
最新版本 FastReport.Net 2020.1.25

FastReport.Net 2020.1.25

FastReport.Net 2020.1.25
TeamViewer 是遠程控制,桌面共享和文件傳輸的解決方案,適用於任何防火牆和 NAT 代理。要連接到另一台計算機,只需在兩台計算機上運行 TeamViewer 而不需要安裝過程。在第一次啟動時,在兩台計算機上都會生成自動夥伴 ID。在 TeamViewer 輸入您的合作夥伴的 ID,並立即建立連接。您可以通過點擊免費下載按鈕,從我們的網站下載 TeamViewer PC 離線安裝程序.

TeamViewer 功能:

隨著 TeamViewer 您可以遠程控制任何在互聯網上的任何 PC。無需安裝,只需運行雙方的應用程序即可連接 - 即使是通過嚴密的防火牆.

第二個 TeamViewer 模式允許您向合作夥伴展示您的桌面。在幾秒鐘之內在互聯網上展示您的演示,產品和演示 - 在您的屏幕上實時顯示.

File Transfer
TeamViewer 帶有集成文件傳輸功能,允許您將文件和文件夾從遠程夥伴複製到遠程夥伴 - 也在防火牆後面工作

Works Firewalls
使用遠程控制軟件是防火牆和阻塞的端口,以及本地 IP 地址的 NAT 路由。如果你使用 TeamViewer,你不必擔心防火牆:TeamViewer 會找到你的伙伴的路線.

TeamViewer 是一個非常安全的解決方案。商業 TeamViewer 版本具有完全安全的數據通道,具有密鑰交換和 RC4 會話編碼,與 https / SSL 使用的安全標準相同。下載 TeamViewer 脫機安裝程序安裝!

要安裝 TeamViewer 不需要管理員權限。只需運行該軟件,你就可以...

優化了通過局域網和互聯網連接,TeamViewer 功能自動基於帶寬的質量選擇優化使用任何連接.

也可用:下載 TeamViewer 為 Mac


檔案版本 FastReport.Net 2020.1.25

檔案名稱 FRNetDemo.msi
檔案大小 53.3 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 TeamViewer GmbH
官網 暫無資訊
更新日期 2020-02-25

What's new in this version:

FastReport.Net 2020.1.25
- added property Report.Tag
- fixed a bug when shifting SubReport to a new page didn't work correctly
- fixed a bug when the data footer break away from the data when property "keep with data" is enabled
- fixed generation of barcode GS1-128
- added "AutoEncode" property for DataMatrix Barcode. By default, if true, it encodes the &1; as a symbol of FNC1. If false, the character is encoded as is.
- added "OnScriptCompile" event that called when report's script compiles
- fixed public API for editing exports menu in PreviewControl
- added new TextQuality: SingleBitPerPixel & SingleBitPerPixelGridFit
- fixed incorrect value of Total, if it refers to another Total
- added ability to split table rows
- added RUB, BYN and BBYN currencies to ToWordsRu function
- fixed a bug where the table was not transferred correctly

- added backlighting of the band that the selected element will located on when dragging is completed
- added an ability to open subreport page by double-clicking on its object
- added an ability to change fonts for Code Tab, Text Editor and Expression Editor
- added an ability to replace pictures with drag & drop
- added an ability to open report file by drag & dropping
- added an ability to scroll the report horizontally while holding down the Shift key
- when changing the window, the context menu now closes
- fixed a bug when changing parameters after adding a line caused exception
- fixed a bug with creating the Intelligent Mail barcode
- fixed a bug with JSON-connection in Connection Wizard
- fixed a bug with incorrect drawing of horizontal guides
- fixed a bug when the width of objects was reset after closing Preview with enabled right anchor

- added "About" button in toolbar of preview window
- added an ability to scroll the report horizontally while holding down the Shift key

- added export to DXF
- fixed a bug with printing of layered Html export, when the report contains pages with landscape orientation
- fixed a bug where exporting to EMF called an exception
- fixed display of objects with negative height/width for layered Html-export

.Net Core:
- added version of FastReport for Core 3/3.1 for Windows-only
- updated a nuget dependencies to release versions instead of previews
- added MSChart support
- added a "Functions" in Online Designer
- changed access modifier PrintPdf & PrintHtml

FastReport.Net 2020.1.23
- Added backlighting of the band that the selected element will located on when dragging is completed
- Added an ability to replace pictures with drag & drop
- Added an ability to scroll the report horizontally while holding down the Shift key
- When changing the window, the context menu now closes
- Fixed a bug with incorrect drawing of horizontal guides

- Added an ability to scroll the report horizontally while holding down the Shift key

