Qt (32-bit)

最新版本 Qt 5.11.1 (32-bit)

Qt 5.11.1 (32-bit)

Qt 5.11.1 (32-bit)
Qt 是創造創新設備,現代用戶界面和應用程序的更快,更智能的方式。應用程序的多個屏幕。創建功能強大的應用程序和用戶界面,可以在任何屏幕和任何平台上運行 Qt 應用程序開發.

“我們相信,要成功執行桌面,多屏幕和物聯網戰略,您需要在不犧牲的情況下實現卓越的上市時間這意味著您可以擁有獨一無二的現代用戶界面,超越您的客戶期望,並且能夠在所有用戶的屏幕上運行,無論平台選擇如何,都可以將他們連接到服務的世界,當然,所有的用戶都可以性能,沒有小的任務...... 除非你使用 Qt。“

我們確保你只需要為你的 Qt 應用程序編寫和維護一個代碼庫,它將運行在所有領先的桌面,移動和嵌入式平台。我們知道這不僅僅是代碼。我們並沒有忘記您還需要具有可以簡化您的軟件開發的功能的工具.

Design,Code,Debug& amp; 快速部署
功能滿足生產力– Qt 開發速度很快,因為它有一整套高度直觀和模塊化的 C ++ 庫類,聲明式的“Qt Quick” UI 技術和生產性專業工具。所有平台上的快速原型設計都非常簡單。創建具有令人驚嘆的用戶界面和本地性能的軟件,無需重寫即可運行.

Qt 用於設備創建預構建軟件堆棧
您可以編寫和回收 Qt 應用程序和設備用戶界面代碼,以在所有主要的嵌入式操作系統(包括 RTOS)上運行。我們已經包含了一個預先構建的 Qt 優化的軟件堆棧,以便立即開始在真實設備上進行原型設計。 Qt 可以配置為運行在大量的硬件架構和配置上,使 Qt 成為物聯網戰略的面向未來的技術.


檔案版本 Qt 5.11.1 (32-bit)

檔案名稱 qt-opensource-windows-x86-5.11.1.exe
檔案大小 2.4 GB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 The Qt Company
官網 https://www.qt.io/Product/
更新日期 2018-06-19

What's new in this version:

New Features

Qt Core:
- QIODevice::NewOnly and QIODevice::ExistingOnly OpenMode flags, which, when used with QFile, instruct open() to return false when the given file does (NewOnly) or does not (ExistingOnly) exist at the time of the call to open (atomically).
- QFloat16 now has two methods for bulk conversion between float16 and float, using hardware SIMD acceleration if available at runtime.
- QVarLengthArray now has rvalue reference versions of prepend and insert, and can hold movable-only datatypes such as std::unique_ptr.
- QVector now has rvalue reference versions of prepend and insert.
- QUuid toString() and toByteArray() can now take a parameter specifying the generated format.
- Updated our Unicode support in QString, QChar and QTextBoundaryFinder to be compatible with Unicode 10.
- Added QAbstractItemModel::checkIndex() to help testing the validity of model indices by concrete model classes.

Qt Network:
- ALPN (via Secure Transport) and thus HTTP/2 negotiation are now supported on iOS (starting from version 11)
- QNetworkRequest now has the Http2DirectAttribute to start a connection in HTTP/2 without first negotiating.

- Rewritten the compiler pipeline. We now directly generate byte code from the AST, and store that as our intermediate representation
- Optimized handling of JS calls, bringing large improvements especially when calling small functions
- Newly written byte code interpreter with a vastly improved performance (at 80-90% of the JIT in Qt 5.10)
- .qmlc files are now fully platform independent and store byte code instead of assembly
- New hotspot JIT that generated optimised assembly for byte code that gets repeatedly executed
- CONFIG += qtquickcompiler now also works in the open source version, by embedding the generated byte code at compile time

Qt Quick:
- Expanded support for loading compressed textures in Image element. Now supports both .ktx and .pkm container file formats.
- Qt Quick Controls 2

- Added autoRepeatDelay and autoRepeatInterval properties.
- Promoted the autoRepeat property from Button to AbstractButton.
- Added pressX and pressY properties to expose the press point to QML.

- Added a checkState property. It indicates the combined check state of the entire group.

CheckBox and CheckDelegate:
- No longer force tristate to true when setting checkState to Qt.PartiallyChecked. This allows presenting a partially checked state without being interactively tri-state.
- No longer consider partially checked as checked. This fixes check state cycling for a non-tri-state checkbox so that it goes from partially checked to fully checked state.
- Made it possible to implement nextCheckState() in QML.

ScrollBar and ScrollIndicator:
- Added minimumSize, visualSize, and visualPosition properties.

- Added a displayText property to allow styles to create a light binding to display the textual value instead of having to call the textFromValue() JS-function.

