Unity 歷史版本列表
Unity 是一個遊戲開發生態系統:一個強大的渲染引擎完全集成了一整套直觀的工具和快速的工作流程來創建交互式的 3D 和 2D 內容; 輕鬆的多平台發布; 成千上萬的質量,在資源商店和知識共享 community.For 獨立開發者和工作室,Unity&rsquo 的現成的資產; S 民主化生態系統摔破的時間和成本障礙,創造獨特的美麗的遊戲。他們使用 Unity 打造民生做他們喜歡的事情:創建遊戲... Unity 軟體介紹更新時間:2023-02-21
What's new in this version:
- Slovak translation updated (thanks Peter Lukac)
- Updated German translation file (thanks Bytestar)
- The ConvertDate expression function accepts more than one parameter again and just ignores everything after the first (unless it's 3 or 6 since that's the new format)
- Theater View web page keyboard control: Escape key now acts as "back" and mouse cursor movement is accelerated when holding down on directional arrow keys. Optional Theater View customization when adding a web page to the menu.
What's new in this version:
- OpenSSL errors not cleared in error stack (Medium)
- Experimental Policies bypass via process.mainModule.require(High)
- Insecure loading of ICU data through ICU_DATA environment variable (Low)
What's new in this version:
Unity 2022.2.6
- Physics: RaycastHit.textureCoord is now available off the main thread.
- Shadergraph: Sped up rename operations on properties/keywords/dropdowns in large graph
- Shadergraph: Sped up setting blackboard values in large graphs
- Player: Re-enabled 'timestamp' argument for debug players
- 2D: Added buffer to prevent SplitView from covering Create New Palette toolbar in Tile Palette Window
- 2D: Fixed an issue where the Name/FileIds in a Sprite meta file would get reordered when an importer setting is changed
- 2D: Fixed issue where Tiles are "double painted" when a user does a mouse drag when painting on a Tilemap
- Asset Bundles: Fixed an issue where a "Failed to decompress data" error occurs when loading a bundle
- Asset Bundles: Fixed issue where "Failed to decompress data" error occurs when loading bundle
- Audio: Improved an FSBTool AAC-encoding error message related to small files. They need to be at least 1024 samples, not 256
- Build Pipeline: Improved error message, and remove possibility of crash, when a MonoBehaviour or ScriptableObject is being built that does not have a MonoScript
- DX12: Fixed a crash observed in e.g. HDRP sample project
- Editor: Dragging a component to the bottom of the inspector will now properly move that component to the end
- Editor: Dropped warning about mismatching mipmap limits when using a region-based CopyTexture
- Editor: Fixed a crash when there was a corrupt PrefabInstance
- Editor: Fixed Shift modifier not allowing to use SceneView tool shortcuts
- Editor: Improved error message when an incompatible mesh is used with skinning code
- HDRP: Fixed LightList keywords showing errors in the log when strict variant matching is enabled.
- Package Manager: Added security anchor to the Scoped Registry's "Read more" link in project Settings
- Profiler: Fixed GPU module's sample hierarchy so that it no longer uses CPU data after a recompilation when there is an active selection
- Shadergraph: Fixed NullReferenceException when entering Play Mode with an unfocused Shader Graph window/on closing the Shader Graph Window
- Shaders: Fixed an issue that shaders will now reimport correctly when installing a package that only has shader include files
- Terrain: Fixed a crash on "QueryComponentByType" when entering Play Mode if setting "useInstancing" to true in "DetailPrototype"
- TextCore: Fixed an issue with the italic on wrapped text
- UI Elements: Fixed an issue with the GenericDropdownMenu that prevented the items from receiving input when it's reused
- UI Toolkit: Fixed dynamic-transform offset occurring at large coordinates
- Universal RP: Fixed y-flipped shading on gizmos in game view
- VFX Graph: Fixed an issue to avoid file access as much as possible when new assets are imported
- VFX Graph: Fixed compilation error when targeting .NET Standard runtime
- Windows: Fixed for incorrect display names of certain subset of keys
Unity 2022.2.5
- EmbeddedLinux: Now enabled via BootConfig parameters, Editor Setting and has a scripting entrypoint
API Changes:
- HDRP: Added: DecalShaderGraphGUI.SetupDecalKeywordsAndPass - Adding back a public API used to validate shadergraph materials by user scripts.
- Scripting: Added: Object.FindFirstObjectByType() and Object.FindAnyObjectByType() functions added as potentially faster alternatives to Object.FindObjectOfType(). These new functions let you decide whether you must have the first (lowest InstanceID) object found or if any instance is adequate. In the latter case the function can be many times faster as no internal sorting is required. See the scripting documentation for both functions for more details.
- Scripting: Added: Object.FindObjectsByType() function added as a potentially faster alternative to Object.FindObjectsOfType(). This new function gives users the choice whether or not to perform the expensive sorting by InstanceID on the returned collection of objects rather than having it always performed wasting time when unnecessary. See the scripting documentation for Object.FindObjectsByType() and Object.FindObjectsOfType() for more details.
Documentation: Added documentation for public-facing methods:
- EditorUserBuildSettings.SwitchActiveBuildTarget
- NamedBuildTarget.FromBuildTargetGroup
- NamedBuildTarget.ToBuildTargetGroup
- Editor: Updated the documentation for AudioClip.GetData. Clarified the usage of the API for all streamed clips and made a note on the return value of AudioClip.GetData which is currently undocumented
- Android: Fixed an issue causing builds to fail when output file has no extension and Build App Bundle (Google Play) is enabled
- Android: Fixed mapping file output failure when destination folder doesn't exist
- Android: Warn user if both template file and disabled template file exists in project
- Build Pipeline: Fixed an issue where UWP test certificate would be regenerated once deleted from the assets folder
- Build Pipeline: Fixed null reference errors when loading user scripting objects from ContentFiles
- Build Pipeline: Switching between Desktop Standalone and Dedicated Server platforms in the Build Settings window should now cause scripts to recompile
- Core: Fixed a rare crash in the Job System that could occur during Editor shutdown and Domain Reload when cleaning up Job Reflection Data due to accessing dangling pointers
- Editor: Enabled AND/OR block to not always be suggested in Query builder mode. (DOTSE-1992)
- Editor: Enabled the New Scene window to now show proper search results when a scene template is pinned
- Editor: Enabled the state of showtabs to persist in preferences
- Editor: Extracted potential Editor-only dependencies and marked those as Reference instead of Clone
- Editor: Fixed Pin in New Scene Dialog checkbox style in scene template inspector
- Editor: Fixed a bug where AssetBundle builds could fail due to incorrectly reported errors about script serialization mismatches
- Editor: Fixed a crash that can happen when closing Unity
- Editor: Fixed a problem where a failed Unity Linker invocation may cause subsequent builds to fail with "Sequence contains no elements"
- Editor: Fixed Automatically Sign option
- Editor: Fixed bug related to scriptable objects so that they are now correctly reloaded in the import worker clients
- Editor: Fixed duplicate EditorApplication.update delegates being registered when changing editor layout
- Editor: Fixed for crash that could happen during asset matching in preview thread. Preview thread was not attached to scripting domain which is used by asset matcher
- Editor: Fixed for right click update in inspector window and package manager
- Editor: Fixed multi select + click so it now works in dependency list
- Editor: Fixed pin position
- Editor: Fixed showing the dependencies of scene template when there is a single dependency
- Editor: Fixed the scrollbar in the Description field in the new scene dialog
- Editor: Fixed the URL for the Scene Template pipeline documentation
- Editor: Removed the ability to apply components marked with HideFlags.DontSaveInEditor to Prefab
- GI: Fixed bug where light probes are prematurely deleted when unloading a scene after a multiscene bake
- GI: Fixed corrupted probes on scenes without a lighting data asset when running the editor with -nographics
- GI: Fixed issue where baking a single reflection probe could result in the wrong cubemap being associated with the wrong probe
- Graphics: Avoid memory corruption when async readback destination NativeArray is too small. Instead the readback fails
- Graphics: Fixed a crash on launch when the most prioritized graphics API is Vulkan and Vulkan drivers are not fully functional
- HDRP: Fixed diffusion profile list upgrade
- HDRP: Fixed usage of HDMaterial.ValidateMaterial for materials created from ShaderGraphs
- IL2CPP: Enabled properly forwarding declare generic value type pointer arguments
- IL2CPP: Enabled the marshaling offset to compute properly for the first field in an explicit layout type when that field has a non-zero offset
- IL2CPP: Fixed DllNotFoundException when setting a file to hidden on non-Windows platforms
- IL2CPP: Fixed IL2CPP build crashes when capturing memory snapshot
- IL2CPP: Fixed incorrect code generation for references to void* pointers
- IL2CPP: Fixed scenarios where assemblies that were excluded from player builds could be pulled in during managed code stripping
- IL2CPP: Improved performance of awaiting async operations on Windows
- IL2CPP: Removed caching of assemblies when probing directories in the linker
- iOS: Fixed freeze on startup when URP is used with memoryless depth backbuffer
- Kernel: Fixed reading out of bounds in FileStreamerReader::DirectRead
- Linux: Fixed Shift+alpha keys so that they are now recognized on certain keyboard layouts
- Linux: Fixed the panel focus switching when arrow keys are pressed while in play mode
- Mono: Added use of a relative path to the gdiplus dynamic library in the dllmap entry in the config file
- Mono: Fixed an issue where the internal debugger would refuse connections after performing multiple switches between release and debug editor runtime optimizations
- Physics 2D: Fixed a bug where a Rigidbody2D without interpolation using MovePosition per-frame could result in a memory leak.
