Unity 歷史版本列表
Unity 是一個遊戲開發生態系統:一個強大的渲染引擎完全集成了一整套直觀的工具和快速的工作流程來創建交互式的 3D 和 2D 內容; 輕鬆的多平台發布; 成千上萬的質量,在資源商店和知識共享 community.For 獨立開發者和工作室,Unity&rsquo 的現成的資產; S 民主化生態系統摔破的時間和成本障礙,創造獨特的美麗的遊戲。他們使用 Unity 打造民生做他們喜歡的事情:創建遊戲... Unity 軟體介紹更新時間:2023-01-17
What's new in this version:
Unity 2022.2.2
- Documentation: Optimized the example code in HDRP documentation related to Ray Tracing Settings override
- Graphics: Increased the maximum Async Upload Buffer Size to 2047 MB and updated docs
- 2D: Fixed error when a Tile asset with an instanced GameObject is removed from the Tilemap during a Collider2D.OnCollision***2D event
- DX12: Fixed for PSO naming in PIX
- Editor: Composite Extensions for Text/Speedtree files are now correctly selected
- Editor: D3D11 BRG visibility cbuffer creation optimization
- Editor: Fixed "SerializedProperty m_Enabled has disappeared!" error arpeared in console while undoying switching scripts in debug inspector
- Editor: Fixed a Crash/Freeze when using Handles.DrawGizmos in OnDrawGizmos
- Editor: Fixed an issue where an ArgumentNullException could be logged when viewing Entities in hierarchy.
- Editor: Fixed an issue where AssetDatabase.FindAssets would return invalid results when specifying multiple search folders
- Editor: Fixed BRG & entities.graphics crash on some GLES android
- Editor: Fixed random user input combination would open debug canvas in playmode
- Editor: Removed Fullscreen Play Mode experimental feature. Required additional backend work to support input in all scenarios
- Editor: Under the Enter Playmode Options, the Disable Scene Backup label was inverted compared to its actual behaviour.
- Editor: Unsaved changes made to assets are now preserved when renaming an asset while using Perforce
- GI: Lighting Settings Assets values default to another Assets values when multiple Assets are selected
- Graphics: Added safe-guards to prevent GetPixels / GetPixels32 crashes in cases where C# array creation would fail.
- Graphics: Fixed a bug where ReadPixels would fail for textures larger than 2 GB.
- Graphics: Fixed crash in depth resolve when using HDR render textures
- Graphics: Fixed cubemap uploads failing on Vulkan, D3D11 and D3D12 for cubemaps larger than 2 GB.
- Graphics: Fixed for incorrect values in ReadPixel for some graphics formats on DirectX
- Graphics: Fixed GetPixelData / SetPixelData failing for textures larger than 2 GB. Added safe-guards to prevent NativeArray length overflows for the former API.
- Graphics: Fixed LoadRawTextureData failing when the input NativeArray contained more than 2 GB of data. Added safe-guards to GetRawTextureData. (prevent NativeArray length overflow and C# array creation failure).
- Graphics: Fixed mipmap generation for textures larger than 2 GB.
- Graphics: Fixed RenderTexture assets not accepting texture dimensions greater than 20000 in UI, even though they currently can already go up to 32768 in script if the graphics capabilities allow for it.
- Graphics: Fixed the Read/Write texture import setting becoming grayed out when "Max Size" was greater than 8192, regardless of actual texture dimensions or size. Replaced with an info box when enabling "Read/Write" that triggers if Unity detects a >512MB texture.
- Graphics: Texture 3D Preview (Volume / SDF mode) now becomes disabled if Unity detects a potential driver hang risk. Fixed an assert incorrectly being triggered when inspecting external Texture 3Ds.
- Particles: Fixed errors when baking a particle mesh after calling mesh->Clear(false)
- Particles: Fixed SetParticles API sometimes failing to emit the correct number of particles
- Player: Fixed RuntimeInitializeOnLoad not working when used in precompiled assemblies in packages
- Scene/Game View: Fixed "Auto-hide Gizmos" preference not remember state on application restart
- Scene/Game View: Fixed the Rect Tool center handle not drawing in the correct position during a resize event
- Shaders: Fixed asset bundles with shaders not loading correctly on newer versions of Unity
- UI Elements: An EnumField no longer requires the associated EnumType to contain a value of 0 in order to be bound
- UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where pressing the arrow keys in the input field of a slider would change its value
- UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the dragger of a slider would become visually corrupted after toggling the showMixedValue property
- UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the ListView would generate the wrong hierarchy when the path from the list to the item is also a valid path for the item itself
- UI Toolkit: Fixed the UI Toolkit property drawer for TextArea so it behaves like the imgui version
- UI Toolkit: Fixed UI Builder undoing a selection takes two undo's
- UI Toolkit: Show UI Toolkit warning when the serialize reference are missing (as per IMGUI)
- Windows: Modified full stack traces so that when they are enabled on Windows, Unity will no longer try to resolve symbols from the symbol server. This prevents a potential stall the first time a stack trace is printed
Unity 2022.2.1
- Documentation: Optimized the example code in HDRP documentation related to Ray Tracing Settings override
- Graphics: Increased the maximum Async Upload Buffer Size to 2047 MB and updated docs
- 2D: Fixed error when a Tile asset with an instanced GameObject is removed from the Tilemap during a Collider2D.OnCollision***2D event
- DX12: Fixed for PSO naming in PIX
- Editor: Composite Extensions for Text/Speedtree files are now correctly selected
- Editor: D3D11 BRG visibility cbuffer creation optimization
- Editor: Fixed "SerializedProperty m_Enabled has disappeared!" error arpeared in console while undoying switching scripts in debug inspector
- Editor: Fixed a Crash/Freeze when using Handles.DrawGizmos in OnDrawGizmos
- Editor: Fixed an issue where an ArgumentNullException could be logged when viewing Entities in hierarchy.
- Editor: Fixed an issue where AssetDatabase.FindAssets would return invalid results when specifying multiple search folders
- Editor: Fixed BRG & entities.graphics crash on some GLES android
- Editor: Fixed random user input combination would open debug canvas in playmode
- Editor: Removed Fullscreen Play Mode experimental feature. Required additional backend work to support input in all scenarios
- Editor: Under the Enter Playmode Options, the Disable Scene Backup label was inverted compared to its actual behaviour.
- Editor: Unsaved changes made to assets are now preserved when renaming an asset while using Perforce
- GI: Lighting Settings Assets values default to another Assets values when multiple Assets are selected
- Graphics: Added safe-guards to prevent GetPixels / GetPixels32 crashes in cases where C# array creation would fail.
- Graphics: Fixed a bug where ReadPixels would fail for textures larger than 2 GB
- Graphics: Fixed crash in depth resolve when using HDR render textures
- Graphics: Fixed cubemap uploads failing on Vulkan, D3D11 and D3D12 for cubemaps larger than 2 GB
- Graphics: Fixed for incorrect values in ReadPixel for some graphics formats on DirectX
- Graphics: Fixed GetPixelData / SetPixelData failing for textures larger than 2 GB. Added safe-guards to prevent NativeArray length overflows for the former API.
- Graphics: Fixed LoadRawTextureData failing when the input NativeArray contained more than 2 GB of data. Added safe-guards to GetRawTextureData. (prevent NativeArray length overflow and C# array creation failure).
- Graphics: Fixed mipmap generation for textures larger than 2 GB
- Graphics: Fixed RenderTexture assets not accepting texture dimensions greater than 20000 in UI, even though they currently can already go up to 32768 in script if the graphics capabilities allow for it.
- Graphics: Fixed the Read/Write texture import setting becoming grayed out when "Max Size" was greater than 8192, regardless of actual texture dimensions or size. Replaced with an info box when enabling "Read/Write" that triggers if Unity detects a >512MB texture.
- Graphics: Texture 3D Preview (Volume / SDF mode) now becomes disabled if Unity detects a potential driver hang risk. Fixed an assert incorrectly being triggered when inspecting external Texture 3Ds.
- Particles: Fixed errors when baking a particle mesh after calling mesh->Clear(false)
- Particles: Fixed SetParticles API sometimes failing to emit the correct number of particles
- Player: Fixed RuntimeInitializeOnLoad not working when used in precompiled assemblies in packages
- Scene/Game View: Fixed "Auto-hide Gizmos" preference not remember state on application restart
- Scene/Game View: Fixed the Rect Tool center handle not drawing in the correct position during a resize event
- Shaders: Fixed asset bundles with shaders not loading correctly on newer versions of Unity
- UI Elements: An EnumField no longer requires the associated EnumType to contain a value of 0 in order to be bound
- UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where pressing the arrow keys in the input field of a slider would change its value
- UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the dragger of a slider would become visually corrupted after toggling the showMixedValue property
- UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the ListView would generate the wrong hierarchy when the path from the list to the item is also a valid path for the item itself
- UI Toolkit: Fixed the UI Toolkit property drawer for TextArea so it behaves like the imgui version
- UI Toolkit: Fixed UI Builder undoing a selection takes two undo's
- UI Toolkit: Show UI Toolkit warning when the serialize reference are missing (as per IMGUI)
- Windows: Modified full stack traces so that when they are enabled on Windows, Unity will no longer try to resolve symbols from the symbol server. This prevents a potential stall the first time a stack trace is printed.
Unity 2022.2.0
- Change log not available for this version
Unity 2022.1.23
- 2D: [com.unity.2d.animation] Improved the Auto Geometry generation speed
- 2D: [com.unity.2d.animation] The visibility tab now scrolls to the selected bone in the Skinning editor
- Animation: Further improvements to animation job performance (esp. some forms of IK)
- Multiplayer: Added Netcode for GameObjects 1.0.2
- Multiplayer: Added Netcode for GameObjects 1.1.0
- Profiler: Improved performance of rendering the CPU timeline view when viewing large captures.
- VFX Graph: Reduced the time taken by VFXGraph.CheckCompilationVersion that would previously potentially query all assets on every domain reload.
- URP: Avoid using Depth32Stencil8 format on Android
- Version Control: Changed the "Go back to changeset" option in Changesets tab to "Revert to changeset"
- Improved notification banner appearance
- XR: Eye tracked foveated rendering no longer spews console messages
- 2D: Fixed result of the Tilemap.GetCellCenterLocal/World API for a Hexagonal Grid and a large Tile Anchor offset
- 2D: Refactored the internal triangulation and tessellation APIs
- 2D: Updated API docs to reflect the behaviour of setting SpriteRenderer.size property
- 2D: [com.unity.2d.animation] Fixed a case where the auto weight generation would associate incorrect bones to vertices. (DANB-22
- 2D: [com.unity.2d.animation] Fixed an issue where the Sprite Skin editor would throw an exception if Sprite Renderer doesn't have a Sprite assigned to it
- 2D: [com.unity.2d.animation] Fixed IK Manager 2D's inspector slow downs
- Android: Fixed infinite loop when requesting for runtime permission that is automatically rejected by the OS
- Android: Fixed stacktrace on Chrome OS x86_64
- Android: InputView is not clickable when isInputFieldHidden AND !mConsumeOutsideTouches
- Asset Pipeline: Asset tracking should only be done for main thread for editor process imports
- Editor: Fixed an issue where TextureImporter.GetPlatformTextureSettings would not perform fix-up on the platform string argument correctly
- Editor: Fixed crash of profiler opened in standalone process
- Editor: Fixed crash when using URP on some Adreno 6xx devices with shaders that use clip()
- Editor: Fixed exception incorrectly reporting object already in pool when equal instances of classes implementing IEquatable are released to ObjectPool
- Editor: Fixed mouse button paste function in packman
- Editor: Fixed scripted importer registration errors, when changing platform
- Editor: Fixed Unity crashes in batch mode when using -vcsMode Perforce
- Editor: [SpeedTree] ExtraTexture texture is no longer marked sRGB (Color Data) when imported with a SpeedTree asset
- Graphics: Fixed closesthit, anyhit or intersection shaders in .raytrace files causing a GPU hang. Log an error when these shader types are present in a .raytrace file since they are not currently supported
- Graphics: Fixed issue in which editor would get stuck when importing corrupted FBX models
- IL2CPP: Avoid a crash in the IL2CPP runtime when the GUID property of a type is obtained for a type with a StructLayout attribute but without a Guid attribute
- IL2CPP: Avoid a crash when using GetFiles multiple times for directories with many files on iOS.
