RoboForm 歷史版本列表 Page5

最新版本 RoboForm 9.5.4

RoboForm 歷史版本列表

RoboForm 使登錄到網站和填寫表格更快,更容易,更安全。 RoboForm 第一次登錄網站時記憶並安全地存儲每個用戶名和密碼,然後在您返回時自動提供它們。 RoboForm 的登錄功能消除了登錄到任何在線帳戶的手動步驟。只需點擊一下 RoboForm 就可以導航到一個網站,輸入您的用戶名和密碼,然後點擊提交按鈕。完成長時間的註冊或結賬形式也是一件輕而易舉的事情。只需點擊 RoboForm 標... RoboForm 軟體介紹

SurfShark 4.1.9 查看版本資訊


Easy Video Maker 12.07 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New Shape Customize module
- Now, the user can directly change shapes when adding new shapes
- All-new materials lib for video creation
- Stable version, fixed reported bugs

Twine 2.4.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- A lot has changed between the 2.3 series and 2.4.0 and I'd recommend reading the Reference for a thorough description of how it all works. I'll summarize here, though.
- Even with these changes, 2.4.0 should work fine with stories created with 2.3 without any problems. If you decide you don't like 2.4.0 and want to continue using 2.3, you may run into some weirdness, as this hasn't been tested. If you use the online version, you can go back to the previous version at

Even though 2.4.0 has been a long time in the making, it's still a .0 release. I wouldn't recommend updating yet if:
- You are in the middle of a large project. Or at the very least, please make backup copies of your work before upgrading!
- You are using a non-English localization. Many UI changes have occurred and unfortunately, it has been hard to get help translating new text. (If you can help out, please see these directions!) So using Twine with a non-English locale setting will show a mishmash of translated and untranslated text.

General UI Updates:
- There's now a toolbar that appears at the top of the screen for all actions. The toolbar's separated into tabs, similar to a menu bar, and has a back button allowing navigation between screens.
- The system font is used instead of a custom one. This is mostly an aesthetic change, but it also helps with non-Latin text.
- Some actions, like changing preferences or editing story formats, are available regardless of where you are in the app.
- The desktop app now has an ARM Linux build, and the macOS app is universal, running on both Intel and Apple Silicon processors natively.
- The desktop app has a new icon.

The Story List:
- You now select a story from the list and then take an action on it using the toolbar instead of using a gear menu. Double-clicking a story will edit it.
- Stories can now be tagged, and the story list can be filtered to show only certain tags. Just like passage tags, story tags can have colors associated with them.
- Story previews have been updated to look hopefully nicer

The Story Format List:
- By default, only the most up-to-date version of a story format is shown in the list. You can see all installed formats using the View top toolbar tab.

The Story Map:
- You can now undo and redo changes
- You can now edit multiple passages at one time
- You can rename a passage without editing it
- You can now delete more than one passage at a time
- All detail dialogs, like the find & replace text dialog, are now modeless, meaning that you can do other work in your story while they're open
- You can customize the font used in passage editors and disable cursor blinking
- Story formats now have an official way to extend the editor. (The Harlowe story format used undocumented methods to do this in the past.) Story formats can add syntax highlighting to passage editors, a toolbar of actions to passage editors, and add additional connections between passages in the map.
- Right now, Harlowe and Chapbook have extensions but other story formats may add them in the future
- You can disable story format extensions if they are causing trouble or you prefer not to use them
- If you're a story format developer, learn how extensions work here
- Editing larger stories is faster

Story Formats:
- Harlowe 3.3.0 is included, and release notes are here
- Chapbook 1.2.2 is also included. It's the same as the last version, 1.2.1, except for the addition of editor extensions.

