Firefox (64-bit) 歷史版本列表 Page180

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Firefox (64-bit) 歷史版本列表

Mozilla Firefox 64 位是一個快速,功能全面的免費網頁瀏覽器。 Firefox 包括彈出式窗口攔截,標籤瀏覽,集成的 Google,雅虎和必應搜索,簡化的隱私控制,簡化的瀏覽器窗口,向您顯示比其他任何瀏覽器更多的頁面,以及一些與您一起工作的附加功能你在網上獲得最多的時間。您可以通過點擊免費下載按鈕,從我們的網站下載 Firefox 的 PC 脫機安裝程序.查看新的 Firefox,... Firefox (64-bit) 軟體介紹

Firefox 57.0.3 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


GameMaker Studio 2.1.3 Build 273 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Hotfix (v272+):
- Fixed instance variables which override defaults not overriding if you also have instance creation code
- Fixed editing the variable list for an object at the same time as editing variables for an instance of that object caused the instance's variables to override incorrectly
- Fixed the object window to allow using macros and enums without this resulting in a compiler error
- Fixed the manual saying that variables added via the new object variables system used 32bit doubles instead of the normal 64bit
- Fixed base64_decode() affecting chr() and causing HTML5 games to fail to load if you used this function

Object Variables:
- The object editor now has a new 'Variables' section
- This editor allows you to define variables and their default values, and these will be automatically set upon creation
- These default values can then be overridden for specific instances by opening the same variables window when in the room editor

Inherited Parent Events:
- The object editor's Events list now shows "ghosted" events inherited from a parent object
- This makes it easy to view all events available to an object in one place
- You can quickly open, inherit or override a parent event via its right-click context menu

Amazon Fire:
- Fixed an issue where some users got "Unable to obtain permission to execute" when running projects
- Fixed Device Manager's Test Connection button appeared to do nothing if you had the above issue

- Added support for required new iOS icons, fixes game submission fails
- NOTE: You will be prompted (once) on opening an out-of-date project to update its iOS images
- Fixed an issue which meant Push Notification support was always being included in builds

Ubuntu and Mac 64bit games:
- Ubuntu support has now shifted to 64bit, rather than 32bit
- NOTE: You need to clean your project cache for Ubuntu if you get an error about already being connected when trying to build
- Mac now includes 64bit and 32bit binaries in its packages in order to comply with submission requirements, so builds will take a little longer now

Misc IDE Changes:
- Code Editor: Now uses "standard" text editor behaviour for home/end keys
- Debugger: Graph now shows more accurate fps_real values rather than a mean of a few frames
- Preferences: Android/Amazon keystore Import, Generate, and Show Hash buttons will show the output Window so you can see messages
- Resource Tree: Optimisations to speed up the IDE when large projects are open
- Target Manager: Currently-selected target is saved per-project when you close your projects

Fixed Bugs:
- Extension Editor: Removing proxy files with matching name can cause extension files to be deleted
- Code Editor: Multi select gets removed if you backspace more than once
- Code Editor: display_set_gui_maximise() should allow support for the US equivalent display_set_gui_maximize()
- Code Editor: Reopening projects with open code editors, not all of the code is coloured correctly until editor is focused
- Code Editor: Autocomplete suggests previously used incomplete variable
- Code Editor: Unstable error if you do a replace whilst selection only is enabled, delete some text then type in the search field
- Sound Editor: Short sounds are not played completely in preview
- DnD Editor: Missing a context menu entry for Expand All
- DnD Editor: Live Preview doesn't get focused if already open and contents have changed
- DnD Editor: Context menu is missing the entries for Go To Object and Add/Open Event
- DnD Editor: Context menu is missing keyboard shortcuts
- DnD Editor: Can't Cut/Copy/Paste using keyboard shortcuts using macOS IDE
- Image Editor: Shift selecting frames can cause Shift key to become locked
- Image Editor: Blend Mode 'Multiply' will not use destination alpha
- Image Editor: Dropping any non-image file on top of an open Image Editor gives incorrect prompt
- Tile Set Editor: Changing 'Auto tile background colour' appears to change nothing
- Sprite Editor: Texture Settings -> Edge Filtering will cause GameMaker Studio 2 to close when using a 4K sprite size (3840x2160)
- Physics shape fixture not generated unless Modify Collision Shape has been opened
- Importing Projects: Dragging gmez onto start page occasionally orders rooms incorrectly
- General: "GMS2 has become unstable" when dismissing Ctrl+T via spamming Escape
- Source Control: 'Import Project to Repo' creates local repo if the import fails, preventing further imports
- Preferences: Android keystore import / generate / show hash buttons should force showing their output
- Preferences: Android keystore alias should check for spaces and block with a description of how to fix
- Debugger: DS_Map key output in instances tab does not show bitshifted integers
- Debugger: Always uses the IP for the last Mac in device manager, which might not be the targeted Mac
- Debugger: GMS2 Runner.exe creates new inbound rule each time you debug
- Resource Tree: Pressing Enter after searching for a resource does not open the resource
- My Library: DPI scaling removes refresh button and squashes Search
- Search + Replace: Can't resize window
- Game Options: Mac is missing 'Enable Retina' option
- Game Options: UWP Publisher Name is missing from the UWP Game Options
- Tutorials: Crash when clicking 'Get More Tutorials'
- Licensing: Buying GMS2 products will require log out/in to properly update your licence
- Build Android: Cannot build for Android VM if the path to the NDK has not been set
- Build UWP: Certificate install not prompted / isn't performed as part of pfx install, causes builds to fail to install on phone

