Multi Commander (32-bit) 歷史版本列表 Page2

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Multi Commander (32-bit) 歷史版本列表

多指揮官是一個多標籤的文件管理器,是標準的 Windows 資源管理器的替代品。它使用非常流行和高效的雙面板佈局。 Multi Commander 在日常工作中擁有一切所需的文件,使您的工作快速高效. 它擁有像文件管理器一樣的複制,移動,重命名,查看等所有標準功能。但多指揮官的大力量是讓您輕鬆完成高級任務的特殊功能。像自動解壓縮,自動排序,瀏覽內部檔案,註冊表和 FTP,搜索文件,查看文件和圖片和... Multi Commander (32-bit) 軟體介紹

Multi Commander 7.7.0 Build 2404 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


Multi Commander 7.5.0 Build 2381 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Language Aware sorting (Slower, but some language will get a more correct sorting)
- Checksum tool now support SHA256/512
- Settings for Device Dropdown if it should remember last used path or not
- FolderTree will now show folder with the same colors rules as the normal list view (Can be turned off)
- Holding CTRL while confirming an option in the custom create folder popup (Ctrl+Shift+F7), It will now enter that folder after creating it
- MultiDataViewer will now toggle WordWrap with Ctrl+W
- CommandLine parameter /Instance=NAME , Will load/save config/userdata/log under its own instance name so you can run Multiple instances with separate config
- ToClipboard > FileContentAsText menu option is now enabled and works
- Fixed issue with MultiScript function "SetClipboardText" Can now set clipboard data that are larger
- Wheelzoom to change Thumbnail size now support larger sizes
- When folder sizing is completed a resort is done if sort column is size

- Issue with corrupted columnsets
- Tweaked column autosizing when new tab is show the first time
- MultiDataViewer will now format hyper links with https: as clickable links
- FSFTP caused a crash if the server return incorrect information from a PASV/PORT call
- Settings might be saved if external program closes MultiCommander while being minimized to tray
- Fixed rare crash issue with MultiRename
- Sometimes when clicking on a item in Multi Commander window when focus was another app and filesystem slow, the wrong item was set as focus
- Some OneDrive sync ondemand issues. (Only on Windows Insider edition) (Some still left)
- Fixed issues when Windows returned an invalid icon overlay ( Insider Preview Windows 10 (Fall Creator Update) )
- Overwrite all issue when unpacking 7zip archives
- 4 stability issue reported by crash report system

- Major internal change to avoid conflict with new FileSystem changes in Insider Preview Windows 10 (Fall Creator Update)

Multi Commander 7.3.0 Build 2360 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Ctrl+Space will toggle selection, Start Folder calculation of the folder and move focus one step down (Key can be customized to other key)
- setting for Device Filtering that override other settings for the GlobalDeviceToolbar / ExplorerPanelDeviceToolbar / DeviceDropDown and FolderTree
- DeviceToolbar inside explorer panel and main UI now shown a popup with device type to show.
- MultiTag ${mcinstallroot} and ${mcinstalldevice}
- When WM_COPYDATA windows message is recieved, It it logged to app log if debug loglevel is active
- Tab session can now be set to Autoload at startup
- Can now remember last used tab session and autoload that on startup
- FS7Zip - When creating a 7zip archive, A retry dialog is now shown if the file it wants to pack is used from another program
- Creating symlinks as normal user is now possible if running Win10 (1703) och if Developer mode in windows is enabled.
- Makedir (Custom command and dialog) now support the date tags used when creating quick create folder commands

- Natural sorting fails if the numbers was 14digits or more
- Entring subpaths in the CreateFolder dialog and pressing ctrl+Return. The browse did not go to the created folder.
- Horizontal scrolling issues with MultiRename
- MultiRename will now force column autosize.
- Toggle FolderTree On/Off will if you have AutoResizeColumns on trigger a resize of the columns.
- Backup/Restore did not backup UserData content. (Like Saved MultiRename profiles, Search Profiles, FTP Bookmarks)
- Better error handling when doing flat filesystem scanning.
- Crash happen sometimes when MultiRename windows was closed
- Column sizing issue when the vertical scrollbar was visible
- Sort was not always triggered when doing inline rename
- Advanced filter now support extended property field "core.attrib"
- Tabs was not always loaded into the correct order, If they was moved around
- Various minor issues and code cleanup
- 4 stability issue reported by crash report system

