TinyButStrong Error in field [var.version...]: the key 'version' does not exist or is not set in VarRef. (VarRef seems refers to $GLOBALS) This message can be cancelled using parameter 'noerr'.

TinyButStrong Error in field [var.version...]: the key 'version' does not exist or is not set in VarRef. (VarRef seems refers to $GLOBALS) This message can be cancelled using parameter 'noerr'.
 WebTorrent 軟體歷史版本 Download Page3 :: 軟體兄弟

WebTorrent 歷史版本列表 Page3

最新版本 [var.version]

WebTorrent 歷史版本列表

WebTorrent 桌面是流式山洪。無論是來自 Internet Archive 的視頻,Creative Commons 的音樂還是 Librivox 的有聲讀物,都可以馬上播放。您不必等待它完成下載。桌面是快速的,免費的,非商業的& 開源。 WebTorrent 是一個驚人的流式瀏覽器和桌面洪流客戶端! WebTorrent PC 桌面連接到 BitTorrent 和 WebTorr... WebTorrent 軟體介紹

WebTorrent (32-bit)WebTorrent (64-bit)

RStudio 1.2.1578 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

RStudio Server Pro:
- New Slurm plugin for the Job Launcher enables running R sessions and jobs on Slurm clusters
- Support for starting and managing Jupyter sessions alongside R sessions
- Overhaul of user dashboard for managing R sessions, Jupyter sessions, and jobs

Bug Fixes:
- Restore capability to use 32-bit R on Windows
- Fix pane configuration being reset after customization
- Fix issue where middle click failed to close editor tabs
- Fix incorrect application of C++ project compilation options to non-project files
- Fix issues on MacOS with command line tool headers when /usr/include is missing
- Fix failure to start on R 3.6.0 when the error option is set in .Rprofile
- Fix issue where attempts to run R debugger in .Rprofile could hang RStudio
- Fix parsing multi-line expressions with single brackets inside strings
- Improve detection of remote sessions on Windows
- Fix issue where text in prompts would fail to display on macOS Mojave
- Fix “Reload App” button for Shiny applications in Firefox on RStudio Server
- Fix issue where themes without names would not use the file name as a name instead
- Fix NULL in code preview on first attempt to import data
- Prompt for permissions on macOS Mojave when R packages require them
- Add explicit dependency on required libxkbcommon package on Linux
- Fixed inability to execute editor commands from menu in RStudio Server
- Remove unnecessary dependency on rprojroot package
- Fix failure to launch RStudio Desktop when started as root user
- Fixed an issue where the Files pane occasionally would fail to scroll to bottom
- Fixed an issue where RStudio would always use the discrete GPU on macOS
- Fix startup failure when using multiple CRAN repos
- Fix console display issue with certain mixed color output patterns

- Improve detection of current working directory for terminals on macOS
- Update to Pandoc 2.7.2 on Windows to address occasional segfaults
- Qt support libraries for Wayland are now bundled on Linux
- Set secure flag when clearing cookies for consistency

WebTorrent 0.21.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add YouTube style hotkeys
- Toggle sound notifications on/off
- Ability to play MPEG-4 Audio Book (.m4b)
- Add support for subtitles on Chromecast

- Update to Electron 4
- Remove '(BETA)' from app window title
- Update React (v16) and Material-UI (v0.20)
- Show audio track and disk number
- Asynchronous music metadata updates while streaming
- If torrent is not private, leave private flag unset
- Improve audio poster selection
- Save preferences immediately when changed

- Ensure that the minutes field in playback indicator is zero-padded
- Bug Fix: Empty Array Reduce
- Fix startup problems
- Add back loading spinner for player page
- Fix Linux desktop file

Wing IDE 101 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bug Fixes:
- Fix slowing and dropping of remote development connections caused by remote extension module scraping
- Fix failure to show Pandas DataFrame and Series values
- Fix OS Commands to work on remote hosts when using Python 3
- Fix remote extension module inspection when the resulting .pi file contains non-ascii characters
- Add __init__ arguments to auto-completion list
- Fix showing stars for project files in the Exceptions tool
- Fix quoting strings in Stack Data, Watch, and debug value tips
- Avoid failure to restart the Python Shell in some cases when switching projects
- Disable the ignore exception checkbox when the exception cannot be ignored
- Fix ignoring exceptions in frozen importlib files
- Show debug value tips also on values on the first or last visible line
- Don't show debug value tips for symbols scrolled under the margins
- Improve senary icon color for Solarized Light color palette
- Add a dependency for libxcb-xkb and some other libraries to the Debian and RPM packages
- Apply Display Font preference also to menu bar and trees and lists on Windows
- Fix line numbers shown in pytest exception tracebacks
- Wrap tree view tool tips to fit on the screen
- Fix Python Shell startup header text