- IL2CPP: Avoid a possible race condition when the garbage collector is enabled or disabled that could cause it to become permanently disabled
- IL2CPP: Avoid an exception from Buffer.BlockCopy when the destination array is of type sbyte
- IL2CPP: Avoid an intermittent crash in the .NET thread pool implementation when a thread is incorrectly removed from the pool twice
- IL2CPP: Avoid an intermittent crash on shutdown when many threads are waiting on a Monitor object inside for a C# lock statement
- IL2CPP: Corrected handle enums declared inside a generic type
- IL2CPP: Corrected the behavior of the System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive API
- IL2CPP: Fixed compilation error that occurred when a enum was passed by reference in a marshalling definition
- IL2CPP: Fixed crash in IL2CPP metadata code when loading a field RVA value
- IL2CPP: Fixed exception when calling Enum.CompareTo on enum with a System.Uint16 underling type
- IL2CPP: Fixed possible crash/corruption when invoking a virtual generic method on a generic type by reflection or when Faster (smaller) builds is enabled
- IL2CPP: Fixed possible memory corrupt/crash when calling into shared generic code
- IL2CPP: Fixed syntax error: ')' " when "Faster (smaller) builds" is selected on function pointer call with a return type but no parameters
- IL2CPP: Implemented the Assembly.Location property
- IL2CPP: Improved error messages for unsupported Process API methods
- IL2CPP: Workaround an MSVC C++ compiler optimization bug related the Math.Max implementation for System.Decimal
- Kernel: Fixed AssertOnRecursiveCall with tests while pressing and moving the mouse
- Mono: Fixed an editor crash when the debugger code fails to lookup the signature of a method
- Mono: Fixed Editor liveness crash when processing RealProxy classes
- Mono: Fixed exception when registering a window class in different domain instances
- Mono: Fixed issue where DeflateStream would swallow exceptions instead of throwing them
- Particles: Fixed invert culling api when used with Particle Systems
- Physics: Fixed ArticulationBody SetDriveTargets and SetDriveTargetVelocities methods checking List capacity instead of count and improved the error message
- Profiler: Fixed freeze caused when opening profiler data recorded on Editor versions 2019.4.28f1 and prior
- Scripting: Fixed possible Editor hang while it waits for AssemblyUpdater when importing assemblies
- Serialization: Fixed performance regression reading yaml objects containing large number of SerializeReference instances which were created prior to 2021.2
- Serialization: Fixed regression where if a mesh was used in VFX and included in an AssetBundle there could be indeterminism in its streaming info offset field
- Services: Link Project ID button in Services tab now activates properly when the organization name and project name selected are the same
- Services: Marking UserInfo apis as obsolete
- Services: Selected project in Services tab is now properly reset and Link Project ID button is now properly disabled when changing organization
- Shadergraph: Shadergraph: Fixed shader graph incorrectly stripping variants for BiRP shaders that weren't built with shader graph
- Shaders: Fixed a crash when changing Scene view Draw mode from Shaded to Custom
- Shaders: Fixed a rare crash when opening a project with compute shaders
- Shaders: Fixed Shader Variant Collection UI not working correctly with shaders with stage-specific keywords
- Shaders: Material.SetOverrideTag will now warn when trying to override LightMode
- uGUI: Fixed various Canvas issues
- UI Toolkit: Fixed the position of the drag line anchor of the TwoPanSplitView when the orientation is changed and when there is margin around the child elements
- UI Toolkit: UI Toolkit: Fixed VisualElement alignment issue in non-standard DPIs
- Universal RP: Broken setters which could cause infinite loop in URP pipeline asset
- Version Control: Fixed editor refresh triggering when a workspace update is in progres
- Fixed pending changes show global ignored as privat
- Removed encryption checkbox from create organization dialog
- Video: Fixed virtual camera not playing due to DevicePath missing
- Video: VP8 Video Encoder bitrate corrected to use bps instead of kbps
- Video: [WebGL] Video Player updates to a previously sought frame when seeking a paused video
- Web: Updated UglifyJS from 2.7.5 to 3.17.0
- WebGL: Added fallback configuration for company name, product name and product version to ensure the web cache is always enabled
- WebGL: Added streaming download of response body in UnityWebRequest
- WebGL: Added warning that WebGL builds with the Linux Editor require glibc 2.27 or later (i.e. Ubuntu 18+)
- WebGL: Use glGetBufferSubData in AsyncGPUReadback Request for WebGL builds
- Windows: Fixed IL2CPP runtime compilation failing when building C++ code using Visual Studio 2022 17.4 or newer
- XR: Updated XR Interaction Toolkit to 2.0.4
Unity 2022.1.22
- Editor: Reduced the time taken by AssetDatabase.FindAssets when used with a custom filter, speeding up domain reloads and other editor operations that made the poor choice of calling this function in the first place.
- Graphics: Improved AlphaIsTransparency API docs and tooltip
- 2D: Fixed Sprite Editor causes error when editing sprites in playmode
- Android: Fixed crash if Java proxy is invoked at the same time as Unity is quit
- Audio: Fixed audio mixer groups not visible from the packages
- Editor: Fixed for unity crash when asset matching in done in preview thread. The problem is that preview thread isn't attached scripting domain. Asset matching is using scripting domain for script type dependencies. When generating script type hash, scripting_custom_attrs_construct can get getting called (if field has FormerlySerializedAs attribute) and will cause a crash if calling thread isn't attached to scripting domain
- Editor: Fixed gizmo rendering of a selected area in a Hexagonal Grid with a non-zero Z position
- GI: Added proper clamping of Lightmap Streaming Priority in Player Settings window
- GI: Fixed an issue where Enlighten RTGI schedules material updates indefinitely when animating the emission color of an emissive mesh renderer
- iOS: Fixed orientation handling on startup (when the phone is rotated between starting up and showing unity itself)
- Linux: Fixed "ExternalProcess::OnExitedMainThread" logged in the Console window when closing Profiler (Standalone Process) window
- Package Manager: Fixed an issue where .unitypackage dependencies exported from an older editor were not updated when importing in a newer editor
- Physics: Fixed Physics.CapsuleCast extremely rarely finding a false hit against a non-convex mesh
- Serialization: Prevent "Objects are trying to be loaded during a domain backup. This is not allowed as it will lead to undefined behaviour!" from occuring on DomainReload when SerializeReference instance contained a Unity.Object reference to an already unloaded asset
- UI Toolkit: Fixed a bug in play mode where ScrollView offset would reset to zero when doing drag operations on controls inside it
- Universal RP: Fixed issue where FinalBlit always executed, even when using the fast-path with no passes in "AfterRendering"
- Universal RP: Fixed light banding artifacts on normal maps
- URP: Fixed texture creation failed when creating URP Lit Shader Graph if "Opaque Texture" is enabled
- Web: Added FMOD audibility stubs for WebGL
- WebGL: Fixed brotli compressed webgl builds on Mac/Linux editors
- Windows: Windows player executable no longer contains "Unity playback engine" text in its property sheets
Unity 2022.1.20
- Multiplayer: Added Unity Netcode for Gamebjects Package 1.0.1
- Multiplayer: Added Unity Transport Package 1.2.0
API Changes:
- iOS: Added: Added identifiers for iPhone 14 models
- Editor: Updated manifest.json to use com.unity.inputsystem package version 1.4.3
- XR: Removed the pre-release version v5.0.0-pre.13 of AR Foundation related packages since v5.0.2 is available
- XR: Updated the verified version of AR Foundation related packages to v4.2.6.
- 2D: Fixed regression where GameObjects are not instantiated by Tiles when the Tilemap is not active)
- AI: Patches of the generated NavMesh were sometimes getting the area type from distant objects below due to their connection through a sloped wall
- Asset Pipeline: Improved performance of asset imports in large projects
- Editor: Added missing icons for QueryBuilder for SearchWindow)
- GI: Fixed an issue where environment lighting is missing from player builds when the scene hasn't been baked
- Graphics: Fixed an issue where TextureImporter.GetAutomaticFormat would return the incorrect format for platforms that had their override turned off)
- HDRP: Fixed light layers when using motion vectors)
- Linux: Fixed diagnostic switches can not be set using command line arguments)
- uGUI: Fixed the NullReferenceException when using Tile image types with a sprite atlas being omitted from build
- UI Toolkit: Make sure buttons are navigatable by default
- Universal Windows Platform: Fixed float values stored in player prefs getting corrupted on startup)
- Video: Fixed editor crash when playing a video file with 14 audio tracks in Play mode- WebGL: Fixed 3D audio effects
- WebGL: Fixed changing AudioSource.time while audio source is paused
- WebGL: Fixed division by zero error when calling AudioSource.time
- WebGL: Fixed immediate playback of scheduled audio source if AudioSource.time is changed
- WebGL: Fixed playback of audio clips on timeline
Unity 2022.1.19
- Core: Added Transform.SetLocalPositionAndRotation(). This allows you to set both the localPosition and localRotation of a transform in a single call, which is more efficient than assigning to localPosition and localRotation separately.
- Shadergraph: Reduced time taken by code generation when a shader graph asset is imported
- VFX Graph: Reduced time taken by code generation when a VFX asset is imported
- Burst: Entry point functions weren't always included in crash callstacks; now they are
- Android: Fixed overflow of MotionEvent global references
- Bug Reporter: Fixed the crash reporter text button truncated when screen is scaled
- Burst: ;'s in paths would cause burst to fail. Note - Also requires a fix in the Editor, so if your project has ;'s in its path, the workaround is to remove the ; from the folder name for now.
- Burst: An Internal Compiler Error that could occur if a function that requires a struct ret (due to ABI) has been discarded by other logic.
- Burst: Corrupted binary could be produced on M1 if there was not enough space for UUID+codesign injection.
- Burst: Disabling Burst from the command line via --burst-disable-compilation no longer results in Burst errors when building a player for Android.
- Burst: Fixed a bug in Burst player builds where sufficiently complicated Bursted code could cause a deadlock deep within LLVM.
- Burst: Fixed a bug where static fields in generic types could in some situations be initialized with the incorrect value.
- Burst: Fixed a bug with locally declared array variables in functions where storing null into them could cause invalid codegen.
- Burst: Fixed a safety check bug with Span/ReadOnlySpan and Slice(start, length) where if start + length was equal to the Length of the original span, the safety check would incorrectly report an out-of-bounds access.
- Burst: Fixed access violation race condition bug.
- Burst: Fixed error that occurs with a specific formulation of IL, using xx with an early out escape and unbalanced calculation stack. (Object reference not set to an instance of ... in CollectBlock.ToVisitOrder).
- Burst: Fixed error when compiling assemblies with spaces in their names.
- Burst: Fixed that UWP builds wouldn't respect the specified "Target SDK Version" and "Visual Studio Version" settings.
- Burst: Interface methods where not being hashed correctly for constrained types, which would result in burst failing to recompile code that had changed in an implementation class.
- Burst: Linking issue when exports differ only by module.
- Editor: Corrected the build of a Mac Standalone player with an exported Xcode project when script debugging is enabled)
- Editor: Fixed crash in standalone profiler during shutdown)
- Editor: Fixed the "Auto-hide gizmos" preference in the Scene View page to persist value when reopening the editor
- Editor: Fixed the selection when the root game object has a SelectionBase component and the child is a prefab
- Editor: Game/Scene view window now no longer flickers on resizing when Graphics API is set to OpenGL
- GI: Fixed failing assert by relaxing precision requirement in Ray's IsNormalized check
- Graphics: Added error message for indirect compute buffers incorrectly flagged on DX11- Graphics: Fixed crash when loading a specific window layout on the Mac editor
- HDRP: Clamp negative absorption distance
- HDRP: Clarify the error message saying the HDRP is not supported on a certain platform
- HDRP: Clear custom pass color and depth buffers when the fullscreen debug modes are enabled
- HDRP: Fixed a null ref exception when destroying a used decal material
- HDRP: Fixed bad undo behaviour with light layers and shadows
- HDRP: Fixed broken denoiser for ray traced shadows in HDRP
- HDRP: Fixed color grading issue when multiple cameras have same volume properties but different frame settings
- HDRP: Fixed custom pass UI not refreshed when changing the injection point
- HDRP: Fixed Depth Of Field compute shader warnings on metal
- HDRP: Fixed discrepency in the fog in RT reflections and RTGI between perf and quality
- HDRP: Fixed Geometric AA tooltip
- HDRP: Fixed HDR Output behaviour when platform doesn't give back properly detected data
- HDRP: Fixed history transform management not being properly handeled for ray traced area shadows
- HDRP: Fixed scalarization not scalarizing properly
- HDRP: Fixed shadow dimmer not affecting screen space shadows
- HDRP: Fixed sky rendering in the first frame of path tracing. This also fixes issues with auto-exposure
- HDRP: Fixed SpeedTree importer when shader has no diffusion profile
- HDRP: Fixed tessellation in XR
- HDRP: Fixed the material rendering pass not correctly changed with multi-selection
- HDRP: Fixed the new ray tracing quality nodes not working.
