Stellarium (32-bit) 歷史版本列表 Page6

最新版本 Stellarium (32-bit)

Stellarium (32-bit) 歷史版本列表

Stellarium 是一個免費的開源天文館為您的電腦。就像你用肉眼,雙筒望遠鏡或望遠鏡所看到的那樣,它顯示出真實的 3D 天空。它被用於天文館投影儀。只需設置你的坐標,然後去。 Stellarium 的特點:Sky 超過 600,000 顆恆星的默認目錄額外目錄超過 2.1 億顆恆星的星座和插圖十二種不同文化的星座星雲圖片(完整的梅西耶目錄)現實的銀河系非常現實的氣氛,日出和日落行星和他們的衛星... Stellarium (32-bit) 軟體介紹

Stellarium 0.13.1 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added: Light layer for old_style landscapes
- Added: Auto-detect location via network lookup.
- Added: Seasonal rules for displaying constellations
- Added: Coordinates can be displayed as decimal degrees
- Added: Support of multi-touch gestures on Windows 8
- Added: FOV on bottom bar can be displayed in DMS rather than fractional degrees
- Added: Oculars plugins support eyepieces with permanent crosshairs
- Added: Pointer Coordinates Plugin can displayed not only RA/Dec
- Added: Angle Measure Plugin can measure positional angles to the horizon now
- Added: Search tool can search position not only for RA/Dec (J2000.0)
- Fixed: Galactic plane renamed to correct: Galactic equator
- Fixed: Speed issues when computing lots of comets
- Fixed: Spherical mirror distortion work correctly now
- Fixed: Location coordinates on the bottom bar displayed correctly now
- Fixed: Ecliptic coordinates for J2000.0 and grids diplayed correctly now
- Fixed: Rule for select a celestial objects
- Fixed: Loading extra star catalogs
- Fixed: Creates spurious directory on startup
- Fixed: Various GUI/rendering improvements
- Fixed: "missing disk in drive"

Stellarium 0.13.0 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

This release brings some interesting new features:
- New modulated core
- Refactored shadows and introducing the normal mapping
- Sporadic meteors and meteors has the colors now
- Comet tails rendering
- New translatable strings and new textures
- New plugin: Equation of Time - provides solution for Equation of Time
- New plugin: Field of View - provides shortcuts for quick changes field of view
- New plugin: Navigational Stars - marks 58 navigational stars on the sky
- New plugin: Pointer Coordinates - shows the coordinates of the mouse pointer
- New plugin: Meteor Showers - provides visualization of meteor showers
- New version of the Satellites plugin: introduces star-like satellites and bug fixes
- New version of the Exoplanets plugin: displaying of the potential habitable exoplanets; improvements for performance and code refactoring
- New version of the Angle Measure plugin: displaying of the position angle
- New version of the Quasars plugin: improvements for performance; added marker_color parameter
- New version of the Pulsars plugin: improvements for performance; display pulsars with glitches; setting color for marker for different types of the pulsars
- New versions of the Compass Marks, Oculars, Historical Supernovae, Observability analysis and Bright Novae plugins: bug fixing, code refactoring and improvements
- There have also been a large number of bug fixes and serious performance improvements
- We have updated the configuration file and the Solar System file, so if you have an existing Stellarium installation, we highly recommended reset the settings when - you will install the new version (you can choose required points in the installer). This version based on Qt 5 and has new modulated core, and new features (examples: normal mapping, comet tails) and fixes for 115 bugs, includes:
- New plugin: Equation of Time - provides solution for Equation of Time.
- New plugin: Field of View - provides shortcuts for quick changes field of view.
- New plugin: Navigational Stars - marks 58 navigational stars on the sky.
- New plugin: Pointer Coordinates - shows the coordinates of the mouse pointer.
- New plugin: Meteor Showers - provides visualization of meteor showers.
- New translatable strings and new textures.
- New version of the Satellites plugin: introduces star-like satellites and bug fixes.
- New version of the Exoplanets plugin: displaying of the potential habitable exoplanets; improvements for performance and code refactoring.
- New version of the Angle Measure plugin: displaying of the position angle.
- New version of the Quasars plugin: improvements for performance; added marker_color parameter.
- New version of the Pulsars plugin: improvements for performance; display pulsars with glitches; setting color for marker for different types of the pulsars.
- New versions of the Compass Marks, Oculars, Historical Supernovae, Observability analysis and Bright Novae plugins: bug fixing, code refactoring and improvements.

