Qt (32-bit)

最新版本 Qt 5.14.0 (32-bit)

Qt 5.14.0 (32-bit)

Qt 5.14.0 (32-bit)
Qt 是創造創新設備,現代用戶界面和應用程序的更快,更智能的方式。應用程序的多個屏幕。創建功能強大的應用程序和用戶界面,可以在任何屏幕和任何平台上運行 Qt 應用程序開發.

“我們相信,要成功執行桌面,多屏幕和物聯網戰略,您需要在不犧牲的情況下實現卓越的上市時間這意味著您可以擁有獨一無二的現代用戶界面,超越您的客戶期望,並且能夠在所有用戶的屏幕上運行,無論平台選擇如何,都可以將他們連接到服務的世界,當然,所有的用戶都可以性能,沒有小的任務...... 除非你使用 Qt。“

我們確保你只需要為你的 Qt 應用程序編寫和維護一個代碼庫,它將運行在所有領先的桌面,移動和嵌入式平台。我們知道這不僅僅是代碼。我們並沒有忘記您還需要具有可以簡化您的軟件開發的功能的工具.

Design,Code,Debug& amp; 快速部署
功能滿足生產力– Qt 開發速度很快,因為它有一整套高度直觀和模塊化的 C ++ 庫類,聲明式的“Qt Quick” UI 技術和生產性專業工具。所有平台上的快速原型設計都非常簡單。創建具有令人驚嘆的用戶界面和本地性能的軟件,無需重寫即可運行.

Qt 用於設備創建預構建軟件堆棧
您可以編寫和回收 Qt 應用程序和設備用戶界面代碼,以在所有主要的嵌入式操作系統(包括 RTOS)上運行。我們已經包含了一個預先構建的 Qt 優化的軟件堆棧,以便立即開始在真實設備上進行原型設計。 Qt 可以配置為運行在大量的硬件架構和配置上,使 Qt 成為物聯網戰略的面向未來的技術.


檔案版本 Qt 5.14.0 (32-bit)

檔案名稱 qt-opensource-windows-x86-5.14.0.exe
檔案大小 2.5 GB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 The Qt Company
官網 https://www.qt.io/Product/
更新日期 2019-12-12

What's new in this version:

- New Features (within existing modules)
- Qt 3D
- Threading architecture overhaul (removal of aspect thread)
- Frontend/Backend node sync overhaul
- QTransform now has access to the world matrix
- Introduction of Scene3DView
- Scene3D is now in sync with QtQuick
- Scene3D can now render as an underlay without FBO

Qt Bluetooth:
- [QTBUG-40698] Optional win32 backend to support Windows 7 and 8. Backend is not built by default and not part of the prebuild packages though.
- QLowEnergyController: Introduce AuthorizationError
- [QTBUG-76615] Ability to have multiple manufacturer data per manufacturer ID

Qt Core:
- QCalendar adds support for Calendars other than Gregorian, by implementation of suitable back-ends
- Back-ends to implement the Gregorian, Jalali (Persian), Islamic Civil, Milankovic, and Julian calendars. We look forward to other contributions
- [QTBUG-14150] Qt is now relocatable, i.e. it's possible to move the Qt installation without breaking functionality or loading of plugins

- QColorConstants provide constexpr QColor instances that don't cost any runtime overhead
- Updated High-DPI support
- Applications can now opt-in to use non-integer scale factors, for example Windows at 150%. Use QGuiApplication::highDpiScaleFactorRoundingPolicy or QT_SCALE_FACTOR_ROUNDING_POLICY to set the rounding policy
- Added the QT_ENABLE_HIGHDPI_SCALING environment variable which enables high-dpi scaling based on display DPI. Replaces QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR (now deprecated), and corresponds to the Qt::AA_EnableHighDpiScaling application attribute
- The QT_FONT_DPI environment variable is now supported cross-platform, for the purpose of developing and testing with specific DPI values
- Color-space support for images. Reading and writing color-spaces from JPEG, PNG, WebP and TIFF images, and performing color-space transformation on images
- QTextDocument/QTextTable now support per-edge border styling via QTextTableCellFormat border-collapse mode HTML table style import (partial) and export
- QTextDocument supports reading and writing Markdown format, as an alternative to HTML. If you read HTML and write Markdown, or vice-versa, the formatting should be preserved to the extent that the CommonMark and GitHub specs allow (including headings, tables, bullet lists, block quotes and code blocks); but we don't guarantee all cases yet, because it's thinly tested so far

