
- Change log not available for this version

XYplorer 22.80
- Dark Mode. Much improved. Everything is dark now, at least if you are using Windows 10 Release 2004 (May 2020) or later. Only the menu bar is still white, but hey, you now have a button to toggle it on and off quickly.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Jenny Lewis.

XYplorer 22.70
- Custom Toolbar Buttons Support Middle Click. Now you can define a separate script that will be triggered by the middle button. That gives you 64 more possible scripts to make your life easier.
- Tooltip Zoom. Now you can enlarge the tooltips by up to 400%, which turns each tooltip into a kind of magnifying glass. Relaxes the eyes and makes the file manager easier to use for users with visual impairments.
- Verbatim Tooltips. Now you can optionally display whatever the mouse is pointing at in a tooltip. This option is aimed directly at screen readers who read tooltips aloud and makes the file manager easier to use for users with visual impairments.
- Hover Box Zooming. Now you can hold down the CTRL key to make it super fine: 1 pixel per step. And if you hold SHIFT, it's 10x faster than normal: 100 pixels per step.

XYplorer 22.60
Custom Status Bar Info:
- Now you can freely define what you would like to see in the 3rd section of the status bar when a file is focused or the current file selection changes. This is a quick way to get additional information without adding an entire extra column or showing a file info tip. This can be, for example, the dimensions of the currently selected photo, or the sample rate of the currently selected song. You can even get information not available anywhere else, like the total length of all currently selected media files.

XYplorer 22.50
- This Is A BIG Maintenance Release. There have been numerous minor fixes and enhancements since 22.40

XYplorer 22.40
- Word Break Style: Improved the automatic word boundary recognition (on double-click, Ctrl+Arrow, Ctrl+BackSpace) in various text boxes including
- Address Bar and script boxes
- SC listfolder: Flag 64 (return special paths) could return the wrong
- special paths if there was more than one theoretical option. Fixed.
- Live Filter Box: Making the factory default width dependent on the screen width (v22.30.0004 - 2021-10-02 12:01) was a mistake. Fixed. Now it's back to a hard 140 pixels (at 100% resolution) initially.

XYplorer 22.30
Main developments since last release:
- Live Filter via Cell Context Menu. Now it's just a click to filter the list for a specific property. And that's any property, including the standard columns, tags, comments, extended shell properties, and even your own user-defined custom columns. Unprecedented and addictive usability booster. And the learning curve is a dot.
- Quick Search via Cell Context Menu. Now it's just a click to search the current location including its subfolders for a specific property. And that's any property, including the standard columns, tags, comments, extended shell properties, and even your own user-defined custom columns. Just wow.
- Photo Data in the Hover Box. See Camera Model, Focal Length, F-Stop, Exposure Time, Exposure Bias, ISO Speed, and Date Taken, and of course an image preview by simply moving the mouse over the photo file.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the groove of Charlie Watts.

XYplorer 22.20
- Autofit the Name Column. Now you can let the Name column automatically take up all of the space not used by the other columns. A simple check mark saves you a lot of scrolling and dragging. So useful that you’ll stick with it forever.
- Autosize the Size Column. The Size column is the one with the most variable content, the one that’s typically always either too wide or too narrow. With this option, the width of the Size column is automatically adjusted when positions are changed or tabs are switched or when a new column layout is loaded.
- Secondary Sort Order Arrow. Now you can indicate the implicit secondary sort order by a very light little sort arrow. You’ll love it if you’re nerd enough.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to music by Cedric Burnside.

XYplorer 22.10
Extra Safety on Name Collisions:
- The new condition "Overwrite if different contents", in which the contents are compared by comparing the SHA-256 hash of each file, offers additional security for your backup, copy and synchronization jobs.

Converting Filenames to Title Case:
- The bulk renamer will now recognize words that are excluded from conversion to upper case. This way, your song and photo collections will look more natural with just a single click. The list of exclusions can of course be edited.

Irrational Aspect Ratio:
- Now ISO 216, also known as the "Lichtenberg Ratio", an international standard for paper sizes used around the world except in some parts of the Americas, is shown in XYplorer as 1:√2 or √2:1, for images whose aspect ratio is close enough to the irrational number. A little nerd honey ...

Compilation Soundtrack:
- Compiled to music by Joe Strummer

XYplorer 22.00
- Column Layouts. Now you can load predefined and custom column layouts with just one click. Instead of laboriously collecting special columns, the photo column layout, for example, shows the date the photo was taken, dimensions, aspect ratio, exposure time, exposure compensation, F-stop, focal length, ISO sensitivity and camera model in no time at all. The audio column layout gives you length, sample rate, bit depth, bit rate and channels. You can adapt the column layouts to your particular needs.
- Maximum Depth. Now you can easily narrow the search recursion depth. E.g. maximum depth 2 means: Search at the current location and 2 levels deeper.
- Sorting Search Results. The new "Always sort search results this way" option lets you control exactly how all of your search results are initially sorted. Sorting column, sorting direction and even secondary sorting are supported.
- Add Tabs Using Drag & Drop. Now you can turn a folder into a new tab by simply dragging and dropping it onto the empty part of the tab bar or the gaps between two tabs.
- Autosize Columns Here. Now you can limit the automatic adjustment of the column sizes to the currently visible rows. This has two advantages: You don’t get super-wide columns for something that’s miles out of sight, and it’s much faster with long lists.

XYplorer 21.90
- This Is A BIG Maintenance Release. There have been numerous minor fixes and enhancements since 21.80

XYplorer 21.80
- Favorite Live Filters. Now you can define up to 32 Favorite Live Filters for the Live Filter Box. Makes you filter faster
- Enhanced Archive Extraction. The various extraction commands now also support *.rar and other WinRAR formats and *.7z and other 7-Zip formats if those applications are present (even on a portable medium)
- Permanent Random Sort Order. A randomized sort order now survives a list refresh and is remembered between tab switches and app sessions
- Marked Custom Sort Orders. Now the random sort order is indicated by a small "dice" character in the Name column header, and the manual sort order by a small "hand" character. It’s the little things
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of The Black Keys

XYplorer 21.70
- Seamless Wave Looping. Just select a sample file and hear it spinning in a perfect seamless loop. Audio folks love it
- Smart Branch View. A new branch view (aka flat view) type shows only files and non-empty folders, i.e. any folders that contain nothing or only empty folders (or, in case of a search, do not contain any files that match the search) are not listed in the branch view. Gives you a much cleaner and more useful view.
- Tree Scroll Position Remembered Per Tab. Optionally, each tab restores the tree position it was in when it was last exited. Many users have waited for this feature, not many file managers have it.
- Color-Code Empty Tree Folders. Finally color filters can be applied in the folder tree in a way that lets you spot all empty folders at a glance
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Elise LeGrow

XYplorer 21.60
- Hover Box Wheel Scaling. Now the mouse wheel can scale images and PDF previews while the Hover Box (a zero-click preview that pops up by merely hovering the filename) is shown. So natural and so useful.
- Mouse Down Blow Up Zoomed. Ready for another game changer? Mouse Down Blow Up (a large preview that pops up on mouse down on a thumbnail or icon) now can zoom into the original by a freely configurable zoom factor. Got small images, large screens, and weak eyes? MDBUZ is your ticket.
- Find Files by Contained Characters. Now you can find files that contain certain characters or character ranges within their textual contents. Allows you to search for files containing any characters in the upper Unicode range, or any Mongolian characters, or whatever specific characters you are interested in.
- Apply Button in Configuration. Street pressure became unbearable so an Apply button was added that allows you to apply any changed settings to the main window without closing the Configuration dialog.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Starcrawler.

XYplorer 21.50
Hover Box Scrolling:
- Now you can keyboard-scroll and wheel-scroll the Folder Contents Preview, the Zip Contents Preview, and the Text Preview You won’t get this degree of interface coolness anywhere else

Hover Box for Tabs:
- Now you can show a Hover Box with Folder Contents Preview for any tab simply by hovering the tab header icon Saves you a click if you just want to quickly see what’s in the tab, or what has recently arrived in the tab Even works for Paper Folders

Custom Copy with Free Space Status:
- Now the progress dialog shows the amount of used and free space on the target drive in real time, graphically and in numbers Just gives you that soothing feeling that comes from knowing the consequences of your actions

Shorten Filenames:
- Now you can shorten the names of a whole bunch of files by cutting off a certain number of characters from the right end of the base name

Compilation Soundtrack:
- Compiled to the music of The Hi-Jivers

XYplorer 21.40
- Custom Event Actions. A major new feature that provides you with an easy to use yet powerful usability booster. For example, you now can freely decide what should happen when a folder is middle-clicked, or when the status bar is double-clicked, and so on. It can be simple things like "Open in new background tab" or "Go up", but it can also be much more. If you know a bit about scripting, Custom Event Actions can be a real game changer. And if you don’t you now have a good reason to learn it.

