Visual Studio Community 歷史版本列表 Page20

最新版本 Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 17.9.1

Visual Studio Community 歷史版本列表

Visual Studio Community 是一個功能齊全,可擴展的免費 IDE,用於為 Android,iOS,Windows 以及 Web 應用程序和雲服務創建現代應用程序。嘗試用於 Windows PC 的 Visual Studio Community,以獲得功能齊全且可擴展的 IDE; Visual Studio Express. A 的全新替代方案全新的基於工作負載的安裝程序優化了... Visual Studio Community 軟體介紹

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.3.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.3.6
- Automatic ANSI .rc file conversion to UTF8
- Fixed an inaccurate error message when developers try publishing .NET Core 3.0 apps to Azure
- Stability improvement in msbuild/dotnet restore when plugins are used to restore against authenticated feeds

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.3.5
- Change log not available for this version

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.3.0
- Support for adding new Open API & GRPC service references to .NET Core 3.0 projects
- Support for F# 4.7 and various F# tooling improvements
- Improvements for C++ developers, including toggleable line comments and improved IntelliSense member list filtering
- Search through recent projects, solutions, and folders within the start window
- Search for templates in the New Project Dialog with advanced search capabilities
- Publish .NET Core 3.0 worker projects to Azure Container Registry, DockerHub, etc.
- .NET Productivity additions in this release include the ability to rename the containing file when renaming a class as well as Edit and Continue enhancements within the debugger
- Debug Azure Functions running in Linux containers
- Search individual components while installing or modifying in the Visual Studio Installer
- Streamlined Visual Studio update experience that integrates Visual Studio IDE and Installer updates
- Differentiate workloads and components when adding them in the Visual Studio IDE
- Code Search via VS Search (Ctrl+Q)
- Easily find newly installed project templates, view selected values on filters, and pin recently used templates in the New Project Dialog
- Easily configure your applications' dependencies in publish profiles using the new [Add Dependency] wizard(#webtools-add-dependency-wizard)
- The Visual Studio installer components for .NET Core 2.1 and 2.2 now also include templates (instead of just the runtime)
- Tooling support for serving static assets from within a Razor class library
- Updated Python Testing Experience using the newly-added Python testing framework pytest as well as a modified unittest experience
- Reduced time to index large folders and search for files in these folders
- Added support for Xcode 11 and iOS 13
- Added support for Android 10
- Use XAML Hot Reload for Xamarin.Forms. to rapidly iterate on your Xamarin.Forms UI
- Android Material Design in the XAML Previewer for Xamarin.Forms
- New constraint editor in the Xamarin Designer for iOS
- Enabled publishing iOS apps on Windows
- There are new options for editing .plist files
- Improved tasks view when debugging in Parallel Stacks Window
- A variety of C++ productivity improvements, including new C++ Core checks, a new default semantic colorization scheme, and on-by-default IntelliCode
Support for parallel builds in MSBuild-based Linux C++ projects that leverage the native WSL experience
- .NET Productivity additions in this release include the ability to wrap chains of fluent calls, introduce a local variable immediately after writing its initializer, .NET Core tooling support for analyzers, and an option to expand the list of completions for unimported types
- JavaScript/TypeScript syntax classifications and refactorings are more responsive in files
- Updated the C++ IntelliCode base model to be on-by-default and included Repeated Edits for C#
- Support for TypeScript 3.6 and more responsive JavaScript/TypeScript refactorings
- The Performance Profiler via ALT-F2 now provides a database tool for .Net Core projects
- Added a prompt to install Docker Desktop when adding Docker Support
- Added the capability to load symbols manually for Azure Watson and .NET Core remote debugging
- Restored certificate generation and improved the UWP Package signing experience

Top Issues Fixed in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.3.0:
- "Create Test Certificate" option missing from UWP SDK in VS2019
- VS2019 - Query designer stopped working
- Project Properties - Code Analysis - Text is WRONG
- Visual Studio 2019 freezes and crashes on creating new project
- Editor and productivity features are not fully localized in Visual Studio 2019 16.3 Preview 3
- Problem with command Tab order (in design mode)
- Error: Some or all identity references could not be translated.
- Visual Studio 16.2 hangs opening any dialog for editing
- error MSB6006: "CL.exe" exited with code 2.
- Blank code metrics result
- VS2019 is crashing during start of the debug session if "Enable Edit and Continue" is switched off.
- Visual Studio 2019(16.0.2) generator incorrect code with inline+/O2 in Qt 5.12.3 QBezier
- Error Signing into VS Feedback Tool
- Rename refactoring does not work in files included in Shared Projects - Rename operation was cancelled or is not valid
- Brace completion when member list is up does not put the character in the right position
- Problem with command Tab order (in design mode)
- error MSB6006: "CL.exe" exited with code 2.
- Error Signing into the VS Feedback Tool
- blank code metrics result
- Rename refactoring does not work in files included in Shared Projects - Rename operation was cancelled or is not valid
- C++/CLI bug with inline namespaces header
- Error: Some or all identity references could not be translated.
- rvalue-reference-to-array can bind to lvalue-reference-to-array
- Brace completion when member list is up does not put the character in the right position
- Secure Secrets with Azure Key Vault Not In Connected Services List
- VS file search is signficantly slower than VA file search
- Visual Studio crash when TFS is not found.
- Visual Studio error displaying .razor file.
- Increase AndroidClientHandler timeouts.
- "Create Test Certificate" option missing from UWP SDK in VS2019.

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.2.5
- Visual Studio stops respsonding on creating a new SSIS project
- Fixed UI freezes occurring after extended usage of the editor

Security Advisory Notices:
- Diagnostics Hub Standard Collector Service Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability
- An elevation of privilege vulnerability exists when the Diagnostics Hub Standard Collector Service improperly impersonates certain file operations. An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could gain elevated privileges. An attacker with unprivileged access to a vulnerable system could exploit this vulnerability. The security update addresses the vulnerability by ensuring the Diagnostics Hub Standard Collector Service properly impersonates file operations

Denial of Service Vulnerability in .NET Core:
- A denial of service vulnerability exists when .NET Core improperly handles web requests. An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could cause a denial of service against a .NET Core web application. The vulnerability can be exploited remotely, without authentication

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.2.3
- Top Issues Fixed in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.2.3
- Fixed: Android SDK not found after upgrade to 16.2
- Fixed: VS won't start after update with message tht setup is complete
- Fixed an issue resulting in an installer verification or manifest verification fail when user is updating through the setup UI
- Fixed an issue that caused Visual Studio to crash or stop responding during shutdown
- Fixed a timing-related issue while saving changed Xamarin.Android project properties or building the project that resulted in the product to stop responding
- Fixed an issue with Visual Studio crashing when C# users typed above a namespace
- Fixed an issue preventing SSIS packages from successfully running in some circumstances after reloading a solution

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.2.2
- Fixed Test Explorer doesn't show my tests on VS2019 16.2.0
- Fixed a problem where Visual Studio can stop responding during shutdown

Security Advisory Notices:
- CVE-2019-1211 Git for Visual Studio Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability
- An elevation of privilege vulnerability exists in Git for Visual Studio when it improperly parses configuration files. An attacker who successfully exploited the vulnerability could execute code in the context of another local user. To exploit the vulnerability, an authenticated attacker would need to modify Git configuration files on a system prior to a full installation of the application. The attacker would then need to convince another user on the system to execute specific Git commands. The update addresses the issue by changing the permissions required to edit configuration files

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.2.0
- Hold down the Alt key + a letter indicated by an underline in the word to quickly jump to different actions in the start window and new project dialog screens for complete keyboard accessibility
- Take any file type including solution files and drop them on to the start window when you launch Visual Studio to load the file
- Resize the start window and new project dialog by dragging the edges. Visual Studio remembers changed sizes between invocations of the windows. Ability to maximize the windows by double clicking in the title bar area and minimize the windows by clicking on the task bar icon when in their launch states
- Access the Developer Command Prompt and Developer Power Shell by either going to “Tools > Command Line” or by searching for them via the Visual Studio Search. Accessing them from within the IDE, automatically sets their path according to the currently opened solution or folder
- The Preview Features tools options page has a new look that provides more information of the feature. Check this page for new features and to provide feedback on features
- Preview Feature: Enable the “Standard tool window layout” preview feature to improve the startup time for Visual Studio by minimizing the impact of opening tool windows
- Backup files are now saved to a temporary folder to avoid using unnecessary storage space in My Document folders that are synchronized with OneDrive
- Users only have to sign in one time to access Azure resources in Visual Studio, Azure CLI or Azure PowerShell
- Developer PowerShell enables users to do everything available in Developer Command Prompt, but now from the familiar PowerShell interface
- Visual Studio retains filters for language, platform, and project type between invocations of the new project dialog for easier access generally used templates with fewer clicks

- LSP: Folding Range has been updated to better support large snippets
- An extension that uses Newtonsoft.Json may take advantage of features in the new version

- For local CMake projects configured with Clang, Code Analysis now runs clang-tidy checks, appearing as part of background code analysis as in-editor warnings (squiggles) and in the Error List

Updated the header for C++17's P0067R5 Elementary string conversions:
- Added floating-point to_chars() overloads for chars_format::fixed and chars_format::scientific precision (chars_format::general precision is the only part not yet implemented)
- Optimized chars_format::fixed shortest