- Twine has been migrated to TypeScript, a JavaScript dialect which automatically checks for certain kinds of coding errors
- Test coverage of Twine has improved significantly and changes now require code linting and tests to pass before being merged

Easy Video Maker 12.06 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New Shape Customize module
- Now, the user can directly change shapes when adding new shapes
- All-new materials lib for video creation
- Stable version, fixed reported bugs

Easy Video Maker 12.05 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Now, the user can directly view the actual lyric file effect when editing in Timeline
- New Shape Customize module
- Now, the user can directly change added shapes when adding new shapes
- New materials lib for video creation
- Stable version, fixed reported bugs

KNIME 4.6.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New nodes:
- Delete SharePoint Online List
- SharePoint Online List Writer
- DB Looping
- DB Delete (Filter)
- DB Data Spec Extractor
- DB Concatenate
- UIEXT-327: Echarts "Scatter Plot"
- UIEXT-190: Table View
- UIEXT-6: ECharts “Bar chart”
- UIEXT-5: ECharts "Line plot"

- NXT-1144: KNIME Modern UI Preview - preview of the new user interface
- Linux: Add warning popup in case Wayland display server is detected (standard in Ubuntu 22.04. and currently not properly supported)
- Provide Python API to develop KNIME nodes
- JSON To XML node with option to remove invalid characters
- Regex Splitter Node: Doesn't handle multiline strings
- Call Workflow Service to use the Mountpoint Connector
- Update Apache CXF from 3.2.14 to 3.5.2
- Help menu with additional entry redirecting to KNIME Forum
- "Transpose" node to be memory-aware, auto-determining batch size
- Allow to extend Python path programmatically in nodes that use the Python3KernelBackend
- Columnar Backend: Reorder virtual operations to evaluate "slice" before "append"
- Case Switch End Node: Execution time significantly increased when only one input is active (pass on input table)
- Add support for using a custom Azure AD application with the Microsoft Authentication node
- Structure XGBoost Learner settings according to tabs
- Update of log4j-1.2.15 to 1.2.21 (reload4j)
- Support Path type in Variable Expressions node
- H2 driver update to version 2.1.212
- Amazon S3 Connector should use multi-part upload for large files
- Support path flow variables in Column Expressions node
- Add option to specify base score in XGBoost Learners
- Improve Python Script (Labs) node's Python process connection startup time
- Add row key to error messages in XGBoost nodes
- Update H2O to
- Store tag sets as part of DataColumnSpec
- Add colsample_bynode option in XGBoost Tree Ensemble Learner
- Allow to set global thread pool size via environment variable
- Microsoft SQL Server node to support transaction disabling to be compatible with Serverless SQL Pool in Azure Synapse Analytics
- Allow setting+appending values of extension types in Pandas Dataframe
- Polling configuration (advanced settings) for Call Workflow Service node
- MySQL driver updated to version 8.0.29
- PostgreSQL driver updated to version 42.3.5
- Amazon Redshift driver updated to version
- Provide Oracle Database driver version 19.14.0 as new feature for installation
- Allow keeping RowIDs when joining
- Show hub host name in tab
- SQLite driver updated to version
- Support "NOT LIKE" in DB Row Filter
- Allow to select from all available dialects for default db type
- Microsoft Access driver updated to version 5.0.1
- Static bar values in Bar Chart
- Use bundled Python environment in Python Script (Labs) node
- Let Missing Cell directly override isMissing() of DataCell
- Column Expression Node: Ability to access previous and next rows
- XGBoost: Update to version 1.5.1
- Support row weights in XGBoost
- Add linear model parameters as additional output for the XGBoost Linear Ensemble Learner
- Feature Importance Output for XGBoost Tree Ensemble Learner
- XGBoost: Support for vector (bit/byte/double) features
-Generic Web Service Client node (SOAP) to use recent versions of CXF client library (3.5.2)
- (Big Data Extensions): Update H2O Sparkling Water to
- (Big Data Extensions): Add support for H2O Sparkling Water to
- (Big Data Extensions): Add Spark 3.1 support to Create Databricks Environment node
- (Big Data Extensions): Add Spark 3.1 support to Create Spark Context (Livy) node
- (Big Data Extensions): Add support for Spark 3.1 to KNIME Extension for Apache Spark
- (Big Data Extensions): Update H2O Sparkling Water to
- (Big Data Extensions): Add Spark 3.2 support to Create Databricks Environment node
- (Big Data Extensions): Update Create Local Big Data Environment to Spark 3.2.1
- (Big Data Extensions): Add support for Spark 3.2 to KNIME Extension for Apache Spark
- (Big Data Extensions): Add support for new type annotations to Parquet Writer (new file handling)
- NXT-1072: Remote workflow editor: enable configuration nodes in component dialog