- HDRP: Fixed the ray traced ambient occlusion not rejecting the history when it should leading to severe ghosting
- HDRP: Fixed tonemapping not being applied when using the Show Cascades debug view
- HDRP: Fixed upperHemisphereLuxValue when changing HDRI Sky
- HDRP: Fixed volumetric clouds fog history issue that leads to severe ghosting
- HDRP: Initialize DLSS at loading of HDRP asset. Previously intialization was too late (ad HDRP pipeline constructor). Moved initialization to OnEnable of SRP asset
- HDRP: Removed "Sprite Mask" from scene view draw modes as it is not supported by HDRP
- HDRP: RTHandle sampling out of bounds on previous frame pyramid color. This causes sometimes bad pixel values to be reflected
- iOS: Stopped Touch.rawPosition changing position when touch is dragged
- Linux: Fixed package manager dropdown position and GUIDepth error message on linux
- Package Manager: Package extensions should now appear directly after package is added
- Profiler: Fixed issue on Metal where an error message about texture binding may appear in some situations- Scripting: When using ObjectFactory.CreateInstance with a custom type deriving directly from UnityEngine.Object, a clearer exception message is thrown
- UI Toolkit: Fixed arc glitches at certain angles when using the vector API
- UI Toolkit: Fixed background-image-tint not working with sliced VectorImages
- UI Toolkit: Fixed BezierCurveTo() glitch when the control points are very close together
- UI Toolkit: Fixed EventSystem error logged in Editor when entering and leaving Play mode if there's a UIDocument in the scene
- UI Toolkit: Fixed for 2022.1.X: [UI Builder] @import is stripped from the associated .uss file when saving .uxml
- UI Toolkit: Fixed VectorImage glitching when changing the size of the GameView window
- Universal RP: Fixed error when viewing camera preview in editor window when using a feature AfterRenderingPostProcessing
- URP: Fixed memory leak issue in URP deferred when resizing preview camera window
- WebGL: Fixed a bug where losing focus on the player would cause buttons to become stuck
- WebGL: Fixed a bug where pressing the CMD key on Safari would cause buttons to become stuck
- WebGL: Fixed a bug where WebGL would run in low power mode in some browsers
- Windows: Fixed mouse buttons do not get switched when the primary mouse button is changed
Unity 2022.1.18
- HDRP: Updated an out-of-date guide in TextureStack.hlsl
- Scripting: Improved pop-up error messages when attaching scripts to GameObjects
- 2D: Added 2D Triangle default asset to replace missing place holder
- 2D: Fixed upgrading from 2020.3 might lost Sprite reference
- Audio: Fixed doc for GamepadSpeakerOutputType to be used exclusively for playstation 4, playstation 5 platforms and editor platforms only
- Build Pipeline: Fixed edge case where isDebugBuild would not revert to true after the build4
- DX12: Fixed crash that can occur when calling ComputeBuffer.GetData() with non zero computeBufferStartIndex parameter4
- Editor: Fixed an API breaking change for the EditorToolAttribute constructor
- Editor: Fixed drag and drop with ctrl key will not work on linux
- Editor: Prevented exceptions if ShortcutManager cannot read profile id from file
- GI: Fixed baking stall occuring when baking terrain with holes
- GI: Fixed incorrect calculation for total bake time when baking lights in a scene
- Graphics: Fixed sporadic freeze in mesh upload
- Kernel: Race condition in DualThreadAllocator when using BatchDelete
- Linux: Fixed second cursor appearing when toggling between hardware and software cursor modes on Standalone player and Play Mode on Editor
- Mobile: Fixed trigger OnMouse events on mobile platforms iOS and android
- Mono: Updated the machine config file for Android Player builds1
- Package Manager: Fixed a regression where packages would fail to resolve with a ENOENT mkdir error when the project path or global cache path contained quotes2
- Package Manager: HTML text cleaned up in details view
- Physics 2D: Fixed an issue where ContactPoint2D relative velocity would intermittently spike when using Continuous Collision Detection
- Physics 2D: Fixed an issue where copying an existing CompositeCollider2D to another GameObject would not result in the new Collider2D in its hierarchy being composited
- Scene Manager: Opening a broken scene with light mapping enabled could crash the editor
- Scripting: Fixed an issue where adding a component declared in a nested class could end up adding the wrong component type
- UI Toolkit: Fixed caret in disappearing depending on Reference DPI
- UI Toolkit: Fixed last character of wrapped line not selected in text field
- UI Toolkit: Fixed UxmlValueBounds setting invalid facet value for undefined bound
- UI Toolkit: InspectorElement layout is broken if parent container flex direction is set to row
- Universal RP: Fixed default URP asset being included in builds when it wasn't supposed to be (when URP asset overrides are available for all target's quality levels)
- VFX Graph: Fixed position where VFX are created when VFX asset is dragged to Scene View)
- VFX Graph: Renaming a VFX asset that was clearing any reference to subgraphs in opened VXF asset
- VFX Graph: Stop rendering VFX shadows when VFX are disabled in Scene View visibility menu
- Virtual Texturing: Added a notice regarding the experimental state of Virtual Texturing to the Player Settings editor
- Virtual Texturing: Added a warning for Procedural Virtual Texturing clarifying that the feature is not currently supported.
- Virtual Texturing: The experimental state of Streaming Virtual Texturing and Procedural Virtual Texturing was not clearly indicated in the API docs and Manual, this has been corrected. For clarity, these features should not be used in production.
Unity 2022.1.17
- Editor: Added [email protected]
- 2D: Improved performance of TilemapCollider2D
API Changes:
- Android: Changed: Updated SupportsAccelerometer() API to return whether a device has an accelerometer sensor or not
- Android: Fixed orientation issues in laptop mode and tablet mode on Chromebooks- Asset Bundles: Refactors out the requiresTextureCompression boolean flag
- The texture compression setting is now set internally from either the existing EditorPrefs setting kCompressTexturesOnImport or checking if the BuildPipeline build is in progress
- Editor: Backport Fix [2022.1] - Android Builds Fail When Windows Regional Format is Set to Thai- Editor: Fixed: Build process should be quicker to detect scripting backend changes when building to a pre-used folder
- GI: Fixed an issue where emission color was erroneously reused for different renderers using the same material when they have similar lightmap UVs
- Graphics: Ensure LineRenderers and TrailRenderers with only 2 points don't vanish, if the points are close together- Graphics: Fixed a crash happening when an invalid Skinned Mesh Renderer is used with Ray Tracing effects)
- Graphics: Fixed crash when using bad args in CommandBuffer.DrawRenderer
- Networking: UnityWebRequest will not change HEAD to GET on 302 or 303 response
- Profiler: Fixed failures in opening local documentation files from Editor on macOS
- Scripting: LoadAsync and Instantiate with missing prefabs should no longer cause deadlock
- Search: Fixed Unity hanging when dragging Search's area blocks)
- Shaders: Fixed "State comes from an incompatible keyword space" assertion firing sometimes when building asset bundles)
- Shaders: Shaders: fixed a crash when calling GetShaderKeywords on a user-constructed ShaderKeywordSet
- UI Toolkit: Improved performance of layout update in display:none cases
- WebGL: Fixed bug where the old input system wasn't recognizing stationary touch input
Unity 2022.1.16
- AI Navigation Core: NavMesh::Raycast freezes the whole editor in an infinite loop on Application.UpdateScene
- Asset - Database: Folder name is truncated when dot is used in the name
Unity 2022.1.15
- Documentation: Added a summary and code example for IJobParallelForTransform
- 2D: Added dialog box to the Skinning Editor when entering Play Mode to allow saving unsaved changes
- 2D: Internal code clean up
- 2D: Refactored internal triangulation and tessellation APIs
- Build Pipeline: Unity now shows a warning if there are any pending uncompiled script changes when doing a player build
- Build Pipeline: Will no longer recompile editor scripts during a player build
- Scripting: Will no longer synchronously recompile scripts in batchmode when changing settings affecting script compilation
- XR: Updated the AR Foundation related preview packages to 5.0.0-pre.13
- 2D: Creating a new vertex or an edge outside of the main geometry is handled correctly
- Audio: Fixed unexpected output from OnAudioFilterRead when the audio source is stopped and the 'spatialize' property is enabled
- Editor: Fixed a deadlock when cancelling project loading during shader compilation
- GI: Fix bug in progressive light mapper Gaussian filter that was causing burn-out and haloing when filtering lightmaps. Fix incorrect Gaussian weights with analytically derived values so filter now behaves correctly- Networking: Fix texture leak when UnityWebRequest is used with DownloadHandlerTexture and a texture is never queried- Networking: Upgrade curl to 7.84.0)
- Profiler: Fixed issue where autoconnecting to/disconnecting from profiling tools could cause a crash- Scripting: Fix case when trying to serialize generics with generic fields of types from different assemblies
- Scripting: Fix Scripting Defines Symbols not being shown correctly in the Player Settings for platforms that aren't the default platform (usually the Editor's platform)
- Serialization: Avoid crash and log error message when struct assigned to SerializeReference field- Serialization: Fix issue where a PropertyModification targetting a serialize reference instance which was no longer being present could cause memory corruption- Shaders: DrawMeshInstanced now provides error feedback when using a shader that does not support instancing
- Shaders: Made compute shaders respect #pragma enable_cbuffers)
- Undo System: Fixes: "Reordering GameObjects in Hierarchy doesn't register Undo"
- URP: Adding force depth prepass option when requesting the Depth Texture
- URP: Fixed an issue where camera UI inspector's clearFlag is not respected
- URP: Fixes alpha discard on Unlit Sprite targets for Shadergraph
- URP: URP 2D - Fixed 2D Spot Light artifacts in light
- Version Control: Fixed not being able to view changesets in a Gluon workspace
- Fixed not being able to insert carriage return in checkin dialog
- VFX Graph: Motion Vector with Line Output
- Video: "Can't play movie" error is thrown when setting VideoPlayer.url to an invalid url through a script)
- Windows: Fixed crash on startup when Vjoy HID device is connected to a computer
- Windows: UnityPlayer.dll properties sheet is now more complete
Unity 2022.1.14
- Editor: Added the possibility of running tests in a specified order from a test list (DSTR-494).
- Version Control: Added notification banner on the status bar for live updates.
- GI: Updated to the Lightmap Parameters Custom UI to make it easy to understand what each parameter should affect.
- IAP: Changelog
- [4.4.0] - 2022-07-11
- Android: Fixed crash when creating pipeline objects for some URP Lit shader on some older Adreno drivers
- Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue where assets with dots in the filename (other than the extension) could incorrectly invoke a warning about mismatched main object names
- Editor: Fixed a bug where changing the selection with a locked inspector and an active EditorToolContext was throwing errors
- Editor: Fixed gui error when openning prefab override button in inspector
- Editor: MacOS launch screen should not be shown in batch mode)
- GI: Fixed for prefab assets showing in Light Explorer when Show Inactive Objects is checked- GI: Fixed GPU lightmapper FIFO Job thread shutdown is triggering assertion in StackAllocator
- Graphics: Fixed an issue where creating SparseTextures with certain TextureFormats could crash Unity, even though the equivalent GraphicsFormat is marked as unsupported for SparseTextures
- Graphics: Fixed an issue where SystemInfo.IsFormatSupported((My GraphicsFormat), FormatUsage.Sparse) would always return false on Metal, even if the requested GraphicsFormat actually is supported.
- Graphics: Fixed an issue where the D3D11 WARP driver would crash when creating a SparseTexture with the BC1/BC4 GraphicsFormats
- Graphics: Fixed an issue where using TextureFormat.YUY2 / GraphicsFormat.YUV2 with a SparseTexture would crash on Metal. (if sparse textures are supported).
- Graphics: Fixed crash in Vulkan Editor on Windows when using XR Mock HMD
- HDRP: Fixed pivot position in the eye material sample scene)
- Profiler: Fixed profiler not opening the correct version of the documentation
- Scripting: Changed to rulesetfile not triggering compilation
- UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the children of a TwoPaneSplitView would have incorrect sizes when displayed after being hidden
- Universal RP: Fixed depth pre-pass being always executed on GLES devices
- Universal RP: Fixed incorrect light brightness when using SimpleLit shader
- Universal RP: Fixed specular highlight edges on Android
- WebGL: Fixed a bug where the soft keyboard would leave whitespace at the bottom of the page after being dismissed
- XR: Improved GLES3 multiview rendering performance
Unity 2022.1.13
- Editor: Added editor analytics event tracking for "Refresh access" and "New link..." button click
- Graphics: 3D: [com.unity.template.3d] Defaulting color space to Linear
- UI Toolkit: Improved TextField performance
- Editor: Fixed an issue where certain properties could not be excluded in the TextureImporterInspector
- iOS: Fixed a bug with the "Force iOS Speakers when Recording" player setting. In addition, a few other iOS Bluetooth audio bugs were fixed. When starting up with Bluetooth headphones connected, audio output used to play through the built-in speakers (which was an error). The list of available microphones was not always correct when connecting / dis-connecting Bluetooth headphones at runtime. Bluetooth microphone input was really choppy.