- Player: Fixed an issue where all objects are rendered black when using entities.graphics
- Scene/Game View: Fixed Grid Size field snapping to minimum grid size when trying to enter a value below one
- Scripting: Fixed an issue where the API updater was not able to apply changes to internal packages when the project controlled by Perforce
- Shadergraph: Fixed SRP Batcher compatibility issue with instanced properties
- Shaders: Fixed a crash when loading shaders that are incompatible with the current hardware due to resource limits
- UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the UI Builder would export "none" instead of "initial" when setting a font to null
- UI Toolkit: Fixed incorrect width calculated for Labels with style tags
- UI Toolkit: Fixed Painter2D.Arc() notch when preceded by a MoveTo() command
- Universal RP: Fixed an issue causing materials using Shader Graphs with material override to disappear when using the Deferred rendering path if alpha clipping is enabled in the material
- Universal RP: Fixed ComplexLit mixed lighting by matching ComplexLit shader keywords with the Lit shader
- VFX Graph: Fixed an exception while using Unlit ShaderGraph with VFX
- VFX Graph: Fixed an issue were Alpha Clipping have unexpected behavior in editor when used in MaterialOverride with SG integration,
- VFX Graph: Unexpected sorting on some VFX output while using the new SG integration
Unity 2022.2.4
- Android: Added build_fingerprint information to android builds
- Asset Import: Reduced the overhead of asset importing by limiting the number of copies of internal parameter structs
- Bug Reporter: Asset import worker logs are now attached to bugs, outside of the project zip
- GI: Added a toggle for automatic recalculation of environment lighting in the Workflow section of the Lighting window
- Multiplayer: Added Netcode for GameObjects 1.2.0
- Particles: Don't call OnParticleTrigger when there are no trigger module events to report
API Changes:
- Apple TV: Added: Identifier for 3rd generation Apple TV 4K
- iOS: Added: Identifiers for iPad models released in 2022
- Version Control: Removed: Collab and its dependency from the package
- Editor: Updated the Unity FBX SDK bindings to version 4.1.2. which updates Autodesk FBX SDK to 2020.3.2
- Scene/Game View: Reverted a change that caused the OnSceneGUI event to be exited early on a selection change
- 2D: Added proper manual URL for GridSelection
- 2D: Fixed rendering of GameObjects in a Tile Palette window when a Scriptable Render Pipeline is used
- AI: Fixed a blocked passage due to seemingly valid polygons after an obstacle carved the NavMesh nearby
- Android: Avoid GC deadlock in AndroidJavaProxy
- Android: PermissionCallbacks.DeniedAndDontAskAgain is no longer invoked on Android 11 and later. Use Denied instead on all versions
- Animation: Fixed 'NullReferenceException' when Animator "Any State" transition arrow is selected
- Asset Pipeline: Removed logged error if a preview is requested for an asset that references a deleted asset
- DX12: Fixed for crash spawning particle effects
- Editor: Enabled Noise Sine Wave in ShaderGraph to now modulate all channels, not just the first
- Editor: Fixed a memory leak which would manifest when loading then unloading scenes additively
- Editor: Fixed a windows editor bug where the cursor sometimes jumped to a different screen when double-clicking the property window in multi-display mode
- Editor: Fixed an issue whereby the depth pre-pass did not batch effectively
- Editor: Fixed Editor crash when calling API's to show modal dialogs while -drawRect is in progress
- Editor: Fixed error triggered when reloading domain with a Property window opened
- Editor: Fixed folder name is truncated when dot is used in the name
- Editor: Fixed forward only material validation.
- Editor: Fixed issue on Windows where modal dialogs can get the Editor stuck if they are launched from a window that closes itself
- Editor: Fixed OnValidate callback is called twice when entering Prefab Mode in Context
- Editor: Fixed potential crash when a scene with a component without a GameObject is loaded
- Editor: Fixed versioned .so libraries are ignored by the Editor when they are imported
- Editor: PrefabInstance status will now get correctly set if the Prefab has been deleted after the undo operation was recorded
- Editor: Removed optimization that skips backing up unchanged scene files when entering playmode. This optimization caused too many bugs
- Editor: Shadergraph: Shadergraphs that have a LOD Crossfade option will now write the expected disableBatching tag.
- Editor: SpeedTree: Materials selection GUI is now enabled for Mesh Renderer components in the Inspector window
- Graphics: Fixed a crash that could happen when a BatchRendererGroup is not Disposed and is leaked
- Graphics: Fixed crash by preventing race condition when opening app from floating icon state on Android
- Graphics: Fixed decals screen space for non-uniforn foveated rendering and vrs foveated rendering with SPI
- Graphics: Virtual Texturing: Renderer instanced materials (via a renderer.material query in a script) would not copy the correct virtual texture parameters when the original material is not fully initialized. This would incur into a missing VT texture when rendering
- HDRP: Added note when debug overlay dissapears
- HDRP: Fixed an issue with new scene being created with bad directional light
- HDRP: Fixed decal material upgrade.