- R integration does not work with R 4.2.0 any more (on Ubuntu)
- Fixed Width File Reader: Column settings are deleted when controlling the location via flow variable on opening the dialog
- Excel Writer generates error if overwriting a sheet that is used as source in pivot table
- Variable Condition Loop End error is missing information (only log output)
- Table Reader has problems with BlobDataCells when reading multiple tables
- REST Nodes don't work with encoded query parameter names
- "Call Workflow" nodes do not hide any system credentials when invoking remote service (causing error)
- BufferedRowWrite#setMissing is off by one
- The MDF Reader feature doesn't properly install Python
- Read Images Node: Fails on SVG input
- Component is not ignoring error message caught by Try Catch
- Installation directory on Windows must not be writable by everyone
- Copying table cells out of table view node is not working in CEF
- Image Port Type: Unable to clone input data invalid character
- Webpage Retriever fails at cookie and error cause extraction
- Check for correct conda package versions by Python (Labs) in the Pref Page
- Conda Environment Propagation blocks Executor on Configure
- PythonGateway creation gets stuck because std out and error are not consumed
- Inconsistent Behaviour between Match All and Match Any when comparing Row IDs in Joiner
- Parquet/ORC Writer: Mode File/Folder configuration not displayed correctly
- Breakpoint node description is not showing available settings
- File Download Widget: Download Link not working if Component ID is 0
- Cache size heuristics do not make sense on MacOS
- Fix missing value handling in Lists of Pandas ExtensionTypes
- JDBC type REAL looses precision due to double conversion
- Keyboard shortcut for updating linked component does not work on top-level workflow
- Save as workflow doesn't show all spaces on MacOs
- Make sure we do not install jedi=0.18.1 in conda envs because it is broken
- Hard JVM crashes on Windows caused by XGBoost nodes run in parallel
- Writing to the root folder in SharepointOnline causes a NullPointerException
- HTTP(S) Connector always fails to trust bad SSL certificates
- KNIME UI sometimes not coming up in Linux Dev environment
- reg:linear is deprecated in new XGBoost version
- Case Switch End node changes its initial configuration if dialog is opened
- DB Writer fails in streaming mode with enabled DB Data outport
- Integrated Deployment: Variables in "static" input are injected in reverse order
- DB Transaction End/Catch node with inactive input ports does not return inactive spec in component
- KNIME AP freezes when several metanodes have the same input connection
- Workflow Executor does not work when workflow has no inputs/outputs
- XGBoost: Linear Booster Updater 'Shotgun' cannot handle some selectable feature selectors
- Nullpointer after closing KNIME AP due to unfinished wf coach loading
- "Reset" workflow action resets nodes with executing successors
- Documentation of JSON Processing extension talks about XML
- Improve error message when empty tables are sent to XGBoost
- Workflow Summary Extractor extracts and stores passwords
- Python Script node prohibits deletion of jobs folder on executor
- Webpage Retriever: NPE on certain webpages
- Inconsistent capitalization of items in Help menu
- Reader/Writer nodes with Encoding tab should not be initialized to use the OS default encoding option
- DataCells are not cached in the heap cache
- Update smbj library in SMB Connector to potentially fix errors (NullPointerException, PipeShare error) when running parallel operations against DFS
- Mean calculated with Column Aggregator node is inconsistent with other methods
- Node Dialog too wide with long Flow Variable list
- Send Email node does not encode Chinese characters in attachment file name
- Feature buffer empty exceptions in XGBoost Learner and Predictor
- Sunburst chart has error after selection, close and reopen
- XGBoost can lead to memory problems and KNIME crashes
- XGBoost Predictor fails on unknown categorical values
- Itemset Miner (Borgelt) uses too much memory by default
- Rename XGBoost Linear Ensemble Learner

RoboForm 9.2.7 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

RoboForm 9.2.7
- Fixed attaching to QuickBooks, MSN, MS Money and other MSHTML-based applications did not work

RoboForm 9.2.4
- Fixed working with Basic Authentication window in Chrome 97+
- Logins Editor: show Validation Code if a Login has Two-factor authentication key
- Improved working with Windows Security window
- Fixed import from LastPass
- Miscellaneous bug fixes

