Sonarr 歷史版本列表 Page6

最新版本 ExifTool 12.65

Sonarr 歷史版本列表

Sonarr 是一個 Windows 電視系列管理軟件,這將使我們不僅可以下載顯示,但維護事實後,他們!頻繁更新。看看沒有離開舒適的應用程序的新的東西。在一個方便的位置查看所有即將到來的劇集!找到所有的版本,選擇一個你想要的,並發送到您的下載客戶端。 Sonarr 使得失敗的下載成為過去。密碼保護版本,缺少修復塊或幾乎任何其他原因?別擔心。 Sonarr 會自動將發行版黑名單,並嘗試另一個,直到它... Sonarr 軟體介紹

TeXstudio 3.0.5 查看版本資訊


TeXstudio 3.0.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- bug fix release

Sonarr 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed Important notice:
- Fixed Don't auto-search newly added episodes on tvdb that aired more than 2 weeks ago
- Fixed Don't monitor newly added old episodes on tvdb if series was previously empty

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Add MediaInfo to Episode Files returned from the API
- Opt-in to delete empty series/season folders
- Remove empty series folders after disk scan/deleting last episode file and create emoty series folders is disabled
- New Delay import of episodes without titles temporarily
- Option to add paused for Deluge
- Option to add paused for Transmission
- Device names for Join notifications
- Setting for absolute maximum size for a release
- Consider all scene SxxE00 releases Specials as well.
- Run missing root folder health check when an import is successful

- Updated NLog to 4.5 RC6 to handle mono 5.10
- Parsing of WEB-DLMux files
- Send category to qBittorrent when adding torrent/magnet
- Removexpost suffix from release groups
- Disable delete button on used quality profiles
- Show error if System->Logs fails to load due to ad blocker.
- Show error message when manual import fails to load
- Remove Pre and postbot suffixes from release groups
- Parsing releases with standard and daily formats
- Parsing of pre range multi-episode filenames
- Set air date to 1970-01-01 if episode aired before (mono)
- Improve logging for invalid NZB messages
- Invalid scene numbering leading to manual import failing to load
- Mono internals does not properly copy/move symlinks, but instead copies the contents
- Handling of unknown status types in DownloadStation

- Include APFS disks in disk space
- Channel setting for Slack notifications to override default channel
- Validate NZBs before sending to download client
- Add authentication options to Webhook

- Security vulnerabilities allowing authentication to be bypassed (discovered by Kyle Neideck)
- Sorting by episodes on series overview and poster views
- Import failures when audio channels are in an unexpected format
- Sorting Manual Import by relative path
- Parsing of resolution in TVRips
- Parsing when using episode number as folder name in naming config
- Incorrect parsing of filenames with [SDTV] suffix trigging Anime pattern
- Regression preventing new downloads from bypassing the Download Client Back-off logic

- Change log not available for this version

- Fixed Regression in http redirect logic causing failed grabs and >25% cpu usage
- Fixed Logging error when accessing mount point
- Fixed Hide some more irrelevant paths from System->Disk Space such as /boot
- Fixed Use pending download if no download client is configured instead of logging a warning

- Legacy TLS is not supported on OSX

- TvMaze and IMDB IDs added to custom script environment variables
- New Paths for deleted files when upgrading an existing file
- New Additional variables for custom script on grab events
- New Episode files sent to Recycling Bin are put into subfolders
- New Updated MediaInfo to 0.7.93
- New White icon with transparent background for Join notifications notification bar icon
- New Added UHD to list of queried RARBG categories
- New Rename subtitles and extra files when renaming files
- New Option to import subtitles and extra files when importing media files (Settings->Media Management)
- Fixed Import from torrent Download Station should move since DS maintains an internal copy for seeding
- Fixed Sabnzbd error when tv sorting enabled for all categories
- Fixed Newznab default capabilities erroneously cached if indexer is unavailable
- Fixed Zero length file causes MediaInfo hanging in 100% cpu load
- Fixed DownloadStation api client for DSM 5.x
- Fixed Parsing releases with year added to the end of the series title
- Fixed Sabnzbd 2.0 api compatibility
- Fixed Join grab messages
- Fixed Refactored rtorrent interface to fix reliability issues with adding magnets & torrents
- Fixed Parsing cookies with trailing semi-colon
- Fixed Broken migration due to extensionless extra files
- Fixed Delay profiles are no longer hidden under advanced settings
- Fixed Clear EpisodeFile records from database if Series folder is missing, but root folder appears to be mounted
- Fixed Health check failing and preventing others from running
- Fixed Improve health check message when all enabled indexers are disabled due to failures
- Fixed Reduce parameters required to add a new series via API
- Fixed Clean RSS feed before detecting type