This your Custom Event Actions (CEA) cockpit, you are the pilot now:
- CEA control panel
- Sorting the Folder Contents Preview. Now you can control the sort order in the Folder Contents Preview, which also includes the Hover Box on folders. Quite likely you want to see the recent files on top. Now you can.
- Shorten Filenames. Finally the app offers a way to shorten the names of a whole bunch of files. You can cut them down from both ends
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Black Pumas

XYplorer 21.30
- Transparent Folders. Now the Folder Contents Preview supports the Hover Box which means you can preview the contents of files in folders before even opening those folders, just by moving the mouse over the items listed in the Folder Contents Preview. You can look into closed folders as if they were made of glass.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of AC/DC

XYplorer 21.20
- Set Archive Attribute. Now you can automatically set the archive attribute on all recursive contents a renamed folder. This allows backup operations by programs like XCOPY to decide what has to be backed up
- Swap Panes. Now you can swap the positions of both panes, including tabs, breadcrumbs, and the pane dimensions. Good news for left-to-right draggers
- Buttons In Catalog. Now you can easily add toolbar buttons with their icons, captions, and functionality to the Catalog. So the Catalog can serve as a second, vertical toolbar
- Backup Logged. Backup and sync operations are now added to the action log. You cannot undo them (that would be meaningless) but you have them nicely logged now, so you can look up what you have done and when
- Autosize Name Column Right Margin. Isn’t it annoying when on autosize the name column springs to a width far beyond the window edge where you cannot see it anyway, and where you’re forced to horizontally scroll the list to enable you to manually grab the column separator to make it smaller again? Not anymore! Now you can define a minimal margin from the right window edge. The name column will not go beyond this margin on autosize
- Adaptive Name Column Width. Tick it to soften the width of the name column when resizing the list so that all other columns keep their width and visibility. Try it, you will quickly get used to it
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Norah Jones

XYplorer 21.10
- 64-bit Preview. Some file types, e.g. WebP graphic files (WEBP), SolidWorks files (SLDASM, SLDDRW, SLDPRT) or OpenOffice files (ODP, ODS, ODT), implement their preview not via preview handlers but via thumbnail providers. This has always been supported for 32-bit thumbnail providers. However, in some cases those thumbnail providers are only provided in the 64-bit flavor (e.g. SolidWorks). Those are supported now as well, so there are SolidWorks and many other previews now.
- Quick Find Files. The Quick Search dialog now offers a Quick Find Files mode where you can remote control the Find Files tab in the Info Panel (F12). That way you can quickly do a Find Files search without first opening that tab and without having it in the way of the search results listing
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of The Surfrajettes

XYplorer 21.00
- 64-bit Preview. Now XYplorer supports 64-bit preview handlers for Office files (MS Office, PDF, EML). No configuration necessary, it just works
- Message Preview. Now you get a WYSIWYG preview for email files (EML and MSG). No configuration necessary, it just works
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Justin Townes Earle

XYplorer 20.90
- Middle Truncation. Now you get the option to truncate overflowing filenames in the middle instead of at the end. Useful because the end of the name often has interesting info bits like dates or serial numbers.
- Dark Mode with Adaptive Colors. Now you can control the retina-friendliness of the Dark Mode. It's your choice whether brighter colors (selections, filters, highlights, etc) are automatically dimmed down a bit to make them softer on the eye.
- Duplicate Image Finder. Now the hash is also generated for ICO and CUR files, so these image types will also be searched and found
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Bob Dylan

XYplorer 20.80
- Duplicate Image Finder. Now you can find image dupes, and fast. Quite handy when sweeping your photo collection. You can even sort images by visual similarity, an interesting feature and hard to find elsewhere.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Skip James

XYplorer 20.70
- This Is A BIG Maintenance Release. There have been numerous minor fixes and enhancements since 20.60
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Blackberry Smoke

XYplorer 20.60
- Highlight Hovered Items. Now hovered items are optionally highlighted everywhere in the app. Huge usability boost
- Custom Tab Bar Height. Now you can modify the height of the tab bars on-the-fly by Ctrl+Shift+Wheel over any of them. Makes a larger click and drop target, and a lighter look
- Volume Labels In Folder View Settings. Now you can use volume labels instead of drive letters to specify the drive or folder to apply the settings to. Lets you store individual settings for your removable drives independently of ever-changing drive letters
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Marc Bolan

XYplorer 20.50
- Filter By Properties. Now you can filter the file list by each of the hundreds of available item properties. E.g. you can show only those photos with a certain aspect ratio, or only those MP3s from a certain artist
- Filter By Lengths. Now you can filter the file list by the item name lengths. E.g. you can show only those items with 12 or less characters in the name, or only items longer than 259 characters
- Focus Next Selected Item. Now you can assign a keyboard shortcut of your choice to each of two new commands that move the focus to the next or previous selected item. Quite useful to quickly browse through the currently selected items while giving the mouse a rest
- Full Name Column Select. Having a hard time hitting the name of a short named file? Now you have the option to use the full width of the name column as click target. Should increase your hits
- Shuffle Your Files. There is a new dice shaped button on the toolbar. If you are feeling lucky and bored at the same time you can use it to shuffle your image, sound, or video collections
- Fat Recent Location Pin. Now the current path pin is drawn fatter than the others. So you know where you are at a glance
- Quick MIDI Preview. Now the Quick Audio Preview supports MIDI files
- Set Extension. Now the dialog has a Most Recently Used (MRU) list
- Flexible Size Format. This format has been improved to take even less horizontal space in the Size column
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of The Sweet

XYplorer 20.40
- Content Search and Preview. Now both 64-bit and 32-bit IFilters are supported. This broadens the support for previewing and searching the textual contents of complex document formats (e.g. Office files)
- Quick Refresh List. The white space context menu of the file list now features the command "Refresh List". A little gesture towards heavy mouse users
- Color Filters. Now you can optionally have Color Filters fill the whole column. Makes them more visible, especially with short-named files
- Previewed Audio Formats. Added DSD and DSF files (Sony’s DSD Stream File) to the previewed audio files. Note that this format is ID3V2 compliant and thus XYplorer will show the tags in the Preview Panel and in the various ID3-Tag columns. Needs a matching CODEC installed, of course
- Mouse Down Blow Up. The new "Fit width only" option is perfect for quickly previewing vertical images in best resolution for vertical-only panning
- Mouse Down Blow Up on Thumbnails and Icons. Now the middle mouse button can be used. Frees left and right button to perform their traditional tasks
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Sanford Clark

XYplorer 20.30
- Numerous minor fixes and enhancements since 20.20
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Kitty, Daisy & Lewis

XYplorer 20.20
- Append to Clipboard. The new Append command allows you to append files to the files that are currently in the clipboard. Hunt and collect.
- Clipboard Peek. Now the "Edit Clipboard" button provides a real-time indication of the current clipboard contents, so you always know whether there is something in the clipboard and of what kind it (text, image, files). The clipboard is no black box anymore
- Restore Previous Clipboard. Ever accidentally lost some valuable clipboard contents? Argh! Relax. The previous state of the clipboard is now automatically stored whenever the clipboard changes, and you can toggle the current and the previous state by using the new Restore Previous Clipboard command
- Nested Hamburger. Now the Hamburger menu in the Breadcrumb Bar ("Recently in the Breadcrumb Bar I asked for the Hamburger menu...") supports submenus
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of The Last Internationale

XYplorer 20.10
- Clipboard Markers. A new way of marking items that are currently in the clipboard, whether they are cut or copied
- Sorting. Now you can choose between three sort methods in folder tree and file list: Binary, Textual, Natural
- Recent Location Pins. Now you can customize the color and the number of the pins
- Reset Zoom. Now you can reset the font zoom to the startup values by pressing Ctrl+0
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of The Raconteurs

XYplorer 20.00
- Recent Location Pins: Navigating a huge folder tree is much easier with pins at your recently visited locations. One of those features you will never want to miss again
- Custom Colored Tabs: Now tabs can be individually colored
- Wheel Scroll Lines: Now you can customize the number of lines that are scrolled for each notch that the mouse wheel is rotated, independently of the host system settings
- Compilation Soundtrack: Compiled to the music of Gillian Welch & David Rawlings

XYplorer 19.90

Clipboard Viewer:
- What’s in the clipboard? What will happen when I paste now? Curious? Need to know for sure? Well, just hover the "Edit Clipboard" or "Paste" button in the toolbar for an instant preview of the current clipboard contents. No clicks required. And it even works for images

Paste Text As Item:
- Now you can paste a copy of the item(s) referred to by textual clipboard contents. Works with local paths and even with web addresses. Which means you can download a file to the current folder right from an http path in the clipboard

Dropped Messages From Thunderbird:
- Now, additional to Outlook, also emails dropped from Thunderbird are processed along the your settings for dropped messages

Editing Dropped Messages:
- Now you can trigger an edit prompt for each field you please (From, To, Subject, Date Sent). Helps when archiving emails

Transparent Images Preview:
- Now you have four options for how to display the transparent areas in images: Neutral, Grid, White, Black

Hover Box With Transparency:
- Now it supports the user-selected transparency background (Neutral, Grid, White, Black), and you can easily change it on-the-fly while the Hover Box is shown

Compilation Soundtrack:
- Compiled to the music of Mike Doughty

XYplorer 19.80
- Multi-User-Tagging. The concept of Multi-User-Tagging, i.e. sharing file tags within a networked team, is around for quite a while in XYplorer, but the first implementation lacked power, comfort, and elegance. Not anymore
- If you are looking for a way to implement a shared tagging system, you found it. Easy setup, fast automatic real-time synchronization, access control, and a large number of independent fields (Label, Tags, Comment, and 16 freely definable Extra Tags) for each file
- Give it a try, annotate a file and have all your team members see your notes in real-time in their file manager. And see their comments in your file manager. Your team is fully connected
- Status Log. Now the last 1000 changes in the Status Bar are permanently logged. It might be interesting to see what those rapidly changing Status Bar messages actually said, or what exactly you were doing 15 minutes ago. Now you can find out
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Fanny, "The Godmothers of Chick Rock."