- HDRP: Fixed performance when using low quality shadows
- HDRP: Fixed project import time regression
- HDRP: Fixed resetting water surface component
- HDRP: Fixed sun direction when rotating cloud layer
- HDRP: Fixed the culling layers so that they are now taken into account for the water surfaces
- HDRP: Fixed volumetric clouds disappearing
- HDRP: Fixed water normal redirection factor
- Fixed env smoothness attenuation on pools
- HDRP: Fixed water position on Mac and in debug modes
- macOS: Default Application.targetFrameRate for MacOS batchmode was always 60fps instead of the maximum achievable frame rate
- Package Manager: Local package will no longer have tags other than Local
- Prefabs: Improved the button text in the unused overrides dialog
- Profiler: Fixed an issue where the Related Data view in the Hierarchy view of the CPU Usage Profiler Module would ping objects in the Editor even when the profiled data did not come from the current Editor session, thereby making these pings essentially random. With this fix, objects related to these Profiler Samples only get pinged if the data was captured from the current Editor session and the Object's Instance IDs are therefore reliable
- Profiler: Fixed profiler connection allocations tracking under the ProfilerConnection entry in Memory Profiler
- Profiler: Fixed rendering of certain character sets in CPU Profiler Timeline view
- Scene/Game View: Fixed selected child GameObjects not rendering gizmos when the root GameObject is not also selected
- Scripting: Fixed an issue where assembly validation errors disappear when clearing console messages
- Shaders: Fixed an issue that the RenderingCommandBuffer.EnableKeyword(material, keyword) now properly affects rendering
- Shaders: Preparing variants for compilation dialog now shows the name of the shader being processed
- Shaders: Strict shader variant matching will now report the shader stage along with other information when the requested variant is missing
- SRP Core: Fixed volume profile field state when asset is removed
- uGUI: Enabled Physics2DRaycast to now use SortingGroups when determining the sorted order of its results
- UI Toolkit: Fixed TextField offset when the field has dynamic width
- Universal RP: Corrected render scale value when rendering scene view
- Universal RP: Fixed an issue causing GPU hangs when using Forward+ for the default renderer while using Forward or Deferred for the active camera renderer
- Universal RP: Fixed an issue where enabling Rendering Layers in a URP Asset would break additional lights
- Universal RP: Fixed post-process effects in scene view shaded mode
- Universal Windows Platform: Fixed mouse wheel events on UWP
- WebGL: Fixed Unity integration test PowerPreferenceTests.cs failing to build
- XR: Fixed issues with CopyColorPass when foveated rendering is enabled
- XR: VR platforms should also ignore vSyncCount on DX12 platform
Unity 2022.2.3
- Animation: Improved performance of AnimatorOverrideController.ApplyOverrides()
- Asset Import: Reduced the time spent in asset categorization, which happens during asset import and domain reloads.
- Editor: Clarified that agreeing to update the "Mipmap Limit Group" property on texture importers when deleting/renaming a group cannot be reverted with an undo.
- Editor: Improved and shortened editor dialog box messages related to mipmap limit groups.
- Editor: Reduced time to rebuild the CreateAsset(...) menu during a domain reload, it previously was scaling badly for projects with many assemblies.
- Editor: Texture previews now display additional information concerning mips and mipmap limits. When mipmap limits are in use, the mip slider is now properly clamped as well.
- Graphics: Improved docs and UI to indicate that VT does not consider mipmap limits
- Shaders: Improved performance of ShaderKeywordSet.IsEnabled(LocalKeyword) and ShaderUtil.PassHasKeyword(...).
- VFX Graph: Added a toggle in both VFX preferences in VFX Graph view to allow shader debug symbols with generated shaders
- Video: Report an error only when the user uses MediaFoundation directly
API Changes:
- Core: Added: Gizmos.DrawLineList() API which allow a sequence of disconnected lines to be drawn with a single API call improving performance over repeated calls to Gizmos.DrawLine()
- Core: Added: Gizmos.DrawLineStrip() API which allow a sequence of connected lines to be drawn with a single API call improving performance over repeated calls to Gizmos.DrawLine()
- Core: Added: Several new batch Transform APIs that can process multiple points or vectors in a single API call rather than having to make repeated calls on each point in turn which drastically improves performance
- Transform.TransformPoints() - batch version of Transform.TransformPoint()
- Transform.TransformDirections() - batch version of Transform.TransformDirection()
- Transform.TransformVectors() - batch version of Transform.TransformVector()
- Transform.InverseTransformPoints() - batch version of Transform.InverseTransformPoint()
- Transform.InverseTransformDirections() - batch version of Transform.InverseTransformDirection()
- Transform.InverseTransformVectors() - batch version of Transform.InverseTransformVector()
- Core: Added: Use these new methods for improved performance when operating on both positions and rotations at the same time.
- Transform.GetLocalPositionAndRotation()
- Transform.GetPositionAndRotation()
- TransformAccess.GetLocalPositionAndRotation()
- TransformAccess.GetPositionAndRotation()
- TransformAccess.SetLocalPositionAndRotation()
- TransformAccess.SetPositionAndRotation()
- Graphics: Added: Texture2D.activeMipmapLimit() - Returns the mipmap limit used when Unity uploads the texture.
- HDRP: Changed the order of Lens Flare Data Driven in Post Process (now after Bloom).
- Universal RP: Light soft shadow quality setting in URPAsset which lights use by default. Per light override is still possible.
- 2D: Fixed case where there is Sprite Atlas warning in console when loading sprite in playmode
- 2D: Fixed collider shapes for a TilemapCollider2D when rotated Tiles are used with a collider offset.
- 2D: Fixed crash when there is an invalid Sprite on a Tilemap and a TilemapRenderer tries to bind the invalid Sprite to a Sprite Atlas
- 2D: Fixed sorting of Tiles in a TilemapRenderer when the Sprites of the Tiles in the TilemapRenderer come from different Texture sources and Sprites with large vertex/index counts are rendered first due to batching
- 2D: Fixed Sprite Mode field is empty upon changing Texture Type to Sprite in TextureImporter
- 2D: Removed hiding tint in Sprites/Default shader
- Animation: Error is no longer thrown when calling AvatarBuilder.BuildHumanAvatar with a HumanDescription that does not contain a skeleton
- Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue where scene asset labels could disappear when saving the scene
- Asset Pipeline: Fixed case of SRP changing mid refresh resulting in infinite imports
- Audio: Fixed a bug where audio import of Ogg files would fail sometimes in the Editor. This bug may have affected other audio file types as well
- Audio: Updated FMOD's FLAC from version 1.2.1 to 1.3.4. This fixes an issue identified by our application security team
- Core: Improved the job scheduler to better balance work across worker threads.
- The job scheduler now avoids potential stalls on the main thread as mobile device performance degrades due to thermal throttling
- DX12: Fixed crash issue with very large project import when the amount of descriptors grows unusually high
- DX12: Fixed for using HLSL register keyword to assign constant buffer bind points
- DX12: Fixed stalls in asynchronous scene loading with a large number of reflection probes
- Editor: Avoid breaking SRP Batcher shadow batch when using a different "per material" texture
- Editor: Ensure scene view outline render uses the attributed main texture property name rather than the default name
- Editor: Fixed adding additional files as compilation inputs
- Editor: Fixed an exception when searching in the Debugger and UI element has a null name
- Editor: Fixed an issue preventing the selection of desired settings when editing them in the "Request Authorization on App Launch" or "Enable Push Notifications" menus
- Editor: Fixed an issue when having a playableGraph with 2 output, one of which contained blending on the root bone
- Editor: Fixed an issue where the "Mipmap Limit Group" property on texture importers would not update correctly if the importers to update were selected when deleting/renaming a group and agreeing to update the project.