- New Allow Uppercase in Transmission category
- New support for REAL releases
- New Added `Quality Real` naming Token
- New Quality Full will add real to file name when applicable
- New Newznab Preset for NZBCat
- Fixed Force grabbing some delayed releases
- Fixed Improved parsing of some multi-episode filenames
- Fixed Prevent series from being added with an invalid Profile ID

- Fixed Saving settings changes

- New Manual search shows error when download fails
- Fixed Hidden calendar tooltips
- Fixed Add wrapping to fix long paths in labels
- Fixed Logging invalid version when failing to connect to Kodi
- Fixed Failing missing episode search when one search fails
- Fixed Manual import when quality was not available after failed parsing
- Fixed Magnet links with torrent blackhole
- Fixed Prevent incorrectly grabbing a similar or identical release for 12 hours
- Fixed Stricter parsing of some release filenames
- Fixed Log download client name when communication fails
- Fixed Test messaging when indexer API returns an error with a message
- Fixed Parsing anime series with number in title
- Fixed Specials season search UI messaging
- Fixed Added verified file transfer mode that doesn't revert to copy
- Fixed External links again open in new windows
- Fixed Removal of common suffixes such as [ettv] while parsing

- Fixed History will always be used to determine upgrade eligibility when CDH is disabled

- New Blackhole won't grab another release if release in last hour meets the cutoff
- New Implemented Newznab changes to support search by tvdbid/tvmazeid instead of only tvrageid
- New Added TvMaze link to series details
- New Option to remove illegal characters instead of replacing them
- New Show time instead of date if event occurs/occurred today
- New Add Webhook support
- New Warning message that Torrent Blackhole will move files, not copy or hard link
- New Ability to push releases to Sonarr via API for processing
- New Sonarr can now update series to use another tvdbid in case when tvdb removes a duplicate and Skyhook detects it.
- New Hungarian language support
- New Support 5-digit multi-episode releases
- New Sonarr logo is optional for Pushalot notifications
- New Twitter Notifications
- New Boxcar 2 notifications
- New Titans of TV tracker
- New Will now fetch multiple pages in the rss feed in order to catch up (for indexers supporting paging), or produce a warning otherwise. (benefits lower rss-intervals)
- New Will now temporarily stop using an indexer if the indexer reported an error
- New Run custom scripts (Connection)
- New Reenabled verified file transfer
- Fixed Torrent Blackhole client will not track torrents by hash
- Fixed SeasonPass didn't update Series monitored flag if only those were changed
- Fixed Don't produce scene mapping warnings if TheXEM only maps the second half of a season
- Fixed Invalid season packs preventing future releases from being grabbed when using SAB as download client
- Fixed Adding label to torrents in rTorrent
- Fixed Don't import single files that start with ._
- Fixed Tooltips for series and season searches
- Fixed TV Directory is not required for local rTorrent
- Fixed Removed deferrer from external links, instead relying solely on the rel=noreferrer attribute (supported by Chrome and Firefox, but not all browser)
- Fixed Consistent display of sizes (1000 vs 1024)
- Fixed Missing Episode Search command wasn't stored properly in the db causing it to search for all series, instead of one
- Fixed Only show completed downloads in queue when Completed Download Handling is enabled
- Fixed Removing torcache url query params to avoid redirect
- Fixed Parse TVRip releases as SDTV
- Fixed Parsing 4-digit season packs
- Fixed Log error message when moving file to recycling bin fails
- Fixed Extremely long series titles causing display issues on main page
- Fixed Preserve startup arguments during restart
- Fixed Only run a complete section update in Plex if all partial updates fail
- Fixed Import episodes in ascending numerical order
- Fixed Don't log all daily episodes parsing as unknown episodes
- Fixed Better parsing of full season x265 releases
- Fixed Indexers returning relative urls for grabs
- Fixed Emby metadata added date will use series added date
- Fixed Don't check for missing TheXEM numbering when importing existing series
- Fixed rTorrent category is optional
- Fixed Should ignore indexer provided tvrageid when scene naming exception exists
- Fixed Series failing to load when there were no seasons
- Fixed Refreshing individual series incorrectly delayed the scheduled Update Library task
- Fixed Readded series monitoring flag to Season Pass view
- Fixed Updated libcurl version mappings to use libcurl.4 instead of libcurl.3
- Fixed Indexer returning an empty page during the rss sync
- Fixed Extrapolate TheXem scene numbering when newer episodes exist on TheTvdb but don't auto import