XYplorer 19.70
- File Tagging. Now you have sixteen freely definable Extra Columns, sixteen user fields for each file and folder, fields that you can fill, display, sort by, search for, carry around on a stick, and share with your team
- Quick Jump. Now double-clicking a cell in the Path column will open that path and auto-select the double-clicked item
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Kurt Vile

XYplorer 19.60
- Maintenance: This is primarily a maintenance release with lots of bug fixes and small improvements, especially concerning the new Dark Mode
- Disallow Delete By Key: Now you can prevent accidental deletions-by-key in the folder tree
- Confirm Delete: The Confirm Delete prompt has been much improved
- Selection Stats: The Selection Stats dialog prompt has been much improved
- Random Rename: For what it's worth, now you can rename any number of files to random strings. Might come in handy if you make your money as a spy
- Compilation Soundtrack: Compiled to the music of Larkin Poe

XYplorer 19.50
- Dark Mode
- Compilation Soundtrack

XYplorer 19.40

- Archive Contents Preview. Now you can preview the contents of archives just by hovering the file icon. No clicks required. Works for ZIP and, if WinRAR and/or 7-Zip is installed, for RAR, TAR, GZ, 7Z, and many other archive formats
- Live Filter Box. Now you can choose the position of the Live Filter Box. Either it is shown right of the Address Bar, or in the left end of the Status Bar
- Hover Box Icon. Now you can toggle the visibility of the file icon in the status section of the Hover Box: Simply press key "I"
- Hover Box Status. Now you can cycle the amount of information shown in the status section of the Hover Box: Simply press key "S"
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Khruangbin

XYplorer 19.30

Folder Contents Preview:
- Now you can get a folder contents preview in the Hover Box. Simply hover a folder and see its top 20 items instantly listed in a small popup. Works in the folder tree and the file list. Addictive is an understatement. This will change the way you work. Your file management will become smooth and silent through a reduction of futile clicks

Mouse Up Show Down:
- Now it’s available also in the folder tree. Like in the List it works on mouse up on the folder icons. Lets you quickly peek into folders without leaving the current location. Lets you even list and open files right from the tree

Canvas Color Toggle:
- Now you can quickly toggle the background color of the Hover Box for images. Cool feature for photographers

Invalid Filename Warning:
- Now you get a warning in the status bar when a file or folder with an invalid filename (invalid in the Windows shell, not in NTFS) is selected in the file list. Leading or trailing spaces are made visible by a replacement character

Horizontal Scrolling:
- Now Shift+Wheel horizontally scrolls folder tree and file list

XYplorer 19.20
- Mouse Up Show Down. What about a mouse-driven instant non-invasive Folder Contents Preview that lets you look into a folder without opening it? You can jump into subfolders or open files right from the preview. You will get hooked to this amazing speed booster in a second and never look back
- Tab Colors. Now you can have the selected tab auto-match the color of the breadcrumb bar of each pane. So what? Well, try it. It makes a lot of sense in terms of user guidance and interface balance
- Tree Path Colors. Just like with tabs you now can also have the "Tree Path Tracing" auto-match the color of the breadcrumb bar of each pane. It’s a small thing but it makes everything look better
- Drag and Clone. In all small lists where you can drag items to a new position you now can drag-and-clone an item by Ctrl+Drag
- Remove Search and Filters. The context menu of the Search Information Bar and Filter Information Bar now tells you what you can do with a double click: Remove the search, or the filter. You always could, but now you know

XYplorer 19.10
- This Is A BIG Maintenance Release. A major Windows 10 related issue regarding XYplorer’s portable devices support has been finally resolved, and there have been numerous minor fixes and enhancements since 19.00.

XYplorer 19.00

Hover Box:
- XYplorer’s zero-click wonder, the HoverBox, now supports thumbnail previews for text, image, video, office, and PDF files. A pleasure for your eyes and your tendons. Immediate addiction guaranteed

Select On Hover:
- Optionally you can now select list items by just hovering their icon. Another comfy zero-click service

Find Hidden Files:
- The new "Find hidden" option lets you find all items regardless of any settings that might currently hide them

XYplorer 18.90
- Drag Status Box. The Drag Status Box™ is a color-coded information box shown at the mouse pointer when hovering over a drop target
- You turn it on/off here: Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Safety | Safety Belts | Show drag status box. That’s all you need to know. The rest is plug and play as they used to say many moons ago. Nothing to learn, nothing to know. It just works in a natural self-explaining way in full harmony with the universe
- The Drag Status Box moves with the mouse while dragging 5 items from the file list to the folder tree
- Prevent Unwanted Dragging. Now you can disallow dragging from folder tree and file list independently. Lets you for example protect the tree from potentially disastrous drag-and-drop mistakes while keeping the list drag-ready to rock

These are the options you want to play with for better drag-disaster protection:
- Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Safety | Safety Belts | Disallow left-dragging from folder tree
- Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Safety | Safety Belts | Disallow left-dragging from file list
- Drag-disaster protection here
- Toolbar Font Size. Now Ctrl+Wheel over the Toolbar changes the button captions font size on the fly and with high granularity
- This only works when toolbar button captions are turned on. Do it here: Tools | Customize Toolbar (Ctrl+Shift+F9), then Options | Show Button Captions

XYplorer 18.80
- Open Throw Away Clone. Now you can open a clone of the current XYplorer instance in read-only mode. You can use such a clone for quick in-between jobs that should not affect your main configuration. Highly useful
- Selection Colors. Now you can customize the text and background colors of selected items. Offers you a break from the age-old white-on-blue without messing with the Windows system-wide color settings
- Vertical Grid. Now you can have vertical grid lines in the details view
- Live Filter Highlights. Now the matching parts can be highlighted
- Filename Length Info. Now a yellow warning icon is shown in the box when the new filename would trigger a move-on-rename
- Toolbar Captions. Now you can customize the number of caption lines. The more lines you use the less horizontal space is taken by each button
- Scripting. Added Compound Assignment Operators .=, +=, -=, *=, /=, =.

XYplorer 18.70
- Filename Length InfoNow you can have a little info bar at the right end of the inline rename box showing the current length of the filename and also (in parentheses) the length of the full pathThe bar turns red when the item name is overlong (longer than 259 characters) and warns you if you enter characters that are not valid in a filename
- Find Text in Text BoxesNow all text boxes support a basic find dialog that lets you search for strings inside the text
- More LabelsRaised the maximum number from 16 to 32, so now you can label your files with up to 32 color labels
- Hover BoxNow it supports previewing cursor files

XYplorer 18.60.0200
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 18.60.0100
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 18.60.0000

Self Update:
- Now the updated app will auto-run after self-update

Transparency Grid:
- Now you can customize the two checkerboard grid colors
- Numerous Small Improvements and Fixes

XYplorer 18.50.0300
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 18.50.0200
- Change log not available for this version

XYplorer 18.50.0100
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 18.50.0000

Toolbar Captions:
- Finally XYplorer’s newbie-friendliness extends to the toolbar. If you ever wanted to know what those colorful toolbar buttons actually do, this version comes with optional captions. To turn on the captions use menu command Tools | Customize Toolbar... (Ctrl+Shift+F9), then click the Options button in the Customize Toolbar dialog, and tick Show Button Captions. Well, this is definitely a newbie-only feature (but hey, we all should honor our inner newbie once in a while). Fortunately you can scroll the toolbar (by dragging it with the mouse) to move the rest of the buttons into view

Sync Caps:
- Now Sync Folders ensures that the capitalization (lower/upper case letters in the item names) of the target files and folders exactly matches that of the source items. There is nothing to learn. It just works.

Filtered Sync:
- Now you can explicitly include and exclude files and folders from Sync Folders by passing a list of patterns to the job. Wildcards supported. Scripting abilities needed

Shortcut Overlays:
- Now you can say no to shortcut overlays

XYplorer 18.40.0100
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 18.40.0000

Sync Folders:
- Finally XYplorer lets you synchronize two folders. It's a one-way sync, also known as mirror sync: The target folder is made to be like the source folder. Now it's just a toolbar button away
- Advanced Users: Scripting support lets you create buttons or batches for frequently recurring sync tasks

Time Stamping:
- Now you can easily "touch" files (set the filetime to now) via the context menu

Know Your Clipboard:
- The Paste toolbar button now shows what's in the clipboard, i.e. the stuff that will be pasted if you click the button

Backup Speed:
- Backup operations are much faster now when most items are skipped, which is the common case in large incremental backups

XYplorer 18.30.0000
- Touchscreen Mode. Bigger icons are just a click away now. Big enough to be touched with big fingers. The fonts get bigger, too. Easier to read in harsh lighting conditions.
- Time Stamping. Now you can edit file dates right from the list column. You can even paste a file date from the clipboard directly into the column. Multiple files can be stamped in one go.
- Age Display. The unit "week" has been replaced by "month". Easier to process for most brains assumingly.

