Skype 歷史版本列表 Page45

最新版本 Firefox Developer Edition 124.0b2 (64-bit)

Skype 歷史版本列表

Skype 是使您能夠在世界任何地方撥打免費電話的軟件。 Skype 使用 P2P(點對點)技術將您與其他用戶連接起來。它提供了幾個功能,包括 Skype 從 Skype 撥打全球的普通和移動電話,電話會議和安全的文件傳輸。您現在也可以與其他用戶共享您的屏幕。 Skype 調用專注於視頻和音頻質量,並確保與端到端的加密調用。所有你需要開始的是 Windows XP SP3,Vista,7,8 或 ... Skype 軟體介紹

Topaz Video Enhance AI 3.0.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Completely new app from the ground up
- Better stability

- Stabilization
- Apollo for super slow-mo
- Completely Auto Proteus
- TensorRT models for Deinterlace and Enhance models

- Models can be chained
- Command line support
- Parallel execution support
- Ability to keep previews
- Usable offline once models are downloaded
- Custom crop
- Sharable presets
- Output encoder can be modified by the user externally
- Batch preview
- Support for Intel Arc and Nvidia 4000 series

- Support for various output formats
- Color depth up to 16bit now supported
- Colorspace and color inconsistency issues reduced significantly
- On crashing, video files are playable
- Handling non-square pixel videos
- Metatag videoai added to videos with full filter details

Capture One 22 15.4.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New camera support:
- Panasonic GF8
- Support for Nikon Z9 Lossy Compressed files

New lens support:
- Sigma 150–600mm F5-6.3 DG DN OS | S (L-Mount)

- a rare issue where Capture One could hang upon closing of the application
- an issue where dust removal from the LCC tool would wrongly render the area of sensor dust
- issue with white balance and tint when stitching DNG files to panorama
- an issue where Fujifilm X-H2S RAW files may appear under-exposed
- a rare issue where a message on .NET would block installation progress

Adlice Diag 2.6.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Updated to core 6.5.4:
- Moved URL protocol to installer
- Minor fixes

XnView MP 1.3.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Convert: File size info
- Convert: Ratio pad
- JPEGXL 0.70
- LibHEIF 1.13.0
- Paint: Position for image watermark
- Convert: Blurred frame
- Convert: Color at in Canvas resize

- Rating not applied correctly
- Settings ui
- Settings
- Video crash
- Return key does not work after 'add text' closed
- Menu entries not disabled on Empty tab
- Wallpaper dialog: default color
- Crash when adding keyword & no files selected (Category filter)
- 'Edit XMP' doesn't change rating in catalog
- Video playing doesn't update progress bar
- Rotate color default value
- Crash with large JPEG XMP data
- Strange behavior when extensions list is empty in 'Custom filter'
- Resize: 'load default values'
- Filter dialog ui
- 'Remove alpha channel' always enabled
- Language settings ui
- JPEG lossless rotation & long filename
- Most used format on saving
- Lossless HEIC
- JPEGXL lossless
- JXL/AVIF in archive can't be loaded
- Write settings dialog margin
- Capture: save filename
- Mac: Wheel problem for previous/next file
- No lossless backup for .jpeg
- Grid & subdivisions > spacing
- Crash when cleaning embedded comment
- Convert: Resize by longest-shortest side & percent

Bitwig Studio 4.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Spectral devices, for all Bitwig Studio customers:
- Spectral Suite, four new audio FX and a package of sound content, is now part of Bitwig Studio
- There is a new Spectral device category, where the four new audio FX can be found
- How do these "spectral" devices work?…
- These audio FX are frequency-domain devices, which separate the incoming sound into hundreds of pieces for analysis
- In the frequency domain, each moment of a sound isn't simply loud or quiet (for example); there are always frequencies that are loud and those that are quiet
- So Bitwig does the math and then, based on the device's orientation, related signals are grouped into "channels" for easy mixing and plug-in-friendly control
- These devices are "containers" at heart, reconstructing the original sound… until you move one of the channel controls (Gain or Panning) or insert a plug-in
- The sooner you adjust an audio parameter, the more obvious the devices become
- All four devices have an identical structure for each channel:
- Gain control, in standard volume range
- Panning control, for stereo placement
- An On (or "active") switch, shown with a speaker icon beneath the Gain knob, in case you want to disable a channel
- A Solo control, shown as an S button to the left of the Gain knob, for auditioning one channel at a time
- A device chain, for processing this channel of audio with any Bitwig device or VST/CLAP plug-in
- Like all nested device chains on these devices, notes reaching the device are available here, for envelope triggers, phase resets, or anything else you deem appropriate
- All four devices also share an identical Output Section:
- A Pre FX chain, for processing incoming audio before it goes to the spectral analysis, perhaps for a Compressor or Dynamics to tighten the signal, or anything else
- A Post FX chain, for processing the sum of the audio channels, maybe for an EQ+ to balance the full output, or your favorite plug-in, or…
- A Mix control, that blends the dry incoming signal with the final processed signal (coming from the channels and Post FX chain)
- Freq Split, Loud Split, and Harmonic Split all use similar visualizations and share a Spectrum Display Inspector parameter, with two modes:
- Pre shows the analysis data (and no audio processing from the channel controls, such as Gain or audio plug-ins), good for tweaking the splits
- Post shows each channel's output audio, post-processing

New Spectral Suite device: Freq Split (Spectral):
- Divides signal into frequency groups and sorts them into one of four channels, for individual mixing and processing
- Frequency Splits sets the number of splits across the frequency spectrum, which works with two nearby parameters:
- Split Insertion Direction sets whether additional splits are added from the right/high edge of the spectrum (←), from the left/low edge of the spectrum (→), or around the relative middle (↔︎)
- Crossfade Amount determines the overlap between splits
- So with the device's default settings, 16 Splits with an Insertion Direction putting new splits on the right (←) means:
- The 1st, 5th, 9th, and 13th splits land in channel 1 (red)
- The 2nd, 6th, 10th, and 14th splits land in channel 2 (blue)
- The 3rd, 7th, 11th, and 15th splits land in channel 3 (yellow)
- The 4th, 8th, 12th, and 16th splits land in channel 4 (magenta)
- And if the Crossfade Amount was increased from 0.00 % (full isolation between bands) to 50.0 %, then each split would spend its first 25 % crossfading with the previous split, and its last quarter crossfading with the next split
- Split Nudge slides the frequency splits by an offset value, so a setting of +2.00 pushes the contents of channel 1 into channel 2, channel 4 into channel 2, and so on
- Split Spin also slides the frequency splits but relative to the entire spectrum; so a setting of -10.0 % slides all the splits a tenth lower in the entire spectrum
- Whether being subtle (Split Nudge) or extreme (Split Spin), modulating either of these parameters shows the "filter bank" quality of this device, creating new phasers and more when each channel is loaded with different audio FX
- Split Bend curves the frequency split pattern around a new midpoint, either moving the midpoint downward and putting splits closer together in the lower frequencies (negative values) or moving the midpoint higher and having splits closer together in the upper frequencies (positive values)
- Split Pinch kinks the frequency split pattern, either bunching more splits around the midpoint (positive values) or putting more splits into the sides (negative values)
- In the device's display, the interactive white dot controls Split Bend when dragged left to right, and Split Pinch when dragged up and down; it's fun
- The Spectral Limiter option sets a maximum Threshold level for each individual frequency bin
- In the device's display, the Threshold is shown with a horizontal orange bar that can be dragged up or down