Xplorer2 Ultimate (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Xplorer2 Ultimate (64-bit)
- Brazilian and Russian translations back online

Xplorer2 Ultimate (64-bit)
- Sorry we have lost some of the translations that weren't really updated for a number of versions. I hope this will persuade some of the native speakers to volunteer and take over the abandoned projects. A free xplorer² license is offered to all translators!
- [P] TOOLS > BACKUP COPY menu copies all items (and their subfolders) from the active to the inactive pane (the backup location, e.g. a USB drive) using "overwrite if newer else skip" robust transfer option. This will only copy new and changed files, and skip those that are unchanged since the last backup. If you want to use a filter to exclude some files, use szBackupFilter registry tweak (see REGISTRY.TXT). This is not new functionality, only a convenient wrap-up of the robust copy dialog for the backup task.
- If using the ribbon UI, you will find this command under COPY TO button
- [P] ACTIONS > FILE PROPERTIES menu command sets any editable text properties (Author, Title, even Comment and Tags) for the selected items. You can both set, clear and even search and replace within existing values. The user interface is almost the same as for mass renaming; select the property of interest using the topmost drop-down list box in the dialog.
- If using the ribbon UI, you will find this command in WORKBENCH tab, under ATTRIBUTES button
- [P] The mass rename dialog has many options. You can save your favorite rename operations, including all options, search and replace strings and so on with a name, and repeat them again later. Use the PREDEFINED drop-down box to supply a name for the current options, then click SAVE button to store them. To delete a previously stored set, select it then hold down key while clicking on SAVE.

Any date $-tokens for mass rename and scripting allow date (and time) format to be specified on the spot using a : after the column name, e.g. ${Modified:yyMMdd HH:mm}. This way you can introduce sort-friendly dates in filenames as ${Date taken:yyyyMMdd}. For a description of the date/time format strings see here:
- [P] A registry setting (szExclusionFilter) defines a global exclusion filter for views and tree, hiding matching files and folders. It is a layout-specific setting, defined as a comma separated list of wildcards to EXCLUDE from view (alternatively it can be a saved hyperfilter name as those in FIND FILES dialog). When active, the hidden files statusbar icon will show as a reminder. Only relatively fast file properties can be used in the exclusion filter.
- The folder tree shows some folders twice, and some that people seldom use. You can hide folders you don't need using the tree context menu (xplorer² > HIDE THIS FOLDER) on the unwanted folders. To show all folders again right click on the tree background and tick off USE BLACKLIST menu option. Note only folders in the first few levels can be hidden.
- TIP: To UNhide a folder that was marked by accident, temporarily disable the blacklist, right click on the folder and use HIDE THIS FOLDER menu again. This acts like a toggle.
- All organize dialogs (bookmarks etc) come with a filter box to locate an entry quickly by keyword. Click on FIND NEXT button to select the next matching list item. Double-click on the item found to edit or activate it.
- WINDOW > FIND TAB menu will search for a tab by its (partial) path and activate it. All folder tabs are listed from both left and right panels.
- [P] When searching for duplicates and selecting them, xplorer² arranges the sort order by date so that the OLDER file in each group remains (it is not selected), and you can delete the newer duplicates, if that's what you want. Of course if the duplicate checking parameters include date, this sorting is pointless as all files will have the same dates by construction!
- [P] Details pane (VIEW > DETAILS PANE menu) shows document title and keywords when office documents are selected. If you know HTML you can choose exactly which file properties appear in this pane using a file called X2DETAILS.HTM, search the blog for more details.
- Compressed folder NSE (for 7z/RAR) updated to version 1.403: some bugfixes and upgraded to 7zip v19. For more details see
- Installer option to start xplorer² automatically whenever you boot in Windows (additional tasks page)
- For large DPI installations, the extra large (48x48) toolbar skin is automatically used, and a 32x32 skin is used for menus; that should make them more readable.
- New random sort mode (VIEW > ARRANGE BY > RANDOMLY menu) for those that need spice in their folders to fight everyday boredom
- Ctrl+mousewheel changes thumbnail size as well as view styles, so you can easily view huge thumbnail previews
- Editor² switches to large toolbar skin when in high dpi
- Various bugfixes and efficiency improvements
- New tips 9f, 64a, 64b, 64c, 111a, 111b
- [U] programmable column function DATE() converts strings to dates. Perhaps its most useful case is with an empty argument, which returns the current date. This can be used to calculate the file age in days e.g.
- DATE("") - ${Modified}
- [U] programmable column function EXISTS() checks the existence of its path argument and also returns the file type: 1 if it is a file, -1 if a folder, or 0 if nothing exists.

