Sync 歷史版本列表 Page10

最新版本 Blue Iris

Sync 歷史版本列表

Sync 是一個完全加密,零知識的雲服務,可以很容易地存儲,共享和訪問您的文件從任何地方 - 您的隱私保證。 Sync 由 Thomas Savundra,Suhan Shan 和 Darius Antia 於 2011 年創立,開創了 Netfirms - 全球最大的網絡託管公司之一。他們想要一個簡單的方法來在線存儲和分享他們的重要文件。麻煩的是,這意味著要讓第三方服務提供商訪問他們的數據。開... Sync 軟體介紹

DreamMail 查看版本資訊


DreamMail 查看版本資訊


DreamMail 查看版本資訊


OSForensics 8.0.1007 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Auto Triage:
- Fixed an issue in the Logical Image configuration window where a non-system drive path was not added properly to the image creation list

User activity:
- Fixed a crash that could occur when removing the filter after using timeline view to view and select files at a certain time

DreamMail 查看版本資訊


OSForensics 8.0.1006 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Auto Triage:
- Updated select drives dialog.
- Renamed "Deleted Files" to "List of Deleted Files"
- Renamed "File Listing (Signature)" to "File Listing"
- Added timezone to Process List and File Listing exporting CSV
- Updated to add not only the OS boot drive but also all the other available logical and physical drives to case, and then scan all of them to create file listing
- Deleted file search, updated to scan all drives available and export to CSV files separately
- Added drive selecting options for file listing and deleted files searches

Case Manager:
- Add Device, Added debug output when populating device dropdown
- More robust handling of case device dropdown
- Added more verbose logging during case load

Forensic Imaging:
- Removed unnecessary refreshing of drive dropdown when loading Create Image tab
- Added more verbose logging when opening Forensic Imaging window
- Added debug output when populating device dropdown

Direct File Access:
- ImageFile, add check for opening physical drive when calling FSCTL_ALLOW_EXTENDED_DASD_IO and reading "imageUSB" signature. This fixed an issue when reading the physical disk for an McAfee encrypted drive ( a bug in the McAfee software that caused a read of the physical disk to fail if the read request was not sector aligned)
- libesedb, increased fixed-array size, update for performance issues

DreamMail 查看版本資訊


OSForensics 8.0.1005 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Auto Triage:
- Upgraded the screen capture to take screenshots of all running program windows.
- Removed the drive selection drop-down list and changed it to select the OS boot drive to perform live acquisition scanning

Case manager:
- Fixed an issue when exporting a report using the copy files option, if a source file was read only then multiple error messages could be show during the file copy process
- Improved speed of export when large amounts of files are being exported as part of the report

USEDB viewer:
- updated to library code for compatibility with newer helper libraries

Verify Hash:
- Fixed a bug where clicking the "upper case output" option after generating a hash would not update the primary hash and instead replace the secondary hash with the upper case primary

File system support:
- Updated library code for reading E01 and L01 files. While there were multiple changes under the hood, the most visiible change should be better support for L01 image files. In particular it fixes a case where a NTFS directory entry in a L01 could point to the wrong file.

DreamMail 查看版本資訊


OSForensics 8.0.1004 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Email Viewer:
- Remove MAPI initialization from startup, loading on-demand
- Attempt to load MAPI dll from Outlook installation in registry (rather than mapi32.dll in WindowsSystem32) to prevent a "No mail client found" error message in some cases

File Name Search:
- Added vcruntime140_1.dll for exiv2.exe tool to fix missing DLL issue
- Updated EXIF Metadata search keywords preset list

Hash Set Import:
- Fixed a crash that could occur when importing NSRL hash sets