Opera 歷史版本列表
Opera 為 Windows 電腦提供了一種快速,高效,個性化的瀏覽網頁的方式。它配備了一個流暢的界面,可自定義的快速撥號,發現功能,它可以幫助您找到新鮮的網頁內容,數據保存 Opera Turbo 模式,可視化書籤,超過 1000 擴展。在一個快速的瀏覽器上在網上做更多!您可以從我們的網站點擊免費下載按鈕下載 Opera PC 離線安裝程序。 選擇版本:Opera 50.0 Build 276... Opera 軟體介紹Opera (32-bit)Opera (64-bit)Opera Neon for Windows
What's new in this version:
- The 2023.2 release brings support for a new particle editor inside the IDE, which you can now use to create your own particle systems and add them into the room editor or your sequences, so they appear in-game as you designed them and you can set behaviours such as triggering other systems when the current one ends. There are also a selection of example effects available to choose from. Because this is an entirely new asset type which older IDEs and runtimes have no knowledge of, if you open or create any project in this new release it will not work in older GameMaker releases. If you think you might need to use an older IDE version again in future (SDK compatibility for a released game, for example), then please do ensure you backup your project first and also read these notes carefully.
- Additionally, free users can now use more of the functionality inside GameMaker - and you can even now use the majority of the GameMaker IDE without even needing to sign-in. This is most useful for brand-new users, as now you can start GameMaker and explore it before you’re asked to register a new account and sign-in - now you will only have to sign-in before you can click the Create Exe button for any targets or before actively opening functionality which requires you to be signed in, such as downloading optional runtimes (the essential runtimes will be automatically installed when you first start GameMaker). As part of this change, all account-management links have been moved to a new accounts panel in the top-right corner and the Start Page no longer says your name or when you last logged-in. Note that this change does not affect the usual 28-day licensing requirement for users who are signing-in, nor does it remove any other occasional internet requirements. Also, if you have an existing saved Preference for which runtimes should be downloaded this will be used when you update to the new version, rather than GameMaker only downloading the minimal set.
- On the runtimes side, there are several new functions for creating loop points during audio playback and for managing your audio assets and SDF fonts; the ability to select from a list of new surface formats; support for your JavaScript extensions to inject into a HTML5 game’s .html file; and important FPS fixes for Android devices which have higher refresh rate screens.
- Please do check your SDKs and other external tools are the correct versions before doing any builds, as you can see from the bug changelist below and also from the runtime release notes page that several platforms have been updated for this release - you can see our Required SDKs FAQ and the various platform setup guides that page links to in order to get all of this information at any time.
- See below for IDE changes/fixes since 2023.1.1 and then check The Runtime Release Notes for some very important changes you need to be aware of
What's new in this version:
- Minor improvements and fixes
What's new in this version:
- When using a calculation as a parameter's value when the workbook opens, and refreshing the Salesforce extract, the following error could occur: "Error Code: 0x08DDBC8C".
- When using a Reference Line, the following errors could occur: "Error code: 58D44822. Unable to complete action. Type doesn't match expected type."