ICQ 歷史版本列表 Page7

最新版本 TextSeek 2.18.3760

ICQ 歷史版本列表

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GDevelop 5.0.0 Beta 93 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Add persistence of the layout of panels in all the editors:
- Your layout will be automatically saved and then restored when opening a scene, extension or the debugger.

Rework the whole user interface to be denser and avoid empty spaces:
- Reworked margins in the whole editor
- Use a styled scrollbar
- Make search bar height smaller and use an alternate background color
- Make separation between editor panels clearer

More user interface improvements:
- Open object editor when an instance is double clicked
- Use the new action/condition editor by default
- Show the layers editor and instances editor in a panel rather than a drawer
- Allow all dialogs to be closed with Escape (or backdrop click)
- Allow to step through search results by pressing Enter in Events Sheet
- Use green color for icons on the current plan
- Move folder picker on top when creating a new project
- Change a structure back to a number/string when its last child is removed
- Add user home path to File System extension

Internal changes:
- Update to react-measure 2.3.0
- Refactor ElectronMainMenu as a functional component
- Update to Electron 8.2.5
- Rename multiLine to multiline
- Remove links to non-existing sourcemaps
- Add type checking for WebsocketDebuggerClient

Bug fixes:
- Fix (hopefully) previews sometimes stuck on Windows
- Fix renamed object not updated in ForEach, Repeat or JavaScript event
- Fix intermittent rendering issues of Panel Sprites corners
- Fix zoom shortcuts for non-Mac platforms
- Fix Advanced Bloom effect
- Fix actions to change color, font size and font family of BBText

Fix various Dialogue Tree extension ("Yarn") bugs:
- Fix command at the start of a node merges its text with the node that linked to it
- Fix Yarn skipping text results when commands are used in some cases
- Fix setting/getting variables
- Fix text failing to load when first node is of type text
- Add internal debug mode logging to Yarn
- Fix "isdialoguelinetype" command never true
- Fix new lines in text not properly detected
- Increase strictness on scrolling so it never overflows
- Fix command call detection for non scrolling text
- Fix: add back autoscroll commands, but make it safer and move it to the scroll function
- Use explicit variable types when setting bondagejs state
- Fix command not getting called sometimes
- Fix text not terminating sometimes

- Fix changing font size of BBText objects using events
- Fix some combinations of "subconditions" (like "And" condition with "Equal" condition inside) not working
- Fix crash in the extension editor on small screens
- Fix Project Manager state not preserved when closed and re-opened
- Fix potential crash in Events Sheet when using undo/redo
- Fix typo
- Ensure the color picker is never shown out of the window area

Technic Launcher 4.525 查看版本資訊


ImageGlass (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Created new repository for ImageGlass theme pack at: /ImageGlass/theme. You can fork this to create theme pack for ImageGlass
- Added Cropping tool to allow to crop and save the viewing image, select and copy the selection to clipboard
- Base64 image format support
- Directly view .b64 format
- Support viewing .txt as base64, but need to manually add extension in Settings > File Type Associations tab

Conversion from image format to base64 (.b64 or .txt extension). Supported MIME types are:
- image/gif: animation supported
- image/tiff: multi-page supported
- image/webp: animation supported (*)
- image/svg+xml: scaling supported (*)
- image/bmp, image/jpeg, image/x-icon
- image/png: all other image formats will be saved as PNG base-64
- (*) - when copy the base64 content and open in browser - Chrome

Conversion from base64 to image format limitation:
- TIFF / GIF: Only first frame/page
- SVG base-64 converted to pixelated format

Added more info of the viewing image in title bar:
- Color profile
- Image file date time is now either
- EXIF DateTimeOriginal with suffix (o), or
- EXIF DateTime without suffix, or
- LastModifiedTime with suffix (m)
- Added an option in theme config.xml file to change size of navigation arrow icon. See full options and learn how to create a theme pack for ImageGlass at /ImageGlass/theme
- Added Open with... feature to allow open the viewing image in other apps
- Added an option to play slideshow in random interval
- Added Color picker button on toolbar

