JabRef (32-bit)

最新版本 JabRef 3.6 (32-bit)

JabRef 3.6 (32-bit)

JabRef 3.6 (32-bit)
JabRef 是一個開源書目參考管理器。 JabRef 使用的本地文件格式是 BibTeX,這是標準的 LaTeX 參考書目格式。 JabRef 運行在 Java VM(1.8 或更高版本)上,在 Windows,Linux 和 Mac OS 上運行良好。X.

BibTeX 是由 Oren Patashnik 和 Leslie Lamport 為 LaTeX 文檔準備系統編寫的應用程序和參考書目文件格式。一般信息可以在 CTAN BibTeX 軟件包信息頁面找到。 JabRef 還支持 BibLaTeX.

由 LaTeX 和 BibTeX 生成的 BibTeX 文件可以通過使用不同的 BibTeX 和 BibLaTeX 樣式文件進行格式化以適應任何參考列表規範。

JabRef 功能:

搜索 Web
可以在外部數據庫和 BibTeX 條目中搜索條目可以從那裡獲取。實例來源:arXiv,CiteseerX,Google Scholar,Medline,GVK,IEEEXplore 和 Springer

RIS,Medline / Pubmed(xml),Refer / Endnote,INSPEC,BibTeXML,CSA,ISI Web of Science,SilverPlatter,Scifinder,OVID, Biblioscape,Sixpack,JStor 和 RIS.

JabRef 可以指示搜索引用的全文,下載並直接鏈接到 BibTeX 條目。



啟動外部應用程序:PDF 查看器,Web 瀏覽器。將引文插入 TeXstudio,LyX,Kile,LatexEditor,Emacs,Vim 和 WinEdt

BibTeX 密鑰可以自定義的方式從文檔數據中自動生成。使用作者姓名,標題和年份.

支持 PDF 中的 XMP 元數據 61225896 改進共享 PDF 和參考書目信息的工作流程

HTML,Docbook,BibTeXML,MODS,RTF,Refer / Endnote 和 OpenOffice.org 以及 LibreOffice

Customization JabRef 接口

定制 BibTeX 字段
您可以添加自己的字段到任何 BibTeX 入口類型。

注意:需要 Java 運行時環境.

也可以:下載 JabRef for Mac


檔案版本 JabRef 3.6 (32-bit)

檔案名稱 JabRef_windows_3_6.exe
檔案大小 25.43 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 JabRef Team
官網 http://www.jabref.org/
更新日期 2016-08-26

What's new in this version:

- Extend the OpenConsoleFeature by offering a selection between default terminal emulator and configurable command execution.
- Implementation of shared database support (full system) with event based synchronization for MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle database systems.
- JabRef does no longer delete user comments outside of BibTeX entries and strings
- Hotkeys are now consistent
- Date layout formatter added
- Cleanup ISSN
- Selected field names are written in uppercase in the entry editor
- Added tooltip to web search button
- Added a button to open Database Properties dialog help
- The "etal"-string in the Authors layout formatter can now be empty
- Added EntryTypeFormatter to add camel casing to entry type in layouts, e.g., InProceedings
- Added print entry preview to the right click menu
- Added links to JabRef internet resources
- Added integrity check to avoid non-ASCII characters in BibTeX files
- Added ISBN integrity checker
- Added filter to not show selected integrity checks
- Automatically generated group names are now converted from LaTeX to Unicode
- Enhance the entry customization dialog to give better visual feedback
- Externally fetched information can be merged for entries with an ISBN
- Externally fetched information can be merged for entries with an ArXiv eprint
- File open dialogs now use default extensions as primary file filter
- For developers: Moved the bst package into logic. This requires the regeneration of antlr sources, execute: gradlew generateSource
- It is now possible to generate a new BIB database from the citations in an OpenOffice/LibreOffice document
- It is now possible to add your own lists of protected terms, see Options -> Manage protected terms
- Improve focus of the maintable after a sidepane gets closed (Before it would focus the toolbar or it would focus the wrong entry)
- Table row height is adjusted on Windows which is useful for high resolution displays
- The field name in the layout files for entry type is changed from bibtextype to entrytype. Please update your existing files as support for bibtextype will be removed eventually.
- The contents of crossref and related will be automatically updated if a linked entry changes key
- The information shown in the main table now resolves crossrefs and strings and it can be shown which fields are resolved in this way (Preferences -> Appearance -> Color codes for resolved fields)
- The formatting of the main table is based on the actual field shown when using e.g. title/author
- The arXiv fetcher now also supports free-text search queries
- Undo/redo are enabled/disabled and show the action in the tool tip
- Unified dialogs for opening/saving files