- Editor: Fixed an issue where the "Mipmap Limit Group" property would not update correctly on texture importer presets when deleting/renaming a group and agreeing to update the project. (previous two change notes also apply to texture importer presets).
- Editor: Fixed an issue where, while renaming a Mipmap Limit Group, clicking away would incorrectly cancel the operation instead of submitting the input.
- Editor: Fixed camera roll animations import
- Editor: Fixed character encoding for error messages in the Unity Accelerator
- Editor: Fixed colorpicker functionality on linux
- Editor: Fixed crash caused when clipping is potentially needed but end of being unnecessary
- Editor: Fixed custom editor tools overriding native ones
- Editor: Fixed EditorWindow maximum size calculations when using a display not at integer scaling
- Editor: Fixed for scene hierarchy order change when entering Play mode in the Mobile Template
- Editor: Fixed material copy/paste so it now copies all properties
- Editor: Fixed memory leaks that were detected when generating a preview when an HDRP project was selected
- Editor: Fixed missing 'Ctrl/Command + Alt + Mouse 1' Zoom shortcut in SceneView
- Editor: Fixed t:prefab in AssetProvider only yields files ending in .prefab (no fbx or obj anymore)
- Editor: Fixed that on Mac when hovering over arrow in the Hierarchy to open Prefab in Prefab Mode the tooltip displays shortcut as "Alt" and not "Option"
- Editor: Fixed the import process so that only transform remains after importing a broken file, if a Prefab file is found to contain multiple transforms due to external merge tool or manual edit error. Note: Import prioritization of RectTransform over Transform remains unchanged
- Editor: Fixed unexpected rendering when Fragment Normal uses Object Space
- Editor: Fixed Tools.viewToolActive not returning true when the View tool is set manually
- Editor: Implemented a domain reload after the preset window closes, to apply settings correctly
- Editor: OpenSSL updated to 1.1.1s to address
- Editor: Refresh the UI when the asset is changed
- Editor: Reworked InspectorWindow performance tests and merge them with more recent UIToolkit ones
- Editor: SpeedTree shadergraph shaders now multiply the Smoothness and Metallic slider values with the values from the ExtraTexture when the texture is provided. The default values for the sliders are set to 1.0 instead of 0.5 by default when there's an ExtraTexture is imported with the SpeedTree asset.
- Editor: Unsaved scene changes window was updated
- GI: Fixed an OpenCL related compile issue for source customers who have VS 2022 installed
- GI: Fixed editor crash when baking lightmaps due to uninitialized memory in light cookies
- GI: Fixed rare instability in SceneVisibility editor tests
- Graphics: Fixed an issue where Graphics.CopyTexture could fail when using limited textures that were very small.
- Graphics: Fixed an issue where Graphics.CopyTexture would handle textures with stripped mips incorrectly
- Graphics: Fixed an issue with inspecting a RenderTexture with DepthAuto / ShadowMap as the Color Format so it no longer breaks the inspector
- Graphics: Fixed Async SSR on D3D12
- Graphics: Fixed BatchRendererGroup.GetMesh() crashing when used while re-importing a Mesh
- Graphics: Fixed Entities Graphics lightmapping not working when a master texture mipmap limit was active. (PLAT-2021)
- Graphics: Fixed instances where the Texture2D Streaming APIs would return incorrect values for limited textures that were very small and textures with mips stripped.
- Graphics: Fixed mipmap streaming not properly taking into account mipmap limit settings
- Graphics: Fixed mipmap stripping not properly taking into account mipmap limit settings
- Graphics: Fixed repeating error messages when a BatchRendererGroup leaks
- Graphics: Fixed SPI for non-uniform foveated rendering
- Graphics: Fixed GraphicsFenceType so it is now set correctly from CommandBuffer.CreateGraphicsFence
- Graphics: Improved BatchRendererGroup error messages
- Graphics: Removed shadow sampling mode error when using -batchmode
- HDRP: Enabled evaluation of stacked area lights in the path tracer
- HDRP: Enabled Water Graph to support custom interpolators
- HDRP: Fixed an issue where calling HDCamera.Reset() would not reset internal frame count of individual sky and cloud renderers
- HDRP: Fixed an issue where reflection probe's will continue to reference an unused custom texture.
- HDRP: Fixed an issue with APV debug max subdiv after having a new bake with higher subdiv level
- HDRP: Fixed an issue with flickering game view when using HDR output and a realtime reflection probe
- HDRP: Fixed an issue with focus distance and focal length affecting the scene view
- HDRP: Fixed coat mask when using iridescence
- HDRP: Fixed culling issues with infinite water surfaces
- HDRP: Fixed enabling raytracing in the HDRP asset if resources are in a bad state
- HDRP: Fixed forward materials with motion vectors rendered twice.
- HDRP: Fixed issues with renderer list culling
- HDRP: Fixed motion blur issues caused on fast movements
- HDRP: Fixed nan occuring in volumetric clouds when changing elevation drastically.
- HDRP: Fixed stripping on shadergraph depth prepass
- HDRP: Fixed when using strict variant matching option
- HDRP: Removed visibility of Vertex Density debug mode on console platforms
- HDRP: Renamed Amplitude Multipliers to Amplitude Dimmers for the water surface
- IL2CPP: Corrected handle enums declared inside a generic type
- IL2CPP: Corrected the behavior of the System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive API
- IL2CPP: Enabled constrained calls on stackalloc'd buffers
- IL2CPP: Fixed handling of numeric conversion IL opcodes in generic code when Faster (smaller) builds is enabled
- IL2CPP: Fixed Monitor.Wait with zero timeout so it now returns false
- IL2CPP: Fixed occasional missing stack traces in Debug.Log on Windows 10
- IL2CPP: Fixed stackalloc to return null for zero length requests
- IL2CPP: Removed an uncommon parameter name collision in generated C++ code
- IL2CPP: Support casts from arrays to interfaces of their reduced type (e.g. int[] -> IEnumerable)
- iOS: Restored the possibility for ViewController to control status bar appearance
- Linux: Fixed an issue so that Window restoration now restores Editor Window instances correctly
- Linux: Fixed tab and shift+tab not working in shader graph windows
- Linux: Fixed SystemInfo.batteryStatus and SystemInfo.batteryLevel so that they now work on Linux
- Mono: Fixed issue where DeflateStream would swallow exceptions instead of throwing them
- Mono: Fixed JIT assert on arm with large return structs
- Mono: Updated the Brotli compression library to version 1.0.9 to correct https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-5v8v-66v8-mwm7
- Networking: UnityWebRequest: Always allow HTTP on localhost, regardless of setting for secure HTTP
- Package Manager: Fixed a bug where importing .unitypackage with project settings into a new project would show an error in the console
- Package Manager: Fixed the import of a .unitypackage only containing project settings
- Package Manager: Package documentation links pointing to private Github URLs can now be opened in browser for non-Unity packages. Additionally, for all packages in general, opening local documentation will fall back on the README file if a documentation.md file cannot be found
- Physics: Fixed Rigidbody contact listeners overriding their children colliders that had Provide Contacts set to true
- Physics 2D: Deprecated 2D Physics properties were not available in Player Builds.