XYplorer 18.20.0300
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 18.20.0200
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 18.20.0100
- Change log not available for this version

XYplorer 18.20.0000
- Age Circles: Little visual helpers that let you instantly grasp the rough age of a file. No more brain power wasted on deciphering date strings. Addictive killer feature of the year so far
- Age Tips: Now when you hover any cell in any date column the corresponding age is displayed in a tooltip

XYplorer 18.10.0100
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 18.10.0000

Hamburger at the Breadcrumbs:
- A new button brings some often used commands closer to the mouse. Actually we should have made it a Cheeseburger to attract the mouse even more. The button pops a menu that is fully customizable. However, you need to acquaint yourself with light programming skills to make it happen. No worries, even the default commands will likely streamline your workflow

Dual Pane Commands:
- Added commands "Move to Other Pane" and "Copy to Other Pane" to the context menu of any selected items

Dual Permanent Startup Path:
- Now can define a permanent startup path for each pane. Use the field Configuration | General | Startup & Exit | Permanent startup path and enter both paths separated by a double pipe (||). For example, to open pane 1 always in C:, and pane 2 always in D:, enter C:||D:

Toolbar Goes Nuts:
- New buttons "Move to Recent Locations" and "Copy to Recent Locations" drop the list of recent locations as targets to move/copy the currently selected items to. Use command Tools | Customize Toolbar... (Ctrl+Shift+F9) to add the button(s) to your toolbar. BTW, the icon is an acorn, typically collected by squirrels in their storage locations. Well, that's the idea, collecting stuff in known places. The Copy acorn is blue as in blueprint (= copy)

XYplorer 18.00.0000
- Persistent Live Filters. Now optionally Live Filters persist across folders, and are remembered across tab switches and across sessions
- User-Defined Preview Handlers. Now you can freely associate particular file types with particular preview handlers. This means full preview control without touching the registry

XYplorer 17.90.0400
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 17.90.0300
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 17.90.0200
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 17.90.0100
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 17.90.0000

Size Graphics:
- Now the size column can have graphical representations of the byte counts right in the column. Simply right-click the size column header and choose between three options: No Graphics, Circles, Bars

Size Tooltips:
- The size column now always shows a tooltip (even if the text is not cropped) with the exact byte count of the hovered item. Saves lots of clicks when you are interested in exact numbers

Live Filtering:
- Now you can filter-as-you-type right in the file list. Try it and you will love it. A brilliant way to tame long file lists and focus on what’s important now

Icon Lists:
- Now you can specify a list of icons that are shown side by side for each item in custom columns. Write a script to determine which icons are shown for each particular file. This lets you present file information in a visually catchy way

XYplorer 17.80.0000

Icons in Custom Columns:
- Now you can create your own columns and have them display icons of your choice. E.g. you could create a column that shows a special camera icon for all photos that were shot with a Nikon. Make stand out what’s important to you, and do it in a way that works best for you and your eyes

Circles in Custom Columns:
- Now you can decorate your files with colorful circles. Brings back a long-missed psychedelic kindergarten vibe to file management

Scroll Margin:
- Introducing a smart little usability enhancer that gives some context to your cursor when moving up or down the list with the arrow keys. Lets you see where you are going before you go there. Relaxing

XYplorer 17.70.0200
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 17.70.0100
- The last version, v17.70.0000, had an issue where the mouse input was not released to other processes under certain conditions. Nothing dangerous but certainly annoying. It’s fixed now.

XYplorer 17.70.0000

Hover Box:
- When hovering a file icon or caption of an image file a popup shows a thumbnail and basic file, image, and photo information. A highly addictive zero click preview.

Keyboard Navigation:
- Now you can navigate the list and open files and folders right from the Live Filter Box. Productivity boost for typers.

Live Filter Box:
- Now you can type a space to see only those items with at least one space in their name. Sounds lame but File Explorer can’t do it.

XYplorer 17.60.0100
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 17.60.0000

Find Files by Path:
- Now you can find items by the name of their parent folder or full path, using a simple inline switch

New Overwrite Prompt:
- Redesigned the dialog for clarity and usability

Audio Properties:
- Now the basic audio properties (Bit Rate, Sample Rate, Channels, Length) are shown right in the Large Tiles view. Allows for a quick glance without displaying any spacy extra columns

XYplorer 17.50.0200
- Change log not available for this version

XYplorer 17.50.0200
- Change log not available for this version

XYplorer 17.50.0000

Quick Audio Preview:
- Mouse down on the file icon to hear the sound. Mouse move to scroll. Mouse up to stop. MP3, WAV, FLAC, OGG... you name it. With interactive progress bar. Probably the most convenient audio file previewer on the planet.

Support of Filenames Ending With Dot or Space:
- Those filenames are invalid in the Windows name space and the shell cannot do anything with them. Delete, rename, move, it all fails with the standard File Explorer. XYplorer now can handle them.

Extra Large Toolbar:
- Now you can have extra large buttons (48x48 pixels). Increases toolbar usability on high-resolution screens.

Automatic Email Processor 3.0.23 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Automatic Email Processor 3.0.23
- If the working directory cannot be created after moving the application data to a new PC, the default working directory is used
- Some optimizations and bug fixes

Automatic Email Processor 3.0.22
- When using the virtual add-in and Exchange in online mode: since the Outlook July update, MSG files could be created without some properties (such as subject, sender, etc.) when saving messages in MSG format
- Save message as PDF file: support for images in CMYK color profile when attaching images as pages
- Faster decryption of very large messages (10 MB and larger)
- Some optimizations and bug fixes

Automatic Email Processor 3.0.21
- When using Word temporarily, files are no longer added to the list of recently opened files
- Fixed a potential problem when using Word

Automatic Email Processor 3.0.20
- Profile import: Improved compatibility when importing profiles created with very old versions of the 2 series
- SMTP: Improved compatibility with different providers

Automatic Email Processor 3.0.19
- An obsolete resource that was no longer needed could occasionally cause an error message

Automatic Email Processor 3.0.18
- Outlook instances that are already hanging when the program is being started are now also restarted automatically

Automatic Email Processor 3.0.17
- Delayed processing did not work if an attachment filter was set for saving or printing

Automatic Email Processor 3.0.16
- Outlook items without recipients could not be printed

Automatic Email Processor 3.0.15
- Under certain circumstances, temporarily created files were not deleted
- Some optimizations

Automatic Email Processor 3.0.13
- Some optimizations and error corrections

Automatic Email Processor 3.0.11
- Version 2 profiles can now be imported via More -> Import profiles -> Created with version 2

Automatic Email Processor 3.0.10
- The placeholder for the original attachment name was incorrectly hidden

Automatic Email Processor 3.0.7
- "Recipient address -> does not contain" was only queried if there was also an entry for"Recipient address -> contains"

Automatic Email Processor 3.0.6
- In very rare cases, Outlook could not be accessed when opening the dialog for selecting the watched folders, even though this was possible during the test shortly before. This error is now caught.

Automatic Email Processor 3.0.5
- When filtering, regular expressions and number ranges can now be combined with an OR in addition to a logical AND

Automatic Email Processor 3.0.4
- Some optimizations

Automatic Email Processor 3.0.2
- If an automated Outlook instance is opened and closed several times by the user, Outlook may "forget" that it is automated and try to exit in a regular way. In such cases, the Outlook process hangs, and Outlook can no longer be automated or started. The new version detects hanging Outlook processes and terminates them autonomously.

Automatic Email Processor 3.0.1
- Support for unmapped network locations

Automatic Email Processor 3.0.0
- Outlook and Word instances are reused
- For folders, a regex-extracted part of the message text can now be used
- File names can now also use a regex-extracted part of the subject or message text
- Image and PDF attachments can be attached as new pages to the message when saved as PDF file
- Filters for embedding images: Name, minimum dimensions, size
- Separate filters to identify messages and attachments to be processed
- Output of page number when printing messages
- New option when saving attachments/messages: destination folder must already exist
- Optional specification of an error directory if the destination folder did not exist
- Placeholders can be used for the entire path - the separate base folder has been eliminated
- Simple mappings allow individual placeholders - for example a mapping 'Drive' with the content 'C:' can be created or a mapping 'Path' with the content 'C:File 1'
- CSV mappings allow using CSV files for filter criteria in combination with the respective result if the criteria are met. This eliminates the need to create different profiles for different filter criteria. Ideally, one profile is sufficient
- Mappings can be used: for the path, file name, recipients of forwardings, e-mail folders when moving or copying messages
- New placeholders: number of attachments, user name part of e-mail address
- The saved message file can be forwarded
- Copies of saved message file or attachments can be created
- Additional filter for the task status
- Images and PDF files embedded in the message text can be optionally processed
- HTML images are automatically embedded when sending automatic replies
- Postpone processings - apply profiles to messages only after a configurable period of time (e.g., after 2 weeks, based on the message receipt date)
- Program help updated
- And much more
- Note: Due to the many changes, profiles from previous versions cannot be imported this time

Automatic Email Processor 2.22.3
- Smaller correction

Automatic Email Processor 2.22.1
- Unfortunately, under certain circumstances, older messages were processed again (an error introduced in v2.21.2)

Automatic Email Processor 2.22.0
- When using the dynamic name of a ZIP archive (in the names of the extracted files), it is no longer mandatory to save the archive
- New in Options -> Other: Show option "Print only the first of attachments with the same name" in profile print settings

Automatic Email Processor 2.21.2
- If the recipient could not be read, there were problems with the display of some log information

Automatic Email Processor 2.21.1
- Smaller correction

Automatic Email Processor 2.21.0
- The selected profile remains selected after editing
- When duplicating profiles, it is now possible to specify in the button menu whether the new profile should subsequently be selected and/or opened for editing

Automatic Email Processor 2.20.0
- New option: Print only the first of attachments with the same name

Automatic Email Processor 2.19.0
- Two new filter criteria available: path of the email, message read status
- Bug fixes
- Some optimizations

Automatic Email Processor 2.18.0
- The program behavior for embedded messages can now be configured in the profile settings on the tab General. By default, these are still treated as standalone messages.

