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Wavebox (64-bit) 歷史版本列表

Wavebox 可讓您將所有網絡工具整合在一起,以便更快,更智能地工作。從網頁到桌面,在一個整齊打包的應用程序!將您最喜愛的網絡工具鏈接到 Wavebox 非常簡單,並且都有完整的通知支持。 Wavebox 與您的操作系統無縫集成,讓您保持完美的最新狀態。 Wavebox 建立在您已經每天使用的技術之上。這是為了充分利用世界各地的開發人員投入到項目中的所有努力,並在使用 Wavebox 時為您提供... Wavebox (64-bit) 軟體介紹

Wavebox 3.10.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- This release includes some security fixes from electron

Wavebox 3.9.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added the ability to hide & show sidebar bottom icons with thanks to @Pear0
- Fix & Add Feedly as an account type
- Add Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote and Teams to Microsoft accounts
- Add option to enable/disable navigation toolbar on container accounts
- Add custom CSS for main mailboxes window
- Add more options for showing and hiding tooltips
- Accounts can now be reordered by dragging
- Added tray minimise option on win32
- Fix tracking issue with Gmelius
- Update dependencies
- Make custom CSS take higher styling precedence than page styles
- Add account type to tray items
- Add option to set display name on linked accounts
- Add info on installing additional fonts for Linux
- Improve font support on Snap packages
- Fix snap version failing to run on Fedora & Solus
- Add option to remember last navigated page in Web Link & Linked accounts
- Add support for unread counts on some linked accounts
- Add support for Wavebox API in linked accounts

Wavebox 3.8.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added the ability to hide & show sidebar bottom icons with thanks to @Pear0
- Fix & Add Feedly as an account type
- Add Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote and Teams to Microsoft accounts
- Add option to enable/disable navigation toolbar on container accounts
- Add custom CSS for main mailboxes window
- Add more options for showing and hiding tooltips
- Accounts can now be reordered by dragging
- Added tray minimise option on win32
- Fix tracking issue with Gmelius
- Update dependencies
- Make custom CSS take higher styling precedence than page styles
- Add account type to tray items
- Add option to set display name on linked accounts
- Add info on installing additional fonts for Linux
- Improve font support on Snap packages
- Fix snap version failing to run on Fedora & Solus
- Add option to remember last navigated page in Web Link & Linked accounts
- Add support for unread counts on some linked accounts
- Add support for Wavebox API in linked accounts

Wavebox 3.7.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New add screen
- New welcome screen
- Added sleep notifications to accounts

Added container models with support for following online services:
- Amazon Web Services
- Asana
- Basecamp
- BitBucket
- Desk
- Discord
- Dreamstime
- Email Octopus
- Evernote
- Facebook
- Fastmail
- Flowdock
- Ghost
- GitHub
- Gitter
- HipChat
- Hootsuite
- Intercom
- iTunes Connect
- Jira
- LinkedIn
- Mailchimp
- Messenger
- Microsoft Teams
- Protonmail
- Quickbooks Online
- Redbooth
- Remember the Milk
- Salesforce
- Simplenote
- Todoist
- Toggl
- TweetDeck
- Twitter
- Unsplash
- Waffle.io
- WhatsApp
- Wunderlist
- Xero
- YouTUbe
- Zoho

- Fixed some issues with Gmelius
- Add CSS templating for extensions
- Fix Markdown Here toolbar icon styling

Added support for:
- Grammarly
- Todoist for Gmail
- Clearbit Connect
- Dropbox for Gmail

- Speed up adding slack account
- Capture invalid auth token on slack accounts and display to user
- Speed up page loading and reduce per-page overhead
- Made Google Music notifications silent by default
- Reduced our per page overhead some more. Unified browser polyfills across all domains
- Rewrite our window opening code to be more resilient and updatable
- Moved mailbox navigation toolbar into main toolbar
- Improved font support on Snap Packages
- Added webcam support on Snap Packages
- Update extension screen
- Enable sleep by default on new accounts
- Performance fixes
- Improve icon rendering
- Remove some unused keyboard shortcuts on windows and linux
- Fixed some keyboard shortcuts and the wording of, thanks @nmat for working through those!

