PSPad 歷史版本列表 Page13

最新版本 PSPad 5.0.7 Build 775

PSPad 歷史版本列表

PSPad 編輯器是一個程序員編輯器,支持多個語法高亮配置文件。它帶有十六進制編輯器,CP 轉換,文本差異,模板,宏,拼寫檢查選項,自動完成和代碼瀏覽器。該程序是為最流行的編程語言(如 Visual Basic,C ++,SQL,PHP,ASP 和 Python)預先配置的,您可以進一步自定義語法設置。 PSPad 是一個偉大的免費軟件程序員的 Microsoft Windows 操作系統的編輯器... PSPad 軟體介紹

Simplenote 1.1.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- To save on editor space, the markdown Edit/Preview toggle has been moved to the toolbar. Look for the eye
- Safety first! The app checks for any unsynced notes before logging out and warns if it finds any
- Security fixes

PSPad 4.6.2 Build 2750 查看版本資訊


PSPad 4.6.1 Build 2730 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Cascading Style Sheet highlighter was renamed to CSS
- File statistics shows all chars in char list include whitespaces
- Special settings section extended of MaxWrapSize parameter. This parameter limits file size for WordWrap after you open file. Default value is 200 000 bytes.
- CaseSensitiveAutoComplete - new option in special settings: 0 - case insensitive, 1 - case sensitive, 2 (default) - autocomplete case sensitivity depends of highlighter
- Log window - now is possible to find Next/Previous error with standard action Find next/Previous (F3/Shift+F3) or using buttons on the Log windows left side
- New Special settings option - SortScriptMenu = 1/0. Settings to "0" will prevent script menu sorting.
- User highlighter - new option Vectors - support e.g. for MathLab
- File list headers (Files, FTP) are localizable
- Scripting - new editor based function splitWindow([intetger]): integer. Returns or set editor window split: 0 - isn't splitted, 1 - split vertically, 2 - split horizontally
- Search/Replace speed up
- New action aFTPConnect (Shift+Ctrl+F) allows you connect to FTP with keyboard without mouse. It's available in the File menu, you can use it in scripting e.t.c.
- PSad FTP client uses FEAT command instead of HELP command to detect MLSD support
- Communication Synedit library update - new TLS standards support
- Menu Script is sorted alphabetically now
- SafeFileSave (0/1) - new option in Special settings. Usage for synchronized folders, shared folders from virtual machines e.t.c. File is created into TEMP folder and coppied to target location. It means target is changed at once in one step.
- Drag/Drop text from external application is back
- Drag/Drop compare - new functionality. If you will Drag file over PSPad window with active editor window, small box "TextDiff" will appear in the right top corner. Drop file into this box will start compare with current file
- Visual Basic highlighter - added keyword "friend" include code explorer support
- Localization - Portuguese was renamed to Portuguese (European) and Brazilian - Portuguese to Portuguese (Brazilian)
- Fixed real tabs problem in TXT files when option URL highlight if no highlighter in program settings / Program 2 was checked
- Windows Shell script highlighter - variables and strings
- Exception caused by text selection in TextDiff window
- FTP file list without year fix for different timezones
- Search in FTP list caused exception when FTP wasn't connected
- Windows Shell Script - hyphenated-string in label
- Removed missed message before external text diff tool starts
- Real tabs in HTML multihighlighter
- Code explorer for STL - now parses functions with STRING [nn] parameter
- Right edge line doesn't fit to ruller
- File tabs - problem with whole text and high DPI (4k displays)
- File change detection
- FTP handles files with special chars in file name, e.g. FileName_14:33.txt
- Find/Replace - fixed broken Copy/Count functionality
- PSPad can open locked files now (logs, e.t.c.) if source application allows read
- BAT highlighter - variables in strings broke bracket highlight
- User highlighter - fixed string highlight like aa'string', e.g. in CodeV
- Favorite panel - link created by dropping outside of PSPad (e.g. from Windows Explorer) wasn't saved
- Log window - fixed High DPI problem
- Ignore file list change in program settings wasn't applied immediately but after program restart
- Unix Shell Script - "false" wasn't highlighted
- Search in files with case insensitive search
- Visual Lips - line comment starts right behind another char