Wing IDE 101 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Support the system-provided OpenSSH on Windows 10 for remote development

Bug Fixes:
- Fix problems with late code printing to stdout and stderr when running tests
- Fix analysis of modules used when specifying base classes

RStudio 1.2.1335 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Python and Notebooks:
- Use a shared Python session to execute Python chunks via reticulate
- Simple bindings to access R objects from Python chunks and vice versa
- Show matplotlib plots emitted by Python chunks

- Store passwords and secrets securely with keyring by calling rstudioapi::askForSecret()
- Install keyring directly from dialog prompt

- Author D3 visualizations in RStudio and preview in the Viewer pane
- Use r2d3 D3 visualizations in R Notebook chunks

- Run any R script as a background job in a clean R session
- Monitor progress and see script output in real time
- Optionally give jobs your global environment when started, and export values back when complete

- Author SQL queries in RStudio and preview in the SQL Results pane

- Run Tests command in testthat R scripts for direct running
- testthat output in the Build pane with navigable issue list
- Integration with shinytest to record and run Shiny app tests

- Create PowerPoint presentations with R Markdown

Package Management:
- Specify a primary CRAN URL and secondary CRAN repos from the package preferences pane.
- Link to a package’s primary CRAN page from the packages pane.
- Configure CRAN repos with a repos.conf configuration file and the r-cran-repos-file option.
- Suggest additional secondary CRAN repos with the r-cran-repos-url option.

- Create Plumber APIs in RStudio
- Execute Plumber APIs within RStudio to view Swagger documentation and make test calls to the APIs
- Publish Plumber APIs to RStudio Connect

- Git ‘Create Branch’ dialog defaults to remote associated w/current branch (if any)
- Added link to purrr cheat sheet (in Help) and link to browse all cheat sheets
- Added option to temporarily disable environment pane refreshing
- Improve NSE detection for dplyr (better understands S3 dispatch and idioms)
- Add ability to search for displayed database objects in Connections tab
- Add button to open profiler output in an external browser
- Add option to show the R Markdown render command used when knitting
- Add option to show hidden files in the Files pane
- Upgrade embedded Pandoc to 2.2.1
- Allow renames that change only file case on Windows
- Remember scroll position when navigating in Help pane
- Show warning when attempting to edit a generated file
- Allow opening .ini files with file.edit
- Add shinymod snippet for Shiny modules
- Allow changing zoom level without reloading
- New command ‘Pull with Rebase’ to pull and rebase a branch in a single step
- Click on promises in the Environment pane now calls force on the promise
- Add Rename command to File menu for quick rename of current file
- Numeric filtering in data viewer shows value distribution and supports user-entered values
- Improved support for custom knitr engines in R Notebooks
- Add support for viewing external web URLs in the Viewer pane
- Add option to disable drag-and-drop for text in the editor
- Add option to disable cursor save/load; improves performance on some Windows machines
- R startup files (e.g. .Rprofile) are now always saved with trailing newlines
- Update embedded libclang to 5.0.2 (Windows only)
- RStudio now a 64-bit application on Windows (Linux and Mac are already 64-bit)

Bug Fixes:
- Fix “Invalid byte sequence” when spell checking
- Fix incorrect Git status pane display when git detects that a file has been copied
- Fix hang when submitting empty passwords and password encryption is turned off
- Fix HTTP 500 error when navigating to directories such as /js/
- Fix issue where Build pane would get ‘stuck’ on failed Rcpp::compileAttributes() call
- Fix low/no-contrast colors with HTML widgets in notebooks with a dark theme
- Fix invalid YAML in some cases when changing R Markdown output type via dialog
- Fix error when quitting while a function named q() is present
- Fix crash when executing multiple R Notebook chunks with a failing Rcpp chunk
- Fix missing blank lines in code chunks in R Notebook preview
- Fix selection in Files pane when files are modified while checked
- Fix incorrect truncation of some R object descriptions in Environment pane
- Fix duplicate prompts in each window when using RStudio API showPrompt
- Fix proxy timeouts with the websocket used for the Terminal, via keepalive messages
- Fix file.edit failures with Chinese filenames on Windows
- Fix errors when importing non-ASCII filenames in base Import Dataset
- Fix rserver crash that can occur when proxying websockets to Shiny apps
- Fix hang on some Linux systems caused by X11 clipboard monitoring w/ option to disable monitoring
- Fix empty column titles when viewing matrices without column names
- Fix error when pressing F1 on non-function autocomplete results
- Fix hang when autocompleting filenames in large directories
- Fix inability to copy content from Viewer pane and data viewer in IE11
- Fix errant addition of msys-ssh to path on non-Windows platforms
- Fix buggy behavior with when ANSI colors are present
- Fix external process slowness (git, etc.) when open file limit RLIMIT_NOFILE is high
- Fix issue caused by resolving symlinks when choosing Git path
- Fix display of consecutive spaces in the Data Viewer
- Fix issue where ‘#’ in YAML strings would be highlighted as comments
- Fix over-eager loading of yaml package when IDE starts up
- Fix issue on Windows with R dialogs showing behind RStudio window
- Fix incorrect insertion of mousewheel handler into HTML widget JavaScript
- Fix unresponsive buttons in Connections pane when connection deletion is cancelled
- Fix RStudio hang when installing packages (e.g. BH) in Packrat projects on Windows