New Spectral Suite device: Harmonic Split (Spectral):
- Tracks the fundamental frequency of the incoming sound, for splitting Nonharmonics (gray) to one channel and dividing harmonics between Harmonics A (orange) and Harmonics B (turquoise) channels, for individual mixing and processing
- Harmonics Pattern decides how harmonics are distributed between the A and B channels
- The default setting of 2 places every 2nd harmonic in A channel, so the A channel will be odd harmonics (1st, 3rd, 5th, etc.), and the B channel receives all even harmonics (2nd, 4th, 6th, etc.)
- A setting of 4, for example, would place the 1st, 5th, 9th, etc. harmonics in channel A, and all other harmonics (2nd, 3rd, 4th; 6th, 7th…) into channel B
- Higher values lead to narrower results in the A channel — and the potential for more extreme processing without "getting into trouble"
- A setting of 1 is special, routing only the fundamental to channel A and all other harmonics to channel B
- Nonharmonic Sensitivity is a relative control for how picky the harmonic vs. non-harmonic split is, where a higher Sensitivity value allows less audio into the Nonharmonic channel — and more audio into the two Harmonics channels
- The Maximum Harmonics Inspector parameter allows you to limit the number of harmonics being tracked, acting as a "ceiling" when you want fewer frequencies in the Harmonics A and B channels
- Fundamental tracking can be adjusted with several analysis parameters:
- Tilt favors the high frequencies (when positive) or low frequencies (when negative), useful when the desired fundamental is filtered in the sound, etc.
- The Low-cut Frequency and High-cut Frequency parameters narrow the frequency tracking area
- An amplitude Detection Threshold can be set, keeping moments that stay below that level in the Nonharmonics channel
- In the device's display, the Detection Threshold and Cut Frequencies are interactive lines that can be dragged
- The device display also illustrates the currently-detected fundamental with a white dot and moving crosshairs

New Spectral Suite device: Loud Split (Spectral):
- Uses two thresholds to separate the Quiet (green), Mid (yellow), and Loud (red) portions of the incoming sound, for individual mixing and processing
- A Higher Threshold (red) sets the level where stronger signals are considered Loud
- A Lower Threshold (green) sets the level where weaker signals are considered Quiet
- In the device's display, both thresholds are visualized as horizontal lines, which can be dragged up and down
- When clicking a line's dot handle on the right, only the outer band of that threshold will be heard while the mouse is held
- Any signal falling between the two thresholds is considered Mid
- Relative Loudness Mode follows the level of the incoming sound, treating 0.0 dB as the strongest band at any given moment
- Relative Loudness Mode uses separate Relative Higher Threshold and Relative Lower Threshold parameters
- Each threshold has its own Knee value, for setting the transition (and effective crossfade) between adjacent channels
- In the device's display, ALT-dragging on either threshold adjusts its Knee parameter
- Rise Time sets the number of blocks before a softer signal fully transitions up into a louder band, like a "resistance" parameter
- Fall Time sets the number of blocks before a louder signal fully falls down into a quieter band, like a "decay" parameter
- Tilt is an analysis parameter, favoring the high frequencies (when positive) or low frequencies (when negative) before the channel splitting is applied

New Spectral Suite device: Transient Split (Spectral):
- Separates the Transients (short, unstable sounds; colored yellow) and Tones (periodic or pitched sounds; colored blue), for individual mixing and processing
- Analysis Bias either skews the detection to favor Transients (positive values) or Tones (negative values)
- The Transient Type Inspector parameter switches between two different algorithms for which type of Transient is being looked for:
- Percussive searches for typical impact transients, good for drums or other things that "click" and "smack"
- Noise looks for noisy smears, or even reverb residue
- Transients Decay sets a time (in blocks) for extending detected Transients, allowing them to release
- Tones Smoothing sets a time (in blocks) for extending detected Tones, allowing them to decay
- Tilt Amount is an analysis parameter that is colored yellow as it is oriented to how it affects the Transients channel; its effect is the opposite for the Tones channel
- The Tilt Mode Inspector parameter changes the method of Tilt applied, between a Standard model that favors the Transient channel's high frequencies (when positive) or its low frequencies (when negative), or a Contour approach that subtly adjusts the mid frequencies vs. the highs & lows
- Transient/Tones Blend is the audio balance at the output of the spectral section, before each signal reaches its channel
- The Display Style of this device is unique, with two modes:
- Waveform shows a split amplitude domain representation of the two groups
- Sonogram offers the recent frequency-domain history for each group

New Features:
- There is now a Japanese translation of the Bitwig Studio v4.3.0 manual
- Device context menus have be reorganized so that device-specific entries come near the top of the list (for example, the Spectrum Displays setting for three of the Spectral devices)

Gyazo 4.3.4 查看版本資訊


Bitwig Studio 4.3.10 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Sound package update dialog is now only shown for licensed content
- Splice activation did not work correctly or could cause crashes
- Starting a trial phase was showing an error or could lead to a crash

Thunderbird 102.3.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Thunderbird will try to use POP CRAM-MD5 authentication even if not advertised by server

- Checking messages on POP3 accounts caused POP folder to lock if mail server was slow or non-responsive
- Newsgroups named with consecutive dots would not appear when refreshing list of newsgroups
- Sending news articles containing lines starting with dot were sometimes clipped
- CardDAV server sync silently failed if sync token expired
- Contacts from LDAP on macOS address books were not displayed
- Chat account input now accepts URIs for supported chat protocols
- Chat ScreenName field was not migrated to new address book
- Creating a New Event from the Today Pane used the currently selected day from the main calendar instead of from the Today Pane
- New Event button in Today Pane was incorrectly disabled sometimes
- Event reminder windows did not close after being dismissed or snoozed
- Improved performance of recurring event date calculation
- Quarterly calendar events on the last day of the month repeated one month early
- Thunderbird would hang if calendar event exceeded the year 2035
- Whitespace in calendar events was incorrectly handled when upgrading from Thunderbird 91 to 102
- Various visual and UX improvements

