NoMachine 歷史版本列表 Page12

最新版本 NoMachine 8.6.1

NoMachine 歷史版本列表

NoMachine 是一個免費的遠程桌面應用程序,具有強大的功能的堆棧。隨著 NoMachine 你可以訪問所有的文件和文件夾,無論你在哪裡看 DVD,電視或 YouTube 視頻。您可以從 PC 或 Mac 上查看平滑,高分辨率的視頻和音頻到任何啟用 NoMachine 的設備。該應用程序甚至可以與任何 USB 控制器一起使用,因此您可以遠程玩遊戲。 NoMachine 6 帶來了許多令人興奮的... NoMachine 軟體介紹

Opera GX 68.0.3618.118 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Opera GX 68.0.3618.112 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Viscosity 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Improves compatibility when used alongside the Umbrella Roaming Client

Opera GX 67.0.3575.130 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Viscosity 1.8.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Workaround to allow the PKCS#11 driver for SafeNet tokens to load

- OpenSSL updated to version 1.1.1f

- Resolves issue with Full DNS mode on split-routed TAP connections using DHCP assignment
- Resolves issue that could prevent custom menu item scripts from running
- Resolves a rare potential crash when disconnecting a VPN connection
- Resolves a rare potential crash in Viscosity's helper tool
- Various bug fixes and enhancements

OS X 10.11 is no longer supported

Wowza Streaming Engine 4.8.0 查看版本資訊


Screaming Frog 12.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Keywords, traffic and value data, which is now available courtesy of the Ahrefs API.

Viscosity 1.8.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Import support for inline usernames and passwords

- OpenSSL updated to version 1.0.2u for OpenVPN 2.3

- Resolves PKCS#11 issue using some RSA certificates
- Resolves issue moving the menu icon on older versions of macOS
- Detects if Time Machine backups could not be disabled due to macOS privileges
- Resolves low-severity security vulnerability (CVE-2020-5180)
- Various bug fixes and enhancements

GameMaker Studio 2.2.5 Build 481 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Updated HTTPS certificate support for the Windows IDE:
- It's still a way off, but by the end of Q2 2020 the YoYo Account servers will have to stop supporting the older HTTPS standard currently used by the Windows IDE
- (Internet server/traffic circumstances out of our control might make this sooner, but we're planning end of Q2)
- This release brings the Windows IDE into line with the Mac one, and so both will continue working just fine after that date

Fixes for the Crash Reporter:
- Depending on the circumstances of the crash, some users saw the crash reporter itself would close before they could send us their crash log - this release fixes that
- If you see the crash report screen, please do send us the report and then we can fix the underlying issue - thanks!

- Fixed that showing certain font characters in various parts of the IDE would occasionally cause the IDE font to become corrupted
- Fixed that on macOS the IDE was needlessly requesting permission to have GMS2 receive keystrokes from any application, not just GMS2 itself
- Fixed the Code Editor so an "if" statement with an immediately succeeding semicolon now says in syntax highlighting that this would be a compiler error
- Added a reminder to scroll up and read the whole compiler log (and see your Compile Errors window if one appears) to find out why your build failed, rather than only reading the last line
- Removed some redundant UI for "Extension Options Files" and "Supports" from the Extension Editor

- For the full list of public IDE issues fixed in this version, see the Change Log
- Thinking of reporting a bug? See the IDE's Known Issues page first

Xplorer2 Ultimate (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Xplorer2 Ultimate (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Xplorer2 Ultimate (64-bit)
- Better handling of mass rename regular expressions, to be used for filename case changing. The down side is that now all search and replace regexp operations are case sensitive
- Dark shell context sumbenus and other small dark secrets
- Multi-monitor manifest is optional, must be selected during installation, because it causes problems for some users
- When you manually request folder sizes with <CTRL+D> keys, and if a folder item is selected, then size will be calculated just for the selected folders. This doesn't affect people that have folder size on all the time

Xplorer2 Ultimate (64-bit)
- Welcome to the DARK side. Use TOOLS > ADVANCED OPTIONS menu command and turn on the fashionable dark mode (see the GLOBAL property page). It may be good for your eyes, or it may be just another fad, but you've asked for it and we delivered!
- Microsoft didn't make it easy for old school desktop programs like xplorer² to change window colors, so you will discover a number glitches, remnants of the default white-ish system colors here and there. In general things look best for windows 10.
- You can tell which pane is active by its slightly brighter dark background. Inactive panes are pitch black. If you need more distinct identification of inactive panes, select a background color from TOOLS > OPTIONS menu, but that is liable to upset the darkness. Alternatively tick the advanced option (TOOLS > OPTIONS menu again) to "Highlight active pane's titlebar as in 2xExplorer".

