Stellarium (32-bit) 歷史版本列表 Page3

最新版本 Stellarium (32-bit)

Stellarium (32-bit) 歷史版本列表

Stellarium 是一個免費的開源天文館為您的電腦。就像你用肉眼,雙筒望遠鏡或望遠鏡所看到的那樣,它顯示出真實的 3D 天空。它被用於天文館投影儀。只需設置你的坐標,然後去。 Stellarium 的特點:Sky 超過 600,000 顆恆星的默認目錄額外目錄超過 2.1 億顆恆星的星座和插圖十二種不同文化的星座星雲圖片(完整的梅西耶目錄)現實的銀河系非常現實的氣氛,日出和日落行星和他們的衛星... Stellarium (32-bit) 軟體介紹

NumPy 1.17.0 查看版本資訊


Stellarium (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


Stellarium 0.19.1 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added allow to search an inactive meteor showers in Search Tool/Lists tool
- Added 'Azimuth vs. Time' graph into AstroCalc/Graphs tool
- Added feature to show tracks for latest several selected planets (GH: #539)
- Added calculation and showing the orbital period for artificial satellites
- Added revolutions per day info for artificial satellites
- Added tools for jumping to the next or previous time of rising, transit or setting for selected object (GH: #484)
- Added new behavoir for AstroCalc/Graphs when clicking within graph area now sets current time.
- Added simplification in topocentric correction (GH: #391)
- Added parallactic angle function (added it to infostring and infomap also)
- Added hour angle and sidereal time to infomap
- Added apply rotation when drawing Solar Corona (GH: #699)
- Fixed draw corona when atmosphere is switched off
- Fixed airmass in infomap
- Fixed issue in script 'Mercury Triple Sunrise and Sunset'
- Fixed crash of Stellarium for eyepieces with permanent crosshair
- Fixed Stellarium crash when Remote Control plugin is working
- Fixed computation of assume radius for minor planets.
- Fixed the issue of the scrolling not working properly on Mac (GH: #393)
- Fixed crash in Scripting Engine (Hide artificial satellites through StelProperties in core.clear() method to avoid crash if plugin was didn't loaded)
- Fixed planetarium crash in HiPS (network manager delete problem)
- Fixed position problems on the Poles (GH: #391)
- Fixed scaling Telrad sign on HighDPI monitors
- Fixed surface occlusion bug even with landscape turned off in scripting engine (GH: #680)
- Fixed building with cmake -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON (GH: #683)
- Fixed error in constellation file format (Babylonian)
- Fixed Europe/Volgograd time zone settings (GH: #686)
- Fixed HiPS handling of allsky download (GH: #671)
- Fixed progress bar rendering (GH: #671)
- Fixed positive declinations issue in AstroCalc tool when option 'Use decimal degrees' is enabled (GH: #690)
- Fixed file names inconsistency
- Fixed constellation line in "Japanese Moon Stations" skyculture
- Fixed file name for constellation boundaries in Stellarium User Guide
- Fixed the user interface problems in Oculars plug-in (GH: #580)
- Fixed getting the wrong values in objects/info method for selected object for different formats (Remote Control plugin)
- Fixed refresh plots when AstroCalc dialog becomes visible again (AstroCalc/Graphs tool)
- Fixed jquery vulnerability (GH: #694)
- Fixed date and time dialog behaviour: Hour/Minute/Second spinners now correctly trigger signals dateChanged(), dateChangedByYear and dateChangedForMonth() when days, months or years are affected by it
- Fixed update graphs in AstroCalc/Graphs tool when days change
- Updated planetary nomenclature
- Updated common names of stars and DSO's
- Updated cmake rules for Windows deployment
- Updated DSO textures
- Updated behaviour of HiPS survey if Stellarium started without network (GH: #681)
- Updated GUI for ArchaeoLines plugin (GH: #689, #682)
- Updated default pulsars catalog (v1.60)
- Updated list of asterisms
- Updated AstroCalc tools: many optimizations
- Excluded Armintxe skyculture and landscape from default package