Added the following C++20 Standard Library preview features:
Available under /std:c++latest:
- P0020R6: atomic
- P0463R1: endian enumeration
- P0482R6: char8_t type for UTF-8 characters and strings
- P0653R2: to_address() for converting a pointer to a raw pointer

Available under /std:c++17 and /std:c++latest:
- P0600R1: [[nodiscard]] in the library

Available unconditionally:
- P0754R2: header
- P0771R1: std::function move constructor should be noexcept
- Windows SDK is no longer a dependency for the CMake for Windows and CMake for Linux components
- Improvements to the C++ linker to significantly improve iteration build times for the largest of input. /debug:fast and /incremental times have been improved on average by 2x, and /debug:full by 3-6x

Visual Studio Installer support:
- The Visual Studio Installer now handles improved size space detection based on what a user already has installed. If the required amount of space is significantly larger than what is available, the previous warning is now converted to an error and blocks installations

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.1.6
Security Advisory Notices:
- CVE-2019-1077 Visual Studio Extension Auto Update Vulnerability
- An elevation of privilege vulnerability exists when the Visual Studio Extension auto-update process improperly performs certain file operations. An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could delete files in arbitrary locations. To exploit this vulnerability, an attacker would require unprivileged access to a vulnerable system. The security update addresses the vulnerability by securing locations the Visual Studio Extension auto-update performs file operations in.

CVE-2019-1075 ASP.NET Core Spoofing Vulnerability:
- A spoofing vulnerability exists in ASP.NET Core that could lead to an open redirect. An attacker who successfully exploited the vulnerability could redirect a targeted user to a malicious website. To exploit the vulnerability, an attacker could send a link that has a specially crafted URL and convince the user to click the link.
- The security update addresses the vulnerability by correcting how ASP.NET Core parses URLs. Details can be found in the .NET Core release notes.

CVE-2019-1113 WorkflowDesigner XOML deserialization allows code execution:
- A XOML file referencing certain types could cause random code to be executed when the XOML file is opened in Visual Studio. - There is now a restriction on what types are allowed to be used in XOML files. If a XOML file containing one of the newly unauthorized types is opened, a message is displayed explaining that the type is unauthorized.

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.1.5
- Fixed known issue: Merge tools in "Resolve conflicts" not shown

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.1.4
- Fixed known issue: The debugger's worker process (msvsmon.exe) unexpectedly exited. Debugging will be aborted
- Fixed known issue: VS 2019 crashes when debugging async code
- Fixed known issue: Xamarin problem following update to VS2019 16.1
- Fixed known issue: [Xcode11] [Simulator] Updating to Xcode 11 stops the simulator from launching
- Improved the reliability of Visual Studio by fixing an intermittent issue that happens when opening solutions
- Fixed a crash with the search functionality in locals / autos / watch windows when the IDE is not in break mode

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.1.3
- Fixed known issue: Fixed VSiX Installer throwing an IOException when executed from Visual Studio installation folder
- Fixed known issue: Removed double-prompting for survey on uninstall
- Enabled a help link for new users to get help choosing a workload

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.1.1
- Custom tasks with default contextType via tasks.vs.json are broken in Open Folder
- No snapshot created for C++ native code in Memory Usage tool in the Diagnostic Tools window while debugging
- Crash in VS 16.1.0 when pressing the link “search online”
- Fixed the issue where sometimes certain features (i.e. Find All References) in LiveShare guest session do not work
- Fixed an issue where the devenv.exe process could hang around after shutdown of Visual Studio for up to 30 seconds

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.1.0

- Visual Studio IntelliCode is now generally available and comes installed with any workload that supports C#, C++, TypeScipt/JavaScript, or XAML
- We have added Per-Monitor Awareness support
- New codefixes are available for C#
- Most Recently Used has been added to Visual Studio Search

- Source Link authentication improvements have been implemented
- We have added symbol server to the list of default symbol servers
- Time Travel Debugging preview now includes exception stepping support

- We have removed the need for .resx file in VSIX projects (BuildTools update)
- VSIX Project template now uses the new SDK version

- You can now experience optimizations to improve the solution load time of very large solutions
- Template authors can add custom tags to their templates
- There is now CodeLens support for custom UI
- We have provided updates to Language Server Protocol implementation
- We have updated behavior for switching between solutions, folders, and other views

- In-editor documentation for CMake has been added
- Use Windows Subsystem for Linux with C++ natively in Visual Studio, and AddressSanitizer for Linux projects and WSL
- We have made improvements and modified colorization in C++ Quick Info tooltips
- We have implemented new C++ Code Analysis quick fixes

- We have released more performance improvements and a bulk of bug fixes for F# and F# tooling

- New .NET productivity features include one-click code cleanup on projects and solutions, a new toggle block comment keyboard shortcut, refactoring to move types to other namespaces
- You can now clone code from an SSH URI through the clone screen in the start window
- .NET Productivity additions in this release include intellisense completion for unimported types, toggling single-line comment/uncomment, exporting naming styles to editorconfig, and a new code style setting for preferring usings inside/outside namspaces
- We have implemented .NET SDK tooling additions primarily around supporting WinForms and WPF projects for .NET Core 3.0 along with bug fixes and performance improvements
- Visual Studio SDK v16.0 has been released to NuGet
- A preview of the XAML Designer for .NET Core 3.0 WPF development is available

- Default Android Experience for Xamarin now supports API 28
- Xamarin.Forms XAML recommendations for design time attributes
- Top Issues Fixed in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.1
- Cannot navigate to the symbol under the caret in ASP.NET MVC Projects
- Resx editor doesn't render
- Find All References minimises when using arrow keys
- Could not copy the file "objx64DebugManagement.exe" because it was not found
- Xamarin.iOS cannot find the application manifest. Please ensure the project contains a manifest file named 'Info.plist"
- nmake environment missing path to NETFX tools
- Clicking on a ASP.NET Core project in solution opening the project .csproj file
- [MSConnect 3142311] Visual Studio IDE ?? E1449,???????????,???? -> Visual Studio IDE prompt E1449, but the code can compile and run normally, and the result is also correct
- Assembly reference is removed from project after running app referencing library
- When updating Visual Studio 2019 from RC to GA, RC shortcuts for Visual Studio are left behind

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 16.0.0
- Change log not available for this version

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.9.11
- Access violation C++ /CLI 15.9.5 ISO C++ Latest Draft Standard since 15.9.5
- PGO Code Gen Bug - Vectorized instruction accessing memory OOB
- We have implemented a C++ compiler fix to correct exception handling support for code using setjmp/longjmp in Release mode
- We have implemented a C++ linker fix regarding information in PDB where the incorrect module info could result in heap corruption when producing a stripped PDB file either by PDBCopy.exe or by link.exe when option /PDBSTRIPPED is specified
- We have corrected dual signing of the ARM64 Visual C++ Redistributable installer

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.9.10
- We have fixed an issue with debugging using Docker when a web proxy is configured
- In debugging using Docker, you will now experience improved error handling for failures related to drive sharing configuration (for example, expired credentials)

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.9.9

- SSDT: We fixed a crash in the SSIS Foreach Loop container
- A few .NET native for UWP customer issues were fixed in .NET native tools 2.2 (UWP 6.2.4)
- We have corrected dual signing of Visual C++ Redistributable installers

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.9.8
- ModelBus-enabled text transformation fails on 15.8
- SSDT: Fix to improve performance of loading solutions with multiple projects

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.9.7

These are the customer-reported issues:
- Crashes when expanding variables!
- /DEBUG:FASTLINK + C7 + PCH crashes debugger
- Native C++ application crashes because of stack corruption with VS 2017 15.9.2
- Incorrect Release Mode code
- Xamarin Unobserved Task Exception WebRequest
- Link /SOURCELINK option seems to do nothing. This fixes Source Link for Managed C++ Debugging
- Fixed an issue with corruption of AVX/MPX/AVX512 registers while Debugging
- Update of Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00.UWPDestkop framework packages for C++ UWP DesktopBridge applications adding support for ARM64
- Corrected incorrect version of VCToolsRedistVersion in Microsoft.VCToolsVersion.default.props
- Corrected unsigned embedded dll for VC Redist installers
- SSDT/Web Tools: We fixed an issue where SQL LocalDB was not installed on Polish, Turkish, and Czech locales
- SSDT: We fixed an issue affecting SQL Server Aalysis Services (Method not found exception when clicking on UI)
- SSDT: We fixed an accessibility issue which was causing the contents of a table not to be visible in the result window when using High-Contrast mode

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.9.6
- Installation failures of the Unity Editor component in China
- Starting a new nanoFramework project from a template
- Deployment errors after VS2017 update
- Android Deploy failed - Error ADB0010
- Error in German translation: info bar "session closed unexpectedly"
- Visual Studio 2017 create offline layout problem: Failed to load from stream for non-ENU layouts
- Extension auto-update can leave extension disabled

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.8.9
- Added support for Xcode 10.1 in Visual Studio Tools for Xamarin.
- Updated the Xamarin.Forms template to Xamarin.Forms 3.3.0.
- Update 15.8.6 breaks Installer Projects.
- Internal Compiler error in VS15.8 msc1.cpp line 1518.
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Installer Projects 0.8.8 and VS 15.8.6.
- SFINAE fails to detect matching overloaded function in preview VS preview 3 15.9.0.
- XAML Designer crash on Visual Studio close.

