Password Vault Manager Enterprise 歷史版本列表 Page1

最新版本 Password Vault Manager Enterprise

Password Vault Manager Enterprise 歷史版本列表

密碼保險箱管理器使您和您的團隊可以將您的組織密碼和憑證集中到一個安全的存儲庫中.管理用戶安全權限和訪問權限,減少幫助台支持電話並通過只生成強大而唯一的密碼來加強您的網絡安全。忘記密碼,享受業界最直觀,最可定制的儀表板.密碼保險櫃管理器功能:密碼管理 保護,組織和存儲您的密碼到組和文件夾。使用一個主密碼管理您的銀行和信用卡信息,警報代碼,軟件密鑰,電子郵件帳戶信息和許多其他信息。消除檢索忘記密碼和... Password Vault Manager Enterprise 軟體介紹

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What's new in this version:

- Database upgrade required .NET 4.7.2 required
- Added a new permission Repository (Add)
- Added a setting to enable offline repositories
- Added Check in (force) data source permissions
- Added documentation search
- Added plain text editor document type
- Integrated I've been pwned password check
- Added "Prompt for password before going offline" to SQLServer, MySQL & MariaDB data sources
- Added a checkbox for the pwned password analysis in the password analyzer report
- Added a context menu for the selected session in the tab group view
- Added a Reconnect menu in the undocked window
- Added a scrollbar to secure note plain textbox
- Added a setting to use the legacy security (privileges and security groups)
- Added Activity Log ID to export
- Added an export data for the duplicate entry report
- Added an option to prompt or not for the checkout comment
- Added certificate validation prompt
- Added connection state support with mySQL data source
- Added custom user authentication when unlocking SQL server data source
- Added datasource settings for allow datasource variable
- Added default ribbon option on start
- Added EnPass CSV Import
- Added Include Diagnostic option to error reports
- Added inherited checkout mode support
- Added inherited offline mode support
- Added Keep selection on clear filter option
- Added new "allow rights propagation by role" in SQL server datasource settings
- Added new log for connection clipboard copied
- Added option to disable the count check when opening playlists
- Added simple database validator prior to database upgrade
- Added support for repository in command line and protocol handler
- Added support for the new LastPass CSV export format (with grouping)
- Added support for TLS Option (None/SSL/X509) with MySQL/MariaDB
- Added the email as username for the Copy username and the email account
- Added the folder column for the Recent view
- Added the folder setting for the repository shortcut
- Added the logged username in the password history and moved the copy username from the data grid
- Added the session context menu in the Recent entry list
- Added the users and the roles assignment directly in the repository
- Added Update-RDMRepository cmdlet for the PowerShell module
- Adding view button to document entries. This makes entries read only and ignores check outs
- Changed check outs for documents to make them readonly instead of blocking them
- Changed the add from template list in alphabetic order
- Changed the auto update to be async
- Credit card PIN is now encrypted
- Data source list is now only visible if more than one data source configured
- Deprecated the mobile list view
- Improved DPS error display
- Improved FTP datasource directory handling
- Improved the clipboard security
- Improved the handbook templates management (Rename, confirmation on delete, sorting)
- Improved the password analyzer fields
- Improved the Password List to not prompt when it's selected
- Improved the user and role management UI
- Improved the user loading performance
- Moved the contact header (name, folder and image) to the top
- Replaced the required checkout by a new Optional checkout mode
- Sticky password import now imports password lists and links them to the appropriate website
- Updated embedded Chrome
- Fixed a possible connection issue with FTP, SFTP and WebDAV datasource
- Fixed a possible issue with ghost folders in the filtered tree
- Fixed a possible issue with the offline mode and the role cache
- Fixed an issue with blank screen when using WebRTC and Google Chrome embedded
- Fixed an issue with the database templates
- Fixed an issue with the home page selection on startup not working
- Fixed an issue with the template default name
- Fixed and improved the account name for Google Authenticator when setup on an SQL server
- Fixed application lock SQL Server Datasource login always failing
- Fixed documentation history in dark theme being really hard to see
- Fixed Google 2FA when userName contain a backslash
- Fixed HTML export where username was shown even when the value was empty
- Fixed issue with contact overview's description not taking in line breaks
- Fixed issue with password prompt in DODB when the credentials are wrong
- Fixed issue with the fullscreen mode in documentation template editor
- Fixed Password Analyser column filter lost on refresh
- Fixed Password History being disabled for folders
- Fixed possible crash with MySQL datasource when adding a new session
- Fixed possible crashes in Keepass XML imports
- Fixed possible issue when prompting the user for the data source password where the user entered the wrong password
- Fixed possible issue where a user with no access rights to the Default repository was unable to connect to any repository
- Fixed possible issue with MySQL database upgrade
- Fixed possible issue with MySQL database upgrade & send schema
- Fixed possible issue with MySQL Send Schema to support action
- Fixed potential issue with send schema with MariaDB data source
- Fixed scroll issue when including/excluding types
- Fixed user can't delete self in user management