RoboForm 9.2.1
- Export: always ask RoboForm Master Password when user exports RoboForm data
- Edge: Fixed Auto Save for BasicAuth in Edge 94+
- Sync: Synchronization works faster, especially for large files
- Changed appearance of Sharing Settings dialog
- Fixed import from Keeper, LastPass and Dashlane
- Miscellaneous bug fixes

RoboForm 9.1.9
- Fixed a rare crash during synchronization
- Import: added detection of TAB as delimiters in CSV files

RoboForm 9.1.7
- Fixed RoboForm consuming noticeable CPU cycles to search for BasicAuth window in Chrome and Edge
- Fixed a bug where RoboForm did not attach to Chrome 92 BasicAuth window
- Security Center: Fixed total security score and password strength calculation
- Identity Editor: Improved usability of selecting values for 'Card Exp Year' and 'Card Valid Year'
- Security: Lock RoboForm account login for 5 min after user has entered wrong password 15 times
- Fixed list of Norway Counties
- Localization: updated German, Serbian, Swedish
- Miscellaneous bug fixes.

RoboForm 9.1.5
- Fixed RoboForm cannot read and apply stored proxy settings
- Fixed RoboForm does not apply Advanced connection settings in some cases
- Form filling: Fixed cell phone format for Nigeria and Australia
- Miscellaneous bug fixes

RoboForm 9.1.4
- Prepared for showing user data breaches in RoboForm browser extension
- Localization: updated German, French, Dutch, Russian, Serbian, Swedish
- Miscellaneous bug fixes

RoboForm 9.1.1
- Updated value options for 'Card Expires Year' and 'Card Valid From Year' fields of identity
- Miscellaneous bug fixes
- Localization: updated German, Japanese, Russian, Serbian, Swedish
- New download and AutoUpdate URLs for Roboform ver 9

RoboForm 9.1.0
- Official Ver 9 release to commemorate release of RF Extension ver 9.1
- Fixed RF uses too much CPU if Firefox is running
- Fixed RF menus do not show up in Waterfox browser (Firefox-based)

RoboForm 8.9.6
- Fixed computation of Logins/Safenotes/Identities popularity
- Miscellaneous bug fixes
- Localization: updated German, French, Italian, Japanese, Swedish

RoboForm 8.9.5
- Fixed Most Popular usage info computation, it is now time-weighted
- Miscellaneous bug fixes
- Enterprise: added ability to specify custom RoboForm templates for enterprises
- Enterprise: miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes
- Localization: updated Austrian, Dutch, German, Japanese, Polish, Serbian, Russian

RoboForm 8.9.4
- Implemented passwordless login to RoboForm for MS Azure users
- Fixed rare freezes in Chrome with native RoboForm installed
- Localization: Updated Dutch, German (at, de), Italian

RoboForm 8.9.3
- Fixed RoboForm breaks DLL-path-dependent applications such as QuickBooks, Frontpage
- Added more support for alternative Firefox-based browsers
- Localization: updated Japanese, Swedish
- Miscellaneous bug fixes

RoboForm 8.9.2
- Fix manual Save Forms command from RoboForm extension did not work
- Popular items: decrease the popularity of RoboForm data item over time
- Localization: updated Brazilian, Dutch, German, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Swedish
- Miscellaneous bug fixes

RoboForm 8.9.1
- Added import from Microsoft Edge
- Localization updated: Brazilian, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
- Miscellaneous bug fixes

RoboForm 8.9.0
- Optimized user data synchronization
- Fixed bugs in Import
- Localization: updated Austrian, German, Greek, French, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Serbian, Swedish
- Miscellaneous bug fixes.