Qt 3D:
- Improved performance with reduced CPU usage
- Scrub through animations with the normalizedTime property of QAbstractClipAnimator.
- Issue arbitrary ray casts in world space or screen space.
- Improved SIMD support

Qt Location:
- Experimental turn-by-turn navigation API
- Experimental QQuickItem-less map object support
- Routing and Places API now extensible, and capable of returning service-specific information
- New Waypoint element to specify additional waypoint information in route queries, such as angle of approach.
- MapItemView now QQmlDelegateModel-based, fixing QTBUG-62086 and QTBUG-65833
- Greatly improved MapPolyline performance
- Layers now properly working in combination with Map Items, allowing anti-aliasing and artifact-less transparency
- Geocoding and Places support added to the Mapbox plugin

Qt WebEngine:
- Updated to Chromium 65
- Embedded DevTools without using a port and separate browser
- Installable cookie filter
- Quota permissions

- Qdoc now uses libclang for parsing C/C++ code

Qt Designer:
- Added support for ID-based translations

- On Windows Desktop, the accessibility support was updated and vastly improved. The implementation is now based on Microsoft UI Automation (it was formerly based on Microsoft Active Accessibility).
- The widgets themes available on Windows Desktop were updated to better support High-DPI displays, including fixes for several rendering issues, providing improved appearance and functionality.
- Linux Printing now supports more CUPS options with the advanced tab in QPrintPropertiesDialog (QTBUG-54464) allowing many additional settings (amongst them arbitrary page ranges QTBUG-1311).
- Updated the Unicode bidirectional text algorithm to be compliant with Unicode 10.

Qt Widgets:
- Added quick text selection by mouse to QLineEdit.

Qt Serial Bus:
- Added J2534 Pass-Thru CAN plugin for communication between a computer and a vehicle
- Added description, serial number and channel to QCanBusDeviceInfo, as far as supported by the various plugins.
- Introduced categorized logging to the CAN bus module which can be enabled by the "qt.canbus" and "qt.canbus.plugins.<pluginname>" filters.
- QCanBusFrame::isValid() now checks for invalid CAN FD payload lengths. E.g. 24 is a valid CAN FD payload length, but 28 is not.

Qt Bluetooth:
- Ported Bluetooth Low Energy Central role implementation to BlueZ's DBus LE API (minimum version to enable is BlueZ 5.42)

Qt Test:
- Added QAbstractItemModelTester to help testing model classes

New Modules:
- No new modules added
- Platform Changes
- Jira tracking for 5.11 changes
- MSVC2013 support removed from the code base
- QNX 6.6 no longer supported (note: QNX 7 remains fully supported)
- MacOS 10.10 no longer supported
- Qt WebEngine on Windows now requires MSVC 2017 to compile
- Improved Accessibility support on Win32 by adopting the Windows UI Automation framework

- Support for missing 'dead keys' such as dasia and diaeresis

- Added support for framebuffer formats other than XRGB8888.
- Added experimental screen cloning support (by scanning out the same framebuffer on multiple crtcs)
- Added support for operating with DRM render nodes (/dev/dri/renderDnn) in a headless mode transparent to applications
- Added a makespec for Renesas R-Car M3
- Added experimental backend for compositing Qt content with other hardware layers via VSP2 on Renesas devices

Technology Preview Modules:
- Qt Remote Objects (TP3) - A module that allows you to easily share QObject interfaces (Signals/Slots/Properties) between processes or devices.
- Qt WebGL Streaming Plugin (TP2) - Stream applications to browsers over the network

Deprecated Modules:
- The following modules are part of Qt 5.11 release, but deprecated and considered for removal in subsequent releases of Qt:

Qt Script:
- Qt Quick Controls 1

Qt 5.11.1 (32-bit) 相關參考資料
Download Offline Installers - Qt

Qt 5.6.3 for Windows 64-bit (VS 2015, 893 MB) (info) &middot; Qt 5.6.3 for Windows 32-bit (VS 2015, 869 MB) (info) &middot; Qt 5.6.3 for Windows 64-bit (VS 2013, 874 MB) (info)&nbsp;...


Index of archiveqt - Qt Downloads

For Qt Downloads, please visit qt.io/download. Qt® and the Qt logo is a registered trade mark of The Qt Company Ltd and is used pursuant to a license from The&nbsp;...


Qt 5.11 released - Qt Blog

... wasn&#39;t available early enough for 5.11.0 but will be in 5.11.1, which should be released ... Many people are asking for a 32-bit for Windows.


Qt 5.11 Tools and Versions - Qt Wiki

3 Software configurations for Qt 5.11.1. 3.1 windows 10 x86_64; 3.2 windows 7 x86; 3.3 windows 8.1 x86_64; 3.4 macos 10.12 x86_64; 3.5 osx&nbsp;...


Qt 5.11.1 (32-bit) Download for Windows FileHorse.com

Qt is the faster, smarter way to create innovative devices, modern UIs &amp; applications for multiple screens. Create powerful applications and UIs&nbsp;...


Qt 5.11.1 (32-bit) Download for Windows Old Versions FileHorse.com

Download Qt 5.11.1 (32-bit). Qt (32-bit). June, 19th 2018 - 100% Safe - Open Source ... Qt 5.10.0 (32-bit). Date released: 07 Dec 2017 (12 months ago).


Qt 5.11.1 Released - Qt Blog

I am pleased to announce that Qt 5.11.1 is released today. ... a case do you think you could drop MSVC 2015 32-bit for MSVC 2017 32-bit?


Qt 5.11.2 Released - Qt Blog

Compared to Qt 5.11.1, the Qt 5.11.2 release provides fixes for more than ... Would like to take this in the production but both MSVC 32bit and&nbsp;...


Supported Platforms | Qt 5.11 - Qt Documentation

Qt is supported on a variety of 32-bit and 64-bit platforms, and can usually be built on each platform with GCC, a vendor-supplied compiler, or a third party&nbsp;...
