TinyButStrong Error in field [var.version...]: the key 'version' does not exist or is not set in VarRef. (VarRef seems refers to $GLOBALS) This message can be cancelled using parameter 'noerr'.

TinyButStrong Error in field [var.version...]: the key 'version' does not exist or is not set in VarRef. (VarRef seems refers to $GLOBALS) This message can be cancelled using parameter 'noerr'.
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Java Development Kit 歷史版本列表

Java Development Kit(也叫 JDK)是一個非常專業的跨平台的 SDK 平台,由 Oracle 公司定期提供支持。為了提供來自世界各地的 Java SE,Java EE 和 Java ME 平台的開發人員的具體實現。由於其強大的開發支持,該 SDK 包代表了最廣泛和最廣泛使用的 Java SDK 平台,用於創建各種規模的企業項目和開源項目。 Java Development Ki... Java Development Kit 軟體介紹

Java Development Kit (32-bit)Java Development Kit (64-bit)

Java JDK 8 Update 66 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Preloading libjsig.dylib causes deadlock when signal() is called:
- Applications need to preload the libjsig library to enable signal chaining. Previously, on OS X, after libjsig.dylib was preloaded, any call from native code to signal() caused a deadlock. This has been corrected.

VM crash when class is redefined with Instrumentation.redefineClasses:
- The JVM could crash when a class was redefined with Instrumentation.redefineClasses(). The crash could either be a segmentation fault at SystemDictionary::resolve_or_null, or an internal error with the message "tag mismatch with resolution error table". This has now been fixed .

Bug fixes:
- client-libs 2D OGL: rendering of lcd text is slow
- client-libs 2D [solaris] Incomplete 8ux fix for 8071710: libfontmanager & t2k should link against headless awt on solaris
- client-libs java.awt [macosx] Test closed/java/awt/dnd/ImageTransferTest/ImageTransferTest.html fails
- client-libs java.awt [Regression] Test java/awt/GraphicsDevice/CheckDisplayModes.java fails
- client-libs javax.accessibility JAWS crashes in WindowsAccessBridge.DLL on 32 bit 8u60 running on 32 bit Win 7
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Nashorn react.js benchmark performance regression
- deploy plugin AccessControlException with deployment cache and RMI
- globalization translation [de] Missing the link of license agreement
- hotspot jvmti assert(f == k->has_finalizer(),"inconsistent has_finalizer") with debug VM
- hotspot runtime jstack -l crashes VM when a Java mirror for a primitive type is locked
- hotspot runtime Preloading libjsig.dylib causes deadlock when signal() is called
- hotspot runtime VM crash when class is redefined with Instrumentation.redefineClasses
- install NVDA screen reader and JAWS can't read the "Look and Feel" Selections.
- security-libs org.ietf.jgss:krb5 End time checking for native TGT is wrong
- xml jaxp Numerous threads lock during XML processing while running Weblogic 12.1.3

Java JDK 8 Update 65 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


Java JDK 8 Update 65 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Java JDK 8 Update 60 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- This releases includes support for ARMv8 processors, Nashorn enhancements, and improvements to Deployment Rule Set functionality

