Sync 歷史版本列表 Page12

最新版本 Blue Iris

Sync 歷史版本列表

Sync 是一個完全加密,零知識的雲服務,可以很容易地存儲,共享和訪問您的文件從任何地方 - 您的隱私保證。 Sync 由 Thomas Savundra,Suhan Shan 和 Darius Antia 於 2011 年創立,開創了 Netfirms - 全球最大的網絡託管公司之一。他們想要一個簡單的方法來在線存儲和分享他們的重要文件。麻煩的是,這意味著要讓第三方服務提供商訪問他們的數據。開... Sync 軟體介紹

Hearthstone Deck Tracker 1.11.1 查看版本資訊


Node.js 14.0.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- (SEMVER-MAJOR) crypto: move pbkdf2 without digest to EOL
- (SEMVER-MAJOR) fs: deprecate closing FileHandle on garbage collection
- (SEMVER-MAJOR) http: move OutboundMessage.prototype.flush to EOL
- (SEMVER-MAJOR) lib: move GLOBAL and root aliases to EOL
- (SEMVER-MAJOR) os: move tmpDir() to EOL
- (SEMVER-MAJOR) src: remove deprecated wasm type check
- (SEMVER-MAJOR) stream: move _writableState.buffer to EOL
- (SEMVER-MINOR) doc: deprecate process.mainModule
- (SEMVER-MINOR) doc: deprecate process.umask() with no arguments

ECMAScript Modules - Experimental Warning Removal:
- module: remove experimental modules warning
- In Node.js 13 we removed the need to include the --experimental-modules flag, but when running EcmaScript Modules in Node.js, this would still result in a warning ExperimentalWarning: The ESM module loader is experimental.
- As of Node.js 14 there is no longer this warning when using ESM in Node.js. However, the ESM implementation in Node.js remains experimental. As per our stability index: “The feature is not subject to Semantic Versioning rules. Non-backward compatible changes or removal may occur in any future release.” Users should be cautious when using the feature in production environments.
- Please keep in mind that the implementation of ESM in Node.js differs from the developer experience you might be familiar with. Most transpilation workflows support features such as optional file extensions or JSON modules that the Node.js ESM implementation does not support. It is highly likely that modules from transpiled environments will require a certain degree of refactoring to work in Node.js. It is worth mentioning that many of our design decisions were made with two primary goals. Spec compliance and Web Compatibility. It is our belief that the current implementation offers a future proof model to authoring ESM modules that paves the path to Universal JavaScript. Please read more in our documentation.
- The ESM implementation in Node.js is still experimental but we do believe that we are getting very close to being able to call ESM in Node.js “stable”. Removing the warning is a huge step in that direction.

ew V8 ArrayBuffer API:
- src: migrate to new V8 ArrayBuffer API
- Multiple ArrayBuffers pointing to the same base address are no longer allowed by V8. This may impact native addons

Toolchain and Compiler Upgrades:
- (SEMVER-MAJOR) build: update macos deployment target to 10.13 for 14.x
- (SEMVER-MAJOR) doc: update cross compiler machine for Linux armv7
- (SEMVER-MAJOR) doc: update Centos/RHEL releases use devtoolset-8
- (SEMVER-MAJOR) doc: remove SmartOS from official binaries
- (SEMVER-MAJOR) win: block running on EOL Windows versions
- It is expected that there will be an ABI mismatch on ARM between the Node.js binary and native addons. Native addons are only broken if they
- interact with std::shared_ptr. This is expected to be fixed in a later version of Node.js 14
- Update to V8 8.1
- (SEMVER-MAJOR) deps: update V8 to 8.1.307.20

Other Notable Changes:
- cli, report: move --report-on-fatalerror to stable
- deps: upgrade to libuv 1.37.0
- fs: add fs/promises alias module

Hearthstone Deck Tracker 1.10.8 查看版本資訊


OSForensics 7.1.1011 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Case Manager:
- When deleting case, fixed case being deleted even when cancelling option to export case to disk

Deleted Files:
- Fixed an issue where Prefetch and SRUMDB info wasn't being read correctly and would return 0 items
- Fixed a possible crash when collecting SRUMDB info

Node.js 13.13.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New file system APIs:
Added a new function, fs.readv (with sync and promisified versions). This function takes an array of ArrayBufferView elements and will write the data it reads sequentially to the buffers
A new overload is available for fs.readSync, which allows to optionally pass any of the offset, length and position parameters

