TeamViewer 歷史版本列表 Page19

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TeamViewer 歷史版本列表

TeamViewer 是遠程控制,桌面共享和文件傳輸的解決方案,適用於任何防火牆和 NAT 代理。要連接到另一台計算機,只需在兩台計算機上運行 TeamViewer 而不需要安裝過程。在第一次啟動時,在兩台計算機上都會生成自動夥伴 ID。在 TeamViewer 輸入您的合作夥伴的 ID,並立即建立連接。您可以通過點擊免費下載按鈕,從我們的網站下載 TeamViewer PC 離線安裝程序.Tea... TeamViewer 軟體介紹

Kinza 6.1.4 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Support for minor Chromium upgrade (80.0.3987.116 → 80.0.3987.122)

3D Coat 4.9.26 查看版本資訊


Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.4.24 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.4.24
- Change log not available for this version

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.4.22
- Option to write 3D text along a circle line has been added
- Loop transition option has been added to MP4 export
- Point particle emitter has been replaced with Radial Flow emitter
- Bug with sector area in particle emitter has been fixed
- Crash on exporting 4K videos with loop transition option has been fixed
- Bug with particle brush in No background mode has been fixed
- Bug with some executable files has been fixed
- Crash on the using particle presets has been fixed
- Crash on waterfall object has been fixed

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.4.21
- DP animation Maker will now save export settings
- Phase option has been added to Turn, Fold, Zoom and Stretch brushes
- Windlike motion type has been added to Turn, Fold, Zoom, Stretch, Bend and Drift brushes
- Rectangle and Sector particle emitters has been joined in Liner Flow emitter
- Crash on switching particle template has been fixed
- Behavior of the MP4 incorrect parameters warning has been fixed
- Occasional erasing brush masks has been fixed
- Occasional malfunction of the view window has been fixed

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.4.20
- New Splashes animation has been added
- New Field emitter has been added to Particle System Constructor
- Center property for particle image has been added

FastReport.Net 2020.1.25 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

FastReport.Net 2020.1.25
- added property Report.Tag
- fixed a bug when shifting SubReport to a new page didn't work correctly
- fixed a bug when the data footer break away from the data when property "keep with data" is enabled
- fixed generation of barcode GS1-128
- added "AutoEncode" property for DataMatrix Barcode. By default, if true, it encodes the &1; as a symbol of FNC1. If false, the character is encoded as is.
- added "OnScriptCompile" event that called when report's script compiles
- fixed public API for editing exports menu in PreviewControl
- added new TextQuality: SingleBitPerPixel & SingleBitPerPixelGridFit
- fixed incorrect value of Total, if it refers to another Total
- added ability to split table rows
- added RUB, BYN and BBYN currencies to ToWordsRu function
- fixed a bug where the table was not transferred correctly

- added backlighting of the band that the selected element will located on when dragging is completed
- added an ability to open subreport page by double-clicking on its object
- added an ability to change fonts for Code Tab, Text Editor and Expression Editor
- added an ability to replace pictures with drag & drop
- added an ability to open report file by drag & dropping
- added an ability to scroll the report horizontally while holding down the Shift key
- when changing the window, the context menu now closes
- fixed a bug when changing parameters after adding a line caused exception
- fixed a bug with creating the Intelligent Mail barcode
- fixed a bug with JSON-connection in Connection Wizard
- fixed a bug with incorrect drawing of horizontal guides
- fixed a bug when the width of objects was reset after closing Preview with enabled right anchor

- added "About" button in toolbar of preview window
- added an ability to scroll the report horizontally while holding down the Shift key

- added export to DXF
- fixed a bug with printing of layered Html export, when the report contains pages with landscape orientation
- fixed a bug where exporting to EMF called an exception
- fixed display of objects with negative height/width for layered Html-export

.Net Core:
- added version of FastReport for Core 3/3.1 for Windows-only
- updated a nuget dependencies to release versions instead of previews
- added MSChart support
- added a "Functions" in Online Designer
- changed access modifier PrintPdf & PrintHtml

FastReport.Net 2020.1.23
- Added backlighting of the band that the selected element will located on when dragging is completed
- Added an ability to replace pictures with drag & drop
- Added an ability to scroll the report horizontally while holding down the Shift key
- When changing the window, the context menu now closes
- Fixed a bug with incorrect drawing of horizontal guides

- Added an ability to scroll the report horizontally while holding down the Shift key