Bug fixes:
- client-libs XMLParserTest unit test failure.
- client-libs GIFLIB upgrade
- client-libs CloseTTFontFileFunc callback should be removed
- client-libs 8077982 giflib upgrade breaks system giflib builds with earlier versions
- client-libs Deadlock with multimonitor fullscreen windows.
- client-libs [embedded] java.awt.GraphicsDevice.get/setDisplayMode behavior is incorrect when no display is present
- client-libs 2d OpenJDK7 returns incorrect TrueType font metrics
- client-libs 2d gcc compiler warnings in closed source code
- client-libs 2d Type1 font not loaded by java.awt.Font.createFont
- client-libs 2d [OGL] "java.lang.InternalError: not implemented yet" during the blit of VI to VI in xor mode
- client-libs 2d BufferedImage::getPropertyNames() always returns null
- client-libs 2d Printing to Postscript doesn't support dieresis
- client-libs 2d Java's system LnF on OS X: editable JComboBoxes are being rendered incorrectly
- client-libs 2d Path2D copy constructors and clone method propagate size of arrays from source path
- client-libs 2d Upgrade JDK to use LittleCMS 2.7
- client-libs 2d Path2D storage growth algorithms should be less linear
- client-libs 2d Could not enable D3D pipeline
- client-libs 2d OGL text renderer: gamma lut cleanup
- client-libs demo Remove debugging message from Font2DTest demo
- client-libs java.awt Attempting to remove help menu from java.awt.MenuBar throws NullPointerException
- client-libs java.awt Deadlock in SystemFlavorMap.getFlavorsForNative and SunToolkit.awtLock
- client-libs java.awt Frame is not created on the specified GraphicsDevice with two monitors
- client-libs java.awt -spash: can't be combined with -xStartOnFirstThread since JDK 7
- client-libs java.awt [macosx] Unused code in LWCToolkit.m
- client-libs java.awt NullPointerException and no event received when clipboard data flavor changes
- client-libs java.awt Switching to GTK L&F on-the-fly leads to X Window System error RenderBadPicture
- client-libs java.awt Focus lost in applet when browser window is minimized and restored
- client-libs java.awt GraphicsEnvironment.getHeadlessProperty() does not work for AIX
- client-libs java.awt Fix for JDK-7079254 changes behavior of MouseListener, MouseMotionListener
- client-libs java.awt Incorrect Exception message from java.awt.Desktop.open()
- client-libs java.awt IDEA IntelliJ crashes in objc_msgSend when an accessibility tool is enabled
- client-libs java.awt GUI perfomance are very slow compared java 1.6.0_45
- client-libs java.awt Toolkit.getScreenInsets() doesn't update if insets change
- client-libs java.awt [PIT] NPE in DnD tests apparently because of the fix to JDK-8061636
- client-libs java.awt System tray icon title freezes java
- client-libs java.awt Tremendous memory usage by JTextArea
- client-libs java.awt Focus doesn't move when pressing Shift + Tab keys
- client-libs java.awt java.awt.Checkbox.setState() call causes ItemEvent to be filed
- client-libs java.awt java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: aContainer is not a focus cycle root of aComponent
- client-libs java.awt Drawing deviates when validate() is invoked on java.awt.ScrollPane
- client-libs java.awt OperationTimedOut exception inside from XToolkit.syncNativeQueue call on Ubuntu 15.04
- client-libs java.awt Deadlock in awt clipboard
- client-libs java.awt Dragged events for extra mouse buttons (4,5,6) are not generated on JSplitPane
- client-libs java.awt [PIT] Test closed/java/awt/FullScreen/DisplayMode/CycleDMImage.java switches Linux to the single device mode
- client-libs java.awt Wrong changes were pushed with 8068886
- client-libs java.awt:i18n IME Composition Window is displayed on incorrect position
- client-libs java.beans Dead/outdated links in Javadoc of package java.beans
- client-libs javax.accessibility JComponent.AccessibleJComponent.addPropertyListeners adds exponential listeners
- client-libs javax.accessibility Open Source Java Access Bridge - Create Patch for JEP C127 8055831
- client-libs Java version applet hangs with Voice over turned on
- client-libs abort flag is not cleared for every write operation for JPEG ImageWriter
- client-libs javax.imageio JPGWriter does not throw UnsupportedException when canWriteSequence retunsfalse
- client-libs javax.imageio ImageInputStreamImpl.readShort/readIntdo not behave correctly at EOF
- client-libs javax.swing Typo in JInternalFrame setDefaultCloseOperation() doc (WindowClosing --> internalFrameClosing)
- client-libs javax.swing link back to self in javadoc JTextArea.replaceRange()
- client-libs javax.swing JDesktopPane,JFileChooser violate encapsulation by returning internal Dimensions
- client-libs javax.swing Some Swing classes violate encapsulation by returning internal Insets
- client-libs javax.swing Swing's Threading Policy example does not compile
- client-libs javax.swing example in JFormattedTextField API docs instantiates abstract class
- client-libs javax.swing Animated icon is not visible by click on menu
- client-libs javax.swing Pending String deadlocks UIDefaults
- client-libs javax.swing JavaDoc for JSpinner contains errors
- client-libs javax.swing [macosx] Label shortening via " ... " broken when String contains combining diaeresis
- client-libs javax.swing No Horizontal Mouse Wheel Support In BasicScrollPaneUI
- client-libs javax.swing mouse wheel scroll closes combobox popup
- client-libs javax.swing JButtons stay pressed after they have lost focus if you use the mouse wheel
- client-libs javax.swing Incorrect paint of JProgressBar in Nimbus LF
- client-libs javax.swing OutOfMemoryError: RepaintManager doesn't clean up cache of volatile images
- client-libs javax.swing The output's 'Page-n' footer does not show completely.
- client-libs javax.swing Gtk: call to UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName() leads to crash
- client-libs javax.swing Fullscreen mode is not working properly on Xorg
- client-libs javax.swing SwingSet2: Themes are incorrectly enabled when running with Nimbus Look and feel
- client-libs javax.swing Java application menu misbehaves when running multiple screen stacked vertically
- client-libs javax.swing Can not input Japanese in JTextField on RedHat Linux
- client-libs javax.swing JMenuBar looks bad under retina
- client-libs javax.swing ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in javax.swing.text.html.parser.ContentModel.first()
- client-libs javax.swing No mnemonics on Open and Save buttons in JFileChooser
- core-libs GetVersionEx in java.base/windows/native/libjava/java_props_md.c might not get correct Windows version
- core-libs JavaAdapterFactory.isAutoConvertibleFromFunction should be more robust
- core-libs Missing space on a boundary of concatenated strings
- core-libs EmptyStackException at startup if running with extended or unsupported charset
- core-libs (tz) Support tzdata2015e
- core-libs java.lang Object.wait(ms, ns) timeout returns early
- core-libs java.lang Use private static final char[0] for empty Strings
- core-libs java.lang (process) Child is terminated when parent's console is closed [win]
- core-libs java.lang Deprecate Unsafe monitor methods in JDK 8u release
- core-libs java.lang.invoke LambdaForm.prepare() does unnecessary work for cached LambdaForms
- core-libs java.lang.invoke Never taken branches should be pruned when GWT LambdaForms are shared
- core-libs java.lang.invoke Customize LambdaForms which are invoked using MH.invoke/invokeExact
- core-libs java.lang.invoke CountingWrapper.asType() is broken
- core-libs java.lang.invoke DMH LFs should be customizeable
- core-libs java.lang.invoke Customize adapted MethodHandle in MH.invoke() case
- core-libs java.lang:reflect Lazy-init thread safety problems in core reflection
- core-libs java.math java.math.BigDecimal.divide(BigDecimal, RoundingMode) produces incorrect result
- core-libs java.net HTTP Tunnel connection to NTLM proxy reauthenticates instead of using keep-alive
- core-libs java.net (sctp) Possible race initializing native IDs
- core-libs java.net (sctp) InternalError when receiving SendFailedNotification
- core-libs java.net JNI exception pending in jdk/src/solaris/native/java/net
- core-libs java.net HttpServer missing tailing space for some response codes
- core-libs java.net Setting IP_TOS on java.net sockets not working on unix
- core-libs java.net LoginContext Subject ignored by jdk8 sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection
- core-libs java.net Inet4AddressImpl regression caused by JDK-7180557
- core-libs java.nio (fc) FileChannel transferTo should use TransmitFile on Windows
- core-libs java.nio (fc) Rename the new jdk.net.enableFastFileTransfer system property to jdk.nio.enableFastFileTransfer
- core-libs java.nio (so) Socket adapter sendUrgentData throws IllegalBlockingMode when channel configured non-blocking
- core-libs java.nio.charsets IBM1166 Locale Request for Kazakh characters
- core-libs java.nio.charsets Coding regression in HKSCS charsets
- core-libs java.sql Backport JDBC tests from JDK 9 from test/java/sql and test/javax/sql to JDK 8u.
- core-libs java.text Long-form date format incorrect month string for Finnish locale
- core-libs java.text DateFormat in german locale returns wrong value for month march
- core-libs java.time Fix typos, errors and Javadoc differences in java.time
- core-libs java.time java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter error in API doc example
- core-libs java.time principal' should be 'principle' in java.time package description
- core-libs java.time java.time package javadoc typos
- core-libs java.time java.time javadoc error in DateTimeFormatter::parsedLeapSecond
- core-libs java.time java/time/test/java/time/format/TestZoneTextPrinterParser.java fails by timeout on slow device
- core-libs java.util ZipEntry/JarEntry.setCreation/LastAccessTime(null) don't throw NPE as specified
- core-libs java.util TimSort fails with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on worst case long arrays
- core-libs java.util.concurrent Inconsistent exception handling in CompletableFuture.thenCompose
- core-libs java.util.concurrent Missed submissions in ForkJoinPool
- core-libs java.util.concurrent CPU overhead in FJ due to spinning in awaitWork
- core-libs java.util.concurrent LinkedTransferQueue.spliterator can report LTQ.Node object, not T
- core-libs java.util.jar Better message about incompatible zlib in Deflater.init
- core-libs java.util.jar Lazy conversion of ZipEntry time
- core-libs java.util.jar getNextEntry throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when unzipping file
- core-libs java.util.stream Terminal operation properties should not be back-propagated to upstream operations
- core-libs java.util:i18n (tz) TimeZone.getDefault() call returns incorrect value in Windows terminal session
- core-libs java.util:i18n Optimization for locale resources loading isn't working
- core-libs java.util:i18n Unpredictable timezone on Windows when OS's timezone is not found in tzmappings
- core-libs java.util:i18n Support ISO 4217 "Current funds codes" table (A.2)
- core-libs java.util:i18n SimpleDateFormat formatting of "LLLL" in English is incorrect; should be identical to "MMMM"
- core-libs java.util:i18n Performance degradation observed with TimeZone Benchmark
- core-libs javax.naming IPv6 Nameservers in resolv.conf throws NumberFormatException
- core-libs javax.naming ./jndi/ldap/Connection.java needs to avoid spurious wakeup
- core-libs javax.naming Empty optional parameters of LDAP query are not interpreted as empty
- core-libs javax.script Nashorn bug retrieving array property after key string concatenation
- core-libs javax.script (typo in the spec) javax.script.ScriptEngineFactory.getLanguageName
- core-libs javax.script javax.script.ScriptEngineFactory.getParameter spec is not completely consistent with the rest of the API
- core-libs javax.script Nashorn JSON.parse drops numeric keys
- core-libs javax.script Instance properties with getters returning wrong values
- core-libs javax.script The spec on javax.script.Compilable contains a typo and confusing inconsistency
- core-libs javax.script Javascript for-in loop returned extra keys
- core-libs javax.sql RowSetWarning does not correctly chain warnings
- core-libs javax.sql Add RowSetMetaDataImpl Tests and add column range validation to isdefinitlyWritable
- core-libs javax.sql BaseRowSet returns the wrong default value for escape processing
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Nashorn test framework @argument does not handle quoted strings
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Global scope should be initialized lazily
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Investigate if RuntimeCallSite linkage can be removed
- core-libs jdk.nashorn jjs scripting: need way to quote $EXEC command arguments to protect spaces
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Eager code generation fails for earley boyer with split threshold set to 1000
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Function with same body not reparsed after SyntaxError
- core-libs jdk.nashorn JSON-friendly wrapper for objects
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Finally blocks inlined incorrectly
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Disable dual fields when not using optimistic types
- core-libs jdk.nashorn BrowserJSObjectLinker should give priority to beans linker for property get/set
- core-libs jdk.nashorn ant javadoc target is broken
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Local variable type calculation mismatch
- core-libs jdk.nashorn bound java static method throws NPE when 'null' is used for this argument
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Dead typed push methods in ArrayData
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Improve error message when with statement is passed a POJO
- core-libs jdk.nashorn @since and @jdk.Exported are missing in jdk.nashorn.api.scripting classes and package-info.java files
- core-libs jdk.nashorn NashornScriptEngineFactory.getParameter() throws IAE for an unknown key, doesn't conform to the general spec
- core-libs jdk.nashorn NashornScriptEngine.put/get() impls don't conform to NPE, IAE spec assertions
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Halve the function object creation code size
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Wrong 'this' bound to eval call within a function when caller's 'this' is a Java object
- core-libs jdk.nashorn NashornScriptEngine returns javax.script.ScriptContext instance with insonsistent get/remove methods behavior for undefined attributes
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Build errors in 8u-dev after backporting JDK-8067139 and JDK-8066232
- core-libs jdk.nashorn New compiler warning after JDK-8067139
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Can't compare Java enums to strings
- core-libs jdk.nashorn nashorn should not use obj.getClass() for null checks
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Arrays.asList results in ClassCastException with a JS array
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Test for JDK-8068872 fails in tip
- core-libs jdk.nashorn SimpleScriptContext used by NashornScriptEngine doesn't completely complies to the spec regarding exception throwing
- core-libs jdk.nashorn const re-assignment should not reported as a "early error"
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Regex matching causes java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 64
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Indirect eval fails when used as an element of an array or as a property of an object
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Canonicalize "is a JS string" tests
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Startup time: Port shell.js to Java
- core-libs jdk.nashorn More aggressive value discarding
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Static analysis of IfNode should consider terminating branches
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Add tests for JSON parsing of numeric keys
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Threads spinning infinitely in WeakHashMap.get running test262parallel
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Add tests for the basic failure of try/finally compilation
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Typed array setters are very slow when index exceeds capacity
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Slow scope access to global let/const does not work
- core-libs jdk.nashorn jjs exits even when non-daemon threads are still active
- core-libs jdk.nashorn toNumber(String) accepts illegal characters
- core-libs jdk.nashorn nashorn tests should avoid using package names used by nashorn sources
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Several nashorn tests failing
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Undeclared globals in eval code should not be handled as fast scope
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Nashorn crashes when attempting to start TypeScript compiler
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Don't create impossible converters for ScriptObjectMirror
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Persistent code cache should support more configurations
- core-libs jdk.nashorn jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.arrays.IntArrayData.convert assertion
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Optimistic rewrite in object literal causes ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Eliminate dead code around Nashorn code generator
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Enforce best practices for Node token API usage
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Code generator emits an extra POP for discarded boolean logical operation
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Misleading error message when explicit signature constructor is called with wrong arguments
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Nashorn $ENV.PWD is originally undefined
- core-libs jdk.nashorn -d option should dump script source as well
- core-libs jdk.nashorn transparently download testng.jar for Nashorn testing
- core-libs jdk.nashorn use path separator setting consistently in Nashorn project properties
- core-libs jdk.nashorn fix usage of replace and file separator in Nashorn tests
- core-libs jdk.nashorn add $EXECV command to Nashorn scripting mode
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Javadoc warnings in Global.java after lazy initialization
- core-libs jdk.nashorn delete of bound Java method property results in crash
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Allow conversion of native arrays to Queue and Collection
- core-libs jdk.nashorn ListAdapter should take advantage of JSObject
- core-libs jdk.nashorn jjs "nashorn.args" system property is not effective when script arguments are passed
- core-libs jdk.nashorn ListAdapter throws NPE when adding/removing elements outside of JS context
- core-libs jdk.nashorn erroneous dot file generated from Nashorn --print-code
- core-libs jdk.nashorn rename ScriptingFunctions.tokenizeCommandLine
- core-libs jdk.nashorn engine.eval call from a java method which was called from a previous engine.eval results in wrong ScriptContext being used.
- core-libs jdk.nashorn fix Nashorn ant externals command
- core-libs jdk.nashorn reduce dependency of Nashorn tests on external components
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Missing final modifier in method parameters (nashorn code convention)
- core-libs jdk.nashorn JSONListAdapter should delegate its [[DefaultValue]] to wrapped object
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Nashorn -nse option causes parse error on anonymous function definition
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Return value of Objects.requireNonNull call can be used
- core-libs jdk.nashorn address Javadoc warnings in Nashorn source code
- core-libs jdk.nashorn add autoimports sample script to easily explore Java classes in interactive mode
- core-libs jdk.nashorn regression: apply on $EXEC fails with ClassCastException
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Indirect evals should be strict with -strict option
- core-libs jdk.nashorn eval within a 'with' leaks definitions into global scope
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Global scope is not accessible with indirect load call
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Strict eval throws ClassCastException with large scripts
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Convert Scope from interface to class
- core-libs jdk.nashorn obj."prop" and obj.'prop' should result in SyntaxError
- core-libs jdk.nashorn nasgen prototype, instance member count calculation is wrong
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Java adapters with class-level overrides should preserve variable arity constructors
- core-svc debugger nsk/jdi/ExceptionEvent/_itself_/exevent006 and exevent008 tests fail with InvocationTargetException
- core-svc debugger JDI ObjectReferenceImpl.invokeMethod() validation fails for virtual invocations of method with declaring type being an interface
- core-svc java.lang.management Race condition in java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/AllThreadIds.java
- core-svc javax.management Agent NullPointerException when rmi.port in use
- core-svc javax.management JavaSecurityAccess.doIntersectionPrivilege() drops the information about the domain combiner of the stack ACC
- core-svc tools AIX port of "8039173: Propagate errors from Diagnostic Commands as exceptions in the attach framework"
- deploy Java Control Panel accessibility problem with labels and text fields
- deploy java.com link in some of the dialogs are not accessible
- deploy With expired or selfsigned DeploymentRuleSet, not hint is provied in JCP Rule Set dialog.
- deploy DRS: The messaging for invalid rule set jar is not explicit.
- deploy echo elements in ruleset.xml
- deploy Clicking cancel on security dialog for preloader clears the DeniedCertStore
- deploy DRS: Want customizable message in case of application blocking if only default rule is specified
- deploy [parfait] File Handle Leak in configcache_pd.c
- deploy Revert project file accidentally pushed
- deploy The text location of "More information" overlap with "code" in mixed code dialog
- deploy Unit test failures: JNLPClassloaderTest, JNLP2ClassLoaderTest
- deploy Remove support for downloaded JavaFX classes
- deploy Add DRS rules block to Java Usage Tracker records.
- deploy Ensure JFR options could be passed to webstart app by specifying VM arguments in the JCP
- deploy DRS 1.2: checksum algorithm needs to be restricted to SHA-256
- deploy deployment_toolkit DRS: Unable to include escaped characters in message
- deploy deployment_toolkit Test jnlp_file/applicationDesc/index.html#args fails with incorrect arg value
- deploy packager 8u60 Windows 64-bit packager - install succeeds but application fails to start
- deploy plugin DeploymentRuleSet on run action
- deploy plugin Applet is not started in IE on dynamic insertion into a web page
- deploy plugin Java Console GUI is irresponsive in JRE 8u20 on OS X
- deploy plugin Plugin missing MIME type registration for application/x-java-applet;version=1.8
- deploy plugin Slow cache performance since JRE 7u06
- deploy plugin [macosx] Menu items are appearing on top of other windows
- deploy plugin [macosx] Menu items disappear and redrawn quickly when moving mouse into applet frame
- deploy plugin When applet is relaunched, extra JUT records can be sent
- deploy plugin fix to JDK-8078534 removed part of fix to JDK-8076220
- deploy plugin StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in CertUtils.checkWildcardDomain
- deploy plugin embedded_jnlp param requires also code or jnlp_href param or applet arg.
- deploy plugin The applet thrown NullPointerException when loading it
- deploy webstart Application with Signed JNLP cannot pass accented characters in
- deploy webstart Web Start applet process fails to exit
- deploy webstart Java Webstart downloading packed files can result in Timezone set to UTC
- deploy webstart Xcode javaws Project to Debug Native Code
- deploy webstart Fix Xcode project
- deploy webstart Netbeans javaws Project to Debug Native Code
- deploy webstart Visual Studio javaws Project to Debug Native Code
- deploy webstart NPE (instead of proper error dialog) thrown when some jnlp files have no resources
- deploy webstart DRS certificate based rule does not match with Java WS Application compressed by pack200
- deploy webstart jnlp spec version 8.20 is not supported
- deploy webstart jnlp "codebase" attribute has been made mandatory
- deploy webstart Jnlp fails to load with CouldNotLoadArgumentException after JDK-8075179
- deploy webstart cert based run rule doesn't work when running offline
- deploy webstart Web Start does not honor height / width % values
- deploy webstart remove dead code to donwload JavaFX on demand.
- globalization DateFormat for Singapore/English locale (en_SG) is M/d/yy instead of d/M/yy
- globalization translation [de,fr,pt_BR,sv] duplicate mnemonics in JCP security tab.
- globalization translation [windows 8] S. Chinese quotation mark needs to be replaced by English quotation mark
- globalization translation Broken Localization Strings (XMLSchemaMessages_de.properties)
- globalization translation jdk8u60 l10n resource file translation update 2
- hotspot Allow ADLC register class to depend on runtime conditions also for cisc-spillable classes
- hotspot compiler hotspot, "impossible" assertion failure
- hotspot compiler volatile double accesses are not explicitly atomic in C2
- hotspot compiler make DeoptimizeALot dependent on number of threads
- hotspot compiler C1: Incorrect argument type used for SharedRuntime::OSR_migration_end in LIRGenerator::do_Goto
- hotspot compiler C2: CmpU nodes can end up with wrong type information
- hotspot compiler C2: inlining failure due to access checks being too strict
- hotspot compiler SPARC PICL causes significantly longer startup times
- hotspot compiler Fix includes after 8058148: MaxNodeLimit and LiveNodeCountInliningCutoff
- hotspot compiler SIGBUS in C2 compiled method weblogic.wsee.jaxws.framework.jaxrpc.EnvironmentFactory$SimulatedWsdlDefinitions.
- hotspot compiler SIGSEGV in c2 compiled code with OptimizeStringConcat
- hotspot compiler C2: uncommon trap w/ Reason_speculate_class_check causes performance regression due to continuous deoptimizations
- hotspot compiler Use RBP register as proper frame pointer in JIT compiled code on x86
- hotspot compiler assert(fm == NULL || fm->method_holder() == _participants[n]) failed: sanity
- hotspot compiler assert(!_reg_node[reg_lo] || edge_from_to(_reg_node[reg_lo],def)) failed: after block local scheduling
- hotspot compiler assert(!failing()) failed: Must not have pending failure. Reason is: out of memory
- hotspot compiler resolve conflicts between open and closed ports
- hotspot compiler Nondeterministic wrong answer on arithmetic
- hotspot compiler Never-taken branches cause repeated deopts in MHs.GWT case
- hotspot compiler GWT can be marked non-compilable due to deopt count pollution
- hotspot compiler C2 code generator can replace -0.0f with +0.0f on Linux
- hotspot compiler Compilation of constant array containing different sub classes crashes the JVM
- hotspot compiler assert(((ABS(iv_adjustment_in_bytes) % elt_size) == 0)) fails in superword.cpp
- hotspot compiler Unsafe load can loose control dependency and cause crash
- hotspot compiler 8011102 changes may cause incorrect results.
- hotspot compiler ppc: pass thread to throw_AbstractMethodError
- hotspot compiler C2's superword optimization causes unaligned memory accesses
- hotspot compiler JVM fastdebug build compiled with GCC 5 asserts with "widen increases"
- hotspot compiler compiler/eliminateAutobox/6934604/TestIntBoxing.java assert(p_f->Opcode() == Op_IfFalse) failed
- hotspot compiler Crash in PhaseIdealLoop with "assert(!had_error) failed: bad dominance"
- hotspot compiler JVM times out with vdbench on SPARC M7-16
- hotspot compiler Integer.toString(int value) sometimes throws NPE
- hotspot compiler PPC64: Fix wrong rotate instructions in the .ad file
- hotspot compiler 8068945 changes break building the zero JVM variant
- hotspot gc Full GC' events miss date stamp information occasionally
- hotspot gc Per-phase timing measurements for strong roots processing
- hotspot gc G1: assert(_hrs.max_length() == _expansion_regions) failed
- hotspot gc jmap reports unexpected used/free size of concurrent mark-sweep generation
- hotspot gc Early reclaim of large objects that are referenced by a few objects
- hotspot gc os::commit_memory on Solaris uses aligment_hint as page size
- hotspot gc TestParallelHeapSizeFlags fails with unexpected heap size
- hotspot gc Remove temporary G1UseParallelRSetUpdating and G1UseParallelRSetScanning flags
- hotspot gc Hot card cache flush chunk size too coarse grained
- hotspot gc Verification in ClassLoaderData::is_alive is too slow
- hotspot gc SPECjvm2008-Derby -2.7% performance regression on Solaris-X64 starting with 9-b29
- hotspot gc G1TraceReclaimDeadHumongousObjectsAtYoungGC only prints humongous object liveness output when there is at least one candidate humongous object
- hotspot gc Object copy time regressions after JDK-8031323 and JDK-8057536
- hotspot gc ParNew promotion failed is serialized on a lock
- hotspot gc G1 iterates over JNIHandles two times
- hotspot gc JVM crashes during GC on various asserts which checks that HeapWord ptr is an oop
- hotspot gc Improved handling of age during object copy in G1
- hotspot gc Refactor G1s usage of save_marks and reduce related races
- hotspot gc Refactor VM GC operations caused by allocation failure
- hotspot gc G1 ignores AlwaysPreTouch
- hotspot gc Clean up G1 remembered set oop iteration
- hotspot gc assert(is_available(index)) failed in G1 cset
- hotspot gc Decrease Hot Card Cache Lock contention
- hotspot gc Eagerly reclaimed humongous objects left on mark stack
- hotspot gc When iterating over a card, G1 often iterates over much more references than are contained in the card
- hotspot gc Simplify ArgumentsExt and remove unneeded functionallity
- hotspot gc Refactor the G1GCPhaseTime logging to make it easier to add new phases
- hotspot gc Wrong volatile qualifier for field ClassLoaderDataGraphKlassIteratorAtomic::_next_klass
- hotspot gc Refactor strong root processing in order to allow G1 to evolve separately from GenCollectedHeap
- hotspot gc SATB buffer processing found reclaimed humongous object
- hotspot gc SATB queue pre-filter verify found reclaimed humongous object
- hotspot gc Simplify deal_with_reference
- hotspot gc TracePageSizes output reports wrong page size on Windows with G1
- hotspot gc SATB apply_closure_to_completed_buffer should have closure argument
- hotspot gc verify_no_cset_oops found reclaimed humongous object in SATB buffer
- hotspot gc VM hangs in C2Compiler
- hotspot gc BACKOUT - metaspace/shrink_grow/CompressedClassSpaceSize fails with OOM: Compressed class space
- hotspot gc Code heap does not use large pages
- hotspot gc nmethod related crash in CMS
- hotspot jvmti jvmtiStringPrimitiveCallback should not be invoked when string value is null
- hotspot jvmti JSR 292: assert(type() == T_OBJECT) failed: type check
- hotspot jvmti jvmtiRedefineClasses.cpp: guarantee(false) failed: OLD and/or OBSOLETE method(s) found
- hotspot jvmti the constantPoolCacheOopDesc::adjust_method_entries() used in RedefineClasses does not scale
- hotspot jvmti "java.lang.NullPointerException: Method name is null" from StackTraceElement.
- hotspot jvmti more performance issues in class redefinition
- hotspot jvmti Popping a stack frame after exception breakpoint sets last method param to exception
- hotspot runtime Bogus -Xcheck:jni warning for SIG_INT action for SIGINT in JVM started from non-interactive shell
- hotspot runtime Class verifier accepts an invalid class file
- hotspot runtime Client JVM silently exit with fail exit code when running in compact(1,2) with options -Dcom.sun.management and -XX:+ManagementServer
- hotspot runtime -Xcheck:jni improvements to exception checking and excessive local refs
- hotspot runtime Excessive checked JNI warnings from Java startup
- hotspot runtime hotspot build failed with gcc version Red Hat 4.4.6-4
- hotspot runtime HotSpot fails to wrap Exceptions from invokedynamic in a BootstrapMethodError
- hotspot runtime Add method to WhiteBox to get vm pagesize.
- hotspot runtime ZERO variant build is broken
- hotspot runtime Refactor native stack printing from vmError.cpp to debug.cpp to make it available in gdb as well
- hotspot runtime CPU detection gives 0 cores per cpu, 2 threads per core in Amazon EC2 environment
- hotspot runtime Zero+PPC64: Stack overflow when running Maven
- hotspot runtime VirtualSpace does not use large pages
- hotspot runtime Zero builds fails after JDK-6898462
- hotspot runtime Zero: Atomic::xchg and Atomic::xchg_ptr need full memory barrier
- hotspot runtime Locks need better debug-printing support
- hotspot runtime perfMemory_solaris.cpp failing to compile with "Error: dd_fd is not a member of DIR."
- hotspot runtime JVM crashes in JNI if toString is declared as an interface method
- hotspot runtime Replace fatal() with vm_exit_during_initialization() when an incorrect class is found on the bootclasspath
- hotspot runtime JVM stuck in infinite loop during verification
- hotspot runtime AllocateHeap() and ReallocateHeap() should be inlined.
- hotspot runtime BSD build failures due to undefined macros
- hotspot runtime [Linux] Replace syscall use in os::fork_and_exec with glibc fork() and execve()
- hotspot svc Hide lambda proxy frames in stacktraces
- hotspot svc serviceability/sa/jmap-hashcode/Test8028623.java fails with AssertionFailure: can not get class data for java/lang/UNIXProcess$Platform$$Lambda
- hotspot svc Event based tracing locks to rank as leafs where possible
- hotspot svc SA update
- hotspot svc jstack not working on core files
- hotspot svc Fix for 8030115 breaks build on Windows and Solaris
- hotspot svc support new PTRACE_GETREGSET
- hotspot svc Test fails with java.security.AccessControlException: access denied ("java.security.SecurityPermission" "getDomainCombiner")
- hotspot svc Infinite loop reading types during jmap attach.
- hotspot svc jdb eval java.util.Arrays.asList(array) shows inconsistent behaviour
- hotspot svc SystemTap does not work when JDK is compiled with GCC 5
- hotspot test AARCH64: testlibrary does not support AArch64
- install [mac os x] Update '3 Billion Devices' Advert on SetupProgress Dialog
- install 8u20 and later should not change the MSI UpgradeCode for each JRE version
- install Create HKLMSOFTWAREJavaSoftJava Runtime Environment registry keys with msi.
- install [macosx] StagedXML is missing
- install Improve naming consistency in make/installer/bundles/macosx/Makefile
- install auto_update [AU]The auto update window does not read the tag of au-descriptor.xml file to set the "More information" link
- install auto_update [de, fr, it, ko, pt_BR, sv] Layout issue (truncation) in AUWelcome dialog
- install auto_update JDK9 nightly build from 01/23 failed
- install auto_update Add files skipped from the fix to JDK-8071490 by mistake
- install install Install dialogs look bad on Windows when display is set to high DPI
- install install MSI/MST files should be deleted after install
- install install Incorrect UninstallString windows register key in JDK 1.6, 1.7 and 8
- install install HtmlUI: "Change destination folder" checkbox in WelcomeDialog is not accessible by mouse
- install install HtmlUI: checkbox text labels should be clickable
- install install 8u60 nightly solaris_sparcv9_5.10-product build fails
- install install jre8-40 fails to install on SuSE 11.3
- other-libs corba Incorrect property name documented in CORBA InputStream API
- other-libs corba RMI-IIOP communication fails when ConcurrentHashMap is passed to remote method
- performance The CDS classlist needs to be updated for 8u60
- security-libs java.security Improve tracing for java.security.debug=certpath
- security-libs java.security Memory leak in ProtectionDomain cache
- security-libs java.security KeychainStore requires non-null password to be supplied when retrieving a private key
- security-libs java.security Support keystore type detection for JKS and PKCS12 keystores
- security-libs java.security StackOverflowError during PolicyFile lookup
- security-libs java.security NullPointerException in PKCS#12 Keystore in PKCS12KeyStore.java
- security-libs javax.crypto To interpret case-insensitive string locale independently
- security-libs javax.crypto Improve GHASH performance
- security-libs javax.crypto Java 8 cannot load its cacerts in FIPS. no such provider: SunEC
- security-libs javax.crypto:pkcs11 java.security.ProviderException: Error parsing configuration with space
- security-libs javax.net.ssl keystore and truststore debug output could be much better
- security-libs javax.net.ssl deadlock in java/io/PrintStream when verbose java.security.debug flags are set
- security-libs javax.net.ssl Only the first DNSName entry is checked for endpoint identification
- security-libs javax.net.ssl Disable RC4 cipher suites
- security-libs org.ietf.jgss:krb5 dns_lookup_realm should be false by default
- tools jdeps shows "not found" if target class has no reference other than its own package
- tools Update 8u jdeps list of internal APIs
- tools javac NullPointerException compiling annotation values that have bodies
- tools javac javac -parameters does not emit parameter names for lambda expressions
- tools javac Java compiler performance degradation jdk1.7 vs. jdk1.6 should be amended
- tools javac Debugger doesn't show variables *outside* lambda
- tools javac Inference failure with nested invocation
- tools javac Debugger has no access to outer variables inside Lambda
- tools javac Wrong LineNumberTable for default constructors
- tools javac Javac erroneously uses instantiated signatures when merging abstract most-specific methods
- tools javac javac generates LVT entry with length 0 for local variable
- tools javac langtools/test/Makefile should not use OS-specific jtreg binary
- tools javac remove unnecessary complexity in Flow and Bits, after JDK-8064857
- tools javac Compiler may generate wrong InnerClasses attribute for static enum reference
- tools javac Make certain annotation classfile warnings opt-in
- tools javac java.lang.AssertionError when compiling JDK 1.4 code in JDK 8
- tools javac javac, shouldn't check nested stuck lambdas during overload resolution
- tools javac Redundant CONSTANT_Class entry not generated for inlined constant
- tools javac Varargs access check mishandles capture variables
- tools javac Check varargs access against inferred signature
- tools javac The crash reporting URL listed by javac needs to be updated
- tools javac Deeply chained expressions + several overloads + unnecessary inference result in excessive compile times.
- tools javac Using Lambda Expression with name clash results in ClassFormatError
- tools javadoc(tool) Table's field width in "Use" page generated by javadoc with '-s' is unbalanced
- tools launcher Deprecate Multi-Version Java Launcher (mJRE) for JDK8
- tools launcher javac does not recognize '*.java' as file if '-J' option is specified
- xml javax.xml.parsers ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException throws in UTF8Reader of SAXParser
- xml jaxp AIOBE occurs when accessing to document function in extended function in JAXP
- xml jaxp XSL: wrong answer from substring() function
- xml jaxp getNodeValue should return 'null' value for Element nodes