- Fixed: DOI in export filters
- Fixed: Preferences for the BibTeX key generator set in a version prior to 3.2 are now migrated automatically to the new version
- Fixed: S with caron does not render correctly
- Fixed: Newly opened bib-file is not focused
- Fixed: LaTeX commands in fields not displayed in the list of references
- Fixed: Save-Dialog for Lookup fulltext document now opens in the specified working directory
- Fixed: {} braces are now treated correctly in in author/editor
- Fixed: 'Get BibTeX data from DOI' Removes Marking
- Fixed: The word "Seiten" is automatically removed when fetching info from ISBN
- Fixed: relax can be used for abbreviation of author names
- Fixed: Import dialog is no longer hidden behind main window
- Fixed: LibreOffice: wrong numbers in citation labels
- Fixed: Adding a file to an entry opened dialog in the parent folder of the working directory
- Fixed: User comments (@Comment) with or without brackets are now kept
- Fixed: Google Scholar fetching works again.
- Fixed: Searching with double quotes in a specific field ignores the last character
- Fixed: Dialog for manual connection to OpenOffice/LibreOffice works again on Linux
- Fixed: An entry now must have a BibTeX key to be cited in OpenOffice/LibreOffice
- Fixed: "month" field ascending/descending sorting swapped
- Fixed: @-Symbols stored in BibTeX fields no longer break the database
- Fixed: BibLaTeX date field is now correctly exported as year in MS-Office 2007 xml format
- Fixed: Preview updated correctly when selecting a single entry after selecting multiple entries
- Fixed: Show all supported import types as default
- Fixed: Integrity check no longer removes URL field by mistake
- Fixed: LaTeX characters in author names are now converted to Unicode before export in MS-Office 2007 xml format
- Fixed: volume, journaltitle, issue and number(for patents) fields are now exported correctly in MS-Office 2007 xml format
- Fixed NullPointerException when clicking OK without specifying a field name in set/clear/rename fields
- Fixed IndexOutOfBoundsException when trying to download a full text document without selecting an entry
- Fixed NullPointerException when trying to set a special field or mark an entry through the menu without having an open database
- Fixed NullPointerException when trying to synchronize file field with an entry without BibTeX key
- Fixed NullPointerException when importing PDFs and pressing cancel when selecting entry type
- Fixed a number of issues related to accessing the GUI from outside the EDT
- Fixed NullPointerException when using BibTeX key pattern authFirstFull and the author does not have a "von"-part
- Fixed NullPointerException when opening Customize entry type dialog without an open database
- LaTeX to Unicode converter now handles combining accents
- Fixed NullPointerException when clicking Browse in Journal abbreviations with empty text field
- Fixed NullPointerException when opening file in Plain text import
- Fixed NullPointerException when appending database
- Fixed NullPointerException when loading a style file that has not got a default style
- Date fields in the BibLatex standard are now always formatted in the correct way, independent of the preferences
- The merge entry dialog showed wrong heading after merging from DOI
- Manage content selectors now saves edited existing lists again and only marks database as changed when the content selectors are changed
- When inserting a duplicate the right entry will be selected
- Preview panel height is now saved immediately, thus is shown correctly if the panel height is changed, closed and opened again

- Removed the possibility to auto show or hide the groups interface
- It is not longer possible to choose to convert HTML sub- and superscripts to equations
- Removed option to open right-click menu with ctrl + left-click as it was not working
- Removed option to disable entry editor when multiple entries are selected as it was not working
- Removed option to show warning for empty key as it was not working
- Removed option to show warning for duplicate key as it was not working
- Removed preview toolbar (since long disabled)

JabRef 3.6 (32-bit) 相關參考資料
Can't fetch DOI information · Issue #2052 · JabRefjabref

2016年9月24日 — JabRef version 3.6 Steps to reproduce: Choose DOI to Bibtex ... JabRef version 3.6. Steps to ... I tried both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Java ...


Descargar JabRef 3.6 (32-bit) de FileHorse.com

Aplicación gráfica de Java para la gestión de bases de datos (bibtex .bib) · JabRef 3.6 (32-bit) · Detalles clave sobre esta descarga.


Installation | 4.x

2021年11月10日 — Ubuntu and Oracle Java. This applies for both 32bit and 64bit and both Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, 16.04 LTS, 18.04 LTS and 20.04 LTS. Install Oracle JDK:.


JabRef 3.6 (32-bit) Descargar

2016年8月26日 — Descarga JabRef 3.6 (32-bit) para PC de Windows desde FileHorse. 100% seguro y protegido ✓ Versión de software de descarga gratuita 32-bit.


JabRef 3.6 für Windows downloaden - Filehippo.com

JabRef 3.6 fürr Windows downloaden. Schnelle Downloads von aktualisierter kostenloser Software! Jetzt klicken.


JabRef 的旧版本(Windows)

... Windows 上JabRef 的旧版本。JabRef ... JabRef. 5.13. JabRef Team. 0 评价. 29.7 k 下载. 管理你的 ... (32-bit) 16 11月2016. exe 3.6 (64-bit) 31 8月2016.


jabrefsrcmainresourcesl10nJabRef_ru.properties at main

... JabRef/jabref. ... 32- bit- mode- or- 64- bit- mode.=Не удалось ... 3.6- one.=Вместе с тем была создана новая база ...


Link to v2.xx and problems with v3.xx - Help

2016年8月31日 — (FWIW, 2 of the main issues I have with v3 are: jabref 3.6 keeps crashing (on Windows 7, java 8.101 32-bit); entries get mixed up: i.e. I create ...


Older versions of JabRef (Windows)

exe 3.7 (32-bit) Nov 16, 2016. exe 3.6 (64-bit) Aug 31, 2016. exe 3.5 Jul 13, 2016. exe 3.4 (64-bit) Jun 7, 2016. exe 3.3 (32-bit) May 3, 2016. exe 3.3 (64-bit) ...


Télécharger JabRef 3.6 pour Windows

Nous n'avons pas encore d'informations sur le changelog pour cette version 3.6 de JabRef. ... JabRef 3.6 · JabRef 3.5 · JabRef 3.4 · Plus de détails. Publicité ...