WYSIWYG Web Builder 17.4.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

WYSIWYG Web Builder 17.4.2
- Fixed: Issue with Flex Container and 'universal-parallax'

- Border radius in Layers can now be set for individually corners
- Editbox/TextArea padding rendering in floating layouts
- Made sure negative max-width does not break Flex Grid output
- Lightbox preview image (in the workspace) maintains aspect ratio in YouTube, Vimeo and HTML5 video
- Added support for HTML5 semantic tags of child elements in layers/layout grids and other containers

WYSIWYG Web Builder 17.4.1
- Incorrect icon scaling in customized toolbox on high dpi screens
- Banner does not save background repeat and alignment properties

- Updated Digital Signature Certificate
- Form processing: Added file upload URLs to CSV output
- Form processing: Auto responder message now also processes file upload URLs
- Added support for scrollreveal events in master pages
- Implemented responsive column height in Layout Grids. The column height property can now have a different value in breakpoints

WYSIWYG Web Builder 17.4.0
- Improved: Added 'Full width' support to Advanced Button
- Improved: The properties dialog of the CSS Menu has been completely redesigned to be more consistent with other menus, for quicker access to properties and making them easier findable
- New feature: CSS Menu has a new option 'sub menus'. This option can be used to show/hide sub menus, in case the menu is synchronized with the Site Manager structure. When 'sub menus' is off, then no sub menus will be included.
- New feature: Added 'view searchbox' and 'view toolbox' command to context menu of property grid dialogs (Add Style, Multi Page properties, Login Tools, JavaScript, Navigation, etc). This makes it possible to hide these options is case you never use them, so there is more space for the properties.
- New feature: Added 'alternate row color' command to context menu of property grid dialogs. Enables/disables drawing odd/even grid rows using different colors.
- New feature: Added the ability to clear the URL history (the list of urls in the link dropdown): Tools -> Options -> User Interface -> Clear URL history
- New feature: Extension developers now have the ability to use styles in their extensions (via the new 'class' property type in Extension Builder)
- In future releases of WWB, we will add extended support for the use of styles/classes. So, this will also make extensions compatible with future functionality.

Other improvements:
- Fied: Issue with Image Hotspots icon border radius
- Improved: Image Hotspots ma-width behavior in workspace
- Improved: 'Clear formatting' now also resets letter spacing in tet
- Improved: Implemented workaround for Summernote """ issues in CSM Admin and Editable Content Admin .
- Improved: Upgraded to PHP Mailer version 6.6.4. More details: ...
- Improved: we've dropped the '-webkit-' prefi for fle-direction, fle-wrap, justify-content, align-items, align-content. They are no longer required, so this simplifies the code

WYSIWYG Web Builder 17.3.2
- Removed extra from Bootstrap Date Picker
- Card text set to output does not have font-size
- Card item 'divider' ignores alpha value of color in workspace

- Improved: Card properties now shows video URL in item list

WYSIWYG Web Builder 17.3.1
- Fixed: Several compatibility issues with CMS plugins and PHP

- Publish tool no longer changes current folder on the server. This prevents creating extra folders on some web servers.
- Optimized performance of Unsplash thumbnails in Stock Photo selection window
- Random mode in slideshow (with pause time set to '0'), hides initial image

WYSIWYG Web Builder 17.3.0
- New feature: Added 'show quantity' option to the PayPal Shopping Cart. When this option is unchecked then the quantity of each item is limited to '1'

- Fine-tuned the application initialization process to reduce the initial startup time
- Added a dedicated button for spell checker in the Ribbon toolbar (Page). It's also possible to customize the keyboard shortcut. Default is F7
- Added scrollbar to Bootstrap Modal in Site Search results
- Page background image 'cover' and 'contain' options now also support alignment and repeat
- Updated 'Built with' logo in Ready-to-use-Javascripts
- Added the ability to add custom HTML to extensions (Before tag/After tag
- Bundled Fancybox (1.3.4) and PrettyPhoto (3.1.6) are now compatible with jQuery 3
- Upgraded network functionality with many sftp/ftp/https related fixes and improvements: better compatibility with various web hosts, security, error handling etc

- Issue with Blog Carousel navigation arrows (incorrect path)
- List control in subtitles, orphan files and Themeable Button (button set) are not themed
- Issue with button set configuration in Themeable Button
- Issue with Bootstrap dialog position in Photo Gallery
- Removed extra bracket in CSS of Bootstrap accordion
- Cursor of the Logout button cannot be set via properties dialog
- Issue with button IDs of Wizard object (Bootstrap
- Issue with text hover color in Auto Complete object

WYSIWYG Web Builder 17.2.1
- Some background properties of Breadcrumb and Pagination are not saved
- Memory leak in navigation bar dialog and page properties

- Dark mode rendering of navigation bar image selection
- HTML beautifier now preserves formatting of tags in SVG
- Added the ability to alphabetically sort columns in the Link Manager
- Margin and padding in style sheet no longer have unit for zero values (0px -> 0)

WYSIWYG Web Builder 17.2.0
- Implemented a workaround for Google's webmaster tools "Sitemap can be read, but has errors" warning
- Optimized memory management for extensions, in most cases the software now supports up to 300 extensions (instead of 250 previously)
- Added 'handling' support to PayPal Shopping Cart checkout. If the 'Handling costs' property is set for 'Add to Cart' or 'Buy Now' then the value will now also be included in PayPal checkout. Note that the cart itself currently does not display the shipping costs, but they be visible in the PayPal payment overview
- Added 'disabled' support to 'File Upload' with default browser style off. The enable/disable state can also be controlled via events
- Added role="switch" to Flip Switch to more accurately convey the nature of the control to assistive technologies that support this role

- Added support for export to 'Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 9' projects
- Added 'full width' options to Toast (top and bottom)
- Added the ability to set the cursor of a form button via the properties dialog
- Added 'Use hover style to indicate the current level' option to CSS Menu, Themeable Menu and Responsive Menu. This option highlights the main item if one of the sub-items is linked to the current page
- The login form now also stores the email address in a session variable $_SESSION['email'], so it can be displayed on pages
- Added 'Display Email Address' option to Login name object
- Added 'Validation Pattern' property to 'Signup' and 'Edit account' objects. This property specifies a regular expression ( to validate the username. This may be useful if you want to support non-ASCII usernames
- Added 'disabled' property to Card's button element. This may be useful to temporally disable the button without removing the link
- Added 'cursor' property to Card's button element. This can be used to override the default cursor of the button
- Added the ability to set a hyperlink for the 'Terms and conditions' text in the PayPal Shopping Cart. The hyperlink can be set via the 'Link' button in the main menu
- Added support for PayPal shipping in Ecommerce events. The new options can be set via the 'More' button in the 'Ecommerce' event properties
- Base shipping: The cost of shipping this item if you have enabled item-specific shipping costs
- Extra shipping: The cost of shipping each additional item
- Handling costs: Handling charges. This is not quantity-specific. The same handling cost is charged regardless of the number of items purchased
- Shipping: Specifies whether to prompt the customer for a shipping address