- Added export to DXF

.Net Core:
- Added MSChart support

FastReport.Net 2020.1.22
- added property Report.Tag
- fixed a bug when shifting SubReport to a new page didn't work correctly
- fixed a bug when the data footer break away from the data when property "keep with data" is enabled
- fixed generation of barcode GS1-128
- added "AutoEncode" property for DataMatrix Barcode. By default, if true, it encodes the &1; as a symbol of FNC1. If false, the character is encoded as is
- fixed public API for editing exports menu in PreviewControl
- added new TextQuality: SingleBitPerPixel & SingleBitPerPixelGridFit

- added ability to open subreport page by double-clicking on its object
- added ability to change fonts for Code Tab, Text Editor and Expression Editor
- added ability to replace pictures with drag & drop
- added ability to open report file by drag & dropping
- fixed a bug when changing parameters after adding a line caused exception
- fixed a bug with creating the Intelligent Mail barcode
- fixed bug with JSON-connection in Connection Wizard

FastReport.Net 2020.1.18
.Net Core:
- changed access modifier PrintPdf & PrintHtml

FastReport.Net 2020.1.17
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2020.1.16
- fixed public API for editing exports menu in PreviewControl

.Net Core:
- added a "Functions" in Online Designer

FastReport.Net 2020.1.15
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2020.1.14
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2020.1.13
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2020.1.12
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2020.1.11
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2020.1.10
- added property Report.Tag
- fixed a bug when shifting SubReport to a new page didn't work correctly
- fixed a bug when the data footer break away from the data when property "keep with data" is enabled
- added "AutoEncode" property for DataMatrix Barcode. By default, if true, it encodes the &1; as a symbol of FNC1. If false, the character is encoded as is.

- added ability to open subreport page by double-clicking on its object
- added ability to change fonts for Code Tab, Text Editor and Expression Editor
- fixed a bug when changing parameters after adding a line caused exception

- added "About" button in toolbar of preview window

- fixed a bug with printing of layered Html export, when the report contains pages with landscape orientation

.Net Core:
- updated a nuget dependencies to release versions instead of previews

FastReport.Net 2020.1.8
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2020.1.7
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2020.1.6
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2020.1.5
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2020.1.4
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2020.1.0
- Added events to TrueTypeCollection object. New demo programm shows how to use them - .DemosC#FontHandlersExportToPDF
- Added an ability to change decimal digits for Number, Currency and Percent formats when UseLocale property is true
- Added property "SplitRows" for MatrixObject. By default, its value is False and in this case rows with the same vaues are joined. If True - rows are split (like TableObject)
- Fixed bug with trying to convert DBNull in empty string when ConvertNulls is disabled
- Fixed a bug when PageFooter with PrintOn=LastPage causes to print it on penultimate page

- Added ability to drag & drop picture in format png, jpeg, jpg, gif, ico, bmp, tif, tiff, emf, wmf and text files in format txt, rtf
- Added ability to paste picture and text on page from clipboard
- Added ability to create new report page using: "+" button on the pages panel, double-click on empty space on the pages panel, "Ctrl+N" shortcut
- Fixed a bug when trying to set an incorrect RowSpan value to a MatrixObject cell
- Fixed a bug with dropping color, width and style in Border editor
- Fixed a bug with resizing PolyLineObject/PolygonObject, when it's copied with Ctrl+Drag
- Fixed a bug with inactive context menu "Size Mode" for SVG object
- Fixed a bug when subreport cannot be deleted when page linked to it was deleted before
- Fixed a bug when the buttons in the "Panel" in the "View" tab did not match the "Visible" property of the corresponding windows

- Added exports menu editor
- > new editor is available in user interface options; exports can now be removed from exports menu
- Data source menu in Text Editor is now hidden in Preview
- * "Delete Page" button now disabled in Preview when only one page generated

- Added ability to split pages in export to XML
- Added support for Padding property in Word2007 export
- Now in PDF export with InteractiveForms = true: fonts won't be saved if there aren't editable elements in the report
- Fixed bugs when exporting a multi-page report in XML
- Fixed a bug when PDF export generated incorrect file when EmbeddingFonts and InteraciveForms properties equal True
- Fixed view of background on BarcodeObject at Pdf and Html export
- Fixed bugs when displaying Shape, Barcode, Polygon etc. with fill (or background) in all exports with table layout

- Added ability to change export settings. To do this, you need to subscribe to the ExportParameters event in WebReport.Report
- Fixed incorrect width and height for reports with mixed page orientation (Landscape & Portrait)
- Fixed incorrect view of background in ShapeObject
- Fixed lack of non-standard fill (Hatch, LinearGradient, etc.) on ShapeObject

.Net core:
- Fixed a bug with SQLite plugin if database includes null-values
- Fixed a critical bug on embedding fonts

