Mirillis Action! 歷史版本列表
Mirillis Action! 允許在一流的高清視頻質量的 Windows 桌面流媒體和實時錄製。隨著行動!您可以錄製和流式傳輸您的遊戲玩法,網絡播放器視頻,錄製音樂,截取屏幕截圖,遠程訪問您的 PC,使用 Android 設備玩 PC 遊戲等等。下載 Mirillis Action! 用於 Windows 的脫機安裝程序安裝.以 HD 格式記錄遊戲。基準遊戲性能.行動!出色的性能和 GPU 利... Mirillis Action! 軟體介紹更新時間:2021-06-23
What's new in this version:
- option "max_line_len_parsed" is now also used as limit for pair-bracket finder; it gives smoother work with huge lines >1M chars
- Linux: when saving file to a system folder, program runs helper tool 'pkexec' as 'root', to do it
- Linux: gtk2 version has improved IME support
- command "open folder containing the current file"
- command "open file in default application"
- option "minimap_drag_immediately", to mimic Sublime Text 2 minimap behaviour
- for huge files >50M, UTF-16 BOM was ignored and UTF-8 was used
- for huge lines >40M chars, rendering at line end was broken
- for long lines >1024 chars, clicking after 1024'th char gave bad caret placement
- for huge files >25M, CudaFormatter was breaking file encoding
- dialog Go To didn't work for single-line documents (e.g. go to "1:100")
- disabled the buttons hover highlight at all, because it's buggy on Windows
- Windows: unusual flickering on window minimize/restore
- issue with multi-carets, when selections are adjastent/touched
- multi-carets made by Shift+Alt+Down gave skipping of the first BkSp/Del command
What's new in this version:
- Fixed an issue with PDF loading on Windows, where metadata was not loading correctly and causing the PDF to load as a blank page
What's new in this version:
- Linux: when saving file to a system folder, program runs helper tool 'pkexec' as 'root', to do it
- command "open folder containing the current file"
- command "open file in default application"
- option "minimap_drag_immediately", to mimic ST2 minimap behaviour
- for huge lines >40M chars, rendering at line end was broken
- for long lines >1024 chars, clicking after 1024'th char gave bad caret placement
- for huge files >25M, CudaFormatter was breaking file encoding
- dialog Go To didn't work for single-line documents (e.g. go to "1:100")
- disabled the buttons hover highlight at all, because it's buggy on Windows
- Windows: unusual flickering on window minimize/restore
- issue with multi-carets, when selections are adjastent/touched
- multi-carets made by Shift+Alt+Down gave skipping of the first BkSp/Del command
What's new in this version:
- Fixed CORS preflight request always being cancelled when connecting via proxy requiring authentication for apps that had registered WebRequest listeners
- Fixed select-bluetooth-device firing on Windows
- Fixed warnAboutRemoteModuleWithRemoteContent for the new default value of enableRemoteModule- Fixed a potential crash when setting vibrancy on macOS
- Fixed an issue where custom traffic lights could be covered by BrowserViews on macOS
- Fixed an issue where draggable regions sometimes did not work properly when DevTools is open
- Fixed crashes in debug builds caused by microtasks policy mismatch
- Fixed hover state not clear bug when BrowserWindow is not resizable
- Fixed issue where the update permission prompt would cause 100% CPU spin while the prompt was open
- Fixed potential corruption of piped response data when using interceptHttpProtocol/registerHttpProtocol 12,
- Fixed the color select eyedropper not working within DevTools
- Fixed the spelling of 'attachment' in 'Content-Disposition' header when using the webRequest module
Other Changes:
- Fixed a feature flag issue where spellchecker methods returned empty suggestion lists on Windows
- Updated Chromium to 91.0.4472.106
What's new in this version:
- Fixed an issue where fs.promises.readFile would improperly error when passing a FileHandle to the path argument
- Fixed CORS preflight request always being cancelled when connecting via proxy requiring authentication for apps that had registered WebRequest listeners
- Fixed select-bluetooth-device firing on Windows
- Fixed an incorrect warning about enableRemoteModule being issued when the option was undefined (and thus defaulting to false)
- Fixed an issue where draggable regions sometimes did not work properly when DevTools is open
- Fixed crashes in debug builds caused by microtasks policy mismatch
- Fixed hover state not clear bug when BrowserWindow is not resizable
- Fixed potential corruption of piped response data when using interceptHttpProtocol/registerHttpProtocol
- Fixed the spelling of 'attachment' in 'Content-Disposition' header when using the webRequest module
- Security: backported fix for CVE-2021-30551
Other Changes:
- Security: backported fix for CVE-2021-30544
- Security: backported fix for CVE-2021-30548
What's new in this version:
- Linux: when saving file to a system folder, program runs helper tool 'pkexec' as 'root', to do it
- command "open folder containing the current file"
- command "open file in default application"
- option "minimap_drag_immediately", to mimic ST2 minimap behaviour
- regression: API used in CudaFormatter was breaking file encoding, only on huge files
- disabled the buttons hover highlight at all, because it's buggy on Windows
- Windows: unusual flickering on window minimize/restore
- issue with multi-carets, when selections are adjastent/touched
- multi-carets made by Shift+Alt+Down gave skipping of the first BkSp/Del command
What's new in this version:
- Linux: when saving file to a system folder, program runs helper tool 'pkexec' as 'root', to do it
- option "minimap_drag_immediately", to mimic ST2 minimap behaviour
- disabled the buttons hover highlight at all, because it's buggy on Windows
- Windows: unusual flickering on window minimize/restore
- issue with multi-carets, when selections are adjastent/touched
- multi-carets made by Shift+Alt+Down gave skipping of the first BkSp/Del command