Syncplay 1.6.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add TLS (SSL) support in the Windows binaries. Opportunistic TLS is now supported on all platforms (included in PR #231 by albertosottile, requested in #217 by alxpettit)
- Add support for releasing via Snap and AppImage. Travis CI now automatically builds releases for macOS, Snap, and AppImage after every commit. This version of Syncplay is also published in the Snap store and on AppImageHub (Snap: PR #231 by albertosottile, requested in #199 by Mikaela; AppImage: coded by albertosottile)
- Add support for installing Syncplay using setuptools via a script. This required a change in our folder structure, though this change should not affect end-users. (PR #231 by albertosottile, contributions by Et0h and ObserverOfTime via PR #230, suggested in #207 by alxpettit)
- Remove the "Update list" button for public servers from the configuration dialog (PR #233 by Et0h)
- Fix an issue that prevented to use SMPlayer (issue #234 raised by elvissteinjr and resolved by Et0h)
- Some images in the GUI now scale their pixel density for Hi-DPI/Retina displays (819e6b6 and 8f5b77c by albertosottile)
- Add getValueForOS function in constants to store and extract different values for different operating systems (ff6bb74 by albertosottile)
- All the png files in resources are now automatically included in the distribution bundles (3a4cf41 by albertosottile)
- Do not ask anymore to "Press enter to exit" after closing mpv when Syncplay is used from its CLI (issue #238 raised by alxpettit and resolved by albertosottile)
- Embed darkdetect (GitHub, BSD-3-Clause) version 0.1.1 in the project vendor folder
- Some files in the repository are now released under the MIT license, while the repository stays on Apache 2.0. This is explicitly stated in the header of those files. At this moment, this exception applies to and travis/
- Upgrade qt5reactor to version 0.5
- Upgrade py2exe to version
- Upgrade PySide2 to version 5.12.3

AirServer 5.5.5 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed Miracast to allow more than one connection at the same time
- Fixed Miracast on older Windows 10 versions
- Improved Google Cast discovery
- Improved overall performance

NumPy 1.16.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- BUG: Some PyPy versions lack PyStructSequence_InitType2.
- MAINT, DEP: Fix deprecated assertEquals()
- BUG: Fix structured_to_unstructured on single-field types (backport)
- BLD: Make CI pass again with pytest 4.5
- TST: Register markers in
- BUG: Removes ValueError for empty kwargs in arraymultiter_new
- BUG: Add TypeError to accepted exceptions in crackfortran.
- BUG: Handle subarrays in descr_to_dtype
- BUG: Protect generators from log(0.0)
- BUG: Always return views from structured_to_unstructured when...
- BUG: Catch stderr when checking compiler version
- BUG: longdouble(int) does not work
- BUG: distutils/ fix missing subprocess import (#13523)
- BUG,DEP: Fix writeable flag setting for arrays without base
- MAINT: Prepare for the 1.16.4 release.
- BUG: special case object arrays when printing rel-, abs-error

NumPy 1.16.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Compatibility notes:
- Unpickling while loading requires explicit opt-in
- The functions np.load, and np.lib.format.read_array take an allow_pickle keyword which now defaults to False in response to CVE-2019-6446.

- Covariance in random.mvnormal cast to double
- This should make the tolerance used when checking the singular values of the covariance matrix more meaningful.

- __array_interface__ offset now works as documented
- The interface may use an offset value that was previously mistakenly ignored.

Stellarium 0.19.0 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- new type of computation for AstroCalc/Phenomena tool
- GUI options to change constellations and asterisms font size
- new source to star names and added new additional name to kappa Scorpii
- tool to detect Intel C/C++ compiler in our Logger
- new method into ConstellationMgr class - getConstellationsEnglishNames() to get English names of all constellations in the selected sky culture [Scripting Engine]
- new one script 'Constellations Tour' to organize the tour around constellations of the loaded sky culture [Scripting Engine]
- constellation boundaries for Chinese Skyculture
- more values to correctly detect MSVC version
- few scriptable methods into HighlightMgr class to manage highlight points
- translation support for strings within scripts
- Chinese medieval sky culture
- Alipurduar town (West Bengal; India) to the default locations list
- extra check-point for data directory in the StelFileMgr class
- DSO textures
- sensor crop overlay to Ocular plugin
- tool for allow filetype selection for Screenshots
- core.getPlatformName() and core.isMediaPlaybackSupported() methods into scripting engine
- scripting function isModuleLoaded()
- graph "Transit altitude vs Time" into AstroCalc/Graphs tool
- small simplification to scripting through adding master switch by types for grids, lines and points on the sky [Scripting Engine]
- showing labels for named highlights
- allow setting location of User Data Dir via environment variable.
- scripting graphics tool [Scripting Engine]
- LMC and SMC as addition names for Magellanic Clouds
- classifications support for sky cultures
- support 2 southern deep sky catalogues (NGC subset; esp. for southern observers)
- armintxe, paleolithic sky culture and landscape
- demo script for martian analemma [Scripting Engine]
- support sols for setDate() method [Scripting Engine]
- code, who indicate to hybrid graphics systems to prefer the discrete part by default
- support for constellation boundaries thickness
- Maya constellations
- 2 Babylonian skycultures
- display of used (terrestrial) timezone for observation from extraterrestrial locations
- special case for Satellites plugin: use texture for draw the crossing of the ISS of the Moon or the Sun
- nightly illumination plus basic description for armintxe landscape