FastReport.Net 2019.4.15
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2019.4.14
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2019.4.13
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2019.4.12
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2019.4.11
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2019.4.10
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2019.4.9
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2019.4.8
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2019.4.7
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2019.4.6
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2019.4.5
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2019.4.4
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2019.4.3
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2019.3.26
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2019.3.25
- Fixed a bug with the inability to return and cancel actions when copying the format

- Fixed a bug with breaking ManualBuild table with CanBreak = false

.Net Core:
- Fixed TrueType font name conversion for extended weights
- > font name conversion affected to FR.Core. The existing "font.list" file must be deleted manually, and will automatically rebuild on next export to PDF. Note that rebuilding of font.list takes long time

FastReport.Net 2019.3.24
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2019.3.22
- added Bezier curve for polygons
- Added new time format minutes:seconds [mm:ss]
- Fixed image size calculation when AutoSize is enabled in the preparation stage
- Fixed RichText lists format
- Fixed a bug when font changed in parent report were not changed in inherited report
- Updated a polygon object: now the polygon toolbar is displayed not near to the object, but in the main toolbar and in ribbon; polygon modes are changed, new modes allow editing and adding curves
- > because polygons have got strong changes, we want to get more detail about the change, the polygon has 5 editing modes: the first allows you to work with the whole object, the second for selecting and moving points, the third allows you to add new points to the polygon, the fourth allows you to edit the curves, the fifth to delete the points of the polygon. For the 3rd and 4th mode, you must select a point
- Added a new Json data connection integrated into the engine
- Added FontListFolder property in the Utils.Config
- Added RepeatBandNTimes property for bands
- Fixed bug with changing the GroupHeaderBand hierarchy if it had a child GroupHeaderBand

- Fixed TypeConverter on the TextObject.ParagraphFormat property
- Fixed a bug with rising exception when double clicking on a TextObject
- Fixed a bug with shadow of report when designer is in Right-to-Left mode
- Added feature to edit the sql query for the Query Builder; if the Query Builder cannot process the query a warning will be showed
- Fixed a bug when Query Builder adds extra comma
- Fixed bug with adding extra spaces in QueryBuilder
- Fixed a bug with position of report shadow when zooming in Right-to-Left designer
- Now when the name of data source changed, its name changes in expressions of TextObject.Text, PictureObject.DataColumn, DataBand.Filter and DataBand.Sort

- Added the ability to subscribe to the PreviewControl.OnPrint and PreviewControl.OnExport events, which are called when the corresponding buttons are clicked
- Fixed bug with display on the penultimate page with PageFooter PrintOn = LastPage

.NET Core:
- Fixed memory leak in PDF-export
- Fixed memory leak in font engine
- Fixed glyph widths in PDF export
- Fixed errors of report building with complex expressions ("Requested operation is not available because the runtime library function '' is not defined.")
- Fixed display of fonts in PDF export, reduced accuracy to 2 decimal places

- Added PdfImagesOriginalResolution, PdfJpegCompression and PdfColorSpace properties
- Added rotation for pages with landscape orientation in printing from browser
- Added event CustomAuth

- Fixed bug with export of bitmaps in ZPL
- Fixed bug with incorrect height of cells in Excel2007
- Fixed bug with exporting empty sheet in Excel2007
- Fixed bug with exporting the page with the wrong size in Excel97
- Fixed bug with exporting empty cells in Excel2007
- Fixed bug with strikethrough text in Excel2007 export
- Fixed bug with strikethrough text in Word2007 export, when using html-tags and conditional formatting
- Added Hyperlinks to RTFExport
- Fixed QR code position in ZPL export
- Fixed page init priority in ZPL export
- Improved an example DemosC#PrintZPL
- Fixed a bug with the same images duplication in the HtmlExport (properties: Layers, EmbeddedPictures)
- Added an ability to split pages with data in different sheets when exporting to Excel2007
- Fixed bug with the lack of hyperlinks in pictures, figures, QR-codes when exporting to PDF
- Fixed bug with exporting empty text to RTF, when using CanShrink = true and TextRenderType = HtmlParagraph

FastReport.Net 2019.3.21
- Fixed bug with display on the penultimate page with PageFooter PrintOn = LastPage