- Scripting: Fixed an issue where Application.logMessageReceived can be called from a job, when the job is scheduled on the main thread
- Scripting: Fixed an issue where define constraints on unity's pre-defined symbols like "UNITY_INCLUDE_TESTS" were misbehaving for Precompiled assemblies
- UI Toolkit: Improved UI Builder performance when adding a visual element to a project
- URP: Fixed Gizmos in Game View when using Viewports
- WebGL: Fixed bug where the rendering canvas wasn't resizing when changing orientation
- Windows: Fixed builds launching on the wrong display after upgrading the project from Unity 2020.3. If the project was previously upgraded to 2021.3, this may cause the builds to start up on a different display first. Use Win + Shift + Left/Right arrow to move the window to the desired display
- Windows: Fixed resolution misdetection on vertical displays, which caused APIs like Screen.currentResolution or Screen.GetDisplayLayout() return wrong data and the player contain letterboxing when it shouldn't
- Windows: Restore the display enumeration behaviour of Unity 2021.1 and earlier: the primary display will always be treated as display 1
Unity 2022.1.12
- Graphics: Added gaze foveated rendering (GFR) on Vulkan
- URP: Updated Burst dependency to 1.7.3
- Android: Fixed Screen.safeArea returning wrong height when building Native app with Unity as a Library
- Asset Import: Fixed editor crash when importing a folder with an FBX file where its optimizeBones is set to 0. (1426872)
- Graphics: Graphic and Compute Buffer allocations will now allocate less garbage collected memory)
- HDRP: Added async compute support doc)
- HDRP: Added missing using statements in one of the example scripts in the documentation for the accumulation API)
- HDRP: Disabled Volumetric Clouds for Default Sky Volumes)
- HDRP: Fixed a discrepency between recursive rendering and path tracing for refraction models)
- HDRP: Fixed a rounding issue in ray traced reflections at half resolution)
- HDRP: Fixed an issue with the ray traced screen space shadows slots/indices. (1424996)
- HDRP: Fixed artifacts on PBR DOF camera cuts such as the COC sticking around with blurry values)
- HDRP: Fixed artifacts on quarter and half res depth of field when dynamic resolution jumps between resolutions)
- HDRP: Fixed Decal Layer Texture lifetime in rendergraph)
- HDRP: Fixed duplicated code sample in the custom pass documentation)
- HDRP: Fixed errors in CPU lights: includeForRaytracing, lightDimmer not working for HDAdditionalLightData and camera rel rendering. (1424704)
- HDRP: Fixed incorrect distortion when hardware DRS is enabled)
- HDRP: Fixed leaks in ray tracing effects due to missing ambient probe for ray tracing effects
- HDRP: Fixed reflection issue upon scene filtering)
- HDRP: Fixed SSGI using garbage outside the frustum)
- HDRP: Fixed the default DXR volume not having any DXR effects enabled)
- HDRP: Fixed transparent canvas not displaying in camera preview. (1403011)
- HDRP: Grey out the profile list button instead of throwing an error)
- HDRP: Specular occlusion fallback on normal when bent normal is not available)
- HDRP: Updated misleading tooltip in the environment lighting in HDRP)
- IL2CPP: Corrected the assembly reference for the base type of stubbed reference types created by the UnityLinker)
- IL2CPP: Corrected the behavior of RuntimeInformation.OSDescription on WebGL)
- IL2CPP: Fixed IL2CPP build failure when using Unbox instruction with generic by reference return type)
- IL2CPP: Fixed incorrect code generation for references to void* pointers)
- IL2CPP: Fixed leak of internal thread objects that could manifest in a pause on player exit
- IL2CPP: Prevent a memory corruption that could happen when the "Faster (smaller) builds" option is used with generic types that have a generic base class with no fields, and a different base class with at least one generic field)
- IL2CPP: Throw an exception from Buffer.BlockCopy when the destination array has a non-primitive element type)
- IL2CPP: Updated zlib to version 1.2.12 for CVE-2018-25032
- Linux: Fixed Server runtime not responding to SIGTERM and other signals)
- Mono: Fixed a crash during stack trace construction if a this object is null
- Physics: Fixed Articulation Bodies teleporting to NaN coordinates when changing joint type at runtime)
- Prefabs: Enabled saving Prefab Instances with missing source & disabled dragging Prefab Instances merged as missing
- Prefabs: Fixed for Prefab instances with missing Prefab asset lose their root order info
- Prefabs: Fixed for WasStrippedOnRead flag is not set correctly for MonoBehaviours
- Serialization: Fixed Serialization performance test suite cleanups
- Text: Fixed cursor position reset in UI Toolkit text field when focusing on text field when selectAllOnFocus = false)
- UI Toolkit: Aligned UITK tree view indentation with imgui's padding)
- UI Toolkit: Fixed a bug where a scale of 0 was affecting the layout of the label)
- UI Toolkit: Fixed warning caused by unprocessed focus events sometimes happening when detaching a UIDocument containing a focused element from its parent panel)
- UI Toolkit: The hierarchy tree will keep its expanded state and selection when saving in the UI Builder)
- UI Toolkit: [UI Builder] buttons tooltip in the inline styles are showing its parent's)
- Universal Windows Platform: Fixed a crash when entering a composition string longer than 64 characters into the IME
- Universal Windows Platform: Fixed Build & Run picking the wrong instance of Visual Studio which potentially doesn't have required components installed to deploy the application
- Video: Fixed the issue where the first video's frame is drawn after some time when the H.264 B-Frames video is used
- Video: [WIN 8 KN/N]VideoPlayer inadequate error reporting on errorReceived callback when Media Player is not present
- WebGL: Fixed connection between the WebGL player and the profiler
- WebGL: Fixed player connection used when running PlayMode tests on WebGL
Unity 2022.1.11
- Graphics: 2D Textures with multiple faces or images now correctly update their hash values when any face/image is changed and not just the first one
Unity 2022.1.10
- HDRP: Further improve the consistency of non-physical depth of field at varying native rendering resolutions and resolution scales
- UI: The TextureImporterInspector will now disable the "sRGB (Color Texture)" toggle for HDR targets instead of silently overriding. (reflected in API docs)
- Android: Accept build-tools version 30.0.x instead of strictly 30.0.2
- Asset Bundles: Fixed memarchive0 error when entering play mode
- HDRP: Added mechanism in HDRP to strip FragInputs, which will allow us to strip some interpolators in the pixel shader For shader graphs
- HDRP: Fixed a NaN resulting from path traced hair materials with certain base color inputs
- HDRP: Fixed a render error when disabling both motion vectors and opaques
- HDRP: Fixed a render graph error when using Output AOV in non-dev builds
- HDRP: Fixed accumulation when shutter interval is zero
- HDRP: Fixed blend mode label field
- HDRP: Fixed custom post-processes not released correctly when switching HDRP assets
- HDRP: Improved the default state of newly created Planar Reflection Probes
- HDRP: Updated accumulation API scripts to solve issue with screen shot capture in certain Unity Editor workflows
- UI Toolkit: Fixed VisualElements change scaling when mouse moves over a different window on a higher DPI display
- Version Control: Fixed missing references in synced prefabs
- VFX Graph: Changing the output order in the inspector would not take effect if the asset is not opened in VFX Graph editor
Unity 2022.1.9
- Version Control: Added option to enable changelists and display them in pending changes tab
- Added changelist related options to pending changes context menu
- Services: Opting out of analytics within the editor is now available to all customers and will sync the settings with the Unity backend
- Package: Updated auth package to 2.1.1
- Package: Updated core package to 1.4.1
- Android: Fixed overhead of memory allocations in the Vulkan backend for allocation sizes between 128kB and 1024kB
- Android: Fixed Patch (/And Run) failing on some Android 12 devices with "Permission Denied" or "No such file or directory"
- Animation: Added back old method signature for backward compatibility
- DX12: Fixed for crash when an upload subupdates buffer was assigned to a compute shader as a UAV
- Editor: Added the option to set something as the first child of the root
- Editor: Fixed performance issue for looping small clip with root motion extraction
- Graphics: Allowed a native Texture3D to be bigger than 2GB
- Graphics: Fixed bug with Crunched textures appear too bright in projects in linear color space
- Graphics: Fixed LightAnchor when camera is tilted, work with Local and World Up
- Graphics: Fixed the issue where "Rim left" and "Rim right" presets are difficult to visualize in the inspector
- Graphics: Switching vsync mode while in a Metal player could sometimes cause a freeze due to the vsync status not syncing correctly before waiting on the frame present - this has been fixed
- Graphics: Updated libjpeg-turbo to version 2.1.2 to solve security issues with version 1.3.1, used by Texture2D and ImageConversion LoadImage API and ImageConversion EncodeToJPG API
- HDRP: Added a blendable perceptual blending parameter on volumetric clouds to get rid of over exposure artifacts
- HDRP: Added the volumetric clouds to the feature list of HDRP (case 1410051)
- HDRP: Facilitated reactivation of Ray Tracing Light Cluster in Path Tracing
- HDRP: Fixed a performance issue with Single Shadow debug mode
- HDRP: Fixed an issue regarding the scaling of texture read from the after-post-process injection point
- HDRP: Fixed an issue with decals not scaling with a parent transform
- HDRP: Fixed artifacts on the edges of the screen when enabling volumetric clouds
- HDRP: Fixed black screen with MSAA and TAAU both enabled
- HDRP: Fixed blending artifacts with physically based DoF
- HDRP: Fixed Cloud Layer rendering on nvidia gpus
- HDRP: Fixed constant repaint when static sky set to none
- HDRP: Fixed decal angle fade for decal projectors
- HDRP: Fixed errors in HDR comparison doc
- HDRP: Fixed errors when switching to SMAA
- HDRP: Fixed for Texture2D and Texture3D parameters not accepting 'None' as value
- HDRP: Fixed game view goes greenish and then black in editor with DX12/Vulkan
- HDRP: Fixed issue with motion blur having small holes in its blur with high velocities
- HDRP: Fixed issue with specular occlusion being wrongly quantized when APV is enabled in HDRP
- HDRP: Fixed label for background clouds in Environment Lighting tab
- HDRP: Fixed Planar Probe not rendering when sky is None
- HDRP: Fixed the documentation for recursive rendering not being clear enough for the smoothness' behavior
- HDRP: Fixed the SSR not properly working on deferred with tiles with multiple variants
- HDRP: Fixed Volumetric Clouds texture input fields
- HDRP: Made sure that camera jittering is disabled in Path Tracing
- HDRP: Removed clamping for ray traced reflections on transparent objects (case 1414178)
- HDRP: UX fix for baked reflection probes
- HDRP: Volumetric fog color no longer affects height fog when disabled
- Linux: Fixed print stack trace frequently crashing
- Package Manager: Fixed an issue where some PackageInfo properties would not be populated correctly if the package came from a GitHub registry
- Particles: Load MeshFilter Components before Particle Systems to ensure they can be used during prewarms- Profiler: Fixed enabling Deep Profile on Standalone Profiler crashes the Standalone Profiler with "Sending message header failed" warnings
- Profiler: Fixed potential crash when loading AudioClips
- Scripting: Made the Gradient API thread safe
- Scripting: RequiredComponents of different MonoScripts with the same name are now resolved correctly
- Shaders: Fixed a surface shader error when multiple uv sets were being used on the same texture
- Text: Fixed Text component not rendering elements with floating point coordinates correctly on machines with locale set to one that uses commas as decimal separators
- UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the expanded state of the ListView would not be serialized across selections
- UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where UI Toolkit controls under a namespace named "Assets" would cause an exception in the Project pane of the UI Builder
- UI Toolkit: Fixed Vector image rendering was ignoring the target rect position
- Undo System: Handle Prefab Stage changes when entering and exiting playmode
- Universal Windows Platform: Fixed errors when trying to use the System.Web.HttpUtility class on UWP
- URP: Added multi_compile_instancing to SimpleLit shader on SM 2.0
- URP: URP 2D - Fixed Light2D upgrading issue with m_AlphaBlendOnOverlap property
- Version Control: Fixed editor hangs when there is no network available
- Fixed existing checkout has locked the workspace error
- Fixed checkin fails over unstable connection.
Unity 2022.1.8
- XR: The Oculus XR Plugin package has been updated to 3.0.2.
- Android: Allow any file to be selected as keystore (previously only .keystore was supported)
- Android: Fixed a potential app store validation issue related to a QueryIntentActivities( call when initializing the engine.
- Android: Fixed crash during low memory kill
- Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue where generating previews of some prefabs could raise an 'unknown importer' error in the console
- Editor: Fixed crash on Linux when opening and closing standalone profiler in the editor
- Editor: Fixed padding/alignment on "on play behavior' menu items
- Editor: Gradient's location value could not be edited for rgb swatches using the keyboard
- Editor: Maximize on Play no longer steals focus, listens to "focus" checkbox instead
- Editor: Speed up drag & drop in the Project view on large projects
- GI: Fixed the pushoff setter on GPU lightprobes baking
- GI: Light Probes lose their lighting data after entering Play mode when Baked and Realtime GI are enabled
- Graphics: Draw calls with not all ComputeBuffers bound correctly can lead to crashes on M1. Calls are now discarded and error message is output with shader name
- Graphics: Fixed false positives from checking if all buffers are bound correctly on Metal.
- HDRP: Added an error message in the custom pass volume editor when custom passes are disabled in the HDRP asset
- HDRP: Changed back height of the path tracing progress bar to 0.5% of the resolution
- HDRP: Fixed custom pass material editor not displaying correctly read-only materials
- HDRP: Fixed DRS resolution not working for custom post process / custom passes. Pre post effect passes looked croppted (case 1398904
- HDRP: Fixed error on lens flare enabled causing motion vectors to be faulty
- HDRP: Fixed flickering tiles on FPTL when light count exceeds 32 on vulkan. Caused by a compiler bug vulkan only (case 1401605
- HDRP: Fixed HDRP Wizard windows duplicated when entering in play mode
- HDRP: Fixed issue with overblown exposure when doing scene filtering
- HDRP: Fixed issue with path tracing, when Ambient Occlusion Remapping is forced to zero on materials
- HDRP: Fixed lens flare wobbling caused by using jittered matrix, more visible with DLSS (case 1403463
- HDRP: Fixed min percentage of dynamic resolution in HDRenderPipeline not clamped (case 1408155
- HDRP: Fixed missing menu item to create reflection proxy volume
- HDRP: Fixed Reflection Proxy Volume allowing negative values
- HDRP: Fixed the history buffers being all discarded when the number of ColorPyramidBuffers changed (case
What's new in this version:
- (SEMVER-MINOR) add buffer.isUtf8 for utf8 validation
- (SEMVER-MINOR) improved timeout defaults handling
- add autoSelectFamily global getter and setter
- (SEMVER-MINOR) add availableParallelism()
- add fast path for text-decoder fatal flag
What's new in this version:
- Fixed a bug that caused a crash when using the lasso selection tool
What's new in this version:
- Installation on Windows 7 with the GUI installer is no longer supported and will error out
- The usual round of package updates
What's new in this version:
Updated npm to 9.2.0:
- Based on the list of guidelines we've established on integrating npm and node, here is a grouped list of the breaking changes with the reasoning as to why they fit within the guidelines linked above. Note that all the breaking changes were made in 9.0.0. All subsequent minor and patch releases after [email protected] do not contain any breaking changes.