Java JDK 8 Update 60 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- This releases includes support for ARMv8 processors, Nashorn enhancements, and improvements to Deployment Rule Set functionality

Bug fixes:
- client-libs XMLParserTest unit test failure.
- client-libs GIFLIB upgrade
- client-libs CloseTTFontFileFunc callback should be removed
- client-libs 8077982 giflib upgrade breaks system giflib builds with earlier versions
- client-libs Deadlock with multimonitor fullscreen windows.
- client-libs [embedded] java.awt.GraphicsDevice.get/setDisplayMode behavior is incorrect when no display is present
- client-libs 2d OpenJDK7 returns incorrect TrueType font metrics
- client-libs 2d gcc compiler warnings in closed source code
- client-libs 2d Type1 font not loaded by java.awt.Font.createFont
- client-libs 2d [OGL] "java.lang.InternalError: not implemented yet" during the blit of VI to VI in xor mode
- client-libs 2d BufferedImage::getPropertyNames() always returns null
- client-libs 2d Printing to Postscript doesn't support dieresis
- client-libs 2d Java's system LnF on OS X: editable JComboBoxes are being rendered incorrectly
- client-libs 2d Path2D copy constructors and clone method propagate size of arrays from source path
- client-libs 2d Upgrade JDK to use LittleCMS 2.7
- client-libs 2d Path2D storage growth algorithms should be less linear
- client-libs 2d Could not enable D3D pipeline
- client-libs 2d OGL text renderer: gamma lut cleanup
- client-libs demo Remove debugging message from Font2DTest demo
- client-libs java.awt Attempting to remove help menu from java.awt.MenuBar throws NullPointerException
- client-libs java.awt Deadlock in SystemFlavorMap.getFlavorsForNative and SunToolkit.awtLock
- client-libs java.awt Frame is not created on the specified GraphicsDevice with two monitors
- client-libs java.awt -spash: can't be combined with -xStartOnFirstThread since JDK 7
- client-libs java.awt [macosx] Unused code in LWCToolkit.m
- client-libs java.awt NullPointerException and no event received when clipboard data flavor changes
- client-libs java.awt Switching to GTK L&F on-the-fly leads to X Window System error RenderBadPicture
- client-libs java.awt Focus lost in applet when browser window is minimized and restored
- client-libs java.awt GraphicsEnvironment.getHeadlessProperty() does not work for AIX
- client-libs java.awt Fix for JDK-7079254 changes behavior of MouseListener, MouseMotionListener
- client-libs java.awt Incorrect Exception message from java.awt.Desktop.open()
- client-libs java.awt IDEA IntelliJ crashes in objc_msgSend when an accessibility tool is enabled
- client-libs java.awt GUI perfomance are very slow compared java 1.6.0_45
- client-libs java.awt Toolkit.getScreenInsets() doesn't update if insets change
- client-libs java.awt [PIT] NPE in DnD tests apparently because of the fix to JDK-8061636
- client-libs java.awt System tray icon title freezes java
- client-libs java.awt Tremendous memory usage by JTextArea
- client-libs java.awt Focus doesn't move when pressing Shift + Tab keys
- client-libs java.awt java.awt.Checkbox.setState() call causes ItemEvent to be filed
- client-libs java.awt java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: aContainer is not a focus cycle root of aComponent
- client-libs java.awt Drawing deviates when validate() is invoked on java.awt.ScrollPane
- client-libs java.awt OperationTimedOut exception inside from XToolkit.syncNativeQueue call on Ubuntu 15.04
- client-libs java.awt Deadlock in awt clipboard
- client-libs java.awt Dragged events for extra mouse buttons (4,5,6) are not generated on JSplitPane
- client-libs java.awt [PIT] Test closed/java/awt/FullScreen/DisplayMode/CycleDMImage.java switches Linux to the single device mode
- client-libs java.awt Wrong changes were pushed with 8068886
- client-libs java.awt:i18n IME Composition Window is displayed on incorrect position
- client-libs java.beans Dead/outdated links in Javadoc of package java.beans
- client-libs javax.accessibility JComponent.AccessibleJComponent.addPropertyListeners adds exponential listeners
- client-libs javax.accessibility Open Source Java Access Bridge - Create Patch for JEP C127 8055831
- client-libs Java version applet hangs with Voice over turned on
- client-libs abort flag is not cleared for every write operation for JPEG ImageWriter
- client-libs javax.imageio JPGWriter does not throw UnsupportedException when canWriteSequence retunsfalse
- client-libs javax.imageio ImageInputStreamImpl.readShort/readIntdo not behave correctly at EOF
- client-libs javax.swing Typo in JInternalFrame setDefaultCloseOperation() doc (WindowClosing --> internalFrameClosing)
- client-libs javax.swing link back to self in javadoc JTextArea.replaceRange()
- client-libs javax.swing JDesktopPane,JFileChooser violate encapsulation by returning internal Dimensions
- client-libs javax.swing Some Swing classes violate encapsulation by returning internal Insets
- client-libs javax.swing Swing's Threading Policy example does not compile
- client-libs javax.swing example in JFormattedTextField API docs instantiates abstract class
- client-libs javax.swing Animated icon is not visible by click on menu
- client-libs javax.swing Pending String deadlocks UIDefaults
- client-libs javax.swing JavaDoc for JSpinner contains errors
- client-libs javax.swing [macosx] Label shortening via " ... " broken when String contains combining diaeresis
- client-libs javax.swing No Horizontal Mouse Wheel Support In BasicScrollPaneUI
- client-libs javax.swing mouse wheel scroll closes combobox popup
- client-libs javax.swing JButtons stay pressed after they have lost focus if you use the mouse wheel
- client-libs javax.swing Incorrect paint of JProgressBar in Nimbus LF
- client-libs javax.swing OutOfMemoryError: RepaintManager doesn't clean up cache of volatile images
- client-libs javax.swing The output's 'Page-n' footer does not show completely.
- client-libs javax.swing Gtk: call to UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName() leads to crash
- client-libs javax.swing Fullscreen mode is not working properly on Xorg
- client-libs javax.swing SwingSet2: Themes are incorrectly enabled when running with Nimbus Look and feel
- client-libs javax.swing Java application menu misbehaves when running multiple screen stacked vertically
- client-libs javax.swing Can not input Japanese in JTextField on RedHat Linux
- client-libs javax.swing JMenuBar looks bad under retina
- client-libs javax.swing ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in javax.swing.text.html.parser.ContentModel.first()
- client-libs javax.swing No mnemonics on Open and Save buttons in JFileChooser
- core-libs GetVersionEx in java.base/windows/native/libjava/java_props_md.c might not get correct Windows version
- core-libs JavaAdapterFactory.isAutoConvertibleFromFunction should be more robust
- core-libs Missing space on a boundary of concatenated strings
- core-libs EmptyStackException at startup if running with extended or unsupported charset
- core-libs (tz) Support tzdata2015e
- core-libs java.lang Object.wait(ms, ns) timeout returns early
- core-libs java.lang Use private static final char[0] for empty Strings
- core-libs java.lang (process) Child is terminated when parent's console is closed [win]
- core-libs java.lang Deprecate Unsafe monitor methods in JDK 8u release
- core-libs java.lang.invoke LambdaForm.prepare() does unnecessary work for cached LambdaForms
- core-libs java.lang.invoke Never taken branches should be pruned when GWT LambdaForms are shared
- core-libs java.lang.invoke Customize LambdaForms which are invoked using MH.invoke/invokeExact
- core-libs java.lang.invoke CountingWrapper.asType() is broken
- core-libs java.lang.invoke DMH LFs should be customizeable
- core-libs java.lang.invoke Customize adapted MethodHandle in MH.invoke() case
- core-libs java.lang:reflect Lazy-init thread safety problems in core reflection
- core-libs java.math java.math.BigDecimal.divide(BigDecimal, RoundingMode) produces incorrect result
- core-libs java.net HTTP Tunnel connection to NTLM proxy reauthenticates instead of using keep-alive
- core-libs java.net (sctp) Possible race initializing native IDs
- core-libs java.net (sctp) InternalError when receiving SendFailedNotification
- core-libs java.net JNI exception pending in jdk/src/solaris/native/java/net
- core-libs java.net HttpServer missing tailing space for some response codes
- core-libs java.net Setting IP_TOS on java.net sockets not working on unix
- core-libs java.net LoginContext Subject ignored by jdk8 sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection
- core-libs java.net Inet4AddressImpl regression caused by JDK-7180557
- core-libs java.nio (fc) FileChannel transferTo should use TransmitFile on Windows
- core-libs java.nio (fc) Rename the new jdk.net.enableFastFileTransfer system property to jdk.nio.enableFastFileTransfer
- core-libs java.nio (so) Socket adapter sendUrgentData throws IllegalBlockingMode when channel configured non-blocking
- core-libs java.nio.charsets IBM1166 Locale Request for Kazakh characters
- core-libs java.nio.charsets Coding regression in HKSCS charsets
- core-libs java.sql Backport JDBC tests from JDK 9 from test/java/sql and test/javax/sql to JDK 8u.
- core-libs java.text Long-form date format incorrect month string for Finnish locale
- core-libs java.text DateFormat in german locale returns wrong value for month march
- core-libs java.time Fix typos, errors and Javadoc differences in java.time
- core-libs java.time java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter error in API doc example
- core-libs java.time principal' should be 'principle' in java.time package description
- core-libs java.time java.time package javadoc typos
- core-libs java.time java.time javadoc error in DateTimeFormatter::parsedLeapSecond
- core-libs java.time java/time/test/java/time/format/TestZoneTextPrinterParser.java fails by timeout on slow device
- core-libs java.util ZipEntry/JarEntry.setCreation/LastAccessTime(null) don't throw NPE as specified
- core-libs java.util TimSort fails with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on worst case long arrays
- core-libs java.util.concurrent Inconsistent exception handling in CompletableFuture.thenCompose
- core-libs java.util.concurrent Missed submissions in ForkJoinPool
- core-libs java.util.concurrent CPU overhead in FJ due to spinning in awaitWork
- core-libs java.util.concurrent LinkedTransferQueue.spliterator can report LTQ.Node object, not T
- core-libs java.util.jar Better message about incompatible zlib in Deflater.init
- core-libs java.util.jar Lazy conversion of ZipEntry time
- core-libs java.util.jar getNextEntry throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when unzipping file
- core-libs java.util.stream Terminal operation properties should not be back-propagated to upstream operations
- core-libs java.util:i18n (tz) TimeZone.getDefault() call returns incorrect value in Windows terminal session
- core-libs java.util:i18n Optimization for locale resources loading isn't working
- core-libs java.util:i18n Unpredictable timezone on Windows when OS's timezone is not found in tzmappings
- core-libs java.util:i18n Support ISO 4217 "Current funds codes" table (A.2)
- core-libs java.util:i18n SimpleDateFormat formatting of "LLLL" in English is incorrect; should be identical to "MMMM"
- core-libs java.util:i18n Performance degradation observed with TimeZone Benchmark
- core-libs javax.naming IPv6 Nameservers in resolv.conf throws NumberFormatException
- core-libs javax.naming ./jndi/ldap/Connection.java needs to avoid spurious wakeup
- core-libs javax.naming Empty optional parameters of LDAP query are not interpreted as empty
- core-libs javax.script Nashorn bug retrieving array property after key string concatenation
- core-libs javax.script (typo in the spec) javax.script.ScriptEngineFactory.getLanguageName
- core-libs javax.script javax.script.ScriptEngineFactory.getParameter spec is not completely consistent with the rest of the API
- core-libs javax.script Nashorn JSON.parse drops numeric keys
- core-libs javax.script Instance properties with getters returning wrong values
- core-libs javax.script The spec on javax.script.Compilable contains a typo and confusing inconsistency
- core-libs javax.script Javascript for-in loop returned extra keys
- core-libs javax.sql RowSetWarning does not correctly chain warnings
- core-libs javax.sql Add RowSetMetaDataImpl Tests and add column range validation to isdefinitlyWritable
- core-libs javax.sql BaseRowSet returns the wrong default value for escape processing
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Nashorn test framework @argument does not handle quoted strings
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Global scope should be initialized lazily
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Investigate if RuntimeCallSite linkage can be removed
- core-libs jdk.nashorn jjs scripting: need way to quote $EXEC command arguments to protect spaces
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Eager code generation fails for earley boyer with split threshold set to 1000
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Function with same body not reparsed after SyntaxError
- core-libs jdk.nashorn JSON-friendly wrapper for objects
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Finally blocks inlined incorrectly
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Disable dual fields when not using optimistic types
- core-libs jdk.nashorn BrowserJSObjectLinker should give priority to beans linker for property get/set
- core-libs jdk.nashorn ant javadoc target is broken
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Local variable type calculation mismatch
- core-libs jdk.nashorn bound java static method throws NPE when 'null' is used for this argument
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Dead typed push methods in ArrayData
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Improve error message when with statement is passed a POJO
- core-libs jdk.nashorn @since and @jdk.Exported are missing in jdk.nashorn.api.scripting classes and package-info.java files
- core-libs jdk.nashorn NashornScriptEngineFactory.getParameter() throws IAE for an unknown key, doesn't conform to the general spec
- core-libs jdk.nashorn NashornScriptEngine.put/get() impls don't conform to NPE, IAE spec assertions
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Halve the function object creation code size
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Wrong 'this' bound to eval call within a function when caller's 'this' is a Java object
- core-libs jdk.nashorn NashornScriptEngine returns javax.script.ScriptContext instance with insonsistent get/remove methods behavior for undefined attributes
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Build errors in 8u-dev after backporting JDK-8067139 and JDK-8066232
- core-libs jdk.nashorn New compiler warning after JDK-8067139
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Can't compare Java enums to strings
- core-libs jdk.nashorn nashorn should not use obj.getClass() for null checks
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Arrays.asList results in ClassCastException with a JS array
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Test for JDK-8068872 fails in tip
- core-libs jdk.nashorn SimpleScriptContext used by NashornScriptEngine doesn't completely complies to the spec regarding exception throwing
- core-libs jdk.nashorn const re-assignment should not reported as a "early error"
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Regex matching causes java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 64
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Indirect eval fails when used as an element of an array or as a property of an object
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Canonicalize "is a JS string" tests
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Startup time: Port shell.js to Java
- core-libs jdk.nashorn More aggressive value discarding
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Static analysis of IfNode should consider terminating branches
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Add tests for JSON parsing of numeric keys
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Threads spinning infinitely in WeakHashMap.get running test262parallel
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Add tests for the basic failure of try/finally compilation
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Typed array setters are very slow when index exceeds capacity
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Slow scope access to global let/const does not work
- core-libs jdk.nashorn jjs exits even when non-daemon threads are still active
- core-libs jdk.nashorn toNumber(String) accepts illegal characters
- core-libs jdk.nashorn nashorn tests should avoid using package names used by nashorn sources
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Several nashorn tests failing
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Undeclared globals in eval code should not be handled as fast scope
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Nashorn crashes when attempting to start TypeScript compiler
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Don't create impossible converters for ScriptObjectMirror
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Persistent code cache should support more configurations
- core-libs jdk.nashorn jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.arrays.IntArrayData.convert assertion
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Optimistic rewrite in object literal causes ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Eliminate dead code around Nashorn code generator
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Enforce best practices for Node token API usage
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Code generator emits an extra POP for discarded boolean logical operation
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Misleading error message when explicit signature constructor is called with wrong arguments
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Nashorn $ENV.PWD is originally undefined
- core-libs jdk.nashorn -d option should dump script source as well
- core-libs jdk.nashorn transparently download testng.jar for Nashorn testing
- core-libs jdk.nashorn use path separator setting consistently in Nashorn project properties
- core-libs jdk.nashorn fix usage of replace and file separator in Nashorn tests
- core-libs jdk.nashorn add $EXECV command to Nashorn scripting mode
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Javadoc warnings in Global.java after lazy initialization
- core-libs jdk.nashorn delete of bound Java method property results in crash
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Allow conversion of native arrays to Queue and Collection
- core-libs jdk.nashorn ListAdapter should take advantage of JSObject
- core-libs jdk.nashorn jjs "nashorn.args" system property is not effective when script arguments are passed
- core-libs jdk.nashorn ListAdapter throws NPE when adding/removing elements outside of JS context
- core-libs jdk.nashorn erroneous dot file generated from Nashorn --print-code
- core-libs jdk.nashorn rename ScriptingFunctions.tokenizeCommandLine
- core-libs jdk.nashorn engine.eval call from a java method which was called from a previous engine.eval results in wrong ScriptContext being used.
- core-libs jdk.nashorn fix Nashorn ant externals command
- core-libs jdk.nashorn reduce dependency of Nashorn tests on external components
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Missing final modifier in method parameters (nashorn code convention)
- core-libs jdk.nashorn JSONListAdapter should delegate its [[DefaultValue]] to wrapped object
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Nashorn -nse option causes parse error on anonymous function definition