Other changes:
- Added the dns.ALL flag, that can be passed to dns.lookup() with dns.V4MAPPED to return resolved IPv6 addresses as well as IPv4 mapped IPv6 addresses
- The default maximum HTTP header size was changed from 8KB to 16KB
Calls to napi_call_threadsafe_function from the main thread can now return the napi_would_deadlock status in certain circumstances
Added a new maxStrLength option to util.inspect, to control the maximum length of printed strings. Its default value is Infinity
Added support for passing a transferList along with workerData to the Worker constructor

- async_hooks: use hasHooks function internally
- async_hooks: move to lazy destroy hook registration in AsyncResource
- benchmark: fix error on server close in AsyncLocalStorage benchmark
- benchmark: use let instead of var in worker
- benchmark: use let instead of var in util
- benchmark: use let instead of var in url
- benchmark: use let instead of var in tls
- benchmark: use let instead of var in timers
- benchmark: use let instead of var in run.js
- benchmark: use let instead of var in dns
- benchmark: use let instead of var in common.js
- benchmark: use const instead of var in async_hooks
- benchmark: add no-var rule in .eslintrc.yaml
- build: output dots instead of tap in GitHub actions
- build: move doc versions JSON file out of out/doc
- build: fix LINT_MD_NEWER assignment
- build: remove .txt files from .gitignore
- build: log detected compilers in --verbose mode
- build: use tabs for indentation in Makefile
- build: remove make lint on lint-py
- build: disable -Wattributes warnings on air
- build: drop Travis in favor of Actions
- console: fixup error message
- crypto: clear openssl error stack after en/decrypt
- deps: fix zlib compilation for CPUs without SIMD features
- deps: update archs files for OpenSSL-1.1.1f
- deps: upgrade openssl sources to 1.1.1f
- deps: update acorn to v7.1.1
- dns: remove duplicate code
- (SEMVER-MINOR) dns: add dns.ALL hints flag constant
- doc: add link to code ide configs
- doc: replace node-test-pull-request-lite-pipeline from onboarding
- doc: add useful v8 option secti
- doc: add himself65 to collaborators
- doc: clarify behavior of napi_get_typedarray_info
- doc: remove optional parameter from markdown anchor link
- doc: clarify listening event
- doc: update Ninja information in build guide
- doc: correct version metadata for Readable.from
- doc: make openssl commit messages be valid
- doc: adjust paths in openssl maintenance guide
- doc: clarify docs exception may be emitted
- doc: add unreachable code on events example
- doc: clarify length param in buffer.write
- doc: document that server.address() can return null
- doc: return type of crypto.getFips() may change
- doc: fix return type of crypto.getFips()
- doc: clarify requireManualDestroy option
- doc: fix wordy sente
- doc: add missing changes: entry for dns.ALL
- doc: fix more links
- doc: improve markdown link checker
- doc: add flarna to collaborators
- doc: improve documentation
- doc: update releaser list in
- doc: add ASAN build instructions
- doc: update context-aware section of addon doc
- doc: update AUTHORS list
- doc: tests local links in markdown documents
- doc: fix typo in http2 docs
- doc: fix typo in maintaining-zlib guide
- doc: fix typo in maintaining-openssl guide
- doc: fix profile type of --heap-prof-name
- doc: use uppercase on windows path
- doc: rename to fit doc style guide
- doc: add missing changes: entry for mkdir
- doc: add mildsunrise to collaborators
- doc: add link to DNS definition
- doc,crypto: clarify oaepHash option's impact
- (SEMVER-MINOR) fs: make parameters optional for readSync
- fs: fix when passing null value
- (SEMVER-MINOR) fs: add fs.readv()
- fs: fixup error message for invalid options.recursive
- http: fix incorrect headersTimeout measuremen
- http: move free socket error handling to agent
- http: don't emit 'readable' after 'close'
- http: increase default header size from 8KB to 16KB
- http: fixup options.method error message
- lib: fix return type of setTimeout in net.So
- lib: removes unnecessary params
- lib: changed functional logic in cluster schedulers
- lib: removed unused error code
- lib: replace Array to ArrayIsArray by primordials
- module: expose exports conditions to loaders
- module: path-only CJS exports extension searching
- (SEMVER-MINOR) n-api: detect deadlocks in thread-safe function
- net: fix crash if POLLHUP is received
- net: wait for shutdown to complete before closing
- perf_hooks: allow omitted parameters in 'performance.measure'