WYSIWYG Web Builder 17.1.4
- FlexContainer at height 75vh, 50vh etc shrinks to 20px in workspace
- Issue with Snipcart API
- Overlay Menu 'direction' property cannot be set via properties dialog

- Responsive behavior of jQuery UI dialog
- Added support for margin to DatePicker
- Optimized Visual Theme loading sequence
- Error handling for multiple file attachments in form processing script
- Implemented a workaround for Google's webmaster tools "indexed, not submitted in sitemap" warning: 'index.html' is no longer included in the URL
- Multi-color border rendering in workspace
- border-radius in Themeable menu is now also applied to hover items (last-child)

- New feature: Holding the Shift-key while clicking OK in the Card properties applies the margin, padding and font-size to all breakpoints. See also 'SHIFT-tricks' in the help.

WYSIWYG Web Builder 17.1.3
- Added 'width' and height' attributes to navigation images in Carousel and SlideShow (Google Lighthouse improvement)
- Moved 'vcpopup.css' (Vibracart Pro) between head tags
- Added 'info tip' icon when Shape output format is set to CSS: CSS only supports rectangle, ellipse and rounded corner shapes
- After selecting 'Image Place holder', the image insert mode will be reset to default
- When using tax in the PayPal object, the 'tax_cart' variable will be added automatically so the tax will also be included in the PayPal Shopping Cart checkout
- Removed deprecated 'no_note' variable from PayPal HTML output
- "Import page from another project" now displays a message when no pages have been selected: "To select a page, the box in front of the page name must be checked"
- Several improvements related to internal font-family cache
- Added the ability to use negative letter spacing in Text object

WYSIWYG Web Builder 17.1.2
- Issue with line-break after 'image:svg+xml;' in CSS beautifier
- Timing issues with PayPal Shopping Cart and jQuery v3
- Incorrect 'Bookmark' tab title in Heading properties

- Flexcontainer direction property now also supports 'column-reverse' and 'row-reverse' in breakpoints
- Vertical pagination (center) of the Carousel/SlideShow is now responsive

WYSIWYG Web Builder 17.1.1
- Added recent colors to color pickers in Shape text
- Added the ability to sort the 'Status' column in the Link Manager

- Issue with links in some extensions
- Issue with URL history in link properties
- Issue with "Make Default" Page Properties -> Icons

WYSIWYG Web Builder 17.1
- Added support for 'Font Awesome 6 Pro Regular' (internal mapping to 'Font Awesome 6 Pro'). Note that we are not allowed to distribute the font library, so this is only for licensed users of 'Font Awesome 6 Pro'
- Implemented several improvements in the login tools
- Mega Menu ARIA support improvements
- 'Button only' items in Mega Menus are now also supported in mobile/responsive mode
- Ribbon controls appearance and padding in high DPI mode
- Added Ribbon tab highlighting and activation animations to Office 2019 themes
- Upgraded UI framework with many UI improvements like contextual Ribbon tab appearance, Office 2019-like drop down arrows, all drop down controls are now themed (for dark themes), context menu appearance under Windows 11 etc
- Upgraded to PHP Mailer version 6.5.3
- Windows 11 compatibility

- Added (experimental) support for multi-line text
in CSS menu
- Added support for rounded corners under Windows 11. This behavior can be controlled in Tools -> Options -> User Interface -> Rounded Corners
- Added 'Windows Scenic' visual scheme (Tools -> Options -> User Interface). This renders windows and controls with the standard Windows style
- Added support for smooth scrolling (bookmarks) to the Heading object. This may be useful when used in combination with the Table Of Content object
- Added new height options to flex container: 75vh, 50vh, 33vh, 25vh and 10v
- Added padding support to Cards
- Added 'Remove All' option to Combobox, to quickly remove all items from the list
- Added the ability to display a 'Download' button in the Plyr video player
- Added 'Full Width' and 'Maximum Width' properties to Login Name. This can be useful to limit the size of avatar images in layout grids
- Added sandbox support to the PayPal shopping cart
- Added the ability to show a delete confirmation prompt ('Delete Confirmation') to the Login Admin to prevent accidentally deleting users from the database
- Added 'sponsored' and 'ugc' values to rel attribute in links to qualify outbound links to Google
- Added the ability to use multiple rel values in links (SEO)

WYSIWYG Web Builder 17.0.5
- Several improvements related to icons in extensions created with Extension Builder
- Updated plyr scripts to version 3.6.9
- SEO Assistant now activates 'wait' cursor when processing the page, to indicate that it's busy
- 'Use hover style to indicate current page' is now also supported in sub menus of the CSS menu
- When using stencils and shapes on webp images, the output format is now also webp (instead of png)
- The progress bar is updated in smaller steps during publishing/uploading large files, instead of updating the status only after the file has been uploaded completely

- In the SlideShow/Carousel it is not possible to switch to full width. The corresponding function is hidden by the 'Settings' button
- Issue with web-storage in nested layout grid forms
- When filter/search in the Site Manager is active, then it should not be possible to move pages because this may corrupt the site structure

WYSIWYG Web Builder 17.0.4
- Fixed: Tables with classic HTML output do not have font-size

- Added the ability to hide the wrap text object in the default view
- Added support for Global Replace in Banners and PNG output
- Global Replace now also works for Cards with different fonts sizes in breakpoints

WYSIWYG Web Builder 17.0.3
- Some background properties of the Breadcrumb are not saved
- Issue with active color of Breadcrumb
- Issue with video background (local file) in Layout Grid
- Issue with command state (enable/disable) in edit context menu
- Issue with drop shadow in Shapes with hover enabled

- Optimized link verification in SEO Assistant and Link Manager
- Simplified HTML attribute encoding for Unicode text in breadcrumb
- Implemented workaround for missing icon preview in 'Tell me more'
- Added the ability to override the output folder for Extensions via the Object Manager -> Assets Folder

WYSIWYG Web Builder 17.0.2
- Issue with success and error page with Stripe Ecommerce integration
- Issue with Table Of Context when using incorrect heading order
- Issue with Ecwid Single Products responsive height
- Issue with bcrypt and Change Password form