- Reworded shortcuts in ImageGlass (see Shortcuts reference)
- Reworked navigation arrows with better visual
- Prevent screen turned off / sleeping while playing slideshow
- Used grey color schema for Check for update, Settings, About, Add new extension, Add new editing app window; Used current theme color scheme for Rename, Go to... dialog
- Initialized the color picker dialog when changing background color
- Auto-scroll the thumbnail bar to align the selected item in the middle (#698) - thanks to @TheApX
- Added title for tool windows
- Added new Viewer category in Settings > General tab
- Enabled basic support for long file path (more than 260 chars)
- Standardized menu items with ellipsis (…) for the functions require extra actions
- Added an option to disable touch gesture support (enabled by default)

- Fixed an issue resulting parsing ZoomLevels after upgrade
- Fixed an issue where new version hint is shown even tough latest version is installed
- Fixed an issue when the %APPDATA%ImageGlass folder does not exist, ImageGlass does not write any configs
- Fixed an issue where the installed folder path contains dot causes startup/config problem
- Fixed an issue where TGA images are rendered upside-down
- Fixed an issue where navigation arrows are blinking on hover
- Fixed an issue where navigation arrows require multiple clicks to quickly change images
- Fixed an issue where navigation arrows collide with viewer scrollbars
- Fixed an issue resulting loading TIFF and the image files that contain color profile slower 4 times due to Magick.NET library's bug
- Fixed an issue where touchscreen image navigation backwards
- Fixed an issue when changing toolbar buttons causes big gap on toolbar
- Fixed an issue resulting ImageGlass cannot view some image with invalid color / EXIF profile
- Fixed an issue preventing ImageGlass starting up by a popup with "Insert a disk into device D:" message
- Fixed an issue resulting high disk activity causes by metadata caching of thumbnail bar (e
- Fixed an issue where the config "LastSeenImagePath" fails if any folder in the path starts with "n"
- Fixed an issue insulting panning image sometimes enables dragging file to other app feature
- Fixed an issue where Page Navigation not initialized on open
- Fixed an issue where version value is not consistent in executable files

GDevelop 5.0.0 Beta 92 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix the Profiler not working in beta 91
- Fix filesystem, quit game not working in beta 91
- Add more documentation and typing to JavaScript sources

GDevelop 5.0.0 Beta 91 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
Add autocompletions when typing an expression:
- Completions will show objects, behaviors and functions that you can use when typing an expression
- When editing a function, it will show the expected parameters and its description
- Add a context menu to select the scene to start the preview with

New "Jump Sustain Time" property for the Platformer Object behavior: specify a maximum time during which the jump strength is sustained, if the jump key is held:
- This is an easy way to make variable height jumps. The object can make a small jump by just tapping the jump key (or simulating it with events) or a longer one by holding the key.

New effects available for layers:
- Old film, Dot, Color Replace, BulgePinch, Glitch, RadialBlur and Twist effects and blending mode effect
- These effects will be available in the future for objects on the scene too

- Make New scene naming convention more consistent
- Add Escape (and Enter) key to finish renaming groups and comments
- Add Exit GDevelop option to File menu
- Added shortcut to export project
- Add duplicate menu option in Project Manager
- Remember the directory previously chosen when selecting a resource
- Improve visibility of parameter for checkbox in effects list
- Allow to change the animation speed/frequency of effects
- Close popover in events sheet after selection in an autocomplete field
- Update bouncing-ball-and-rope example
- Track changes to display a smart unsaved changes warning: add asterisk in titlebar when the project is modified, the editor nows warn about unsaved changes when closing the app only if there are changes made since the last save
- Rationalise dismissing of dialogs with click outside/escape key: dialogs showing editors can't be dismissed with a click outside/escape key to avoid losing modifications
- Improve bug reports with system details
- Add menu items to edit properties or variables in the Project Manager context menu
- Disable some menu items if no project is opened
- New "cannon ball with physics" example

