Password Safe

最新版本 Password Safe 3.65.1

Password Safe 3.65.1

Password Safe 3.65.1
Password Safe 允許您管理您的舊密碼,並使用您控制的密碼策略輕鬆快速地生成,存儲,組織,檢索和使用複雜的新密碼。一旦存儲,您的用戶名和密碼只需點擊幾下即可.

使用 Password Safe,您可以使用自定義引用(例如用戶 ID,類別,網站或位置)來組織您的密碼。您可以選擇將所有密碼存儲在單個加密主密碼列表(加密的密碼數據庫)中,也可以使用多個數據庫進一步組織密碼(例如工作和家庭)。憑藉其直觀的界面,您將在幾分鐘內啟動並運行.8997423


檔案版本 Password Safe 3.65.1

檔案名稱 pwsafe-3.65.1.msi
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 Password Safe Team
更新日期 2024-02-24

What's new in this version:

- This release fixes #1112 , a problem with saving and restoring the Window's size and location on high resolution screens under Windows 11

Password Safe 3.65.1 相關參考資料
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Password Safe 3.65.1 ... Password Safe allows you to manage your passwords as well as generate, store, organize, retrieve, and use complex new passwords. It uses ...

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New features in 3.65.0. GH1075 PasswordSafe can now generate authentication tokens (one time password codes) for entries for site that require those for ...

Password Safe

Password Safe allows you to safely and easily create a secured and encrypted user name/password list. With Password Safe all you have to do is create and ...

Password Safe 3.65.1

2 天前 — Password Safe allows you to manage your passwords as well as generate, store, organize, retrieve, and use complex new passwords.

Password Safe Download Free - 3.65.1

Password Safe allows users to store all passwords in a single safe (password database), or to create multiple databases for different purposes (e.g., one for ...

Password Safe Portable 3.65.1 (secure password manager ...

2 天前 — Password Safe allows you to safely and easily create a secured and encrypted user name/password list. With Password Safe all you have to do is ... News: Password Safe Portable 3.65.1 ...

2 天前 — Portable software for cloud, local, and portable USB drives · Password Safe Portable 3.65.1 (secure password manager) Released.

儲存、管理和使用複雜密碼的軟體- Password Safe 簡體中文版

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