- Added support for HTML5 semantic tags in Table of Contents
- Added aria-labelledby attribute to Table of Contents when a label is used
- Added the ability to use Cards as bookmark
- Double clicking 'Page has no header tags' in the SEO assistant will now open the online tutorial for more details

WYSIWYG Web Builder 17.0.1
- Issue with gradient color alpha in backgrounds
- Issue with SVG icon alignment in breakpoints
- Issue with universal-parallax in layer with breakpoints (display:inline should be display:block)

- Added support for 3-byte Unicode filenames in Baby Web Server (for local server preview)
- Added RTL rendering support to Site Tree and Table of Contents
- Several small improvements related to table HTML output
- Several performance improvements related to publishing text and tables (global RTF control table, font query cache)

WYSIWYG Web Builder 17.0.0
WYSIWYG Web Builder 17 has more than 125 new features. With special focus on SEO, Ecommerce, Productivity and Creativity:
Lottie Animations:
- Added support for Lottie animations. Display lightweight, scalable, and interactive Lottie animations on your websites.
- Lottie Animations can be triggered automatically, on click, on hover or on scroll. It is also possible to animate frame by frame based on the scrollbar position (parallax).
- Animations can be used as standalone element or as background / foreground in layers and layout grids.

SEO Assistant:
- New feature: Added SEO Assistant. This new tool helps you make your web pages more search engine friendly. The SEO Assistant scans the page for missing image descriptions, keywords, sitemap.xml/robot.txt, header tags, broken links, mobile support and more. Double clicking one of the reported issues will either open the properties (meta tags, sitemap etc) to fix the issue or select the object in the workspace.

- New feature: Added support for 'robots.txt'. Robots.txt is a text file with instructions for search engine crawlers. It defines which areas of a website crawlers are allowed to search.
- You can configure whether to allow /disallow the entire website or configure the rules for each folder individually.

Table Of Contents:
- A Table Of Contents is a list of links that lead to different sections on a page. They're particularly useful for long pages, as they highlight the critical sections of a page in order to improve the reader experience.
- You may know Table Of Content from websites like Wikipedia. Everytime you preview or publish the page, WYSIWYG Web builder will scan the page for heading objects (H1, H2 etc) and update the list. You can also configure the list manually.

- New feature: Added third party shopping cart checkout integration for Ecwid, Stripe, Snipcart, Paddle, PayPal, Gumroad and Vibracart Pro. The new ecommerce options are available in the events section. So, basically this means that any image, button, text or menu item that supports events can be turned into a checkout button for the supported Payment gateways.
- Tip: For Snipcart, Vibracart Pro and Ecwid, if you leave the 'Product ID' empty then the button will act as a checkout/show cart button.
- There is also a shortcut button 'Ecommerce' on the Ribbon so you can quickly add ecommerce functionality to a button, image, shape, etc.

Vibracart Pro:
- Vibracart Pro is a third-party Ecommerce solution. It supports digital (downloads) and physical products. PayPal and / or Stripe are supported for checkout. It has support for coupons, discounts, multiple shipping plans, VAT and lot of other options.
- Vibracart Pro is a self-hosted, which mean that the cart runs on your own website. So, you will need to install the product on hte server before you can use it.

Ecwid Shopping Cart:
- New feature: With the Ecwid Shopping Cart object you can easily integrate the Ecwid Ecommerce platform into your WYSIWYG Web Builder website. Ecwid is an awesome e-commerce software platform that allows you to add shopping cart functionality to any current site and also get a mobile and Facebook store in one package.
- Ecwid Shopping Cart is a hosted Ecommerce solution. This means that the cart runs on the Ecwid website. So, you do not have to install anything on your own server.
- Creating a basic account is free. Upgrade options available for advanced functionality (discount coupons, product downloads, Enhanced SEO capabilities and much more).
- All functionality is based on standard Ecwid scripts, so your web shop will run on the Ecwid servers. You can setup products (like name, description, categories pricing, styling) via the Ecwid dashboard.

The following Ecwid widgets are supported:

ECWID - Product Browser :
- This is the main container and it is mandatory; this will contain your products, categories, search results, the checkout options etc.

ECWID - Shopping Bag:
- This widget contains the Shopping Bag; when viewing products, you can Drag & Drop them to the shopping your basket.

ECWID - Category Browser:
- Display a list of categories. This controls the content of the Product Browser widget.

ECWID - Search Box:
- Search for products. The results will be displayed inside the Product Browser widget.
- ECWID - Single Product:
- This makes it possible to display a single product. This can be used instead of the Product Browser widget.
- Note: for performance and security reasons the workspace does not display a live preview of the webshop. The workspace will display a place holder. So, you will have to preview or publish the page to see the result.

PayPal Shopping Cart:
- New feature: Added 'PayPal Shopping Cart'. The PayPal Shopping Cart works in combination with the standard PayPal buttons from the Toolbox (Add to Cart and View Cart). But instead of redirecting the users to the PayPal website, the shopping cart will keep the users on your website until they checkout.
- PayPal Shopping Cart will show an icon on the website with a badge indicating the number of items in the cart. Clicking the icon will display a popup with the contents of the cart and a checkout button.

PayPal Buttons:
- New feature: Added new built-in images: buy now, checkout, PayPal logo and acceptance. Al images are available in large, medium and small sizes.
- New feature: You can now easily add options (combobox) with different prices:
- Add a combobox
- set the name to 'amount'
- add items, the value is the price
- In the 'Options' section of the paypal butyon select the ID of the combobox.
- New feature: Input fields (editbox, combobox, spinner) can now be used to update the quantity of the PayPal button. The name of the input should be be 'quantity'.

Image Hotspots:
- Improved: The 'Image Hotspots' object is now responsive. Hotspot coordinates will automatically be recalculated when the size of the image changes in a layout grid or breakpoints.
- Improved: Hotspots now have their own ID. This can be used (for example) to show a Popover Card or a Tooltip object.
- New feature: Added the ability to show tooltips for hotspots.
- New feature: Added new 'icon' hotspot. This makes it possible to use icons on the image. Each hotspot can have its own icon and color. It also possible to add a pulsate animation to the icon to grab the attention of the visitor.
- New feature: Added the ability to import hotspots from SVG files. This can be useful for importing SVG maps, so you do not have to enter the coordinates manually.
- New feature: Sometimes the number of points may be too much for a hotspot. In that case, you can use the ‘Simply Path’ option. This will reduce the number of points in the list based on the specified epsilon value.

Date Picker:
- New feature: Added 'focus color' property (for overlay mode). Specifies the outline color for focus state.
- New feature: Added 'Bootstrap Datepicker' modes: date, time or date & time. This can be used as alternative for the jQuery UI date picker.
- Improved: Colors of editbox and datepicker dropdown can now be set separately.