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Return value of Objects.requireNonNull call can be used
- core-libs jdk.nashorn address Javadoc warnings in Nashorn source code
- core-libs jdk.nashorn add autoimports sample script to easily explore Java classes in interactive mode
- core-libs jdk.nashorn regression: apply on $EXEC fails with ClassCastException
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Indirect evals should be strict with -strict option
- core-libs jdk.nashorn eval within a 'with' leaks definitions into global scope
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Global scope is not accessible with indirect load call
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Strict eval throws ClassCastException with large scripts
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Convert Scope from interface to class
- core-libs jdk.nashorn obj."prop" and obj.'prop' should result in SyntaxError
- core-libs jdk.nashorn nasgen prototype, instance member count calculation is wrong
- core-libs jdk.nashorn Java adapters with class-level overrides should preserve variable arity constructors
- core-svc debugger nsk/jdi/ExceptionEvent/_itself_/exevent006 and exevent008 tests fail with InvocationTargetException
- core-svc debugger JDI ObjectReferenceImpl.invokeMethod() validation fails for virtual invocations of method with declaring type being an interface
- core-svc java.lang.management Race condition in java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/AllThreadIds.java
- core-svc javax.management Agent NullPointerException when rmi.port in use
- core-svc javax.management JavaSecurityAccess.doIntersectionPrivilege() drops the information about the domain combiner of the stack ACC
- core-svc tools AIX port of "8039173: Propagate errors from Diagnostic Commands as exceptions in the attach framework"
- deploy Java Control Panel accessibility problem with labels and text fields
- deploy java.com link in some of the dialogs are not accessible
- deploy With expired or selfsigned DeploymentRuleSet, not hint is provied in JCP Rule Set dialog.
- deploy DRS: The messaging for invalid rule set jar is not explicit.
- deploy echo elements in ruleset.xml
- deploy Clicking cancel on security dialog for preloader clears the DeniedCertStore
- deploy DRS: Want customizable message in case of application blocking if only default rule is specified
- deploy [parfait] File Handle Leak in configcache_pd.c
- deploy Revert project file accidentally pushed
- deploy The text location of "More information" overlap with "code" in mixed code dialog
- deploy Unit test failures: JNLPClassloaderTest, JNLP2ClassLoaderTest
- deploy Remove support for downloaded JavaFX classes
- deploy Add DRS rules block to Java Usage Tracker records.
- deploy Ensure JFR options could be passed to webstart app by specifying VM arguments in the JCP
- deploy DRS 1.2: checksum algorithm needs to be restricted to SHA-256
- deploy deployment_toolkit DRS: Unable to include escaped characters in message
- deploy deployment_toolkit Test jnlp_file/applicationDesc/index.html#args fails with incorrect arg value
- deploy packager 8u60 Windows 64-bit packager - install succeeds but application fails to start
- deploy plugin DeploymentRuleSet on run action
- deploy plugin Applet is not started in IE on dynamic insertion into a web page
- deploy plugin Java Console GUI is irresponsive in JRE 8u20 on OS X
- deploy plugin Plugin missing MIME type registration for application/x-java-applet;version=1.8
- deploy plugin Slow cache performance since JRE 7u06
- deploy plugin [macosx] Menu items are appearing on top of other windows
- deploy plugin [macosx] Menu items disappear and redrawn quickly when moving mouse into applet frame
- deploy plugin When applet is relaunched, extra JUT records can be sent
- deploy plugin fix to JDK-8078534 removed part of fix to JDK-8076220
- deploy plugin StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in CertUtils.checkWildcardDomain
- deploy plugin embedded_jnlp param requires also code or jnlp_href param or applet arg.
- deploy plugin The applet thrown NullPointerException when loading it
- deploy webstart Application with Signed JNLP cannot pass accented characters in
- deploy webstart Web Start applet process fails to exit
- deploy webstart Java Webstart downloading packed files can result in Timezone set to UTC
- deploy webstart Xcode javaws Project to Debug Native Code
- deploy webstart Fix Xcode project
- deploy webstart Netbeans javaws Project to Debug Native Code
- deploy webstart Visual Studio javaws Project to Debug Native Code
- deploy webstart NPE (instead of proper error dialog) thrown when some jnlp files have no resources
- deploy webstart DRS certificate based rule does not match with Java WS Application compressed by pack200
- deploy webstart jnlp spec version 8.20 is not supported
- deploy webstart jnlp "codebase" attribute has been made mandatory
- deploy webstart Jnlp fails to load with CouldNotLoadArgumentException after JDK-8075179
- deploy webstart cert based run rule doesn't work when running offline
- deploy webstart Web Start does not honor height / width % values
- deploy webstart remove dead code to donwload JavaFX on demand.
- globalization DateFormat for Singapore/English locale (en_SG) is M/d/yy instead of d/M/yy
- globalization translation [de,fr,pt_BR,sv] duplicate mnemonics in JCP security tab.
- globalization translation [windows 8] S. Chinese quotation mark needs to be replaced by English quotation mark
- globalization translation Broken Localization Strings (XMLSchemaMessages_de.properties)
- globalization translation jdk8u60 l10n resource file translation update 2
- hotspot Allow ADLC register class to depend on runtime conditions also for cisc-spillable classes
- hotspot compiler hotspot, "impossible" assertion failure
- hotspot compiler volatile double accesses are not explicitly atomic in C2
- hotspot compiler make DeoptimizeALot dependent on number of threads
- hotspot compiler C1: Incorrect argument type used for SharedRuntime::OSR_migration_end in LIRGenerator::do_Goto
- hotspot compiler C2: CmpU nodes can end up with wrong type information
- hotspot compiler C2: inlining failure due to access checks being too strict
- hotspot compiler SPARC PICL causes significantly longer startup times
- hotspot compiler Fix includes after 8058148: MaxNodeLimit and LiveNodeCountInliningCutoff
- hotspot compiler SIGBUS in C2 compiled method weblogic.wsee.jaxws.framework.jaxrpc.EnvironmentFactory$SimulatedWsdlDefinitions.
- hotspot compiler SIGSEGV in c2 compiled code with OptimizeStringConcat
- hotspot compiler C2: uncommon trap w/ Reason_speculate_class_check causes performance regression due to continuous deoptimizations
- hotspot compiler Use RBP register as proper frame pointer in JIT compiled code on x86
- hotspot compiler assert(fm == NULL || fm->method_holder() == _participants[n]) failed: sanity
- hotspot compiler assert(!_reg_node[reg_lo] || edge_from_to(_reg_node[reg_lo],def)) failed: after block local scheduling
- hotspot compiler assert(!failing()) failed: Must not have pending failure. Reason is: out of memory
- hotspot compiler resolve conflicts between open and closed ports
- hotspot compiler Nondeterministic wrong answer on arithmetic
- hotspot compiler Never-taken branches cause repeated deopts in MHs.GWT case
- hotspot compiler GWT can be marked non-compilable due to deopt count pollution
- hotspot compiler C2 code generator can replace -0.0f with +0.0f on Linux
- hotspot compiler Compilation of constant array containing different sub classes crashes the JVM
- hotspot compiler assert(((ABS(iv_adjustment_in_bytes) % elt_size) == 0)) fails in superword.cpp
- hotspot compiler Unsafe load can loose control dependency and cause crash
- hotspot compiler 8011102 changes may cause incorrect results.
- hotspot compiler ppc: pass thread to throw_AbstractMethodError
- hotspot compiler C2's superword optimization causes unaligned memory accesses
- hotspot compiler JVM fastdebug build compiled with GCC 5 asserts with "widen increases"
- hotspot compiler compiler/eliminateAutobox/6934604/TestIntBoxing.java assert(p_f->Opcode() == Op_IfFalse) failed
- hotspot compiler Crash in PhaseIdealLoop with "assert(!had_error) failed: bad dominance"
- hotspot compiler JVM times out with vdbench on SPARC M7-16
- hotspot compiler Integer.toString(int value) sometimes throws NPE
- hotspot compiler PPC64: Fix wrong rotate instructions in the .ad file
- hotspot compiler 8068945 changes break building the zero JVM variant
- hotspot gc Full GC' events miss date stamp information occasionally
- hotspot gc Per-phase timing measurements for strong roots processing
- hotspot gc G1: assert(_hrs.max_length() == _expansion_regions) failed
- hotspot gc jmap reports unexpected used/free size of concurrent mark-sweep generation
- hotspot gc Early reclaim of large objects that are referenced by a few objects
- hotspot gc os::commit_memory on Solaris uses aligment_hint as page size
- hotspot gc TestParallelHeapSizeFlags fails with unexpected heap size
- hotspot gc Remove temporary G1UseParallelRSetUpdating and G1UseParallelRSetScanning flags
- hotspot gc Hot card cache flush chunk size too coarse grained
- hotspot gc Verification in ClassLoaderData::is_alive is too slow
- hotspot gc SPECjvm2008-Derby -2.7% performance regression on Solaris-X64 starting with 9-b29
- hotspot gc G1TraceReclaimDeadHumongousObjectsAtYoungGC only prints humongous object liveness output when there is at least one candidate humongous object
- hotspot gc Object copy time regressions after JDK-8031323 and JDK-8057536
- hotspot gc ParNew promotion failed is serialized on a lock
- hotspot gc G1 iterates over JNIHandles two times
- hotspot gc JVM crashes during GC on various asserts which checks that HeapWord ptr is an oop
- hotspot gc Improved handling of age during object copy in G1
- hotspot gc Refactor G1s usage of save_marks and reduce related races
- hotspot gc Refactor VM GC operations caused by allocation failure
- hotspot gc G1 ignores AlwaysPreTouch
- hotspot gc Clean up G1 remembered set oop iteration
- hotspot gc assert(is_available(index)) failed in G1 cset
- hotspot gc Decrease Hot Card Cache Lock contention
- hotspot gc Eagerly reclaimed humongous objects left on mark stack
- hotspot gc When iterating over a card, G1 often iterates over much more references than are contained in the card
- hotspot gc Simplify ArgumentsExt and remove unneeded functionallity
- hotspot gc Refactor the G1GCPhaseTime logging to make it easier to add new phases
- hotspot gc Wrong volatile qualifier for field ClassLoaderDataGraphKlassIteratorAtomic::_next_klass
- hotspot gc Refactor strong root processing in order to allow G1 to evolve separately from GenCollectedHeap
- hotspot gc SATB buffer processing found reclaimed humongous object
- hotspot gc SATB queue pre-filter verify found reclaimed humongous object
- hotspot gc Simplify deal_with_reference
- hotspot gc TracePageSizes output reports wrong page size on Windows with G1
- hotspot gc SATB apply_closure_to_completed_buffer should have closure argument
- hotspot gc verify_no_cset_oops found reclaimed humongous object in SATB buffer
- hotspot gc VM hangs in C2Compiler
- hotspot gc BACKOUT - metaspace/shrink_grow/CompressedClassSpaceSize fails with OOM: Compressed class space
- hotspot gc Code heap does not use large pages
- hotspot gc nmethod related crash in CMS
- hotspot jvmti jvmtiStringPrimitiveCallback should not be invoked when string value is null
- hotspot jvmti JSR 292: assert(type() == T_OBJECT) failed: type check
- hotspot jvmti jvmtiRedefineClasses.cpp: guarantee(false) failed: OLD and/or OBSOLETE method(s) found
- hotspot jvmti the constantPoolCacheOopDesc::adjust_method_entries() used in RedefineClasses does not scale
- hotspot jvmti "java.lang.NullPointerException: Method name is null" from StackTraceElement.
- hotspot jvmti more performance issues in class redefinition
- hotspot jvmti Popping a stack frame after exception breakpoint sets last method param to exception
- hotspot runtime Bogus -Xcheck:jni warning for SIG_INT action for SIGINT in JVM started from non-interactive shell
- hotspot runtime Class verifier accepts an invalid class file
- hotspot runtime Client JVM silently exit with fail exit code when running in compact(1,2) with options -Dcom.sun.management and -XX:+ManagementServer
- hotspot runtime -Xcheck:jni improvements to exception checking and excessive local refs
- hotspot runtime Excessive checked JNI warnings from Java startup
- hotspot runtime hotspot build failed with gcc version Red Hat 4.4.6-4
- hotspot runtime HotSpot fails to wrap Exceptions from invokedynamic in a BootstrapMethodError
- hotspot runtime Add method to WhiteBox to get vm pagesize.
- hotspot runtime ZERO variant build is broken
- hotspot runtime Refactor native stack printing from vmError.cpp to debug.cpp to make it available in gdb as well
- hotspot runtime CPU detection gives 0 cores per cpu, 2 threads per core in Amazon EC2 environment
- hotspot runtime Zero+PPC64: Stack overflow when running Maven
- hotspot runtime VirtualSpace does not use large pages
- hotspot runtime Zero builds fails after JDK-6898462
- hotspot runtime Zero: Atomic::xchg and Atomic::xchg_ptr need full memory barrier
- hotspot runtime Locks need better debug-printing support
- hotspot runtime perfMemory_solaris.cpp failing to compile with "Error: dd_fd is not a member of DIR."
- hotspot runtime JVM crashes in JNI if toString is declared as an interface method
- hotspot runtime Replace fatal() with vm_exit_during_initialization() when an incorrect class is found on the bootclasspath
- hotspot runtime JVM stuck in infinite loop during verification
- hotspot runtime AllocateHeap() and ReallocateHeap() should be inlined.
- hotspot runtime BSD build failures due to undefined macros
- hotspot runtime [Linux] Replace syscall use in os::fork_and_exec with glibc fork() and execve()
- hotspot svc Hide lambda proxy frames in stacktraces
- hotspot svc serviceability/sa/jmap-hashcode/Test8028623.java fails with AssertionFailure: can not get class data for java/lang/UNIXProcess$Platform$$Lambda
- hotspot svc Event based tracing locks to rank as leafs where possible
- hotspot svc SA update
- hotspot svc jstack not working on core files
- hotspot svc Fix for 8030115 breaks build on Windows and Solaris
- hotspot svc support new PTRACE_GETREGSET
- hotspot svc Test fails with java.security.AccessControlException: access denied ("java.security.SecurityPermission" "getDomainCombiner")
- hotspot svc Infinite loop reading types during jmap attach.
- hotspot svc jdb eval java.util.Arrays.asList(array) shows inconsistent behaviour
- hotspot svc SystemTap does not work when JDK is compiled with GCC 5
- hotspot test AARCH64: testlibrary does not support AArch64
- install [mac os x] Update '3 Billion Devices' Advert on SetupProgress Dialog
- install 8u20 and later should not change the MSI UpgradeCode for each JRE version
- install Create HKLMSOFTWAREJavaSoftJava Runtime Environment registry keys with msi.
- install [macosx] StagedXML is missing
- install Improve naming consistency in make/installer/bundles/macosx/Makefile
- install auto_update [AU]The auto update window does not read the tag of au-descriptor.xml file to set the "More information" link
- install auto_update [de, fr, it, ko, pt_BR, sv] Layout issue (truncation) in AUWelcome dialog
- install auto_update JDK9 nightly build from 01/23 failed
- install auto_update Add files skipped from the fix to JDK-8071490 by mistake
- install install Install dialogs look bad on Windows when display is set to high DPI
- install install MSI/MST files should be deleted after install
- install install Incorrect UninstallString windows register key in JDK 1.6, 1.7 and 8
- install install HtmlUI: "Change destination folder" checkbox in WelcomeDialog is not accessible by mouse
- install install HtmlUI: checkbox text labels should be clickable
- install install 8u60 nightly solaris_sparcv9_5.10-product build fails
- install install jre8-40 fails to install on SuSE 11.3
- other-libs corba Incorrect property name documented in CORBA InputStream API
- other-libs corba RMI-IIOP communication fails when ConcurrentHashMap is passed to remote method
- performance The CDS classlist needs to be updated for 8u60
- security-libs java.security Improve tracing for java.security.debug=certpath
- security-libs java.security Memory leak in ProtectionDomain cache
- security-libs java.security KeychainStore requires non-null password to be supplied when retrieving a private key
- security-libs java.security Support keystore type detection for JKS and PKCS12 keystores
- security-libs java.security StackOverflowError during PolicyFile lookup
- security-libs java.security NullPointerException in PKCS#12 Keystore in PKCS12KeyStore.java
- security-libs javax.crypto To interpret case-insensitive string locale independently
- security-libs javax.crypto Improve GHASH performance
- security-libs javax.crypto Java 8 cannot load its cacerts in FIPS. no such provider: SunEC
- security-libs javax.crypto:pkcs11 java.security.ProviderException: Error parsing configuration with space
- security-libs javax.net.ssl keystore and truststore debug output could be much better
- security-libs javax.net.ssl deadlock in java/io/PrintStream when verbose java.security.debug flags are set
- security-libs javax.net.ssl Only the first DNSName entry is checked for endpoint identification
- security-libs javax.net.ssl Disable RC4 cipher suites
- security-libs org.ietf.jgss:krb5 dns_lookup_realm should be false by default
- tools jdeps shows "not found" if target class has no reference other than its own package
- tools Update 8u jdeps list of internal APIs
- tools javac NullPointerException compiling annotation values that have bodies
- tools javac javac -parameters does not emit parameter names for lambda expressions
- tools javac Java compiler performance degradation jdk1.7 vs. jdk1.6 should be amended
- tools javac Debugger doesn't show variables *outside* lambda
- tools javac Inference failure with nested invocation
- tools javac Debugger has no access to outer variables inside Lambda
- tools javac Wrong LineNumberTable for default constructors
- tools javac Javac erroneously uses instantiated signatures when merging abstract most-specific methods
- tools javac javac generates LVT entry with length 0 for local variable
- tools javac langtools/test/Makefile should not use OS-specific jtreg binary
- tools javac remove unnecessary complexity in Flow and Bits, after JDK-8064857
- tools javac Compiler may generate wrong InnerClasses attribute for static enum reference
- tools javac Make certain annotation classfile warnings opt-in
- tools javac java.lang.AssertionError when compiling JDK 1.4 code in JDK 8
- tools javac javac, shouldn't check nested stuck lambdas during overload resolution
- tools javac Redundant CONSTANT_Class entry not generated for inlined constant
- tools javac Varargs access check mishandles capture variables
- tools javac Check varargs access against inferred signature
- tools javac The crash reporting URL listed by javac needs to be updated
- tools javac Deeply chained expressions + several overloads + unnecessary inference result in excessive compile times.
- tools javac Using Lambda Expression with name clash results in ClassFormatError
- tools javadoc(tool) Table's field width in "Use" page generated by javadoc with '-s' is unbalanced
- tools launcher Deprecate Multi-Version Java Launcher (mJRE) for JDK8
- tools launcher javac does not recognize '*.java' as file if '-J' option is specified
- xml javax.xml.parsers ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException throws in UTF8Reader of SAXParser
- xml jaxp AIOBE occurs when accessing to document function in extended function in JAXP
- xml jaxp XSL: wrong answer from substring() function
- xml jaxp getNodeValue should return 'null' value for Element nodes