[P] Mass rename with regular expressions. Finally that long term disabled "RE" tickbox in FILE > MASS RENAME dialog is available for use.
This is a super advanced rename mode suitable for replacing parts of filenames with backreferences etc. Here is an example:
- filename = LOG.17112006.TXT
- regexp = (dd)(dd)(dddd) -> matches all digits in 3 (groups)
- replace with = $3-$2-$1 -> backreferences
- result name = LOG.2006-11-17.TXT -> inverted date YMD
- So using group operators in (brackets) and then $1 etc back references, you can rearrange parts of the filename, or remove them altogether. Parts of the filename that aren't matched, remain the same.
- To use regular expressions, tick the RE box and enter your regular expression in your WHAT TO MATCH field, then provide the replace string in the TARGET NAME TEMPLATE. Note the usual $-tokens in xplorer² cannot be combined with regular expressions.
- [U] MARK > FIND TEXT IN FILES (ctrl+G) has a tickbox to USE SEARCH INDEX, for super-fast content matching in the current folder. Note it cannot find special symbols or keywords that are not in the beginning of the word, as all cases of indexed search. If you need to search for exact text with symbols, untick this checkbox.
- New keyboard-only command CYCLENEXT (id = 33525) can be used to jump from one pane to another. Unlike past editions where you had to remember that <CTRL+TAB> keyboard combination jumped to the folder tree pane, <SHIFT+TAB> jumped to the addressbar and so on, now a single key cycles through all open panes. The recommended binding is key, but as this is already used, use CUSTOMIZE > KEYBOARD menu command, find command 33525 in the Miscellaneous category, and assign your favorite keyboard shortcut to it. Command #33526 cycles in the opposite direction.

Sorry some native mode preview handlers eat all keyboard shortcuts, so if you get stuck in one, the only solution is to click out with the mouse. Here's a reminder of other pane navigation keyboard shortcuts:
- TAB: Switch locally e.g. from the active to the inactive pane, or from the addressbar to the filter box
- ESC: Jump from any pane back into the active folder pane
- CTRL+ALT+LEFT: (or right arrow) Jump to previous or next tab
- ALT+Q: Switch previewer modes (native/draft tab)
- Advanced option GAO2_WEXPATTRS(=512) tells xplorer² to use explorer-friendly file attributes. Most attribute letters are the same, but there are some differences (L==junction etc). For more information see here
- Windows 10 version 1903 has sadly made an adverse turn in terms of managing files in very deep paths. Renaming/deleting files in deep folders works only in elevated mode (you must run xplorer² as administrator or use WINDOW > ADMINISTRATOR menu command). In transition folders you will need to use CTRL+F2 to supply a deep file or folder name
- xplorer² should look better if you have two or more monitors with different DPI resolutions
- Macro command POSITIVE can be used to test arithmetic operations whether they are positive or not.
- [U] Programmable column instruction DIRCNT, similar to Contents [S] column but more flexible. You can use it to count files under a folder given a wildcard, and specify if you want to count only files, only folders or both.
- [U] Programmable column instruction DATETIME formats a (file) date as you like it. For example DATETIME(${modified}, YYYY.MM.dd, "") will show the date as 2019.09.15 without any time information. This could be useful for mass renaming tasks or for general date formatting. Note you can also use the advanced settings editor if you need to customize how stock dates appear in xplorer².
- [U] A PREVIEW button was added in the programmable column definition dialog, that lets you test the expression on the selected item (in the active pane).
- Zoom image previewer (Draft tab) takes JPG photo/picture orientation tags into account and shows correctly rotated picture previews.
[P] similar picture locator (TOOLS > FIND SIMILAR PHOTOS menu command in a scrap window) can detect pictures that are (almost) the same and differ in rotation/orientation.
- $P token (selected item's folder path) now works even for empty folders
- New tips 51a, 98c and 164a.
- Internal editor² version 2.96 with better handling of high DPI screens. If you need it in dark mode, tweak the background colors to taste from program settings (VIEW > OPTIONS menu).
- All demo videos from HELP > HOW DO I? menu now shown in youtube. Quality is a bit worse but you don't need to worry about flash plugins.
various bugfixes and improvements

xplorer² Ultimate (64-bit)
- cloud storage improvements for Google drive file stream and Box cloud drive

xplorer² Ultimate (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version