RStudio Server Pro:
- Overhauled R versions, allowing you to specify version labels, load environment modules, and execute a prelaunch script when loading specific - versions.
- New rsession-diagnostics-enabled option for rserver.conf to enable session launch diagnostics mode to help diagnose session launch failures.
- Added support for auth-pam-sessions-use-password option in a load balanced setup.
- Added ability to suspend sessions from user home page.
- Added hmac signature verification for proxy auth mode with new auth-proxy-require-hmac option in rserver.conf.
- Add nodes to RStudio Server Pro load-balanced clusters without service interruptions.

WebTorrent 0.20.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added support for additional audio extensions: 'aiff', 'ape', 'mp2', 'oga', 'opus', 'wma'

- Displaying filename while music metadata is being downloaded
- Improved the poster selection for audio/music based torrents
- Launch VLC player without the --video-on-top flag

- Fix silently failing to open magnets links on Linux

WebTorrent 0.19.0 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added watch folder feature: Automatically add new torrent files added to a folder on disk
- Added highest playback priority feature: pauses other active torrents when playback starts
- Add 'Start Speaking' and 'Stop Speaking' menu item (Mac)
- Add pinch-to-zoom gesture to enter/exit fullscreen

- [SECURITY] Mitigate Electron protocol handler issue (Windows)
- Moved project from Feross's GitHub account to the WebTorrent GitHub organization
- Updated to electron@1.6.16
- Updated to material-ui@0.17
- Treat .FLAC as playable audio

- Fix time and duration so it doesn't bounce in the UI
- Fix 'About WebTorrent' menu location on Windows

WebTorrent 0.19.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added watch folder feature: Automatically add new torrent files added to a folder on disk
- Added highest playback priority feature: pauses other active torrents when playback starts
- Add 'Start Speaking' and 'Stop Speaking' menu item (Mac)
- Add pinch-to-zoom gesture to enter/exit fullscreen

- [SECURITY] Mitigate Electron protocol handler issue (Windows)
- Moved project from Feross's GitHub account to the WebTorrent GitHub organization
- Updated to electron@1.6.16
- Updated to material-ui@0.17
- Treat .FLAC as playable audio

- Fix time and duration so it doesn't bounce in the UI
- Fix 'About WebTorrent' menu location on Windows

WebTorrent 0.18.0 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add a new "Transfers" menu for pausing or resuming all torrents

- Update Electron to 1.4.15 ◦Windows 32-bit: App can use 4GB of memory instead of just 2GB
- Fix "Portable App" writing crash reports to "%APPDATA%Temp" (Windows)
- Updated WebTorrent engine to 0.98.5 ◦Fix issue where http web seeds would sometimes stall
- Don't send 'completed' event to tracker again if torrent is already complete
- Add more peer ID entropy
- Set user-agent header for tracker http requests

- Fix paste shortcut in tracker list on Create Torrent page
- Auto-focus the 'OK' button in modal dialogs
- Fix formatting issue in the speed stats on the Player page

WebTorrent 0.18.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add a new "Transfers" menu for pausing or resuming all torrents

- Update Electron to 1.4.15 ◦Windows 32-bit: App can use 4GB of memory instead of just 2GB
- Fix "Portable App" writing crash reports to "%APPDATA%Temp" (Windows)
- Updated WebTorrent engine to 0.98.5 ◦Fix issue where http web seeds would sometimes stall
- Don't send 'completed' event to tracker again if torrent is already complete
- Add more peer ID entropy
- Set user-agent header for tracker http requests

- Fix paste shortcut in tracker list on Create Torrent page
- Auto-focus the 'OK' button in modal dialogs
- Fix formatting issue in the speed stats on the Player page