Java JDK 8 Update 51 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bug fixes:
- core-libs java.util:i18n: (tz) Support tzdata2015d
- deploy: Applet throws java.security AccessControlException in java console when playing it
- deploy: unnecessary performance degradation caused by fix to JDK-8052111
- deploy plugin: Slow cache performance since JRE 7u06
- deploy plugin: JNLP property apple.laf.useScreenMenuBar no longer treated as secure for Mac OS
- deploy webstart: JRE 8U25 and 8u31 b32 cannot launch Java Web Start with proxy pac but works fine for 7u67
- deploy webstart: Launching of jnlp app fails with JNLPException
- hotspot jvmti: Memory leak in JvmtiEnv::GetConstantPool
- security-libs javax.crypto: CipherInputStream throws BadPaddingException if stream is not fully read
- security-libs org.ietf.jgss: SPNEGO auth fails if client proposes MS krb5 OID
- xml jaxb: schema1.xsd has wrong content. Sequence of the enum values has been changed
- xml jaxp: Bad error message on parsing illegal character in XML attribute
- xml jaxp: substring in XSLT returns wrong character if string contains supplementary chars

Java JDK 8 Update 51 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bug fixes:
- core-libs java.util:i18n: (tz) Support tzdata2015d
- deploy: Applet throws java.security AccessControlException in java console when playing it
- deploy: unnecessary performance degradation caused by fix to JDK-8052111
- deploy plugin: Slow cache performance since JRE 7u06
- deploy plugin: JNLP property apple.laf.useScreenMenuBar no longer treated as secure for Mac OS
- deploy webstart: JRE 8U25 and 8u31 b32 cannot launch Java Web Start with proxy pac but works fine for 7u67
- deploy webstart: Launching of jnlp app fails with JNLPException
- hotspot jvmti: Memory leak in JvmtiEnv::GetConstantPool
- security-libs javax.crypto: CipherInputStream throws BadPaddingException if stream is not fully read
- security-libs org.ietf.jgss: SPNEGO auth fails if client proposes MS krb5 OID
- xml jaxb: schema1.xsd has wrong content. Sequence of the enum values has been changed
- xml jaxp: Bad error message on parsing illegal character in XML attribute
- xml jaxp: substring in XSLT returns wrong character if string contains supplementary chars

Java JDK 8 Update 45 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Improve jar file handling:
- Starting with JDK 8u45 release, the jar tool no longer allows the leading slash "/" and ".." (dot-dot) path component in zip entry file name when creating new and/or extracting from zip and jar file. If needed, the new command line option "-P" should be used explicitly to preserve the dot-dot and/or absolute path component. Synopsis: jnlp app with nested "resource" section fails with NPE on load in jre8u40:
- A jnlp application, with nested tags within a or tag, can throw an NPE. The issue is now fixed. The tag should be used only if the is actually used.
- Deadlock in awt/logging apparently introduced by 8019623
- Socket impls should ignore unsupported proxy types rather than throwing
- Support tzdata2015a
- Parsing JNLP file should not cause download of extensions.
- JavaWS fails with proxy autoconfig due to missing "dnsResolve"
- 32-bit JRE silent install fails on WINDOWS 2008 SERVER 64-bit under System account
- Failed Java web start via IPv6 (Java7u71 or later)
- StringIndexOutOfBoundsException while reading krb5.conf
- parameter_index for type annotation not updated after outer.this added
- JDK 8 schemagen tool does not generate xsd files for enum types
- XSL: Run-time internal error in 'substring()'
- XSL: wrong answer from substring() function

Java JDK 8 Update 45 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Improve jar file handling:
- Starting with JDK 8u45 release, the jar tool no longer allows the leading slash "/" and ".." (dot-dot) path component in zip entry file name when creating new and/or extracting from zip and jar file. If needed, the new command line option "-P" should be used explicitly to preserve the dot-dot and/or absolute path component. Synopsis: jnlp app with nested "resource" section fails with NPE on load in jre8u40:
- A jnlp application, with nested tags within a or tag, can throw an NPE. The issue is now fixed. The tag should be used only if the is actually used.
- Deadlock in awt/logging apparently introduced by 8019623
- Socket impls should ignore unsupported proxy types rather than throwing
- Support tzdata2015a
- Parsing JNLP file should not cause download of extensions.
- JavaWS fails with proxy autoconfig due to missing "dnsResolve"
- 32-bit JRE silent install fails on WINDOWS 2008 SERVER 64-bit under System account
- Failed Java web start via IPv6 (Java7u71 or later)
- StringIndexOutOfBoundsException while reading krb5.conf
- parameter_index for type annotation not updated after outer.this added
- JDK 8 schemagen tool does not generate xsd files for enum types
- XSL: Run-time internal error in 'substring()'
- XSL: wrong answer from substring() function