Automatic Email Processor 2.17.5
- Performance optimizations for specific configurations.

XYplorer 24.00 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

XYplorer 24.00
- Virtual Folders. Virtual Folders are folders where you define the content directly in the folder name. You can directly "create" such a folder by typing it into the Address Bar. Nothing is created on disk, it's all in the name. And it's super fast because almost no file system browsing is involved. A revolutionary new concept that adds a number of interesting possibilities to your file management.
- Drop Menu on Hover. Now the menus optionally auto-drop on hovering a component separator. No more clicking. Smooth and comfortable.
- Many Other Improvements. See change log.

XYplorer 23.90
- Native Context Menu. Now you can replace the normally slow shell context menu with a blazing fast native one.
- AIFF Audio Properties. Now AIFF files (Audio Interchange File Format: *.aif, *.aiff, *.aifc) are supported natively, i.e. you get Length, Sample Rate, Bit Depth, Bit Rate and Channels, each in its own column
- Media Length Custom Format. The context menu of the Length column header now offers the toggles "Show Hours" and "Show Milliseconds". Lets you format the length display the way you like it.
- Many Other Improvements

XYplorer 23.80
- Multi-User Tagging. Significantly improved and reinforced to withstand fast-acting, high-impact environments on shaky networks.
- Access Control. Many additional user access control options to increase corporate security in a multi-user tagging context.
- Batch Renumbering. Now you can easily update numbering in files with serial numbers.
- RAW Photo Preview and Thumbnails. Faster. Much faster.
- App Icon. Back to the old icon. It’s just too iconic to be replaced.
- Many Other Improvements

XYplorer 23.70
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 23.60
- This is a BIG maintenance release. Numerous minor fixes and improvements have been made since the last major release.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of PJ Harvey.

XYplorer 23.50
- Overlaid Thumbnail Captions. Thumbnail captions can now be superimposed over the image like subtitles in a movie. Saves space and looks cool.
- Color-Code Folders by Content. Now color filters can be applied to folders in tree and list depending on what items they contain.

XYplorer 23.40
- Indestructible Tree. Currently not interested in collapsing or expanding? Now you can lock the nodes to fix your folder tree in its current expanded state.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the voice of Nico

XYplorer 23.30
Ordinal Date:
- The new Ordinal Date option for the date format eliminates the months from the equation and only displays years and days. This makes it easier to estimate a date difference at a glance. For example, today would be "2022-179" (year 2022, day 179). The Ordinal Date format is used by the military in some contexts, so it’s safe to assume it has its uses.
- To switch to Ordinal Date right-click any of the date column headers, e.g. "Modified", and select Ordinal Date from the popup menu

Preview Pane to the Left:
- Now you can show the Preview Pane to the left of the file list. The obvious advantage is that the previews then are nearer to the name column, which is where you usually look and click.
- To toggle the Preview Pane position use menu Window | Arrangement | Preview Pane to the Left

Duplicate File Finder Can Ignore Numbers:
- Now it can optionally ignore serial numbers and strings like "Copy of" that are auto-attached by Windows to the name of a file copied in the same place. If "Ignore numbers" is enabled, the file names "Fred.txt", "Fred (1).txt", "Fred (2).txt" and "Fred - Copy (2).txt" are considered duplicates.

Compilation Soundtrack:
- Compiled to "(I’m) Stranded" of The Saints

XYplorer 23.20
Main developments since last release:
- Filter Images By Aspect Ratio. You can now filter or find all images that are equal to or wider than 3:2, for example.
- Sort Images By Aspect Ratio. You can also sort your image folders by aspect ratio, for example from tall and narrow (portrait) to wide and flat (landscape).
- Filter Images By Area. You can now filter or find all images larger than a million square pixels, for example.
- Sort Images By Area. You can as well sort your image folders by the area covered by the images.
- Make The Name Column Stand Out. Now you can dim the other columns slightly to highlight the name column. A helpful feature for column messies.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of The Brothers Comatose

XYplorer 23.10
- Wheel Through The List Views. Now you can scroll through the available 10 list views with the wheel, Ctrl+Wheel to be precise.
- Auto-repeat Search At Next Location. Now you can automatically repeat the current search for the next selected location. No more browse-then-search, browse-then-search, browse-then-search, but just search, search, search.
- Skip Invisible Subfolders. Now you can control whether invisible subfolders are included in a recursive search.
- Transparent Folders Through Color Filters. Now you get advanced folder color filters that show the type of folder content right in the file list. Saves you a lot of guessing and opening.
- Show Bitness In Tooltip. The bitness (32-bit or 64-bit) is now displayed at the end of the tooltip for all file types where it makes sense (EXE, DLL, DRV, TLB, etc).
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Obongjayar.

XYplorer 23.00
- The Hamburger. Now you can cram all sorts of ingredients into a single hamburger menu: Menu commands, toolbar buttons, scripts, paths, URLs. The syntax couldn’t be simpler, and before long you’ll be creating custom pop-up menus that serve as mighty power hubs tailored to your exact needs.
- Ads. Still none.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Beatles.

XYplorer 22.90
- Change log not available for this version

XYplorer 22.80
- Dark Mode. Much improved. Everything is dark now, at least if you are using Windows 10 Release 2004 (May 2020) or later. Only the menu bar is still white, but hey, you now have a button to toggle it on and off quickly.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Jenny Lewis.

XYplorer 22.70
- Custom Toolbar Buttons Support Middle Click. Now you can define a separate script that will be triggered by the middle button. That gives you 64 more possible scripts to make your life easier.
- Tooltip Zoom. Now you can enlarge the tooltips by up to 400%, which turns each tooltip into a kind of magnifying glass. Relaxes the eyes and makes the file manager easier to use for users with visual impairments.
- Verbatim Tooltips. Now you can optionally display whatever the mouse is pointing at in a tooltip. This option is aimed directly at screen readers who read tooltips aloud and makes the file manager easier to use for users with visual impairments.
- Hover Box Zooming. Now you can hold down the CTRL key to make it super fine: 1 pixel per step. And if you hold SHIFT, it's 10x faster than normal: 100 pixels per step.

XYplorer 22.60
Custom Status Bar Info:
- Now you can freely define what you would like to see in the 3rd section of the status bar when a file is focused or the current file selection changes. This is a quick way to get additional information without adding an entire extra column or showing a file info tip. This can be, for example, the dimensions of the currently selected photo, or the sample rate of the currently selected song. You can even get information not available anywhere else, like the total length of all currently selected media files.

XYplorer 22.50
- This Is A BIG Maintenance Release. There have been numerous minor fixes and enhancements since 22.40

XYplorer 22.40
- Word Break Style: Improved the automatic word boundary recognition (on double-click, Ctrl+Arrow, Ctrl+BackSpace) in various text boxes including
- Address Bar and script boxes
- SC listfolder: Flag 64 (return special paths) could return the wrong
- special paths if there was more than one theoretical option. Fixed.
- Live Filter Box: Making the factory default width dependent on the screen width (v22.30.0004 - 2021-10-02 12:01) was a mistake. Fixed. Now it's back to a hard 140 pixels (at 100% resolution) initially.

XYplorer 22.30
Main developments since last release:
- Live Filter via Cell Context Menu. Now it's just a click to filter the list for a specific property. And that's any property, including the standard columns, tags, comments, extended shell properties, and even your own user-defined custom columns. Unprecedented and addictive usability booster. And the learning curve is a dot.
- Quick Search via Cell Context Menu. Now it's just a click to search the current location including its subfolders for a specific property. And that's any property, including the standard columns, tags, comments, extended shell properties, and even your own user-defined custom columns. Just wow.
- Photo Data in the Hover Box. See Camera Model, Focal Length, F-Stop, Exposure Time, Exposure Bias, ISO Speed, and Date Taken, and of course an image preview by simply moving the mouse over the photo file.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the groove of Charlie Watts.

XYplorer 22.20
- Autofit the Name Column. Now you can let the Name column automatically take up all of the space not used by the other columns. A simple check mark saves you a lot of scrolling and dragging. So useful that you’ll stick with it forever.
- Autosize the Size Column. The Size column is the one with the most variable content, the one that’s typically always either too wide or too narrow. With this option, the width of the Size column is automatically adjusted when positions are changed or tabs are switched or when a new column layout is loaded.
- Secondary Sort Order Arrow. Now you can indicate the implicit secondary sort order by a very light little sort arrow. You’ll love it if you’re nerd enough.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to music by Cedric Burnside.

XYplorer 22.10
Extra Safety on Name Collisions:
- The new condition "Overwrite if different contents", in which the contents are compared by comparing the SHA-256 hash of each file, offers additional security for your backup, copy and synchronization jobs.

Converting Filenames to Title Case:
- The bulk renamer will now recognize words that are excluded from conversion to upper case. This way, your song and photo collections will look more natural with just a single click. The list of exclusions can of course be edited.

Irrational Aspect Ratio:
- Now ISO 216, also known as the "Lichtenberg Ratio", an international standard for paper sizes used around the world except in some parts of the Americas, is shown in XYplorer as 1:√2 or √2:1, for images whose aspect ratio is close enough to the irrational number. A little nerd honey ...