Input Mask:
- New feature: Added 'Input Mask' functionality to Editbox. An inputmask helps the user with the input by ensuring a predefined format. This can be useful for dates, numerics, phone numbers etc.
- What's the difference of input masks and validation rules?
- Input masks are about formatting; validation rules are about correctness of values
- Note: there is no direct link between validation and input mask, so you wil need to make sure that the combination masking and validation makes sense.

- New feature: Added 'Range' object for use in forms. Implements a slider-like control for entering numbers. You can set a min and max value and steps to define the number intervals. For example: 0.5
- The Range object also supports events and conditions! With conditions, the range can be linked with another input field, for example an editbox to display the selected value.

- New feature: Added Bootstrap-mode to spinner, in addition to jQuery UI mode. In Bootstrap mode, up and down buttons are displayed at the left and right side of the input field.
- New feature: Added support for padding. This controls the left and right offset of the text and also affects the size of the spin buttons in Bootstrap mode.
- New feature: Added text alignment property: left, center, right.
- New feature: Added support for conditions. This can be useful to calculate values in a form. For example, calculate the price based on the quantity in a PayPal shopping cart.

- New feature: added the ability to set permissions for secure ftp in "Explore'
- New feature: added 'check for invalid filenames' during publish. A warning will be added to the publish log when a non-web-safe filename is detected: invalid characters are: space, #, %, <, >, &, {, }, [, ], ?, $, :, ", ', @, +, =, | and !.
- New feature: Added 'Browsers' button to publish/preview settings. This is a shortcut to the edit preview browsers editor.
- Removed: wininet/IE dependence, replaced by chilkat FTP library. For better performance and security.

- New feature: Added 'Preview Currently Opened Pages'. This generates the HTML the all pages that are currently open in the workspace (in addition to 'preview current page' and 'preview entire website').
- New feature: Added 'Local Server' preview type. This uses a local server for preview. One of the main reasons why this option was added is to make it possible to preview the website on a mobile device (via your local network) without having to publish the website. Another benefit is that you can add (optional) support for PHP or even setup a local MySQL database server with PHPMyAdmin.
- PHP, MySQL and PHPMyAdmin should be installed separately. Note that PHP, MySQL support are currently experimental and we cannot give support on the setup of these third party tools.

Site Manager:
- New feature: Added 'pinned' pages. This option displays a list of pinned pages, so you mark the pages you are currently working. Or pin pages that you frequently update.
- New feature: Added 'recently modified' pages. Displays a list of recently modified pages.
- New feature: Added 'need review' pages. Displays a list of responsive pages were one or more breakpoints need to be reviewed due to changes to the page or master page.
- New feature: Added 'Find Referrers' tool. This will display a list of the pages that are linked to the selected page. This may be helpful if you want remove the page but are not sure which pages are referring to it. It can also be used to see which pages use the selected page as master page.
- Improved: When using drag & drop to rearrange pages, holding the CTRL key will insert the dragged page directly under the page it was dropped on (instead of making it a sub page). The Site Manager will now display an insertion mark to indicate where the page will be inserted.

Responsive Web Design:
- New feature: Added 'need review' functionality. When using breakpoints, modifications in one view may also affect the layout in other breakpoints. For example, if you have added a new object then you may need to change the size or position in another breakpoint. WYSIWYG Web Builder now shows a 'needs review' icon for those breakpoiints to remind you about this. Also, the site manager can displays a list of pages were one or more breakpoints need to be reviewed. As soon as you switch the breakpoint, the 'needs review' state will be cleared.

- New feature: Added “Include width and height attributes in images to prevent Cumulative Layout Shifts” option in Tools -> Options -> HTML. This specifies whether to include width and height attributes (width="800" height="600") in tags in addition to CSS. This helps the browser to allocate the correct amount of space in the document while the image is loading. This may be useful to improve Google's lighthouse 'Best Practice' scores.
- New feature: Added “Include structured data in navigation objects for improved SEO ranking” option in Tools -> Options -> HTML. Specifies whether to include structure data ( in navigation items. This may help search engines to better understand the structure of the menus on the page.
- Improved: Many other small HTML improvements in order to help improve Google LightHouse scores

Shape Dividers:
- New feature: Added support for vertical shape dividers. This makes it possible to add divider to the left or right side of a layer, layout grid etc.
- New feature: Added 'offset' option. Useful for moving the divider to the center (50%) of the contuiner.

- New feature: Added support for underline styles: double, dotted, dashed, wave
- New feature: Added the ability to set a different underline color.
- New feature: Added RTF table support to text object. Now you can directly insert tables in text. With the ability to set the cell background color, border color and with.
- Columns and rows can be resized with the mouse. The formatting (font family, font size, color etc) can be set for multiple cells at once.
- You can even copy/paste table from Word or Excel. Note however that RTF does not support all Office features.
- You can insert a new table via the toolbar, context menu or by entering the following characters +----------+-------+ and pressing enter.

TAB key:
- In a table cell, the Tab key goes to the next cell and Shift+Tab goes to the previous cell (if any).
- If the selection is in the last cell of a table, the Tab key inserts a new row after the last row.

Enter key:
- At the end of a table row, the Enter key inserts a new row after the current row.
- Important: This is standard Windows functionality.
- Unfortunately, there are some limitations but we decided to make it available anyway because it may be a useful feature for some users.

Known issues:
- Resizing columns may reset colors
- Merge and split not supported
- Border colors are sometimes rendered incorrect, but the published HTML is correct.
- We have reported these issues to Microsoft and these are confirmed bugs in Windows.

- New feature: Added new border commands to quickly set the borders of selected cells: color, width, left, right, top, bottom, no borders, all borders, outside borders, inside border etc.

- New feature: Added the ability to use multi-color for icons. Each individual part of the icon can now have a different color.
- New feature: Added 'text-stroke' option to borer styles, adds a stroke to the icon.
- New feature: Added built-in support for Material Icons 4.0.0 with more than 800 new icons!
- New feature: Added support for Material Icons Round, Material Outlined and Material Icons Sharp. These are variants of the Material Icons.

- New feature: Added 'text-stroke' option to border styles, using this option adds an outline to the text (instead of a border around the element)
- New feature: Added support for "background-clip:text" option. The background (color, image, gradient etc.) is clipped to the foreground text.
- TIP: use background video of layer
- Improved: Optimized rendering speed of text shadow

Style Manager:
- New feature: Added 'text-stroke' properties. This make it posisble to use text-stroke for basically any object that supports styles (like standard text and form elements).