Java JDK 8 Update 40 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Java Packager Tool Enhancements:
- Command-line arguments can be passed to self-contained applications. Default arguments are defined when the package is created, which can be overridden by the user when the application is started. See Passing Arguments to a Self-Contained Application.
- File associations can be set up when a self-contained application is installed so that the operating system automatically runs the application for registered file extensions or MIME types. See Associating Files with a Self-Contained Application.
- The UserJvmOptionsService API is available for altering JVM options in self-contained applications. The new settings are used the next time the application is started. See Customizing JVM Options in Self-Contained Applications.
- Multiple entry points are supported for self-contained applications, which enables a suite of products to be bundled into the same application package. See Supporting Multiple Entry Points.
- Change in default values for G1HeapWastePercent and G1MixedGCLiveThresholdPercent:
- The default value for G1HeapWastePercent was changed from 10 to 5 to reduce the need for full GCs. For the same reason the default value for G1MixedGCLiveThresholdPercent was changed from 65 to 85. New Java class-access Filtering Interface:
- The jdk.nashorn.api.scripting.ClassFilter interface enables you to restrict access to specified Java classes from scripts run by a Nashorn script engine. See Restricting Script Access to Specified Java Classes in the Nashorn User's Guide and 8043717 (not public) for more information. JavaFX Enhancements:
- Starting with JDK 8u40 release, JavaFX controls are enhanced to support assistive technologies, meaning that JavaFX controls are now accessible. In addition, a public API is provided to allow developers to write their own accessible controls.
- New JavaFX UI controls; a spinner control, formatted-text support, and a standard set of alert dialogs:
- Spinner Control: A Spinner is a single line text field that lets the user select a number or an object value from an ordered sequence. See javafx.scene.control.Spinner class for more information.
- Formatted Text: A new TextFormatter class provides text formatting capablity for subclasses of TextInputControl (for example, TextField and TextArea). See javafx.scene.control.TextFormatter class for more information.
- Dialogs: The Dialog class allows applications to create their own custom dialogs. In addition, an an Alert class is also provided, that extends Dialog, and provides support for a number of pre-built dialog types that can be easily shown to users to prompt for a response. See javafx.scene.control.Dialog, javafx.scene.control.Alert, javafx.scene.control.TextInputDialog, javafx.scene.control.ChoiceDialog classes for more information. Bug fixes:
- 8028241 - client-libs - Java Access Bridge: F key shortcuts not working if Ctrl, Alt, Shift modifier used
- 8040279 - client-libs - [macosx] Do not use the base image in the MultiResolutionBufferedImage constructor
- 8059944 - client-libs - [OGL] Metrics for a method choice copying of texture should be improved
- 8064468 - client-libs - ownedWindowList access requires synchronization in Window.setAlwaysOnTop() method
- 7067052 - client-libs - 2d - Default printer media is ignored
- 8028539 - client-libs - 2d - Endless loop in native code of sun.java2d.loops.ScaledBlit
- 8034218 - client-libs - 2d - AIX: Provide a better fontconfig.properties file
- 8039444 - client-libs - 2d - Swing applications not being displayed properly
- 8046007 - client-libs - 2d - Java app receives javax.print.PrintException: Printer is not accepting job.
- 8047066 - client-libs - 2d - Test test/sun/awt/image/bug8038000.java fails with ClassCastException
- 8048583 - client-libs - 2d - CustomMediaSizeName class matching to standard media is too loose
- 8054638 - client-libs - 2d - xrender: text drawn after setColor(Color.white) is actually black
- 8056122 - client-libs - 2d - Upgrade JDK to use LittleCMS 2.6
- 8057830 - client-libs - 2d - Crash in Java2D Queue Flusher, OGLSD_SetScratchSurface
- 8057934 - client-libs - 2d - Upgrade to LittleCMS 2.6 breaks AIX build
- 8059941 - client-libs - 2d - [D3D] The fix for JDK-8029253 should be ported to d3d pipeline
- 8059942 - client-libs - 2d - Default implementation of DrawImage.renderImageXform() should be improved for d3d/ogl
- 8061392 - client-libs - 2d - PrinterJob NPE when drawing translucent image with null user clip
- 8061456 - client-libs - 2d - [OGL] Incorrect clip is used during sw->surface blit in xor mode
- 8062164 - client-libs - 2d - Incorrect color conversion, when bicubic interpolation is used
- 8026497 - client-libs - demo - Font2DTest demo: unused resource files
- 6624085 - client-libs - java.awt - Fourth mouse button (wheel) is treated like second button - isPopupTrigger returns true
- 7033533 - client-libs - java.awt - realSync() doesn't work with Xfce
- 8003900 - client-libs - java.awt - X11 dependencies should be removed from Mac OS X build.
- 8024626 - client-libs - java.awt - CTW CRASH: SIGSEGV in ctw/jre/lib/rt_jar/preloading_1 and ctw/jre/lib/rt_jar/sun_awt_X11_ListHelper
- 8026385 - client-libs - java.awt - [macosx] (awt) setjmp/longjmp changes the process signal mask on OS X
- 8029253 - client-libs - java.awt - [macosx] Performance problems with Retina display on Mac OS X
- 8032864 - client-libs - java.awt - [macosx] sigsegv (0Xb) Being Generated When Starting JDev With Voiceover Running
- 8033141 - client-libs - java.awt - Cleanup of sun.awt.X11 package
- 8040007 - client-libs - java.awt - GtkFileDialog strips user inputted filepath
- 8041734 - client-libs - java.awt - JFrame in full screen mode leaves empty workspace after close
- 8043869 - client-libs - java.awt - [macosx] java -splash does not honor @2x hi dpi notation for retina support
- 8046495 - client-libs - java.awt - KeyEvent can not be accepted in quick mouse clicking
- 8048549 - client-libs - java.awt - [macosx] Disable usage of system menu bar if AWT is embedded in FX
- 8049065 - client-libs - java.awt - [JLightweightFrame] Support DnD for SwingNode
- 8049198 - client-libs - java.awt - [macosx] Incorrect thread access when showing splash screen
- 8049996 - client-libs - java.awt - [macosx] test java/awt/image/ImageIconHang.java fails with NPE
- 8051857 - client-libs - java.awt - OperationTimedOut exception inside from XToolkit.syncNativeQueue call
- 8057788 - client-libs - java.awt - [macosx] "Pinch to zoom" does not work since jdk7
- 8058197 - client-libs - java.awt - AWT fails on generic non-reparenting window managers
- 8059590 - client-libs - java.awt - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException occurs when Container with overridden getComponents() is deserialized
- 8059998 - client-libs - java.awt - Broken link in java.awt.event Interface KeyListener
- 8062021 - client-libs - java.awt - NPE in sun/lwawt/macosx/CPlatformWindow::toFront after 8060146
- 8065627 - client-libs - java.awt - Animated GIFs fail to display on a HiDPI display
- 8066986 - client-libs - java.awt - [headless] DataTransferer.getInstance throws ClassCastException in headless mode
- 8034085 - client-libs - java.beans - Do not prefer indexed properties
- 8034164 - client-libs - java.beans - Introspector ignores indexed part of the property sometimes
- 8054157 - client-libs - javax.accessibility - Access Bridge; add definitions for bits 8 and 9 for for new accelerator support
- 8057977 - client-libs - javax.accessibility - Java Access Bridge, regression, NPE, occurs randomly
- 4991647 - client-libs - javax.imageio - PNGMetadata.getAsTree() sets bitDepth to invalid value
- 7058697 - client-libs - javax.sound - Unexpected exceptions in MID parser code
- 7058700 - client-libs - javax.sound - Unexpected exceptions and timeouts in SF2 parser code
- 8054431 - client-libs - javax.sound - Some of the input validation in the javasound is too strict
- 6302052 - client-libs - javax.swing - Reference to nonexistant Class in javadoc
- 6521706 - client-libs - javax.swing - A switch operator in JFrame.processWindowEvent() should be rewritten
- 7169583 - client-libs - javax.swing - JInternalFrame title not antialiased in Nimbus LaF
- 7170310 - client-libs - javax.swing - ScrollBar doesn't become active when tabs are created more than frame size
- 8029536 - client-libs - javax.swing - JFileChooser filter uses .toString() instead of getDescription() for filter text on GTK laf
- 8033699 - client-libs - javax.swing - Incorrect radio button behavior
- 8042835 - client-libs - javax.swing - Unexpected mnemonic in JFileChooser
- 8046559 - client-libs - javax.swing - NPE when changing Windows theme
- 8048110 - client-libs - javax.swing - Using tables in JTextPane leads to infinite loop in FlowLayout.layoutRow
- 8048887 - client-libs - javax.swing - SortingFocusTraversalPolicy throws IllegalArgumentException from the sort method
- 8057893 - client-libs - javax.swing - JComboBox actionListener never receives "comboBoxEdited" from getActionCommand
- 8058193 - client-libs - javax.swing - [macosx] Potential incomplete fix for 8031485
- 8058870 - client-libs - javax.swing - Mac: JFXPanel deadlocks in jnlp mode
- 8059739 - client-libs - javax.swing - Dragged and Dropped data is corrupted for two data types
- 8059943 - client-libs - javax.swing - [macosx] Aqua LaF should use BI.TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE for a better performance
- 8065098 - client-libs - javax.swing - JColorChooser no longer supports drag and drop between two JVM instances
- 8044533 - core-libs - Deoptimizing negation produces wrong result for zero
- 8044534 - core-libs - Constant folding for unary + should produce int for boolean literals
- 8044638 - core-libs - Tidy up Nashorn codebase for code standards
- 8044816 - core-libs - On-demand compiled top-level program doesn't need :createProgramFunction
- 8046201 - core-libs - Avoid repeated flattening of nested ConsStrings
- 8056926 - core-libs - Improve caching of GuardWithTest combinator
- 7011804 - core-libs - java.io - SequenceInputStream with lots of empty substreams can cause StackOverflowError
- 8055949 - core-libs - java.io - ByteArrayOutputStream capacity should be maximal array size permitted by VM
- 6853696 - core-libs - java.lang - (ref) ReferenceQueue.remove(timeout) may return null even if timeout has not expired
- 8000975 - core-libs - java.lang - (process) Merge UNIXProcess.java.bsd & UNIXProcess.java.linux
- 8047340 - core-libs - java.lang - (process) Runtime.exec() fails in Turkish locale
- 8048515 - core-libs - java.lang - Read outside array bounds in jdk/src/solaris/native/java/lang/java_props_md.c
- 8054841 - core-libs - java.lang - (process) ProcessBuilder leaks native memory
- 8060485 - core-libs - java.lang - (str) contentEquals checks the String contents twice on mismatch
- 8031373 - core-libs - java.lang.invoke - Fix deprecation and raw lint warnings in java.lang.invoke
- 8037209 - core-libs - java.lang.invoke - Improvements and cleanups to bytecode assembly for lambda forms
- 8037210 - core-libs - java.lang.invoke - Get rid of char-based descriptions 'J' of basic types
- 8038261 - core-libs - java.lang.invoke - JSR292: cache and reuse typed array accessors
- 8049555 - core-libs - java.lang.invoke - Move varargsArray from sun.invoke.util package to java.lang.invoke
- 8050052 - core-libs - java.lang.invoke - Small cleanups in java.lang.invoke code
- 8050053 - core-libs - java.lang.invoke - Improve caching of different invokers
- 8050057 - core-libs - java.lang.invoke - Improve caching of MethodHandle reinvokers
- 8050166 - core-libs - java.lang.invoke - Get rid of some package-private methods on arguments in j.l.i.MethodHandle
- 8050173 - core-libs - java.lang.invoke - Generalize BMH.copyWith API to all method handles
- 8050174 - core-libs - java.lang.invoke - Support overriding of isInvokeSpecial flag in WrappedMember
- 8050200 - core-libs - java.lang.invoke - Make LambdaForm intrinsics detection more robust
- 8050877 - core-libs - java.lang.invoke - Improve code for pairwise argument conversions and value boxing/unboxing
- 8050884 - core-libs - java.lang.invoke - Intrinsify ValueConversions.identity() functions
- 8050887 - core-libs - java.lang.invoke - Intrinsify constants for default values
- 8057020 - core-libs - java.lang.invoke - LambdaForm caches should support eviction
- 8057042 - core-libs - java.lang.invoke - LambdaFormEditor: ability to derive new LFs from a base LF
- 8057654 - core-libs - java.lang.invoke - Extract checks performed during MethodHandle construction into separate methods
- 8057656 - core-libs - java.lang.invoke - Improve MethodType.isCastableTo() & MethodType.isConvertibleTo() checks
- 8057657 - core-libs - java.lang.invoke - Annotate LambdaForm parameters with types
- 8057922 - core-libs - java.lang.invoke - Improve LambdaForm sharing by using LambdaFormEditor more extensively
- 8058291 - core-libs - java.lang.invoke - Missing some checks during parameter validation
- 8058293 - core-libs - java.lang.invoke - Bit set computation in MHs.findFirstDupOrDrop/findFirstDrop is broken
- 8058661 - core-libs - java.lang.invoke - Compiled LambdaForms should inherit from Object to improve class loading performance
- 8058892 - core-libs - java.lang.invoke - FILL_ARRAYS and ARRAYS are eagely initialized in MethodHandleImpl
- 8059877 - core-libs - java.lang.invoke - GWT branch frequencies pollution due to LF sharing
- 8059880 - core-libs - java.lang.invoke - Get rid of LambdaForm interpretation
- 8060483 - core-libs - java.lang.invoke - NPE with explicitCastArguments unboxing null
- 8063135 - core-libs - java.lang.invoke - Enable full LF sharing by default
- 8066746 - core-libs - java.lang.invoke - MHs.explicitCastArguments does incorrect type checks for VarargsCollector
- 8064667 - core-libs - java.lang:class_loading - Add -XX:+CheckEndorsedAndExtDirs flag to JDK 8
- 8065675 - core-libs - java.lang:class_loading - Deprecate the Endorsed-Standards Override Mechanism
- 8065702 - core-libs - java.lang:class_loading - Deprecate the Extension Mechanism
- 8054987 - core-libs - java.lang:reflect - (reflect) Add sharing of annotations between instances of Executable
- 8055063 - core-libs - java.lang:reflect - Parameter#toString() fails w/ AIOOBE for ctr of inner class w/ generic type
- 8062771 - core-libs - java.lang:reflect - Core reflection should use final fields whenever possible
- 8064391 - core-libs - java.lang:reflect - More thread safety problems in core reflection
- 8057793 - core-libs - java.math - BigDecimal is no longer effectively immutable
- 7010989 - core-libs - java.net - Duplicate closure of file descriptors leads to unexpected and incorrect closure of sockets
- 7150092 - core-libs - java.net - NTLM authentication fail if user specified a different realm
- 8029607 - core-libs - java.net - Type of Service (TOS) cannot be set in IPv6 header
- 8042622 - core-libs - java.net - Check for CRL results in IllegalArgumentException "white space not allowed"
- 8047186 - core-libs - java.net - jdk.net.Sockets throws InvocationTargetException instead of original runtime exceptions
- 8048212 - core-libs - java.net - Two tests failed with "java.net.SocketException: Bad protocol option" on Windows after 8029607
- 8050983 - core-libs - java.net - Misplaced parentheses in sun.net.www.http.HttpClient break HTTP PUT streaming
- 8057936 - core-libs - java.net - java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass uses exceptions in control flow
- 8058216 - core-libs - java.net - NetworkInterface.getHardwareAddress can return zero length byte array when run with preferIPv4Stack
- 8062744 - core-libs - java.net - jdk.net.Sockets.setOption/getOption does not support IP_TOS
- 8011537 - core-libs - java.nio - (fs) Path.register(..) clears interrupt status of thread with no InterruptedException
- 8042470 - core-libs - java.nio - (fs) Path.register doesn't throw IllegalArgumentException if multiple OVERFLOW events are specified
- 8042816 - core-libs - java.nio - (fs) Path.register doesn't throw IllegalArgumentException if multiple OVERFLOW events are specified, part 2
- 8054029 - core-libs - java.nio - (fc) FileChannel.size() returns 0 for block devices on Linux
- 8055421 - core-libs - java.nio - (fs) bad error handling in java.base/unix/native/libnio/fs/UnixNativeDispatcher.c
- 8062501 - core-libs - java.nio - Modifications of server socket channel accept() methods for instrumentation purposes
- 8062233 - core-libs - java.rmi - add java/rmi/server/Unreferenced/finiteGCLatency/FiniteGCLatency.java to problem list
- 8039915 - core-libs - java.text - Wrong NumberFormat.format() HALF_UP rounding when last digit exactly at rounding position greater than 5
- 8042126 - core-libs - java.time - DateTimeFormatter "MMMMM" returns English value in Japanese locale
- 8044671 - core-libs - java.time - NPE from JapaneseEra when a new era is defined in calendar.properties
- 8040806 - core-libs - java.util - BitSet.toString() can throw IndexOutOfBoundsException
- 8048209 - core-libs - java.util - SynchronizedNavigableSet tailSet uses wrong mutex
- 8056248 - core-libs - java.util.concurrent - Improve ForkJoin thread throttling
- 8056249 - core-libs - java.util.concurrent - Improve CompletableFuture resource usage
- 8066397 - core-libs - java.util.concurrent - Remove network-related seed initialization code in ThreadLocal/SplittableRandom
- 8048020 - core-libs - java.util.logging - Regression on java.util.logging.FileHandler
- 8059269 - core-libs - java.util.logging - FileHandler may throw NPE if pattern is a simple name and the lock file already exists
- 8065991 - core-libs - java.util.logging - LogManager unecessarily calls JavaAWTAccess from within a critical section
- 8029452 - core-libs - java.util.stream - Fork/Join task ForEachOps.ForEachOrderedTask clarifications and minor improvements
- 8030079 - core-libs - java.util.stream - Fix raw and unchecked warnings java.util.stream
- 6904367 - core-libs - java.util:collections - (coll) IdentityHashMap is resized before exceeding the expected maximum size
- 8033893 - core-libs - java.util:i18n - jdk build is broken due to the changeset of JDK-8033370
- 8060006 - core-libs - java.util:i18n - No Russian time zones mapping for Windows
- 8047062 - core-libs - javax.naming - Improve diagnostic output in com/sun/jndi/ldap/LdapTimeoutTest.java
- 8049884 - core-libs - javax.naming - Reduce possible timing noise in com/sun/jndi/ldap/LdapTimeoutTest.java
- 8062132 - core-libs - javax.script - Nashorn incorrectly binds "this" for constructor created by another function
- 8066932 - core-libs - javax.script - __noSuchMethod__ binds to this-object without proper guard
- 8025435 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Specialized library functions for optimistic typing
- 8028345 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Remove nashorn repo "bin" scripts to avoid confusion with JDK bin launcher programs
- 8029090 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Developers should be able to pass nashorn properties and enable/disable JFR from command line
- 8035312 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - push() on frozen array increases its length property
- 8038396 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - 8037534 breaks richards Octane benchmark
- 8038413 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - NPE in unboxInteger
- 8038416 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Access to undefined scoped variables deoptimized too much
- 8040024 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - BranchOptimizer produces bad code for NaN FP comparison
- 8043002 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Improve performance of Nashorn equality operators
- 8043003 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Use strongly referenced generic invokers
- 8043004 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Reduce variability at JavaAdapter call sites
- 8043133 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Fix corner cases of JDK-8041995
- 8043137 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Collapse long sequences of NOP in Nashorn bytecode output
- 8043232 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Index selection of overloaded java new constructors
- 8043235 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Type-based optimizations interfere with continuation methods
- 8043431 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Fix yet another corner case of JDK-8041995