- Explanation: the node engines supported by npm@9 make it safe to allow npm@9 as the default in any LTS version of 14 or 16, as well as anything later than or including 18.0.0
- Explanation: when run as root previous versions of npm attempted to manage file ownership automatically on the user's behalf. this behavior was problematic in many cases and has been removed in favor of allowing users to manage their own filesystem permissions
- Explanation: any errors thrown from users having unsupported auth configurations will show npm config fix in the remediation instructions, which will allow the user to automatically have their auth config fixed
- Explanation: the default auth-type has changed and users can opt back into the old behavior with npm config set auth-type=legacy. login and adduser have also been seperated making each command more closely match it's name instead of being aliases for each other.
Tarball Packing:
- Explanation: previously using multiple ignore/allow lists when packing was an undefined behavior, and now the order of operations is strictly defined when packing a tarball making it easier to follow and should only affect users relying on the previously undefined behavior.
What's new in this version:
Unity 2022.2.0
- Change log not available for this version
Unity 2022.1.23
- 2D: [com.unity.2d.animation] Improved the Auto Geometry generation speed
- 2D: [com.unity.2d.animation] The visibility tab now scrolls to the selected bone in the Skinning editor
- Animation: Further improvements to animation job performance (esp. some forms of IK)
- Multiplayer: Added Netcode for GameObjects 1.0.2
- Multiplayer: Added Netcode for GameObjects 1.1.0
- Profiler: Improved performance of rendering the CPU timeline view when viewing large captures.
- VFX Graph: Reduced the time taken by VFXGraph.CheckCompilationVersion that would previously potentially query all assets on every domain reload.
- URP: Avoid using Depth32Stencil8 format on Android
- Version Control: Changed the "Go back to changeset" option in Changesets tab to "Revert to changeset"
- Improved notification banner appearance
- XR: Eye tracked foveated rendering no longer spews console messages
- 2D: Fixed result of the Tilemap.GetCellCenterLocal/World API for a Hexagonal Grid and a large Tile Anchor offset
- 2D: Refactored the internal triangulation and tessellation APIs
- 2D: Updated API docs to reflect the behaviour of setting SpriteRenderer.size property
- 2D: [com.unity.2d.animation] Fixed a case where the auto weight generation would associate incorrect bones to vertices. (DANB-22
- 2D: [com.unity.2d.animation] Fixed an issue where the Sprite Skin editor would throw an exception if Sprite Renderer doesn't have a Sprite assigned to it
- 2D: [com.unity.2d.animation] Fixed IK Manager 2D's inspector slow downs
- Android: Fixed infinite loop when requesting for runtime permission that is automatically rejected by the OS
- Android: Fixed stacktrace on Chrome OS x86_64
- Android: InputView is not clickable when isInputFieldHidden AND !mConsumeOutsideTouches
- Asset Pipeline: Asset tracking should only be done for main thread for editor process imports
- Editor: Fixed an issue where TextureImporter.GetPlatformTextureSettings would not perform fix-up on the platform string argument correctly
- Editor: Fixed crash of profiler opened in standalone process
- Editor: Fixed crash when using URP on some Adreno 6xx devices with shaders that use clip()
- Editor: Fixed exception incorrectly reporting object already in pool when equal instances of classes implementing IEquatable are released to ObjectPool
- Editor: Fixed mouse button paste function in packman
- Editor: Fixed scripted importer registration errors, when changing platform
- Editor: Fixed Unity crashes in batch mode when using -vcsMode Perforce
- Editor: [SpeedTree] ExtraTexture texture is no longer marked sRGB (Color Data) when imported with a SpeedTree asset
- Graphics: Fixed closesthit, anyhit or intersection shaders in .raytrace files causing a GPU hang. Log an error when these shader types are present in a .raytrace file since they are not currently supported
- Graphics: Fixed issue in which editor would get stuck when importing corrupted FBX models
- IL2CPP: Avoid a crash in the IL2CPP runtime when the GUID property of a type is obtained for a type with a StructLayout attribute but without a Guid attribute
- IL2CPP: Avoid a crash when using GetFiles multiple times for directories with many files on iOS.
- IL2CPP: Avoid a possible race condition when the garbage collector is enabled or disabled that could cause it to become permanently disabled
- IL2CPP: Avoid an exception from Buffer.BlockCopy when the destination array is of type sbyte
- IL2CPP: Avoid an intermittent crash in the .NET thread pool implementation when a thread is incorrectly removed from the pool twice
- IL2CPP: Avoid an intermittent crash on shutdown when many threads are waiting on a Monitor object inside for a C# lock statement
- IL2CPP: Corrected handle enums declared inside a generic type
- IL2CPP: Corrected the behavior of the System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive API
- IL2CPP: Fixed compilation error that occurred when a enum was passed by reference in a marshalling definition
- IL2CPP: Fixed crash in IL2CPP metadata code when loading a field RVA value
- IL2CPP: Fixed exception when calling Enum.CompareTo on enum with a System.Uint16 underling type
- IL2CPP: Fixed possible crash/corruption when invoking a virtual generic method on a generic type by reflection or when Faster (smaller) builds is enabled
- IL2CPP: Fixed possible memory corrupt/crash when calling into shared generic code
- IL2CPP: Fixed syntax error: ')' " when "Faster (smaller) builds" is selected on function pointer call with a return type but no parameters
- IL2CPP: Implemented the Assembly.Location property
- IL2CPP: Improved error messages for unsupported Process API methods
- IL2CPP: Workaround an MSVC C++ compiler optimization bug related the Math.Max implementation for System.Decimal
- Kernel: Fixed AssertOnRecursiveCall with tests while pressing and moving the mouse
- Mono: Fixed an editor crash when the debugger code fails to lookup the signature of a method
- Mono: Fixed Editor liveness crash when processing RealProxy classes
- Mono: Fixed exception when registering a window class in different domain instances
- Mono: Fixed issue where DeflateStream would swallow exceptions instead of throwing them
- Particles: Fixed invert culling api when used with Particle Systems
- Physics: Fixed ArticulationBody SetDriveTargets and SetDriveTargetVelocities methods checking List capacity instead of count and improved the error message
- Profiler: Fixed freeze caused when opening profiler data recorded on Editor versions 2019.4.28f1 and prior
- Scripting: Fixed possible Editor hang while it waits for AssemblyUpdater when importing assemblies
- Serialization: Fixed performance regression reading yaml objects containing large number of SerializeReference instances which were created prior to 2021.2
- Serialization: Fixed regression where if a mesh was used in VFX and included in an AssetBundle there could be indeterminism in its streaming info offset field
- Services: Link Project ID button in Services tab now activates properly when the organization name and project name selected are the same
- Services: Marking UserInfo apis as obsolete
- Services: Selected project in Services tab is now properly reset and Link Project ID button is now properly disabled when changing organization
- Shadergraph: Shadergraph: Fixed shader graph incorrectly stripping variants for BiRP shaders that weren't built with shader graph
- Shaders: Fixed a crash when changing Scene view Draw mode from Shaded to Custom
- Shaders: Fixed a rare crash when opening a project with compute shaders
- Shaders: Fixed Shader Variant Collection UI not working correctly with shaders with stage-specific keywords
- Shaders: Material.SetOverrideTag will now warn when trying to override LightMode
- uGUI: Fixed various Canvas issues
- UI Toolkit: Fixed the position of the drag line anchor of the TwoPanSplitView when the orientation is changed and when there is margin around the child elements
- UI Toolkit: UI Toolkit: Fixed VisualElement alignment issue in non-standard DPIs
- Universal RP: Broken setters which could cause infinite loop in URP pipeline asset
- Version Control: Fixed editor refresh triggering when a workspace update is in progres
- Fixed pending changes show global ignored as privat
- Removed encryption checkbox from create organization dialog
- Video: Fixed virtual camera not playing due to DevicePath missing
- Video: VP8 Video Encoder bitrate corrected to use bps instead of kbps
- Video: [WebGL] Video Player updates to a previously sought frame when seeking a paused video
- Web: Updated UglifyJS from 2.7.5 to 3.17.0
- WebGL: Added fallback configuration for company name, product name and product version to ensure the web cache is always enabled
- WebGL: Added streaming download of response body in UnityWebRequest
- WebGL: Added warning that WebGL builds with the Linux Editor require glibc 2.27 or later (i.e. Ubuntu 18+)
- WebGL: Use glGetBufferSubData in AsyncGPUReadback Request for WebGL builds
- Windows: Fixed IL2CPP runtime compilation failing when building C++ code using Visual Studio 2022 17.4 or newer
- XR: Updated XR Interaction Toolkit to 2.0.4
Unity 2022.1.22
- Editor: Reduced the time taken by AssetDatabase.FindAssets when used with a custom filter, speeding up domain reloads and other editor operations that made the poor choice of calling this function in the first place.
- Graphics: Improved AlphaIsTransparency API docs and tooltip
- 2D: Fixed Sprite Editor causes error when editing sprites in playmode
- Android: Fixed crash if Java proxy is invoked at the same time as Unity is quit
- Audio: Fixed audio mixer groups not visible from the packages
- Editor: Fixed for unity crash when asset matching in done in preview thread. The problem is that preview thread isn't attached scripting domain. Asset matching is using scripting domain for script type dependencies. When generating script type hash, scripting_custom_attrs_construct can get getting called (if field has FormerlySerializedAs attribute) and will cause a crash if calling thread isn't attached to scripting domain
- Editor: Fixed gizmo rendering of a selected area in a Hexagonal Grid with a non-zero Z position
- GI: Added proper clamping of Lightmap Streaming Priority in Player Settings window
- GI: Fixed an issue where Enlighten RTGI schedules material updates indefinitely when animating the emission color of an emissive mesh renderer
- iOS: Fixed orientation handling on startup (when the phone is rotated between starting up and showing unity itself)
- Linux: Fixed "ExternalProcess::OnExitedMainThread" logged in the Console window when closing Profiler (Standalone Process) window
- Package Manager: Fixed an issue where .unitypackage dependencies exported from an older editor were not updated when importing in a newer editor
- Physics: Fixed Physics.CapsuleCast extremely rarely finding a false hit against a non-convex mesh
- Serialization: Prevent "Objects are trying to be loaded during a domain backup. This is not allowed as it will lead to undefined behaviour!" from occuring on DomainReload when SerializeReference instance contained a Unity.Object reference to an already unloaded asset
- UI Toolkit: Fixed a bug in play mode where ScrollView offset would reset to zero when doing drag operations on controls inside it
- Universal RP: Fixed issue where FinalBlit always executed, even when using the fast-path with no passes in "AfterRendering"
- Universal RP: Fixed light banding artifacts on normal maps
- URP: Fixed texture creation failed when creating URP Lit Shader Graph if "Opaque Texture" is enabled
- Web: Added FMOD audibility stubs for WebGL
- WebGL: Fixed brotli compressed webgl builds on Mac/Linux editors
- Windows: Windows player executable no longer contains "Unity playback engine" text in its property sheets
Unity 2022.1.20
- Multiplayer: Added Unity Netcode for Gamebjects Package 1.0.1
- Multiplayer: Added Unity Transport Package 1.2.0
API Changes:
- iOS: Added: Added identifiers for iPhone 14 models
- Editor: Updated manifest.json to use com.unity.inputsystem package version 1.4.3
- XR: Removed the pre-release version v5.0.0-pre.13 of AR Foundation related packages since v5.0.2 is available
- XR: Updated the verified version of AR Foundation related packages to v4.2.6.
- 2D: Fixed regression where GameObjects are not instantiated by Tiles when the Tilemap is not active)
- AI: Patches of the generated NavMesh were sometimes getting the area type from distant objects below due to their connection through a sloped wall
- Asset Pipeline: Improved performance of asset imports in large projects
- Editor: Added missing icons for QueryBuilder for SearchWindow)
- GI: Fixed an issue where environment lighting is missing from player builds when the scene hasn't been baked
- Graphics: Fixed an issue where TextureImporter.GetAutomaticFormat would return the incorrect format for platforms that had their override turned off)
- HDRP: Fixed light layers when using motion vectors)
- Linux: Fixed diagnostic switches can not be set using command line arguments)
- uGUI: Fixed the NullReferenceException when using Tile image types with a sprite atlas being omitted from build
- UI Toolkit: Make sure buttons are navigatable by default
- Universal Windows Platform: Fixed float values stored in player prefs getting corrupted on startup)
- Video: Fixed editor crash when playing a video file with 14 audio tracks in Play mode- WebGL: Fixed 3D audio effects
- WebGL: Fixed changing AudioSource.time while audio source is paused
- WebGL: Fixed division by zero error when calling AudioSource.time
- WebGL: Fixed immediate playback of scheduled audio source if AudioSource.time is changed
- WebGL: Fixed playback of audio clips on timeline
Unity 2022.1.19
- Core: Added Transform.SetLocalPositionAndRotation(). This allows you to set both the localPosition and localRotation of a transform in a single call, which is more efficient than assigning to localPosition and localRotation separately.