- repl: fixup error message
- report: fix stderr matching for fatal error
- report: add missing locks for report_on_fatalerror accessors
- src: removes unused v8::Integer and v8::Array namespace
- src: remove unused v8::TryCatch namespace
- src: remove duplicated code
- src: sync access for report and openssl options
- src: refactor to avoid goto in
- src: munmap(2) upon class instance destructor
- src: fix warnings on SPrintF
- src: replace goto with lambda in options parser
- src: fix extra includes of "env.h" and "env-inl.h"
- src: avoid using elevated v8 namespaces in node_perf.h
- src: avoid using elevated v8 namespaces in node_errors.h
- src: minor http2 refactorings
- src: rename http2 class and suppress compile warnings
- src: use smart pointers for nghttp2 objects
- src: remove loop_init_failed_ from Worker class
- src: clean up worker thread creation code
- src: move JSONWriter into its own file
- src: align PerformanceState class name with conventions
- src: handle report options on fatalerror
- src: refactoring and cleanup of node_i18n
- src: remove unnecessary 'Local.As' operation
- src: add test/abort build tasks
- src: add aliased-buffer-overflow abort test
- src: check for overflow when extending AliasedBufferBase
- src: unify Linux and FreeBSD large pages implem
- src: replace handle dereference with ContainerOf
- src: enhance template function 'MakeUtf8String'
- src: fix compiler warnings in node_report_module
- src: remove excess v8 namespace
- src: simplify large pages mapping code
- src: clean v8 namespaces in file
- src: check for empty maybe local
- src: cleanup DestroyParam when Environment exits
- src,test: add regression test for nested Worker termination
- stream: complete pipeline with stdio
- stream: change var to let/const in stream file
- test: replace console.log/error with debuglog
- test: make sure that inspector tests finish
- test: save test file in temporary directory
- test: fix check error name on error instance
- Revert "test: mark empty udp tests flaky on OS X"
- test: remove unused variables on async hook test
- test: check that --expose-internals is disallowed in NODE_OPTIONS
- test: refactor test-worker
- test: add Worker initialization failure test case
- test: fix tool path in test-doctool-versions.js
- test: copy addons .gitignore to test/abort/
- test: refactor test-http2-buffersize
- test: skip crypto test on arm buildbots
- test: replace console.error() with debuglog calls
- test: fix python-version selection with actions
- test: add a missing common.mustCall
- test: remove unnecessary console.log() calls
- test: replace console.log() with debuglog()
- test: validate util.format when the value is 'Infinity'
- test: fix fs test-fs-utimes strictEqual arg order
- test: replace flag expose_internals to expose-internals
- test: use common.mustCall in test-worker-esm-exit
- test: use template strings in parallel tests
- test: add known issues test for
- test: mark test-http2-reset-flood flaky on bsd
- test: add test-worker-prof to the SLOW list for debug
- test: refactor test-http-information-processing
- test: fix a typo on test-fs-read-optional-params
- test: skip a wasi test on IBMi PASE
- test: harden the tick sampling logic
- test: als variant of test-timers-clearImmediate
- test: skip some binding tests on IBMi PASE
- test: revise test-http-response-multi-content-length
- test: remove a duplicated test
- test: check bundled binaries are signed on macOS
- test: unflake async-hooks/test-statwatcher
- test: use Promise.all() in test-cluster-net-listen-ipv6only-false
- test: replace Map with Array in test-cluster-net-listen-ipv6only-false
- test: revise test-http-client-default-headers-exist
- tools: update Boxstarter script and document
- tools: update ESLint to 7.0.0-alpha.3
- tools: only fetch previous versions when necessary
- tracing: do not attempt to call into JS when disallowed
- (SEMVER-MINOR) util: add maxStrLength option to inspect function
- util: only inspect error properties that are not visible otherwise
- util: fix inspecting document.all
- wasi: clean up options validation
- win,build: set exit_code on configure failure
- (SEMVER-MINOR) worker: support MessagePort to workers data
- worker: do not emit 'exit' events during process.exit()
- worker: runtime error on pthread creation

Hearthstone Deck Tracker 1.10.7 查看版本資訊


Hearthstone Deck Tracker 1.10.6 查看版本資訊


Hearthstone Deck Tracker 1.10.5 查看版本資訊


Hearthstone Deck Tracker 1.10.3 查看版本資訊


Hearthstone Deck Tracker 查看版本資訊