Compilation Soundtrack:
- Compiled to music by Joe Strummer

XYplorer 22.00
- Column Layouts. Now you can load predefined and custom column layouts with just one click. Instead of laboriously collecting special columns, the photo column layout, for example, shows the date the photo was taken, dimensions, aspect ratio, exposure time, exposure compensation, F-stop, focal length, ISO sensitivity and camera model in no time at all. The audio column layout gives you length, sample rate, bit depth, bit rate and channels. You can adapt the column layouts to your particular needs.
- Maximum Depth. Now you can easily narrow the search recursion depth. E.g. maximum depth 2 means: Search at the current location and 2 levels deeper.
- Sorting Search Results. The new "Always sort search results this way" option lets you control exactly how all of your search results are initially sorted. Sorting column, sorting direction and even secondary sorting are supported.
- Add Tabs Using Drag & Drop. Now you can turn a folder into a new tab by simply dragging and dropping it onto the empty part of the tab bar or the gaps between two tabs.
- Autosize Columns Here. Now you can limit the automatic adjustment of the column sizes to the currently visible rows. This has two advantages: You don’t get super-wide columns for something that’s miles out of sight, and it’s much faster with long lists.

XYplorer 21.90
- This Is A BIG Maintenance Release. There have been numerous minor fixes and enhancements since 21.80

XYplorer 21.80
- Favorite Live Filters. Now you can define up to 32 Favorite Live Filters for the Live Filter Box. Makes you filter faster
- Enhanced Archive Extraction. The various extraction commands now also support *.rar and other WinRAR formats and *.7z and other 7-Zip formats if those applications are present (even on a portable medium)
- Permanent Random Sort Order. A randomized sort order now survives a list refresh and is remembered between tab switches and app sessions
- Marked Custom Sort Orders. Now the random sort order is indicated by a small "dice" character in the Name column header, and the manual sort order by a small "hand" character. It’s the little things
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of The Black Keys

XYplorer 21.70
- Seamless Wave Looping. Just select a sample file and hear it spinning in a perfect seamless loop. Audio folks love it
- Smart Branch View. A new branch view (aka flat view) type shows only files and non-empty folders, i.e. any folders that contain nothing or only empty folders (or, in case of a search, do not contain any files that match the search) are not listed in the branch view. Gives you a much cleaner and more useful view.
- Tree Scroll Position Remembered Per Tab. Optionally, each tab restores the tree position it was in when it was last exited. Many users have waited for this feature, not many file managers have it.
- Color-Code Empty Tree Folders. Finally color filters can be applied in the folder tree in a way that lets you spot all empty folders at a glance
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Elise LeGrow

XYplorer 21.60
- Hover Box Wheel Scaling. Now the mouse wheel can scale images and PDF previews while the Hover Box (a zero-click preview that pops up by merely hovering the filename) is shown. So natural and so useful.
- Mouse Down Blow Up Zoomed. Ready for another game changer? Mouse Down Blow Up (a large preview that pops up on mouse down on a thumbnail or icon) now can zoom into the original by a freely configurable zoom factor. Got small images, large screens, and weak eyes? MDBUZ is your ticket.
- Find Files by Contained Characters. Now you can find files that contain certain characters or character ranges within their textual contents. Allows you to search for files containing any characters in the upper Unicode range, or any Mongolian characters, or whatever specific characters you are interested in.
- Apply Button in Configuration. Street pressure became unbearable so an Apply button was added that allows you to apply any changed settings to the main window without closing the Configuration dialog.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Starcrawler.

XYplorer 21.50
Hover Box Scrolling:
- Now you can keyboard-scroll and wheel-scroll the Folder Contents Preview, the Zip Contents Preview, and the Text Preview You won’t get this degree of interface coolness anywhere else

Hover Box for Tabs:
- Now you can show a Hover Box with Folder Contents Preview for any tab simply by hovering the tab header icon Saves you a click if you just want to quickly see what’s in the tab, or what has recently arrived in the tab Even works for Paper Folders

Custom Copy with Free Space Status:
- Now the progress dialog shows the amount of used and free space on the target drive in real time, graphically and in numbers Just gives you that soothing feeling that comes from knowing the consequences of your actions

Shorten Filenames:
- Now you can shorten the names of a whole bunch of files by cutting off a certain number of characters from the right end of the base name

Compilation Soundtrack:
- Compiled to the music of The Hi-Jivers

XYplorer 21.40
- Custom Event Actions. A major new feature that provides you with an easy to use yet powerful usability booster. For example, you now can freely decide what should happen when a folder is middle-clicked, or when the status bar is double-clicked, and so on. It can be simple things like "Open in new background tab" or "Go up", but it can also be much more. If you know a bit about scripting, Custom Event Actions can be a real game changer. And if you don’t you now have a good reason to learn it.

This your Custom Event Actions (CEA) cockpit, you are the pilot now:
- CEA control panel
- Sorting the Folder Contents Preview. Now you can control the sort order in the Folder Contents Preview, which also includes the Hover Box on folders. Quite likely you want to see the recent files on top. Now you can.
- Shorten Filenames. Finally the app offers a way to shorten the names of a whole bunch of files. You can cut them down from both ends
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Black Pumas

XYplorer 21.30
- Transparent Folders. Now the Folder Contents Preview supports the Hover Box which means you can preview the contents of files in folders before even opening those folders, just by moving the mouse over the items listed in the Folder Contents Preview. You can look into closed folders as if they were made of glass.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of AC/DC

XYplorer 21.20
- Set Archive Attribute. Now you can automatically set the archive attribute on all recursive contents a renamed folder. This allows backup operations by programs like XCOPY to decide what has to be backed up
- Swap Panes. Now you can swap the positions of both panes, including tabs, breadcrumbs, and the pane dimensions. Good news for left-to-right draggers
- Buttons In Catalog. Now you can easily add toolbar buttons with their icons, captions, and functionality to the Catalog. So the Catalog can serve as a second, vertical toolbar
- Backup Logged. Backup and sync operations are now added to the action log. You cannot undo them (that would be meaningless) but you have them nicely logged now, so you can look up what you have done and when
- Autosize Name Column Right Margin. Isn’t it annoying when on autosize the name column springs to a width far beyond the window edge where you cannot see it anyway, and where you’re forced to horizontally scroll the list to enable you to manually grab the column separator to make it smaller again? Not anymore! Now you can define a minimal margin from the right window edge. The name column will not go beyond this margin on autosize
- Adaptive Name Column Width. Tick it to soften the width of the name column when resizing the list so that all other columns keep their width and visibility. Try it, you will quickly get used to it
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Norah Jones

XYplorer 21.10
- 64-bit Preview. Some file types, e.g. WebP graphic files (WEBP), SolidWorks files (SLDASM, SLDDRW, SLDPRT) or OpenOffice files (ODP, ODS, ODT), implement their preview not via preview handlers but via thumbnail providers. This has always been supported for 32-bit thumbnail providers. However, in some cases those thumbnail providers are only provided in the 64-bit flavor (e.g. SolidWorks). Those are supported now as well, so there are SolidWorks and many other previews now.
- Quick Find Files. The Quick Search dialog now offers a Quick Find Files mode where you can remote control the Find Files tab in the Info Panel (F12). That way you can quickly do a Find Files search without first opening that tab and without having it in the way of the search results listing
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of The Surfrajettes

XYplorer 21.00
- 64-bit Preview. Now XYplorer supports 64-bit preview handlers for Office files (MS Office, PDF, EML). No configuration necessary, it just works
- Message Preview. Now you get a WYSIWYG preview for email files (EML and MSG). No configuration necessary, it just works
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Justin Townes Earle

XYplorer 20.90
- Middle Truncation. Now you get the option to truncate overflowing filenames in the middle instead of at the end. Useful because the end of the name often has interesting info bits like dates or serial numbers.
- Dark Mode with Adaptive Colors. Now you can control the retina-friendliness of the Dark Mode. It's your choice whether brighter colors (selections, filters, highlights, etc) are automatically dimmed down a bit to make them softer on the eye.
- Duplicate Image Finder. Now the hash is also generated for ICO and CUR files, so these image types will also be searched and found
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Bob Dylan

XYplorer 20.80
- Duplicate Image Finder. Now you can find image dupes, and fast. Quite handy when sweeping your photo collection. You can even sort images by visual similarity, an interesting feature and hard to find elsewhere.
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Skip James

XYplorer 20.70
- This Is A BIG Maintenance Release. There have been numerous minor fixes and enhancements since 20.60
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Blackberry Smoke

XYplorer 20.60
- Highlight Hovered Items. Now hovered items are optionally highlighted everywhere in the app. Huge usability boost
- Custom Tab Bar Height. Now you can modify the height of the tab bars on-the-fly by Ctrl+Shift+Wheel over any of them. Makes a larger click and drop target, and a lighter look
- Volume Labels In Folder View Settings. Now you can use volume labels instead of drive letters to specify the drive or folder to apply the settings to. Lets you store individual settings for your removable drives independently of ever-changing drive letters
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Marc Bolan

XYplorer 20.50
- Filter By Properties. Now you can filter the file list by each of the hundreds of available item properties. E.g. you can show only those photos with a certain aspect ratio, or only those MP3s from a certain artist
- Filter By Lengths. Now you can filter the file list by the item name lengths. E.g. you can show only those items with 12 or less characters in the name, or only items longer than 259 characters
- Focus Next Selected Item. Now you can assign a keyboard shortcut of your choice to each of two new commands that move the focus to the next or previous selected item. Quite useful to quickly browse through the currently selected items while giving the mouse a rest
- Full Name Column Select. Having a hard time hitting the name of a short named file? Now you have the option to use the full width of the name column as click target. Should increase your hits
- Shuffle Your Files. There is a new dice shaped button on the toolbar. If you are feeling lucky and bored at the same time you can use it to shuffle your image, sound, or video collections
- Fat Recent Location Pin. Now the current path pin is drawn fatter than the others. So you know where you are at a glance
- Quick MIDI Preview. Now the Quick Audio Preview supports MIDI files
- Set Extension. Now the dialog has a Most Recently Used (MRU) list
- Flexible Size Format. This format has been improved to take even less horizontal space in the Size column
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of The Sweet