RoboForm 8.7.0
- Updated AutoFill and AutoSave in RoboForm Options dialog, connect them to extensions
- Identity Editor: do not ask for a name for new Group Instance, show a name based on its content
- Miscellaneous bug fixes

- Optimized user data synchronization
- Windows Hello: Show Windows Hello dialog on the RoboForm Login dialog start
- Localization: updated Austrian, Danish, German, Greek, Japanese, Serbian
- Miscellaneous bug fixes

- Fixed bugs in installation of RoboForm extension in Chrome and Edge
- Fixed calculation of bit strength of generated passwords
- Fixed integration with Thunderbird
- Improved user interface of Restore dialog
- Localization: updated Greek, Swedish
- Miscellaneous bug fixes

- Make RoboForm Extension compatible with new Edge (Chromium based)
- Editor: added 2020 as an option of "Credit Card Valid From" field value
- Enterprise: fixed a problem when user was able to use RoboForm with non-configured sync
- Localization: updated Austrian, German, Greek, Japanese, Hungarian, Swedish
- Miscellaneous bug fixes

- Fixed conversion of RF ver 7 to ver 8, it was showing '400 Bad Request'

- Now 'New Browser Tab' is the default for 'Login from Add-on opens website in:' option
- Added 'Forgot Password?' item into 'RoboForm > Help' menu
- Fixed the problem with AutoSave from a BasicAuth dialog
- Simplify user experience when Master Password was changed from other device
- Localization updated: Chinese(CN), Dutch, German(AT), German(DE), Russian, Swedish
- Miscellaneous bug fixes

- Miscellaneous fixes in Enterprise version
- Localization updated: French, Japanese, Swedish
- Miscellaneous bug fixes

- Master Password: periodically offer users to enter their Master Password
- Backup/Restore: show data difference in the Backup/Restore User Interface
- Search: added 'Search in DuckDuckGo' option
- Import: added import from Sticky Password TXT files
- Localization: updated German, Japanese, Russian, Serbian, Swedish
- Miscellaneous smaller bug fixes

- Added support of Windows Hello, as means of authenticating RoboForm user
- Localization: updated German, Dutch, Japanese, Swedish
- Miscellaneous fixes in Backup/Restore User Interface
- Language Editor: added highlighting of edited lines
- Miscellaneous smaller bug fixes

- Security: added setting iterations count of encryption algorithm for RoboForm data
- Enterprise: added RoboForm installation options to specify proxy settings
- Enterprise: fixed Company admin cannot turn Auto Update on for RoboForm Win clients
- Password Generator: removed "Minimal number of digits" option
- Identity Editor: removed obsolete fields
- Localization: updated Swedish
- Export, Import: implemented export/import of Safenotes in/from RoboForm CSV file
- Miscellaneous fixes for RoboForm in Backup/Restore User Interface
- Miscellaneous fixes for RoboForm in Chrome and Firefox

- Disabled AutoFill and AutoSave on the RoboForm Start Page
- Implemented import from LogMeOnce CSV file
- Fixed processing special symbols in the Language Editor
- Miscellaneous fixes in Backup/Restore User Interface

- Chrome Extension: sort Matching Passcards based on well they fit current web page
- Fixed installation of RoboForm extension in Opera
- Improved user interface for RoboForm Backup/Restore
- Fixed import from Enpass
- Miscellaneous fixes
- Localization: updated Japanese, Russian and Swedish.

- Fixed it was possible to find Master Password in plain text in memory of RoboForm process
- Fixed filling of BasicAuth window in Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 10
- New User Interface to restore RoboForm data from backup. Allow to choose which data to restore
- Fixed RoboForm asked second Windows user to setup RF every time when she opens a browser
- Fixed RoboForm asked admin permissions when Windows limited user changes RoboForm UI Language
- Localization: updated German, Japanese, Russian and Swedish.

- Miscellaneous fixes in RoboForm UI, Sharing and Emergency Access
- Miscellaneous fixes in RoboForm Installer
- Import: Fixed import from LastPass
- Enterprise: added passing installation language to RoboForm MSI
- Language Editor: changed string filters for user convenience
- Localization: updated Swedish

- Fixed bug in cleanup of old data that could result in cleanup of new data, if custom folder location was used
- Localization updated German, Japanese
- Fixed miss bugs found in ver 8.5.3

- Fixed bug in cleanup of old data that could result in cleanup of new data, if custom folder location was used

- Detect old RoboForm user data on local computer and offer to clean it up
- Import: fixed import from 1Password, KeePass, Dashlane and Opera
- Authentication group has been removed from RoboForm Identity
- Enterprise: improved logging of data access in groups
- Use VS-2017 for all builds
- Miscellaneous fixes in RoboForm Sharing and UI