Qt Location:
- Qt Multimedia
- Added QVideoFrame::Format_YUV422P
- Introduced support of GStreamer OpenGL plugin

Qt Network:
- HTTP/2 configuration API
- Network connectivity monitoring
- [QTBUG-1538] Support Kerberos Proxy Authentication

- Added qmlRegisterSingletonInstance function. This allows to expose a QObject as a singleton to QML, without having to create a factory function as required by qmlRegisterSingletonType. It is meant as a type safe replacement of setContextProperty in common usages
- Added qmlRegisterAnonymousType as a replacement for qmlRegisterType. It allows to specify the URI and major version, which enables better tooling support.
qmllint gained an experimental -U option. If run with it, it warns about accesses to unqualified identifiers

Qt Quick:
- Added the first preview of the graphics API independent scenegraph renderer as an opt-in feature. This allows running qualifying Qt Quick applications on top of Vulkan, Metal, or Direct3D 11 instead of OpenGL. The supported platforms are currently Windows 10, Linux with X11 (xcb), macOS with MoltenVK, or Android 7.0+ for Vulkan, macOS for Metal, Windows 10 for D3D
- Text and TextEdit now support Markdown format (CommonMark and GitHub dialects) as an alternative to HTML
- Includes the GitHub checklist extension, such that you can click to toggle checkboxes in a TextEdit
- TextEdit uses an I-beam cursor by default, and a pointing-hand cursor when hovering a checkbox or a link. You can still override the default cursor, though
- Added WheelHandler, an Event Handler for the mouse wheel, and optionally for emulated mouse wheel events coming from a trackpad
- Added BoundaryRule in Qt.labs.animation: a PropertyValueInterceptor that restricts the range of values a numeric property can have, applies "resistance" when the value is overshooting, and provides the ability to animate it back within range. It's particularly useful in combination with WheelHandler, to provide similar physics as Flickable has
- Event Handler base classes such as QQuickSinglePointHandler and QQuickMultiPointHandler have private implementation, while the classes themselves are suitable for subclassing, and are exported. They do not have supported public C++ API yet, but we encourage you to experiment with subclassing them anyway using the private API. They are intended to become public at some point in Qt 6 (and we can continue to iterate the API until then, especially to keep up with upcoming changes to the QEvent classes in Qt 6)
- Image and BorderImage now have the same currentFrame and frameCount properties that AnimatedImage has; this allows choosing an individual icon from an .ICO file that contains multiple icons, for example. In the future it's intended to support other multi-page formats such as PDF, TIFF and WEBP
- Added PathPolyline and PathMultiline as additional ways of drawing and/or filling arbitrary polygons and sets of polygons with Qt Quick Shapes

Qt Quick Controls 2:
Qt SerialBus
- Added operators to compare QCanBusDevice::Filter for equality or inequality
- Added the QCanBusDevice::OperationError and QCanBusDevice::TimeoutError codes to signal wrong operation respectively timeout errors
- Added the function QCanBusDevice::busStatus() to query the CAN bus status from the CAN bus device
- Added the function QCanBusDevice::resetController() to reset a CAN controller from bus off state
- SocketCAN: Added the configuration parameter QCanBusDevice::ProtocolKey to use another protocol inside the protocol family PF_CAN
- SocketCAN: If libsocketcan is available, the CAN bus bitrate can be get and set at runtime
- PeakCAN: Added support for PCAN-USB devices on macOS by using the MacCAN library
- Expose the underling QIODevice used for Modbus communication, e.g. for setting the serial port hardware flow control (RTS/CTS)

Qt Test:
- initMain() method to perform any initialization that needs to happen before QApplication exists
- Qt Wayland Compositor

Qt WebEngine:
- Updated to be based on Chromium 77
- New API for control of QWebEnginePage life-cycle
- Methods and properties for download item to get suggested name, and change the download directory and file name
- New findTextFinished signal and corresponding QWebEngineFindTextResult and FindTextResult types to get extra information about the result of a text search
- Added methods to QWebEngineCertificateError to asynchronously handle an error, and get a chain of digital certificates

