Mirillis Action! 歷史版本列表
Mirillis Action! 允許在一流的高清視頻質量的 Windows 桌面流媒體和實時錄製。隨著行動!您可以錄製和流式傳輸您的遊戲玩法,網絡播放器視頻,錄製音樂,截取屏幕截圖,遠程訪問您的 PC,使用 Android 設備玩 PC 遊戲等等。下載 Mirillis Action! 用於 Windows 的脫機安裝程序安裝.以 HD 格式記錄遊戲。基準遊戲性能.行動!出色的性能和 GPU 利... Mirillis Action! 軟體介紹更新時間:2021-07-19
What's new in this version:
- trim no longer returns an empty image on 1-pixel width input
What's new in this version:
- auto-completion in CSS: support completion of file paths in url(|) function
- auto-completion in CSS: append ';' to line after choosing
- auto-completion in CSS: support '!important'
- auto-completion in HTML: insert '<' on calling after " tag|"
- new option "autocomplete_html_autoclose": after typing <tag>, it auto-inserts </tag>
- new option "ui_backup_sessions"
- Emmet plugin: avoid to expand usual words by Tab
- Emmet plugin: support up to 1000 tab-stops, e.g. for 'li*1000'
- API to access 'form' and 'controls' of Code-Tree
- better support for lexer 'OneC (1C)' which requires handling of Russian chars
- Wiki topic https://wiki.freepascal.org/CudaText#UI_theme_empty_values
- mouse selection frame must not be painted after a right-click
- minimap flickering on text typing
- regression: clicking at exact line end made caret-pos bigger by 1 char
- when option "autocomplete_autoshow_chars" was on, it shown the listbox after a pause, that gave race condition
- lexer reST: fixed rules for headers
What's new in this version:
- Fixed requestFullscreen inside webview does not make the element take fullscreen
- Fixed a crash when calling the webContents.on('login') callback synchronously
- Fixed a possible renderer crash when using fsPromises.readFile- Fixed an issue where Electron would sometimes not honor the user-defined Downloads directory
- Fixed an issue where the traffic lights would get double-drawn when exiting fullscreen and adding a BrowserView on macOS
- Fixed incorrect value of document.focus when opening multiple windows on macOS
- fix key window status on mac when opening panels or using custom window switchers
- Fixed systemPreferences.getSystemColor returning colors missing alpha values
What's new in this version:
- Fixed a crash when calling the webContents.on('login') callback synchronously
- Fixed a potential crash when calling app.quit() on macOS
- Fixed key window status on mac when opening panels or using custom window switchers
- Fixed pressing ESC not exiting fullscreen from webview
What's new in this version:
- (SEMVER-MINOR) fs: allow empty string for temp directory prefix (Voltrex)
- deps: upgrade npm to 7.19.1 (npm team)
Experimental Web Streams API:
- Node.js now exposes an experimental implementation of the Web Streams API
What's new in this version:
- more API for the new 'Breadcrumbs' plugin
- special highlight (using 'Markers' color) of Git merge conflict markers: <<<<<<< ======= >>>>>>>
- 'Close and delete file' should delete nnnn.cuda-pic too
- rare crash in parser, when option "bracket_highlight" is on
- changed hotkeys were not updated in the menu
- menu checkmarks in '=' menu were not updated
- painting of selection rectangle on Qt5
What's new in this version:
- The Windows Terminal profile is now identified by a GUID, for more robust customization
- Comes with GNU Privacy Guard v2.2.28
- Comes with Git Credential Manager Core v2.0.475.64295
- Access to remote HTTPS repositories that requires client certificates can be enabled. This is now necessary because cURL no longer sends client certificates by default
- The built-in file system watcher could hang in some scenarios. This was fixed
- Remote HTTPS repositories could not be accessed from within portable Git installed into a network share. This has been fixed
- When scrolling in the pager (e.g. in the output of git log), lines were duplicated by mistake. This was fixed
- The git subtree command was completely broken in the previous release, and was fixed
- A bug was fixed where remote operations appeared to hang (but were waiting for user feedback on a hidden Console)
- A bug was fixed where the experimental built-in file system watcher had a problem with worktrees whose paths had non-ASCII characters
What's new in this version:
- requestFullscreen inside webview does not make the element take fullscreen
- a possible renderer crash when using fsPromises.readFile
- an issue where Electron would sometimes not honor the user-defined Downloads directory
- an issue where self.module.paths wouldn't work in Workers
- an issue where the setAlwaysOnTop value would sometimes not be preserved for child windows on macOS
- crash when clicking links with target=_blank from webview
- memory leak when creating notification on macOS
- page title not being updated on child windows without navigation entries under nativeWindowOpen
Other Changes:
- Security: backported fix for CVE-2021-30522
- Security: backported fix for CVE-2021-30523