MediaCoder 歷史版本列表 Page5

最新版本 MediaCoder 0.8.65 (64-bit)

MediaCoder 歷史版本列表

MediaCoder 是自 2005 年以來積極開發和維護的通用媒體轉碼軟件。它將最先進的音頻 / 視頻技術集成到開箱即用的轉碼解決方案中,提供豐富的可調參數集,讓您可以全面掌控轉碼。新功能和最新編解碼器每週添加或更新,免費! MediaCoder 可能不是最簡單的,但是這裡最重要的是質量和性能,一旦你掌握了它,它將成為你的瑞士軍刀進行媒體代碼轉換。 52 Build 5920(64 位) MediaCoder 軟體介紹

MediaCoder (32-bit)MediaCoder (64-bit)

MediaCoder 0.8.60 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- FFmpeg 4.2.2
- x265 3.2+34

Freegate 7.72 查看版本資訊


MediaCoder 0.8.60 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- FFmpeg 4.2.2
- x265 3.2+34

Node.js 13.8.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Vulnerabilities fixed:
- HTTP header values do not have trailing OWS trimmed
- HTTP request smuggling using malformed Transfer-Encoding header
- Remotely trigger an assertion on a TLS server with a malformed certificate string

 - benchmark: support optional headers with wrk
 - crypto: fix assertion caused by unsupported ext
 - deps: update llhttp to 2.0.4
 - (SEMVER-MINOR) http: make --insecure-http-parser configurable per-stream or per-server
 - http: strip trailing OWS from header values
 - test: using TE to smuggle reqs is not possible

Node.js 12.14.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- fix key requirements in asymmetric cipher

- update llhttp to 2.0.1
- update nghttp2 to 1.40.0

- v8: mark serdes API as stable

Freegate 7.71 查看版本資訊


Node.js 13.7.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- upgrade to libuv 1.34.1
- upgrade npm to 6.13.6

- add API for interacting with source maps
- loader getSource, getFormat, transform hooks
- logical conditional exports ordering
- unflag conditional exports

- allow monitoring uncaughtException

- async_hooks: remove internal only error checking
- benchmark: add default type in getstringwidth.js
- benchmark: benchmarking impacts of async hooks on promises
- build: remove enable_vtune from vcbuild.bat
- build: add vs2019 to vcbuild.bat help
- build: fix macos runner type in GitHub Action
- build: fix step name in GitHub Actions workflow
- build: add GitHub actions to run linters
- build: silence OpenSSL Windows compiler warnings
- build: silence c-ares Windows compiler warnings
- build: test Python 3 using GitHub Actions-based CI
- build: avoid using CMP for BZ2File
- child_process: remove unnecessary use of inner state
- deps: V8: cherry-pick d89f4ef1cd62
- deps: V8: cherry-pick b9d33036e9a8
- deps: upgrade to libuv 1.34.1
- deps: upgrade npm to 6.13.6
- deps: deactivate failing tests corresponding to experimental features
- doc: add missing code formatting in
- doc: standardize on "host name" in
- doc: standardize on "host name" in
- doc: standardize on "host name" in
- doc: standardize on "host name" in
- doc: standardize on "host name" in
- doc: standardize on "host name" in
- doc: standardize on "host name" in
- doc: standardize on "host name" in
- doc: standardize on "host name" in
- doc: standardize on "host name" in
- doc: standardize on "host name" in
- doc: fix a code example in
- doc: add an example for util.types.isExternal
- doc: fix example of parsing request.url
- doc: document readline key bindings
- doc: improve doc v8.getHeapSpaceStatistics() 'GetHeapSpaceStatistics'
- doc: update README to make Node.js description clearer
- doc: fix a code example in
- doc: add GeoffreyBooth to collaborators
- doc: update description of External
- doc: rename iterator to iterable in examples
- doc: fix stream async iterator sample
- doc: correct filehandle.[read|write|append]File()
- doc: prefer server vs srv and client vs clt
- doc: explain native external types
- doc,src: clarify that one napi_env is per-module
- errors: remove dead code in ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE
- fs: add missing HandleScope to FileHandle.close
- fs: use async writeFile in FileHandle#appendFile
- http2: skip creating native ShutdownWrap
- lib: replace BigInt64Array global by the primordials
- lib: add Uint16Array primordials
- lib: add RegExp primordials
- lib: replace Float32Array global by the primordials
- lib: replace BigUInt64Array global by the primordials
- lib,tools,test: remove custom number-isnan rule
- module: fix check exports issue in cjs module loading
- (SEMVER-MINOR) module: unflag conditional exports
- (SEMVER-MINOR) module: add API for interacting with source maps
- module: logical conditional exports ordering
- module: loader getSource, getFormat, transform hooks
- n-api: return napi_invalid_arg on napi_create_bigint_words
- (SEMVER-MINOR) n-api: add napi_get_all_property_names
- (SEMVER-MINOR) process: allow monitoring uncaughtException
- readline: improve unicode support and tab completion
- readline: move charLengthLeft() and charLengthAt()
- readline: improve getStringWidth()
- readline,repl: support tabs properly
- readline,repl: improve history up/previous
- readline,repl: skip history entries identical to the current line
- readline,repl: add substring based history search
- repl: do not preview while pasting code
- repl: fix preview cursor position
- repl: change preview default in case of custom eval functions
- repl: activate previews for lines exceeding the terminal columns
- repl: improve preview length calculation
- repl,readline: clean up code
- src: fix performance regression in
- src: use uv_guess_handle() to detect TTYs
- src: include uv.h in node_binding header
- src: change GetStringWidth's expand_emoji_sequence option default
- src: improve GetColumnWidth performance
- src: fix -Wbraced-scalar-init warning
- src: add build Github Action
- src: remove node::InitializeV8Platform()
- src: remove uses of node::InitializeV8Platform()
- src: clean up large_pages code
- stream: fix async iterator destroyed error propagation
- stream: simplify push
- stream: clean up definition using defineProperties
- stream: replace Function.prototype with primordial
- stream: sync stream unpipe resume
- test: stricten readline keypress failure test condition
- test: allow disabling crypto tests
- test: add repl tests to verify unicode support in previews
- test: fix recursive rm test to actually use tmpdir
- test: check that --insecure-http-parser works
- test: remove unused symlink loop
- test: prefer server over srv
- test: fix unit test logging with python3
- test,module: add test for exports cjs loader check
- tools: remove obsolete dependencies
- tools: update remark-preset-lint-node to 1.12.0
- tools: update JSON header parsing for backticks
- tools: ensure consistent perms of signed release files
- tools: add clang-tidy rule in src
- util: add todo comments for inspect to add unicode support
- (SEMVER-MINOR) vm: add code cache support for SourceTextModule
- wasi: improve use of primordials
- win: change to use Python in install tool