- Shadergraph: Reduced time taken by code generation when a shader graph asset is imported
- VFX Graph: Reduced time taken by code generation when a VFX asset is imported
- Burst: Entry point functions weren't always included in crash callstacks; now they are
- Android: Fixed overflow of MotionEvent global references
- Bug Reporter: Fixed the crash reporter text button truncated when screen is scaled
- Burst: ;'s in paths would cause burst to fail. Note - Also requires a fix in the Editor, so if your project has ;'s in its path, the workaround is to remove the ; from the folder name for now.
- Burst: An Internal Compiler Error that could occur if a function that requires a struct ret (due to ABI) has been discarded by other logic.
- Burst: Corrupted binary could be produced on M1 if there was not enough space for UUID+codesign injection.
- Burst: Disabling Burst from the command line via --burst-disable-compilation no longer results in Burst errors when building a player for Android.
- Burst: Fixed a bug in Burst player builds where sufficiently complicated Bursted code could cause a deadlock deep within LLVM.
- Burst: Fixed a bug where static fields in generic types could in some situations be initialized with the incorrect value.
- Burst: Fixed a bug with locally declared array variables in functions where storing null into them could cause invalid codegen.
- Burst: Fixed a safety check bug with Span/ReadOnlySpan and Slice(start, length) where if start + length was equal to the Length of the original span, the safety check would incorrectly report an out-of-bounds access.
- Burst: Fixed access violation race condition bug.
- Burst: Fixed error that occurs with a specific formulation of IL, using xx with an early out escape and unbalanced calculation stack. (Object reference not set to an instance of ... in CollectBlock.ToVisitOrder).
- Burst: Fixed error when compiling assemblies with spaces in their names.
- Burst: Fixed that UWP builds wouldn't respect the specified "Target SDK Version" and "Visual Studio Version" settings.
- Burst: Interface methods where not being hashed correctly for constrained types, which would result in burst failing to recompile code that had changed in an implementation class.
- Burst: Linking issue when exports differ only by module.
- Editor: Corrected the build of a Mac Standalone player with an exported Xcode project when script debugging is enabled)
- Editor: Fixed crash in standalone profiler during shutdown)
- Editor: Fixed the "Auto-hide gizmos" preference in the Scene View page to persist value when reopening the editor
- Editor: Fixed the selection when the root game object has a SelectionBase component and the child is a prefab
- Editor: Game/Scene view window now no longer flickers on resizing when Graphics API is set to OpenGL
- GI: Fixed failing assert by relaxing precision requirement in Ray's IsNormalized check
- Graphics: Added error message for indirect compute buffers incorrectly flagged on DX11- Graphics: Fixed crash when loading a specific window layout on the Mac editor
- HDRP: Clamp negative absorption distance
- HDRP: Clarify the error message saying the HDRP is not supported on a certain platform
- HDRP: Clear custom pass color and depth buffers when the fullscreen debug modes are enabled
- HDRP: Fixed a null ref exception when destroying a used decal material
- HDRP: Fixed bad undo behaviour with light layers and shadows
- HDRP: Fixed broken denoiser for ray traced shadows in HDRP
- HDRP: Fixed color grading issue when multiple cameras have same volume properties but different frame settings
- HDRP: Fixed custom pass UI not refreshed when changing the injection point
- HDRP: Fixed Depth Of Field compute shader warnings on metal
- HDRP: Fixed discrepency in the fog in RT reflections and RTGI between perf and quality
- HDRP: Fixed Geometric AA tooltip
- HDRP: Fixed HDR Output behaviour when platform doesn't give back properly detected data
- HDRP: Fixed history transform management not being properly handeled for ray traced area shadows
- HDRP: Fixed scalarization not scalarizing properly
- HDRP: Fixed shadow dimmer not affecting screen space shadows
- HDRP: Fixed sky rendering in the first frame of path tracing. This also fixes issues with auto-exposure
- HDRP: Fixed SpeedTree importer when shader has no diffusion profile
- HDRP: Fixed tessellation in XR
- HDRP: Fixed the material rendering pass not correctly changed with multi-selection
- HDRP: Fixed the new ray tracing quality nodes not working.
- HDRP: Fixed the ray traced ambient occlusion not rejecting the history when it should leading to severe ghosting
- HDRP: Fixed tonemapping not being applied when using the Show Cascades debug view
- HDRP: Fixed upperHemisphereLuxValue when changing HDRI Sky
- HDRP: Fixed volumetric clouds fog history issue that leads to severe ghosting
- HDRP: Initialize DLSS at loading of HDRP asset. Previously intialization was too late (ad HDRP pipeline constructor). Moved initialization to OnEnable of SRP asset
- HDRP: Removed "Sprite Mask" from scene view draw modes as it is not supported by HDRP
- HDRP: RTHandle sampling out of bounds on previous frame pyramid color. This causes sometimes bad pixel values to be reflected
- iOS: Stopped Touch.rawPosition changing position when touch is dragged
- Linux: Fixed package manager dropdown position and GUIDepth error message on linux
- Package Manager: Package extensions should now appear directly after package is added
- Profiler: Fixed issue on Metal where an error message about texture binding may appear in some situations- Scripting: When using ObjectFactory.CreateInstance with a custom type deriving directly from UnityEngine.Object, a clearer exception message is thrown
- UI Toolkit: Fixed arc glitches at certain angles when using the vector API
- UI Toolkit: Fixed background-image-tint not working with sliced VectorImages
- UI Toolkit: Fixed BezierCurveTo() glitch when the control points are very close together
- UI Toolkit: Fixed EventSystem error logged in Editor when entering and leaving Play mode if there's a UIDocument in the scene
- UI Toolkit: Fixed for 2022.1.X: [UI Builder] @import is stripped from the associated .uss file when saving .uxml
- UI Toolkit: Fixed VectorImage glitching when changing the size of the GameView window
- Universal RP: Fixed error when viewing camera preview in editor window when using a feature AfterRenderingPostProcessing
- URP: Fixed memory leak issue in URP deferred when resizing preview camera window
- WebGL: Fixed a bug where losing focus on the player would cause buttons to become stuck
- WebGL: Fixed a bug where pressing the CMD key on Safari would cause buttons to become stuck
- WebGL: Fixed a bug where WebGL would run in low power mode in some browsers
- Windows: Fixed mouse buttons do not get switched when the primary mouse button is changed
Unity 2022.1.18
- HDRP: Updated an out-of-date guide in TextureStack.hlsl
- Scripting: Improved pop-up error messages when attaching scripts to GameObjects
- 2D: Added 2D Triangle default asset to replace missing place holder
- 2D: Fixed upgrading from 2020.3 might lost Sprite reference
- Audio: Fixed doc for GamepadSpeakerOutputType to be used exclusively for playstation 4, playstation 5 platforms and editor platforms only
- Build Pipeline: Fixed edge case where isDebugBuild would not revert to true after the build4
- DX12: Fixed crash that can occur when calling ComputeBuffer.GetData() with non zero computeBufferStartIndex parameter4
- Editor: Fixed an API breaking change for the EditorToolAttribute constructor
- Editor: Fixed drag and drop with ctrl key will not work on linux
- Editor: Prevented exceptions if ShortcutManager cannot read profile id from file
- GI: Fixed baking stall occuring when baking terrain with holes
- GI: Fixed incorrect calculation for total bake time when baking lights in a scene
- Graphics: Fixed sporadic freeze in mesh upload
- Kernel: Race condition in DualThreadAllocator when using BatchDelete
- Linux: Fixed second cursor appearing when toggling between hardware and software cursor modes on Standalone player and Play Mode on Editor
- Mobile: Fixed trigger OnMouse events on mobile platforms iOS and android
- Mono: Updated the machine config file for Android Player builds1
- Package Manager: Fixed a regression where packages would fail to resolve with a ENOENT mkdir error when the project path or global cache path contained quotes2
- Package Manager: HTML text cleaned up in details view
- Physics 2D: Fixed an issue where ContactPoint2D relative velocity would intermittently spike when using Continuous Collision Detection
- Physics 2D: Fixed an issue where copying an existing CompositeCollider2D to another GameObject would not result in the new Collider2D in its hierarchy being composited
- Scene Manager: Opening a broken scene with light mapping enabled could crash the editor
- Scripting: Fixed an issue where adding a component declared in a nested class could end up adding the wrong component type
- UI Toolkit: Fixed caret in disappearing depending on Reference DPI
- UI Toolkit: Fixed last character of wrapped line not selected in text field
- UI Toolkit: Fixed UxmlValueBounds setting invalid facet value for undefined bound
- UI Toolkit: InspectorElement layout is broken if parent container flex direction is set to row
- Universal RP: Fixed default URP asset being included in builds when it wasn't supposed to be (when URP asset overrides are available for all target's quality levels)
- VFX Graph: Fixed position where VFX are created when VFX asset is dragged to Scene View)
- VFX Graph: Renaming a VFX asset that was clearing any reference to subgraphs in opened VXF asset
- VFX Graph: Stop rendering VFX shadows when VFX are disabled in Scene View visibility menu
- Virtual Texturing: Added a notice regarding the experimental state of Virtual Texturing to the Player Settings editor
- Virtual Texturing: Added a warning for Procedural Virtual Texturing clarifying that the feature is not currently supported.
- Virtual Texturing: The experimental state of Streaming Virtual Texturing and Procedural Virtual Texturing was not clearly indicated in the API docs and Manual, this has been corrected. For clarity, these features should not be used in production.
Unity 2022.1.17
- Editor: Added [email protected]
- 2D: Improved performance of TilemapCollider2D
API Changes:
- Android: Changed: Updated SupportsAccelerometer() API to return whether a device has an accelerometer sensor or not
- Android: Fixed orientation issues in laptop mode and tablet mode on Chromebooks- Asset Bundles: Refactors out the requiresTextureCompression boolean flag
- The texture compression setting is now set internally from either the existing EditorPrefs setting kCompressTexturesOnImport or checking if the BuildPipeline build is in progress
- Editor: Backport Fix [2022.1] - Android Builds Fail When Windows Regional Format is Set to Thai- Editor: Fixed: Build process should be quicker to detect scripting backend changes when building to a pre-used folder
- GI: Fixed an issue where emission color was erroneously reused for different renderers using the same material when they have similar lightmap UVs
- Graphics: Ensure LineRenderers and TrailRenderers with only 2 points don't vanish, if the points are close together- Graphics: Fixed a crash happening when an invalid Skinned Mesh Renderer is used with Ray Tracing effects)
- Graphics: Fixed crash when using bad args in CommandBuffer.DrawRenderer
- Networking: UnityWebRequest will not change HEAD to GET on 302 or 303 response
- Profiler: Fixed failures in opening local documentation files from Editor on macOS
- Scripting: LoadAsync and Instantiate with missing prefabs should no longer cause deadlock
- Search: Fixed Unity hanging when dragging Search's area blocks)
- Shaders: Fixed "State comes from an incompatible keyword space" assertion firing sometimes when building asset bundles)
- Shaders: Shaders: fixed a crash when calling GetShaderKeywords on a user-constructed ShaderKeywordSet
- UI Toolkit: Improved performance of layout update in display:none cases
- WebGL: Fixed bug where the old input system wasn't recognizing stationary touch input
Unity 2022.1.16
- AI Navigation Core: NavMesh::Raycast freezes the whole editor in an infinite loop on Application.UpdateScene
- Asset - Database: Folder name is truncated when dot is used in the name
Unity 2022.1.15
- Documentation: Added a summary and code example for IJobParallelForTransform
- 2D: Added dialog box to the Skinning Editor when entering Play Mode to allow saving unsaved changes
- 2D: Internal code clean up
- 2D: Refactored internal triangulation and tessellation APIs
- Build Pipeline: Unity now shows a warning if there are any pending uncompiled script changes when doing a player build
- Build Pipeline: Will no longer recompile editor scripts during a player build
- Scripting: Will no longer synchronously recompile scripts in batchmode when changing settings affecting script compilation
- XR: Updated the AR Foundation related preview packages to 5.0.0-pre.13
- 2D: Creating a new vertex or an edge outside of the main geometry is handled correctly
- Audio: Fixed unexpected output from OnAudioFilterRead when the audio source is stopped and the 'spatialize' property is enabled
- Editor: Fixed a deadlock when cancelling project loading during shader compilation
- GI: Fix bug in progressive light mapper Gaussian filter that was causing burn-out and haloing when filtering lightmaps. Fix incorrect Gaussian weights with analytically derived values so filter now behaves correctly- Networking: Fix texture leak when UnityWebRequest is used with DownloadHandlerTexture and a texture is never queried- Networking: Upgrade curl to 7.84.0)
- Profiler: Fixed issue where autoconnecting to/disconnecting from profiling tools could cause a crash- Scripting: Fix case when trying to serialize generics with generic fields of types from different assemblies
- Scripting: Fix Scripting Defines Symbols not being shown correctly in the Player Settings for platforms that aren't the default platform (usually the Editor's platform)
- Serialization: Avoid crash and log error message when struct assigned to SerializeReference field- Serialization: Fix issue where a PropertyModification targetting a serialize reference instance which was no longer being present could cause memory corruption- Shaders: DrawMeshInstanced now provides error feedback when using a shader that does not support instancing
- Shaders: Made compute shaders respect #pragma enable_cbuffers)
- Undo System: Fixes: "Reordering GameObjects in Hierarchy doesn't register Undo"
- URP: Adding force depth prepass option when requesting the Depth Texture
- URP: Fixed an issue where camera UI inspector's clearFlag is not respected
- URP: Fixes alpha discard on Unlit Sprite targets for Shadergraph
- URP: URP 2D - Fixed 2D Spot Light artifacts in light
- Version Control: Fixed not being able to view changesets in a Gluon workspace
- Fixed not being able to insert carriage return in checkin dialog
- VFX Graph: Motion Vector with Line Output
- Video: "Can't play movie" error is thrown when setting VideoPlayer.url to an invalid url through a script)
- Windows: Fixed crash on startup when Vjoy HID device is connected to a computer
- Windows: UnityPlayer.dll properties sheet is now more complete
Unity 2022.1.14
- Editor: Added the possibility of running tests in a specified order from a test list (DSTR-494).
