
最新版本 Symfony 6.3.5

Symfony 6.3.5

Symfony 6.3.5
Maxthon Windows 瀏覽器使用獨特的,創新的雙核心設計,同時使用 Webkit 和三叉戟。快速高效的雙核設計可快速可靠地顯示所有網頁。憑藉其第一個 HTML 5 支持和“開箱即用”功能, Maxthon 用於 PC 脫機安裝程序的瀏覽器可以讓用戶輕鬆地在不同的設備和平台之間共享和發送文件,它們代表了下一個網頁瀏覽時代,利用新技術和用戶體驗領先其中 Maxthon 是眾所周知的。它也代表了自 Maxthon 的雲引擎創建 MyIE2.

以來,與其全球社區進行的豐富對話 Maxthon 的最新篇章,Maxthon 超越了其他瀏覽器,使真正的無縫瀏覽體驗成為現實.

Maxthon 不限於單個設備生態系統或操作系統。它將更多類型的數據從瀏覽器轉移到瀏覽器,而不必繞過一系列雲產品。簡而言之,Maxthon 消除了對設備類型或操作系統的人為限制,將所有對用戶來說都很重要的內容移動到了一個或所有的 Web 連接設備中。 Maxthon 免費下載 Windows PC 的最新版本。瀏覽器解決了當今網絡用戶所面臨的根本性問題:如何在任何時間,任何地點以無縫統一的方式訪問和使用所有網絡所提供的不同設備。      享受!

也可用:下載 Maxthon 為 Mac


檔案版本 Symfony 6.3.5

檔案名稱 symfony-6.3.5
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Maxthon Ltd
更新日期 2023-09-30

What's new in this version:

- [Mailer] [Mailgun] Fix outlook sender
- [DoctrineBridge] Ignore invalid stores in LockStoreSchemaListener raised by StoreFactory
- [Messenger] Fix routing to multiple fallback transports
- [Messenger] Fix forced bus name gone after an error in delayed message handling
- [HttpKernel] Fix the order of merging of serializationContext and self::CONTEXT_DENORMALIZE
- [Serializer] Fix parsing XML root node attributes
- [Messenger] Fix exiting messenger:failed:retry command
- [Serializer] Fix reindex normalizedData array in AbstractObjectNormalizer::denormalize() (André Laugks)
- [Mime] Fix email (de)serialization issues
- [Mailer] [Mailgun] fix parsing of payload timestamp to event date value (DateTimeImmutable) in MailgunPayloadConverter
- [AssetMapper] Fixing jsdelivr regex to catch 2x export syntax in a row
- [Validator] NoSuspiciousCharacters custom error messages fix
- [FrameworkBundle] Always use buildDir as ConfigBuilderGenerator outputDir
- [Cache] Fix Redis6Proxy
- [Notifier][Telegram] Add escaping for slashes
- [Routing] Fix routing collection defaults when adding a new route to a collection
- [Messenger] Fix cloned TraceableStack not unstacking the stack independently
- [DependencyInjection] Fix autocasting null env values to empty string with container.env_var_processors_locator
- [Cache] Fix support for Redis Sentinel using php-redis 6.0.0
- [SecurityBundle][PasswordHasher] Fix password migration with custom hasher service with security bundle config
- [FrameworkBundle] Handle tags array attributes in descriptors
- [FrameworkBundle] Fix support for translator.default_path in XML
- [HttpClient] Fix TraceableResponse if response has no destruct method
- [Notifier] Fix Smsmode HttpClient mandatory headers
- [Scheduler] Match next run timezone with "from" timezone
- [Cache] fix using multiple Redis Sentinel hosts when the first one is not resolvable
- [FrameworkBundle] no serializer mapping cache in debug mode without enable_annotations
- [String] Update wcswidth data with Unicode 15.1
- [ErrorHandler] Handle PHP 8.3 highlight_file function output changes
- [Serializer] Fallback looking for DiscriminatorMap on interfaces
- [TwigBridge] Change return type of SymfonyBridgeTwigAppVariable::getSession()
- [Mailer] bug - fix EsmtpTransport variable $code definition
- [PasswordHasher] Avoid passing null to hash_pbkdf2()

Symfony 6.3.5 相關參考資料
Blog - Symfony 6.3.5 released

2023年9月30日 — Symfony 6.3.5 has just been released.

deprecation in symfony 6.3.5 · Issue #765 · getsentrysentry ...

2023年10月5日 — deprecation in symfony 6.3.5 #765. Closed.

Downloading Symfony 6.3.5 from

A set of PHP Components and Web Application framework for PC · Symfony 6.3.5 · Key details about this download.

isGranted() error (symfony 6.3.5) #2696

2023年10月13日 — Symfony has depracted the use of sensioFramework. IsGranted() from sensio is now replaced with a same named function in symfony

PHP Symfony 6.3.5: Cannot call default session handler ...

2023年10月22日 — Dependencies: Ensure you have all necessary dependencies installed, especially if you're using a session handler other than the default file.

Symfony 6.3 Release

Symfony 6.3 Release · Status: Unmaintained · Requires: PHP 8.1.0 or higher · Latest patch version: 6.3.12 · Released on: May 2023 · End of support: January 2024.

Symfony 6.3.5 released – CodingHood

Symfony 6.3.5 has just been released. Here is the list of the most important changes since 6.3.4: bug #51773 [Mailer] [Mailgun] Fix outlook sender (@Romanavr)

vite-plugin-symfony 6.3.5 vulnerabilities

2024年2月10日 — [email protected] vulnerabilities. A Vite plugin to integrate easily Vite in your Symfony application ...