- SDK and Samples Updated

Multi Commander 7.1.0 Build 2347 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Name generate for quick copy will now keep file extension intact and only change name part
- Name shown in CopyTo dialog duing quick copy will now have the generated name part selected for easy changing
- Added Command that canbe assigned to hotkeys that will move active tab back/forward position in the same panel
- The new Rename command are now added to the menu shown when right clicking on rename button on toolbar
- CustomCommand "MC.Explorer.Makedir" now support the quick create folder tags in the FOLDERNAME parameter
- MultiScript -= operator now works
- MultiScript accessing array value as right part of an operator now works ( eg: @var $x = $a + $b[$idx]; )
- MultiScript Adding array item with a value to the right now works ( eg: @var $x = $b[$idx] + $val; )

- Switching between advanced and simple mode, The Simple part sometimes used the wrong text for the matching part
- Copy single file and selecting ".." in the CopyTo Dialog to pick folder will now keep the filename in the dialog
- Volume specific ContextMenu item was not shown for virtual devices like REG:

- MultiScript Debugger window will now replace none breaking space with normal space (Can happen if you copy/paste script from some web browser)
- MultiScript Debugger window, The Tab size is now half. Looks better

Multi Commander 7.0.0 Build 2340 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- CustomContext Menu that allows for custom and internal command in context menu
- And Language Pack can now be downloaded when new updates for them are available
- Also many more quick rename options, Many new MultiScript functions

- CustomContextMenu - Internal and custom commands can now be shown in the context popup menu. (right click)
- Can now disable the Windows Shell and only show the custom context menu
- Added so updated language packs can be download when updated. (Check for when new version check is done)
- MultiScript function min/max (also supports array support) , return min or max value of all provided
- MultiScript function IsAllTrue/IsAnyTrue (also supports array support) - return 1/0 if all provided value are true and any of them are true
- MultiScript function mod( x, y) - Math function modulo
- MultiScript function GetRandomValue(min , max) - return a random value between min and max
- MultiScript function FormatDateTime/GetTimeInfo - Format datetime, and return time value as an array of its parts
- MultiScript function GetFSLinkType(..), GetLinkTarget(..), GetShortcutTarget(..) will return paths of filesystem links
- Renaming read only files using MultiRename, the confirm dialog about that now have a "Do this for all read only files" checkbox
- QuickLaunchBar now has a "Run as Admin" options.
- If Rename hotkey is pressed in Inline rename, It will toggle the selection part of filename/extension
- Added many more rename option to the Rename submenu in menubar and context menu
- Hotkey for the start of MultiRename can now be customized
- Minor change to allow MultiCommander SE to pass windows store certification

- MultiScript change, Compare of two string using == will now return a boolean ( 1 or 0 ), not a diff values
- Calculate folder size background thread will now run even if other background thread are running
- Background thread that extract extra data can now be aborted easier

- Store Edition did not show thumbnails
- Store Edition did not launch MCAdmin helper process correct
- MultiScript debugger sometimes caused a crash if closed before script was stopped
- Fixed an issue with the "Find and Replace" and when doing ignoring case on 32bit builds
- Some default settings was wrong on fresh install
- "Replace all older" when moving on same volume works again
- "Retry as admin" option was sometimes shown even if option of this was disabled
- When resizing thumbnail size using mouse wheel, The scrollbar was not updated correct
- Recent history path was in some situation corrupted
- 4 stability issue reported by crash report system

Multi Commander 6.9.1 Build 2306 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Updated language packs
- Fixed some default values that caused strange issues
- Two new MultiScript functions StrReplaceChars/StrReplaceCharsPairs
- And some other minor fixes