Bug fixes:
- Fix Left/Right Ctrl/Shift/Alt/Meta not recognised as separate keys
- Display human readable names for builds in the Builds list
- Fix Dialogue Tree command wrongly removing space between words
- Fix Android export when project name has special characters
- Fix object name not selectable when renaming an object
- Fix tooltip content for editor titles
- Fix spinner shown in "See all my builds" when not logged in
- Fix crash in external events
- Fix sentences for video object actions & clean whitespace
- Fix global objects not updated in other editors after modifying them
- Fix ContextMenu positioning in the web-app
- Fix typos
- Make table headers bolder
- Fix warning not showing when using a digit as first character for a name
- Fix selection issues in the Autocomplete lists
- Fix videos in Chrome 76+
- Fix Cursor/touch on object condition not in the list of "object" conditions
- Fix some bad characters in results of HelpFinder
- Fix for redundant scrollbar in Project Manager
- Fix the expression selector positioning when are errors shown for an expression
- Fix help button for BBText objects
- Fix "Select option by number" in Dialogue Tree

Internal upgrades or fixes:
- Upgrade IDE to use Electron v8.2.1
- Upgrade to Flow 0.120.1
- Reorder Effects/JsExtension.js
- Update react-scripts to v3.4.0
- Remove Fullstory analytics on the web-app
- Replace Downshift with material-ui Autocomplete
- Move loadObject to registerObject method in gdjs.RuntimeScene
- Add option to use MinGW instead ninja for GDevelop.js
- Update required CMake version for GDevelop.js
- Add Prettier to electron-app and autoformat files
- Add doc and type annotations to gdjs.WebsocketDebuggerClient

DBeaver 7.0.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Database navigator:
- Simplified database structure view was added
- Navigator view settings and presets were added

Object editor:
- Context menu was added to the object breadcrumbs
- Object alter script now can be opened in SQL editor

Data editor:
- Preference and data format changes now applying immediately (without data refresh)
- Scrollbar position reset in columns reorder/filtering was fixed
- Number of selected rows/columns/cells now shown in the status bar
- Query filter history save/load was fixed
- Floating point numbers (4-byte precision) rendering was fixed
- SQL Editor: quick search tool was added (ctrl+alt+shift+f)
- Driver copy was fixed (problem with read-only URL)

- PGPASS support was fixed
- Database information (ctype, collate) reading was fixed
- Problems with default database change were fixed
- OID types rendering fix
- Domain metadata reading was fixed (base type qualified name)
- Extra options were added to database backup/restore wizards
- Redshift: data type resolution was fixed (array types)

SQL Server:
- Driver download and "reset to default" was fixed
- Default schema detection was added
- Problems with read-only query results were fixed
- Column comments edit was fixed

- Permission editor was fixed (schema privileges)
- Index rename support was added

- Security tree (Exasol 7) was fixed
- Auto-completion for builtin functions was added
- Foreign keys metadata was fixed
- Oracle: "drop procedure" support was fixed
- SAP HANA: driver download was fixed
- Firebird: driver version was upgraded (4.0)
- Many other minor bug fixes

ReaConverter Pro 7.566 查看版本資訊


ICQ 10.0 Build 40117 查看版本資訊


Technic Launcher 4.510 查看版本資訊


DBeaver 7.0.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Data viewer:
- Search/replace in selected rows support was added
- Problem with Find/Replace and scrolling was fixed
- Floating point numbers rendering/copying was fixed (precision fix)

SQL editor:
- Connection initialization was fixed (active schema set)
- Auto-completion for DROP/ALTER procedure/function was added
- Auto-completion for asterisk (*) was fixed
- Auto-completion for table aliases was disabled
- Auto sync with database navigator was fixed (proper catalog/schema change)

- ERD viewer: table resize support was added
- Query manager: full query text view was fixed
- Connections invalidate was fixed (redundant connections open) and invalidate performance was improved

Schema compare (simple:
- Compare progress visualization was fixed
- Stored procedures body compare was fixed
- SSH tunnel: default user name (current OS user) is used when user name not set

- PGPASS authentication was added
- Unique key indexes visibility was fixed
- Schema permissions viewer/editor was added
- Function/procedure create dialog was fixed
- Options for tables/functions DDL viewer now saved
- Enum values editor was added
- Array values copy-paste was fixed

- Automatic driver download was added
- View constraints create/drop support was added

- Automatic driver download was added
- Table references read was fixed

SQL Server:
- Driver download  (native artifacts) was fixed
- Custom SQL query result editor was fixed
- Schema selector (main toolbar) was fixed

- SQLite: column rename support was added
- Snap package was significantly improved
- Many other minor bug fixes