Node.js 13.6.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Implement assert.match() and assert.doesNotMatch()

- Add EventEmitter.on to async iterate over events
- Allow monitoring error events

- Allow overriding fs for streams

- Move perf_hooks out of experimental (legendecas)

- Implement ZSH-like reverse-i-search

- Add PSK (pre-shared key) support

- (SEMVER-MINOR) assert: implement assert.match() and assert.doesNotMatch()
- assert: use for...of
- benchmark: use let instead of var in dgram
- benchmark: add benchmark on async_hooks enabled http server
- benchmark: use let instead of var in crypto
- benchmark: replace var with let/const in cluster benchmark
- benchmark: include writev in benchmark
- benchmark: use let instead of var in child_process
- benchmark: add clear connections to secure-pair
- benchmark: update manywrites back pressure
- bootstrap: use different scripts to setup different configurations
- buffer: improve .from() error details
- build: don't use -latomic on macOS
- build: warn upon --use-largepages config option
- build: switch realpath to pwd
- build: fixes build for some os versions
- build: re-introduce --use-largepages as no-op
- deps: V8: backport a4545db
- deps: V8: bump v8_embedder_string for 0e21c1e
- deps: uvwasi: cherry-pick 75b389c
- deps: uvwasi: cherry-pick 64e59d5
- deps: V8: cherry-pick 687d865fe251
- deps: V8: cherry-pick d406bfd64653
- deps: V8: cherry-pick d3a1a5b6c491
- deps,src,test: update to uvwasi 0.0.3 (cjihrig)
- dgram: test to add and to drop specific membership
- dgram: use for...of
- doc: remove extra backtick (cjihrig)
- doc: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc: update REPL documentation to instantiate the REPL
- doc: improve explanation of package.json "type" field
- doc: clarify role of writable.cork()
- doc: de-duplicate security release processes
- doc: fix createDiffieHellman generator type
- doc: update mode type for mkdir() functions
- doc: update mode type for process.umask()
- doc: update mode type for fs open() functions
- doc: update mode type for fchmod() functions
- doc: update parameter type for fsPromises.chmod()
- doc: improve dns introduction
- doc: update parameter type for fs.chmod()
- doc: use code markup/markdown in headers in globals documentation
- doc: use code markup/markdown in headers in deprecations documentation
- doc: use code markup/markdown in headers in addons documentation
- doc: allow <code> in header elements
- doc: add --inspect-publish-uid man page entry
- doc: add --force-context-aware man page entry
- doc: add --enable-source-maps man page entry
- doc: fix anchors and subtitle in
- doc: standardize usage of hostname vs. host name
- doc: add unrepresented flags docs for configure
- doc: improve doc net:server.listen (dev-313)
- doc: implement minor improvements to text
- doc: avoid using v8::Persistent in addon docs
- doc: clarify required flag for extensionless esm
- doc: reference worker threads on signal events
- doc: update message.url example in http.IncomingMessage
- doc,assert: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,async_hooks: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,buffer: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,child_process: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,cluster: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,console: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,crypto: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,dgram: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,dns: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,domain: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,errors: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,esm: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,events: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,fs: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,http: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,http2: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,https: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,inspector: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,lib,src,test: rename WASI CLI flag
- doc,module: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,net: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,os: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,path: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,perf_hooks: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,process: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,punycode: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,querystring: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,readline: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,repl: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,stream: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,string_decoder: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,timers: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,tls: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,tty: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,url: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,util: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,v8: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,vm: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,vm,test: remove _sandbox_ from vm documentation