Editable Content:
- New feature: Added 'Last modified date' in Admin overview. To remove the 'Last Update' column, just leave the 'Last Update' text field empty.
- New feature: Added the ability to use multiple "editable content admin' object per project. Each admin object can have its own password and you can select which pages can be edited by the admin.
- Note: if you do not select any pages, then all content pages will be included just like the behavior in the previous version.

- New feature: Added the ability to set the default font for new card items. The font family, color and size can be set in the style properties of the card.
- New feature: Added support for shape dividers. Another great way to decorate your cards!
- New feature: Added the ability to add a speech bubble-like arrow to cards. Popover -> trigger -> speech bubble. The size of the arrow can be controlled via the 'font-size' property.
- New feature: Added 'Show close button' option to header item. With close button the user can hide the card. For example, when the card is used in 'portlets' mode of the card container.
- New feature: Added the ability to set text decoration: none, underline or line-through.
- Improved: The width of image items can now also be specified in percentages. This makes the size of the image relative to the size of the card, which may be useful for responsive layouts.

Card Container:
- New feature: Added the ability to set the column gap for card decks. This sets the margin for all cards in the container to the specified value. To manually control the margin for each card, set this value to '0'
- New feature: Added 'grid' mode. Allow you to easily create a grid (columns / rows) with card
- New feature: Added 'portlets' mode. In portlets mode, the visitor of the website can rearrange cards via drag & drop. Also, cards can be hidden or expanded/collapsed. The state of the portlets will be saved for the next time the user visits the website (via webstorage). The colors of the drag & drop 'place holder' are configurable. The built-in function resetPortletsState() can be used to reset the state of the portlets (via events).
- New feature: Added 'equal height cards' option. This specifies whether all cards in the same row should have the same height. If this option is off then cards with different content may have different heights.

Layers, Layout Grid, Flex container:
- New feature: Added support for 'universal-parallax. This can be used as alternative for the standard parallax. This options also works on mobile devices.
- New feature: Added the ability to select a local file as video background. Also, if you select a background image then this will be used as the 'poster' image.

Layout Grid:
- New feature: Added 'Fixed width' property for columns. This makes it possible to give one or more grid columns a fixed width. This property is responsive so it can be different in breakpoints.

Dialog / Modal Layer:
- New feature: Added the ability to set the heading tag for the dialog title (applies to Bootstrap only). Previously the title tag was fixed to

, but now you can control this yourself. This may be useful to optimize your wes site’s heading and /or improve Lightspeed scores.

- New feature: Added the ability to set the heading tag for the panel titles.

Flex Grid:
- New feature: Added a handy way to define grid areas using the mouse. Step 1: clear the grid (via template). Step 2: click the first cell of the range and hold down the mouse button. Step 3: move the mouse cursor to the last cell and release the mouse button. A new range will be created automatically created. Repeat these steps to add more areas.

Animation and Transitions:
- New feature: Added support for 'clip-path' property. This is a powerful property that allows you to create shape based animations.
- New feature: Added 15 new animations using the clip-path property. You can edit the animations via the Animation Manager.

Google Fonts:
- New feature: Added the ability to specify additional parameters for Google Fonts. Example: &display=swap
- New feature: Check for missing Google fonts when loading a project. This will scan the project for missing fonts and prompt to automatically install the missing fonts.
- New feature: Added 96 new Google Fonts.
- Removed: "Use Google Fonts for non-web safe fonts'. Use the Google Font Manager instead.

- New feature: Added the ability to justify alignment of shape text.
- New feature: Added experimental 'shape-inside' text for "Flowchart Connector" shape. Basically, this shape is exactly the same as the standard ellipse shape. However, the text will wrap following the circle inside of the regular rectangular box.
- Improved: Layout CSS for text now uses always percentages and flexbox for better responsive behavior.

ClipArt / TextArt / Shape:
- New feature: Added the ability to use a video as the background for shapes, clipart and textart! This uses CSS's clip-path to clip the video inside the path. Supported video's include YouTube, Vimeo, Pixabay and HTML5 video (mp4, webm).
- New feature: Added 'fill rule' option (normal / inverse). This makes it possible to create 'cutout' shapes, clipart and text where the shape or text is transparent, instead of the background.
- New feature: Added the ability to add padding to the shape, clipart or text. This is especially useful when fill rule is set to 'inverse', so you can set some spacing around the shape.
- Improved: ClipArt, TextArt, Shape objects are now responsive when the output format is set to SVG! So, finally shapes can have different sizes in breakpoints even in fixed/absolute layouts.
- Improved: Shadow now uses native CSS filters instead of simulated effect. This improves the size, quality and performance of the shape. Also image/svg remains responsive and the effect is animatable (via transition and animations).

- New feature: Added 3 new warp styles: circle large, circle medium, circle small. A great way to add circular text. Note: When exported as SVG, the text is responsive.
- ClipArt / TextArt / Shape / Polygon / Banner / Text / Merged Object:
- New feature: Added the ability to publish the image in WebP format. This may reduce image file sizes while maintaining the same quality. The published file will use lossless compression.
- The compression level can be set in Tools -> Options -> Publish. with level 1 being the fastest, 9 being the slowest. Fast mode produces larger file size than slower ones.
- It is also possible to export in WebP format via the context menu: Save as Image.

- Improved: Image now uses scrset instead of javascript for the retina image.
- Improved: Lazy load script has been replaced with native HTML loading="lazy" attribute for better performance. Also applies to photo gallery and rollover images.
- Improved: 'gaussian blur' shadow effect has been renamed to 'drop shadow' because this is the official CSS name for this effect.
- Improved: 'drop shadow' now uses native CSS filters instead of simulated effect. This improves the size, quality and performance of the image. Also image remains responsive and the effect is animatable (via transition and animations).

- New feature: Added support for 'drop shadow'. See image.

Photo Gallery:
- Improved: If you use WebP images in the Photo Gallery then the generated thumbnail images now also will be in WebP format

Site Tree:
- Improved: The Site Tree now uses Direct2D rendering instead of MSHTML. This results in faster rendering and more control over the layout.
- Improved: Responsive fonts
- New feature: Added padding support
- New feature: Added 'indent' property to set offset for text items
- New feature: Added 'full width' property for use with layout grids
- New feature: Added 'text alignment' option
- New feature: Added support for custom border and border images
- New feature: Added the ability to rotate the object
- New feature: Added the ability to set the line height

YouTube / Vimeo / HTML5 Video:
- New feature: Added support for Portrait aspect ratio 9:16

Video Player:
- New feature: wb.videoplayer.min.js has been replaced with plyr.min.js, so the video player now has many extra options: responsive, sub title support, aspect ratio and lots of styling options!

