MediaCoder 歷史版本列表 Page3

最新版本 MediaCoder 0.8.65 (64-bit)

MediaCoder 歷史版本列表

MediaCoder 是自 2005 年以來積極開發和維護的通用媒體轉碼軟件。它將最先進的音頻 / 視頻技術集成到開箱即用的轉碼解決方案中,提供豐富的可調參數集,讓您可以全面掌控轉碼。新功能和最新編解碼器每週添加或更新,免費! MediaCoder 可能不是最簡單的,但是這裡最重要的是質量和性能,一旦你掌握了它,它將成為你的瑞士軍刀進行媒體代碼轉換。 52 Build 5920(64 位) MediaCoder 軟體介紹

MediaCoder (32-bit)MediaCoder (64-bit)

Node.js 14.4.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- TLS session reuse can lead to host certificate verification bypass (High)
- HTTP/2 Large Settings Frame DoS (Low)
- napi_get_value_string_*() allows various kinds of memory corruption (High)

ClipGrab 3.8.12 查看版本資訊


Cryptomator 1.5.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- UI/Layout fixes
- New unlock animation
- Improved compatibility with non-standard drives
- Improved compatibility with non-standard files
- Improved handling of passwords saved in system keychain
- Improved error handling during vault creation
- No longer attempt to unlock non-ready vaults on app start
- Prevent migration if encountering placeholder files in iCloud Drive

Node.js 14.3.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- (SEMVER-MINOR) repl: deprecate repl._builtinLibs
- (SEMVER-MINOR) repl: deprecate repl.inputStream and repl.outputStream
- (SEMVER-MINOR) cli: add --trace-atomics-wait flag
- (SEMVER-MINOR) repl: improve repl autocompletion for require calls
- (SEMVER-MINOR) repl: show reference errors during preview
- (SEMVER-MINOR) fs: add .ref() and .unref() methods to watcher classes
- (SEMVER-MINOR) http: expose http.validate-header-name/value
- (SEMVER-MINOR) async_hooks: move PromiseHook handler to JS

Cryptomator 1.5.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Improved unlock workflow
- Added option to reveal directory containing logs
- Improved response to changing conditions regarding vault state
- Changing a password now also affects stored passwords
- Fixed unresponsive UI on certain Linux distros
- Fixed access to system keychain on Linux

Node.js 14.2.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Track function calls with assert.CallTracker (experimental):
- assert.CallTracker is a new experimental API that allows to track and later
- verify the number of times a function was called. This works by creating a
- CallTracker object and using its calls method to create wrapper functions
- that will count each time they are called

Console groupIndentation option:
- The Console constructor (require('console').Console) now supports different group indentations
- This is useful in case you want different grouping width than 2 spaces

Cryptomator 1.5.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed data inconsistencies
- Fixed masterkey restoration when using recovery key
- Fixed memory leak related to
- Improved performance for filename encryption/decryption

Cryptomator 1.5.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed problems with vaults stored in locations that support limited file path and/or filename lengths
- Vaults can now be created/added that were falsely detected as duplicates
- Drive letters A: and B: are now excluded on Windows
- Password fields can now be cleared with Ctrl/Cmd + Backspace

Node.js 14.1.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- deps: upgrade openssl sources to 1.1.1g
- doc: add juanarbol as collaborator
- http: doc deprecate abort and improve do
- module: do not warn when accessing __esModule of unfinished exports
- n-api: detect deadlocks in thread-safe function
- src: deprecate embedder APIs with replacements

- don't emit end after close
- don't wait for close on legacy streams
- pipeline should only destroy un-finished streams
- vm: add importModuleDynamically option to compileFunction

Cryptomator 1.5.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Unofficial support for Windows 7 SP1+
- Don't stop migration when handling too many conflict files
- Conceal password field when starting long-running tasks
- Improved error handling when dealing with malformed masterkey files
- Start application even if settings file is malformed/corrupted