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Wavebox (64-bit) 歷史版本列表

Wavebox 可讓您將所有網絡工具整合在一起,以便更快,更智能地工作。從網頁到桌面,在一個整齊打包的應用程序!將您最喜愛的網絡工具鏈接到 Wavebox 非常簡單,並且都有完整的通知支持。 Wavebox 與您的操作系統無縫集成,讓您保持完美的最新狀態。 Wavebox 建立在您已經每天使用的技術之上。這是為了充分利用世界各地的開發人員投入到項目中的所有努力,並在使用 Wavebox 時為您提供... Wavebox (64-bit) 軟體介紹

Wavebox 4.5.4 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix Flipboard login
- Improve unread count matching on Gmail
- Add safe mode to help menu to start the app without Hardware Acceleration
- Add double click bindings to title bar when default title bars are not in use
- Add context menu support to keychain

Wavebox 4.5.3 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix copy and paste not working in the keychain window
- Fix copy and paste not working in non-tab UI
- Fix issue on macOS that would see the open dialog hidden behind the main window after using QuickLook
- Fix issue that would see non-expired accounts being cleaned
- Fix issue that caused renderer calls to be needlessly duplicated
- Fixes to scrollspy on account settings
- Don't show useless context menu items on password fields
- UI Tweaks to the extensions page
- Add option to force the use of GTKStatusIcon for tray rendering to restore the previous click behaviour for Linux Mint users
- Add syntax highlighting to custom code editing dialogs
- Add tool to load unpacked extensions
- Updates to the build tooling

Wavebox 4.5.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Additions and improvements:
- Dismiss mailbox notifications automatically once read where possible
- Better support for macOS Mojave dark mode
- Automatically change the tray theming on macOS Mojave when light and dark modes are changed
- Improve checkbox fix on macOS Mojave
- Add some settings into the toolbar context menus to help change commonly used settings
- Add option to keep the windowed tray on top
- Add option to clear notifications from the tray
- Add print option to context menu
- Add option to use bing or duck duck go as search providers
- Add option to open search results with Wavebox or default browser
- Remove sleep notifications and instead provide the same information in the loading screens
- Various UI tweaks
- More resilient crash reporting
- Options to customise tooltip delays

Updated account and service tooltips:
- Quick access to services from account tooltip
- Recent sites
- Pinned items
- Tasks

- Update Chromium
- Update Electron
- Update react
- Update dependencies

- Auto-dismiss notifications after clicking on macOS. Thanks to @lancethomps
- Fix context-menu capitalization. Thanks to @nmat
- Fix crash on macOS when vibrancy is enabled and the app is quit
- Ensure window doesn't restore maximized state when start hidden is set
- Parse mailto: links properly when copying from the right-click context menu
- Capture bug where Microsoft would send incomplete data to the client and causes crashes
- Fix translate no longer working in context menu
- Fix tray icon size not being respected when DPI multiplier is more than 1
- Fix UI glitch that would see the context menu appear behind the tooltip in the sidebar
- Fix UI glitch that would see avatar icons overflow their container by a pixel
- Capture slack socket warning
- Ensure the splash screen shows on launch
- Fix Paste & Match style
- Fix possible hard crash case

Wavebox 4.4.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Additions, Enhancements and Updates:
- Added requireInteraction support to Linux enhanced notifications, thanks to @zsimple for the pull request
- Change the colour picker to one that gives more configuration options
- Add a home button to the context menu when applicable
- Add option to context menu to open links in an existing tab
- Add option to context menu open links as new service
- Limit the number of services that startup all at once to improve startup performance and general snappiness
- Update dependencies
- Update Electron

- Fix extension actions being unclickable on win32 & Linux when the title bar is hidden
- Add fix for checkboxes not displaying correctly on macOS Mojave
- Fix next account menu item not working
- Fix a rendering glitch in the sidebar icons which would sometimes result in a faint white line around the edge
- Fix issue that prevents free users from adding a second account when they have multiple disabled services
- Ensure loading splash screen doesn't prevent the app from being dragged

Wavebox 4.3.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix extension actions being unclickable on win32 & Linux when the title bar is hidden
- Add fix for checkboxes not displaying correctly on macOS Mojave
- Fix next account menu item not working
- Fix a rendering glitch in the sidebar icons which would sometimes result in a faint white line around the edge

Additions, Enhancements and Updates:
- Change the colour picker to one that gives more configuration options
- Add a home button to the context menu when applicable
- Add option to context menu to open links in an existing tab
- Add option to context menu open links as new service
- Limit the number of services that startup all at once to improve startup performance and general snappiness
- Update dependencies
- Update Electron

Wavebox 4.3.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix sporadic hard crashes on Linux
- Fix Microsoft accounts incorrectly reporting invalid authentication details

X-Lite 5.4.0 Build 94388 查看版本資訊


Wavebox 4.2.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Stability improvements on Linux
- Guard native modules in renderer threads to prevent hard crashes
- Fix 'Show sleeping services in grey' not being respected for top-level sidebar items
- Handle unknown permission types more gracefully
- Improve crash reporting when the app hard crashes
- Ensure macOS dock hiding is respected on launch
- Fix UI glitch on the welcome screen
- Ensure mailto links are handled when opening from within the app
- The latest Mojave beta no longer crashes when setting the download progress bar, re-enable this in Wavebox

- Add a quick link to open Wavebox data directory to settings
- Deps update
- Add option to display scrollbar in the sidebar
- Add support for custom client certificates

Wavebox 4.1.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Additions, Enhancements and Updates:
- Auto-scroll sidebar when dragging items around
- Dependency updates
- Change the default notification provider on macOS
- Add some helper tools to the account settings to suggest common services to add
- Improve responsiveness of Trello badges and notifications
- Always switch back to the last used service, even after the current 5 min timeout
- UI Tweaks

- Fix Grammarly sign-in links not working from popout
- Fix issue that would see slack DM notifications appear when the conversation was opened and focused
- Ensure permission requests are propagated to the content windowsFixes Hangouts video call not working.
- Fix issue on macOS where the dock icon is configured to hide, but would re-appear when opening the tray
- Fix glitch that wouldn't allow a sidebar service to be more than 500px tall
- Fix issue that would scroll the sidebar on Linux when scrolling to the end of a page
- Capture more error states on Microsoft accounts and propagate as an error state on the account
- Fix issue that would see accounts ordered incorrectly
- Fix edge case where the app is not accessible when the tray is disabled and start minimized is true (Windows and Linux)

Wavebox 4.0.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add cloud import & export of accounts
- Add sign in with Wavebox as well as Gmail & Microsoft
- Add context menu option to open link in another profile
- Give more fine-grained control over website permissions

Rewrite account and services for more flexibility enabling:
- Attach any service of any type to any mailbox
- Allow mixed-mode & split service/navigation/extension toolbar
- Arrange services in the sidebar, toolbar (left) & toolbar (right) in the same account at the same time
- Change the icon and color of each service independently
- Give names to services for easier identification

Switching mailbox:
- Switch back to the last active service rather than first service
- Switch back to the first service if the last service hasn't been used for some time
- Add long-press handler to account switcher to always go back to the first service

- Allow accounts with auto-sleep disabled to still be slept manually
- Auto-dismiss sleep notifications after a short time
- Prompt to disable sleep on a service when waking it

UI changes:
- New Settings UI
- Make sidebar bottom controls smaller
- Save the state of the collapsed service control between sessions
- Add three sizes for the toolbar, regular, compact & tiny
- Add themes for the Wavebox UI & unify the theme in content windows
- Updated welcome screen with a new layout and more info

- Add support for LastPass
- Add support for the browser action pop-out with Grammarly
- Fix Dropbox & Gmelius tools not injected into some popout windows correctly

- Add option to show navigation bar to all service types
- Add ability to lock sidebar and toolbar items
- Add more info and advanced mode to the monitoring screen
- Add basic compose support to outlook
- Add accelerator to compose in current tab (Cmd or Ctrl+Shift+N)
- Allow extensions to be removed & inspected whilst an update is pending
- Easier access to Wavebox account from app bar & settings
- Automatically detect the difference between personal and corporate outlook accounts to sync correctly
- Propagate unread activity into the tray items and icon
- Add prioritization mode to first sidebar service for different behaviours
- Give more information when showing the account name & provide an option to disable this
- Group mailbox & service popovers so only one appears at a given time
- Add option to sandbox individual services allowing multiple sign-ins in the same account/grouping
- Add an option to change the auth type of a Microsoft account between a personal one and corporate one
- Add option to hide the first sidebar service and thus change the behaviour of the account switcher accordingly
- Add ability to link directly to service settings
- Add more information to the tray about the unread items in a mailbox
- Provide some more unread context in the tray when the service indicates there are unread items but doesn't specifically publish any to display
- Add some helper info when making the main window fullscreen

Improvements and updates:
- Update Electron and Chromium
- Remove unused dependencies
- Update loads of dependencies
- Update React & Material UI
- Prevent Google Inbox always scrolling to the top of the screen reactivating

- Multiple Speed, Stability & Performance updates
- Faster leaner UI
- Improved code tree-shaking to reduce initial load times and memory footprint
- Reduce cross-thread communication in Google sync implementation to reduce lag
- Performance improvements to our Webview module preventing wasted paints
- Speed up pdf print launching and rendering

- Remove and replace a bunch of lossy libraries used on win32
- Prevent windows opening offscreen when changing monitors
- Ensure bad network timeouts don't cause launch issues
- Fix external links not respecting window open user settings in Google Chat
- Fix case where storage could erroneously send a fail signal causing additional writes
- Auto cancel alerts on macOS after long periods to prevent memory leaks
- Fix Ctrl+Click on sidebar items starting the drag process
- Fix rendering glitch in the tray
- Fix rendering glitch when restoring fullscreen window
- Fix Wavebox mini not being resizable along the top of the window on windows
- Fix Wavebox mini positioning when the cursor is on a secondary display
- Fix window control placeholder staying in the window on macOS fullscreen mode
- Fix missing toolbar icon in the tray on windows & Linux
- Fix unread activity positioning on macOS tray icon
- Fix Account Settings button in Weblink Wizard
- Capture some rejected auth cases on Microsoft accounts and bubble the status to the account icon
- Fix issue where slack messages wouldn't open from the tray
- Fix issue where tooltips would remain visible in the tray after repositioning the window
- Fix scrollbars rendering incorrectly in the tray
- Fix notification content overflowing in the tray
- Remove usage of inline styles in the tray
- Make clicking on the Unread tray tab item return you to the top of the stack
- Fix an issue where the offline screen would not appear on Windows
- Fix Fastmail external links not respecting window opener preferences
- Fix Fastmail shift+click to compose new messages