[U] programmable column functions FILE2 and FILEPROP can be used to compare the current item with others, e.g. for synchronization checks. FILEPROP can only fetch a single property, whereas FILE2 can execute any arbitrary expression on the second file. The example below tests if the file is newer than its namesake in E:OTHER folder:
- ${Modified} > FILEPROP(${Modified}, "E:other" + ${name})
- You can have only one FILE2 but as many FILEPROP as you need in an expression. See the documentation for more details. In the future these will be used for advanced overwrite control.

Xplorer2 Ultimate (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Xplorer2 Ultimate (64-bit)
- Better handling of mass rename regular expressions, to be used for filename case changing. The down side is that now all search and replace regexp operations are case sensitive
- Dark shell context sumbenus and other small dark secrets
- Multi-monitor manifest is optional, must be selected during installation, because it causes problems for some users
- When you manually request folder sizes with <CTRL+D> keys, and if a folder item is selected, then size will be calculated just for the selected folders. This doesn't affect people that have folder size on all the time

Xplorer2 Ultimate (64-bit)
- Welcome to the DARK side. Use TOOLS > ADVANCED OPTIONS menu command and turn on the fashionable dark mode (see the GLOBAL property page). It may be good for your eyes, or it may be just another fad, but you've asked for it and we delivered!
- Microsoft didn't make it easy for old school desktop programs like xplorer² to change window colors, so you will discover a number glitches, remnants of the default white-ish system colors here and there. In general things look best for windows 10.
- You can tell which pane is active by its slightly brighter dark background. Inactive panes are pitch black. If you need more distinct identification of inactive panes, select a background color from TOOLS > OPTIONS menu, but that is liable to upset the darkness. Alternatively tick the advanced option (TOOLS > OPTIONS menu again) to "Highlight active pane's titlebar as in 2xExplorer".

[P] Mass rename with regular expressions. Finally that long term disabled "RE" tickbox in FILE > MASS RENAME dialog is available for use.
This is a super advanced rename mode suitable for replacing parts of filenames with backreferences etc. Here is an example:
- filename = LOG.17112006.TXT
- regexp = (dd)(dd)(dddd) -> matches all digits in 3 (groups)
- replace with = $3-$2-$1 -> backreferences
- result name = LOG.2006-11-17.TXT -> inverted date YMD
- So using group operators in (brackets) and then $1 etc back references, you can rearrange parts of the filename, or remove them altogether. Parts of the filename that aren't matched, remain the same.
- To use regular expressions, tick the RE box and enter your regular expression in your WHAT TO MATCH field, then provide the replace string in the TARGET NAME TEMPLATE. Note the usual $-tokens in xplorer² cannot be combined with regular expressions.
- [U] MARK > FIND TEXT IN FILES (ctrl+G) has a tickbox to USE SEARCH INDEX, for super-fast content matching in the current folder. Note it cannot find special symbols or keywords that are not in the beginning of the word, as all cases of indexed search. If you need to search for exact text with symbols, untick this checkbox.
- New keyboard-only command CYCLENEXT (id = 33525) can be used to jump from one pane to another. Unlike past editions where you had to remember that <CTRL+TAB> keyboard combination jumped to the folder tree pane, <SHIFT+TAB> jumped to the addressbar and so on, now a single key cycles through all open panes. The recommended binding is key, but as this is already used, use CUSTOMIZE > KEYBOARD menu command, find command 33525 in the Miscellaneous category, and assign your favorite keyboard shortcut to it. Command #33526 cycles in the opposite direction.