- 8043605 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Enable history for empty property maps
- 8043956 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Make code caching work with optimistic typing and lazy compilation
- 8044171 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Make optimistic exception handlers smaller
- 8044502 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Get rid of global optimistic flag
- 8044518 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Ensure exceptions related to optimistic recompilation are not serializable
- 8044803 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Unnecessary restOf check in CodeGenerator.undefinedCheck
- 8044851 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - nashorn properties leak memory
- 8046013 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - TypeError: Cannot apply "with" to non script object
- 8046014 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - MultiGlobalCompiledScript used to cache method handle and strict mode - not anymore
- 8046202 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Make persistent code store more flexible
- 8046215 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Running uncompilable scripts throws NullPointerException
- 8046921 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Deoptimization type information peristence
- 8047331 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Assertion in CompiledFunction when running earley-boyer after Merge
- 8047764 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Indexed or polymorphic set on global affects Object.prototype
- 8048009 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Type info caching accidentally defeated
- 8048079 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Persistent code store is broken after optimistic types merge
- 8048505 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - readFully does not handle ConsString file names
- 8048586 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - String concatenation with optimistic types is slow
- 8048718 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - JSON.parse('{"0":0, "64":0}') throws ArrayindexOutOfBoundsException
- 8049086 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Minor API convenience functions on "Java" object
- 8049242 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Explicit constructor overload selection should work with StaticClass as well
- 8049524 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Global object initialization via javax.script API should be minimal
- 8050432 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - javax.script.filename variable should not be enumerable with nashorn engine's ENGINE_SCOPE bindings
- 8050964 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - OptimisticTypesPersistence.java should use java.util.Date instead of java.sql.Date
- 8050977 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Java8 Javascript Nashorn exception: no current Global instance for nashorn
- 8051439 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Wrong type calculated for ADD operator with undefined operand
- 8051778 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Function.prototype.bind doesn't work on all callables
- 8053910 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - ScriptObjectMirror causing havoc with Invocation interface
- 8053913 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Auto format caused warning in CompositeTypeBasedGuardingDynamicLinker
- 8054223 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Nashorn: AssertionError when use __DIR__ and ScriptEngine.eval()
- 8054411 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Add "nashorn.args.prepend" system property
- 8054503 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - test/script/external/test262/test/suite/ch12/12.6/12.6.4/12.6.4-2.js fails with tip
- 8054651 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Global.initConstructor and ScriptFunction.getPrototype(Object) can have stricter types
- 8054898 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Avoid creation of empty type info files
- 8055034 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - jjs exits interactive mode if exception was thrown when trying to print value of last evaluated expression
- 8055042 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Compile-time expression evaluator was missing variables
- 8055107 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Extension directives to turn on callsite profiling, tracing, AST print and other debug features locally
- 8055199 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Tidy up Nashorn codebase for code standards (August 2014)
- 8055687 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Wrong "this" passed to JSObject.eval call
- 8055762 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Nashorn misses linker for netscape.javascript.JSObject instances
- 8055796 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - JSObject and browser JSObject linkers should provide fallback to call underlying Java methods directly
- 8055870 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - iteration fails if index var is not used
- 8055906 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.ApplySpecialization$1.leaveIdentNode() should throw stackless Exception
- 8055911 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Questionable String.intern() in jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.IdentNode()
- 8055913 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.Node.hashCode() delegates to Object.hashCode() and is hot
- 8055923 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - jdk.nashorn.internal.{codegen.CompilationPhase|runtime.Timing} should use System.nanoTime
- 8055954 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Questionable use of parallelStream() in jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.Context$ContextCodeInstaller.initialize()
- 8056025 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.CompilationPhase.setStates() is hot in class installation phase
- 8056052 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.Source.getContent() does excess Object.clone()
- 8056123 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Anonymous function statements leak internal function names into global scope
- 8056129 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - AtomicInteger is treated as primitive number with optimistic compilation
- 8056978 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - ClassCastException: cannot cast jdk.nashorn.internal.scripts.JO*
- 8057019 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Additional arguments to Function.prototype.apply messes up actual arguments passed
- 8057021 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - UserAccessorProperty guards fail with multiple globals
- 8057148 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Skip nested functions on reparse
- 8057551 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Make class dumping available outside --compile-only mode
- 8057588 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Lots of trivial classes are generated by Nashorn compiler
- 8057611 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - jdk/nashorn/internal/scripts/JO* classes are missing from the generated methods dump
- 8057691 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Nashorn: let & const declarations are not shared between scripts
- 8057703 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Still, lots of trivial classes are generated by Nashorn compiler
- 8057743 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Single quotes must be escaped in message resource file
- 8057825 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - emitted socket arg becomes null in avatar.js http tests
- 8057930 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Remove "eval id" from eval locations
- 8057931 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Instead of not skipping small functions in parser, make lexer avoid them instead
- 8057980 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - let & const: remaining issues with lexical scoping
- 8058100 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Reduce the RecompilableScriptFunctionData footprint
- 8058179 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Global constants get in the way of self-modifying properties
- 8058304 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Non-serializable fields in serializable classes
- 8058422 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Users should be able to overwrite "context" and "engine" variables
- 8058561 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - NullPointerException at
- jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.LocalVariableTypesCalculator.
- symbolIsUsed(LocalVariableTypesCalculator.java:224)
- 8058610 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Pessimistic LMUL used where optimistic should be
- 8058615 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Overload resolution ambiguity involving ConsString
- 8059231 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Octane Raytrace fails when optimistic typing turned off
- 8059236 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Memory leak when executing octane pdfjs with optimistic typing
- 8059321 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Significant parser/frontend overhead in recompilation of avatar.js
- 8059346 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Single class loader is used to load compiled bytecode
- 8059370 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Unnecessary work in deoptimizing recompilation
- 8059371 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Code duplication in handling of break and continue
- 8059372 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Code duplication in split emitter
- 8059443 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Logical NOT operator throws NullPointerException for null Boolean return values
- 8059813 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Type Info Cache flag must must be documented
- 8059938 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - NPE restoring cached script with optimistic types disabled
- 8060011 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Concatenating an array and converting it to Java gives wrong result
- 8060101 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - AssertionError: __noSuchProperty__ placeholder called from NativeJavaImporter
- 8060471 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - GlobalConstants.findSetMethod calls DynamicLinker.getLinkedCallSiteLocation, which does Throwables
- 8060688 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Nashorn: Generated script class name fails --verify-code for names with special chars
- 8061113 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Boolean used as optimistic call return type
- 8061257 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - nashorn ant build script should have a sanity target
- 8061959 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Missing ArrayBuffer.isView() Method
- 8062024 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Issue with date.setFullYear when time other than midnight
- 8062308 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - b36 of 9 introduces regressions over b35 when running lyra
- 8062381 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - String.prototype.charCodeAt called with invalid index throws ClassCastException
- 8062386 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Different versions of nashorn use same code cache directory
- 8062490 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - JDK-8061391 regresses typescript: OOME with too fat SparseArrayData instances
- 8062583 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Throwing object with error prototype causes error proto to be caught
- 8062624 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - java.lang.String methods not available on concatenated strings
- 8062799 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Binary logical expressions can have numeric types
- 8062937 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - GlobalConstants produces wrong result with Object.defineProperty
- 8063036 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Cosmetics: The recompile log produces double lines for some reason
- 8063037 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Trivial bugfixing and exception reuse in ApplySpecialization
- 8064467 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Deoptimization type information persistence doesn't work - "Failed to calculate version dir name"
- 8064707 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Remove NativeArray link logic fields
- 8064789 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Nashorn should just warn on code store instantiation error
- 8065769 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - OOM on Window/Solaris in test compile-octane-splitter.js
- 8065985 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Inlining failure of Number.doubleValue() in JSType.toNumeric() causes 15% peak perf regresion on Box2D
- 8066119 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Missing resource type.error.not.an.arraybuffer
- 8066146 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - jdk.nashorn.api.scripting package javadoc should be included in jdk docs
- 8066669 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - dust.js performance regression caused by primitive field conversion
- 8067136 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - BrowserJSObjectLinker does not handle call on JSObjects
- 8067219 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - NPE in ScriptObject.clone() when running with object fields
- 8068573 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - POJO setter using [] syntax throws an exception
- 8068889 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - Calling a @FunctionalInterface from JS leaks internal objects
- 8069002 - core-libs - jdk.nashorn - REGRESSION: test/script/external/test262/test/suite/ch11/11.2/11.2.3/S11.2.3_A3_T5.js fails with tip
- 8042123 - core-svc - Support default and static interface methods in JDI, JDWP and JDB
- 8044473 - core-svc - Allow for extended set of platform MXBeans
- 8064288 - core-svc - sun.management.Flag should loadLibrary()
- 8028430 - core-svc - debugger - JDI: ReferenceType.visibleMethods() return wrong visible methods
- 8056049 - core-svc - java.lang.management - getProcessCpuLoad() stops working in one process when a different process exits
- 8065397 - core-svc - java.lang.management - Remove ExtendedPlatformComponent.java from EXFILES list
- 8049303 - core-svc - javax.management - Transient network problems cause JMX thread to fail silenty
- 8039173 - core-svc - tools - Propagate errors from Diagnostic Commands as exceptions in the attach framework
- 8044135 - core-svc - tools - Add API to start JMX agent from attach framework
- 8049340 - core-svc - tools - sun/jvmstat/monitor/MonitoredVm/MonitorVmStartTerminate.java timed out
- 8027809 - deploy - ClassNotFound exception when loading jnlp applet in nested resource tag
- 8031989 - deploy - Provide API to get all the JNLP artifacts
- 8037417 - deploy - javaws fails to launch app with empty href in jnlp file if Application-Library-Allowable-Codebase is used
- 8038599 - deploy - Move com.sun.java.browser.dom and com.sun.java.browser.net to deploy
- 8039007 - deploy - jdeps incorrectly reports javax.jnlp as JDK internal APIs
- 8046476 - deploy - VPAT: Application Blocked dialog issues
- 8049088 - deploy - Close icon not highlighted and no name/description readable by screen readers
- 8052106 - deploy - [jcck] extra mnemonics in security dialog.
- 8054971 - deploy - Applet is blocked when requesting sandbox permission and loading loose resource
- 8059136 - deploy - Reverse removal of applet demos [backout 8015376]
- 8062183 - deploy - Change the order of linux proxy detection
- 8068969 - deploy - Add missing information to AppModel
- 8037471 - deploy - deployment_toolkit - The warning message displays the app name and publisher as "UNKNOWN" if cache is disabled
- 8046709 - deploy - deployment_toolkit - Java Control Panel Security Level Radio Buttons do not have name, screen read not able to read the name
- 8059387 - deploy - javafx - Unexpected SSV warning appears on Linux for FX applet requesting JRE 1.7+
- 8060719 - deploy - javafx - TrustDecider.checkMainJarManifest will fail for fx app with embedded certificate.
- 6845304 - deploy - plugin - HTMLStyleElement can't be cast to LinkStyle
- 8011182 - deploy - plugin - Unable to enable the last jre remaining on the system
- 8023095 - deploy - plugin - Applet with legacy_lifecycle=true and jdwp properties destroyed on browseaway
- 8025917 - deploy - plugin - JDK demo applets not running with >=7u40 or (JDK 8 and JDK 9)
- 8032835 - deploy - plugin - Security Dialogs should display OU/O field for Publisher if CN field is empty
- 8042626 - deploy - plugin - Exception occurs when writing many texts to java console
- 8042696 - deploy - plugin - Existing Java method cannot be called from JavaScript in IE
- 8043230 - deploy - plugin - MacNPAPIJavaPlugin incorrectly constructed which sometimes causes Applet not to load
- 8043231 - deploy - plugin - [mac] Too long pipe names: sometimes duplicate names arisesm when many applets on page
- 8023094 - deploy - webstart - web start short cut icon disappear when launch disconnected
- 8027019 - deploy - webstart - Sometimes, codebase property is not written in .lap file in cache before loading app
- 8029579 - deploy - webstart - "Application Error" dialog will show up after click "OK" on "Application Blocked" dialog
- 8046501 - deploy - webstart - DRS - cert based run rule doesn't work when running offline
- 8051890 - deploy - webstart - Java Web Start raises "Unable to create a shortcut for " dialog
- 8055179 - deploy - webstart - Security Dialog for unsigned jnlp still different in jnlp Application case.
- 8064358 - deploy - webstart - JnlpxArgs NullPointerException
- 8066447 - deploy - webstart - 8u40: URL.openConnection fails with exception if "use browser settings" is set and browser itself uses system settings
- 8055175 - globalization - translation - [de] Truncation issue in EULA dialog.
- 8058184 - hotspot - Move _highest_comp_level and _highest_osr_comp_level from MethodData to MethodCounters
- 6351437 - hotspot - compiler - PIT : compiler/6329104/Test6329104.sh fails due to execution time variation
- 6642881 - hotspot - compiler - Improve performance of Class.getClassLoader()
- 6898462 - hotspot - compiler - The escape analysis with G1 cause crash assertion src/share/vm/runtime/vframeArray.cpp:94
- 8023461 - hotspot - compiler - Thread holding lock at safepoint that vm can block on: MethodCompileQueue_lock
- 8026796 - hotspot - compiler - Make replace_in_map() on parent maps generic
- 8029443 - hotspot - compiler - 'assert(klass->is_loader_alive(_is_alive)) failed: must be alive' during VM_CollectForMetadataAllocation
- 8031994 - hotspot - compiler - java/lang/Character/CheckProp test times out
- 8034775 - hotspot - compiler - Failing to initialize VM when running with negative value for -XX:CICompilerCount
- 8035328 - hotspot - compiler - closed/compiler/6595044/Main.java failed with timeout
- 8035605 - hotspot - compiler - Expand functionality of PredictedIntrinsicGenerator
- 8035968 - hotspot - compiler - C2 support for SHA on SPARC
- 8039498 - hotspot - compiler - Add iterators to GrowableArray
- 8040798 - hotspot - compiler - compiler/startup/SmallCodeCacheStartup.java timed out in RT_Baseline
- 8041984 - hotspot - compiler - CompilerThread seems to occupy all CPU in a very rare situation
- 8041992 - hotspot - compiler - Fix of JDK-8034775 neglects to account for non-JIT VMs
- 8042235 - hotspot - compiler - redefining method used by multiple MethodHandles crashes VM
- 8042428 - hotspot - compiler - CompileQueue::free_all() code is incorrect
- 8042431 - hotspot - compiler - compiler/7200264/TestIntVect.java fails with: Test Failed: AddVI 0 < 4
- 8042737 - hotspot - compiler - Introduce umbrella header prefetch.inline.hpp
- 8044538 - hotspot - compiler - assert(which != imm_operand) failed: instruction is not a movq reg, imm64
- 8046289 - hotspot - compiler - compiler/6340864/TestLongVect.java timeout with