- Physics 2D: Fixed an issue so that RelativeJoint2D angularOffset uses Degrees and not Radians
- Physics 2D: Fixed an issue when using the 2D Physics Multithreaded solver so that contact processing time no longer increases over time under certain circumstances. (D2D-4284)
- Prefabs: The Undo system now registers property modifications which replace missing prefab references on script fields
- Profiler: Fixed missing highlight on select in Unity Profiler Timeline view
- Profiler: Fixed Profiler charts so they show custom counters properly when the displayed frame range contains frames that have been gathered from different different targets (e.g. from Playmode and from a built Player). If those counters use custom ProfilerCategories, the charts now also properly resolve if two counters have the same name but different categories, and will correctly respect the state of the Category being enabled via Profiler.SetCategoryEnabled()
- Profiler: Fixed Profiler samples in the VFX category to contribute towards the Rendering Category instead of Others
- Profiler: Fixed saving and loading of Profiler Data when the frame range contains frames that have been gathered from different different targets (e.g. from Playmode and from a built Player). Previously saved .data files with such data are irreparably corrupted and will crash on opening. This fix only applies to data saved from this version onwards
- Profiler: Fixed values of the FrameDataView.GetAllCategories API result
- Scene/Game View: Fixed Handles.DrawWireCube not respecting the current Handles.color
- Scripting: Removed warning for obsolete platforms when added plugins to plugin folders that contains both obsolete and non-obsolete platforms
- Serialization: Fixed issue with using SerializeReference within Prefab Variant where reference to local UnityObjects were not updated properly in Prefab Variant Instance
- Shadergraph: Fixed rare line-ending conflict in shader graph node templates when source control rewrites eol markers. (SGB-282)
- Shadergraph: Fixed Shader Graph BiRP Target so it now works correctly with point lights and transparent objects
- Shaders: Fixed an incorrect error message when using instanced rendering and replacement shaders
- SRP Core: Fixed APV baking panel after baking once
- SRP Core: Fixed changing current value by mouse click on DebugUI.ObjectFields on the runtime UI.
- SRP Core: Fixed ColorCurves volume leaking Texture2D objects under certain circumstances
- SRP Core: Fixed reset of APV debug
- SRP Core: Material and Shader reimport times are now being sent to the Analytics server.
- SRP Core: Updated the Volumes when the Volume Info is collapsed
- UI Toolkit: Fixed :active default style overwritten by :hover:enabled
- UI Toolkit: Fixed an exception in the UI Toolkit Debugger when the user types in the search bar without a panel selected
- UI Toolkit: Fixed an exception when deleting an element of two arrays of different size in the inspector
- UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the list view and tree view would fire the on selection changed callback when resetting the current selection
- UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the Progress Bar's title attribute would not reset inside the UI Builder
- UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the UI Builder would log a cryptic error when trying to save a uxml document outside of the project. It will now inform the user that the operation failed
- UI Toolkit: Fixed ArgumentOutOfRangeException exception occurring when editing a text element after its text was changing when it was disabled
- UI Toolkit: Fixed context menus for sub-properties not opening when using the Inspector with UI Toolkit
- UI Toolkit: Fixed custom property drawers not receiving Mouse events properly
- UI Toolkit: Fixed data loss while editing in context in UI Builder
- UI Toolkit: Fixed duplicated decorator drawers
- UI Toolkit: Fixed editing in context not working in canvas in UI Builder
- UI Toolkit: Fixed elements disappearing when changing both the border radius and padding at the same time
- UI Toolkit: Fixed hierarchy renaming in UI Builder
- UI Toolkit: Fixed image element so it no longer ignores UV rect when a sprite was used
- UI Toolkit: Fixed layout of Image element so it now works with a flipped UV rect
- UI Toolkit: Fixed mouse wheel event creation
- UI Toolkit: Fixed read-only TextField so it can now be copied
- UI Toolkit: Fixed reorderable list getting stuck when scrolling, when it contains other nested reorderable lists
- UI Toolkit: Fixed stuck preview when right clicking and dragging in UI Builder
- UI Toolkit: Fixed support for compound assignment operators for UI Toolkit numeric fields (IntegerField, LongField, FloatField, DoubleField)
- UI Toolkit: Fixed the context menu of the variable text field missing Cut, Copy, Paste actions
- UI Toolkit: Fixed the soft keyboard functionality for UITK TextFields
- UI Toolkit: Improved UI Toolkit so that flipped UVs are now properly handled by scale modes of the Image element
- Universal RP: Fixed "High Dynamic Range" Grading Mode variants getting needlessly stripped when Strip Unused Post Processing Variants was selected (even though it's not a volume feature and is part of the UPR asset)
- Universal RP: Fixed a missing keyword in ParticleLit for Lightmap shadow mixing
- Universal RP: Fixed depth priming issues on Vulkan
- URP: Fixed 2D game view flickering when using URP Pixel Perfect and Cinemachine Pixel Perfect Extension
- URP: Fixed errors related to the lack of support of native shadow maps on WebGL1
- VFX Graph: Fixed an issue that vertex Color was black while using new shader graph integration on planar primitive output
- VFX Graph: Fixed enum fields could be cropped when text is too long
- VFX Graph: Forbid drag and drop of material from project browser to VFX component in scene
- WebGL: Fixed a bug where Firefox would hang at 90% while loading
- WebGL: Fixed error handling of AudioContext.resume()
- WebGL: Improved WebAssembly build options to avoid long link times. Added a new Release build option that is focused on faster build speeds, but note that Development builds are the fastest for iteration
- XR: Fixed crash on Quest when using MSAA and moving out of the guardian during startup
Unity 2022.2.2
- Documentation: Optimized the example code in HDRP documentation related to Ray Tracing Settings override
- Graphics: Increased the maximum Async Upload Buffer Size to 2047 MB and updated docs
- 2D: Fixed error when a Tile asset with an instanced GameObject is removed from the Tilemap during a Collider2D.OnCollision***2D event
- DX12: Fixed for PSO naming in PIX
- Editor: Composite Extensions for Text/Speedtree files are now correctly selected
- Editor: D3D11 BRG visibility cbuffer creation optimization
- Editor: Fixed "SerializedProperty m_Enabled has disappeared!" error arpeared in console while undoying switching scripts in debug inspector
- Editor: Fixed a Crash/Freeze when using Handles.DrawGizmos in OnDrawGizmos
- Editor: Fixed an issue where an ArgumentNullException could be logged when viewing Entities in hierarchy.
- Editor: Fixed an issue where AssetDatabase.FindAssets would return invalid results when specifying multiple search folders
- Editor: Fixed BRG & entities.graphics crash on some GLES android
- Editor: Fixed random user input combination would open debug canvas in playmode
- Editor: Removed Fullscreen Play Mode experimental feature. Required additional backend work to support input in all scenarios
- Editor: Under the Enter Playmode Options, the Disable Scene Backup label was inverted compared to its actual behaviour.
- Editor: Unsaved changes made to assets are now preserved when renaming an asset while using Perforce
- GI: Lighting Settings Assets values default to another Assets values when multiple Assets are selected
- Graphics: Added safe-guards to prevent GetPixels / GetPixels32 crashes in cases where C# array creation would fail.
- Graphics: Fixed a bug where ReadPixels would fail for textures larger than 2 GB.
- Graphics: Fixed crash in depth resolve when using HDR render textures
- Graphics: Fixed cubemap uploads failing on Vulkan, D3D11 and D3D12 for cubemaps larger than 2 GB.
- Graphics: Fixed for incorrect values in ReadPixel for some graphics formats on DirectX
- Graphics: Fixed GetPixelData / SetPixelData failing for textures larger than 2 GB. Added safe-guards to prevent NativeArray length overflows for the former API.