FastReport.Net 2019.3.20
- added Bezier curve for polygons
- added new time format minutes:seconds [mm:ss]
- fixed image size calculation when AutoSize is enabled in the preparation stage
- fixed RichText lists format
- fixed a bug when font changed in parent report were not changed in inherited report
- updated a polygon object: now the polygon toolbar is displayed not near to the object, but in the main toolbar and in ribbon; polygon modes are changed, new modes allow editing and adding curves
- because polygons have got strong changes, we want to get more detail about the change, the polygon has 5 editing modes: the first allows you to work with the whole object, the second for selecting and moving points, the third allows you to add new points to the polygon, the fourth allows you to edit the curves, the fifth to delete the points of the polygon. For the 3rd and 4th mode, you must select a point
- added a new Json data connection integrated into the engine
- added FontListFolder property in the Utils.Config
- added RepeatBandNTimes property for bands
- fixed bug with changing the GroupHeaderBand hierarchy if it had a child GroupHeaderBand

- fixed TypeConverter on the TextObject.ParagraphFormat property
- fixed a bug with rising exception when double clicking on a TextObject
- fixed a bug with shadow of report when designer is in Right-to-Left mode
- added feature to edit the sql query for the Query Builder; if the Query Builder cannot process the query a warning will be showed
- fixed a bug when Query Builder adds extra comma
- fixed bug with adding extra spaces in QueryBuilder
- fixed a bug with position of report shadow when zooming in Right-to-Left designer
- now when the name of data source changed, its name changes in expressions of TextObject.Text, PictureObject.DataColumn, DataBand.Filter and DataBand.Sort

- Added the ability to subscribe to the PreviewControl.OnPrint and PreviewControl.OnExport events, which are called when the corresponding buttons are clicked

- Fixed memory leak in PDF-export
- Fixed memory leak in font engine
- Fixed glyph widths in PDF export
- Fixed errors of report building with complex expressions ("Requested operation is not available because the runtime library function '' is not defined.")
- Fixed display of fonts in PDF export, reduced accuracy to 2 decimal places

- Added PdfImagesOriginalResolution, PdfJpegCompression and PdfColorSpace properties
- Added rotation for pages with landscape orientation in printing from browser
- Added event CustomAuth

- Fixed bug with export of bitmaps in ZPL
- Fixed bug with incorrect height of cells in Excel2007
- Fixed bug with exporting empty sheet in Excel2007
- Fixed bug with exporting the page with the wrong size in Excel97
- Fixed bug with exporting empty cells in Excel2007
- Fixed bug with strikethrough text in Excel2007 export
- Fixed bug with strikethrough text in Word2007 export, when using html-tags and conditional formatting
- Added Hyperlinks to RTFExport
- Fixed QR code position in ZPL export
- Fixed page init priority in ZPL export
- Improved an example DemosC#PrintZPL
- Fixed a bug with the same images duplication in the HtmlExport (properties: Layers, EmbeddedPictures)
- Added an ability to split pages with data in different sheets when exporting to Excel2007
- Fixed bug with the lack of hyperlinks in pictures, figures, QR-codes when exporting to PDF
- Fixed bug with exporting empty text to RTF, when using CanShrink = true and TextRenderType = HtmlParagraph

TeamViewer 15.3.2682.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

TeamViewer 15.3.2682.0
New features:
- New chat features: you can now remove a participant from a chat conversation

Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug for TeamViewer Printing that prevented showing an error message when the activation failed in a connection to a non-supported operating system version
- Fixed a bug for account login that caused the account to automatically sign off even though "Keep me signed in" was enabled
- Fixed a bug that increased memory usage due to failing DNS
- Fixed a bug that prevented the full-screen option in advanced properties menu of the Computers  & Contacts list to work correctly for a selected device
- Fixed a bug within a session that caused the session to be closed after five minutes for an additionally added participant
- Fixed a bug within a session that allowed mouse actions to be processed while remote input was disabled

TeamViewer 15.2.2756.0
- You can now right-click on your computers and contacts to view a context menu
- You can now resize the Computers & Contacts list to a slim window
- TeamViewer now supports an easier MSI version update. All TeamViewer settings (account assignment, customization, and further registry settings) are now preserved when updating from TeamViewer 15.2 or later to a newer version
- Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented printing a document via TeamViewer Printing due to the printing dialogue not popping up
- Fixed a bug that prevented the script menu within a session being updated automatically when the very first script has been added to the Management Console
- Fixed a bug in the file transfer window that resulted in a crash when navigating to a folder with thousands of files
- Fixed a bug for "Leave note" that did not accept Japanese characters
- Fixed a bug that prevented TeamViewer from terminating and prevented re-starting

TeamViewer 15.1.3937
- Updated TeamViewer EULA
- You can now invite users to join a TeamViewer Pilot session by creating Pilot session codes
- You can now send files during a TeamViewer Pilot session to the remote device
- Fixed a bug that too many notifications have been shown during copy & paste actions for images from a local to a remote computer
- Fixed a bug that prevented the execution of PowerShell scripts from the client toolbar's script menu if the Windows username on the remote side contains a blank