- Added export to DXF

.Net Core:
- Added MSChart support

FastReport.Net 2020.1.22
- added property Report.Tag
- fixed a bug when shifting SubReport to a new page didn't work correctly
- fixed a bug when the data footer break away from the data when property "keep with data" is enabled
- fixed generation of barcode GS1-128
- added "AutoEncode" property for DataMatrix Barcode. By default, if true, it encodes the &1; as a symbol of FNC1. If false, the character is encoded as is
- fixed public API for editing exports menu in PreviewControl
- added new TextQuality: SingleBitPerPixel & SingleBitPerPixelGridFit

- added ability to open subreport page by double-clicking on its object
- added ability to change fonts for Code Tab, Text Editor and Expression Editor
- added ability to replace pictures with drag & drop
- added ability to open report file by drag & dropping
- fixed a bug when changing parameters after adding a line caused exception
- fixed a bug with creating the Intelligent Mail barcode
- fixed bug with JSON-connection in Connection Wizard

FastReport.Net 2020.1.18
.Net Core:
- changed access modifier PrintPdf & PrintHtml

FastReport.Net 2020.1.17
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2020.1.16
- fixed public API for editing exports menu in PreviewControl

.Net Core:
- added a "Functions" in Online Designer

FastReport.Net 2020.1.15
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2020.1.14
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2020.1.13
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2020.1.12
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2020.1.11
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2020.1.10
- added property Report.Tag
- fixed a bug when shifting SubReport to a new page didn't work correctly
- fixed a bug when the data footer break away from the data when property "keep with data" is enabled
- added "AutoEncode" property for DataMatrix Barcode. By default, if true, it encodes the &1; as a symbol of FNC1. If false, the character is encoded as is.

- added ability to open subreport page by double-clicking on its object
- added ability to change fonts for Code Tab, Text Editor and Expression Editor
- fixed a bug when changing parameters after adding a line caused exception

- added "About" button in toolbar of preview window

- fixed a bug with printing of layered Html export, when the report contains pages with landscape orientation

.Net Core:
- updated a nuget dependencies to release versions instead of previews

FastReport.Net 2020.1.8
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2020.1.7
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2020.1.6
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2020.1.5
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2020.1.4
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2020.1.0
- Added events to TrueTypeCollection object. New demo programm shows how to use them - .DemosC#FontHandlersExportToPDF
- Added an ability to change decimal digits for Number, Currency and Percent formats when UseLocale property is true
- Added property "SplitRows" for MatrixObject. By default, its value is False and in this case rows with the same vaues are joined. If True - rows are split (like TableObject)
- Fixed bug with trying to convert DBNull in empty string when ConvertNulls is disabled
- Fixed a bug when PageFooter with PrintOn=LastPage causes to print it on penultimate page

- Added ability to drag & drop picture in format png, jpeg, jpg, gif, ico, bmp, tif, tiff, emf, wmf and text files in format txt, rtf
- Added ability to paste picture and text on page from clipboard
- Added ability to create new report page using: "+" button on the pages panel, double-click on empty space on the pages panel, "Ctrl+N" shortcut
- Fixed a bug when trying to set an incorrect RowSpan value to a MatrixObject cell
- Fixed a bug with dropping color, width and style in Border editor
- Fixed a bug with resizing PolyLineObject/PolygonObject, when it's copied with Ctrl+Drag
- Fixed a bug with inactive context menu "Size Mode" for SVG object
- Fixed a bug when subreport cannot be deleted when page linked to it was deleted before
- Fixed a bug when the buttons in the "Panel" in the "View" tab did not match the "Visible" property of the corresponding windows

- Added exports menu editor
- > new editor is available in user interface options; exports can now be removed from exports menu
- Data source menu in Text Editor is now hidden in Preview
- * "Delete Page" button now disabled in Preview when only one page generated

- Added ability to split pages in export to XML
- Added support for Padding property in Word2007 export
- Now in PDF export with InteractiveForms = true: fonts won't be saved if there aren't editable elements in the report
- Fixed bugs when exporting a multi-page report in XML
- Fixed a bug when PDF export generated incorrect file when EmbeddingFonts and InteraciveForms properties equal True
- Fixed view of background on BarcodeObject at Pdf and Html export
- Fixed bugs when displaying Shape, Barcode, Polygon etc. with fill (or background) in all exports with table layout

- Added ability to change export settings. To do this, you need to subscribe to the ExportParameters event in WebReport.Report
- Fixed incorrect width and height for reports with mixed page orientation (Landscape & Portrait)
- Fixed incorrect view of background in ShapeObject
- Fixed lack of non-standard fill (Hatch, LinearGradient, etc.) on ShapeObject

