
最新版本 Twine 2.4.0

Twine 2.4.0

Twine 2.4.0
RoboForm 使登錄到網站和填寫表格更快,更容易,更安全。 RoboForm 第一次登錄網站時記憶並安全地存儲每個用戶名和密碼,然後在您返回時自動提供它們。 RoboForm 的登錄功能消除了登錄到任何在線帳戶的手動步驟。只需點擊一下 RoboForm 就可以導航到一個網站,輸入您的用戶名和密碼,然後點擊提交按鈕。完成長時間的註冊或結賬形式也是一件輕而易舉的事情。只需點擊 RoboForm 標識和 RoboForm 填充即可。在整個表格中為您選擇.

您不再需要記住所有密碼。你記得一個主密碼,RoboForm 記得其餘的。這使您可以使用更強大的密碼,使您的在線體驗更安全。 RoboForm 使用強大的 AES 加密來實現完整的數據安全。

它如何工作 RoboForm:

安裝 RoboForm
冒險和下載 RoboForm. 沒有什麼可以失去 - 它是免費的,你將能夠看到什麼是所有的興奮是關於。沒有信用卡,也沒有附加任何條件.

你的主密碼是你需要記住的一個密碼。這個密碼將加密和保護你所有的 RoboForm 數據.

RoboForm 沒有啟動時間 - 就像平時一樣上網。當您登錄網站時,RoboForm 自動提供保存您的登錄信息。這很簡單!

現在,RoboForm 已經記住了您的登錄信息,只需點擊該登錄,RoboForm 就會將您帶到該網站並自動登錄。這與使用書籤或收藏夾一樣簡單。您永遠不需要再次記住或再次輸入其他密碼.

訪問 RoboForm 無處不在
訪問所有計算機和設備上的 RoboForm 登錄名和身份。 RoboForm 在 Windows,Mac,Linux 和 Windows USB 驅動器上運行。也有最流行的手機平台,包括 iOS,Android 和 Windows Mobile 的應用程序。使用 RoboForm Everywhere(在線)服務將您的數據同步並備份到雲端,讓您享受到安全的一鍵式訪問.

使用 RoboForm 身份識別功能可安全地存儲您的姓名,地址,電子郵件,信用卡,和所有你的其他信息。只需點擊您的 RoboForm 身份即可自動填寫整個網頁表單。省去不必要的打字時間!

由於您不再需要記住或輸入密碼,因此可以使用 RoboForm 為您訪問的每個網站生成強大的唯一密碼.

注意:30 天試用版。有限的功能.

也可用:下載 RoboForm 為 Mac


檔案版本 Twine 2.4.0

檔案名稱 Twine-2.4.0-Windows.exe
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Siber Systems Inc.
更新日期 2022-07-06

What's new in this version:

- A lot has changed between the 2.3 series and 2.4.0 and I'd recommend reading the Reference for a thorough description of how it all works. I'll summarize here, though.
- Even with these changes, 2.4.0 should work fine with stories created with 2.3 without any problems. If you decide you don't like 2.4.0 and want to continue using 2.3, you may run into some weirdness, as this hasn't been tested. If you use the online version, you can go back to the previous version at

Even though 2.4.0 has been a long time in the making, it's still a .0 release. I wouldn't recommend updating yet if:
- You are in the middle of a large project. Or at the very least, please make backup copies of your work before upgrading!
- You are using a non-English localization. Many UI changes have occurred and unfortunately, it has been hard to get help translating new text. (If you can help out, please see these directions!) So using Twine with a non-English locale setting will show a mishmash of translated and untranslated text.

General UI Updates:
- There's now a toolbar that appears at the top of the screen for all actions. The toolbar's separated into tabs, similar to a menu bar, and has a back button allowing navigation between screens.
- The system font is used instead of a custom one. This is mostly an aesthetic change, but it also helps with non-Latin text.
- Some actions, like changing preferences or editing story formats, are available regardless of where you are in the app.
- The desktop app now has an ARM Linux build, and the macOS app is universal, running on both Intel and Apple Silicon processors natively.
- The desktop app has a new icon.

The Story List:
- You now select a story from the list and then take an action on it using the toolbar instead of using a gear menu. Double-clicking a story will edit it.
- Stories can now be tagged, and the story list can be filtered to show only certain tags. Just like passage tags, story tags can have colors associated with them.
- Story previews have been updated to look hopefully nicer

The Story Format List:
- By default, only the most up-to-date version of a story format is shown in the list. You can see all installed formats using the View top toolbar tab.

The Story Map:
- You can now undo and redo changes
- You can now edit multiple passages at one time
- You can rename a passage without editing it
- You can now delete more than one passage at a time
- All detail dialogs, like the find & replace text dialog, are now modeless, meaning that you can do other work in your story while they're open
- You can customize the font used in passage editors and disable cursor blinking
- Story formats now have an official way to extend the editor. (The Harlowe story format used undocumented methods to do this in the past.) Story formats can add syntax highlighting to passage editors, a toolbar of actions to passage editors, and add additional connections between passages in the map.
- Right now, Harlowe and Chapbook have extensions but other story formats may add them in the future
- You can disable story format extensions if they are causing trouble or you prefer not to use them
- If you're a story format developer, learn how extensions work here
- Editing larger stories is faster

Story Formats:
- Harlowe 3.3.0 is included, and release notes are here
- Chapbook 1.2.2 is also included. It's the same as the last version, 1.2.1, except for the addition of editor extensions.

- Twine has been migrated to TypeScript, a JavaScript dialect which automatically checks for certain kinds of coding errors
- Test coverage of Twine has improved significantly and changes now require code linting and tests to pass before being merged

Twine 2.4.0 相關參考資料

2022年1月31日 — Twine, a tool for telling interactive, nonlinear stories - 2.4.0 · klembot/twinejs.

2.4.0 - Twine Cookbook

2022年7月5日 — The Story Map#. You can now undo and redo changes. You can now edit multiple passages at one time. You can rename a passage without editing it.

2.4.1 - Twine Cookbook

Fixed a bug related to updating stories' story formats. This showed up in 2.4.0 as a crash message the first time a story was edited. Browser Twine now uses the ...

Downloading Twine 2.4.0 from

Twine is an open-source tool for telling interactive, nonlinear stories. Twine publishes directly to HTML, so you can post your work nearly anywhere.

Releases · klembottwinejs

2023年11月27日 — Updated the version of Electron used for app Twine to the latest v17 release. Bugs Fixed. Fixed a bug related to updating stories' story formats ...

Twine 2.4.0 -

2022年7月5日 — Today I'm happy to release Twine 2.4.0, which is a significant change from the 2.3 series. Release notes are here.

Twine 2.4.0 - Twine - The Interactive Fiction Community Forum

Today I'm happy to release Twine 2.4.0, which is a significant change from the 2.3 series. Release notes are here. The home page has also been updated and a ...

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Twine 2.4.0 軟體檔案下載 - winXmac軟體社群

Twine 2.4.0 軟體檔案Twine-2.4.0-Windows.exe 下載,Filmora 是一個全功能於一身的家庭視頻編輯製作軟件,具有強大的功能和完全堆疊的功能集。

Twine v2.3.16 and v2.4.0 beta-2 released : rtwinegames

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