Qt WebSockets:
- Qt Widgets
- QTextEdit and QTextBrowser now support Markdown format (CommonMark and GitHub dialects) as an alternative to HTML
- Includes the GitHub checklist extension, such that you can click to toggle checkboxes if the widget is editable
- QTextBrowser::setSource() detects Markdown based on the file extension

Platform Changes:
- Android needs NDKr20+
- Added multi ABI build in one go. By default it will build for all android supported abis (arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86_64, x86). The user can control which ABIs he wants to use via ANDROID_ABIS qmake variable
- Added support for the new AAB package format, which allows deploying a single application bundle to Google Play which contains binaries for all supported ABIs

- Wayland

New Modules:
- Qt Quick Timeline
- Technology Preview Modules
- Added tech preview for Qt Quick 3D, a high-level API for creating 3D content for user interfaces from Qt Quick

Qt for Automation:
- Qt KNX
- Extended support for KNXnet/IP Core V2 (discovery, tunneling, routing, security)
- Qt Mqtt
- Added support for using QSslConfiguration when connecting encrypted
- Added autoKeepAlive property to enable manual connectivity checks
- Added tech preview for GDS client support
- Updated 3rdparty open62541 to version 1.0
- Qt CoAP
- The module leaves the Tech Preview status behind and an API commitment is given

Qt 5.14.0 (32-bit) 相關參考資料
Download Offline Installers - Qt

5.12.x Offline Installers. Qt offline installer is a stand-alone binary package including Qt libraries and Qt Creator. Linux Host. Qt 5.12.10 for Linux 64-bit (1.3 GB) ...


Qt 5.14.0 (32-bit) for Windows 軟體資訊交流 - winXmac軟體社群

2019年12月12日 — Qt 5.14.0 (32-bit) for Windows 軟體資訊交流、介紹、教學與下載,Qt 是創造創新設備,現代用戶界面和應用程序的更快,更智能的方式。


Qt 5.14.0 (32-bit) 檔案下載 qt-opensource-windows-x86-5.14.0.exe

Qt 5.14.0 (32-bit) 軟體版本qt-opensource-windows-x86-5.14.0.exe 檔案下載,Qt 是創造創新設備,現代用戶界面和應用程序的更快,更智能的方式。應用程序的多 ...


Qt 5.14.0 (32-bit) 軟體資訊介紹 | 電腦資訊007情報站

2019年12月12日 — Qt (32-bit)軟體資訊介紹&下載,Qt 是創造創新設備,現代用戶界面和應用程序的更快,更智能的方式。應用程序的多個屏幕。創建功能強大的應用 ...


Qt Creator 5.14版下载及安装——MSVC_e891377的专栏 ...

2020年5月11日 — 针对Windows 平台上的MSVC 编译器的Qt 组件,如msvc2015 32-bit 和msvc2015 64-bit 等。安装该组件需要计算机上已经安装相应版本的Visual ...


Qt for Windows - Requirements | Qt 5.14

By default, Qt will determine whether the system's opengl32.dll provides OpenGL 2 ... Windows - Intel(R) C++ Compiler for 32-bit applications, Version 9.1.040.


Qt for Windows | Qt 5.14

The following configurations are supported. Operating System, Architecture, Compiler, Notes. Windows 10, x86 and x86_64, MSVC 2017, MSVC 2015, MinGW ...


Qt最新版5.14在Windows环境静态编译安装和部署的完整过程 ...

Qt最新版5.14在Windows环境静态编译安装和部署的完整过程VS 2019-Qt static link build Windows 32 bit/64 bit. 2020/02/26 Windows Qt. 为什么要静态编译(static ...


Supported Platforms | Qt 5.14 - Qt Documentation Snapshots

Qt is supported on a variety of 32-bit and 64-bit platforms, and can usually be built on each platform with GCC, a vendor-supplied compiler, or a third party ...


Supported Platforms | Qt 5.15 - Qt Documentation

Qt is supported on a variety of 32-bit and 64-bit platforms, and can usually be built on each platform with GCC, a vendor-supplied compiler, or a third party ...
