PSPad 歷史版本列表 Page8

最新版本 PSPad 5.0.7 Build 775

PSPad 歷史版本列表

PSPad 編輯器是一個程序員編輯器,支持多個語法高亮配置文件。它帶有十六進制編輯器,CP 轉換,文本差異,模板,宏,拼寫檢查選項,自動完成和代碼瀏覽器。該程序是為最流行的編程語言(如 Visual Basic,C ++,SQL,PHP,ASP 和 Python)預先配置的,您可以進一步自定義語法設置。 PSPad 是一個偉大的免費軟件程序員的 Microsoft Windows 操作系統的編輯器... PSPad 軟體介紹

Firefox Developer Edition 72.0b10 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


PSPad 5.0.2 Build 351 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Line duplicate (menu Edit) - in case when line isn't selected, the cursor stay in same position as before in new line
- When PSPad is moved to another monitor, icon on taskbar follows application. I was forced to remove program name from PSPad window title to satisfy both groups of users
- Menu Encoding contains new submenu Unicode normalization with 2 items: Canonical Composition and Canonical Decomposition. Accented unicode char can be written as one char containing accent or as 2 chars - basic char followed by accent. These functions provide composition or decomposition of accented chars
- Program settings / Direct edit - new special option UnicodeComposition=1. This settings will automatically make Canonical composition when file is loaded. But note, it will significantly slow down file open speed
- Log window will mark "debug" line with green symbol
- Scripting - new function markEditorLine(integer) - will paint sent line with same color as click in the LOG window
- Scripting - running scripts are automatically terminated when PSPad is closing
- Scripting - new function reloadUserHighlighter(name: string) - reloads user highlighter if loaded. Parametr means name of highlighter or name of definition file
- Find/Replace dialog - added possibility to store profiles
- Word under cursor will be returned even cursor is behind the word
- Scripting - added variables for getVarValue(): %File% (file name without extension), %Ext% (file extension)
- Sample size for code page autodetection was increased from 8 000 to 25 000 chars
- Windows Shell script highlighter - added over 100 new keywords
- PSPad will inform you when config file save problem occurs.
- Function Remove duplicated lines from menu Edit / Line manipulation works with selected text. If no text is selected, it works with whole file
- Delete lines with bookmarks - new function in the Search menu or editor Context menu
- New code explorer for Z80 assembler (file type FTAssem). New user highlighter Z80 Assembler, which replace existing Z80.
- Sort (menu Edit) - function allows you sort by lines up to 3 defined columns
- Find in files - results - optimalized drawing, added hint to show whole line
- Code explorer for ftXML ignores IMAGE tag what is e.g. in SGML without close tag
- User highlighter - added Euklid+ support
- Hex editor - paste binnary text changed some chars
- Hex editor - statusbar informations
- On higher DPI menu items used small font (problem of developer tool)
- Code explorer for Unix shell script didn't accept function names containing dot
- Code explorer - click doesn't focus editor even it was set in Code explorer toolbar button
- SpellCheck - excelption sometimes occured
- TextDiff - exception sometimes on the last line
- FTP - file list parsing - if year is missing and day and month are grater than now, i will consider last year
- Code clips - problem with sorting and "ch" letter (slavic languages considers "ch" as one letter)
- Code explorer for Autohotkey
- Pascal Code explorer caused program hang up with some specific source content
- PHP code beautifier needs existing file. New file caused program hang up
- Export highlihted text to RTF
- TextDiff - accidental exception on modified line
- ISO 8859-2 - fix of code page autodetection
- wrong PSPad version (32b vs 64b) in the window title
- Oracle SQL highlighter and text literals
- Dropper - fixed for 64b version
- HEX editor - string is checked before paste for allowed hex chars
- Find in files - in the search results tabulator disappeared
- Windows Shell script - fixed highlighting of words containing "-"
- Find in files results - invisible font with black background
- Autohotkey Code explorer - function detection fix
- Problem with screen repaint when switch PSPad and Chrome based browser
- Impossibility to save file without extension. This will be possible when you change file type in save dialog to *.
- Fixed problem with transient freezing joined with pair bracket highlighting
- Autocomplete (Ctrl+J) in case of user highlighter with case insensitive keywords offers all words from highlighter definition as upper case
- Repaint the ruller if PSPad dragged onto monitor with different DPI
- <% %> for ASP doesn't require space after/before % char
- Find in Files - after click on the Open file ikon in the search result window, file was open empty
- TextDiff with file - handled encoding exception via file load
- Taskbar thumbnail update
- Many internal fixes related to unicode
- WordWrap with highlight matching brackets caused exception in some cases

Postman 7.14.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- cursor is incorrectly focused on the the create and edit Workspace when the modal is opened
- Fixed a bug where NTLM could not complete authentication if multiple `www-authenticate` headers were sent
- Fixed a bug where proxy auth was failing when the username/password contained special characters
- Fixed a bug where basic auth was failing when it had UTF-8 characters in username/password
- Fixed a bug where the app was crashing when `username` or `password` fields were empty for NTLM auth
- Fixed a bug where IPv6 localhost request through IPv4 localhost proxy was failing
- Show confirmation dialog if there are unsaved changes while creating new documentation and user tries to close the modal using esc key
- Allowed using non-bearer tokens in OAuth2 token manager
- Switched default mode to postman-code-generators for codegen modal
- Updated the OpenAPI3.0, Swagger2.0, cURL importers
- Added feature to infer domain name when username is for the form domainusername or [email protected] for NTLM authentication

Firefox Developer Edition 72.0b9 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Electron 7.1.7 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed an issue where calling allowNTLMCredentialsForDomains() could cause a change in Kerberos SPN generation behavior

Firefox Developer Edition 72.0b8 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Electron 7.1.6 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed black boxes with <select> tag inside <webview> and OOPIF on windows

Firefox Developer Edition 72.0b7 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Firefox Developer Edition 72.0b6 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Electron 7.1.5 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added workaround for nativeWindowOpen hang
- Fixed cookies.set not working correctly when name or expirationDate is omitted
- Fixed a weird behaviors and crashes when controlling window menu by keys
- Fixed accessibility window title on macOS
- Fixed contextBridge crash when opening and closing many windows
- Fixed source maps not loading in devtools with file scheme
- Fixed window menu unable to hide on startup
- Removed Electron.dsym from macOS application zip