Maxthon 歷史版本列表 Page1

最新版本 Maxthon

Maxthon 歷史版本列表

Maxthon Windows 瀏覽器使用獨特的,創新的雙核心設計,同時使用 Webkit 和三叉戟。快速高效的雙核設計可快速可靠地顯示所有網頁。憑藉其第一個 HTML 5 支持和“開箱即用”功能, Maxthon 用於 PC 脫機安裝程序的瀏覽器可以讓用戶輕鬆地在不同的設備和平台之間共享和發送文件,它們代表了下一個網頁瀏覽時代,利用新技術和用戶體驗領先其中 Maxthon 是眾所周知的。它也代表... Maxthon 軟體介紹

Maxthon 查看版本資訊


Maxthon 查看版本資訊


Insomnia Core 8.3.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- an issue that affected prettifying JSON request bodies
- issue #6687 where Insomnia RPM conflicts with other eletron-builder built RPMs
- issue #6385 related to selection of root folders when exporting data

- Added a workspace counter to export data prompts
- Allow local projects to be created and remove forced remote project migration
- Allow changing from a remote to local project in each Project's settings. Previously removed projects on the cloud turn into local ones if they are still available locally. Default project cannot have its type changed or be deleted.
- Added some improvements to inviting and plan description
- Added a confirmation step for updating a project to cloud or local
- Added some minor improvements to untracked projects UI.
- Added style improvements to the sync dropdown
- Show an option for how the migration should happen

Roundcube Webmail 1.6.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix PHP8 warnings
- Fix default 'mime.types' path on Windows
- Managesieve: Fix javascript error when relational or spamtest extension is not enabled
- Fix cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in handling of SVG in HTML messages

Roundcube Webmail 1.5.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in handling of SVG in HTML messages

FastCopy 5.4.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added an option in the shell extension for Win11 to not bring up the top-level menu when right-clicking
- Added option to not use OverLap I/O with SD car.d (Due to problems with some old SD card adaptors)
- Fixed a problem that I/O error during move did not continue operation
- Changed build environment from VS2019 to VS2022
- Misc refine

Insomnia Core 8.2.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added a fix to include base environments when exporting data
- Added a fix to the auth login modal where close button didn't close the modal properly (c1d9869) @gatzjames
- Fixed default theme text colors where in some cases text was a dark purple that was hard to read
- Fixed an initialization issue with code generation and invalid HAR
- Disabled multi-workspace import on scratchpad which would cause an error in data imported
- Added some minor improvements to navigation logic as well as some missing analytics events
- Fixed issue #6614 where request and folder names would be missing in some cases
- Added missing segment events for backup and scratchpad
- Fixed issue #6494 where filtering requests by name would show unexpected partial results
- Fixed UI margin bug in Plugin Settings (#6629) @therealrinku
- Fixed a state issue when collapsing a folder for the first time and fixed folder icon styling issue

- Improved parts of the code that check if there is no active session and user has logged out
- Scratchpad banner can now be dismissed
- Made the purpose of private environment variables clearer
- Added a way to navigate to login from the status indicator (online/offline/login)
- Added clarification of how many local files/worspaces/documents exist for export and/or cloud migration and ensures they are exported

Symfony 6.3.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Mailer] [Mailgun] Fix outlook sender
- [DoctrineBridge] Ignore invalid stores in LockStoreSchemaListener raised by StoreFactory
- [Messenger] Fix routing to multiple fallback transports
- [Messenger] Fix forced bus name gone after an error in delayed message handling
- [HttpKernel] Fix the order of merging of serializationContext and self::CONTEXT_DENORMALIZE
- [Serializer] Fix parsing XML root node attributes
- [Messenger] Fix exiting messenger:failed:retry command
- [Serializer] Fix reindex normalizedData array in AbstractObjectNormalizer::denormalize() (André Laugks)
- [Mime] Fix email (de)serialization issues
- [Mailer] [Mailgun] fix parsing of payload timestamp to event date value (DateTimeImmutable) in MailgunPayloadConverter
- [AssetMapper] Fixing jsdelivr regex to catch 2x export syntax in a row
- [Validator] NoSuspiciousCharacters custom error messages fix
- [FrameworkBundle] Always use buildDir as ConfigBuilderGenerator outputDir
- [Cache] Fix Redis6Proxy
- [Notifier][Telegram] Add escaping for slashes
- [Routing] Fix routing collection defaults when adding a new route to a collection
- [Messenger] Fix cloned TraceableStack not unstacking the stack independently
- [DependencyInjection] Fix autocasting null env values to empty string with container.env_var_processors_locator
- [Cache] Fix support for Redis Sentinel using php-redis 6.0.0
- [SecurityBundle][PasswordHasher] Fix password migration with custom hasher service with security bundle config
- [FrameworkBundle] Handle tags array attributes in descriptors
- [FrameworkBundle] Fix support for translator.default_path in XML
- [HttpClient] Fix TraceableResponse if response has no destruct method
- [Notifier] Fix Smsmode HttpClient mandatory headers
- [Scheduler] Match next run timezone with "from" timezone
- [Cache] fix using multiple Redis Sentinel hosts when the first one is not resolvable
- [FrameworkBundle] no serializer mapping cache in debug mode without enable_annotations
- [String] Update wcswidth data with Unicode 15.1
- [ErrorHandler] Handle PHP 8.3 highlight_file function output changes
- [Serializer] Fallback looking for DiscriminatorMap on interfaces
- [TwigBridge] Change return type of SymfonyBridgeTwigAppVariable::getSession()
- [Mailer] bug - fix EsmtpTransport variable $code definition
- [PasswordHasher] Avoid passing null to hash_pbkdf2()

Maxthon 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Initial commit

Opera GX 102.0.4880.82 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊