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.8.8
- These are the customer-reported issues addressed in 15.8.8:
- /DEBUG:FASTLINK no debug info for STL types included via PCH.
- Bad codegen seen in 15.8 RTW compiler.
- Heap corruption in stack unwinding when inlining function.
- Linker consumes 6 GB of memory for specific test case.

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.8.7
Azure DevOps:
- Visual Studio Team Services is now Azure DevOps! You will see this new branding in Team Explorer and in references across Visual Studio.

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.8.6
Summary of What's New in 15.8.6:
- The latest Windows 10 SDK is available.

Top Issues Fixed in 15.8.6:
- These are the customer-reported issues addressed in 15.8.6:
- NuGet packages for Intellisense are broken.
- Visual Studio closes after opening sln.
- App.Config XML editor still freezing in 15.8.4.
- Details of What's New in 15.8.6:
- Latest Windows 10 SDK for Universal Windows Platform developers
- The latest Windows 10 SDK (build 17763) is now available as an optional component for the Universal Windows Platform development workload. You can add this SDK to the workload by selecting the Windows 10 SDK (10.0.17763.0) checkbox.

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.8.5
- Debugger tooltip does not expand in Xamarin.iOS debugging session.
- Debugger won't let me leave execution point (Android).
- After updating to 15.8.1, data tip does not show when debugging.
- Debugger data tip does not expand [Editor].
- Exception:MSB0001: Internal MSBuild Error: Already registered for build-time.
- Wrong path to resource in manifest for ClickOnce after upgrading to VS 15.8.1.
- ClickOnce Manifest error in 15.8.
- ClickOnce Publish is missing certain references.
- ClickOnce: Language file copied to wrong location.
- Reference missing in the ClickOnce publish folder.
- Compiling non-.NET SDK style F# projects results in an internal MSBuild error unless MSBuild parallelism is set to 1.
- F# is not NGEN'd in Visual Studio.
- F# deploys the FSharp.Core binary in the location.

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.2.26430.16
- Fixed a WebDeploy install issue on RS3

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.2.26430.15
- Fix crash when specific unnamed code constructs were used in C/C++ code

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.2.26430.14
- New Project menu fails with error "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: eventId"
- VS2017 fails to start and immediately errors out with "Unknown Error" message

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.2.26430.13
- Update to Visual Studio (version 15.2) solution loading caused forced restart
- Visual Studio 2017 randomly restarts after 15.2 update

Serato DJ Pro 2.3.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Serato DJ Lite 1.3.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Support for macOS 10.15 Catalina
- Added support for new Apple 'Music' library
- Performance improvements for streaming services
- UI visual improvements
- Fixed an issue with Sampler slots clearing when hardware is disconnected
- Fixed an issue where BPM is not always displayed in the deck area
- Fixed being able to drag and drop a file onto the waveform area of a deck
- Fixed a potential memory leak
- Fixed a possible crash on exit
- Fixed an issue with Sample slots being emptied when hardware is disconnected
- Fixed an issue where Sampler slots are empty on start up
- Fixed a possible crash when importing iTunes libraries that use the iParty shuffle icon

Simplenote 1.9.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Open new note automatically upon creation
- Updated colors to use Color Studio, the color palette for Automattic products

- Hovering over a clickable or editable UI element now show the correct cursor for its type
- Fixes vertical spacing with nested markdown lists
- Fixes sort order on revision slider when the timestamps don't match the change sequence
- Prevents note corruption when receiving remote updates when local updates are pending

Other changes:
- Renamed to RELEASE-NOTES.txt
- Added tests to Checkbox component
- Added a GitHub Action to deploy develop and master branches
- Stopped aborting development builds on eslint errors

Streamlabs OBS 0.18.5 Beta 查看版本資訊


Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.3.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.3.5
- Change log not available for this version

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.3.0
- Support for adding new Open API & GRPC service references to .NET Core 3.0 projects
- Support for F# 4.7 and various F# tooling improvements
- Improvements for C++ developers, including toggleable line comments and improved IntelliSense member list filtering
- Search through recent projects, solutions, and folders within the start window
- Search for templates in the New Project Dialog with advanced search capabilities
- Publish .NET Core 3.0 worker projects to Azure Container Registry, DockerHub, etc.
- .NET Productivity additions in this release include the ability to rename the containing file when renaming a class as well as Edit and Continue enhancements within the debugger
- Debug Azure Functions running in Linux containers
- Search individual components while installing or modifying in the Visual Studio Installer
- Streamlined Visual Studio update experience that integrates Visual Studio IDE and Installer updates
- Differentiate workloads and components when adding them in the Visual Studio IDE
- Code Search via VS Search (Ctrl+Q)
- Easily find newly installed project templates, view selected values on filters, and pin recently used templates in the New Project Dialog
- Easily configure your applications' dependencies in publish profiles using the new [Add Dependency] wizard(#webtools-add-dependency-wizard)
- The Visual Studio installer components for .NET Core 2.1 and 2.2 now also include templates (instead of just the runtime)
- Tooling support for serving static assets from within a Razor class library
- Updated Python Testing Experience using the newly-added Python testing framework pytest as well as a modified unittest experience
- Reduced time to index large folders and search for files in these folders
- Added support for Xcode 11 and iOS 13
- Added support for Android 10
- Use XAML Hot Reload for Xamarin.Forms. to rapidly iterate on your Xamarin.Forms UI
- Android Material Design in the XAML Previewer for Xamarin.Forms
- New constraint editor in the Xamarin Designer for iOS
- Enabled publishing iOS apps on Windows
- There are new options for editing .plist files
- Improved tasks view when debugging in Parallel Stacks Window
- A variety of C++ productivity improvements, including new C++ Core checks, a new default semantic colorization scheme, and on-by-default IntelliCode
Support for parallel builds in MSBuild-based Linux C++ projects that leverage the native WSL experience
- .NET Productivity additions in this release include the ability to wrap chains of fluent calls, introduce a local variable immediately after writing its initializer, .NET Core tooling support for analyzers, and an option to expand the list of completions for unimported types
- JavaScript/TypeScript syntax classifications and refactorings are more responsive in files
- Updated the C++ IntelliCode base model to be on-by-default and included Repeated Edits for C#
- Support for TypeScript 3.6 and more responsive JavaScript/TypeScript refactorings
- The Performance Profiler via ALT-F2 now provides a database tool for .Net Core projects
- Added a prompt to install Docker Desktop when adding Docker Support
- Added the capability to load symbols manually for Azure Watson and .NET Core remote debugging
- Restored certificate generation and improved the UWP Package signing experience

Top Issues Fixed in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.3.0:
- "Create Test Certificate" option missing from UWP SDK in VS2019
- VS2019 - Query designer stopped working
- Project Properties - Code Analysis - Text is WRONG
- Visual Studio 2019 freezes and crashes on creating new project
- Editor and productivity features are not fully localized in Visual Studio 2019 16.3 Preview 3
- Problem with command Tab order (in design mode)
- Error: Some or all identity references could not be translated.
- Visual Studio 16.2 hangs opening any dialog for editing
- error MSB6006: "CL.exe" exited with code 2.
- Blank code metrics result
- VS2019 is crashing during start of the debug session if "Enable Edit and Continue" is switched off.
- Visual Studio 2019(16.0.2) generator incorrect code with inline+/O2 in Qt 5.12.3 QBezier
- Error Signing into VS Feedback Tool
- Rename refactoring does not work in files included in Shared Projects - Rename operation was cancelled or is not valid
- Brace completion when member list is up does not put the character in the right position
- Problem with command Tab order (in design mode)
- error MSB6006: "CL.exe" exited with code 2.
- Error Signing into the VS Feedback Tool
- blank code metrics result
- Rename refactoring does not work in files included in Shared Projects - Rename operation was cancelled or is not valid
- C++/CLI bug with inline namespaces header
- Error: Some or all identity references could not be translated.
- rvalue-reference-to-array can bind to lvalue-reference-to-array
- Brace completion when member list is up does not put the character in the right position
- Secure Secrets with Azure Key Vault Not In Connected Services List
- VS file search is signficantly slower than VA file search
- Visual Studio crash when TFS is not found.
- Visual Studio error displaying .razor file.
- Increase AndroidClientHandler timeouts.
- "Create Test Certificate" option missing from UWP SDK in VS2019.