Sorry some native mode preview handlers eat all keyboard shortcuts, so if you get stuck in one, the only solution is to click out with the mouse. Here's a reminder of other pane navigation keyboard shortcuts:
- TAB: Switch locally e.g. from the active to the inactive pane, or from the addressbar to the filter box
- ESC: Jump from any pane back into the active folder pane
- CTRL+ALT+LEFT: (or right arrow) Jump to previous or next tab
- ALT+Q: Switch previewer modes (native/draft tab)
- Advanced option GAO2_WEXPATTRS(=512) tells xplorer² to use explorer-friendly file attributes. Most attribute letters are the same, but there are some differences (L==junction etc). For more information see here
- Windows 10 version 1903 has sadly made an adverse turn in terms of managing files in very deep paths. Renaming/deleting files in deep folders works only in elevated mode (you must run xplorer² as administrator or use WINDOW > ADMINISTRATOR menu command). In transition folders you will need to use CTRL+F2 to supply a deep file or folder name
- xplorer² should look better if you have two or more monitors with different DPI resolutions
- Macro command POSITIVE can be used to test arithmetic operations whether they are positive or not.
- [U] Programmable column instruction DIRCNT, similar to Contents [S] column but more flexible. You can use it to count files under a folder given a wildcard, and specify if you want to count only files, only folders or both.
- [U] Programmable column instruction DATETIME formats a (file) date as you like it. For example DATETIME(${modified}, YYYY.MM.dd, "") will show the date as 2019.09.15 without any time information. This could be useful for mass renaming tasks or for general date formatting. Note you can also use the advanced settings editor if you need to customize how stock dates appear in xplorer².
- [U] A PREVIEW button was added in the programmable column definition dialog, that lets you test the expression on the selected item (in the active pane).
- Zoom image previewer (Draft tab) takes JPG photo/picture orientation tags into account and shows correctly rotated picture previews.
[P] similar picture locator (TOOLS > FIND SIMILAR PHOTOS menu command in a scrap window) can detect pictures that are (almost) the same and differ in rotation/orientation.
- $P token (selected item's folder path) now works even for empty folders
- New tips 51a, 98c and 164a.
- Internal editor² version 2.96 with better handling of high DPI screens. If you need it in dark mode, tweak the background colors to taste from program settings (VIEW > OPTIONS menu).
- All demo videos from HELP > HOW DO I? menu now shown in youtube. Quality is a bit worse but you don't need to worry about flash plugins.
various bugfixes and improvements

xplorer² Ultimate (64-bit)
- cloud storage improvements for Google drive file stream and Box cloud drive

xplorer² Ultimate (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Serviio 2.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Hide genres and series which are not available for the user
- Added support for serving some TrueHD formats without transcoding
- Added support for .m4b files
- Added profile for Samsung N series
- Introduced user.vmoptions file to keep user system properties intact during upgrade (Windows)
- Fixed not being able to update a user on a renderer
- Fixed icon sizes on the MediaBrowser landing page
- Fixed null/null in some video titles (requires metadata re-scan)
- Fixed online feed identifiers overflowing for some large libraries
- Fixed looking up movies by year on
- Updated Java to OpenJDK 1.8_242

Sonarr 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Add MediaInfo to Episode Files returned from the API
- Opt-in to delete empty series/season folders
- Remove empty series folders after disk scan/deleting last episode file and create emoty series folders is disabled
- New Delay import of episodes without titles temporarily
- Option to add paused for Deluge
- Option to add paused for Transmission
- Device names for Join notifications
- Setting for absolute maximum size for a release
- Consider all scene SxxE00 releases Specials as well.
- Run missing root folder health check when an import is successful

