Maxthon 歷史版本列表
Maxthon Windows 瀏覽器使用獨特的,創新的雙核心設計,同時使用 Webkit 和三叉戟。快速高效的雙核設計可快速可靠地顯示所有網頁。憑藉其第一個 HTML 5 支持和“開箱即用”功能, Maxthon 用於 PC 脫機安裝程序的瀏覽器可以讓用戶輕鬆地在不同的設備和平台之間共享和發送文件,它們代表了下一個網頁瀏覽時代,利用新技術和用戶體驗領先其中 Maxthon 是眾所周知的。它也代表... Maxthon 軟體介紹更新時間:2009-12-05
What's new in this version:
* fixed slow update problem of secured address background color
* fixed problem that undo url count not according to setup center
* fixed problem that some languages are shown as blank in languages menu
* fixed problem that locked tab cannot be closed after detach
* fixed search bar text problem that when search is opened on current tab
* fixed a possible crash problem when login immediately after startup
* fixed a status bar text update problem on switching tabs
* fixed problem that window size and position may lost after installing over existing version
[Mute Browser]
* fixed a WMP instability problem
[Win7 Features]
* fixed preview problem when minimized
* fixed frame display problem when Aero is disabled
* fixed download problem under a URL format
* fixed problem that advanced proxy rule cannot be edited
What's new in this version:
[Win7 Support]
+ support Win7 new features
+ Fixed blank thumbnails problem under certain circumstances
* fixed problem that status bar text bar set in skin does not work
* fixed problem that web page becomes blank when Maxthon is run and restored from minimized
* fixed problem that under windows7 web page may become blank when maxthon is dragged or resized
What's new in this version:
+ added option to Baidu Suggest
* fixed crash problem when file is opened
* fixed crash problem when RSS is imported/exported
[Quick Access]
* fixed crash problem when local address is added
* fixed problem that short cut does not work when tip is displayed
* fixed web page operation problems in some specific websites
What's new in this version:
[Video Popup]
* added Video Popup module which can detach video to separate window for more convenient watching
[Float Button]
* redesigned context sensitive Float Button for operations on text, image, input box, and video
* fixed problem that text is pasted to incorrect position
* fixed problem that incorrect URL is identified by middle click
What's new in this version:
* Fixed a bug which causes program crash on exit
* Improved Back/Forward support for special keyboards and mouse
* Fixed SELECT menu cannot be selected on IE6 engine
* Fixed Google Reader layout error after Minimize/Restore
* Fixed UI overlapping problem with Webplayer & several player controls
* Added shortcut keys on right-click Context Menu on Address Bar
* Fixed incorrect icons for Maxthon Browser’s Associated File Types
* Fixed messy text problem while importing IE8 exported Favorites
What's new in this version:
* fixed a problem which may cause crash of browser
* fixed some problems which may cause locking of browser
* fixed a Turkish keyboard problem that "q" may be entered repeatedly
What's new in this version:
* [Core] fixed input problem of certain keyboard layout
* fixed input problem of certain custom activex controls
* fixed a Chinese character input problem in a website
* fixed a gmail attachment problem
+ download tools support Flashget3, BitComet, and Thunder Mini
What's new in this version:
+ Added icon for http document
* Changed default browser setting dialog
* Fixed addon installation problem while boss key is activated
* Fixed some default browser setting problems
* Fixed some flash full screen problems
* Fixed some problems which may crash kernelbase.dll
* Fixed password input problem of certain bank sites
What's new in this version:
* Redesigned browser framework and added new anti-freeze feature
[Plugin and External Tools]
* Improved plugin security. Security id is no longer accessible in max.src. Existing Script/HTML plugins are not affected, individual COM plugins could obtain the security id through a new putSecurityId method if necessary.
* Added clean browser history option in the exit confirmation dialog
* Added a save as option in Collector, support ANSI, Unicode, and UTF-8 txt format
* Added a notice window when cleaning browser history
* Fixed a GDI leakage when tab is dragged
* Fixed a favorites and RSS sidebar focus problem
* Fixed a Maximize problem in mult-monitor environment
* Fixed a Float Button position problem under Split View
* Fixed a RSS duplicate addition alert problem
* Fixed a freeze problem when the shadow of menu is clicked
* The URL of favorites is shown when mouse hover favorites sidebar
* The close button on the active tab now works on mouse released (previously when mouse pressed)
* Fixed problem capturing long web pages
* Fixed a zoom problem under IE8
* Fixed a freeze problem when maxthon exits
* Fixed a Magic Fill auto fill problem
* Fixed problem opening .url shortcut
* Fixed some browser window focus problems
* Fixed some memory leakage problem
* Possibly fixed problem that browser frame may not be drawn
* Possibly fixed problem that browser window may go behind other windows when opening external url
* Improved page scrolling efficiency
* Web page zoom ratio is limited between 10% to 1000%
What's new in this version:
* Redesigned browser framework and added new anti-freeze feature
[Plugin and External Tools]
* Improved plugin security. Security id is no longer accessible in max.src. Existing Script/HTML plugins are not affected, individual COM plugins could obtain the security id through a new putSecurityId method if necessary.
* Added clean browser history option in the exit confirmation dialog
* Added a save as option in Collector, support ANSI, Unicode, and UTF-8 txt format
* Added a notice window when cleaning browser history
* Fixed a GDI leakage when tab is dragged
* Fixed a favorites and RSS sidebar focus problem
* Fixed a Maximize problem in mult-monitor environment
* Fixed a Float Button position problem under Split View
* Fixed a RSS duplicate addition alert problem
* Fixed a freeze problem when the shadow of menu is clicked
* The URL of favorites is shown when mouse hover favorites sidebar
* The close button on the active tab now works on mouse released (previously when mouse pressed)
* Fixed problem capturing long web pages
* Fixed a zoom problem under IE8
* Fixed a freeze problem when maxthon exits
* Fixed a Magic Fill auto fill problem
* Fixed problem opening .url shortcut
* Fixed some browser window focus problems
* Fixed some memory leakage problem
* Possibly fixed problem that browser frame may not be drawn
* Possibly fixed problem that browser window may go behind other windows when opening external url
* Improved page scrolling efficiency
* Web page zoom ratio is limited between 10% to 1000%