KeyScrambler Professional

最新版本 Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.5.12

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.5.12

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.5.12
KeyScrambler Professional 加密您在 Windows 內核中深入輸入的每個鍵。它有效地保護您的私人信息免受已知和未知的鍵盤記錄惡意軟件在數以百萬計的網站和數以百計的基本應用程序。新的和獨特的反擊鍵分析功能進一步保護您的在線隱私免受那些試圖通過您鍵入的方式來分析您的隱私.

KeyScrambler Professional 功能:

實時加密深入 OS
當您開始輸入時,KeyScrambler 立即開始加密每個字符在 Windows 內核的鍵盤驅動程序層面。時間安排和位置使鍵盤記錄程序難以繞過 KeyScrambler 的加密.

您的按鍵在瀏覽操作系統中的危險路徑時保持加密狀態,鍵盤記錄程序可以物理或遠程安裝在您的計算機上,以攔截您的按鍵。我們在 KeyScrambler 中實現了標準的對稱密鑰加密(Blowfish 128 位)和非對稱密鑰加密(RSA 1024 位)。即使是在惡意軟件感染的計算機上,強大的加密功能也能夠抵禦最陰險的鍵盤記錄惡意軟件.
如果鍵盤記錄程序侵入了您的計算機並逃脫了檢測,KeyScrambler 仍然可以運行,而鍵盤記錄程序只會記錄無意義的混亂字符。當您的擊鍵到達目標應用程序時,KeyScrambler 的解密模塊將開始工作,您可以看到您輸入的鍵。這裡的旅程結束於您的信息完好無損.

Never 易於使用
隨著文件大小約為 1.5MB,KeyScrambler Professional 需要一分鐘的下載,運行的資源少,沒有用戶的努力.

Vast 保護
KeyScrambler 保證您在所有主流瀏覽器的按鍵信息和 up 到 300 獨立應用程序:您的網上銀行和購物,Facebook 和 LinkedIn,電子郵件,主密碼,Windows 登錄...

Never 更容易知道
想知道 KeyScrambler Professional 正在做什麼?在屏幕上的不顯眼的疊加和托盤圖標讓你知道,讓你放心.

KeyScrambler 的有效抵禦新的野生鍵盤記錄惡意軟件攻擊的能力,並與大多數安全程序無縫工作,使其成為一個寶貴的工具用於在線信息安全.

注意:您不能打開 KeyScrambler Professional.889997423


檔案版本 Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.5.12

檔案名稱 wp_maker.exe
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 QFX Software Corporation
更新日期 2022-10-31

What's new in this version:

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.5.12
- New Normal Flow motion has been added to Animation Constructor
- New Wide Curve source has been added to Animation Constructor
- Magic Halo animation has been reworked and moved to Animation Constructor tenplate list
- Magic Vortex animation has been reworked, renamed to Tunnel and moved to Animation Constructor tenplate list
- New Vortex template has been added to Animation Constructor tenplate list
- Crush on creating a new document after using Animation Constructor has been fixed

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.5.11
- New Wide Line source has been added to Animation Constructor
- Center option has been added to Radial, Circular and Spiral motions
- Error with center marker for motion has been fixed

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.5.10
- Tunnel Flow has been added to the motion selection list of Animation Constructor
- Hyperspace template has been added to the Animation Constructor
- Through Space animations has been reworked and moved to the Animation Constructor template list
- Trace width now depends on particle size

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.5.09
- New Perspective path has been added
- Timing options have been added to the Path templates of Import
- Error with the particle templates has been fixed

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.5.08
- Orient in motion mod has been added
- Spiral Flow motion has been added
- Spiral Arms source has been added
- Blank particle has been added
- Falling Stars and Spiral templates have been moved to Animation Constructor

- Magic Spiral animation has been has been moved to the Animation Constructor templates section
- Bug with the preview mode has been fixed in DP Animation Maker
- Shine and Light brushes bug in wallpaper, exe and preview mode has been fixed
- Bug on loading animation with Circle source has been fixed

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.5.07
- Trace style has been added
- Gravitation mod has been added
- Air Resistance mod has been added
- Burst and Fountain animations have been added to Animation Constructor templates

- Magic Burst animation has been moved to Animation Constructor templates section
- Magic fountain animation has been reworked and moved to Animation Constructor templates section
- Template/Samples dialog has been improved
- Bug with Sphere source has been fixed

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.5.06
- Sphere source has been added to Animation Constructor
- Emission option has been added to Animation Constructor
- Blending mode option has been added to Animation Constructor
- Undo function has been fixed for emission period
- Bug with particle count on start has been fixed in Animation Constructor
- Particle density has been fixed in Circle, Ring and Sector sources

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.5.05
- New Outer Glow style has been added to Animation Constructor
- Apply to option has been added to the Light brush
- Apply to option has been added to the Shine brush
- Bug with translucency in electric discharge animation has been fixed
- Bug with color dialog has been fixed

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.5.04
- Pivot point edit has been added for particle image
- New Angle Variation mod has been added
- New Angle Dynamic mod Has been added
- Crash on cancel loading particle image has been fixed
- Background copy brush now correctly works with No background effect
- Copy layer option has been added to Background copy brush

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.5.03
Animation Constructor:
- New Text particle has been added
- New Translucency Variation mod has been added
- New Size Variation mod has been added
- New Circular motion has been added
- Interval option has been added to all Speed parameters

- Loop sound option has been added to MP4 export dialog
- Cosmetic changes in the Imported path option dialog

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.5.02
- Translucency Dynamic mod has been added
- Size Dynamic mod has been added
- Sector origin has been added
- Random motion has been added
- Star particle has been added

- with border around Polygon particle has been fixed
- with hide layer function has been fixed

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.5.01
- Change log not available for this version

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.5.00
- We worked hard for last several months on new major update and today we are pleased to present new tools for creating animations. We had to completely rework the way the program works with particles and imported images and we hope that the new design makes your work much easier and give more space for creativity. Todays release cannot not include all changes that we are going to add, but we do not want to make you wait for the new version any longer. For the next several month you will get many updates that will extend your new tools functionality and reward your wait for this update. Thank you for your support and patience.

In todays release we reworked on the image import and the particle constructor. They have new interfaces and are ready for new exiting features that will be added very soon:
- New toolbar area
- New animation constructor
- New import dialog

Also there are a few minor fixes:
- Problem with canvas around imported images has been completely fixed
- Main menu spelling and shortcuts have been fixed
- Issue with animations in glass ball effect has been fixed

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.4.38
- New Blur brush has been added
- Angle control has been added to Swarm and Path imported animations
- Bug with manual timings has been fixed in Growing and Sliding line animations
- Blur problem has been fixed for animated wallpapers and screensavers

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.4.37
- New Shine brush has been added
- Deformation effect has been added for Imported objects
- Angle control has been added to Imported flow objects
- Problem with white border around some layers after export has been fixed

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.4.36
- Effect tab has been added to Random Motion Imported Animation
- Swinging effect has been added for imported animations
- Option to synchronize effects has been added for imported animations
- Phase option has been added for effects of imported animations

Flow Imported Animation has been reworked:
- Boundaries properties have been removed
- Effect properties have been added
- Disorder properties have been removed
- Speed and direction jitter properties have been added
- Blending property has been removed
- Animation speed property has been added

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.4.35
Random Motion animation:
- Image orientation controls have been added
- Reverse animation option has been added
- View control has been updated
- Vertical speed control has been added

Imported animation effects:
- Effect support has been added to Path animation
- Blink effect has been added
- Several vibration effects now can be combined
- Error on exporting big MP4 files has been fixed

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.4.34
- New Effect option has been added to the imported static animations
- Path edit toolset has been reworked for the imported static animations
- B-Spline curve type has been added for the imported static animations
- Choice for path type has been added for the imported static animations
- Choice for motion law has been added for the imported path animations
- “Orient image toward motion direction” behavior has been improved for the imported path animations
- Issue with rotation of imported static animation has been fixed
- Issue with save/load of static animation has been fixed
- Issue with naming of static animation layer has been fixed
- Issue with Undo/Redo while editing the B-Spline curve has been fixed

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.4.33
- Change log not available for this version

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.4.32
- Change log not available for this version