- Ependes Observatory location
- scaling the distance in AstroCalc
- naming the stars in AstroCalc tool when non-western skyculture is enabled
- sorting of column Distance in Astronomical Calculations' Ephemeris tab
- wrong calculation the FOV of CCD in Oculars plugin
- compile Stellarium without media features
- behaviour of script (The old script 'Constellations Tour' was renamed to the 'Western Constellations Tour' and updated) [Scripting Engine]
- documents for core.clear() method [Scripting Engine]
- unit tests failure on Windows and some linuxes
- the user interface problems for lenses in Oculars plug-in
- copyright years in file
- checker in the StelFileMgr class
- macOS User Data Directory in documentation
- bug report address for .desktop translations
- a typo in Scenery3D plugin
- selecting LMST, LTST and system_default timezone names
- math error in StelHips
- a potential memory leak in libtess
- error for ephemeris calculations time window
- description data for textures.json
- missed translatable strings in StelSkyCultureMgr class
- CWE-404 issues
- crash when script tried delete already deleted labels
- zooming behaviour
- time zone issue in AstroCalc/WUT tool
- DSO texture overlay issue
- FTBFS issue on some linux systems
- bad behaviour time zones in the location panel
- crash when selecting certain dates in 1 AD for some time zones on Windows
- default limits for graph "Transit altitude vs Time"
- translation the "Armintxe Cave" string
- airmass calculation for deep-sky objects

- default constellations font size
- HiPS behaviour: don't show tile if it is hidden by children
- behaviour of version checker: introduced the additional check for latest version
- behaviour of the BottomStelBar::updateText() method

- Reingold and Dershowitz algorithm of DeltaT (New algorithm was taken from the Calendrical Calculations: The Ultimate Edition book)
- cmake rules for ICC/ICPC support (Intel C/C++ compilers)
- GUI in Oculars plugin
- Stellarium User Guide
- technical documentation
- Amalthea texture
- scripts (added i18n support)
- scripting API: added format specification for screenshots
- the code (thanks for PVS-Studio to the finding an issues)
- DSO textures
- textures of LMC
- nomenclature
- jquery and jquery-ui in Remote Control plugin
- scripting engine: MilkyWay saturation scriptable now
- scripting engine: expanding the core.clear() method
- Satellites plugin: harmonized function name, added a property [Scripting Engine]
- KoreanCM.isl file - typofixes
- RemoteSync plugin: suppress unsuitable properties
- AstroCalc/WUT tool: optimizations
- AstroCalc/Positions tool: optimizations
- AstroCalc/Phenomena tool: optimizations
- contact info for plugins
- Sterngarten model description
- behaviour of the options on Starlore tab
- list of extraterrestrial locations
- time zones behaviour: make custom time zone use a full property of StelCore
- time zones behaviour: preserve custom timezone setting
- LocationDialog behaviour: Return to default location resets location list.

- a long time abandoned incomplete LogBook plugin
- old deprecated methods in scripting engine
- languages without translators and with translations lesser than 1%

Syncplay 1.6.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New Syncplay logo by catlinman
- IPv6 support
- Initial TLS (SSL) support
- Spanish Language support
- Automatically copy offer VLC interface script when it is needed
- Fix a VLC bug
- Handle non-UTF8 messages to server
- Use high-DPI scaling where available
- Print error message if Twisted fails
- Fix bug which meant that --max-chat-message-length can’t be used to raise the maximum length
- Fixed bug which meant that youtube-dl did not work on macOS

NumPy 1.16.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- TST: fix vmImage dispatch in Azure
- MAINT: remove complicated test of multiarray import failure mode
- BUG: fix signed zero behavior in npy_divmod
- MAINT: Add functions to parse shell-strings in the platform-native...
- BUG: Fix regression in parsing of F90 and F77 environment variables
- BUG: parse shell escaping in extra_compile_args and extra_link_args
- BLD: Windows absolute path DLL loading