- Graphics: Fixed LoadRawTextureData failing when the input NativeArray contained more than 2 GB of data. Added safe-guards to GetRawTextureData. (prevent NativeArray length overflow and C# array creation failure).
- Graphics: Fixed mipmap generation for textures larger than 2 GB.
- Graphics: Fixed RenderTexture assets not accepting texture dimensions greater than 20000 in UI, even though they currently can already go up to 32768 in script if the graphics capabilities allow for it.
- Graphics: Fixed the Read/Write texture import setting becoming grayed out when "Max Size" was greater than 8192, regardless of actual texture dimensions or size. Replaced with an info box when enabling "Read/Write" that triggers if Unity detects a >512MB texture.
- Graphics: Texture 3D Preview (Volume / SDF mode) now becomes disabled if Unity detects a potential driver hang risk. Fixed an assert incorrectly being triggered when inspecting external Texture 3Ds.
- Particles: Fixed errors when baking a particle mesh after calling mesh->Clear(false)
- Particles: Fixed SetParticles API sometimes failing to emit the correct number of particles
- Player: Fixed RuntimeInitializeOnLoad not working when used in precompiled assemblies in packages
- Scene/Game View: Fixed "Auto-hide Gizmos" preference not remember state on application restart
- Scene/Game View: Fixed the Rect Tool center handle not drawing in the correct position during a resize event
- Shaders: Fixed asset bundles with shaders not loading correctly on newer versions of Unity
- UI Elements: An EnumField no longer requires the associated EnumType to contain a value of 0 in order to be bound
- UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where pressing the arrow keys in the input field of a slider would change its value
- UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the dragger of a slider would become visually corrupted after toggling the showMixedValue property
- UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the ListView would generate the wrong hierarchy when the path from the list to the item is also a valid path for the item itself
- UI Toolkit: Fixed the UI Toolkit property drawer for TextArea so it behaves like the imgui version
- UI Toolkit: Fixed UI Builder undoing a selection takes two undo's
- UI Toolkit: Show UI Toolkit warning when the serialize reference are missing (as per IMGUI)
- Windows: Modified full stack traces so that when they are enabled on Windows, Unity will no longer try to resolve symbols from the symbol server. This prevents a potential stall the first time a stack trace is printed
Unity 2022.2.1
- Documentation: Optimized the example code in HDRP documentation related to Ray Tracing Settings override
- Graphics: Increased the maximum Async Upload Buffer Size to 2047 MB and updated docs
- 2D: Fixed error when a Tile asset with an instanced GameObject is removed from the Tilemap during a Collider2D.OnCollision***2D event
- DX12: Fixed for PSO naming in PIX
- Editor: Composite Extensions for Text/Speedtree files are now correctly selected
- Editor: D3D11 BRG visibility cbuffer creation optimization
- Editor: Fixed "SerializedProperty m_Enabled has disappeared!" error arpeared in console while undoying switching scripts in debug inspector
- Editor: Fixed a Crash/Freeze when using Handles.DrawGizmos in OnDrawGizmos
- Editor: Fixed an issue where an ArgumentNullException could be logged when viewing Entities in hierarchy.
- Editor: Fixed an issue where AssetDatabase.FindAssets would return invalid results when specifying multiple search folders
- Editor: Fixed BRG & entities.graphics crash on some GLES android
- Editor: Fixed random user input combination would open debug canvas in playmode
- Editor: Removed Fullscreen Play Mode experimental feature. Required additional backend work to support input in all scenarios
- Editor: Under the Enter Playmode Options, the Disable Scene Backup label was inverted compared to its actual behaviour.
- Editor: Unsaved changes made to assets are now preserved when renaming an asset while using Perforce
- GI: Lighting Settings Assets values default to another Assets values when multiple Assets are selected
- Graphics: Added safe-guards to prevent GetPixels / GetPixels32 crashes in cases where C# array creation would fail.
- Graphics: Fixed a bug where ReadPixels would fail for textures larger than 2 GB
- Graphics: Fixed crash in depth resolve when using HDR render textures
- Graphics: Fixed cubemap uploads failing on Vulkan, D3D11 and D3D12 for cubemaps larger than 2 GB
- Graphics: Fixed for incorrect values in ReadPixel for some graphics formats on DirectX
- Graphics: Fixed GetPixelData / SetPixelData failing for textures larger than 2 GB. Added safe-guards to prevent NativeArray length overflows for the former API.
- Graphics: Fixed LoadRawTextureData failing when the input NativeArray contained more than 2 GB of data. Added safe-guards to GetRawTextureData. (prevent NativeArray length overflow and C# array creation failure).
- Graphics: Fixed mipmap generation for textures larger than 2 GB
- Graphics: Fixed RenderTexture assets not accepting texture dimensions greater than 20000 in UI, even though they currently can already go up to 32768 in script if the graphics capabilities allow for it.
- Graphics: Fixed the Read/Write texture import setting becoming grayed out when "Max Size" was greater than 8192, regardless of actual texture dimensions or size. Replaced with an info box when enabling "Read/Write" that triggers if Unity detects a >512MB texture.
- Graphics: Texture 3D Preview (Volume / SDF mode) now becomes disabled if Unity detects a potential driver hang risk. Fixed an assert incorrectly being triggered when inspecting external Texture 3Ds.
- Particles: Fixed errors when baking a particle mesh after calling mesh->Clear(false)
- Particles: Fixed SetParticles API sometimes failing to emit the correct number of particles
- Player: Fixed RuntimeInitializeOnLoad not working when used in precompiled assemblies in packages
- Scene/Game View: Fixed "Auto-hide Gizmos" preference not remember state on application restart
- Scene/Game View: Fixed the Rect Tool center handle not drawing in the correct position during a resize event
- Shaders: Fixed asset bundles with shaders not loading correctly on newer versions of Unity
- UI Elements: An EnumField no longer requires the associated EnumType to contain a value of 0 in order to be bound
- UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where pressing the arrow keys in the input field of a slider would change its value
- UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the dragger of a slider would become visually corrupted after toggling the showMixedValue property
- UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the ListView would generate the wrong hierarchy when the path from the list to the item is also a valid path for the item itself
- UI Toolkit: Fixed the UI Toolkit property drawer for TextArea so it behaves like the imgui version
- UI Toolkit: Fixed UI Builder undoing a selection takes two undo's
- UI Toolkit: Show UI Toolkit warning when the serialize reference are missing (as per IMGUI)
- Windows: Modified full stack traces so that when they are enabled on Windows, Unity will no longer try to resolve symbols from the symbol server. This prevents a potential stall the first time a stack trace is printed.
Unity 2022.2.0
- Change log not available for this version
Unity 2022.1.23
- 2D: [com.unity.2d.animation] Improved the Auto Geometry generation speed
- 2D: [com.unity.2d.animation] The visibility tab now scrolls to the selected bone in the Skinning editor
- Animation: Further improvements to animation job performance (esp. some forms of IK)
- Multiplayer: Added Netcode for GameObjects 1.0.2
- Multiplayer: Added Netcode for GameObjects 1.1.0
- Profiler: Improved performance of rendering the CPU timeline view when viewing large captures.
- VFX Graph: Reduced the time taken by VFXGraph.CheckCompilationVersion that would previously potentially query all assets on every domain reload.
- URP: Avoid using Depth32Stencil8 format on Android
- Version Control: Changed the "Go back to changeset" option in Changesets tab to "Revert to changeset"
- Improved notification banner appearance
- XR: Eye tracked foveated rendering no longer spews console messages
- 2D: Fixed result of the Tilemap.GetCellCenterLocal/World API for a Hexagonal Grid and a large Tile Anchor offset
- 2D: Refactored the internal triangulation and tessellation APIs
- 2D: Updated API docs to reflect the behaviour of setting SpriteRenderer.size property
- 2D: [com.unity.2d.animation] Fixed a case where the auto weight generation would associate incorrect bones to vertices. (DANB-22
- 2D: [com.unity.2d.animation] Fixed an issue where the Sprite Skin editor would throw an exception if Sprite Renderer doesn't have a Sprite assigned to it
- 2D: [com.unity.2d.animation] Fixed IK Manager 2D's inspector slow downs
- Android: Fixed infinite loop when requesting for runtime permission that is automatically rejected by the OS
- Android: Fixed stacktrace on Chrome OS x86_64
- Android: InputView is not clickable when isInputFieldHidden AND !mConsumeOutsideTouches
- Asset Pipeline: Asset tracking should only be done for main thread for editor process imports
- Editor: Fixed an issue where TextureImporter.GetPlatformTextureSettings would not perform fix-up on the platform string argument correctly
- Editor: Fixed crash of profiler opened in standalone process
- Editor: Fixed crash when using URP on some Adreno 6xx devices with shaders that use clip()
- Editor: Fixed exception incorrectly reporting object already in pool when equal instances of classes implementing IEquatable are released to ObjectPool
- Editor: Fixed mouse button paste function in packman
- Editor: Fixed scripted importer registration errors, when changing platform
- Editor: Fixed Unity crashes in batch mode when using -vcsMode Perforce
- Editor: [SpeedTree] ExtraTexture texture is no longer marked sRGB (Color Data) when imported with a SpeedTree asset
- Graphics: Fixed closesthit, anyhit or intersection shaders in .raytrace files causing a GPU hang. Log an error when these shader types are present in a .raytrace file since they are not currently supported
- Graphics: Fixed issue in which editor would get stuck when importing corrupted FBX models
- IL2CPP: Avoid a crash in the IL2CPP runtime when the GUID property of a type is obtained for a type with a StructLayout attribute but without a Guid attribute
- IL2CPP: Avoid a crash when using GetFiles multiple times for directories with many files on iOS.
- IL2CPP: Avoid a possible race condition when the garbage collector is enabled or disabled that could cause it to become permanently disabled
- IL2CPP: Avoid an exception from Buffer.BlockCopy when the destination array is of type sbyte
- IL2CPP: Avoid an intermittent crash in the .NET thread pool implementation when a thread is incorrectly removed from the pool twice
- IL2CPP: Avoid an intermittent crash on shutdown when many threads are waiting on a Monitor object inside for a C# lock statement
- IL2CPP: Corrected handle enums declared inside a generic type
- IL2CPP: Corrected the behavior of the System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive API
- IL2CPP: Fixed compilation error that occurred when a enum was passed by reference in a marshalling definition
- IL2CPP: Fixed crash in IL2CPP metadata code when loading a field RVA value
- IL2CPP: Fixed exception when calling Enum.CompareTo on enum with a System.Uint16 underling type
- IL2CPP: Fixed possible crash/corruption when invoking a virtual generic method on a generic type by reflection or when Faster (smaller) builds is enabled
- IL2CPP: Fixed possible memory corrupt/crash when calling into shared generic code
- IL2CPP: Fixed syntax error: ')' " when "Faster (smaller) builds" is selected on function pointer call with a return type but no parameters
- IL2CPP: Implemented the Assembly.Location property
- IL2CPP: Improved error messages for unsupported Process API methods
- IL2CPP: Workaround an MSVC C++ compiler optimization bug related the Math.Max implementation for System.Decimal
- Kernel: Fixed AssertOnRecursiveCall with tests while pressing and moving the mouse
- Mono: Fixed an editor crash when the debugger code fails to lookup the signature of a method
- Mono: Fixed Editor liveness crash when processing RealProxy classes
- Mono: Fixed exception when registering a window class in different domain instances
- Mono: Fixed issue where DeflateStream would swallow exceptions instead of throwing them
- Particles: Fixed invert culling api when used with Particle Systems
- Physics: Fixed ArticulationBody SetDriveTargets and SetDriveTargetVelocities methods checking List capacity instead of count and improved the error message
- Profiler: Fixed freeze caused when opening profiler data recorded on Editor versions 2019.4.28f1 and prior
- Scripting: Fixed possible Editor hang while it waits for AssemblyUpdater when importing assemblies
- Serialization: Fixed performance regression reading yaml objects containing large number of SerializeReference instances which were created prior to 2021.2
- Serialization: Fixed regression where if a mesh was used in VFX and included in an AssetBundle there could be indeterminism in its streaming info offset field
- Services: Link Project ID button in Services tab now activates properly when the organization name and project name selected are the same
- Services: Marking UserInfo apis as obsolete
- Services: Selected project in Services tab is now properly reset and Link Project ID button is now properly disabled when changing organization
- Shadergraph: Shadergraph: Fixed shader graph incorrectly stripping variants for BiRP shaders that weren't built with shader graph
- Shaders: Fixed a crash when changing Scene view Draw mode from Shaded to Custom
- Shaders: Fixed a rare crash when opening a project with compute shaders
- Shaders: Fixed Shader Variant Collection UI not working correctly with shaders with stage-specific keywords
- Shaders: Material.SetOverrideTag will now warn when trying to override LightMode
- uGUI: Fixed various Canvas issues
- UI Toolkit: Fixed the position of the drag line anchor of the TwoPanSplitView when the orientation is changed and when there is margin around the child elements
- UI Toolkit: UI Toolkit: Fixed VisualElement alignment issue in non-standard DPIs
- Universal RP: Broken setters which could cause infinite loop in URP pipeline asset
- Version Control: Fixed editor refresh triggering when a workspace update is in progres
- Fixed pending changes show global ignored as privat
- Removed encryption checkbox from create organization dialog
- Video: Fixed virtual camera not playing due to DevicePath missing
- Video: VP8 Video Encoder bitrate corrected to use bps instead of kbps
- Video: [WebGL] Video Player updates to a previously sought frame when seeking a paused video
- Web: Updated UglifyJS from 2.7.5 to 3.17.0
- WebGL: Added fallback configuration for company name, product name and product version to ensure the web cache is always enabled
- WebGL: Added streaming download of response body in UnityWebRequest
- WebGL: Added warning that WebGL builds with the Linux Editor require glibc 2.27 or later (i.e. Ubuntu 18+)
- WebGL: Use glGetBufferSubData in AsyncGPUReadback Request for WebGL builds
- Windows: Fixed IL2CPP runtime compilation failing when building C++ code using Visual Studio 2022 17.4 or newer
- XR: Updated XR Interaction Toolkit to 2.0.4
Unity 2022.1.22
- Editor: Reduced the time taken by AssetDatabase.FindAssets when used with a custom filter, speeding up domain reloads and other editor operations that made the poor choice of calling this function in the first place.