- Updated NLog to 4.5 RC6 to handle mono 5.10
- Parsing of WEB-DLMux files
- Send category to qBittorrent when adding torrent/magnet
- Removexpost suffix from release groups
- Disable delete button on used quality profiles
- Show error if System->Logs fails to load due to ad blocker.
- Show error message when manual import fails to load
- Remove Pre and postbot suffixes from release groups
- Parsing releases with standard and daily formats
- Parsing of pre range multi-episode filenames
- Set air date to 1970-01-01 if episode aired before (mono)
- Improve logging for invalid NZB messages
- Invalid scene numbering leading to manual import failing to load
- Mono internals does not properly copy/move symlinks, but instead copies the contents
- Handling of unknown status types in DownloadStation

- Include APFS disks in disk space
- Channel setting for Slack notifications to override default channel
- Validate NZBs before sending to download client
- Add authentication options to Webhook

- Security vulnerabilities allowing authentication to be bypassed (discovered by Kyle Neideck)
- Sorting by episodes on series overview and poster views
- Import failures when audio channels are in an unexpected format
- Sorting Manual Import by relative path
- Parsing of resolution in TVRips
- Parsing when using episode number as folder name in naming config
- Incorrect parsing of filenames with [SDTV] suffix trigging Anime pattern
- Regression preventing new downloads from bypassing the Download Client Back-off logic

- Change log not available for this version

- Fixed Regression in http redirect logic causing failed grabs and >25% cpu usage
- Fixed Logging error when accessing mount point
- Fixed Hide some more irrelevant paths from System->Disk Space such as /boot
- Fixed Use pending download if no download client is configured instead of logging a warning

- Legacy TLS is not supported on OSX

- TvMaze and IMDB IDs added to custom script environment variables
- New Paths for deleted files when upgrading an existing file
- New Additional variables for custom script on grab events
- New Episode files sent to Recycling Bin are put into subfolders
- New Updated MediaInfo to 0.7.93
- New White icon with transparent background for Join notifications notification bar icon
- New Added UHD to list of queried RARBG categories
- New Rename subtitles and extra files when renaming files
- New Option to import subtitles and extra files when importing media files (Settings->Media Management)
- Fixed Import from torrent Download Station should move since DS maintains an internal copy for seeding
- Fixed Sabnzbd error when tv sorting enabled for all categories
- Fixed Newznab default capabilities erroneously cached if indexer is unavailable
- Fixed Zero length file causes MediaInfo hanging in 100% cpu load
- Fixed DownloadStation api client for DSM 5.x
- Fixed Parsing releases with year added to the end of the series title
- Fixed Sabnzbd 2.0 api compatibility
- Fixed Join grab messages
- Fixed Refactored rtorrent interface to fix reliability issues with adding magnets & torrents
- Fixed Parsing cookies with trailing semi-colon
- Fixed Broken migration due to extensionless extra files
- Fixed Delay profiles are no longer hidden under advanced settings
- Fixed Clear EpisodeFile records from database if Series folder is missing, but root folder appears to be mounted
- Fixed Health check failing and preventing others from running
- Fixed Improve health check message when all enabled indexers are disabled due to failures
- Fixed Reduce parameters required to add a new series via API
- Fixed Clean RSS feed before detecting type

- New Allow Uppercase in Transmission category
- New support for REAL releases
- New Added `Quality Real` naming Token
- New Quality Full will add real to file name when applicable
- New Newznab Preset for NZBCat
- Fixed Force grabbing some delayed releases
- Fixed Improved parsing of some multi-episode filenames
- Fixed Prevent series from being added with an invalid Profile ID

- Fixed Saving settings changes

- New Manual search shows error when download fails
- Fixed Hidden calendar tooltips
- Fixed Add wrapping to fix long paths in labels
- Fixed Logging invalid version when failing to connect to Kodi
- Fixed Failing missing episode search when one search fails
- Fixed Manual import when quality was not available after failed parsing
- Fixed Magnet links with torrent blackhole
- Fixed Prevent incorrectly grabbing a similar or identical release for 12 hours
- Fixed Stricter parsing of some release filenames
- Fixed Log download client name when communication fails
- Fixed Test messaging when indexer API returns an error with a message
- Fixed Parsing anime series with number in title
- Fixed Specials season search UI messaging
- Fixed Added verified file transfer mode that doesn't revert to copy
- Fixed External links again open in new windows
- Fixed Removal of common suffixes such as [ettv] while parsing