TeamViewer 15.0.8397
- Improved quality for audio transmission within a remote control connection and within a TeamViewer meeting
- Simplified and clearer choices in the Advanced Options to define the automatic update behavior of the client
- TeamViewer is now fully compatible on Windows 10 v19H2 (November 2019 update)

TeamViewer 14.7.1965
- TeamViewer Remote Printing is now also available if Windows 10 version 1903 is running on the remote side
- TeamViewer Pilot: it is now possible to take a screenshot of the live video stream in Pilot sessions
- An optional disclaimer is shown before every connection when connecting through Host. This disclaimer can be configured within each custom host (enabled/disabled and displayed text)
- Solved issues which caused TeamViewer to crash
- Solved an issue that prevented the control of Android devices from Windows touchscreen devices
- Solved an issue where a message for proxy authentication is shown wrongly
- Implemented a measure to prevent a Microsoft Windows system DLL from loading untrusted DLLs from the application directory into the service process
- Minor improvements and fixes

TeamViewer 14.6.4835
- Change log not available for this version

TeamViewer 14.6.2452
- A bug that caused interruptions in the audio stream was fixed
- TeamViewer is fully compatible with the upcoming Apple operating systems iOS 13 and iPadOS, the new operating system for iPads

New add-ons for connections to mobile devices have been released, these devices are now supported:
- The digital signage player of the Swedish brand DMD
- The mobile phone Nokia 4.2
- The smartphones made by VSmart
- The payment terminals, Pin Pads and Point-of-Sale devices from Nexgo
- In addition to the already available add-ons for Sharp smartphones, there is now also an add-on for digital signage monitors from Sharp.
- The Philips displays TPM1531 and TPM1532

TeamViewer 14.5.5819
- Solved some other issues which caused crashes
- Minor improvements and fixes

TeamViewer 14.5.1691
- Full compatibility with the latest Windows 10 version (0319) and Windows Server 2019
- TeamViewer Pilot - You can now add text to arrows and free-hand drawings
- TeamViewer Pilot - Improved image quality for connections to iPhones/iPads
- Fixed a bug that prevented file transfer connections to TeamViewer 6 and previous
- Fixed a bug that prevented the correct closing of connections to TeamViewer 6 and previous versions
- Fixed a bug that prevented the correct availability of the TeamViewer Server ID on Windows Server 2019 systems
- Fixed a bug that caused increased use of memory during connections to Android devices and TeamViewer eventually crashing as a result of this
- Fixed a bug that resulted in a missing button "overwrite all" in the file transfer window.
- Fixed a crash that occurred sometimes when deleting a file/folder in the file transfer window
- Fixed a crash that could occur when the remote system and the TeamViewer connection was running on 8-bit color depth mode
- Fixed a bug that caused the video of meeting participants not to be recorded under certain circumstances when recording the meeting
- Solved some other issues which caused crashes
- Minor improvements and fixes

TeamViewer 14.4.2669
- New TeamViewer Pilot tab for more convenient session establishment
- Integrated TFA into login flow (without the modal dialog)
- Removal of the old user interface to allow improvements in performance and user experience
- servicecamp - Mobile responsive view
- Fix for CVE-2019-11769 - Remove the possibility to provide TeamViewer the Windows Admin Account Credentials to update TeamViewer
- Fixed a bug in the File transfer that resulted sometimes in a freeze of the File transfer window
- Fixed a bug that prevented to read a chat message to a device without being logged in.
- Solved some other issues which caused crashes
- Minor improvements and fixes

TeamViewer 14.3.4730
- The expert on the client side in TeamViewer Pilot sessions can now draw free-hand in addition to placing arrows
- Fixed an issue which prevented VoIP from starting directly from the beginning of a TeamViewer Pilot session
- Fixed a bug that prevented to copy & paste image bitmaps from one machine to another machine.
- Fixed a bug that caused problems when executing uploaded PowerShell scripts within a session on a 64-bit machine as execution permissions for the 32-bit process have been used.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the successful connection when using the--PasswordB64 parameter as input for the TeamViewer.exe file.
- Fixed a crash that made it impossible to log in to File Box services during a presentation.
- Fixed a bug that could cause connections to mobile devices to become stuck during connection establishment under certain conditions
- Fixed a bug that caused an ID selection window to show under certain conditions when connecting to a remote device via an ID
- Fixed a bug that prevented the Switch Sides functionality to work under specific conditions
- Fixed a bug that caused the screen sharing widget to not update correctly with the current screen contents when hosting a meeting
- Solved some other issues which caused crashes
- Minor improvements and fixes