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What's new in this version:

New features:
- Added documentation search

- Added "Prompt for password before going offline" to SQLServer, MySQL & MariaDB data sources
- Added an export data for the duplicate entry report
- Added an option to prompt or not for the checkout comment
- Added custom user authentication when unlocking SQL server data source
- Added default ribbon option on start
- Added EnPass CSV Import
- Added Include Diagnostic option to error reports
- Added inherited checkout mode support
- Added inherited offline mode support
- Added Keep selection on clear filter option
- Added support for TLS Option (None/SSL/X509) with MySQL/MariaDB
- Added the email as username for the Copy username and the email account
- Added the folder column for the Recent view
- Added the logged username in the password history and moved the copy username from the data grid
- Added the session context menu in the Recent entry list
- Added Update-RDMRepository cmdlet for the PowerShell module
- Changed check outs for documents to make them readonly instead of blocking them
- Changed the auto update to be async
- Deprecated the mobile list view
- Improved the handbook templates management (Rename, confirmation on delete, sorting)
- Improved the user loading performance
- Moved the contact header (name, folder and image) to the top
- Replaced the required checkout by a new Optional checkout mode
- Sticky password import now imports password lists and links them to the appropriate website

- Fixed a possible issue with ghost folders in the filtered tree
- Fixed a possible issue with the document checkout
- Fixed a possible issue with the offline mode and the role cache
- Fixed an issue with blank screen when using WebRTC and Google Chrome embedded
- Fixed an issue with the database templates
- Fixed and improved the account name for Google Authenticator when setup on an SQL server
- Fixed application lock SQL Server Datasource login always failing
- Fixed documentation history in dark theme being really hard to see
- Fixed HTML export where username was shown even when the value was empty
- Fixed issue with password prompt in DODB when the credentials are wrong
- Fixed Password Analyser column filter lost on refresh
- Fixed Password History being disabled for folders

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What's new in this version:

- Added a Copy Name action
- Added remember the choice in FrmUpdateAvailable, and made the default "download and install now"

- Fixed filter collapse behaving different when clearing and when emptying the filter
- Fixed some possible issues with empty root error
- Fixing issue with Html export showing the connection's properties twice

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What's new in this version:

- Added sp_updatestats to index rebuild steps

- Fixed an issue with DVLS

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What's new in this version:

New Features:
- Added private vault search in Web (login) entry type

- Added "Download and install now" option for the update dialog
- Added "ping online method" and "auto refresh interval" to the "my datasource information" window and the diagnostic report
- Added a button to generate a Report from the entry logs
- Added a context menu to hide the data entry dashboard tab pages
- Added a rebuild indexes in Pack Data Source to optimize the database indexes
- Added an option (Font size) to increase the navigation tree font
- Added an option in the data source settings to merge the credential in the tree view
- Added an option to Expand all folders on filter
- Added an option to reduce the navigation tree font size
- Added an option to treat the space in the filter as AND or as OR
- Added an option to view the logs in all repository
- Added call buttons to the other phones in the contact frame, which opens skype with that number
- Added ForceDefaultConfigurationLoading policy
- Added in the MRU the newly added or edited entry
- Added logs for attachment add/edit/delete/updatedocument
- Added repositories to schema dump
- Added search property in the data source settings
- Added support for callto:tel: which is the call syntax for lync.exe
- Added support for Group shortcut or protocol handler (select the group in the tree)
- Added the Database user in My Account Settings
- Added the repository name in the tree view root if it's not the default
- Added the User Activity report in the user administration dialog
- Added time based usage in batch edit
- Changed documentation to show local time in history and changed the default grid sort order
- Changed the Batch Edit to only be visible if more than one entry is selected
- Deprecated the property detail view panel
- Ffixed possible issue where wrong custom image was applied on save
- Hide auto update options in File>Options when the DisableAutoUpdate policy is active
- Improved security group advanced search to be easier to use for the user
- Improved the Cleanup Activity logs to support All repositories and Administration Logs
- Improved the Documentation UI
- Improved the tabbed view selected document title
- Improved the update dialog with an option to install on close
- Keep the backstage view opened on cancel in the option dialog
- Merged the Analyze and datase diagnostic in the Diagnostic dialog
- Moved Change Current User Password from Administration to File
- Remember the full screen mode in the Last saved start up window style
- Removed the allow AllowTreeViewcolumnSorting option
- Renamed View Usage Logs for Activity Logs
- Reorganized the Data Source Settings to split what is related to the application vs the database
- Root is no longer editable in offline mode
- Shared templates are now available in all repositories

- Fixed a possible issue with the forbidden password access
- Fixed a possible issue with the local password template
- Fixed a possible issue with the system message
- Fixed a refresh issue with the description dock panel in auto hide mode
- Fixed a refresh issue with the tag manager
- Fixed a resize column issue with the Disable tree view horizontal scroll bar
- Fixed a UI issue with the group combo and the shortcuts
- Fixed an issue with the Add entry and the Import permission
- Fixed an issue with the Clear Password History
- Fixed an issue with the collapse on clear filter
- Fixed an issue with the Data Source Setting history and SQL Server
- Fixed an issue with the Enter key pressed and the navigation pane undocked
- Fixed an issue with the report visibility
- Fixed an issue with the save opened state in navigation tree view
- Fixed an issue with the Skype button in view mode
- Fixed an issue with the Sticky password import
- Fixed an issue with the tabbed form and close with the X
- Fixed an quick toolbar unwanted reset bug
- Fixed issue sending macros to the native terminal when undocked
- Fixed issue with batch edit (change credentials) where the switch from two credential repository entries didn't work
- Fixed Login (Account) entry not doing it's Password template "Required" check
- Fixed possible issue with empty tree when offline mode with non-admin user
- Fixed save issue with the move permission in user info
- Fixed the Tile Vertical and Tile Horizontal
- Include the group content in the dashboard when it's filtered
- Small fixes for the Check out report

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What's new in this version:

- Added check out report

- Fixed a possible issue with the Export Html
- Fixed possible issue in MySQL/MariaDB with CertificateThumbprint and CertificateStoreLocation

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What's new in this version:

New features:
- Added "User activity" report from the user grid
- Added a Checkout/checkin system
- Added a Move permission
- Added an option to exclude an entry from the offline
- Added the documentation feature
- Added the multi monitor support for the tabbed view
- Added time based usage settings
- Improved the password strength validation with Zxcvbn