Stellarium 0.12.4 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- This release contains solution for one serious bug and an one new feature

Stellarium 0.12.3 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- This release contains a new Bright Novae plugin and fixes of few bugs within plugins and search tool

Stellarium 0.12.2 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
- variable stars, re-packed star catalogs (Hipparcos and Tycho-2), improvements for plugins, scripting engine and search tool.

New version of the Satellites plug-in (0.8.1) with features:
- automatic adding of new satellites on update from selected update sources; by default, only new naked-eye satellites are auto-added
- automatic removal of satellites if they are no longer listed in the update sources
- "user-defined" flag protecting satellites from update/removal
- satellites can be added to/removed from satellite groups from the GUI
- custom satellite groups can be defined
- the default satellite group names and satellite descriptions are translatable

Stellarium 0.12.1 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Use different formulae for DeltaT calculations
- Show/hide starts at magnitude > X featur
- Added translations for Inno Setup installer
- Added Caldwell catalog
- New skyculture: Tongan
- New feature for Oculars plugin: support Barlow/Shapley lenses
- Control brightness of the milky way
- Satellites plugin: New Galileo satellites
- Control brightness of the landscapes at startup

- Repacked default star catalogs
- Repacked locations catalog
- Refactored GUI
- Update textures for DSO
- Improved accuracy for NEO

- Sidereal day & sunrise/sunset
- Wrong solar day
- Pluto and Charon are not tidally locked in Stellarium
- Search problem in different language
- Bortle light pollution scale setting not working
- The preference of "Render Solar Shadow" cannot be saved
- Background color of the night sky
- Time is slightly off (from system time)
- Dynamic plugins don't load on window
- Satellite event times differ
- Yellow/Black Checkered Flag while Object Picture is Loading
- Planet display bug
- Star on meridian has wrong hour angle
- Location window spin box up/down behavior

Stellarium 0.12.0 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

This release brings some interesting new features:
- New rendering engine (Now you can see shadows on planets surfaces).
- New keybinding engine (Now all keybindings can be edit).
- Improvements for scripting engine.
- Improvements for DSO
- Improvements for search tool
- Improvements accuracy for archaeoastronomical events There have also been a large number of bug fixes and GUI improvements.

- New plugin: Exoplanets
- New plugin: Observability analysis
- Get geometric altitude and azimuth for script engine
- Sky image loading with altitude/azimuth coordinates
- New hotkey for star name labels
- Option to activate/deactivate the Nebula Background Images button via GUI
- Return to user set location and landscape
- Display degrees and minutes for FOV of CCD
- Adding all possible satellites
- Building a Windows x64 packages
- Apply atmosphere effect only on bodies with atmosphere

- Various Stellarium freezes and crashed
- Various plugins issues
- Various issues for nebulae
- Add/subtract one sidereal year jumps wrong amount
- Various small issues, typos and mistakes
- Various issues in Scripting Engine (

- New tab in the configuration window to control the selected object information.
- Improvement Night Vision mode
- Extend list of default scripts

Stellarium 0.11.4 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New plugin: Exoplanets
- New plugin: Observability analysis
- Get geometric altitude and azimuth for script engine
- Sky image loading with altitude/azimuth coordinates
- New hotkey for star name labels
- Option to activate/deactivate the Nebula Background Images button via GUI
- Return to user set location and landscape
- Display degrees and minutes for FOV of CCD
- Adding all possible satellites
- Building a Windows x64 packages
- Apply atmosphere effect only on bodies with atmosphere

- Various Stellarium freezes and crashed
- Various plugins issues
- Various issues for nebulae
- Add/subtract one sidereal year jumps wrong amount
- Various small issues, typos and mistakes
- Various issues in Scripting Engine

- New tab in the configuration window to control the selected object information.
- Improvement Night Vision mode
- Extend list of default scripts