- Fixed AutoSave for Netflix
- Replaced email [email protected] with in RoboForm messages
- Improved 'Contact Support' command, so user logs in to support system automatically
- Import: fixed import from 64-bit Firefox
- Localization: updated Italian, Japanese, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish
- Miscellaneous fixes in RoboForm User Interface

- Start Page: new Login and Safenotes Editor, implemented in JS + HTML
- Start Page: new Identity Editor, implemented in JS + HTML
- Fixed problems in Chrome and Firefox extensions on High DPI
- Fixed vulnerability that made possible RF installer loading malicious DLL already present on computer
- Miscellaneous fixes in RoboForm Editor, Options dialog

- Chrome: Fixed integration with Chrome 66 Basic Auth window
- Added support for per-monitor DPI
- Fixed crash during RoboForm installation
- Miscellaneous fixes in RoboForm Editor, Sharing, Import, Backup/Restore
- Localization: updated German, Swedish

- Installer: re-design RoboForm Installation dialog
- Installer: improve installation procedure for RoboForm browser extensions
- Options: Re-designed RoboForm Options dialog
- Chrome: Fixed integration with Chrome 65 Basic Auth window
- Localization: updated German, Japanese, Serbian, Swedish
- Miscellaneous fixes in RoboForm Editor, Sharing, Import, Backup/Restore

- Edge integration: Added Edge extension installation to RoboForm installer
- Localization: Added Greek, updated German, Japanese, Russian, Serbian, Swedish
- Miscellaneous fixes in RoboForm Editor, Sharing, Import, Backup/Restore

- Fixed freezes in Chrome and Internet Explorer

- Start Page: Better navigation and filtering in Start Page
- Start Page: better search bar appearance and auto-complete
- Start Page: new communication scheme with RF and extensions, makes it faster
- Better integration with RoboForm extension for Microsoft Edge browser (needs new Edge ext)
- New design for lower toolbar in Firefox and Chrome
- Allow user to enroll a device just for 15 minutes in One Time Password dialog
- Localization: update Chinese, Dutch, Japanese, Korean, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish
- Bug fixes and performance improvements in RoboForm Editor, Sharing and Emergency Access

- Change log not available for this version

- Detect RoboForm 7 data that was added/changed after the account was migrated and offer to import it
- Firefox integration: Changed Firefox add-on install to use listed Roboform Firefox AddOn
- Import: Added import from KeePass XML, 1Password CSV
- Localization: updated German, Japanese, Korean, Swedish, Serbian
- Miscellaneous fixes in RoboForm Editor, Sharing and Emergency Access

- Options: sync portable user options during RoboForm data sync
- Import: Added import from Keeper, Enpass, PasswordBoss, Zoho, TrueKey and StickyPassword
- Check data for duplicates after user changed RoboForm data
- Form Filler: fixed it for and
- Menus: improved and rationalized RoboForm menus
- Miscellaneous small fixes

- Fix incorrect handling of RDC Login window in Windows 10
- Fix wrong positioning of RF toolbar on high DPI screen in Chrome and Opera browsers
- Fix problem with wrong RF filling of Basic Auth window in IE
- Fix Clear Search history command of RF toolbar does not work in Firefox
- Fix RF Fill Forms command may crash IE in some rare cases
- Fix Chrome may ask to restore tabs after wrong termination by RF installer in some rare cases
- Fix installing RF extension into Firefox-based browsers when official Firefox is not installed
- Fix RF Auto Save is not offered on sites,
- Fix RF shows wrong UI and asks wrong questions when Master Password is changed from another device
- Fix Sync command does not show Sync progress window when automatic sync is already running in background
- Add a command into RoboForm Options dialog to reset all suppressed warnings
- Rename "Weak" tab in Security Center to "All"
- Fix several bugs in UI

- Firefox: Switch to new Firefox extension based on WebExtensions API
- Firefox: New extension is Chrome style, so it does NOT have RF toolbar
- Firefox: New extension may work without Desktop RoboForm installed, such as on Linux
- Bug fixes and speed improvements

