WebTorrent (64-bit)

最新版本 RStudio 1.2.1578

RStudio 1.2.1578

RStudio 1.2.1578
WebTorrent 桌面用於流媒體種子。無論是來自 Internet Archive 的視頻,Creative Commons 的音樂還是 Librivox 的有聲讀物,都可以馬上播放。您不必等待它完成下載。 WebTorrent 桌面是快速,免費,非商業的& 開源。 WebTorrent 是一個驚人的流瀏覽器和桌面洪流客戶端! WebTorrent PC 桌面連接到 BitTorrent 和 WebTorrent 同伴.

WebTorrent 完全是用 JavaScript 編寫的 - ndash; 網頁的語言– 並儘可能使用 WebRTC 進行點對點傳輸。在您的瀏覽器中不需要瀏覽器插件,擴展或安裝來使用 WebTorrent。無論是來自 Internet Archive 的視頻,Creative Commons 的音樂還是 Librivox 的有聲讀物,都可以馬上播放。您不必等待它完成下載。

想像一個點對點 YouTube,在這裡觀眾幫助主辦網站的內容。通過使 BitTorrent 更易於使用,我們可以讓更多的人參與,並採取第一步來重新分散互聯網。

在 Instant.io 上查看 Web 上的 WebTorrent。使用 BitTorrent 將文件發送給朋友!或者,為 Mac,Windows 和 Linux 安裝 WebTorrent 桌面。

WebTorrent 功能:
輕量級,快速的洪流應用程序美麗的用戶體驗免費,非商業,無廣告和開源即時流視頻和音頻 WebTorrent 從網絡上獲取文件片斷即時回放的需求。即使該文件沒有完全下載,尋求仍然有效。 (尋求只重新確定從網絡中獲取哪些片段)。將視頻流式傳輸到 AirPlay,Chromecast 和 DLNA 基於 Node.js 中最流行和最全面的洪流包,webtorrent 功能齊全,但無阻塞打開磁鏈接和.torrent 文件拖放使添加或創建山洪很容易通過跟踪器服務器,DHT(分佈式哈希表)和對等交換發現對等支持 WebTorrent 協議連接到 WebRTC 同行(即網頁瀏覽器)


檔案版本 RStudio 1.2.1578

檔案名稱 RStudio-1.2.1578.exe
檔案大小 143 MB
系統 Windows 10 (64-bit)
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 Feross Aboukhadijeh
官網 https://webtorrent.io/
更新日期 2019-09-17

What's new in this version:

RStudio Server Pro:
- New Slurm plugin for the Job Launcher enables running R sessions and jobs on Slurm clusters
- Support for starting and managing Jupyter sessions alongside R sessions
- Overhaul of user dashboard for managing R sessions, Jupyter sessions, and jobs

Bug Fixes:
- Restore capability to use 32-bit R on Windows
- Fix pane configuration being reset after customization
- Fix issue where middle click failed to close editor tabs
- Fix incorrect application of C++ project compilation options to non-project files
- Fix issues on MacOS with command line tool headers when /usr/include is missing
- Fix failure to start on R 3.6.0 when the error option is set in .Rprofile
- Fix issue where attempts to run R debugger in .Rprofile could hang RStudio
- Fix parsing multi-line expressions with single brackets inside strings
- Improve detection of remote sessions on Windows
- Fix issue where text in prompts would fail to display on macOS Mojave
- Fix “Reload App” button for Shiny applications in Firefox on RStudio Server
- Fix issue where themes without names would not use the file name as a name instead
- Fix NULL in code preview on first attempt to import data
- Prompt for permissions on macOS Mojave when R packages require them
- Add explicit dependency on required libxkbcommon package on Linux
- Fixed inability to execute editor commands from menu in RStudio Server
- Remove unnecessary dependency on rprojroot package
- Fix failure to launch RStudio Desktop when started as root user
- Fixed an issue where the Files pane occasionally would fail to scroll to bottom
- Fixed an issue where RStudio would always use the discrete GPU on macOS
- Fix startup failure when using multiple CRAN repos
- Fix console display issue with certain mixed color output patterns

- Improve detection of current working directory for terminals on macOS
- Update to Pandoc 2.7.2 on Windows to address occasional segfaults
- Qt support libraries for Wayland are now bundled on Linux
- Set secure flag when clearing cookies for consistency

RStudio 1.2.1578 相關參考資料
JavaScript alert when opening RStudio 1.2.1578 - RStudio ...

I recently upgraded from v1.2.1335 to v1.2.1578. Once the installation was finished, I launched RStudio and received the error message shown ...


RStudio 1.2.1578 - Npackd

https://download1.rstudio.org/desktop/windows/RStudio-1.2.1578.exe · VirusTotal results. Change log: n/a. Description: IDE for R language.


RStudio 1.2.1578 Download for Windows 10, 8, 7 - FileHorse

RStudio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for R. It includes a console, syntax-highlighting editor that supports direct code ...


RStudio 1.2.1578 for Ubuntu 14 dependency issue - RStudio ...

Same problem to topic https://community.rstudio.com/t/preview-1-2-747-doesnt-install-in-ubuntu-16-04/10005 , closed but still not resolved.


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R 语言集成开发环境RStudio,分为面向桌面用户IDE 和Linux R 服务器版编辑器两种编辑器。1.2.1578 版本更改如下: RStudio Server Pro: 用于 ...


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RStudio Preview - RStudio

A preview release of RStudio v1.3.1031-1 is now available for testing and feedback. This is a maintenance release of RStudio which includes small ...


RStudio Release History – RStudio Support

... of user dashboard for managing R sessions, Jupyter sessions, and jobs; See the 1.2.1578-4 Release Notes for a full list of fixes and features ...


RStudio Server Professional Edition 1.2.1578-2

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RStudio Server Professional Edition 1.2.1578-4

1.1 Introduction. RStudio Server enables you to provide a browser based interface (the RStudio IDE) to a version of R running on a remote Linux server.