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.2.5
- Visual Studio stops respsonding on creating a new SSIS project
- Fixed UI freezes occurring after extended usage of the editor

Security Advisory Notices:
- Diagnostics Hub Standard Collector Service Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability
- An elevation of privilege vulnerability exists when the Diagnostics Hub Standard Collector Service improperly impersonates certain file operations. An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could gain elevated privileges. An attacker with unprivileged access to a vulnerable system could exploit this vulnerability. The security update addresses the vulnerability by ensuring the Diagnostics Hub Standard Collector Service properly impersonates file operations

Denial of Service Vulnerability in .NET Core:
- A denial of service vulnerability exists when .NET Core improperly handles web requests. An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could cause a denial of service against a .NET Core web application. The vulnerability can be exploited remotely, without authentication

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.2.3
- Top Issues Fixed in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.2.3
- Fixed: Android SDK not found after upgrade to 16.2
- Fixed: VS won't start after update with message tht setup is complete
- Fixed an issue resulting in an installer verification or manifest verification fail when user is updating through the setup UI
- Fixed an issue that caused Visual Studio to crash or stop responding during shutdown
- Fixed a timing-related issue while saving changed Xamarin.Android project properties or building the project that resulted in the product to stop responding
- Fixed an issue with Visual Studio crashing when C# users typed above a namespace
- Fixed an issue preventing SSIS packages from successfully running in some circumstances after reloading a solution

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.2.2
- Fixed Test Explorer doesn't show my tests on VS2019 16.2.0
- Fixed a problem where Visual Studio can stop responding during shutdown

Security Advisory Notices:
- CVE-2019-1211 Git for Visual Studio Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability
- An elevation of privilege vulnerability exists in Git for Visual Studio when it improperly parses configuration files. An attacker who successfully exploited the vulnerability could execute code in the context of another local user. To exploit the vulnerability, an authenticated attacker would need to modify Git configuration files on a system prior to a full installation of the application. The attacker would then need to convince another user on the system to execute specific Git commands. The update addresses the issue by changing the permissions required to edit configuration files

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.2.0
- Hold down the Alt key + a letter indicated by an underline in the word to quickly jump to different actions in the start window and new project dialog screens for complete keyboard accessibility
- Take any file type including solution files and drop them on to the start window when you launch Visual Studio to load the file
- Resize the start window and new project dialog by dragging the edges. Visual Studio remembers changed sizes between invocations of the windows. Ability to maximize the windows by double clicking in the title bar area and minimize the windows by clicking on the task bar icon when in their launch states
- Access the Developer Command Prompt and Developer Power Shell by either going to “Tools > Command Line” or by searching for them via the Visual Studio Search. Accessing them from within the IDE, automatically sets their path according to the currently opened solution or folder
- The Preview Features tools options page has a new look that provides more information of the feature. Check this page for new features and to provide feedback on features
- Preview Feature: Enable the “Standard tool window layout” preview feature to improve the startup time for Visual Studio by minimizing the impact of opening tool windows
- Backup files are now saved to a temporary folder to avoid using unnecessary storage space in My Document folders that are synchronized with OneDrive
- Users only have to sign in one time to access Azure resources in Visual Studio, Azure CLI or Azure PowerShell
- Developer PowerShell enables users to do everything available in Developer Command Prompt, but now from the familiar PowerShell interface
- Visual Studio retains filters for language, platform, and project type between invocations of the new project dialog for easier access generally used templates with fewer clicks

- LSP: Folding Range has been updated to better support large snippets
- An extension that uses Newtonsoft.Json may take advantage of features in the new version

- For local CMake projects configured with Clang, Code Analysis now runs clang-tidy checks, appearing as part of background code analysis as in-editor warnings (squiggles) and in the Error List

Updated the header for C++17's P0067R5 Elementary string conversions:
- Added floating-point to_chars() overloads for chars_format::fixed and chars_format::scientific precision (chars_format::general precision is the only part not yet implemented)
- Optimized chars_format::fixed shortest

Added the following C++20 Standard Library preview features:
Available under /std:c++latest:
- P0020R6: atomic
- P0463R1: endian enumeration
- P0482R6: char8_t type for UTF-8 characters and strings
- P0653R2: to_address() for converting a pointer to a raw pointer

Available under /std:c++17 and /std:c++latest:
- P0600R1: [[nodiscard]] in the library

Available unconditionally:
- P0754R2: header
- P0771R1: std::function move constructor should be noexcept
- Windows SDK is no longer a dependency for the CMake for Windows and CMake for Linux components
- Improvements to the C++ linker to significantly improve iteration build times for the largest of input. /debug:fast and /incremental times have been improved on average by 2x, and /debug:full by 3-6x

Visual Studio Installer support:
- The Visual Studio Installer now handles improved size space detection based on what a user already has installed. If the required amount of space is significantly larger than what is available, the previous warning is now converted to an error and blocks installations

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.1.6
Security Advisory Notices:
- CVE-2019-1077 Visual Studio Extension Auto Update Vulnerability
- An elevation of privilege vulnerability exists when the Visual Studio Extension auto-update process improperly performs certain file operations. An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could delete files in arbitrary locations. To exploit this vulnerability, an attacker would require unprivileged access to a vulnerable system. The security update addresses the vulnerability by securing locations the Visual Studio Extension auto-update performs file operations in.

CVE-2019-1075 ASP.NET Core Spoofing Vulnerability:
- A spoofing vulnerability exists in ASP.NET Core that could lead to an open redirect. An attacker who successfully exploited the vulnerability could redirect a targeted user to a malicious website. To exploit the vulnerability, an attacker could send a link that has a specially crafted URL and convince the user to click the link.
- The security update addresses the vulnerability by correcting how ASP.NET Core parses URLs. Details can be found in the .NET Core release notes.

CVE-2019-1113 WorkflowDesigner XOML deserialization allows code execution:
- A XOML file referencing certain types could cause random code to be executed when the XOML file is opened in Visual Studio. - There is now a restriction on what types are allowed to be used in XOML files. If a XOML file containing one of the newly unauthorized types is opened, a message is displayed explaining that the type is unauthorized.

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.1.5
- Fixed known issue: Merge tools in "Resolve conflicts" not shown

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.1.4
- Fixed known issue: The debugger's worker process (msvsmon.exe) unexpectedly exited. Debugging will be aborted
- Fixed known issue: VS 2019 crashes when debugging async code
- Fixed known issue: Xamarin problem following update to VS2019 16.1
- Fixed known issue: [Xcode11] [Simulator] Updating to Xcode 11 stops the simulator from launching
- Improved the reliability of Visual Studio by fixing an intermittent issue that happens when opening solutions
- Fixed a crash with the search functionality in locals / autos / watch windows when the IDE is not in break mode

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.1.3
- Fixed known issue: Fixed VSiX Installer throwing an IOException when executed from Visual Studio installation folder
- Fixed known issue: Removed double-prompting for survey on uninstall
- Enabled a help link for new users to get help choosing a workload

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.1.1
- Custom tasks with default contextType via tasks.vs.json are broken in Open Folder
- No snapshot created for C++ native code in Memory Usage tool in the Diagnostic Tools window while debugging
- Crash in VS 16.1.0 when pressing the link “search online”
- Fixed the issue where sometimes certain features (i.e. Find All References) in LiveShare guest session do not work
- Fixed an issue where the devenv.exe process could hang around after shutdown of Visual Studio for up to 30 seconds

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.1.0

- Visual Studio IntelliCode is now generally available and comes installed with any workload that supports C#, C++, TypeScipt/JavaScript, or XAML
- We have added Per-Monitor Awareness support
- New codefixes are available for C#
- Most Recently Used has been added to Visual Studio Search

- Source Link authentication improvements have been implemented
- We have added symbol server to the list of default symbol servers
- Time Travel Debugging preview now includes exception stepping support

- We have removed the need for .resx file in VSIX projects (BuildTools update)
- VSIX Project template now uses the new SDK version

- You can now experience optimizations to improve the solution load time of very large solutions
- Template authors can add custom tags to their templates
- There is now CodeLens support for custom UI
- We have provided updates to Language Server Protocol implementation
- We have updated behavior for switching between solutions, folders, and other views

- In-editor documentation for CMake has been added
- Use Windows Subsystem for Linux with C++ natively in Visual Studio, and AddressSanitizer for Linux projects and WSL
- We have made improvements and modified colorization in C++ Quick Info tooltips
- We have implemented new C++ Code Analysis quick fixes

- We have released more performance improvements and a bulk of bug fixes for F# and F# tooling

- New .NET productivity features include one-click code cleanup on projects and solutions, a new toggle block comment keyboard shortcut, refactoring to move types to other namespaces
- You can now clone code from an SSH URI through the clone screen in the start window
- .NET Productivity additions in this release include intellisense completion for unimported types, toggling single-line comment/uncomment, exporting naming styles to editorconfig, and a new code style setting for preferring usings inside/outside namspaces
- We have implemented .NET SDK tooling additions primarily around supporting WinForms and WPF projects for .NET Core 3.0 along with bug fixes and performance improvements
- Visual Studio SDK v16.0 has been released to NuGet
- A preview of the XAML Designer for .NET Core 3.0 WPF development is available

- Default Android Experience for Xamarin now supports API 28
- Xamarin.Forms XAML recommendations for design time attributes
- Top Issues Fixed in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.1
- Cannot navigate to the symbol under the caret in ASP.NET MVC Projects
- Resx editor doesn't render
- Find All References minimises when using arrow keys
- Could not copy the file "objx64DebugManagement.exe" because it was not found
- Xamarin.iOS cannot find the application manifest. Please ensure the project contains a manifest file named 'Info.plist"
- nmake environment missing path to NETFX tools
- Clicking on a ASP.NET Core project in solution opening the project .csproj file
- [MSConnect 3142311] Visual Studio IDE ?? E1449,???????????,???? -> Visual Studio IDE prompt E1449, but the code can compile and run normally, and the result is also correct
- Assembly reference is removed from project after running app referencing library
- When updating Visual Studio 2019 from RC to GA, RC shortcuts for Visual Studio are left behind