- Version Control: Added notification banner on the status bar for live updates.
- GI: Updated to the Lightmap Parameters Custom UI to make it easy to understand what each parameter should affect.
- IAP: Changelog
- [4.4.0] - 2022-07-11
- Android: Fixed crash when creating pipeline objects for some URP Lit shader on some older Adreno drivers
- Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue where assets with dots in the filename (other than the extension) could incorrectly invoke a warning about mismatched main object names
- Editor: Fixed a bug where changing the selection with a locked inspector and an active EditorToolContext was throwing errors
- Editor: Fixed gui error when openning prefab override button in inspector
- Editor: MacOS launch screen should not be shown in batch mode)
- GI: Fixed for prefab assets showing in Light Explorer when Show Inactive Objects is checked- GI: Fixed GPU lightmapper FIFO Job thread shutdown is triggering assertion in StackAllocator
- Graphics: Fixed an issue where creating SparseTextures with certain TextureFormats could crash Unity, even though the equivalent GraphicsFormat is marked as unsupported for SparseTextures
- Graphics: Fixed an issue where SystemInfo.IsFormatSupported((My GraphicsFormat), FormatUsage.Sparse) would always return false on Metal, even if the requested GraphicsFormat actually is supported.
- Graphics: Fixed an issue where the D3D11 WARP driver would crash when creating a SparseTexture with the BC1/BC4 GraphicsFormats
- Graphics: Fixed an issue where using TextureFormat.YUY2 / GraphicsFormat.YUV2 with a SparseTexture would crash on Metal. (if sparse textures are supported).
- Graphics: Fixed crash in Vulkan Editor on Windows when using XR Mock HMD
- HDRP: Fixed pivot position in the eye material sample scene)
- Profiler: Fixed profiler not opening the correct version of the documentation
- Scripting: Changed to rulesetfile not triggering compilation
- UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the children of a TwoPaneSplitView would have incorrect sizes when displayed after being hidden
- Universal RP: Fixed depth pre-pass being always executed on GLES devices
- Universal RP: Fixed incorrect light brightness when using SimpleLit shader
- Universal RP: Fixed specular highlight edges on Android
- WebGL: Fixed a bug where the soft keyboard would leave whitespace at the bottom of the page after being dismissed
- XR: Improved GLES3 multiview rendering performance
Unity 2022.1.13
- Editor: Added editor analytics event tracking for "Refresh access" and "New link..." button click
- Graphics: 3D: [com.unity.template.3d] Defaulting color space to Linear
- UI Toolkit: Improved TextField performance
- Editor: Fixed an issue where certain properties could not be excluded in the TextureImporterInspector
- iOS: Fixed a bug with the "Force iOS Speakers when Recording" player setting. In addition, a few other iOS Bluetooth audio bugs were fixed. When starting up with Bluetooth headphones connected, audio output used to play through the built-in speakers (which was an error). The list of available microphones was not always correct when connecting / dis-connecting Bluetooth headphones at runtime. Bluetooth microphone input was really choppy.
- Scripting: Fixed an issue where Application.logMessageReceived can be called from a job, when the job is scheduled on the main thread
- Scripting: Fixed an issue where define constraints on unity's pre-defined symbols like "UNITY_INCLUDE_TESTS" were misbehaving for Precompiled assemblies
- UI Toolkit: Improved UI Builder performance when adding a visual element to a project
- URP: Fixed Gizmos in Game View when using Viewports
- WebGL: Fixed bug where the rendering canvas wasn't resizing when changing orientation
- Windows: Fixed builds launching on the wrong display after upgrading the project from Unity 2020.3. If the project was previously upgraded to 2021.3, this may cause the builds to start up on a different display first. Use Win + Shift + Left/Right arrow to move the window to the desired display
- Windows: Fixed resolution misdetection on vertical displays, which caused APIs like Screen.currentResolution or Screen.GetDisplayLayout() return wrong data and the player contain letterboxing when it shouldn't
- Windows: Restore the display enumeration behaviour of Unity 2021.1 and earlier: the primary display will always be treated as display 1
Unity 2022.1.12
- Graphics: Added gaze foveated rendering (GFR) on Vulkan
- URP: Updated Burst dependency to 1.7.3
- Android: Fixed Screen.safeArea returning wrong height when building Native app with Unity as a Library
- Asset Import: Fixed editor crash when importing a folder with an FBX file where its optimizeBones is set to 0. (1426872)
- Graphics: Graphic and Compute Buffer allocations will now allocate less garbage collected memory)
- HDRP: Added async compute support doc)
- HDRP: Added missing using statements in one of the example scripts in the documentation for the accumulation API)
- HDRP: Disabled Volumetric Clouds for Default Sky Volumes)
- HDRP: Fixed a discrepency between recursive rendering and path tracing for refraction models)
- HDRP: Fixed a rounding issue in ray traced reflections at half resolution)
- HDRP: Fixed an issue with the ray traced screen space shadows slots/indices. (1424996)
- HDRP: Fixed artifacts on PBR DOF camera cuts such as the COC sticking around with blurry values)
- HDRP: Fixed artifacts on quarter and half res depth of field when dynamic resolution jumps between resolutions)
- HDRP: Fixed Decal Layer Texture lifetime in rendergraph)
- HDRP: Fixed duplicated code sample in the custom pass documentation)
- HDRP: Fixed errors in CPU lights: includeForRaytracing, lightDimmer not working for HDAdditionalLightData and camera rel rendering. (1424704)
- HDRP: Fixed incorrect distortion when hardware DRS is enabled)
- HDRP: Fixed leaks in ray tracing effects due to missing ambient probe for ray tracing effects
- HDRP: Fixed reflection issue upon scene filtering)
- HDRP: Fixed SSGI using garbage outside the frustum)
- HDRP: Fixed the default DXR volume not having any DXR effects enabled)
- HDRP: Fixed transparent canvas not displaying in camera preview. (1403011)
- HDRP: Grey out the profile list button instead of throwing an error)
- HDRP: Specular occlusion fallback on normal when bent normal is not available)
- HDRP: Updated misleading tooltip in the environment lighting in HDRP)
- IL2CPP: Corrected the assembly reference for the base type of stubbed reference types created by the UnityLinker)
- IL2CPP: Corrected the behavior of RuntimeInformation.OSDescription on WebGL)
- IL2CPP: Fixed IL2CPP build failure when using Unbox instruction with generic by reference return type)
- IL2CPP: Fixed incorrect code generation for references to void* pointers)
- IL2CPP: Fixed leak of internal thread objects that could manifest in a pause on player exit
- IL2CPP: Prevent a memory corruption that could happen when the "Faster (smaller) builds" option is used with generic types that have a generic base class with no fields, and a different base class with at least one generic field)
- IL2CPP: Throw an exception from Buffer.BlockCopy when the destination array has a non-primitive element type)
- IL2CPP: Updated zlib to version 1.2.12 for CVE-2018-25032
- Linux: Fixed Server runtime not responding to SIGTERM and other signals)
- Mono: Fixed a crash during stack trace construction if a this object is null
- Physics: Fixed Articulation Bodies teleporting to NaN coordinates when changing joint type at runtime)
- Prefabs: Enabled saving Prefab Instances with missing source & disabled dragging Prefab Instances merged as missing
- Prefabs: Fixed for Prefab instances with missing Prefab asset lose their root order info
- Prefabs: Fixed for WasStrippedOnRead flag is not set correctly for MonoBehaviours
- Serialization: Fixed Serialization performance test suite cleanups
- Text: Fixed cursor position reset in UI Toolkit text field when focusing on text field when selectAllOnFocus = false)
- UI Toolkit: Aligned UITK tree view indentation with imgui's padding)
- UI Toolkit: Fixed a bug where a scale of 0 was affecting the layout of the label)
- UI Toolkit: Fixed warning caused by unprocessed focus events sometimes happening when detaching a UIDocument containing a focused element from its parent panel)
- UI Toolkit: The hierarchy tree will keep its expanded state and selection when saving in the UI Builder)
- UI Toolkit: [UI Builder] buttons tooltip in the inline styles are showing its parent's)
- Universal Windows Platform: Fixed a crash when entering a composition string longer than 64 characters into the IME
- Universal Windows Platform: Fixed Build & Run picking the wrong instance of Visual Studio which potentially doesn't have required components installed to deploy the application
- Video: Fixed the issue where the first video's frame is drawn after some time when the H.264 B-Frames video is used
- Video: [WIN 8 KN/N]VideoPlayer inadequate error reporting on errorReceived callback when Media Player is not present
- WebGL: Fixed connection between the WebGL player and the profiler
- WebGL: Fixed player connection used when running PlayMode tests on WebGL
Unity 2022.1.11
- Graphics: 2D Textures with multiple faces or images now correctly update their hash values when any face/image is changed and not just the first one
Unity 2022.1.10
- HDRP: Further improve the consistency of non-physical depth of field at varying native rendering resolutions and resolution scales
- UI: The TextureImporterInspector will now disable the "sRGB (Color Texture)" toggle for HDR targets instead of silently overriding. (reflected in API docs)
- Android: Accept build-tools version 30.0.x instead of strictly 30.0.2
- Asset Bundles: Fixed memarchive0 error when entering play mode
- HDRP: Added mechanism in HDRP to strip FragInputs, which will allow us to strip some interpolators in the pixel shader For shader graphs
- HDRP: Fixed a NaN resulting from path traced hair materials with certain base color inputs
- HDRP: Fixed a render error when disabling both motion vectors and opaques
- HDRP: Fixed a render graph error when using Output AOV in non-dev builds
- HDRP: Fixed accumulation when shutter interval is zero
- HDRP: Fixed blend mode label field
- HDRP: Fixed custom post-processes not released correctly when switching HDRP assets
- HDRP: Improved the default state of newly created Planar Reflection Probes
- HDRP: Updated accumulation API scripts to solve issue with screen shot capture in certain Unity Editor workflows
- UI Toolkit: Fixed VisualElements change scaling when mouse moves over a different window on a higher DPI display
- Version Control: Fixed missing references in synced prefabs
- VFX Graph: Changing the output order in the inspector would not take effect if the asset is not opened in VFX Graph editor
Unity 2022.1.9
- Version Control: Added option to enable changelists and display them in pending changes tab
- Added changelist related options to pending changes context menu
- Services: Opting out of analytics within the editor is now available to all customers and will sync the settings with the Unity backend
- Package: Updated auth package to 2.1.1
- Package: Updated core package to 1.4.1
- Android: Fixed overhead of memory allocations in the Vulkan backend for allocation sizes between 128kB and 1024kB
- Android: Fixed Patch (/And Run) failing on some Android 12 devices with "Permission Denied" or "No such file or directory"
- Animation: Added back old method signature for backward compatibility
- DX12: Fixed for crash when an upload subupdates buffer was assigned to a compute shader as a UAV
- Editor: Added the option to set something as the first child of the root
- Editor: Fixed performance issue for looping small clip with root motion extraction
- Graphics: Allowed a native Texture3D to be bigger than 2GB
- Graphics: Fixed bug with Crunched textures appear too bright in projects in linear color space
- Graphics: Fixed LightAnchor when camera is tilted, work with Local and World Up
- Graphics: Fixed the issue where "Rim left" and "Rim right" presets are difficult to visualize in the inspector
- Graphics: Switching vsync mode while in a Metal player could sometimes cause a freeze due to the vsync status not syncing correctly before waiting on the frame present - this has been fixed
- Graphics: Updated libjpeg-turbo to version 2.1.2 to solve security issues with version 1.3.1, used by Texture2D and ImageConversion LoadImage API and ImageConversion EncodeToJPG API
- HDRP: Added a blendable perceptual blending parameter on volumetric clouds to get rid of over exposure artifacts
- HDRP: Added the volumetric clouds to the feature list of HDRP (case 1410051)
- HDRP: Facilitated reactivation of Ray Tracing Light Cluster in Path Tracing
- HDRP: Fixed a performance issue with Single Shadow debug mode
- HDRP: Fixed an issue regarding the scaling of texture read from the after-post-process injection point
- HDRP: Fixed an issue with decals not scaling with a parent transform
- HDRP: Fixed artifacts on the edges of the screen when enabling volumetric clouds
- HDRP: Fixed black screen with MSAA and TAAU both enabled
- HDRP: Fixed blending artifacts with physically based DoF
- HDRP: Fixed Cloud Layer rendering on nvidia gpus
- HDRP: Fixed constant repaint when static sky set to none
- HDRP: Fixed decal angle fade for decal projectors
- HDRP: Fixed errors in HDR comparison doc
- HDRP: Fixed errors when switching to SMAA
- HDRP: Fixed for Texture2D and Texture3D parameters not accepting 'None' as value
- HDRP: Fixed game view goes greenish and then black in editor with DX12/Vulkan
- HDRP: Fixed issue with motion blur having small holes in its blur with high velocities
- HDRP: Fixed issue with specular occlusion being wrongly quantized when APV is enabled in HDRP
- HDRP: Fixed label for background clouds in Environment Lighting tab
- HDRP: Fixed Planar Probe not rendering when sky is None
- HDRP: Fixed the documentation for recursive rendering not being clear enough for the smoothness' behavior
- HDRP: Fixed the SSR not properly working on deferred with tiles with multiple variants
- HDRP: Fixed Volumetric Clouds texture input fields
- HDRP: Made sure that camera jittering is disabled in Path Tracing
- HDRP: Removed clamping for ray traced reflections on transparent objects (case 1414178)
- HDRP: UX fix for baked reflection probes
- HDRP: Volumetric fog color no longer affects height fog when disabled
- Linux: Fixed print stack trace frequently crashing
- Package Manager: Fixed an issue where some PackageInfo properties would not be populated correctly if the package came from a GitHub registry
- Particles: Load MeshFilter Components before Particle Systems to ensure they can be used during prewarms- Profiler: Fixed enabling Deep Profile on Standalone Profiler crashes the Standalone Profiler with "Sending message header failed" warnings
- Profiler: Fixed potential crash when loading AudioClips
- Scripting: Made the Gradient API thread safe
- Scripting: RequiredComponents of different MonoScripts with the same name are now resolved correctly
- Shaders: Fixed a surface shader error when multiple uv sets were being used on the same texture
- Text: Fixed Text component not rendering elements with floating point coordinates correctly on machines with locale set to one that uses commas as decimal separators
- UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the expanded state of the ListView would not be serialized across selections
- UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where UI Toolkit controls under a namespace named "Assets" would cause an exception in the Project pane of the UI Builder
- UI Toolkit: Fixed Vector image rendering was ignoring the target rect position
- Undo System: Handle Prefab Stage changes when entering and exiting playmode
- Universal Windows Platform: Fixed errors when trying to use the System.Web.HttpUtility class on UWP
- URP: Added multi_compile_instancing to SimpleLit shader on SM 2.0
- URP: URP 2D - Fixed Light2D upgrading issue with m_AlphaBlendOnOverlap property
- Version Control: Fixed editor hangs when there is no network available
- Fixed existing checkout has locked the workspace error
- Fixed checkin fails over unstable connection.