Multi Commander 6.9.0 Build 2303 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New Language - Korean
- New TabSession Features - Menu > File > Tab Session (Save/Modify/Switch tab sessions)
- Double Hotkey for to Switch TabSession press Ctrl+I and then Ctrl+1 to switch to first TabSession, and Ctrl+I + Ctrl2 for second and so on, up to 0
- Creating SFV/MD5 from CheckSum Menu it can now remember the selected text encoding and will not ask again. (Force show the Ask dialog by Hold Ctrl when starting checksum)
- ExplorerPanel send current item to command line field (Ctrl+Return / Ctrl+Shift+Return) will now add trailing slash to folders and only quote characters if it have spaces
- Change DateTime/Attribute dialog now got [*] buttons next to the Modified/LastAccess dates, pressing this will sync the datetime with value in modified
- Commandline field command ":doc" will take active explorer panel to the documents folders.
- Simple FindFiles dialog can now save filter to a quickload slots using Ctrl + (F1 to F12)
- Simple and Advanced FindFiles dialog can now load quick filters using F-Keys
- Advanced FindFiles dialog can reassign quick load key for filters
- Popup in favorite window now got an option submenu where showpath option can be toggled
- Settings for Favorites windows to show path instead of name
- Tweak settings for ExplorerPanel: "Send file to commandline field also takes the input focus"
- ExplorerPanel settings for not saving 'not locked tabs' on exit (Only keep locked tabs)
- option to Explorer Panel so 'Remember of item on focus on path change' change be disabled
- Popup menu on Tabs now have command to "Close all none locked tabs"
- Custom command "MC.CloseAllTabs" now have the option "KEEPLOCKED", that will close all tabs except locked.
- Custom command "MC.ChangeTabSession" to change TabSession from script

- Change some default for new installation (Colors and some default options)
- FindFiles - Content matching option "Case Sensative" have change to "Ignore Case", This may break some saved filters

- Updated the 3rd party audio library used when getting Audio Metadata. (More file formats should be supported in some places)

- Search will no longer cache all scanned items, Making search use less memory
- Sometimes when input focus was returned to MC an not needed refresh was done causing strange jump of item in focus
- issue with unpacking rar created on linux
- issue with unpacking zip archive created by google drive
- Forward button on toolbar now works again
- Create registry key from context menu now works again
- 11 stability issue reported by crash report system

Multi Commander 6.4.8 Build 2265 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Find Files: Matching file content in UTF8 failed sometimes
- Find Files: Matching file content will now use current language settings for doing a compare with ignore case options on
- Find Files: Forcing FileContent matching as Unicode could make MC lock up if the data was not unicode
- FileSystem scan can in some very rare and weird situation cause a crash. This should now be fixed
- Flat FileSystem view is now a little bit faster
- Flat FileSystem view now updates its view correctly if files are deleted
- Two stability issues

Multi Commander 6.4.7 Build 2255 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- FIXED: GotoNextSiblingFolder/GotoPreviousSiblingFolder something changes the tab.
- FIXED: Possible crash issue if file system was refresh before UI was updated from previous scan.
- FIXED: Will now only redraw and revalidates file colors if a subfolder was modified. Was doing a full rescanning. Not needed
- FIXED: Explorer Panel lost focused item in some situations when refreshed
- FIXED: Copy progress dialog will now show estimated time to complete with hours and minutes if minutes to complete is more then 60
- FIXED: Issue when checking if path exists for a path to a FileSystem Plugin that was closed.
- FIXED: Fixed issue where it lost contact with portable device, So that a manual refresh was needed to. This is now done automatic (is most cases)
- FIXED: Explorer Panel was not always refreshed automatic if folder was created in virtual location. like REG:
- FIXED: 2 stability issue

Multi Commander 6.4.6 Build 2246 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Start with a ExplorerPanel showing the root of REG: now works again
- Items sometimes got selected when activating application
- Focus was sometimes lost if focus was changed during filesystem scan
- Crash that could happen if item was removed after filesystem scan, But before UI had refreshed
- 1 stability issue