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 16.0.0
- Change log not available for this version

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.9.11
- Access violation C++ /CLI 15.9.5 ISO C++ Latest Draft Standard since 15.9.5
- PGO Code Gen Bug - Vectorized instruction accessing memory OOB
- We have implemented a C++ compiler fix to correct exception handling support for code using setjmp/longjmp in Release mode
- We have implemented a C++ linker fix regarding information in PDB where the incorrect module info could result in heap corruption when producing a stripped PDB file either by PDBCopy.exe or by link.exe when option /PDBSTRIPPED is specified
- We have corrected dual signing of the ARM64 Visual C++ Redistributable installer

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.9.10
- We have fixed an issue with debugging using Docker when a web proxy is configured
- In debugging using Docker, you will now experience improved error handling for failures related to drive sharing configuration (for example, expired credentials)

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.9.9

- SSDT: We fixed a crash in the SSIS Foreach Loop container
- A few .NET native for UWP customer issues were fixed in .NET native tools 2.2 (UWP 6.2.4)
- We have corrected dual signing of Visual C++ Redistributable installers

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.9.8
- ModelBus-enabled text transformation fails on 15.8
- SSDT: Fix to improve performance of loading solutions with multiple projects

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.9.7

These are the customer-reported issues:
- Crashes when expanding variables!
- /DEBUG:FASTLINK + C7 + PCH crashes debugger
- Native C++ application crashes because of stack corruption with VS 2017 15.9.2
- Incorrect Release Mode code
- Xamarin Unobserved Task Exception WebRequest
- Link /SOURCELINK option seems to do nothing. This fixes Source Link for Managed C++ Debugging
- Fixed an issue with corruption of AVX/MPX/AVX512 registers while Debugging
- Update of Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00.UWPDestkop framework packages for C++ UWP DesktopBridge applications adding support for ARM64
- Corrected incorrect version of VCToolsRedistVersion in Microsoft.VCToolsVersion.default.props
- Corrected unsigned embedded dll for VC Redist installers
- SSDT/Web Tools: We fixed an issue where SQL LocalDB was not installed on Polish, Turkish, and Czech locales
- SSDT: We fixed an issue affecting SQL Server Aalysis Services (Method not found exception when clicking on UI)
- SSDT: We fixed an accessibility issue which was causing the contents of a table not to be visible in the result window when using High-Contrast mode

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.9.6
- Installation failures of the Unity Editor component in China
- Starting a new nanoFramework project from a template
- Deployment errors after VS2017 update
- Android Deploy failed - Error ADB0010
- Error in German translation: info bar "session closed unexpectedly"
- Visual Studio 2017 create offline layout problem: Failed to load from stream for non-ENU layouts
- Extension auto-update can leave extension disabled

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.8.9
- Added support for Xcode 10.1 in Visual Studio Tools for Xamarin.
- Updated the Xamarin.Forms template to Xamarin.Forms 3.3.0.
- Update 15.8.6 breaks Installer Projects.
- Internal Compiler error in VS15.8 msc1.cpp line 1518.
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Installer Projects 0.8.8 and VS 15.8.6.
- SFINAE fails to detect matching overloaded function in preview VS preview 3 15.9.0.
- XAML Designer crash on Visual Studio close.

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.8.8
- These are the customer-reported issues addressed in 15.8.8:
- /DEBUG:FASTLINK no debug info for STL types included via PCH.
- Bad codegen seen in 15.8 RTW compiler.
- Heap corruption in stack unwinding when inlining function.
- Linker consumes 6 GB of memory for specific test case.

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.8.7
Azure DevOps:
- Visual Studio Team Services is now Azure DevOps! You will see this new branding in Team Explorer and in references across Visual Studio.

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.8.6
Summary of What's New in 15.8.6:
- The latest Windows 10 SDK is available.

Top Issues Fixed in 15.8.6:
- These are the customer-reported issues addressed in 15.8.6:
- NuGet packages for Intellisense are broken.
- Visual Studio closes after opening sln.
- App.Config XML editor still freezing in 15.8.4.
- Details of What's New in 15.8.6:
- Latest Windows 10 SDK for Universal Windows Platform developers
- The latest Windows 10 SDK (build 17763) is now available as an optional component for the Universal Windows Platform development workload. You can add this SDK to the workload by selecting the Windows 10 SDK (10.0.17763.0) checkbox.

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.8.5
- Debugger tooltip does not expand in Xamarin.iOS debugging session.
- Debugger won't let me leave execution point (Android).
- After updating to 15.8.1, data tip does not show when debugging.
- Debugger data tip does not expand [Editor].
- Exception:MSB0001: Internal MSBuild Error: Already registered for build-time.
- Wrong path to resource in manifest for ClickOnce after upgrading to VS 15.8.1.
- ClickOnce Manifest error in 15.8.
- ClickOnce Publish is missing certain references.
- ClickOnce: Language file copied to wrong location.
- Reference missing in the ClickOnce publish folder.
- Compiling non-.NET SDK style F# projects results in an internal MSBuild error unless MSBuild parallelism is set to 1.
- F# is not NGEN'd in Visual Studio.
- F# deploys the FSharp.Core binary in the location.

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.2.26430.16
- Fixed a WebDeploy install issue on RS3

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.2.26430.15
- Fix crash when specific unnamed code constructs were used in C/C++ code

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.2.26430.14
- New Project menu fails with error "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: eventId"
- VS2017 fails to start and immediately errors out with "Unknown Error" message

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.2.26430.13
- Update to Visual Studio (version 15.2) solution loading caused forced restart
- Visual Studio 2017 randomly restarts after 15.2 update

Rocrail 16-10-2019 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Rocrail 16-10-2019 (64-bit)
- Text: convert display text from utf8 into iso latin

Rocrail 13-10-2019 (64-bit)
- Wio: send brighness with clock event
- Loc: fix for checking consist member
- Mvtrack: fix for save the calctrainlen option
- Wio: clock sync added
- Wio: text message type added
- Loc: fix for field direction

Rocrail 09-10-2019 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 06-10-2019 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 03-10-2019 (64-bit)
- Fine tune dialog for servo outputs and switches
- Wio: servo support

Rocrail 01-10-2019 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 29-09-2019 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 22-09-2019 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15954 (64-bit)
- Wio: sensor response added
- Clntcon,wio: fix for double wio broadcasts
- Wio: switch and output commands and events added

Rocrail 15949 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15943 (64-bit)
- mjpg: disable popups in case the data received is corrupt
- mjpg: crash fix
- mjpg: compile fix
- mjpg: wip for udp
- hue: fix for buffer overflow
- hue: free memory fix

Rocrail 15936 (64-bit)
- roco cam protocol

Rocrail 15935 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15931 (64-bit)
- rocdigs: makefile clear rascii dir
- demon plan: text pointsize correction

Rocrail 15928 (64-bit)
- infodialog: revert smalles font size for disclaimer
- infodialog: smaller font size for disclaimer
- infodialog: show system language
- infodialog: show wx system language code
- translation merge: de, cs, sl, fr, sr_latin, nl
- newfeatures update
- guiapp: added english variants for selecting language
- rocview: select language if none is set in the rocview.ini
- guiframe: try to get user language code

Rocrail 15916 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15905 (64-bit)
- Planpanel: fix for moving to other level
- Dccpp: fix for tcp port

Rocrail 15898 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15893 (64-bit)
- Rascii: signal type led support added
- Signal brightness added for LED signals
- Loc: regard gomanual on swap
- Rascii: set cts if wanted
- Loc: swap placing on direction change in half auto ode manual run
- Renderer: regard loco direction in case of flipping image
- Loc: evaluate field direction with current loco direction for optional swap block enter side
- Schedule: ignore automatic swap in case the loco runs in half automatic
- Schedule: ignore automatic swap in case the loco runs in half automatic mode

Rocrail 15884 (64-bit)
- Decoder: play sound async
- Decoder: play sound
- Loc: added state event
- sample interpreter

Rocrail 15877 (64-bit)
- Ledbutton: memory leak fix
- Translation change for swapondir
- Mjpg,item: init text object on the fly
- Loc: swapondir option added

Rocrail 15869 (64-bit)
- Item,renderer: moved the MJPG from renderer to item
- 1oc: swap block enter side on direction change in case of manual or halb automatic mode
- Rascii: output color support added

Rocrail 15864 (64-bit)
- mjpg: use mutex to access and update the jpg image to show

Rocrail 15860 (64-bit)
- Ahome: http support
- Ahome: support for simple http outputs
- Ahome: support for simple http outputs added

Rocrail 15857 (64-bit)
- Block: save closed state
- Route: check for runable the tt and seltab too
- Renderer: destructor to clean up the MJPG class
- Throttledlg: use size event to rescale
- Throttledlg: revert to bitmap button

Rocrail 15850 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15840 (64-bit)
- Zipper: added
- Zipper: canservice added
- Modplan: remove the deleted module also from the list to prevent saving it as empty plan
- Installwx: use the libwxgtk3.0-dev package
- Zipper; stylesheets added
- Throttle: set static bitmap background color to gray