- Various bug fixes and lots of testing thanks to @nmat for testing from master ????
- Fix styling issues with the slack sign in window
- Fixed some support images not loading on windows
- Removed some configuration options that had no effect for free users
- Fix case where cumulative unread badge would display erroneous counts when
- Update the optimise wizard to make greyed out services optional
- Fixed missing ‘OK’ option on Google Calendar alerts for Gnome users
- Fix window control buttons overlapping service toolbar in certain cases
- Fixed content window losing focus when switched between with keyboard navigation
- Fixed content window allowing selection of non text elements in the UI
- Fix Asana login
- Update dependencies
- Fixed blank windows popping up and closing right after to open external links in Gmail
- Fix issue where google music wouldn’t reload when music was playing
- Fix for Cmd+Comma not always working on macOS
- Fixed an issue where composing a new message from the tray wouldn’t always bring the app to the foreground
- Fix visual glitch when loading print dialog
- Fix pdf printing in google inbox

Wavebox 3.6.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- UI Tweaks
- Added Copy current page url to context menu
- Added keyboard navigation to compose popup
- Added option to pull custom Google Unread counts from individual labels when configuring manually
- Added Google Classroom, Google Admin, Google Music and Project Fi with thanks to @TheWithz
- Added experimental vibrancy support on macOS
- Added option to disable account tooltips
- Added option to open current page with browser and Wavebox from right-click-menu
- Reduced window opening time
- Reduced extension loading time
- Added more info to the process monitor and reduce CPU overhead when open
- Added option to cancel print after spooling has started
- Enable sleep by default on Google Calendar and Hangouts
- Added account optimize wizard
- Speed up adding slack account

- Added patches for macOS High Sierra rendering issues on machines that have two Graphics Cards
- Fix issue where sleeping accounts would not be displayed as so in the sidebar
- Fix Slack search hook-in
- Ensure app accelerators overwrite the inbuilt Microsoft ones when O365 and Outlook accounts have been added
- Remove requirement for snapd-xdg-open on snap installs
- Fix links not opening from snap packages on Ubuntu 17.10
- Fix memory issue with Google Calendar Alerts
- Capture invalid auth token on slack accounts and display to user
- Fix styling issues with the slack sign in window
- Fixed some support images not loading on windows
- Removed some configuration options that had no effect for free users
- Fix case where cumulative unread badge would display erroneous counts when

- Enable extensions by default
- Fix CORS permissions for some extensions
- Expand API coverage to better support more upcoming extensions
- Add additional API support for chrome extensions
- Fix Mixmax dashboard window not showing correctly
- Fix chrome extension parsing issues
- Enable extension autoupdate by default

Wavebox 3.5.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add PDF printing support
- Standardised spellchecker across windows
- Updated defaults when creating new accounts
- macOS dock downloads item bounces on download complete
- Added option to open Google Drive links in the browser rather than with Wavebox
- Enabled support for the new Google Calendar UI
- Performance improvements and edge case fixes for injected APIs
- Enable geolocation api and add option to disable it

Various UI fixes:
- New loading screen
- Added more help to the failed connection screen

- Update to electron 1.7.9
- Fixes permission issue with AutoUpdate on macOS
- Update to React 16
- Updated dependencies

- Weblink accounts now produce an unread badge from notifications when the window in unfocused
- Download dialogs now appear above the window that initiated the download
- Fix unread indicator not always appearing in dock/taskbar
- Fixed issue where Google Calendar alerts could lock up the app
- Remove .waveboxdownload extension whilst downloads are in progress
- Fix accelerator conflict on EU keyboards which prevented @ being typed

- Updated support for Boomerang
- Rewrite extension sandbox to be closer to that of chrome
- Added support for Gmelius
- Added support for Mixmax

Wavebox 3.4.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added support for Outlook beta
- Moved the default account opener to be on a mailbox level rather than service
- Improved fonts in snap package
- Improved ui dialogs in snap package
- Added an additional 49 spell-checker languages
- Add unread indicator & notifications support to Google Hangouts
- Add unread indicator to Google Calendar when Notifications are enabled
- Added support for more Google Services
- Google Plus
- Google Docs
- Google Sheets
- Google Slids
- Google Analytics
- YouTube
- Google Allo
- Added some help instructions for snap users to ensure additional support libraries are installed
- Update account settings to customise notifications & badges on a per-service level
- Add spellchecking support to content popup windows & standardised support across the app
- Reduced startup time
- Reduced window open time for content windows
- Reduced binary size
- Updated defaults when creating new accounts
- UI fixes
- New loading screen
- Added diagnostic information to the failed connection screen

- Updated dependencies
- Updated electron
- Removed the old window opener code

- Fix notification settings not being respected for generic accounts
- Fix mailto links in Google Contacts
- Fixed mailto links not being opened correctly in Gmail
- Fixed race condition where duplicate notifications could appear on Google accounts
- Fix for OneDrive on Outlook accounts getting stuck after creating documents
- Fixed some ui issues around opening windows
- Fixed phantom window being left open when downloading files from slack
- Fixed a case where you can tab into the search field and then end up with a useless bar across the screen
- Fix an issue where the titlebar could be hidden on content windows when using the app in full or split screen on macOS
- Fix case where pressing close would result in black screen on macOS
- Fix notification test button when it's outside the context of an account

- Added experimental support for chrome extensions
- Added Markdown Here extension
- Added boomerang extension