- New design for RoboForm Start Page
- Installer: Use '%localappdata%RoboFormProfilesDefault Profile' as RoboForm data folder for new users
- Installer: fix closing applications during RoboForm installation/uninstallation
- Licenses: update design of license notifications and conditions when they should be shown
- Toolbar Menu: fix a bug with RoboForm toolbar menu appearance on tablets
- Localization: add Portuguese, update German, Spanish, French, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Serbian, Swedish
- Backup/Restore: implement common dialog for Backup and Restore operations
- Import: add support for more columns of 1Password and LastPass
- Password Generator: add password strength indicator
- Firefox Integration: do not inject RoboForm DLL into Firefox as Firefox will not allow it soon
- Miscellaneous fixes in RoboForm Editor, Sharing and Emergency Access

- Fixed bugs and crashes

- Turn On new Ver 8 license enforcement
- Now Everywhere license is required for Sync only, with 30 day trial period
- Show 'Buy' and 'Renew' items in RoboForm 8 Help menu
- Make Emergency Access UI officially available in RF ver 8
- Fix bugs in RF 8 licensing on client side
- Fix bugs in sharing User Interface

- Do not create 'RoboForm Online Account' passcard for new users
- Chrome: better design for vertical toolbar
- Logins menu: do not show a Login twice in 'Most Popular' section
- Form Filling: fix form filling on some banking sites such as
- Import/Export: misc fixes in import and export procedure

- Installer: misc fixes in RoboForm Installer
- Installer: fixes in upgrading from RoboForm 7 to RoboForm 8
- Installer: move licensing agreement and privacy policy to the first screen
- Sync: detect when RoboForm account is deleted and offer to user to create an account
- Search Box: show RF Search Box when user moves mouse over the RoboForm Task Bar Icon
- Desktop Shortcuts: fix RoboForm files desktop shortcuts
- Menu: add 'Set Reminder' command to RoboForm Login's context menu
- Editor and Sharing: misc fixes in RoboForm Editor and Sharing
- Security Center: fix Sort Order in RoboForm Security Center
- Language Editor: fix working on High DPI displays
- Firefox: new signed XPI

- Search: change default search engine from Bing to Yahoo, user still can use any search
- Installer: improve upgrade RoboForm 7 to RoboForm 8 sequence
- Firefox: new signed XPI for Windows and Mac
- Editor: misc fixes in RoboForm Editor
- Form Filling: misc fixes in form filling
- Login UI: rework RoboForm Login (Master Password) dialog, using new design
- Export/Import: improve CVS export format

- Editor: fix crashes caused by reading grayscale icons with alpha channel
- Replace http:// with https:// in all URLs that RoboForm opens
- Update German and Polish localization
- Fix auto-login problems caused by earlier Wells Fargo fix

- Fix RoboForm Downloader GUI can hang up when Internet connection is very fast
- AutoUpdate Install: make installer ask no questions on version update
- Fix Japanese localization
- Setup: Fix RoboForm setup has wrong layout when user changed MP on RFO and RF detected this during Sync
- Start Page: Newer RoboForm versions are allowed both HTTP:// and HTTPS:// prefix for
- Start Page: RoboForm Start Page JS now redirects HTTP:// to HTTPS:// for newer RF versions
- Start Page: set Bing as default web search on the RoboForm Start Page
- Start Page: Search for RoboForm data names appears above web search

- Setup: fix crash when user upgrading from RF 7 to RF 8
- Setup; fix crash when user changes Master Password and checks 'I forgot' checkbox
- Editor: fix Deleted item remains in tree if it was the last item in folder
- Editor: fix Folders in tree require two clicks to expand if editor was started while not logged in

RoboForm 8.2.5
- First production (non-beta) release of RoboForm ver 8
- Increase max number of charatcers in Master Password to 80.
- Fix a rare crash in RoboForm Setup dialog.
- Periodically check with RFO server, to check fore received files, invitations, etc.
- Change version check URL for AutoUpdate
- AutoUpdate: make it easier and more automatic
- Start Page: use as RF Start Page URL instead of
- Editor starts with Home item closed if there is no recently viewed items.
- Editor: change passcard title view, so that site icon is shown in one row with URL
- Security Center: misc fixes
- Import and Export: misc fixes