TeamViewer 14.2.8352
- Fixed a bug that in some cases prevented connections to the login screen if the remote mac was locked
- Solved some other issues which caused crashes
- Minor improvements and fixes

TeamViewer 14.2.2558

- TeamViewer-UDP now also works in IPv6-Only-Networks or where specific NAT-Technology prevent UDP via IPv4 from working
- With a new access control for script execution for incoming and outgoing sessions that can be rolled out via policies in the Management Console the permissions can be set more granular
- Script execution is now also possible when connecting to a Linux remote machine. The necessary scripts can be uploaded in the Management Console
- Major performance improvements for TeamViewer Pilot connections
- Free-hand drawing of Pilot connection partner
- Improved the remote control performance by improving how TeamViewer leverages the network for optimal throughput
- Now the script menu within the session is updated while having a session if scripts are added, deleted or updated
- Improved the way how TeamViewer handles CTRL keys in combination with other programs
- Fixed a bug that created new folders during a file transfer when copying from/to a network drive (that is not mapped)
- Fixed a bug that caused TeamViewer to freeze when large files were copied especially from a network drive
-Fixed a bug that caused a decreased remote control performance when connecting to macOS devices where TeamViewer is configured as start with system
- Fixed a bug that results in a freeze of the remote Excel application for copy & paste from a local Excel file to a remote Excel file (only occurred for big local Excel files)
- Fixed a bug that caused videos running on the remote machine to freeze during a connection when resizing the video window
- Fixed a bug that caused screen artifacts when resizing a video during the remote control session
- Fixed a bug that caused TeamViewer to consume more memory than expected during remote control sessions
- Fixed a bug that caused TeamViewer to consume more memory than expected while transferring large files
- Fixed a bug that caused TeamViewer to consume more memory than expected when using an account with many partners in the computers & contacts list
- Solved some other issues which caused crashes
- Minor improvements and fixes

TeamViewer 14.1.18533
- Solved some other issues which caused crashes
- Minor improvements and fixes

TeamViewer 14.1.9025
- Solved some other issues which caused crashes
- Minor improvements and fixes

TeamViewer 14.1.3399
- After a script execution within the session is finished a server notification is now shown with an exit code as well as for failed executions.
- Fixed a bug that caused the remote control window to show black artifacts after minimizing and maximizing it
- Fixed a bug that caused screen artifacts in some cases while moving a video during the remote connection
- Fixed a bug that prevents screen updates after minimizing the remote control windows
- Solved some other issues which caused crashes
- Minor improvements and fixes

TeamViewer 14.0.13880
- Change log not available for this version

TeamViewer 14.0.12762
- Fixed a bug that caused TeamViewer in some cases to show an incorrect error message about running in limited demonstration mode after updating to TeamViewer 14
- Solved some other issues which caused crashes
- Minor improvements and fixes
- Fixed a bug in the msi installer for the full client where the option "Start with Windows" was automatically activated

TeamViewer 13.2.26558
- Change log not available for this version

TeamViewer 13.2.14327
- Change log not available for this version

TeamViewer 13.2.5287
- Change log not available for this version

TeamViewer 13.1.3629
- Change log not available for this version

TeamViewer 13.1.1548

Single-Window User Interface:
- 9 out of 10 users are extremely satisfied with the new design, that condenses and simplifies multiple windows and tools into one easy-to-use, re-sizable client window, that also remains open when establishing a remote control connection

Active Directory Connector:
- Ensure the right people always have access to a company TeamViewer account. Use the new graphical user interface of the AD Connector to configure and synchronize multiple AD groups, execute test runs, and set up scheduled synchronizations

TeamViewer 13.0.6447
- Fixed a bug that caused the local taskbar still to be visible in full screen mode
- Fixed a bug that caused connection attempts to take longer than expected
- Fixed a bug that caused a black remote screen if the remote computer was running OSX and did have special uncommon screen resolutions
- Fixed a bug that caused the connection window to close when trying to move a connection tab to a separate window
- Fixed a security issue with access controls - mouse interactions
- Solved some other issues which caused crashes
- Minor improvements and fixes

TeamViewer 13.0.5640
- Change log not available for this version

TeamViewer 13.0.5058
- Change log not available for this version

TeamViewer 12.0.88438
- Change log not available for this version

TeamViewer 12.0.83369
- Change log not available for this version

TeamViewer 12.0.82216
- Change log not available for this version

TeamViewer 12.0.81460
- Change log not available for this version

TeamViewer 12.0.80984
- Change log not available for this version

TeamViewer 12.0.78716
- Fixed: Connection issues to Windows 10 Creators Update
- Fixed: In some cases, when connecting to the login screen of devices running the Windows 10 Creators Update (version 1703), a TeamViewer session could not be established. This has been fixed and you can connect to the device even if no user is logged in on the device