XYplorer 20.40
- Content Search and Preview. Now both 64-bit and 32-bit IFilters are supported. This broadens the support for previewing and searching the textual contents of complex document formats (e.g. Office files)
- Quick Refresh List. The white space context menu of the file list now features the command "Refresh List". A little gesture towards heavy mouse users
- Color Filters. Now you can optionally have Color Filters fill the whole column. Makes them more visible, especially with short-named files
- Previewed Audio Formats. Added DSD and DSF files (Sony’s DSD Stream File) to the previewed audio files. Note that this format is ID3V2 compliant and thus XYplorer will show the tags in the Preview Panel and in the various ID3-Tag columns. Needs a matching CODEC installed, of course
- Mouse Down Blow Up. The new "Fit width only" option is perfect for quickly previewing vertical images in best resolution for vertical-only panning
- Mouse Down Blow Up on Thumbnails and Icons. Now the middle mouse button can be used. Frees left and right button to perform their traditional tasks
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Sanford Clark

XYplorer 20.30
- Numerous minor fixes and enhancements since 20.20
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Kitty, Daisy & Lewis

XYplorer 20.20
- Append to Clipboard. The new Append command allows you to append files to the files that are currently in the clipboard. Hunt and collect.
- Clipboard Peek. Now the "Edit Clipboard" button provides a real-time indication of the current clipboard contents, so you always know whether there is something in the clipboard and of what kind it (text, image, files). The clipboard is no black box anymore
- Restore Previous Clipboard. Ever accidentally lost some valuable clipboard contents? Argh! Relax. The previous state of the clipboard is now automatically stored whenever the clipboard changes, and you can toggle the current and the previous state by using the new Restore Previous Clipboard command
- Nested Hamburger. Now the Hamburger menu in the Breadcrumb Bar ("Recently in the Breadcrumb Bar I asked for the Hamburger menu...") supports submenus
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of The Last Internationale

XYplorer 20.10
- Clipboard Markers. A new way of marking items that are currently in the clipboard, whether they are cut or copied
- Sorting. Now you can choose between three sort methods in folder tree and file list: Binary, Textual, Natural
- Recent Location Pins. Now you can customize the color and the number of the pins
- Reset Zoom. Now you can reset the font zoom to the startup values by pressing Ctrl+0
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of The Raconteurs

XYplorer 20.00
- Recent Location Pins: Navigating a huge folder tree is much easier with pins at your recently visited locations. One of those features you will never want to miss again
- Custom Colored Tabs: Now tabs can be individually colored
- Wheel Scroll Lines: Now you can customize the number of lines that are scrolled for each notch that the mouse wheel is rotated, independently of the host system settings
- Compilation Soundtrack: Compiled to the music of Gillian Welch & David Rawlings

XYplorer 19.90

Clipboard Viewer:
- What’s in the clipboard? What will happen when I paste now? Curious? Need to know for sure? Well, just hover the "Edit Clipboard" or "Paste" button in the toolbar for an instant preview of the current clipboard contents. No clicks required. And it even works for images

Paste Text As Item:
- Now you can paste a copy of the item(s) referred to by textual clipboard contents. Works with local paths and even with web addresses. Which means you can download a file to the current folder right from an http path in the clipboard

Dropped Messages From Thunderbird:
- Now, additional to Outlook, also emails dropped from Thunderbird are processed along the your settings for dropped messages

Editing Dropped Messages:
- Now you can trigger an edit prompt for each field you please (From, To, Subject, Date Sent). Helps when archiving emails

Transparent Images Preview:
- Now you have four options for how to display the transparent areas in images: Neutral, Grid, White, Black

Hover Box With Transparency:
- Now it supports the user-selected transparency background (Neutral, Grid, White, Black), and you can easily change it on-the-fly while the Hover Box is shown

Compilation Soundtrack:
- Compiled to the music of Mike Doughty

XYplorer 19.80
- Multi-User-Tagging. The concept of Multi-User-Tagging, i.e. sharing file tags within a networked team, is around for quite a while in XYplorer, but the first implementation lacked power, comfort, and elegance. Not anymore
- If you are looking for a way to implement a shared tagging system, you found it. Easy setup, fast automatic real-time synchronization, access control, and a large number of independent fields (Label, Tags, Comment, and 16 freely definable Extra Tags) for each file
- Give it a try, annotate a file and have all your team members see your notes in real-time in their file manager. And see their comments in your file manager. Your team is fully connected
- Status Log. Now the last 1000 changes in the Status Bar are permanently logged. It might be interesting to see what those rapidly changing Status Bar messages actually said, or what exactly you were doing 15 minutes ago. Now you can find out
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Fanny, "The Godmothers of Chick Rock."

XYplorer 19.70
- File Tagging. Now you have sixteen freely definable Extra Columns, sixteen user fields for each file and folder, fields that you can fill, display, sort by, search for, carry around on a stick, and share with your team
- Quick Jump. Now double-clicking a cell in the Path column will open that path and auto-select the double-clicked item
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Kurt Vile

XYplorer 19.60
- Maintenance: This is primarily a maintenance release with lots of bug fixes and small improvements, especially concerning the new Dark Mode
- Disallow Delete By Key: Now you can prevent accidental deletions-by-key in the folder tree
- Confirm Delete: The Confirm Delete prompt has been much improved
- Selection Stats: The Selection Stats dialog prompt has been much improved
- Random Rename: For what it's worth, now you can rename any number of files to random strings. Might come in handy if you make your money as a spy
- Compilation Soundtrack: Compiled to the music of Larkin Poe

XYplorer 19.50
- Dark Mode
- Compilation Soundtrack

XYplorer 19.40

- Archive Contents Preview. Now you can preview the contents of archives just by hovering the file icon. No clicks required. Works for ZIP and, if WinRAR and/or 7-Zip is installed, for RAR, TAR, GZ, 7Z, and many other archive formats
- Live Filter Box. Now you can choose the position of the Live Filter Box. Either it is shown right of the Address Bar, or in the left end of the Status Bar
- Hover Box Icon. Now you can toggle the visibility of the file icon in the status section of the Hover Box: Simply press key "I"
- Hover Box Status. Now you can cycle the amount of information shown in the status section of the Hover Box: Simply press key "S"
- Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Khruangbin

XYplorer 19.30

Folder Contents Preview:
- Now you can get a folder contents preview in the Hover Box. Simply hover a folder and see its top 20 items instantly listed in a small popup. Works in the folder tree and the file list. Addictive is an understatement. This will change the way you work. Your file management will become smooth and silent through a reduction of futile clicks

Mouse Up Show Down:
- Now it’s available also in the folder tree. Like in the List it works on mouse up on the folder icons. Lets you quickly peek into folders without leaving the current location. Lets you even list and open files right from the tree

Canvas Color Toggle:
- Now you can quickly toggle the background color of the Hover Box for images. Cool feature for photographers

Invalid Filename Warning:
- Now you get a warning in the status bar when a file or folder with an invalid filename (invalid in the Windows shell, not in NTFS) is selected in the file list. Leading or trailing spaces are made visible by a replacement character

Horizontal Scrolling:
- Now Shift+Wheel horizontally scrolls folder tree and file list

XYplorer 19.20
- Mouse Up Show Down. What about a mouse-driven instant non-invasive Folder Contents Preview that lets you look into a folder without opening it? You can jump into subfolders or open files right from the preview. You will get hooked to this amazing speed booster in a second and never look back
- Tab Colors. Now you can have the selected tab auto-match the color of the breadcrumb bar of each pane. So what? Well, try it. It makes a lot of sense in terms of user guidance and interface balance
- Tree Path Colors. Just like with tabs you now can also have the "Tree Path Tracing" auto-match the color of the breadcrumb bar of each pane. It’s a small thing but it makes everything look better
- Drag and Clone. In all small lists where you can drag items to a new position you now can drag-and-clone an item by Ctrl+Drag
- Remove Search and Filters. The context menu of the Search Information Bar and Filter Information Bar now tells you what you can do with a double click: Remove the search, or the filter. You always could, but now you know

XYplorer 19.10
- This Is A BIG Maintenance Release. A major Windows 10 related issue regarding XYplorer’s portable devices support has been finally resolved, and there have been numerous minor fixes and enhancements since 19.00.