Rocrail 15834 (64-bit)
- Control: fix for dependencies
- Mjpg,renderer: size fix for text
- Layout parent sizer after first bitmap update
- Rascii: 16 bit for CV get/set
- Throttledlg: locoimage mouse event handler added for selecting a loco
- Mjpg: fixes for text object

Rocrail 15824 (64-bit)
- Webview for macOS only until linux and windows do have fitting libraries
- Infodialog,renderer: webview also for linux
- Control: removed dependency webview
- Throttledlg: test wxWebView under Linux
- Dependency update for webview
- Video streaming in text and throttle
- Fback: regtrigger added
- Ahome: json power events
- Infodialog: disable webview includes in case of none apple
- Fback: format variable text

Rocrail 15816 (64-bit)
- Infodialog: disable webview includes in case of none apple
- Fback: format variable text
- Fback: format variable text in case the original value was a float
- Infodialog: commented out the webview
- Infodialog: check if a web kit is available
- Infodialog: webview is not included in the linux wxWidgets
- Infodialog: wiki tab added
- Action,model,xmlscript: use the var pubish function to broadcast changes
- Fback,var: publish register variables

Rocrail 15807 (64-bit)
- Fback: trace correction for regval
- Loc: check shunting state
- Powerctrldlg: remove minimal height of graphic
- Output: variable support in commands on/off
- Dumper: output support added
- Fback: array added for register value types
- Sbus: wip
- Hue: lux to brightness calculation
- Rocview: revert translation from class to group

Rocrail 15792 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15742 (64-bit)
- fcc: write accessory cv

Rocrail 15734 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15671 (64-bit)
- comment added
- Loc: trigger corrections for virtual timers
- added for linux ZIP
- Zipper: create packege/history if needed
- Rocrail png icon added

Rocrail 15662 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15640 (64-bit)
- Removed wiringPI library
- Rocnetnode: added /dev/ttyAMA0 selection for dcc232
- Mbus: trace correction
- Dcc232: revert gpio
- Dcc232: WIP
- Dcc232: gpio WIP
- Dcc232: gpio WIP
- Dccd232: gpio WIP
- Analyse: fix for zoffset (Lothar)

Rocrail 15615 (64-bit)
- typo
- Zipper: linux support added
- Rocview.cmd: use absolute path for server binaries
- copy zip to package
- Zipper: $1 for w32/w64
- Zipper script added
- Rocview.cmd for zip installer
- Model: remove attribute modplan
- Text: replace pipe with
in case of html and concat

Rocrail 15608 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15604 (64-bit)
- switch: test trace twin address

Rocrail 15602 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15594 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15585 (64-bit)
- Infodialog: removed obsolete adjustminsize flag
- Donkeydlg: layout corrections
- Wsocket: trace correction in case the hostname query did fail
- Infodialog,rocguiinidlg: layout and translation corrections
- Donkey: added missing dialog title

Rocrail 15574 (64-bit)
- Control: tracelevel correction for action state does not match
- Rocweb: added text click command

Rocrail 15570 (64-bit)
- Canservice: report as CANID=0 and NN=0
- Text: fix for model command change
- Canservice: use same CANID and nodenumber as the GC1e in case of service on 5550
- Modplan: add all system actions
- Text: center option added

Rocrail 15558 (64-bit)
- text: fix for check action state

Rocrail 15554 (64-bit)
- Control: trace correction
- Mbus utils: fix for MERG standard CAN frame ID
- Canservice: avoid looping without sleep in case of tcp socket error
- Canservice: fix for standard ASCII frame
- Canservice: ascii framing support added
- Xmlscriptdlg: text commands added
- Text: click state for triggering actions added
- Modplan: read/save tour, waybill, link, weather, lightctrl and mvtrack
- Modplan: read and save module systemactions
- Modplan: read module system

Rocrail 15544 (64-bit)
- modplan: use modzoffset on modify; move, rotate

Rocrail 15543 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15533 (64-bit)
- Block: fix for action call for occupied
- Modplandlg: file dialog buttons added for loco and route xml

Rocrail 15531 (64-bit)
- Wrapper: default 3 trace files

Rocrail 15530 (64-bit)
- Location: fix for maxocc zero
- Route,switch: check if the switch has an address set on empty commands
- Switch: check for valid command
- Locationsdlg: layout correction
- Locationsdlg: layout correction

Rocrail 15525 (64-bit)
- mbus: support for UID in system commands and events

Rocrail 15518 (64-bit)
- Mbus: reject fnchanged -1
- Ocation: maxocc per cargo type
- Location: max commuter option added

Rocrail 15515 (64-bit)
- Schedules: reset callerid and callertype

Rocrail 15515 (64-bit)
- Control: set the IID in the callerid variable
- Check4redsignals option added, default off
- Wmz21: ignore bidikmh
- Mbus: send lights(f0) also after the speed/dir commands

Rocrail 15510 (64-bit)
- Win64 build: strip debug info

Rocrail 15506 (64-bit)
- System actions: sub state implemented for IID

Rocrail 15505 (64-bit)
- Location: disregard maxocc if the loco already did arrive
- Set UID to 21 if zero to be compatible with previous revisions
- Locationdlg: removed deprecated adjust flag
- Set uid on state report

Rocrail 15504 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15503 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15500 (64-bit)
- Trace: fix for empty trace file name
- Z21: uid field added
- Clntcon: fix for ping and reply with pong
- Rcon: reactivate the 5s idle ping
- Mqtt-cs: serial connect added
- Clntcon/rcon: set keepalive socket option

Rocrail 15498 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15494 (64-bit)
- Planpanel: save scroll position
- Mqtt-cs python example extended with XML parsing

Rocrail 15492 (64-bit)
- Item/guiframe: restore throttle position and size dependent from loco ID
- Rocview makefile: fix for wxsubincl 3.0 -> 3.1

Rocrail 15486 (64-bit)
- Signal: white address as bit pattern if port is zero
- Rocwebworker: support for https
- Rocwebworker: support for https
- Tracedlg: fix for close event (X)

Rocrail 15482 (64-bit)
- Rocweb: http return code correction for plan and options xml
- Evaluate function event
- Function control type added
- Translation merge: fr
- Xmlscriptdlg: replaced settargetrange with the 3.0 start/end function
- Aboxdlg: layout fixes
- EStW: threeway symbol added

Rocrail 15475 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15470 (64-bit)
- Xmlscriptdlg: try to select the complete invalid line
- Xmlscriptdlg: select invalid XML line
- Xmlscriptdlg: select text from invalid XML
- Block: fix for service wait
- Output: function type added

Rocrail 15465 (64-bit)
- Block: revert put out of operation behaviour in case from dialog
- Xmlscriptdlg: find added
- Xmldlg: find added

Rocrail 15462 (64-bit)
- Model: trace level correction
- Block: crosscheck fix for service
- MBUS: not evaluating type in case of UID zero
- Cv index support for accelleration and calibrating
- Xmlscript: block throttle command added
- Locdialog: show CV index in grid
- Mbus,rocpro: mfx cv index support
- Block: fix for wait and service
- Block: check if occupied in case of modify and new state should be close

Rocrail 15453 (64-bit)
- Tt: set accessory bit in case of f6915
- Xmlpointsize default set to 11
- Manifest: removed dpiAwareness
- Xml: add wrap and pointsize attribute

Streamlabs OBS 0.18.4 Beta 查看版本資訊


Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.3.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.3.3
- Change log not available for this version

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.3.0
- Support for adding new Open API & GRPC service references to .NET Core 3.0 projects
- Support for F# 4.7 and various F# tooling improvements
- Improvements for C++ developers, including toggleable line comments and improved IntelliSense member list filtering
- Search through recent projects, solutions, and folders within the start window
- Search for templates in the New Project Dialog with advanced search capabilities
- Publish .NET Core 3.0 worker projects to Azure Container Registry, DockerHub, etc.
- .NET Productivity additions in this release include the ability to rename the containing file when renaming a class as well as Edit and Continue enhancements within the debugger
- Debug Azure Functions running in Linux containers
- Search individual components while installing or modifying in the Visual Studio Installer
- Streamlined Visual Studio update experience that integrates Visual Studio IDE and Installer updates
- Differentiate workloads and components when adding them in the Visual Studio IDE
- Code Search via VS Search (Ctrl+Q)
- Easily find newly installed project templates, view selected values on filters, and pin recently used templates in the New Project Dialog
- Easily configure your applications' dependencies in publish profiles using the new [Add Dependency] wizard(#webtools-add-dependency-wizard)
- The Visual Studio installer components for .NET Core 2.1 and 2.2 now also include templates (instead of just the runtime)
- Tooling support for serving static assets from within a Razor class library
- Updated Python Testing Experience using the newly-added Python testing framework pytest as well as a modified unittest experience
- Reduced time to index large folders and search for files in these folders
- Added support for Xcode 11 and iOS 13
- Added support for Android 10
- Use XAML Hot Reload for Xamarin.Forms. to rapidly iterate on your Xamarin.Forms UI
- Android Material Design in the XAML Previewer for Xamarin.Forms
- New constraint editor in the Xamarin Designer for iOS
- Enabled publishing iOS apps on Windows
- There are new options for editing .plist files
- Improved tasks view when debugging in Parallel Stacks Window
- A variety of C++ productivity improvements, including new C++ Core checks, a new default semantic colorization scheme, and on-by-default IntelliCode
Support for parallel builds in MSBuild-based Linux C++ projects that leverage the native WSL experience
- .NET Productivity additions in this release include the ability to wrap chains of fluent calls, introduce a local variable immediately after writing its initializer, .NET Core tooling support for analyzers, and an option to expand the list of completions for unimported types
- JavaScript/TypeScript syntax classifications and refactorings are more responsive in files
- Updated the C++ IntelliCode base model to be on-by-default and included Repeated Edits for C#
- Support for TypeScript 3.6 and more responsive JavaScript/TypeScript refactorings
- The Performance Profiler via ALT-F2 now provides a database tool for .Net Core projects
- Added a prompt to install Docker Desktop when adding Docker Support
- Added the capability to load symbols manually for Azure Watson and .NET Core remote debugging
- Restored certificate generation and improved the UWP Package signing experience

