ICQ 歷史版本列表 Page5

最新版本 TextSeek 2.18.3760

ICQ 歷史版本列表

與朋友和親人保持聯繫。獲得 ICQ 與免費消息,視頻和語音電話,低成本的電話和有趣的貼紙。 ICQ 帶給您新的功能和更新,以增強您的溝通體驗:免費語音& 視頻通話 無限通話只需點擊幾下!隨著 ICQ 免費語音通話和視頻聊天,你可以趕上和隨時隨地打招呼。只要你想說話,不要擔心費率。各種主題 定制你的 ICQ!從各種主題和背景顏色中進行選擇。明亮,多彩或簡約 - ICQ 附帶每種心情的主... ICQ 軟體介紹

Electron 8.5.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed an issue where suspend/resume were emitted twice on macOS
- Fixed crash when navigating from a page with webview that has inherited zoom level

Electron 9.1.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix: remove unnecessary corner mask overriding to increase window resize performance
- Fixed an issue where VoiceOver was unable to navigate from the top-level window back into the web contents
- Protocol response streams are now destroyed if the request is aborted

- Improved the performance of sending JS primitives over the context bridge

GDevelop 5.0.0 Beta 98 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:


Upgrade game rendering to use Pixi.js 5.3.0, allowing games to run with WebGL 2.
- This brings various upgrades and performance improvement to the internal rendering engine used by games, both in the editor and in exported games.
- This also paves the way for adding new objects like Bitmap Text, Mesh or dynamic lights in the future.
- Huge thanks to @Quarkstar for working on this task and making most of the necessary upgrades .
- Thanks @Bouh for helping fixing/upgrading the Shape Painter object and @Silver-Streak as well as testers from the forum

- Add Particle Effects Demo to starters
- Add Video tutorials and hints about these tutorials in the editor
- Update exported games to run with Electron 8.2.5
- Rename StrRFind and StrFindFrom to StrFindLast and StrFindLastFrom
- Add a visual distinction to JavaScript code blocks that are disabled in the Events Sheet
- Allow to change color parameters of effects in events using the RGB format (e.g: "255;100;200")

Bug fixes:
Fix saving a file potentially resulting in an empty file in some circumstances:
- File integrity is now checked after a project is saved
- Prevent concurrent save of a file (could happen if Ctrl+S/Cmd+S was kept pressed, and could result in an empty file being saved on disk)

- Fix translations that were broken
- Fix BBText line heights broken in the preview and exported games: also improve BBText performance when rendered in the scene editor
- Fix behaviors of an extension wrongly working after the extension is removed: this was fixed by saving and reloading the game. The behaviors are now properly unloaded if an extension is removed.
- Fix crash when using a behavior of a deleted extension
- Fix "Trigger Once" not working properly when used in a behavior
- Fix parameter not properly shown for "Clear between frames" action and fix link to help page for inventory
- Fix crash in Anchor behavior when used on a Text, BB Text or Shape Painter object
- Fix intermittent crash when deleting an extension
- Fix "Remove Unused Images" removing images used by BBText object

Electron 9.1.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed a termination crash on Web Workers with Node.js integration enabled
- Fixed an issue where webContents.print() would sometimes hang with invalid settings
- Fixed an issue where cpu and heap profiling in Node.js did not work properly with --cpu-prof, --heap-prof, and related CLI flags
- Fixed an issue where macOS window vibrancy active state did not always match the active state of the window
- Fixed broken --trace-sync-io flag in Node.js
- Fixed clipboard.readBuffer returning incorrect value
- Fixed potentially invalid duplex mode settings on Linux

Other Changes:
- Fix: DCHECK failure in value.IsHeapObject() in objectsdebug.cc
- Fix: XSS on chrome://histograms/ with a compromised renderer
- Fix: crash when executing debugger.sendCommand
- Fix: heap-use-after-free in content::NavigationRequest::OnWillProcessResponseProcessed
- Fix: heap-use-after-free in ui::AXTreeSerializerblink
- Fix: iframe in victim page can detect Scroll To Text Fragment activation
- Fix: integer overflow in GrTextBlob::Make
- Fix: javascript URI sandbox flags aren't propagated in a blank string case
- Fix: memcpy-param-overlap in AudioBuffer::copyFromChannel
- Fix: remove leaks of post-redirect URL for

Xojo 2019 Release 3.2 查看版本資訊


Electron 9.1.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added support for MessagePort in the main process
- Added support for suspend and resume events to Windows
- Added support for suspend and resume events to macOS
- Expose sessionId associated with a target from debugger module
- Implemented systemPreferences.getMediaAccessStatus() on Windows

- Fixed an intermittent high-CPU usage problem caused a system clock issue during sleep
- Fixed an issue where some old notifications were not properly removed from the Notification Center on macOS
- Fixed bug on macOS where the main window could be targeted for a focus event when it was disabled behind a modal

Technic Launcher 4.564 查看版本資訊


Technic Launcher 4.560 查看版本資訊


Technic Launcher 4.559 查看版本資訊


GDevelop 5.0.0 Beta 97 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Add a basic command palette (experimental):
- Open the command palette with Ctrl+P (or Cmd+P on macOS)
- The list of commands is then shown and allows you to quickly launch actions, like launching a preview, open a project, etc...
- This is the first part of one of the Google Summer of Code 2020 project! A few commands are available now, but many more will be added in the next weeks to navigate through the project and edit any part of it in a few keystrokes.

Add more conditions/expressions to the Platformer Objects:
- Add the speed, jump speed and fall speed
- Add condition to check if platforms can be grabbed
- Add condition to check if the object can jump

- Added "Board walk with raycast" example
- Add an option to clear the shape painted using Shape Painter between each frame
- Add an action to pause the game during a preview: this is useful to then inspect the game with the Debugger
- Prevent a behavior to be selected in a function parameter if it's incompatible with the object
- Add buttons at bottom of events to add new events.
- Avoid showing a drop marker when an event can't be dropped in another (comment, etc...)
- Slightly improve startup speed

Add a border around conditions in the default theme:
- This avoids confusion about two events that are next to each others, in particular for new users
- Also normalize styling in other themes

Bug fixes:
- Fix memory leak leading to a crash in the editor when having a BB Text in the scene: also fix similar smaller memory leak when using other features
- Fix parameter popover in the events sheet shown behind editor panel title bars
- Fix instance variable not saved after a change if another instance is clicked while editing it
- Fix physics engine not applying change in size when using circle shape
- Fix scaffolding line colors between events and some colors in Nord theme
- Fix potential crash by adding a check to ensure built-in extensions are not overriden
- Fix internal warning (divider component in select list)