XYplorer 19.00

Hover Box:
- XYplorer’s zero-click wonder, the HoverBox, now supports thumbnail previews for text, image, video, office, and PDF files. A pleasure for your eyes and your tendons. Immediate addiction guaranteed

Select On Hover:
- Optionally you can now select list items by just hovering their icon. Another comfy zero-click service

Find Hidden Files:
- The new "Find hidden" option lets you find all items regardless of any settings that might currently hide them

XYplorer 18.90
- Drag Status Box. The Drag Status Box™ is a color-coded information box shown at the mouse pointer when hovering over a drop target
- You turn it on/off here: Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Safety | Safety Belts | Show drag status box. That’s all you need to know. The rest is plug and play as they used to say many moons ago. Nothing to learn, nothing to know. It just works in a natural self-explaining way in full harmony with the universe
- The Drag Status Box moves with the mouse while dragging 5 items from the file list to the folder tree
- Prevent Unwanted Dragging. Now you can disallow dragging from folder tree and file list independently. Lets you for example protect the tree from potentially disastrous drag-and-drop mistakes while keeping the list drag-ready to rock

These are the options you want to play with for better drag-disaster protection:
- Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Safety | Safety Belts | Disallow left-dragging from folder tree
- Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Safety | Safety Belts | Disallow left-dragging from file list
- Drag-disaster protection here
- Toolbar Font Size. Now Ctrl+Wheel over the Toolbar changes the button captions font size on the fly and with high granularity
- This only works when toolbar button captions are turned on. Do it here: Tools | Customize Toolbar (Ctrl+Shift+F9), then Options | Show Button Captions

XYplorer 18.80
- Open Throw Away Clone. Now you can open a clone of the current XYplorer instance in read-only mode. You can use such a clone for quick in-between jobs that should not affect your main configuration. Highly useful
- Selection Colors. Now you can customize the text and background colors of selected items. Offers you a break from the age-old white-on-blue without messing with the Windows system-wide color settings
- Vertical Grid. Now you can have vertical grid lines in the details view
- Live Filter Highlights. Now the matching parts can be highlighted
- Filename Length Info. Now a yellow warning icon is shown in the box when the new filename would trigger a move-on-rename
- Toolbar Captions. Now you can customize the number of caption lines. The more lines you use the less horizontal space is taken by each button
- Scripting. Added Compound Assignment Operators .=, +=, -=, *=, /=, =.

XYplorer 18.70
- Filename Length InfoNow you can have a little info bar at the right end of the inline rename box showing the current length of the filename and also (in parentheses) the length of the full pathThe bar turns red when the item name is overlong (longer than 259 characters) and warns you if you enter characters that are not valid in a filename
- Find Text in Text BoxesNow all text boxes support a basic find dialog that lets you search for strings inside the text
- More LabelsRaised the maximum number from 16 to 32, so now you can label your files with up to 32 color labels
- Hover BoxNow it supports previewing cursor files

XYplorer 18.60.0200
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 18.60.0100
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 18.60.0000

Self Update:
- Now the updated app will auto-run after self-update

Transparency Grid:
- Now you can customize the two checkerboard grid colors
- Numerous Small Improvements and Fixes

XYplorer 18.50.0300
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 18.50.0200
- Change log not available for this version

XYplorer 18.50.0100
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 18.50.0000

Toolbar Captions:
- Finally XYplorer’s newbie-friendliness extends to the toolbar. If you ever wanted to know what those colorful toolbar buttons actually do, this version comes with optional captions. To turn on the captions use menu command Tools | Customize Toolbar... (Ctrl+Shift+F9), then click the Options button in the Customize Toolbar dialog, and tick Show Button Captions. Well, this is definitely a newbie-only feature (but hey, we all should honor our inner newbie once in a while). Fortunately you can scroll the toolbar (by dragging it with the mouse) to move the rest of the buttons into view

Sync Caps:
- Now Sync Folders ensures that the capitalization (lower/upper case letters in the item names) of the target files and folders exactly matches that of the source items. There is nothing to learn. It just works.

Filtered Sync:
- Now you can explicitly include and exclude files and folders from Sync Folders by passing a list of patterns to the job. Wildcards supported. Scripting abilities needed

Shortcut Overlays:
- Now you can say no to shortcut overlays

XYplorer 18.40.0100
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 18.40.0000

Sync Folders:
- Finally XYplorer lets you synchronize two folders. It's a one-way sync, also known as mirror sync: The target folder is made to be like the source folder. Now it's just a toolbar button away
- Advanced Users: Scripting support lets you create buttons or batches for frequently recurring sync tasks

Time Stamping:
- Now you can easily "touch" files (set the filetime to now) via the context menu

Know Your Clipboard:
- The Paste toolbar button now shows what's in the clipboard, i.e. the stuff that will be pasted if you click the button

Backup Speed:
- Backup operations are much faster now when most items are skipped, which is the common case in large incremental backups

XYplorer 18.30.0000
- Touchscreen Mode. Bigger icons are just a click away now. Big enough to be touched with big fingers. The fonts get bigger, too. Easier to read in harsh lighting conditions.
- Time Stamping. Now you can edit file dates right from the list column. You can even paste a file date from the clipboard directly into the column. Multiple files can be stamped in one go.
- Age Display. The unit "week" has been replaced by "month". Easier to process for most brains assumingly.

XYplorer 18.20.0300
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 18.20.0200
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 18.20.0100
- Change log not available for this version

XYplorer 18.20.0000
- Age Circles: Little visual helpers that let you instantly grasp the rough age of a file. No more brain power wasted on deciphering date strings. Addictive killer feature of the year so far
- Age Tips: Now when you hover any cell in any date column the corresponding age is displayed in a tooltip

XYplorer 18.10.0100
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 18.10.0000

Hamburger at the Breadcrumbs:
- A new button brings some often used commands closer to the mouse. Actually we should have made it a Cheeseburger to attract the mouse even more. The button pops a menu that is fully customizable. However, you need to acquaint yourself with light programming skills to make it happen. No worries, even the default commands will likely streamline your workflow

Dual Pane Commands:
- Added commands "Move to Other Pane" and "Copy to Other Pane" to the context menu of any selected items

Dual Permanent Startup Path:
- Now can define a permanent startup path for each pane. Use the field Configuration | General | Startup & Exit | Permanent startup path and enter both paths separated by a double pipe (||). For example, to open pane 1 always in C:, and pane 2 always in D:, enter C:||D:

Toolbar Goes Nuts:
- New buttons "Move to Recent Locations" and "Copy to Recent Locations" drop the list of recent locations as targets to move/copy the currently selected items to. Use command Tools | Customize Toolbar... (Ctrl+Shift+F9) to add the button(s) to your toolbar. BTW, the icon is an acorn, typically collected by squirrels in their storage locations. Well, that's the idea, collecting stuff in known places. The Copy acorn is blue as in blueprint (= copy)

XYplorer 18.00.0000
- Persistent Live Filters. Now optionally Live Filters persist across folders, and are remembered across tab switches and across sessions
- User-Defined Preview Handlers. Now you can freely associate particular file types with particular preview handlers. This means full preview control without touching the registry

XYplorer 17.90.0400
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 17.90.0300
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 17.90.0200
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 17.90.0100
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 17.90.0000

Size Graphics:
- Now the size column can have graphical representations of the byte counts right in the column. Simply right-click the size column header and choose between three options: No Graphics, Circles, Bars

Size Tooltips:
- The size column now always shows a tooltip (even if the text is not cropped) with the exact byte count of the hovered item. Saves lots of clicks when you are interested in exact numbers

Live Filtering:
- Now you can filter-as-you-type right in the file list. Try it and you will love it. A brilliant way to tame long file lists and focus on what’s important now

Icon Lists:
- Now you can specify a list of icons that are shown side by side for each item in custom columns. Write a script to determine which icons are shown for each particular file. This lets you present file information in a visually catchy way

XYplorer 17.80.0000

Icons in Custom Columns:
- Now you can create your own columns and have them display icons of your choice. E.g. you could create a column that shows a special camera icon for all photos that were shot with a Nikon. Make stand out what’s important to you, and do it in a way that works best for you and your eyes

Circles in Custom Columns:
- Now you can decorate your files with colorful circles. Brings back a long-missed psychedelic kindergarten vibe to file management

Scroll Margin:
- Introducing a smart little usability enhancer that gives some context to your cursor when moving up or down the list with the arrow keys. Lets you see where you are going before you go there. Relaxing

XYplorer 17.70.0200
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 17.70.0100
- The last version, v17.70.0000, had an issue where the mouse input was not released to other processes under certain conditions. Nothing dangerous but certainly annoying. It’s fixed now.

XYplorer 17.70.0000

Hover Box:
- When hovering a file icon or caption of an image file a popup shows a thumbnail and basic file, image, and photo information. A highly addictive zero click preview.

Keyboard Navigation:
- Now you can navigate the list and open files and folders right from the Live Filter Box. Productivity boost for typers.

Live Filter Box:
- Now you can type a space to see only those items with at least one space in their name. Sounds lame but File Explorer can’t do it.

XYplorer 17.60.0100
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

XYplorer 17.60.0000

Find Files by Path:
- Now you can find items by the name of their parent folder or full path, using a simple inline switch

New Overwrite Prompt:
- Redesigned the dialog for clarity and usability

Audio Properties:
- Now the basic audio properties (Bit Rate, Sample Rate, Channels, Length) are shown right in the Large Tiles view. Allows for a quick glance without displaying any spacy extra columns

XYplorer 17.50.0200
- Change log not available for this version

XYplorer 17.50.0200
- Change log not available for this version

XYplorer 17.50.0000

Quick Audio Preview:
- Mouse down on the file icon to hear the sound. Mouse move to scroll. Mouse up to stop. MP3, WAV, FLAC, OGG... you name it. With interactive progress bar. Probably the most convenient audio file previewer on the planet.

Support of Filenames Ending With Dot or Space:
- Those filenames are invalid in the Windows name space and the shell cannot do anything with them. Delete, rename, move, it all fails with the standard File Explorer. XYplorer now can handle them.

Extra Large Toolbar:
- Now you can have extra large buttons (48x48 pixels). Increases toolbar usability on high-resolution screens.

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