Java Development Kit (64-bit) 歷史版本列表 Page6

最新版本 Java JDK 19.0.2 (64-bit)

Java Development Kit (64-bit) 歷史版本列表

Java Development Kit 64 位(也稱為 JDK)包含編譯,調試和運行使用 Java 編程語言編寫的小應用程序和應用程序所需的軟件和工具。 JDK 的主要組件是一組編程工具,包括 javac,jar 和 archiver,它們把相關的類庫打包成一個 JAR 文件。這個工具還有助於管理 JAR 文件,javadoc - 文檔生成器,它自動從源代碼註釋生成文檔,jdb - 調試器... Java Development Kit (64-bit) 軟體介紹

Sandboxie Classic 5.50.8 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- MSIServer no longer requirers being run as system completing the move to not using system tockens in a sandbox by default
- the security enhanced option "MsiInstallerExemptions=n" is now the default behavioure

- fixed issue with the "Explore Sandboxed" command
- rolled back the switch from using NtQueryKey to NtQueryObject as it seams to bream soem older w10 versions liek 1803
- this change was introduced to fix
- to use NtQueryObject the option "UseObjectNameForKeys=y" can be added to sandboxie.ini

Sandboxie Classic 5.50.7 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- added option to always auto pick the DefautlBox sandbox
- -- when this option is enabled the normal behavioure with a box selection dialog can be achived holding down CTRL
- added option to hide boxed form the run in box dialog
- -- usefull to avoidl listing for example insecure compatybility test boxes
- added box options to sys tray

- changed default terminate all boxed processes key from Ctrl+Break to Ctrl+Alt+Break
- start.exe does no longer link in all that unused MFC code reduced file size form over 2.5MB to below 250KB
- updated the main sandman and tray icon
- improved the bov view tree style

- added additional delay and retryes to kmdutill.exe to mitigate issues when unloading the driver
- fixed issue with sbiectrl not being properly started after setup
- fixed issue with explore sandboxed shell option
- fixed issue when running sandman elevated
- fixed new box selection dialog showing disabled boxes
- fixed issue updating box active status
- fixed issue with boxes that head auto delete activated introduced in the previous build

- removed Online Armor support as this product is deprecated since 2016

Sandboxie Classic 5.50.6 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- global hotkey to terminate all boxed processes (by default Ctrl+Break)
the Run Sandboxed dialog can now be handled by the Sandman UI.
- "AllowBoxedJobs=y" allowing boxed processes to use nested jobs on Windows 8 and later note: this allows Chrome and other programs to use the job system for additional isolation
- librewolf.exe to the list of Firefox derivatives
- run regedit sandboxed menu command
- new support settings tab to Sandman UI for updates and stuff
- code integrity verification to Sbie service and UI
- template for Vivaldi Notes
- LibreWolf template

- Replaced the Process List used by the driver with a much faster Hash Map implementation
- Note: this change provides an almost static system call speed of 1.2us irregardless of the running process count
- The old list, with 100 programs running required: 4.5µs; with 200: 12µs; and with 300: 18µs per syscall
- Note: some of the slowdown was affecting also non sandboxed applications due to how the driver handles certain callbacks
- Replaced the per-process Thread List used by the driver with a much faster Hash Map implementation
- Replaced configuration section list with a hash map to improve configuration performance, and increased line limit to 100000
- not yet enabled in production build
- the presence of default box is only checked on connect
- the portable dir dialog now shows the directory #924
- when terminated boxed processes now we first try doing that by terminating the job object
- the driver now by default can terminate problematic processes without the help of the service
- box delete routine now retries up to 10 times to fix #954
- Replaced the Process List used by the service with a much faster Hash Map implementation
- Replaced the per-process Thread List used by the service with a much faster Hash Map implementation

- faulty initialization in SetServiceStatus
- buttons position in Classic UI settings
- missing password length check in the Sandman UI
- issues opening job objects by name
- missing permission check when reopening job object handles
- issue with some Chromium 90+ hooks affecting PDF plugin in derived browsers
- issues with reconnecting broken LPC ports used for communication with SbieSvc
- minor setting issue
- minor UI issue with resource access COM settings
- an issue with NtQueryKey using NtQueryObject instead
- crash in key.c when failing to resolve key paths
added workaround for topmost modality issue
-- the notification window is not only topmost for 5 seconds
- an issue deleting directories introduced in 5.49.5
- an issue when creating box copies
- performance bug introduced in 0.8.5

- removed switch for "BlockPassword=n" as it does not seem to be working
- it's recommended to use "OpenSamEndpoint=y" to allow for password change in windows 10