- doc,wasi: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,worker: use code markup/markdown in headers
- doc,zlib: use code markup/markdown in headers
- errors: support prepareSourceMap with source-maps
- errors: improve ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE
- esm: better error message for unsupported URL
- esm: empty ext from pkg type/main doesnt affect format
- (SEMVER-MINOR) events: add EventEmitter.on to async iterate over events
- (SEMVER-MINOR) events: allow monitoring error events
- fs: use consistent defaults in sync stat functions
- (SEMVER-MINOR) fs: allow overriding fs for streams
- http: http_outgoing rename var to let and const
- http: free listeners on free sockets
- http2: set default enableConnectProtocol to 0
- http2: make HTTP2ServerResponse more streams compliant
- http2: wait for session socket writable end on close/destroy
- http2: wait for session to finish writing before destroy
- https: prevent options object from being mutated
- lib: move initialization of APIs for changing process state
- lib: replace Map global by the primordials
- lib: replace use of Error with primordials
- lib: replace Set global by the primordials
- lib: replace WeakSet global by the primordials
- lib: replace WeakMap global by the primordials
- lib: replace Set.prototype with SetPrototype primordial
- lib: do not catch user errors
- lib: replace var with let/const
- lib: further simplify assertions in vm/module
- lib: improve spelling and grammar in comment
- meta: clarify scope of new issue choice
- module: unflag resolve self
- module: self resolve bug fix and esm ordering
- n-api: keep napi_env alive while it has finalizers
- perf_hooks: use for...of
- (SEMVER-MINOR) perf_hooks: move perf_hooks out of experimental
- (SEMVER-MINOR) readline: set null as callback return in case there's no error
- (SEMVER-MINOR) readline: small refactoring
- repl: use public getCursorPos()
- (SEMVER-MINOR) repl: implement reverse search
- (SEMVER-MINOR) repl: fix preview of lines that exceed the terminal columns
- src: suppress warning in src/
- src: make large_pages include conditional
- src: enable stack trace printing for V8 check failures
- src: prevent hard coding stack trace limit
- src: port --bash-completion to C++
- src: make --use-largepages a runtime option
- src: list used functions on headers
- src: fix compiler warning in
- src,test: use v8::Global instead of v8::Persistent
- stream: group all properties using defineProperties
- stream: pipeline should use req.abort() to destroy response
- stream: reset flowing state if no 'readable' or 'data' listeners
- stream: simplify isBuf
- test: change buffer offset to accommodate V8 BackingStore
- test: use spread object
- test: refactor common.expectsError
- test: increase coverage for _http_incoming.js
- test: log errors in test-http2-propagate-session-destroy-code
- test: skip the unsupported test cases for IBM i
- test: get lib/wasi.js coverage to 100%
- test: cover vm with negative tests
- test: unflake async hooks statwatcher test
- test: fix common.enoughTestMem
- test: fix long lines
- test: fix flaky test-http2-client-upload
- test: use tmpdir.refresh() in test-esm-windows.js
- test: remove obsolete WASI test
- timers: fix refresh for expired timers
- timers: do less work in insert
- (SEMVER-MINOR) tls: add PSK support
- tools: remove prefer-common-expectserror lint rule
- tools: allow the travis commit message job to fail
- tools: fix Raspbian armv7 build
- tools: update ESLint to 6.8.0
- tools,src: forbid usage of v8::Persistent
- util: improve prototype inspection using inspect() and showHidden
- util: add (typed) array length to the default output
- util: add colors to debuglog()
- wasi: refactor destructuring object on constructor
- wasi: fix serdes bugs from snapshot1 migration
- wasi: throw on failed uvwasi_init()
- zlib: use for...of
- zlib: allow writes after readable 'end' to finish

Freegate 7.70 查看版本資訊


Node.js 13.4.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- update npm to 6.13.4
- update uvwasi (Anna Henningsen)
- upgrade to libuv 1.34.0 (Colin Ihrig)

- docs deprecate http finished

- add captureRejection option

- add captureRejection support
- llhttp opt-in insecure HTTP header parsing

- implement capture rection for 'request' and 'stream' events

- implement capture rejections for 'connection' event

- support previews by eager evaluating input

- add support for captureRejection option

- implement capture rejections for 'secureConnection' event
- expose IETF name for current cipher suite

- add argv constructor option (legendecas)