.Net core:
- Fixed a bug with SQLite plugin if database includes null-values
- Fixed a critical bug on embedding fonts

FastReport.Net 2019.4.15
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2019.4.14
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2019.4.13
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2019.4.12
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2019.4.11
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2019.4.10
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2019.4.9
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2019.4.8
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2019.4.7
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2019.4.6
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2019.4.5
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2019.4.4
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2019.4.3
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2019.3.26
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2019.3.25
- Fixed a bug with the inability to return and cancel actions when copying the format

- Fixed a bug with breaking ManualBuild table with CanBreak = false

.Net Core:
- Fixed TrueType font name conversion for extended weights
- > font name conversion affected to FR.Core. The existing "font.list" file must be deleted manually, and will automatically rebuild on next export to PDF. Note that rebuilding of font.list takes long time

FastReport.Net 2019.3.24
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2019.3.22
- added Bezier curve for polygons
- Added new time format minutes:seconds [mm:ss]
- Fixed image size calculation when AutoSize is enabled in the preparation stage
- Fixed RichText lists format
- Fixed a bug when font changed in parent report were not changed in inherited report
- Updated a polygon object: now the polygon toolbar is displayed not near to the object, but in the main toolbar and in ribbon; polygon modes are changed, new modes allow editing and adding curves
- > because polygons have got strong changes, we want to get more detail about the change, the polygon has 5 editing modes: the first allows you to work with the whole object, the second for selecting and moving points, the third allows you to add new points to the polygon, the fourth allows you to edit the curves, the fifth to delete the points of the polygon. For the 3rd and 4th mode, you must select a point
- Added a new Json data connection integrated into the engine
- Added FontListFolder property in the Utils.Config
- Added RepeatBandNTimes property for bands
- Fixed bug with changing the GroupHeaderBand hierarchy if it had a child GroupHeaderBand

- Fixed TypeConverter on the TextObject.ParagraphFormat property
- Fixed a bug with rising exception when double clicking on a TextObject
- Fixed a bug with shadow of report when designer is in Right-to-Left mode
- Added feature to edit the sql query for the Query Builder; if the Query Builder cannot process the query a warning will be showed
- Fixed a bug when Query Builder adds extra comma
- Fixed bug with adding extra spaces in QueryBuilder
- Fixed a bug with position of report shadow when zooming in Right-to-Left designer
- Now when the name of data source changed, its name changes in expressions of TextObject.Text, PictureObject.DataColumn, DataBand.Filter and DataBand.Sort

- Added the ability to subscribe to the PreviewControl.OnPrint and PreviewControl.OnExport events, which are called when the corresponding buttons are clicked
- Fixed bug with display on the penultimate page with PageFooter PrintOn = LastPage

.NET Core:
- Fixed memory leak in PDF-export
- Fixed memory leak in font engine
- Fixed glyph widths in PDF export
- Fixed errors of report building with complex expressions ("Requested operation is not available because the runtime library function '' is not defined.")
- Fixed display of fonts in PDF export, reduced accuracy to 2 decimal places

- Added PdfImagesOriginalResolution, PdfJpegCompression and PdfColorSpace properties
- Added rotation for pages with landscape orientation in printing from browser
- Added event CustomAuth

- Fixed bug with export of bitmaps in ZPL
- Fixed bug with incorrect height of cells in Excel2007
- Fixed bug with exporting empty sheet in Excel2007
- Fixed bug with exporting the page with the wrong size in Excel97
- Fixed bug with exporting empty cells in Excel2007
- Fixed bug with strikethrough text in Excel2007 export
- Fixed bug with strikethrough text in Word2007 export, when using html-tags and conditional formatting
- Added Hyperlinks to RTFExport
- Fixed QR code position in ZPL export
- Fixed page init priority in ZPL export
- Improved an example DemosC#PrintZPL
- Fixed a bug with the same images duplication in the HtmlExport (properties: Layers, EmbeddedPictures)
- Added an ability to split pages with data in different sheets when exporting to Excel2007
- Fixed bug with the lack of hyperlinks in pictures, figures, QR-codes when exporting to PDF
- Fixed bug with exporting empty text to RTF, when using CanShrink = true and TextRenderType = HtmlParagraph

FastReport.Net 2019.3.21
- Fixed bug with display on the penultimate page with PageFooter PrintOn = LastPage