Sandboxie Classic 5.50.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Sandboxie now applies by default "Close...=!,..." directives to non-excluded images if they are located in a sandbox
- -- added 'AlwaysCloseForBoxed=n' to disable this behaviour as it may not be always desired, and it doesn't provide extra security
- added process image information to Sandman UI
- localized template categories in the Plus UI
- added "DisableResourceMonitor=y" to disable resource access monitor for selected boxes
- added option to show trace entries only for the selected sandbox
- added "UseVolumeSerialNumbers=y" that allows drive letters to be suffixed with the volume SN in the drive sandbox location
- -- it helps to avoid files mixed together on multiple pendrives using the same letter
- -- note: this option is not compatible with the recovery function of the Classic UI, only SandMan UI is fully compatible

- portable cleanup message now has y/n/c options
- consolidated Proc_CreateProcessInternalW and Proc_CreateProcessInternalW_RS5 to remove duplicate code
- the ElevateCreateProcess fix, as sometimes applied by the Program Compatibility Assistant, will no longer be emulated by default
- -- use 'ApplyElevateCreateProcessFix=y' or 'ApplyElevateCreateProcessFix=program.exe,y' to enable it
- trace log gets disabled only when it has no entries and the logging is stopped

- fixed APC issue with the new global hook emulation mechanism and WoW64 processes
- fixed IPv6 issues with BlockPort options
- fixed an issue with CheatEngine when "OpenWinClass=*" was specified
- fixed memory corruption in SbieDrv
- fixed crash issue with process elevation on CreateProcess calls
- fixed process elevation when running in the built-in administrator account
- fixed template preview resetting unsaved entries in box options window
- fixed an issue with driver verifier and user handles
- fixed driver memory leak of FLT_FILE_NAME_INFORMATION objects
- fixed broken clipboard introduced in 5.50.0
- fixed dcom launch issue on windows 7 32 bit introduced in 5.50.0
- properly fixed an issue with Driver Verifier and user handles
- fixed an issue with CreateWindow function introduced with 0.8.0
- fixed issue with outdated BoxDisplayOrder entries being retained

Sandboxie Classic 5.50.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Sandboxie now applies by default "Close...=!,..." directives to non-excluded images if they are located in a sandbox
- -- added 'AlwaysCloseForBoxed=n' to disable this behaviour as it may not be always desired, and it doesn't provide extra security
- added process image information to Sandman UI
- localized template categories in the Plus UI
- added "DisableResourceMonitor=y" to disable resource access monitor for selected boxes
- added option to show trace entries only for the selected sandbox
- added "UseVolumeSerialNumbers=y" that allows drive letters to be suffixed with the volume SN in the drive sandbox location
- -- it helps to avoid files mixed together on multiple pendrives using the same letter
- -- note: this option is not compatible with the recovery function of the Classic UI, only SandMan UI is fully compatible

- portable cleanup message now has y/n/c options
- consolidated Proc_CreateProcessInternalW and Proc_CreateProcessInternalW_RS5 to remove duplicate code
- the ElevateCreateProcess fix, as sometimes applied by the Program Compatibility Assistant, will no longer be emulated by default
- -- use 'ApplyElevateCreateProcessFix=y' or 'ApplyElevateCreateProcessFix=program.exe,y' to enable it
- trace log gets disabled only when it has no entries and the logging is stopped

- APC issue with the new global hook emulation mechanism and WoW64 processes
- IPv6 issues with BlockPort options
- an issue with CheatEngine when "OpenWinClass=*" was specified
- memory corruption in SbieDrv
- crash issue with process elevation on CreateProcess calls
- process elevation when running in the built-in administrator account
- template preview resetting unsaved entries in box options window
- an issue with driver verifier and user handles
- driver memory leak of FLT_FILE_NAME_INFORMATION objects
- broken clipboard introduced in 5.50.0
- dcom launch issue on windows 7 32 bit introduced in 5.50.0

Sandboxie Classic 5.49.8 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- with "OpenClipboard=n" clipboard access for a sandbox can be now disabled

- now by default the OpenBluetooth template is enabled to enable compatybility with unity games
- "PreferExternalManifest=program.exe,y" can now be set on a per process basis

- fixed compiled issues with the most recent vs2019 update
- fixed issue with vivaldi browser
- fixed some issues with box options in the plus ui
- fixed some issues with hw acceleration in chromium based browsers
- the stop all command now issues "kmdutill scandll" first to solve issues when the SbieDll.Dll is in use
- workaround for electorn apps, by forcing a additional commandline argument on the gpu renderer process

Java JDK 16.0.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Volgograd switches to Moscow time on 2020-12-27 at 02:00
- South Sudan changes from +03 to +02 on 2021-02-01 at 00:00

- New System and Security Properties to Control Reconstruction of Remote Objects by JDK's Built-in JNDI RMI and LDAP Implementations:
- Jdk.jndi.object.factoriesFilter: This system and security property allows a serial filter to be specified that controls the set of object factory classes permitted to instantiate objects from object references returned by naming/directory systems. The factory class named by the reference instance is matched against this filter during remote reference reconstruction. The filter property supports pattern-based filter syntax with the format specified by JEP 290. This property applies both to the JNDI/RMI and the JNDI/LDAP built-in provider implementations. The default value allows any object factory class specified in the reference to recreate the referenced object.
- Com.sun.jndi.ldap.object.trustSerialData: This system property allows control of the deserialization of java objects from the javaSerializedData LDAP attribute. To prevent deserialization of java objects from the attribute, the system property can be set to false value. By default, deserialization of java objects from the javaSerializedData attribute is allowed.