TeamViewer 12.0.78313
Bug fixes:
- TeamViewer now supports Connected Standby and Windows 10 Modern Standby
- The name of a Custom Module executable file can now freely be changed yet still the Custom Module dynamically applies the customization defined in the Management Console
- Start the TeamViewer Host app which is in the new "Eco mode" on an Android remote device
- Fixed a bug that displayed session tabs incorrectly in full screen mode
- Fixed a bug that prevented session tabs from being closed using the primary mouse key when using a left-handed
- Fixed a Bug where during a remote control session the windows key was sent.
- Fixed a bug where scaling within a remote control session influenced the visual appearance of the toolbar.
- Fixed a bug where a crash occurred if installation mode was 'Run only' and simplified user interface was activated.
- Fixed a bug where it was not possible to maximize the Computer & Contact-List.
- Solved some other issues which caused crashes
- Minor improvements and fixes

TeamViewer 12.0.77242
- Fixed a bug that caused Custom Modules to lose their customization after remotely updating TeamViewer
- Fixed a bug that caused the unattended access setup wizard to be displayed after remotely updating TeamViewer
- Fixed a bug that loading the chat room list stopped after some time
- Fixed a bug where the TeamViewer window jumped into focus and interfered with KeePass.
- Solved some other issues which caused crashes
- Minor improvements and fixes

TeamViewer 12.0.75813
- Now the last used window size and tab is automatically used when opening the main window using the new user interface
- Now there is a connection indicator added to the Computers & Contacts list using the new user interface
- Now there is a link from the simplified user interface to the connection reports in the Management Console
- Now the navigation in the new user interface is resizable
- Fixed a bug that caused TeamViewer to crash after setting the video source in the properties to "No Video"
- Fixed a bug that caused the session recording to freeze if the session was minimized
- Fixed a bug where the title in the title bar during a session did not display the configured name correctly
- Fixed a bug where TeamViewer 12.0.72365 crashed if the remote side closed the connection during a recorded session
- Fixed a crash on the remote side that occurred in some special cases when closing the connection
- Fixed a bug where the password could already be entered while the server connection was still established so that the password had to be entered again
- Fixed a bug that caused the wallpaper to be displayed after fast user switch was performed even if the "Hide wallpaper" option was activated
- Fixed a bug that caused a black remote control screen when performing fast user switch on a Windows Server 2016 machine
- Fixed a bug where sometimes a crash occurred when the feedback button was clicked using the new user interface
- Fixed a bug where no notification was displayed for incoming chat messages using the new user interface
- Fixed a bug where the password was not displayed correctly using the new user interface
- Fixed a bug where the player to view recorded sessions did not work properly
- Fixed a bug where the microphone was activated when the client started a Voice over IP call
- Fixed a bug where the microphone was activated when clicking the communication tab in the toolbar
- Fixed a bug where the TeamViewer Panel of the remote computer was lost after a paused recorded session was resumed
- Fixed a bug where the audio icon was missing within the TeamViewer Panel
- Fixed a bug within the Computers & Contacts list where collapsing the "nearby" group led to clearance of the list
- Fixed a bug where clicking on chat or service case notifications did not work
- Fixed a bug where the displayed icon for service cases inside the Notification Center was not correct
- Fixed a bug that caused a black remote control screen when setting the quality to grayscale
- Solved some other issues which caused crashes
- Minor improvements and fixes

TeamViewer 12.0.72365
- Fixed a bug where a black screen occurred when connecting to Windows Server, Windows 7 or Windows 10
- Fixed a bug that prevented the file transfer from being able to leverage full transfer speeds
- Fixed a bug where the reconnect information message box did not open after restarting the remote machine manually
- Fixed a bug where it was not possible to reconnect when restarting the remote machine during a "session code"-based session to a custom QuickSupport module
- Fixed a bug where it was not possible to assign a device to an account via the in session dashboard
- Fixed a bug where it was not possible to chat with a single participant during a meeting
- Improved scrolling behaviour in Computer & Contacts list using the new user interface
- Fixed a bug where the session code was still editable after it was closed in the new user interface
- Solved some other issues which caused crashes
- Minor improvements and fixes

TeamViewer 12.0.71503
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the connection to freeze during a file transfer
- Fixed a bug where the installation on a Windows Server 2008 R2 was not possible
- Fixed a bug where it was not possible to remotely install a custom Host when being connected to a QuickSupport
- Minor improvements and fixes