Animated Wallpaper Maker
- Change log not available for this version

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.4.31
- Option to save animations in your own library has been added
- An error in MP4 export has been fixed
- Anti-aliasing option has been improved
- An error in Text Link has been fixed
- Anti-aliasing support has been added to screensavers

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.4.30
- New Electric discharge animation has been added
- New Grass Field animation has been added
- Start/End position timeline has been added to the line particle
- Antialiasing option has been added to the program setting

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.4.29
- Inner glow option has been added to the line particle
- Dripping animation has been added
- Tentacle animations have been added
- Error on stretch line has been fixed
- Error on saving line geometry has been fixed

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.4.28
- Wave speed option has been added for Perlin curve shape
- Stretch line option has been added for all curve shapes in particle constructor
- Magic hair preset has been added
- 2D Text scrolling hitch has been fixed
- Color buttons bug has been fixed
- Import ASW files as slide problem has been fixed

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.4.27
- Curve type selector has been added to the Line node of the Particle constructor
- Straight line type has been added to the Line of the Particle constructor
- Perlin curve has been added to the Line of the Particle constructor
- Line node option has been enabled for Group emitter
- New Magic Waves preset has been added
- Bug in the view control of Electric discharge 2 animation has been fixed
- Bug with displaying mask of Background copy brush has been fixed
- Bug with Erase tool in No background mode has been fixed

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.4.26
- New Discharge 2 animation has been added
- New animated fractal shape has been added to the line particle
- New rough line texture has been added to the Particle System Constructor library
- Sound volume control has been added to MP3 play list
- The bug with view control of Fireworks animation has been fixed
- Scrolling behavior of animation layer list has been improved

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.4.25
- Change log not available for this version

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.4.24
- Change log not available for this version

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.4.22
- Option to write 3D text along a circle line has been added
- Loop transition option has been added to MP4 export
- Point particle emitter has been replaced with Radial Flow emitter
- Bug with sector area in particle emitter has been fixed
- Crash on exporting 4K videos with loop transition option has been fixed
- Bug with particle brush in No background mode has been fixed
- Bug with some executable files has been fixed
- Crash on the using particle presets has been fixed
- Crash on waterfall object has been fixed

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.4.21
- DP animation Maker will now save export settings
- Phase option has been added to Turn, Fold, Zoom and Stretch brushes
- Windlike motion type has been added to Turn, Fold, Zoom, Stretch, Bend and Drift brushes
- Rectangle and Sector particle emitters has been joined in Liner Flow emitter
- Crash on switching particle template has been fixed
- Behavior of the MP4 incorrect parameters warning has been fixed
- Occasional erasing brush masks has been fixed
- Occasional malfunction of the view window has been fixed

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.4.20
- New Splashes animation has been added
- New Field emitter has been added to Particle System Constructor
- Center property for particle image has been added

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.5.12 相關參考資料
Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.5.12 軟體資訊介紹

它有效地保護您的私人信息免受已知和未知的鍵盤記錄惡意軟件在數以百萬計的網站和數以百計的基本應用程序。新的和獨特的反擊鍵分析功能進一步保護您的在線隱私免受那些試圖 ...

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2023年6月11日 — DP Animation Maker is powerful, easy-to-use animation software that lets you create animated backgrounds, animated gifs for websites, and other ...


Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.5.18 + Repack + Portable

Animated Screensaver Maker 4.3.3 + Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.3.2 download link -!L3pmxKJY!H8ReE5a9v92Bb6aHMpH_RkezSoeh399RHIoPonJBk8E

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.5.24 - Download

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.5.24. – 1.9MB – Shareware – Windows. Latest Version 4.5.24 Safe to install.


Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.5.26

At first glance, $39.77 seems a bit pricey. However, if you are looking for a program like this to have some fun with your desktop after a few minutes of ...

Animated Wallpaper Maker Download (2024 Latest)

You can create your own animated wallpaper in just a few mouse clicks. Load a picture, adjust animation parameters, and place the result on your desktop.

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2019年10月15日 — Animated Wallpaper Maker. A way to uninstall Animated Wallpaper Maker from your system. This page contains thorough information on how to remove ...


Armoury Crate - Aura Wallpaper Creator - YouTube

Inoxcent Gujjar's Post

2022年12月24日 — Close menu. · Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.5.12 Crack + Activation Code 2023}.