Added 2 HARICA Root CA Certificates - The following root certificates have been added to the cacerts truststore:
- Haricarootca2015 - DN: CN=Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions RootCA 2015, O=Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions Cert. Authority, L=Athens, C=GR
- Haricaeccrootca2015 - DN: CN=Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions ECC RootCA 2015, O=Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions Cert. Authority, L=Athens, C=GR

Less Ambiguous Processing of ProcessBuilder Quotes on Windows:
- In the java.lang.ProcessBuilder implementation on Windows, the system property jdk.lang.process.allowAmbiguousCommands=false ensures, for each argument, that double-quotes are properly encoded in the command string passed to Windows CreateProcess. An argument with a final trailing double-quote preceded by a backslash is encoded as a literal double-quote; previously, the argument including the double-quote would be joined with the next argument. An empty argument is encoded as a pair of double-quotes ("") resulting in a zero length string passed for the argument to the process; previously, it was silently ignored. An argument containing double-quotes, other than first and last, is encoded to preserve the double-quotes when passed to the process; previously, the embedded double-quotes would be dropped and not passed to the process. There is no change to existing behavior when the jdk.lang.process.allowAmbiguousCommands property is set to true: jdk.lang.process.allowAmbiguousCommands=true.

- Upgrade to LittleCMS 2.12
- Upgrade to FreeType 2.10.4
- Windows IME was disabled after DnD operation
- Deadlock between URLStreamHandler.getHostAddress and file.Handler.openconnection
- UTF8ZipCoder not thread-safe since JDK-8243469
- AccessDeniedException caused by delayed file deletion on Windows
- Dynalink leaks memory when generating type converters
- Jdk/dynalink/ failed with "AssertionError: Should have GCd a method handle by now"
- C2: assert failed ("Bad derived pointer") with -XX:+VerifyRegisterAllocator
- C2: assert((constant_addr - _masm.code()->consts()->start()) == con.offset())
- AllocateUninitializedArray C2 intrinsic fails with void.class input
- Fix incorrect result of Math.abs() with char type
- Incorrect predication condition generated by ADLC
- C1: 3-arg StubAssembler::call_RT stack-use condition is incorrect
- Some fields in HaltNode is not cloned
- Code IfNode::fold_compares_helper more defensively
- Epsilon: improve performance under contention during virtual space expansion
- Epsilon: clean up unused includes
- InstanceKlass::has_as_permitted_subclass() fails if subclass was redefined
- Zero error reporting is broken after JDK-8255711
- Crash caused by lambda proxy class loaded in Shutdown hook
- UseCompressedClassPointers depends on UseCompressedOops in vmError.cpp
- Using -Xcheck:jni can lead to a double-free after JDK-8193234
- PPC64 Zero build fails with 'VMError::controlled_crash(int)::FunctionDescriptor functionDescriptor' has incomplete type and cannot be defined
- CDS: java/lang/ModuleLayer.EMPTY_LAYER should be singleton
- Cannot programmatically retrieve Metaspace max set via JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS
- Regression introduced with JDK-8250984 - memory might be null in some machines
- Try catch Method failing to work when dividing an integer by 0
- TLS connection always receives close_notify exception
- XML declaration is not followed by a newline

5KPlayer 6.8 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


OpenVPN 2.5.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Avoid generating unecessary mbed debug messages
- Restore also ping related options on a reconnect
- Cleanup print_details and add signature/ED certificate print
- Always disable TLS renegotiations
- Also restore/save route-gateway options on SIGUSR1 reconnects
- Move context_auth from context_2 to tls_multi and name it multi_state
- Fix condition to generate session keys
- Move auth_token_state from multi to key_state
- Ensure auth-token is only sent on a fully authenticated session
- Ensure key state is authenticated before sending push reply
- Fix potential NULL ptr crash if compiled with DMALLOC
- Preparing release 2.5.2
- In init_ssl, open the correct CRL path pre-chroot
- Abort if CRL file can't be stat-ed in ssl_init
- Do not print Diffie Hellman parameters file to log file
- openvpnserv: Cache last error before it is overridden
- Fix IPv4 default gateway with multiple route tables

TagScanner 6.1.8 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New: Support WebP image format for covers
- New: Scripting function $insert(a,b,n), $getpart(x,n,c)
- Fixed: Incorrect codepage error on some AIFF files
- Updated some examples in help
- Translation: Finnish