- 8046698 - hotspot - compiler - assert(false) failed: only Initialize or AddP expected macro.cpp:943
- 8047326 - hotspot - compiler - Consolidate all CompiledIC::CompiledIC implementations and move it to compiledIC.cpp
- 8047362 - hotspot - compiler - Add a version of CompiledIC_at that doesn't create a new RelocIterator
- 8047373 - hotspot - compiler - Clean the ExceptionCache in one pass
- 8047383 - hotspot - compiler - SIGBUS in C2 compiled method weblogic.wsee.jaxws.framework.jaxrpc.EnvironmentFactory$SimulatedWsdlDefinitions.
- 8048703 - hotspot - compiler - ReplacedNodes dumps it's content to tty
- 8048879 - hotspot - compiler - "unexpected yanked node" opto/postaloc.cpp:139
- 8049252 - hotspot - compiler - VerifyStack logic in Deoptimization::unpack_frames does not expect to see invoke bc at the top frame during normal deoptimization
- 8049528 - hotspot - compiler - Method marked w/ @ForceInline isn't inlined with "executed < MinInliningThreshold times" message
- 8049529 - hotspot - compiler - LogCompilation: annotate make_not_compilable with compilation level
- 8049530 - hotspot - compiler - Provide descriptive failure reason for compilation tasks removed for the queue
- 8049532 - hotspot - compiler - LogCompilation: C1: inlining tree is flat (no depth is stored)
- 8050079 - hotspot - compiler - crash while compiling java.lang.ref.Finalizer::runFinalizer
- 8050972 - hotspot - compiler - Concurrency problem in PcDesc cache
- 8051344 - hotspot - compiler - JVM crashed in Compile::start() during method parsing w/ UseRTMDeopt turned on
- 8052081 - hotspot - compiler - Optimize code generated by C2 for Intel's Atom processor
- 8054224 - hotspot - compiler - Recursive method that was compiled by C1 is unable to catch StackOverflowError
- 8054376 - hotspot - compiler - Move RTM flags from Experimental to Product
- 8054402 - hotspot - compiler - "klass->is_loader_alive(_is_alive)) failed: must be alive" for anonymous classes
- 8054478 - hotspot - compiler - C2: Incorrectly compiled char[] array access crashes JVM
- 8054927 - hotspot - compiler - Missing MemNode::acquire ordering in some volatile Load nodes
- 8055286 - hotspot - compiler - Extend CompileCommand=option to handle numeric parameters
- 8055494 - hotspot - compiler - Add C2 x86 intrinsic for BigInteger::multiplyToLen() method
- 8055946 - hotspot - compiler - assert(result == NULL || result->is_oop()) failed: must be oop
- 8056071 - hotspot - compiler - compiler/whitebox/IsMethodCompilableTest.java fails with 'method() is not compilable after 3 iterations'
- 8056124 - hotspot - compiler - Hotspot should use PICL interface to get cacheline size on SPARC
- 8056964 - hotspot - compiler - JDK-8055286 changes are incomplete.
- 8057129 - hotspot - compiler - Fix AIX build after the Extend CompileCommand=option change 8055286
- 8057750 - hotspot - compiler - CTW should not make MH intrinsics not entrant
- 8057758 - hotspot - compiler - Tests run TypeProfileLevel=222 crash with guarantee(0) failed: must find derived/base pair
- 8058148 - hotspot - compiler - MaxNodeLimit and LiveNodeCountInliningCutoff should be increased
- 8058536 - hotspot - compiler - java/lang/instrument/NativeMethodPrefixAgent.java fails due to VirtualMachineError: out of space in CodeCache for method handle intrinsic
- 8058564 - hotspot - compiler - Tiered compilation performance drop in PIT
- 8058744 - hotspot - compiler - Crash in C1 OSRed method w/ Unsafe usage
- 8058825 - hotspot - compiler - EA: ConnectionGraph::split_unique_types does incorrect scalar replacement
- 8058828 - hotspot - compiler - Wrong ciConstant type for arrays from ConstantPool::_resolved_reference
- 8058847 - hotspot - compiler - C2: EliminateAutoBox regression after 8042786
- 8059139 - hotspot - compiler - It should be possible to explicitly disable usage of TZCNT instr w/ -XX:-UseBMI1Instructions
- 8059226 - hotspot - compiler - Names of rtm_state_change and unstable_if deoptimization reasons were swapped in 8u40
- 8059299 - hotspot - compiler - assert(adr_type != NULL) failed: expecting TypeKlassPtr
- 8059556 - hotspot - compiler - C2: crash while inlining MethodHandle invocation w/ null receiver
- 8059592 - hotspot - compiler - Recent bugfixes in ppc64 port.
- 8059621 - hotspot - compiler - JVM crashes with "unexpected index type" assert in LIRGenerator::do_UnsafeGetRaw
- 8059780 - hotspot - compiler - SPECjvm2008-MPEG performance regressions on x64 platforms
- 8060147 - hotspot - compiler - SIGSEGV in Metadata::mark_on_stack() while marking metadata in ciEnv
- 8062169 - hotspot - compiler - Multiple OSR compilations issued for same bci
- 8062950 - hotspot - compiler - Bug in locking code when UseOptoBiasInlining is disabled: assert(dmw->is_neutral()) failed: invariant
- 8065618 - hotspot - compiler - C2 RA incorrectly removes kill projections
- 8066045 - hotspot - compiler - opto/node.hpp:355, assert(i < _max) failed: oob: i=1, _max=1
- 8066103 - hotspot - compiler - C2's range check smearing allows out of bound array accesses
- 8066199 - hotspot - compiler - C2 escape analysis prevents VM from exiting quickly
- 8066775 - hotspot - compiler - opto/node.hpp:355, assert(i < _max) failed: oob: i=1, _max=1
- 8066900 - hotspot - compiler - Array Out Of Bounds Exception causes variable corruption
- 8067144 - hotspot - compiler - SIGSEGV with +TraceDeoptimization in Deoptimization::print_objects
- 7132678 - hotspot - gc - G1: verify that the marking bitmaps have no marks for objects over TAMS
- 8019342 - hotspot - gc - G1: High "Other" time most likely due to card redirtying
- 8024366 - hotspot - gc - Make UseNUMA enable UseNUMAInterleaving
- 8026784 - hotspot - gc - Error message in AdaptiveFreeList::verify_stats is wrong
- 8027553 - hotspot - gc - Change the in_cset_fast_test functionality to use the G1BiasedArray abstraction
- 8027959 - hotspot - gc - Early reclamation of large objects in G1
- 8028710 - hotspot - gc - G1 does not retire allocation buffers after reference processing work
- 8032379 - hotspot - gc - Remove the is_scavenging flag to process_strong_roots
- 8033764 - hotspot - gc - Remove the usage of StarTask from BufferingOopClosure
- 8033923 - hotspot - gc - Use BufferingOopClosure for G1 code root scanning
- 8034056 - hotspot - gc - assert(_heap_alignment >= _space_alignment) failed: heap_alignment less than space_alignment
- 8034761 - hotspot - gc - Remove the do_code_roots parameter from process_strong_roots
- 8034764 - hotspot - gc - Use process_strong_roots to adjust the StringTable
- 8035393 - hotspot - gc - Use CLDClosure instead of CLDToOopClosure in frame::oops_interpreted_do
- 8035400 - hotspot - gc - Move G1ParScanThreadState into its own files
- 8035401 - hotspot - gc - Fix visibility of G1ParScanThreadState members
- 8035412 - hotspot - gc - Cleanup ClassLoaderData::is_alive
- 8035648 - hotspot - gc - Don't use Handle in java_lang_String::print
- 8035746 - hotspot - gc - Add missing Klass::oop_is_instanceClassLoader() function
- 8037344 - hotspot - gc - Use the "next" field to iterate over fine remembered instead of using the hash table
- 8037958 - hotspot - gc - ConcurrentMark::cleanup leaks BitMaps if VerifyDuringGC is enabled
- 8038265 - hotspot - gc - CMS: enable time based triggering of concurrent cycles
- 8038399 - hotspot - gc - Remove dead oop_iterate MemRegion variants from SharedHeap, Generation and Space classes
- 8038404 - hotspot - gc - Move object_iterate_mem from Space to CMS since it is only ever used by CMS
- 8038405 - hotspot - gc - Clean up some virtual fucntions in Space class hierarchy
- 8038412 - hotspot - gc - Move object_iterate_careful down from Space to ContigousSpace and CFLSpace
- 8038423 - hotspot - gc - G1: Decommit memory within the heap
- 8038829 - hotspot - gc - G1: More useful information in a few assert messages
- 8038928 - hotspot - gc - gc/g1/TestGCLogMessages.java fail with "[Evacuation Failure' found"
- 8039147 - hotspot - gc - Cleanup SuspendibleThreadSet
- 8039596 - hotspot - gc - Remove HeapRegionRemSet::clear_incoming_entry
- 8040002 - hotspot - gc - Clean up code and code duplication in re-diryting cards for verification
- 8040722 - hotspot - gc - G1: Clean up usages of heap_region_containing
- 8040792 - hotspot - gc - G1: Memory usage calculation uses sizeof(this) instead of sizeof(classname)
- 8040977 - hotspot - gc - G1 crashes when run with -XX:-G1DeferredRSUpdate
- 8042255 - hotspot - gc - make gc src file exclusion more automatic
- 8043607 - hotspot - gc - Add a GC id as a log decoration similar to PrintGCTimeStamps
- 8043722 - hotspot - gc - Swapped usage of idx_t and bm_word_t types in parMarkBitMap.cpp
- 8043723 - hotspot - gc - max_heap_for_compressed_oops() declared with size_t, but defined with uintx
- 8046670 - hotspot - gc - Make CMS metadata aware closures applicable for other collectors
- 8047323 - hotspot - gc - Remove unused _copy_metadata_obj_cl in G1CopyingKeepAliveClosure
- 8047818 - hotspot - gc - G1 HeapRegions can no longer be ContiguousSpaces
- 8047819 - hotspot - gc - G1 HeapRegionDCTOC does not need to inherit ContiguousSpaceDCTOC
- 8047820 - hotspot - gc - G1 Block offset table does not need to support generic Space classes
- 8047821 - hotspot - gc - G1 Does not use the save_marks functionality as intended
- 8047976 - hotspot - gc - Ergonomics for GC thread counts should update the flags
- 8048085 - hotspot - gc - Aborting marking just before remark results in useless additional clearing of the next mark bitmap
- 8048088 - hotspot - gc - Conservative maximum heap alignment should take vm_allocation_granularity into account
- 8048112 - hotspot - gc - G1 Full GC needs to support the case when the very first region is not available
- 8048214 - hotspot - gc - Linker error when compiling G1SATBCardTableModRefBS after include order changes
- 8048268 - hotspot - gc - G1 Code Root Migration performs poorly
- 8048269 - hotspot - gc - Add flag to turn off class unloading after G1 concurrent mark
- 8049051 - hotspot - gc - Use of during_initial_mark_pause() in G1CollectorPolicy::record_collection_pause_end() prevents use of seperate object copy time prediction during marking
- 8049411 - hotspot - gc - Minimal VM build broken after gcId.cpp was added
- 8049421 - hotspot - gc - G1 Class Unloading after completing a concurrent mark cycle
- 8049426 - hotspot - gc - Minor cleanups after G1 class unloading
- 8049831 - hotspot - gc - Metadata Full GCs are not triggered when CMSClassUnloadingEnabled is turned off
- 8050973 - hotspot - gc - CMS/G1 GC: add missing Resource and Handle mark
- 8051973 - hotspot - gc - Eager reclaim leaves marks of marked but reclaimed objects on the next bitmap
- 8052170 - hotspot - gc - G1 asserts at collection exit with -XX:-G1DeferredRSUpdate
- 8052172 - hotspot - gc - Evacuation failure handling in G1 does not evacuate all objects if -XX:-G1DeferredRSUpdate is set
- 8054341 - hotspot - gc - Remove some obsolete code in G1CollectedHeap class
- 8054808 - hotspot - gc - Bitmap verification sometimes fails after Full GC aborts concurrent marking
- 8054818 - hotspot - gc - Refactor HeapRegionSeq to manage heap region and auxiliary data
- 8054819 - hotspot - gc - Rename HeapRegionSeq to HeapRegionManager
- 8054970 - hotspot - gc - gc src file exclusion should exclude alternative sources
- 8055006 - hotspot - gc - Store original value of Min/MaxHeapFreeRatio
- 8055525 - hotspot - gc - Bigapp weblogic+medrec fails to startup after JDK-8038423
- 8055635 - hotspot - gc - Missing include in g1RegionToSpaceMapper.hpp results in unresolved symbol of fastdebug build without precompiled headers
- 8055816 - hotspot - gc - Remove dead code in g1BlockOffsetTable
- 8055919 - hotspot - gc - Remove dead code in G1 concurrent marking code
- 8056043 - hotspot - gc - G1 does not uncommit within the heap after JDK-8038423
- 8056240 - hotspot - gc - Investigate increased GC remark time after class unloading changes in CRM Fuse
- 8057143 - hotspot - gc - Incomplete renaming of variables containing "hrs" to "hrm" related to HeapRegionSeq
- 8057531 - hotspot - gc - refactor gc argument processing code slightly
- 8057536 - hotspot - gc - Refactor G1 to allow context specific allocations
- 8057658 - hotspot - gc - Enable G1 FullGC extensions
- 8057710 - hotspot - gc - Refactor G1 heap region default sizes
- 8057713 - hotspot - gc - Destroy resource context and clean out allocation context
- 8057722 - hotspot - gc - G1: Code root hashtable updated incorrectly when evacuation failed
- 8057768 - hotspot - gc - Make heap region region type in G1 HeapRegion explicit
- 8057799 - hotspot - gc - G1: Unnecessary NULL check in G1KeepAliveClosure
- 8057818 - hotspot - gc - collect allocation context statistics at gc pauses
- 8057824 - hotspot - gc - methods to copy allocation context statistics
- 8057827 - hotspot - gc - notify an obj when allocation context stats are available
- 8057916 - hotspot - gc - Sort includes and verify copyright for new files
- 8058209 - hotspot - gc - Race in G1 card scanning could allow scanning of memory covered by PLABs
- 8058235 - hotspot - gc - identify GCs initiated to update allocation context stats
- 8058475 - hotspot - gc - TestCMSClassUnloadingEnabledHWM.java fails with '.*CMS Initial Mark.*' missing from stdout/stderr
- 8058568 - hotspot - gc - GC cleanup phase can cause G1 skipping a System.gc()
- 8059452 - hotspot - gc - G1: Change the default values for G1HeapWastePercent and G1MixedGCLiveThresholdPercent
- 8059466 - hotspot - gc - Force young GC to initiate marking cycle when stat update is requested
- 8059758 - hotspot - gc - Footprint regressions with JDK-8038423
- 8060116 - hotspot - gc - After JDK-8047976 gc/g1/TestSummarizeRSetStatsThreads fails
- 8060467 - hotspot - gc - CMS: small OldPLABSize and -XX:-ResizePLAB cause assert(ResizePLAB || n_blks == OldPLABSize) failed: Error
- 8062036 - hotspot - gc - ConcurrentMarkThread::slt may be invoked before ConcurrentMarkThread::makeSurrogateLockerThread causing intermittent crashes
- 8062063 - hotspot - gc - Usage of UseHugeTLBFS, UseLargePagesInMetaspace and huge SurvivorAlignmentInBytes cause crashes in CMBitMapClosure::do_bit
- 8064556 - hotspot - gc - G1: ParallelGCThreads=0 may cause assert(!MetadataOnStackMark::has_buffer_for_thread(Thread::current())) failed: Should be empty
- 8065227 - hotspot - gc - Report allocation context stats at end of cleanup
- 8065305 - hotspot - gc - Make it possible to extend the G1CollectorPolicy
- 8065634 - hotspot - gc - Crash in InstanceKlass::clean_method_data when _method is NULL
- 8040011 - hotspot - jfr - Metaspace events are missing from JFC files
- 8034935 - hotspot - jvmti - JSR 292 support for PopFrame has a fragile coupling with DirectMethodHandle
- 8057043 - hotspot - jvmti - Type annotations not retained during class redefine / retransform
- 6311046 - hotspot - runtime - -Xcheck:jni should support checking of GetPrimitiveArrayCritical
- 8025842 - hotspot - runtime - Convert warning("Thread holding lock at safepoint that vm can block on") to fatal(...)
- 8031376 - hotspot - runtime - TraceClassLoading expects there to be a (Java) caller when you load a class with the bootstrap class loader
- 8035893 - hotspot - runtime - JVM_GetVersionInfo fails to zero structure
- 8038268 - hotspot - runtime - VM Crashes in MetaspaceShared::generate_vtable_methods while creating CDS archive with limiting SharedMiscCodeSize
- 8038422 - hotspot - runtime - CDS test failed: assert((size % os::vm_allocation_granularity()) == 0) failed when limiting SharedMiscDataSize
- 8042195 - hotspot - runtime - Introduce umbrella header orderAccess.inline.hpp
- 8043275 - hotspot - runtime - interface initialization for default methods
- 8046662 - hotspot - runtime - Check JNI ReleaseStringChars / ReleaseStringUTFChars verify_guards test inverted
- 8046715 - hotspot - runtime - Add a way to verify an extended set of command line options
- 8048169 - hotspot - runtime - Change 8037816 breaks HS build on PPC64 and CPP-Interpreter platforms
- 8050942 - hotspot - runtime - PPC64: implement template interpreter for ppc64le
- 8051002 - hotspot - runtime - Incorrectly merged share/vm/classfile/classFileParser.cpp was pushed to 8u20
- 8054368 - hotspot - runtime - nsk/jdi/VirtualMachine/exit/exit002 crash with detail tracking on (NMT2)
- 8054546 - hotspot - runtime - NMT2 leaks memory
- 8054547 - hotspot - runtime - Re-enable warning for incompatible java launcher
- 8055007 - hotspot - runtime - NMT2: emptyStack missing in minimal build
- 8055051 - hotspot - runtime - runtime/NMT/CommandLineEmptyArgument.java fails
- 8055061 - hotspot - runtime - assert at share/vm/services/virtualMemoryTracker.cpp:332 Error: ShouldNotReachHere() when running NMT tests
- 8055236 - hotspot - runtime - Deadlock during NMT2 shutdown on Windows
- 8055289 - hotspot - runtime - Internal Error: mallocTracker.cpp:146 fatal error: Should not use malloc for big memory block, use virtual memory instead
- 8055684 - hotspot - runtime - runtime/NMT/CommandLineEmptyArgument.java fails
- 8056084 - hotspot - runtime - Refactor Hashtable to allow implementations without rehashing support
- 8056175 - hotspot - runtime - Change "8048150: Allow easy configurations for large CDS archives" triggers conversion warning with older GCC
- 8056971 - hotspot - runtime - Minor class loading clean-up
- 8057623 - hotspot - runtime - add an extension class for argument handling
- 8058251 - hotspot - runtime - assert(_count > 0) failed: Negative counter when running runtime/NMT/MallocTrackingVerify.java
- 8058818 - hotspot - runtime - Allocation of more then 1G of memory using Unsafe.allocateMemory is still causing a fatal error on 32bit platforms
- 8059100 - hotspot - runtime - SIGSEGV VirtualMemoryTracker::remove_released_region
- 8059216 - hotspot - runtime - Make PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime print information about stopping threads
- 8059803 - hotspot - runtime - Update use of GetVersionEx to get correct Windows version in hs_err files
- 8061651 - hotspot - runtime - Add an interface to the JVM's Class/Resource Lookup Index Cache for improving sun.misc.URLClassPath search time
- 8064375 - hotspot - runtime - Change certain errors to warnings in CDS output
- 8064701 - hotspot - runtime - Some CDS optimizations should be disabled if bootclasspath is modified by JVMTI
- 8065346 - hotspot - runtime - WB_AddToBootstrapClassLoaderSearch calls JvmtiEnv::create_a_jvmti when not in _thread_in_vm state
- 8065765 - hotspot - runtime - Missing space in output message from -XX:+CheckEndorsedAndExtDirs
- 8066670 - hotspot - runtime - -XX:+PrintSharedArchiveAndExit does not exit the VM when the archive is invalid
- 8029070 - hotspot - svc - memory leak in jmm_SetVMGlobal
- 8032247 - hotspot - svc - SA: Constantpool lookup for invokedynamic is not implemented
- 8035650 - hotspot - svc - Exclude AIX from VS.NET make/windows/projectcreator.make
- 8044398 - hotspot - svc - Attach code should propagate errors in Diagnostic Commands as errors
- 8046783 - hotspot - svc - Add hidden field to methods for event based tracing
- 8055662 - hotspot - svc - Update mapfile for libjfr
- 8055677 - hotspot - svc - java/lang/instrument/RedefineBigClass.sh RetransformBigClass.sh start failing after JDK-8055012
- 8057535 - hotspot - svc - add a thread extension class
- 8057564 - hotspot - svc - JVM hangs at getAgentProperties after attaching to VM with lower IntegrityLevel
- 8061621 - hotspot - svc - *** java.lang.instrument ASSERTION FAILED ***: "!errorOutstanding" with message transform method call failed at JPLISAgent.c line: 844
- 8065361 - hotspot - svc - Fixup headers and definitions for INCLUDE_TRACE
- 8069590 - hotspot - svc - AIX port of "8050807: Better performing performance data handling"
- 8041383 - install - Restore Java-Security Dialog truncated
- 8048122 - install - VPAT: Mnemonics not set for integrated JRE Uninstall Tool buttons
- 8049060 - install - JDK installer "Java Setup" dialog a11y issue
- 8060057 - install - No checkbox "Enable JAB" after installation of public JRE 8 (only x86 JRE)
- 8062502 - install - Make the MacJREInstallerTests scheme shared across project
- 8065940 - install - not compressing the non-english msi's will speed up the build
- 8067251 - install - RegisterDeploy ping not working correctly
- 8055701 - install - auto_update - Incomplete letters displayed in Java update Welcome dialog
- 8062407 - install - auto_update - jucheck incorrectly uses cached iftw-au.exe if already present in %TEMP%
- 8037813 - install - install - Image on in-progress dialog is not localized
- 8039950 - install - install - JRE installer accessibility is