- The 'plug-in' object has been renamed to 'embed'
- Deprecated HTML options have been removed
- Added 'type' property to set the media type

Login Tools - User Redirect:
- New feature: Added the ability to redirect with user roles. Use brackets, to indicate that you want to use a user role. For example: {guest] or [admin]

Login Tools - Login:
- New feature: Added 'Allow Login with Email Address' option. Specifies whether the user can also login with the email address.

- New feature: Added 'range' condition. And easier way to test whether the numeric input is within a range (min / max).
- New feature: Added 'set choices' action. This lets you "chain" multiple form comboboxes (select lists) together so that the selection in a "parent" list can tailor the options available in a "child" list.
- Options should be separated by a comma: option1,option2,option3. By default, the text is also used as the value. But you can also configure a separate value: option1=1,option2=2,option3=3

- New feature: Added drop down to 'Events' button with new commands: Object Events, Page Events and All Events.
- Object Events, opens the event dialog for the currently selected object (or page).
- Page Events, opens the event dialog for the page.
- All events, open the events dialog with a list of all the events of the page and objects. This may be useful if you do not remember to which object(s) you added events.

Link Manager (previously known as 'Verify Links'):
- New feature: Added the ability to verify internal links. This option verifies whether linked pages still exist in the project. If not, then you can fix or remove the link directly from within the Link Manager.
- New feature: Added 'Remove' button. This add the ability to remove the link for the selected items.
- Improved: The Link Manager no longer depends on wininet to verify the links. This makes verifying links faster and more reliable.

Links / Navigation:
- New feature: Added rel="noopener" and rel="noreferrer" options to links.
- This is especially useful when opening untrusted links, in order to ensure they cannot tamper with the originating document via the Window.opener property.
- 'noopener' instructs the browser to navigate to the target resource without granting the new browsing context access to the document that opened it.
- 'noreferrer' means that no referer header will be included. Additionally, has the same effect as noopener.
- New feature: Added the ability to add an "aria-label" to make links more accessible to people with disabilities. There is no dedicated property, but you can specify the aria-label text in the 'Title' property by using the ^ character.
- Example:
- Tooltip text^Label for screenreaders
- This will result in the following HTML: This is a link

Carousel / Slideshow / Snap Scroll:
- Improved: The built-in pagination dots now use CSS instead of images. This slightly reduces the size and load time of the page.
- New feature: Added 8 new pagination dot styles: Dot 2 Stroke, Fill In, Fill Up, Puff, Scale Down, Scale Up, Shadow, Small Dot

Themeable Menu:
- Improved: Added support for multilevel drop down menus. Note: use with 'click to open' only.
- New feature: Added the ability to set the padding for sub items in mobile mode.
- New feature: Added 'Arrow spacing' option. Specifies the spacing between the text and the drop down arrow.
- New feature: Added 'Use Split Button' option. A split button is a hybrid between a button and a drop down menu. It displays a drop down menu when the user click the arrow, but also offers one-click access to a default choice that doesn't require opening the menu. Note: split buttons only work with 'click to open submenus'. Hover is not supported.

Overlay Menu:
- New feature: Added 'Expanded' option. This makes it possible to display the menu fully expanded. For example, to display a tree like navigation. When the menu is full expanded the main items with a sub menus can also have links.

Responsive Menu:
- New feature: Added 'Arrow offset' option. This specifies the spacing between the text and arrow (for menu item with sub levels). It is also possible to set a negative offset. In that case the arrow will positioned at the right side of the menu item.

- Improved: Added support for structured data (, so search engines can better understand the structure of the Breadcrumb navigation
- Improved: The separator padding is now responsive so it can be different in breakpoints.

Go Menu:
- New feature: Added border-radius property

CSS Menu / Text Menu:
- Improved: The "Spacing" of (main) menu items is now responsive so it can be different in breakpoints. This may be helpful to increase spacing between links on mobile devices (and prevent "Tap targets are too small" warnings in Google's Lighthouse).

Text Menu:
- New feature: Added 'Full Width' property. Display the menu full width in Layout Grids.

- New feature: Added an optional 'Search filter'. This adds a search filter bar to the listview.

- Improved: If a navigation object (menubar, panel menu etc) is selected then the 'Link' button will open the object's properties.

Page Properties:
- New feature: Added support for 'prefers-reduced-motion' via "Disable CSS animations and transitions for prefers-reduced-motion". This option will disable CSS animations and transitions if 'Reduce motion' is enabled in the user's system settings.
- In Windows 10 you can disable animation via Control Panel -> Turn off all unnecessary animations'. On the Mac: Accessibility -> Display -> Reduce motion
- New feature: Added support for the ‘slim’ version of jQuery. The 'slim' version excludes the ajax and effects modules and is approximately 17Kb smaller than the full version of jQuery. You can select the slim version if you are just using basic features like simple events (without effects) or Bootstrap based widgets.
- JQuery UI widgets require the full version because they use the effects module. Also, Instagram integration uses ajax so this also require the full version. So, make sure test all the functionality of the page to make sure everything works correct with the slim version.

Themeable Button:
- New feature: Added 'show checkmark' option for checkbox and radio button mode. This specifies whether the optional checkmark is displayed on the button.
- Improved: The button no longer uses jQuery and jQuery UI themes when the button type is set to normal, reset, submit or link. 'Use jQuery UI Theme' should be off.

Dark Mode:
- New feature: Added a toggle button to quickly switch between Light and Dark mode.

Change Case:
- New feature: Added ‘Change case’ to the context menu of standard text input boxes. You can now easily change the capitalization, or case, of text in an input box via the context menu (right click).

Lorem Ipsum:
- New feature: Added ‘Lorem Ipsum’ insert options to the context menu of text input boxes.

- Improved: When using Easing effects in animations (for example in Bookmarks, Panel Menu, SVG animations, Snap Scroll etc), the HTML generator will now only include the jQuery Effects module (11KB) instead of the full jQuery UI library (248KB)!

Other important changes:
- JQuery Mobile has been removed from the software. This third party library is no longer supported because it is outdated (last update: 2014).
- JQuery Mobile page will be converted to standard pages with Layout Grids.
- Important note: The converted pages will not look exactly the same as before so please review the result before re-publishing these pages!
- Support for SVG fonts (@font-face ) has been removed. This feature is deprecated/obsolete and should no longer be used

Aseprite 1.2.40 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added extended support to BMP files
- Request frame duration when opening sequence of static images as animation

- Fixed scaling Reference Layers after Sprite > Sprite Size
- Fixed RotSprite transparency bug
- Fixed scale factor when using the "Export for Twitter"
- Fixed scrollbar for the Extensions list in Preferences is missing on the first open
- Windows: Fixed several problems painting with a stylus/pen when a mouse is plugged in
- Lua API changes