- Added "All Entries" tab in Permissions and Security Group reports
- Added "Download URL" field in Serial (software) data entry
- Added "Equivalent URLs" in Login (Web) and Login (Account) data entry types
- Added "Go Offline" button in DVLS
- Added a create database setting dialog
- Added a data source setting to allow the local templates
- Added a Lock when editing an entry
- Added a permission to View the Entry History
- Added a root setting to hide the note in Information
- Added a Shared Security Provider v2 with save in registry support
- Added an option to remove the close button in the tab page
- Added an UI clue when prompting for offline credentials
- Added Checkout setting to batch edit
- Added Create repository with restricted access default setting
- Added datasource setting "Allow virtual folders"
- Added datasource settings option to select a default password template
- Added filters to Users/Locked Users/Roles/Groups/Repositories
- Added Html editor document (markdown)
- Added log for password history clearing
- Added Password Analyzer for private vault entries
- Added tag list in the dashboard
- Added Template and Password template permissions
- Added the Generate button for the password text field
- Added the View Password History from the password fields
- Added undocked toolbar in the tab page to dock, close or focus the content
- Adding possibility for custom provider url in Amazon S3 entry and data source
- Changed the password analyzer to be embedded (non modal)
- Changed the tabbed view container to allow minimize and maximized
- Deprecated by default the RTF everywhere (use mark down instead)
- Improved the permission editor
- Minor UI improvements
- Removed the data entry multi types support

- Fixed a possible issue with Edit my account information invalid email when closing the window
- Fixed a possible issue with the offline mode cancel
- Fixed a WebDAV datasource delete issue
- Fixed an issue where RDM was stuck in a windows login loop when DVLS server was unavailable
- Fixed an issue with the search result sort order
- Fixed an issue with the sort of the password strength in password analyser
- Fixed an offline issue with Windows authentication user
- Fixed possible unlock issue with SQL Server data source when using Azure AD
- Fixed some possible crashes
- Fixed some possible issues where offline edit/delete/add changes may be lost when going back online
- Fixed some possible issues with the offline mode
- Fixed the disable custom image in tray icons issue
- Fixed WebDav data source incorrectly setting up a Master Key

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What's new in this version:

- Added a root setting to disable the Clear Password History
- Added copy password and copy username in the password history
- Added button to refresh user info from AD
- Added the attachment support for document entry
- Added the possibility to email multiple contacts at once (multi-select on the "mail" session menu)
- Added the user type column in the user management dialog
- Allow the multi-selection of attachments for batch delete
- Changed the sort from most recent date to oldest in Application Logs
- Improved the application password lock
- Improved the user editor UI
- Minor fine tuning of the permission editor UI when it's disabled

- Fixed a possible refresh issue with the SFTP and FTP data sources
- Fixed a refresh menu issue with the trayicon
- Fixed Add From Template Group renaming one of the entry in the group to the group name
- Fixed an issue with the change password with SQL Server
- Fixed an issue with the restricted user save

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What's new in this version:

Password Vault Manager Enterprise
- Added "disable lock" option in DODB datasource configuration
- Added an option to show/hide the shared favorites
- Added the possibility to add the serial key in the registry HKLMSoftwareRemoteDesktopManager | Serial)
- Added the undocked display mode support for the url

- Password analyzer can now sort by date
- Fixed refresh attachment list issue
- Fixed some issues with the View group details

Password Vault Manager Enterprise
- Added autorefresh with FTP/SFTP/WebDav

- Added a new color for the custom images (same as the folder color)
- Added an option to expand group connection and children groups on left click
- Added license from Software/Serials to the search under Include Hardware Information -> Serial Number
- Added the batch edit permissions
- Added the import for the web bookmark
- Changed the click cursor for the password in the overview
- Changed the way the enterprise license is handled to allow loading license from the data source
- Minor Dark theme improvements
- Replaced "collapseroot" option by "CollapseAllMode" which can now exclude roots, exclude only sessions root, or collapse everything
- Updated Dropbox API to V2

- Fixed a performance issue with the search in option and the "shortcut"
- Fixed a possible issue with the Web Login and the regex
- Fixed a possible selection issue with the tree double click
- Fixed an issue with the Change user password on next login with Azure
- Fixed an issue with the Copy Username and Password multi prompt
- Fixed an issue with the root editable in the private vault
- Fixed an issue with the text document opened in external mode
- Fixed some possible unexpected errors

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What's new in this version:

- Fixed an HDPI issue with the private vault