- Graphics: Improved AlphaIsTransparency API docs and tooltip
- 2D: Fixed Sprite Editor causes error when editing sprites in playmode
- Android: Fixed crash if Java proxy is invoked at the same time as Unity is quit
- Audio: Fixed audio mixer groups not visible from the packages
- Editor: Fixed for unity crash when asset matching in done in preview thread. The problem is that preview thread isn't attached scripting domain. Asset matching is using scripting domain for script type dependencies. When generating script type hash, scripting_custom_attrs_construct can get getting called (if field has FormerlySerializedAs attribute) and will cause a crash if calling thread isn't attached to scripting domain
- Editor: Fixed gizmo rendering of a selected area in a Hexagonal Grid with a non-zero Z position
- GI: Added proper clamping of Lightmap Streaming Priority in Player Settings window
- GI: Fixed an issue where Enlighten RTGI schedules material updates indefinitely when animating the emission color of an emissive mesh renderer
- iOS: Fixed orientation handling on startup (when the phone is rotated between starting up and showing unity itself)
- Linux: Fixed "ExternalProcess::OnExitedMainThread" logged in the Console window when closing Profiler (Standalone Process) window
- Package Manager: Fixed an issue where .unitypackage dependencies exported from an older editor were not updated when importing in a newer editor
- Physics: Fixed Physics.CapsuleCast extremely rarely finding a false hit against a non-convex mesh
- Serialization: Prevent "Objects are trying to be loaded during a domain backup. This is not allowed as it will lead to undefined behaviour!" from occuring on DomainReload when SerializeReference instance contained a Unity.Object reference to an already unloaded asset
- UI Toolkit: Fixed a bug in play mode where ScrollView offset would reset to zero when doing drag operations on controls inside it
- Universal RP: Fixed issue where FinalBlit always executed, even when using the fast-path with no passes in "AfterRendering"
- Universal RP: Fixed light banding artifacts on normal maps
- URP: Fixed texture creation failed when creating URP Lit Shader Graph if "Opaque Texture" is enabled
- Web: Added FMOD audibility stubs for WebGL
- WebGL: Fixed brotli compressed webgl builds on Mac/Linux editors
- Windows: Windows player executable no longer contains "Unity playback engine" text in its property sheets
Unity 2022.1.20
- Multiplayer: Added Unity Netcode for Gamebjects Package 1.0.1
- Multiplayer: Added Unity Transport Package 1.2.0
API Changes:
- iOS: Added: Added identifiers for iPhone 14 models
- Editor: Updated manifest.json to use com.unity.inputsystem package version 1.4.3
- XR: Removed the pre-release version v5.0.0-pre.13 of AR Foundation
What's new in this version:
- Revert "Fix(l10n)
What's new in this version:
- Backport/5393/stable 3.7
- Fix wrong estimated time when doing sync
- Bugfix/selective sync abort error
- Set UnifiedSearchResultNothingFound visibility less messily
- Clean up QML type and singleton registration
- Simplify activity list delegates by making them ItemDelegates, clean up
- Improve activity list highlighting/keyboard item selection
- Replace private API QZipWriter with KArchive
- makes Qt WebEngine optional only on macOS
- Bugfix/conflict resolution when selecting folder
- Fix fileactivitylistmodel QML registration
- Updated link to documentation
- Fix menu bar height calculation on macOS
- Fix ActivityItem activityHover error
- Fix add account window text clipping, enlarge text
- Accept valid lsColJob reply XML content types
- Fix low-resolution file changed overlay icons in activities
- Refactor ActivityListModel population mechanisms
- Make account setup wizard's adjustWizardSize resize to current page size instead of largest wizard page
- Deallocate call notification dialog objects when closed
- Ensure that the file being processed has had its etag properly sanitised, log etag more
- Feature/syncjournaldb handle errors
- Do not format text in QML components as HTML
- Fix two factor auth notification: activity item was disabled.
- Add a placeholder item for empty activity list
- Ensure strings in main window QML are presented as plain text and not HTML
- Improve handling of file name clashes
- Add a QSortFilterProxyModel-based SortedActivityListModel
- Bring back .lnk files on Windows and always treat them as non-virtual files.
- Fix two factor authentication notification
- Ensure placeholder message in emoji picker wraps correctly
- Make activity action button an actual button, clean up contents
- Improve the error box QML component
- Fix 'Reply' primary property.
- Fix sync progress bar colours in dark mode
- Fix predefined status text formatting
- Don't set up tray context menu on macOS, even if not building app bundle
- Ci/check clang tidy in ci
- check our code with clang-tidy
- alway use constexpr for all text constants
- avoid possibly crashing static_cast
- switch AppImage CI to latest tag: client-appimage-6
- configure a list of checks for clang-tidy
- Fix link shares default expire date being enforced as maximum expire date even when maximum date enforcement is disabled on the server
- apply modernize-use-using via clang-tidy
- Ci/use no discard
- Fix files not unlocking after lock time expired
- Update client image
- let's check the format via some github action
- Feature/vfs windows sharing and lock state
- Update after tx migrate
- Improve 'Handle local file editing' feature. Add loading popup. Add force sync before opening a file.
- Command-line client. Do not trust SSL certificates by default, unless '--trust' option is set.
- Bugfix/files lock fail metadata
- do not ignore return value
- improve logs when adding sync errors in activity list of main dialog
- Fix invisible user status selector button not being checked when user is in Offline mode
- use correct version copmparison on NSIS updater: fix update from rc
- Bugfix/check token for edit locally requests
- Fix the dismiss button: display it whenever possible.
- Fix account not found when doing local file editing.
- Improve "pretty user name"-related strings, display in webflow credentials
- Update CHANGELOG with 3.6.1 changes.
- Fix call notification dialog buttons
- validate certificate for E2EE against private key
- emit missing signal to update folder sync status icon
- Update CMake usage in README build instructions
- Clean up methods in sync engine
- Make Systray's void methods slots
- Remove unneeded parameter from CleanupPollsJob constructor
- Add a 'Sync now' button to the sync status header in the tray window
- Modernise and improve code in AccountManager
- Fix macOS autoupdater settings
- Validate and sanitise edit locally token and relpath before sending to server
- Refactor FolderMan's "Edit Locally" capabilities as separate class
- Modernise and improve code in AccountSettings
- Fix compatibility with newer python3-nautilus
- Only show Sync Now button if account is connected
- use new public API to open an edit locally URL
- Add a new file details window, unify file activity and sharing
- E2EE. Do not generate keypair without user request.
- Fix incorrect current user index when adding or removing a user account. Also fix incorrect user avatar lookup by id.
- Remove unused internal link widget from old share dialog
- Use separate variable for cfg
What's new in this version:
Notable changes:
- ESM: Leverage loaders when resolving subsequent loaders
- Loaders now apply to subsequent loaders, for example: --experimental-loader ts-node --experimental-loader loader-written-in-typescript.
Upgrade npm to 9.4.0:
- Added --install-strategy=linked option for installations similar to pnpm.
Other notable changes:
- fs: add statfs() functions
- vm: expose cachedDataRejected for vm.compileFunction
- v8: support gc profile
- src,lib: add constrainedMemory API for process
- buffer: add isAscii method
- test_runner: add reporters
What's new in this version:
- The clangarm64 repo is now enabled by default (only usable on arm64 Windows)
- The installer now also installs a CLANGARM64 launcher shortcut (only usable on arm64 Windows)
- The usual round of package updates
What's new in this version:
- (SEMVER-MINOR) join authorization headers
- add webstreams to Duplex.from()
- implement finished() for ReadableStream and WritableStream
What's new in this version:
- Revert "Fix(l10n): Update translations from Transifex"