FastReport.Net 2019.3.20
- added Bezier curve for polygons
- added new time format minutes:seconds [mm:ss]
- fixed image size calculation when AutoSize is enabled in the preparation stage
- fixed RichText lists format
- fixed a bug when font changed in parent report were not changed in inherited report
- updated a polygon object: now the polygon toolbar is displayed not near to the object, but in the main toolbar and in ribbon; polygon modes are changed, new modes allow editing and adding curves
- because polygons have got strong changes, we want to get more detail about the change, the polygon has 5 editing modes: the first allows you to work with the whole object, the second for selecting and moving points, the third allows you to add new points to the polygon, the fourth allows you to edit the curves, the fifth to delete the points of the polygon. For the 3rd and 4th mode, you must select a point
- added a new Json data connection integrated into the engine
- added FontListFolder property in the Utils.Config
- added RepeatBandNTimes property for bands
- fixed bug with changing the GroupHeaderBand hierarchy if it had a child GroupHeaderBand

- fixed TypeConverter on the TextObject.ParagraphFormat property
- fixed a bug with rising exception when double clicking on a TextObject
- fixed a bug with shadow of report when designer is in Right-to-Left mode
- added feature to edit the sql query for the Query Builder; if the Query Builder cannot process the query a warning will be showed
- fixed a bug when Query Builder adds extra comma
- fixed bug with adding extra spaces in QueryBuilder
- fixed a bug with position of report shadow when zooming in Right-to-Left designer
- now when the name of data source changed, its name changes in expressions of TextObject.Text, PictureObject.DataColumn, DataBand.Filter and DataBand.Sort

- Added the ability to subscribe to the PreviewControl.OnPrint and PreviewControl.OnExport events, which are called when the corresponding buttons are clicked

- Fixed memory leak in PDF-export
- Fixed memory leak in font engine
- Fixed glyph widths in PDF export
- Fixed errors of report building with complex expressions ("Requested operation is not available because the runtime library function '' is not defined.")
- Fixed display of fonts in PDF export, reduced accuracy to 2 decimal places

- Added PdfImagesOriginalResolution, PdfJpegCompression and PdfColorSpace properties
- Added rotation for pages with landscape orientation in printing from browser
- Added event CustomAuth

- Fixed bug with export of bitmaps in ZPL
- Fixed bug with incorrect height of cells in Excel2007
- Fixed bug with exporting empty sheet in Excel2007
- Fixed bug with exporting the page with the wrong size in Excel97
- Fixed bug with exporting empty cells in Excel2007
- Fixed bug with strikethrough text in Excel2007 export
- Fixed bug with strikethrough text in Word2007 export, when using html-tags and conditional formatting
- Added Hyperlinks to RTFExport
- Fixed QR code position in ZPL export
- Fixed page init priority in ZPL export
- Improved an example DemosC#PrintZPL
- Fixed a bug with the same images duplication in the HtmlExport (properties: Layers, EmbeddedPictures)
- Added an ability to split pages with data in different sheets when exporting to Excel2007
- Fixed bug with the lack of hyperlinks in pictures, figures, QR-codes when exporting to PDF
- Fixed bug with exporting empty text to RTF, when using CanShrink = true and TextRenderType = HtmlParagraph

FastReport.Net 2020.1.25 相關參考資料
Download FastReport.Net 2020.1.25 - Softpedia

Download FastReport.Net - This is a powerful and flexible .NET report generator that includes a visual report designer and viewer, targeting Visual Studio ...

FastReport .Net reporting tool for Windows Forms, ASP.NET ...

FastReport.Net is a full-featured reporting solution for Windows Forms, ASP.NET, MVC and .NET Core. It can be used in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005-2019.

FastReport.Core 2020.1.0-demo - NuGet Gallery

FastReport.Net is a full-featured reporting solution for .Net Core. Various report objects will allow your report to look exactly how you want it to: 13 types of bands, ...

FastReport.OpenSource 2020.1.20 - NuGet Gallery

FastReport Open Source is an open source reporting solution for .Net Core 2.x and .Net Framework 4.x. Various report objects will allow your report to look ...

FastReport.OpenSource.Web 2020.1.20 - NuGet Gallery

FastReport Open Source is an open source reporting solution for .Net Core 2.x and .Net Framework 4.x. Various report objects will allow your report to look ...

FastReport.Web 2020.1.0-demo - NuGet Gallery

FastReport.Net is a full-featured reporting solution for .Net Core. Various report objects will allow your report to look exactly how you want it to: 13 types of bands, ...

FastReports - NuGet Gallery

FastReport Open Source is an open source reporting solution for .Net Core 2.x and .Net Framework 4.x. Various report objects will allow your report to look ...

New version of FastReport . Net - 2020.1 - Fast Reports Inc.

The new version of FastReport .NET 2020.1 now has the ability to drag text and image files into the designer, while the corresponding objects ...

Report generator and reporting tools for Delphi, .Net - Fast ...

Join us on Thursday, December 12, 2.00 pm (UTC) to talk about the features brought by the latest version of FastReport .Net 2020.1 ...