- Chrome, Firefox: fix RF does not login to
- Chrome: fix AutoFill dialog remains visible after switching to another tab
- Firefox: Login using the wrong passcard, not the one that was clicked
- Firefox: fix AutoFill dialog sometimes remains visible after navigating to another page
- Editor: fix context menu in folder tree does not opened after pressing VK_APPS key
- Fix auto-update issues related to
- Fix saving Login to a specific folder saves to Home folder instead
- Password Generator: fix clicking on disabled Generate button clears password list
- RF2Go, Firefox: let it attach to Firefox 50, drop support for Firefox 40
- Localization: Update German, Danish, sb-Serbian, sc-Serbian

- Fix RoboForm for Windows sometimes does not accept One Time Password
- Opera: Fix high CPU usage by Opera/rf-chrome-nm-host.exe processes
- Editor: fix wrong window position after restoring from maximized state

- Chrome: fix SearchBox dropdown jumps to top left screen corner while typing into SearchBox
- Chrome, Firefox: Fix SearchBox issues, with pasting, etc
- Chrome: fix RF does not work on some sites with IFRAME
- Chrome, Firefox: fix filling from Identity is too slow on some sites
- Chrome: Fix RF toolbar ignores 'Enable popup RoboForm toolbar' setting if started while not logged in
- Firefox: fix keyboard shortcuts for opening menus from toolbar do not work
- Firefox: fix RoboForm toolbar appears even if unchecked in Firefox
- Firefox: fix RoboForm toolbar appears but does not work in private browsing mode
- Firefox: fix RoboForm does not attach to Firefox in some cases
- Firefox: fix RoboForm does not show AutoFill window on Firefox Sync Sign In page
- Firefox: Fix AutoSave with AutoSave-bar sometimes prevents navigation from happening
- Fix RoboForm does not match Logins for sites with the name that starts with 'cgi' or 'www'
- Fix filling of visible elements whose parents are invisible
- Fix form filling when frames with aborted loading appear, such as in MetLife
- Fix not filling form at and other sites that reset password on focus
- Fix form filling on
- Fix RF menu popups and BA toolbar are positioned incorrectly on systems with high DPI
- Fix some rules in form filling from Identity

- Firefox: Fixed RoboForm toolbar does not work in Private browsing mode
- Firefox: Fixed RoboForm toolbar appears even if unchecked in Firefox
- Firefox: Fixed JavaScript exception is shown in error log when disabling RF extension
- Firefox: Fixed RF extension sometimes does not load in browser startup
- Chrome, Firefox: Fixed background activity in a not shown tab may not be handled by RF
- Firefox: new signed XPI for Windows and Mac, version 7-9-21-5

- Form Filler: throw more JS events, to better emulate user form filling in IE, Chrome, Firefox
- Form Filler: the above fixes form filling at Microsoft account, Apple, Wells Fargo
- Firefox, Chrome: make RoboForm filler work in Strict JS mode
- Internet Explrer, Windows 10 Anniversary: make RF fill the new Basic Authentication dialog
- Firefox: Fix a rare crash during JS callback
- Firefox: Fix RF extension does not work if Multiprocess mode (aka Electrolysis)
- Firefox: Fix RF saves wrong URL on
- Firefox: Fix RoboForm does not fill local file pages in Firefox
- Firefox: Fix RoboForm add-on for FF does not load in Pale Moon
- RoboForm2Go + Firefox: make it work in Firefox ver 43
- Login menus: fix incorrect layout in toolbar menus

- Improve Internet Explorer form filling for placeholders
- Firefox: fix some rare crashes
- Firefox: Add support for Firefox 47 to RoboForm2Go
- Improve Site Icon management
- Improve Spanish localization
- Login Menu: fix sub-menu disappearance when moving mouse close to display edge

Dragonframe 5.0.7 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added support for Canon R5 C
- Added support for Panasonic GH5 Mark II

- Windows file dialog freeze
- iPhone zooming out after every shot
- Nikon capture failure when shooting faster than one image/second
- C1/C2 swapping video assist/still image when using multiple cameras with same name
- bash light showing in C2 video assist
- csv import with quotation marks around data
- crash when opening scene with multiple audio HUD

iTop VPN 3.4.0 查看版本資訊


SurfShark 3.6.0 查看版本資訊