Top Issues Fixed in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.3.0:
- "Create Test Certificate" option missing from UWP SDK in VS2019
- VS2019 - Query designer stopped working
- Project Properties - Code Analysis - Text is WRONG
- Visual Studio 2019 freezes and crashes on creating new project
- Editor and productivity features are not fully localized in Visual Studio 2019 16.3 Preview 3
- Problem with command Tab order (in design mode)
- Error: Some or all identity references could not be translated.
- Visual Studio 16.2 hangs opening any dialog for editing
- error MSB6006: "CL.exe" exited with code 2.
- Blank code metrics result
- VS2019 is crashing during start of the debug session if "Enable Edit and Continue" is switched off.
- Visual Studio 2019(16.0.2) generator incorrect code with inline+/O2 in Qt 5.12.3 QBezier
- Error Signing into VS Feedback Tool
- Rename refactoring does not work in files included in Shared Projects - Rename operation was cancelled or is not valid
- Brace completion when member list is up does not put the character in the right position
- Problem with command Tab order (in design mode)
- error MSB6006: "CL.exe" exited with code 2.
- Error Signing into the VS Feedback Tool
- blank code metrics result
- Rename refactoring does not work in files included in Shared Projects - Rename operation was cancelled or is not valid
- C++/CLI bug with inline namespaces header
- Error: Some or all identity references could not be translated.
- rvalue-reference-to-array can bind to lvalue-reference-to-array
- Brace completion when member list is up does not put the character in the right position
- Secure Secrets with Azure Key Vault Not In Connected Services List
- VS file search is signficantly slower than VA file search
- Visual Studio crash when TFS is not found.
- Visual Studio error displaying .razor file.
- Increase AndroidClientHandler timeouts.
- "Create Test Certificate" option missing from UWP SDK in VS2019.

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.2.5
- Visual Studio stops respsonding on creating a new SSIS project
- Fixed UI freezes occurring after extended usage of the editor

Security Advisory Notices:
- Diagnostics Hub Standard Collector Service Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability
- An elevation of privilege vulnerability exists when the Diagnostics Hub Standard Collector Service improperly impersonates certain file operations. An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could gain elevated privileges. An attacker with unprivileged access to a vulnerable system could exploit this vulnerability. The security update addresses the vulnerability by ensuring the Diagnostics Hub Standard Collector Service properly impersonates file operations

Denial of Service Vulnerability in .NET Core:
- A denial of service vulnerability exists when .NET Core improperly handles web requests. An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could cause a denial of service against a .NET Core web application. The vulnerability can be exploited remotely, without authentication

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.2.3
- Top Issues Fixed in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.2.3
- Fixed: Android SDK not found after upgrade to 16.2
- Fixed: VS won't start after update with message tht setup is complete
- Fixed an issue resulting in an installer verification or manifest verification fail when user is updating through the setup UI
- Fixed an issue that caused Visual Studio to crash or stop responding during shutdown
- Fixed a timing-related issue while saving changed Xamarin.Android project properties or building the project that resulted in the product to stop responding
- Fixed an issue with Visual Studio crashing when C# users typed above a namespace
- Fixed an issue preventing SSIS packages from successfully running in some circumstances after reloading a solution

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.2.2
- Fixed Test Explorer doesn't show my tests on VS2019 16.2.0
- Fixed a problem where Visual Studio can stop responding during shutdown

Security Advisory Notices:
- CVE-2019-1211 Git for Visual Studio Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability
- An elevation of privilege vulnerability exists in Git for Visual Studio when it improperly parses configuration files. An attacker who successfully exploited the vulnerability could execute code in the context of another local user. To exploit the vulnerability, an authenticated attacker would need to modify Git configuration files on a system prior to a full installation of the application. The attacker would then need to convince another user on the system to execute specific Git commands. The update addresses the issue by changing the permissions required to edit configuration files

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.2.0
- Hold down the Alt key + a letter indicated by an underline in the word to quickly jump to different actions in the start window and new project dialog screens for complete keyboard accessibility
- Take any file type including solution files and drop them on to the start window when you launch Visual Studio to load the file
- Resize the start window and new project dialog by dragging the edges. Visual Studio remembers changed sizes between invocations of the windows. Ability to maximize the windows by double clicking in the title bar area and minimize the windows by clicking on the task bar icon when in their launch states
- Access the Developer Command Prompt and Developer Power Shell by either going to “Tools > Command Line” or by searching for them via the Visual Studio Search. Accessing them from within the IDE, automatically sets their path according to the currently opened solution or folder
- The Preview Features tools options page has a new look that provides more information of the feature. Check this page for new features and to provide feedback on features
- Preview Feature: Enable the “Standard tool window layout” preview feature to improve the startup time for Visual Studio by minimizing the impact of opening tool windows
- Backup files are now saved to a temporary folder to avoid using unnecessary storage space in My Document folders that are synchronized with OneDrive
- Users only have to sign in one time to access Azure resources in Visual Studio, Azure CLI or Azure PowerShell
- Developer PowerShell enables users to do everything available in Developer Command Prompt, but now from the familiar PowerShell interface
- Visual Studio retains filters for language, platform, and project type between invocations of the new project dialog for easier access generally used templates with fewer clicks

- LSP: Folding Range has been updated to better support large snippets
- An extension that uses Newtonsoft.Json may take advantage of features in the new version

- For local CMake projects configured with Clang, Code Analysis now runs clang-tidy checks, appearing as part of background code analysis as in-editor warnings (squiggles) and in the Error List

Updated the header for C++17's P0067R5 Elementary string conversions:
- Added floating-point to_chars() overloads for chars_format::fixed and chars_format::scientific precision (chars_format::general precision is the only part not yet implemented)
- Optimized chars_format::fixed shortest

Added the following C++20 Standard Library preview features:
Available under /std:c++latest:
- P0020R6: atomic
- P0463R1: endian enumeration
- P0482R6: char8_t type for UTF-8 characters and strings
- P0653R2: to_address() for converting a pointer to a raw pointer

Available under /std:c++17 and /std:c++latest:
- P0600R1: [[nodiscard]] in the library

Available unconditionally:
- P0754R2: header
- P0771R1: std::function move constructor should be noexcept
- Windows SDK is no longer a dependency for the CMake for Windows and CMake for Linux components
- Improvements to the C++ linker to significantly improve iteration build times for the largest of input. /debug:fast and /incremental times have been improved on average by 2x, and /debug:full by 3-6x

Visual Studio Installer support:
- The Visual Studio Installer now handles improved size space detection based on what a user already has installed. If the required amount of space is significantly larger than what is available, the previous warning is now converted to an error and blocks installations

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.1.6
Security Advisory Notices:
- CVE-2019-1077 Visual Studio Extension Auto Update Vulnerability
- An elevation of privilege vulnerability exists when the Visual Studio Extension auto-update process improperly performs certain file operations. An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could delete files in arbitrary locations. To exploit this vulnerability, an attacker would require unprivileged access to a vulnerable system. The security update addresses the vulnerability by securing locations the Visual Studio Extension auto-update performs file operations in.

CVE-2019-1075 ASP.NET Core Spoofing Vulnerability:
- A spoofing vulnerability exists in ASP.NET Core that could lead to an open redirect. An attacker who successfully exploited the vulnerability could redirect a targeted user to a malicious website. To exploit the vulnerability, an attacker could send a link that has a specially crafted URL and convince the user to click the link.
- The security update addresses the vulnerability by correcting how ASP.NET Core parses URLs. Details can be found in the .NET Core release notes.

CVE-2019-1113 WorkflowDesigner XOML deserialization allows code execution:
- A XOML file referencing certain types could cause random code to be executed when the XOML file is opened in Visual Studio. - There is now a restriction on what types are allowed to be used in XOML files. If a XOML file containing one of the newly unauthorized types is opened, a message is displayed explaining that the type is unauthorized.