TeamViewer 12.0.71077
- Fixed a bug that Ctrl+Alt+Del was sometimes not transmitted when using the toolbar action
- Fixed a bug that devices were not assigned when they were installed via the MSI package
- Fixed a bug where setting a personal password for a device in the Management Console and using the TeamViewer client to connect did not work
- Fixed a bug that froze TeamViewer for several seconds after a connection was closed
- Fixed a crash that occurred when connecting to macOS Sierra
- Fixed a bug that sometimes crashed the remote computer when the screen resolution was changed
- Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred after transferring a file via clipboard
- Fixed a bug that prevented the custom QuickSupport from generating new passwords when triggered manually
- Fixed a bug where a black screen occurred when recording a remote control session to an Android Host
- Solved some other issues which caused crashes
- Minor improvements and fixes

TeamViewer 12.0.70155
- Fixed a bug that the remote connection screen was incorrectly scaled
- Fixed the COM-API

TeamViewer 12.0.70002
- Fixed a bug that the remote connection screen was blurred
- Fixed a bug that sharing files via file box did not work

TeamViewer 12.0.69740
- Fixed a bug that caused the TeamViewer host user interface to open after performing an automatic update from older versions than 11.0.66695
- Fixed a bug where the file transfer from a windows to a mac computer stopped working after overwriting files on the mac side
- Fixed a bug that caused the VOIP prompt to pop up automatically on the supporter’s side after the connection was established
- Fixed a bug where wrong timestamps were displayed in chat conversations
- Fixed a bug where a black screen was displayed after starting a remote connection
- Fixed a bug where sometimes a partner remained in the waiting room after sides were switched
- Fixed a bug where a second incoming connection did not display the supporter’s name in the server control but just the remote ID
- Fixed a crash which occurred after adding your own account to the whitelist
- Fixed a bug that prevented the inactive sessions timeout from functioning correctly
- Fixed a bug that caused the touch control input to not be possible after turning full screen on and off
- Fixed a bug where no incoming file transfer notification was displayed
- Fixed a bug where it was not possible to connect to a preferred initial screen
- Solved some other issues which caused crashes
- Minor improvements and fixes

TeamViewer 11.0.66695
- Fixed a bug that caused TeamViewer to freeze when opening the context menu in the Computer & Contacts list

TeamViewer 11.0.66595
- Change log not available for this version

TeamViewer 11.0.65452
- New: QuickSupport (Preview) for Windows 10 Mobile - TeamViewer is the first and currently only solution capable of providing remote support to Windows 10 Mobile devices. Simply download and launch TeamViewer QuickSupport on your Windows 10 mobile device. The app is currently available for TeamViewer 11 as a Preview.
- New: OneDrive for Business - TeamViewer has expanded its list of supported cloud storage providers to include enterprise-level capabilities and now offers integration of OneDrive for Business into your file box.
- Fixed a bug that TeamViewer started maximized after Windows login and doesn’t stays minimized in tray menu
- Fixed a bug that it was not possible to connect to TeamViewer Version 4 and 5
- Fixed a bug where key combinations using the 'AltGr' key were not transferred correctly
- Fixed a bug where it was not possible to reconnect after updating a custom QuickSupport to a custom Host module
- Fixed a bug when logout of Windows 10 caused the remote window to freeze
- Fixed a bug where text was scaled incorrectly at high dpi resolutions within the Host module
- Fixed a bug where TeamViewer could not grab all parts of the virtual monitor
- Fixed a bug where remote reboot using custom QuickSupport with Windows credentials failed
- Fixed a bug that caused the "start meeting" button to be displayed as "abort connection" when applying a meeting-restriction policy to devices
- Fixed a bug where the 100% scaling option did not have any impact
- Fixed a bug when 'accept exclusively' is set the file transfer and remote control radio buttons were grayed out
- Fixed a bug where TeamViewer was unable to get online after Windows sleep mode
- Fixed a bug where some custom QuickSupport modules could not generate a session code
- Solved some other issues that caused crashes
- Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred after the update, mostly when starting TeamViewer for the second time
- Minor improvements and fixes

Epic Pen 3.7.28 查看版本資訊


rekordbox 5.8.4 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Potential crash when analyzing tracks
- Improved stability and fixed other minor issues

pdfFactory 7.17 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the “Grayscale” setting to produce incorrect images

Kinza 6.1.3 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Support for minor Chromium upgrade (80.0.3987.106 → 80.0.3987.116)

Epic Pen 3.7.27 查看版本資訊