Wavebox 3.3.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added option to disable cpu acceleration
- Increased gmail avatar sizes to better suit retina displays
- Added push channel info section to process monitor
- Reduced minimum window size for better compatibility with 3rd party window managers
- Improved html5 notification polyfill to support some deprecated function calls whilst improving support for 3rd party websites
- Updated slack socket code to be more resilient on flakey connections
- Added previous and next service shortcuts
- Added support for unread indicator in the taskbar on Windows
- Added button to clear browser session from accounts
- Show windows more gracefully
- Search for Google Inbox messages automatically when clicking on Notifications/Tray messages
- Set manual update download url to be github releases page when using beta channel
- Added more information to the titlebar about the active account and the guest page title
- Added message passing to LAS launcher restoring mailto behaviour on linux
- Enabled experimental window opener by default
- Option to pick where Wavebox opens new windows on a per-account basis
- Add rendering modes for gtkstatus icon on linux
- Added home board option for trello
- Added product tour
- Updated the account creation wizards
- Updated the first-run welcome screen
- Added support section to settings
- Updating styling on settings screen
- Added news section

- Update electron
- Fix issue with update permissions and non-admin users macOS
- Fix crash with experimental window opener
- Updated dependencies

- Fixed issue where slack would incorrectly report that notifications were disabled
- Added fallback to slack to ensure notifications appear when the web socket is down/slow but the window socket is up
- Added fix to slack to make notifications take account of window state
- Fix View Entire Message open in external browser in Gmail
- Fix shortcut pills not working in Gmail
- Fixed issue where main window would not restore to correct size on when minimised to tray on Windows
- Fix an issue where download filename would be lost on the second attempt
- Capture sites.google.com domains correctly when opened from Google Services
- Fix for microsoft unread counts becoming stuck
- Improve Google updates by fixing race condition
- Fix experimental window opener for OneDrive accounts

Wavebox 3.2.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Reduced startup time
- Allow previous and next mailbox shortcuts to cycle when at the end or beginning
- Enabled experimental window opener by default on beta channel
- Added Open link with Wavebox and Open link with browser options to context menu
- Automatically set the update channel based on current version (e.g. beta/stable)
- Added unread mode for Microsoft accounts to support focused inbox
- Updated the mailbox wizards to give more information when picking an unread mode
- Added right click to toggle behaviour to tray icon on macOS
- Added option to hide Wavebox from the dock when all windows are hidden on macOS
- Added tooling to set custom unread queries in Google
- Remember the last download folder
- Added option to disable cpu acceleration
- Increased gmail avatar sizes to better suit retina displays
- Added fallback to slack to ensure notifications appear when the web socket is down/slow but the window socket is up
- Added push channel info section to process monitor

- Upgraded to electron 1.7.5
- Dependency updates

- Fixed case where window would not remember position on restart
- Fix for toggling the sidebar the first time
- Fixed memory leak when opening context menu
- Fixed high CPU consumption on Generic WebViews when page is not loading
- Changed default Navigate Forward and Backward shortcuts on Linux & Windows not to conflict with text input shortcuts
- Fix bug where multiple slack connections could be open after reconnect.
- Fix issue where slack window would reload UI when opening notifications
- Fix issue where backspace would navigate back incorrectly
- Fix mailbox preview sizing on retina displays
- Fix default zoom-in shortcut on linux and windows
- Added image tools to context menus
- Fixed case where starting Wavebox when offline could render the client unavailable
- Remove avatars that were being unset during the set process
- Fixed issue where slack would incorrectly report that notifications were disabled
- Added fix to slack to make notifications take account of window state

- Fixes for windows installer icon not displaying correctly

Experimental window opener:
- Open email in Separate Window on Outlook
- Gmail button in Google Inbox
- Open drive links contained in emails within Wavebox
- Map and Hangouts links in Google Calendar
- Tighten rules on calendar link opening so non-google links open in external browser
- Fix View Entire Message open in external browser in Gmail
- Fix shortcut pills not working in Gmail

Wavebox 3.1.15 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Dependency updates
- Fixed last few react upgrade warnings
- Enabled experimental window opener by default on beta channel
- Fixes for windows installer icon not displaying correctly
- Fix mailbox preview sizing on retina displays
- Fix default zoom-in shortcut on linux and windows
- Added image tools to context menus
- Added Cmd+click support to open windows on macOS
- Added swipe touchpad navigation on macOS
- Fixed case where starting Wavebox when offline could render the client unavailable
- Added Open link with Wavebox and Open link with browser options to context menu

Fixes included in the experimental window opener:
- Open email in Separate Window on Outlook
- Gmail button in Google Inbox
- Open drive links contained in emails within Wavebox
- Map and Hangouts links in Google Calendar