- Fixed History will always be used to determine upgrade eligibility when CDH is disabled

- New Blackhole won't grab another release if release in last hour meets the cutoff
- New Implemented Newznab changes to support search by tvdbid/tvmazeid instead of only tvrageid
- New Added TvMaze link to series details
- New Option to remove illegal characters instead of replacing them
- New Show time instead of date if event occurs/occurred today
- New Add Webhook support
- New Warning message that Torrent Blackhole will move files, not copy or hard link
- New Ability to push releases to Sonarr via API for processing
- New Sonarr can now update series to use another tvdbid in case when tvdb removes a duplicate and Skyhook detects it.
- New Hungarian language support
- New Support 5-digit multi-episode releases
- New Sonarr logo is optional for Pushalot notifications
- New Twitter Notifications
- New Boxcar 2 notifications
- New Titans of TV tracker
- New Will now fetch multiple pages in the rss feed in order to catch up (for indexers supporting paging), or produce a warning otherwise. (benefits lower rss-intervals)
- New Will now temporarily stop using an indexer if the indexer reported an error
- New Run custom scripts (Connection)
- New Reenabled verified file transfer
- Fixed Torrent Blackhole client will not track torrents by hash
- Fixed SeasonPass didn't update Series monitored flag if only those were changed
- Fixed Don't produce scene mapping warnings if TheXEM only maps the second half of a season
- Fixed Invalid season packs preventing future releases from being grabbed when using SAB as download client
- Fixed Adding label to torrents in rTorrent
- Fixed Don't import single files that start with ._
- Fixed Tooltips for series and season searches
- Fixed TV Directory is not required for local rTorrent
- Fixed Removed deferrer from external links, instead relying solely on the rel=noreferrer attribute (supported by Chrome and Firefox, but not all browser)
- Fixed Consistent display of sizes (1000 vs 1024)
- Fixed Missing Episode Search command wasn't stored properly in the db causing it to search for all series, instead of one
- Fixed Only show completed downloads in queue when Completed Download Handling is enabled
- Fixed Removing torcache url query params to avoid redirect
- Fixed Parse TVRip releases as SDTV
- Fixed Parsing 4-digit season packs
- Fixed Log error message when moving file to recycling bin fails
- Fixed Extremely long series titles causing display issues on main page
- Fixed Preserve startup arguments during restart
- Fixed Only run a complete section update in Plex if all partial updates fail
- Fixed Import episodes in ascending numerical order
- Fixed Don't log all daily episodes parsing as unknown episodes
- Fixed Better parsing of full season x265 releases
- Fixed Indexers returning relative urls for grabs
- Fixed Emby metadata added date will use series added date
- Fixed Don't check for missing TheXEM numbering when importing existing series
- Fixed rTorrent category is optional
- Fixed Should ignore indexer provided tvrageid when scene naming exception exists
- Fixed Series failing to load when there were no seasons
- Fixed Refreshing individual series incorrectly delayed the scheduled Update Library task
- Fixed Readded series monitoring flag to Season Pass view
- Fixed Updated libcurl version mappings to use libcurl.4 instead of libcurl.3
- Fixed Indexer returning an empty page during the rss sync
- Fixed Extrapolate TheXem scene numbering when newer episodes exist on TheTvdb but don't auto import

EF Commander 19.08 查看版本資訊


MongoDB Compass 1.19.4 查看版本資訊


Voxengo Span 3.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Improved responsiveness during window resizing
- Improved visual quality at different visual interface scales
- Windows: implemented (switchable) higher-precision user interface update timer, for smoother display

DearMob iPhone Manager 3.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

DearMob iPhone Manager 3.5
- Change log not available for this version

DearMob iPhone Manager 3.3
- Change log not available for this version

DearMob iPhone Manager 3.2
- Change log not available for this version

DearMob iPhone Manager 3.1
- Change log not available for this version

DearMob iPhone Manager 3.0
- Change log not available for this version