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.1.5
- Fixed known issue: Merge tools in "Resolve conflicts" not shown

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.1.4
- Fixed known issue: The debugger's worker process (msvsmon.exe) unexpectedly exited. Debugging will be aborted
- Fixed known issue: VS 2019 crashes when debugging async code
- Fixed known issue: Xamarin problem following update to VS2019 16.1
- Fixed known issue: [Xcode11] [Simulator] Updating to Xcode 11 stops the simulator from launching
- Improved the reliability of Visual Studio by fixing an intermittent issue that happens when opening solutions
- Fixed a crash with the search functionality in locals / autos / watch windows when the IDE is not in break mode

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.1.3
- Fixed known issue: Fixed VSiX Installer throwing an IOException when executed from Visual Studio installation folder
- Fixed known issue: Removed double-prompting for survey on uninstall
- Enabled a help link for new users to get help choosing a workload

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.1.1
- Custom tasks with default contextType via tasks.vs.json are broken in Open Folder
- No snapshot created for C++ native code in Memory Usage tool in the Diagnostic Tools window while debugging
- Crash in VS 16.1.0 when pressing the link “search online”
- Fixed the issue where sometimes certain features (i.e. Find All References) in LiveShare guest session do not work
- Fixed an issue where the devenv.exe process could hang around after shutdown of Visual Studio for up to 30 seconds

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 16.1.0

- Visual Studio IntelliCode is now generally available and comes installed with any workload that supports C#, C++, TypeScipt/JavaScript, or XAML
- We have added Per-Monitor Awareness support
- New codefixes are available for C#
- Most Recently Used has been added to Visual Studio Search

- Source Link authentication improvements have been implemented
- We have added symbol server to the list of default symbol servers
- Time Travel Debugging preview now includes exception stepping support

- We have removed the need for .resx file in VSIX projects (BuildTools update)
- VSIX Project template now uses the new SDK version

- You can now experience optimizations to improve the solution load time of very large solutions
- Template authors can add custom tags to their templates
- There is now CodeLens support for custom UI
- We have provided updates to Language Server Protocol implementation
- We have updated behavior for switching between solutions, folders, and other views

- In-editor documentation for CMake has been added
- Use Windows Subsystem for Linux with C++ natively in Visual Studio, and AddressSanitizer for Linux projects and WSL
- We have made improvements and modified colorization in C++ Quick Info tooltips
- We have implemented new C++ Code Analysis quick fixes

- We have released more performance improvements and a bulk of bug fixes for F# and F# tooling

- New .NET productivity features include one-click code cleanup on projects and solutions, a new toggle block comment keyboard shortcut, refactoring to move types to other namespaces
- You can now clone code from an SSH URI through the clone screen in the start window
- .NET Productivity additions in this release include intellisense completion for unimported types, toggling single-line comment/uncomment, exporting naming styles to editorconfig, and a new code style setting for preferring usings inside/outside namspaces
- We have implemented .NET SDK tooling additions primarily around supporting WinForms and WPF projects for .NET Core 3.0 along with bug fixes and performance improvements
- Visual Studio SDK v16.0 has been released to NuGet
- A preview of the XAML Designer for .NET Core 3.0 WPF development is available

- Default Android Experience for Xamarin now supports API 28
- Xamarin.Forms XAML recommendations for design time attributes
- Top Issues Fixed in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.1
- Cannot navigate to the symbol under the caret in ASP.NET MVC Projects
- Resx editor doesn't render
- Find All References minimises when using arrow keys
- Could not copy the file "objx64DebugManagement.exe" because it was not found
- Xamarin.iOS cannot find the application manifest. Please ensure the project contains a manifest file named 'Info.plist"
- nmake environment missing path to NETFX tools
- Clicking on a ASP.NET Core project in solution opening the project .csproj file
- [MSConnect 3142311] Visual Studio IDE ?? E1449,???????????,???? -> Visual Studio IDE prompt E1449, but the code can compile and run normally, and the result is also correct
- Assembly reference is removed from project after running app referencing library
- When updating Visual Studio 2019 from RC to GA, RC shortcuts for Visual Studio are left behind

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 16.0.0
- Change log not available for this version

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.9.11
- Access violation C++ /CLI 15.9.5 ISO C++ Latest Draft Standard since 15.9.5
- PGO Code Gen Bug - Vectorized instruction accessing memory OOB
- We have implemented a C++ compiler fix to correct exception handling support for code using setjmp/longjmp in Release mode
- We have implemented a C++ linker fix regarding information in PDB where the incorrect module info could result in heap corruption when producing a stripped PDB file either by PDBCopy.exe or by link.exe when option /PDBSTRIPPED is specified
- We have corrected dual signing of the ARM64 Visual C++ Redistributable installer

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.9.10
- We have fixed an issue with debugging using Docker when a web proxy is configured
- In debugging using Docker, you will now experience improved error handling for failures related to drive sharing configuration (for example, expired credentials)

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.9.9

- SSDT: We fixed a crash in the SSIS Foreach Loop container
- A few .NET native for UWP customer issues were fixed in .NET native tools 2.2 (UWP 6.2.4)
- We have corrected dual signing of Visual C++ Redistributable installers

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.9.8
- ModelBus-enabled text transformation fails on 15.8
- SSDT: Fix to improve performance of loading solutions with multiple projects

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.9.7

These are the customer-reported issues:
- Crashes when expanding variables!
- /DEBUG:FASTLINK + C7 + PCH crashes debugger
- Native C++ application crashes because of stack corruption with VS 2017 15.9.2
- Incorrect Release Mode code
- Xamarin Unobserved Task Exception WebRequest
- Link /SOURCELINK option seems to do nothing. This fixes Source Link for Managed C++ Debugging
- Fixed an issue with corruption of AVX/MPX/AVX512 registers while Debugging
- Update of Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00.UWPDestkop framework packages for C++ UWP DesktopBridge applications adding support for ARM64
- Corrected incorrect version of VCToolsRedistVersion in Microsoft.VCToolsVersion.default.props
- Corrected unsigned embedded dll for VC Redist installers
- SSDT/Web Tools: We fixed an issue where SQL LocalDB was not installed on Polish, Turkish, and Czech locales
- SSDT: We fixed an issue affecting SQL Server Aalysis Services (Method not found exception when clicking on UI)
- SSDT: We fixed an accessibility issue which was causing the contents of a table not to be visible in the result window when using High-Contrast mode

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.9.6
- Installation failures of the Unity Editor component in China
- Starting a new nanoFramework project from a template
- Deployment errors after VS2017 update
- Android Deploy failed - Error ADB0010
- Error in German translation: info bar "session closed unexpectedly"
- Visual Studio 2017 create offline layout problem: Failed to load from stream for non-ENU layouts
- Extension auto-update can leave extension disabled

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.8.9
- Added support for Xcode 10.1 in Visual Studio Tools for Xamarin.
- Updated the Xamarin.Forms template to Xamarin.Forms 3.3.0.
- Update 15.8.6 breaks Installer Projects.
- Internal Compiler error in VS15.8 msc1.cpp line 1518.
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Installer Projects 0.8.8 and VS 15.8.6.
- SFINAE fails to detect matching overloaded function in preview VS preview 3 15.9.0.
- XAML Designer crash on Visual Studio close.

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.8.8
- These are the customer-reported issues addressed in 15.8.8:
- /DEBUG:FASTLINK no debug info for STL types included via PCH.
- Bad codegen seen in 15.8 RTW compiler.
- Heap corruption in stack unwinding when inlining function.
- Linker consumes 6 GB of memory for specific test case.

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.8.7
Azure DevOps:
- Visual Studio Team Services is now Azure DevOps! You will see this new branding in Team Explorer and in references across Visual Studio.

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.8.6
Summary of What's New in 15.8.6:
- The latest Windows 10 SDK is available.

Top Issues Fixed in 15.8.6:
- These are the customer-reported issues addressed in 15.8.6:
- NuGet packages for Intellisense are broken.
- Visual Studio closes after opening sln.
- App.Config XML editor still freezing in 15.8.4.
- Details of What's New in 15.8.6:
- Latest Windows 10 SDK for Universal Windows Platform developers
- The latest Windows 10 SDK (build 17763) is now available as an optional component for the Universal Windows Platform development workload. You can add this SDK to the workload by selecting the Windows 10 SDK (10.0.17763.0) checkbox.

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.8.5
- Debugger tooltip does not expand in Xamarin.iOS debugging session.
- Debugger won't let me leave execution point (Android).
- After updating to 15.8.1, data tip does not show when debugging.
- Debugger data tip does not expand [Editor].
- Exception:MSB0001: Internal MSBuild Error: Already registered for build-time.
- Wrong path to resource in manifest for ClickOnce after upgrading to VS 15.8.1.
- ClickOnce Manifest error in 15.8.
- ClickOnce Publish is missing certain references.
- ClickOnce: Language file copied to wrong location.
- Reference missing in the ClickOnce publish folder.
- Compiling non-.NET SDK style F# projects results in an internal MSBuild error unless MSBuild parallelism is set to 1.
- F# is not NGEN'd in Visual Studio.
- F# deploys the FSharp.Core binary in the location.

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.2.26430.16
- Fixed a WebDeploy install issue on RS3

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.2.26430.15
- Fix crash when specific unnamed code constructs were used in C/C++ code

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.2.26430.14
- New Project menu fails with error "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: eventId"
- VS2017 fails to start and immediately errors out with "Unknown Error" message

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 15.2.26430.13
- Update to Visual Studio (version 15.2) solution loading caused forced restart
- Visual Studio 2017 randomly restarts after 15.2 update

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