Unity 2022.1.8
- XR: The Oculus XR Plugin package has been updated to 3.0.2.
- Android: Allow any file to be selected as keystore (previously only .keystore was supported)
- Android: Fixed a potential app store validation issue related to a QueryIntentActivities( call when initializing the engine.
- Android: Fixed crash during low memory kill
- Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue where generating previews of some prefabs could raise an 'unknown importer' error in the console
- Editor: Fixed crash on Linux when opening and closing standalone profiler in the editor
- Editor: Fixed padding/alignment on "on play behavior' menu items
- Editor: Gradient's location value could not be edited for rgb swatches using the keyboard
- Editor: Maximize on Play no longer steals focus, listens to "focus" checkbox instead
- Editor: Speed up drag & drop in the Project view on large projects
- GI: Fixed the pushoff setter on GPU lightprobes baking
- GI: Light Probes lose their lighting data after entering Play mode when Baked and Realtime GI are enabled
- Graphics: Draw calls with not all ComputeBuffers bound correctly can lead to crashes on M1. Calls are now discarded and error message is output with shader name
- Graphics: Fixed false positives from checking if all buffers are bound correctly on Metal.
- HDRP: Added an error message in the custom pass volume editor when custom passes are disabled in the HDRP asset
- HDRP: Changed back height of the path tracing progress bar to 0.5% of the resolution
- HDRP: Fixed custom pass material editor not displaying correctly read-only materials
- HDRP: Fixed DRS resolution not working for custom post process / custom passes. Pre post effect passes looked croppted (case 1398904
- HDRP: Fixed error on lens flare enabled causing motion vectors to be faulty
- HDRP: Fixed flickering tiles on FPTL when light count exceeds 32 on vulkan. Caused by a compiler bug vulkan only (case 1401605
- HDRP: Fixed HDRP Wizard windows duplicated when entering in play mode
- HDRP: Fixed issue with overblown exposure when doing scene filtering
- HDRP: Fixed issue with path tracing, when Ambient Occlusion Remapping is forced to zero on materials
- HDRP: Fixed lens flare wobbling caused by using jittered matrix, more visible with DLSS (case 1403463
- HDRP: Fixed min percentage of dynamic resolution in HDRenderPipeline not clamped (case 1408155
- HDRP: Fixed missing menu item to create reflection proxy volume
- HDRP: Fixed Reflection Proxy Volume allowing negative values
- HDRP: Fixed the history buffers being all discarded when the number of ColorPyramidBuffers changed (case 1405726
- HDRP: Updated frame diagram image in documentation (missing Flim grain and Dithering
- HDRP: Virtual texturing streaming loading no longer hindered by transparent materials. Transparent materials, depending on their transmitance or alpha, will let the VT streaming system requests textures appropiately
- IL2CPP: Avoid an stack overflow during code conversion when an attribute constructor uses the attribute itself
- IL2CPP: Avoid incorrect behavior of the Array::Set method when the faster (smaller builds IL2CPP code generation option is used
- IL2CPP: Copy .h source plugin files into the Gradle project generated for Android builds
- IL2CPP: Fixed "Cannot add a generic parameter reference without an instance" error when converting a method with a generic function pointer
- IL2CPP: Fixed issue where assemblies with an instance method and a static method with the same name, parameters, and return type would cause the build to fail
- IL2CPP: Fixed issue where Assembly.GetType( on a type without a namespace could match a nested type with the same name and issue where Assembly.GetType() did not respect the ignoreCase flag for nested types
- IL2CPP: Fixed performance issues in metadata access with thread contention
- IL2CPP: Fixed performance regression in regular expressions
- IL2CPP: Fixed possible runtime crash when a generic type is used as a base class generic parameter
- IL2CPP: Throw a managed exception when CreateDelegate is called with a delegate type that was not generated ahead of time
- Linux: Fixed missing game controller mappings for certain controllers
- Mono: Corrected issue where FileSystemEventArgs.FullPath did not return a fully qualified path
- Mono: Fixed "The BinaryReader read data to a Span is always zero."
- Mono: Fixed issue where FileSystemEventArgs.FullPath would have an incorrect path if FileWatcher event was on a file in a subdirectory
- Particles: When using the Built-in Rendering Pipeline, prevent the Standard Unlit Particle shader from performing unnecessary lighting calculations on the CPU
- Prefabs: Fixed Overrides window height is not adjusted when notifications are also present in this window
- Profiler: Fixed untracked memory allocated via AsyncUploadManager when browsing Addressables
- UI Toolkit: This fixes the following:
- 1357086: Changes in UI Builder are lost when editing a 2D sprite
- UIT-1233: UIBuilder: Message in dialog unclear - "UI Builder: Document has unsaved changes"
- The message appearing on screen is now clearer and a bit more explanatory for users. While it doesn't fix the problem at the source, it at least informs users more efficiently (about the reasons why they ended up there
- URP: URP 2D - Fixes vertex color for sprite shapes
- VFX Graph: Custom attribute blend block was missing a range slider for the blend property
- VFX Graph: Fixed node input type could be changed when inserting a new node on an edge
- VFX Graph: OutputParticle context inspector content could shift vertically when resizing the inspector panel
- VFX Graph: VFX asset preview is not animated by default anymore to save cpu usage
- VFX Graph: VFX Graph gizmo cannot be manipulated anymore
- Web: This PR implements Application.RequestUserAuthorization/HasUserAuthorization API:
- https://docs.unity3d.com/2022.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/Application.RequestUserAuthorization.html and sets the front facing mode of devices that don't include "front" or "back" in their label to true
- XR: Fixed XR devices not following RunInBackground setting in Player Setting on PC standalone and playmode in Editor
Unity 2022.1.7
- Windows: Added "-force-d3d11-flip-model" command line parameter to force Unity to use DXGI flip model swap chain
API Changes:
- UI Toolkit: Added: Added a NestedInteractionKind enum to ScrollView to give control over event propagation while scrolling
- 2D: Fixed duplicate instantiated GameObjects from Tiles on Tilemap Prefabs when instantiating the Tilemap Prefabs
- Android: Fixed high memory usage when uploading 2D array textures using Vulkan on Adreno devices
- Android: Fixed Java local reference leak when AndroidJavaProxy is passed as argument to AndroidJavaObject.Call/CallStatic
- Android: Fixed video with alpha when using Vulkan on some older devices
- Android: Fixed VideoPlayer with Vulkan on Samsung GPUs
- Android: To change android:screenOrientation value from "fullSensor" to "fullUser" so that the orientation of the screen can be locked when screen orientation on a device's setting is turned off
- Asset Pipeline: Increasing the default import worker connect timeout, to avoid import worker client processes shutting down unnecessarily, when working with larger projects
- Editor: Fixed crash when moving non-empty folder to a target containing another folder with the same name in the Project Browser
- GI: Fixed SetLightingDataAsset with multiscenes (caused the lightmaps to disappear for other scenes
- Graphics: Fixed metal code generation for shaders using IBFE opcode
- Graphics: Fixed occasional crash when compressing to ETC2 with Texture2D.Compress
- Scripting: Fixed issue where OnPostRender is called multiple times per frame when setting Application.targetFrameRate
- Scripting: Fixed issue where yielding WaitForEndOfFrame was getting called too many times per Editor player loop
- UI Toolkit: Fixed disabled UIDocument still being rendered on editor start
- UI Toolkit: Fixed for issue where ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown when adding/removing elements from a List in the Inspector
- UI Toolkit: Fixed for offset issues and layout delays in default PropertyField on array values when adding or removing items
- UI Toolkit: Fixed nested scroll view behaviour on mobile; scrolling will stay in the scroll view that initiated the drag
- UI Toolkit: Fixed wrong focus grabbing when refreshing BaseVerticalCollectionView
- Universal Windows Platform: Fixed Application.OpenURL asserting due to not freeing temporary memory
- VFX Graph: Fixed exception when there is a GPU in subgraph and flow link in parent graph
- Windows: Fixed Screen.currentResolution containing incorrectly rounded refresh rate
- Windows: Fixed the game window teleporting to another display on certain display setups when switching to exclusive fullscreen mode at resolution that's significantly lower than the display's native resolution
Unity 2022.1.6
- Burst: Added support for the System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsExternalInit workaround documented into Burst when used in 2022.1+
- Burst: Changed how we process static readonly fields in static constructors such that we'll allow more computational budget per static field. This fixes the case where having too many static readonly variables in a single static constructor could fail to compile, while they would work if each was in their own static constructors.
- Burst: SDK Updates
- Burst: Added workaround for "cannot dlopen until fork() handlers have completed" issue seen in macOS 12.3
- Burst: Fixed a bug that manifested when using IAP in UWP builds with Burst - we were scanning the assembly hierarchy too deep for Bursted types, which led to an AssemblyResolutionException
- Burst: Fixed a bug with Span and ReadOnlySpan types where if the indices used were not already 32-bit signed integers, an internal compiler error would occur if running with safety checks enabled
- Burst: Fixed a compiler crash if users used __refvalue or __arglist in Burst. Neither of these are supported, but now we will nicely tell you via a compiler error that they aren't supported
- Burst: Fixed a compiler error when trying to acquire the function pointer of a generic function from Bursted code
- Burst: Fixed a really convoluted bug that could manifest in Burst returning out of date cached libraries, which would manifest as random exceptions in Burst jobs/function-pointers (users deleting the BurstCache would workaround the bug)
- Burst: Fixed a regression where out parameters of C# 9.0 function pointers weren't working in Burst
- Burst: Fixed bug in static constructor ordering in the presence of indirect dependencies between static constructors (i.e. static constructor -> static method -> static constructor) that could result in a runtime crash
- Burst: Fixed bug where disabling native debug mode, after having previously enabled it in the same editor session, didn't in fact disable native debug mode
- Burst: Fixed burst inspector sometimes stalling during loading for script reloads
- Burst: Fixed compiler crash when the only usage of a static field was in a formatted exception string
- Burst: Fixed compiler crash when trying to dynamically call BurstCompiler.CompileFunctionPointer in Burst-compiled code
- Burst: Fixed hashing bug that could occur when a function pointer type is used in a method parameter
- Burst: Fixed hashing error that could occur in the presence of multiple synthesized explicit interface implementations with the same name and signature
- Burst: Fixed internal compiler error when encountering a calli with closed generics
- Burst: Using a function only through a C# function pointer could cause a crash
- Editor: IndexOutOfRangeException is thrown when openning Object Picker
- GI: The editor could crash in case of overlapping light probes when additively loaded scenes. This fix eliminates an attempt to deduplicate light probes with respect to positions. A warning is introduced as the lack of deduplication could cause flickering objects
- Graphics: Fixed consistent Gfx.WaitForPresentOnGfxThread edi
What's new in this version:
- [stable-3.6] do not create GUI from a random thread and show error on real error