Known Issues:
- If you have cached Ubuntu build output for projects you will need to clean these to avoid a "already connected" error (just need to do this once)
- Explorer file dialogs can sometimes fail to open. This is a Windows 10 Creators Update issue and has been seen failing in other applications
- Welcome Page is still disabled during start-up - it can still be accessed via the Help menu, so new users can still get to these videos and links
- Runtime download/activation has been seen to crash the IDE occasionally during subsequent startup
- Closing and reopening the Marketplace tab can cause issues downloading some assets thereafter, need to restart GMS2 to fix
- Dead instances of Window's RuntimeBroker application can block attempts to use the manual in the IDE - just get a white page
- UWP requires you to have the older SDK tools installed as well as the current ones, not just the current ones

Firefox 57.0.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Firefox 57.0.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Firefox 57.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- In October of last year we announced Project Quantum, our effort to create a next-generation engine. Firefox 57 includes many aspects of this project, so we’re calling this release Firefox Quantum.
- Firefox Quantum is roughly 2X faster than Firefox 49 on the Speedometer 2.0 benchmark, thanks to its new CSS engine, its “just right” multi-process architecture, the way it prioritizes your active tab, and much more. Firefox Quantum also includes a visual refresh – Photon – that looks and feels right at home with modern operating systems. To learn more about Firefox Quantum, visit the Mozilla Blog.

- Firefox is getting a major Visual Redesign (Photon project) activated on the Nightly channel and which will ship with Firefox 57 on the release channel.
- Allow users to manage the site data
- Added support for Date/Time input
- Accessibility indicator will now appear in the title bar of the window when Accessibility services are enabled

- Support more strict sandboxing protection (level 3) on Linux
- The browser's "autoscrolling" feature now uses asynchronous scrolling, similar to other input methods like mousewheel, providing a smoother scrolling experience.
- Middle mouse paste in the content area on Unix systems no longer navigates to URLs by default

- The "Share" button was removed. If you relied on this feature, you can install the Share Backported extension instead

Firefox 56.0.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Firefox 56.0.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Firefox 56.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix up target=_blank links in RDM
- Add extra space around forms to ensure invalid fields are displayed properly
- Remove redundant LegacyExtensionUtils shutdown blocker. The base Extension class now handles adding shutdown blockers and waiting for extension startup before beginning shutdown, so the redundant logic only causes problems.
- Add REX.R mov to the disassembler. To mitigate risk for beta uplift, the logic here is limited to what we need for QueryDosDeviceW on Win7x64. A better long-term fix would be to combine this with the more general mov logic in the REX.W section
- Hook QueryDosDeviceW() in GMP process so it works inside the sandbox. We hook in kernelbase.dll rather than kernel32.dll, as hooking QueryDosDeviceW kernel32.dll is failing on our Win8 tests, it seems because QueryDosDeviceW in kernel32.dll redirects to kernelbase32.dll, and the redirect has insufficient space for our hook in Win8. So hook in kernelbase.dll, where the redirect redirects to instead
- Rename android-api-15 into android-api-16
- Hardcode "proxy" permission string for beta uplift
- Add telemetry probes to measure use of session restore button in tab bar
- Ensure we use the right root element in editor
- Debugger creates an unnecessary breakpoint on reload
- Changes to move to 100% multi on Release 55
- Should not use SOCIAL_ENGINEERING threat type on non-official builds
- Use the correct pref to gate the Application Reputation lists
- Typo preventing locale distribution engines from loading
- Add a new param "buttonAutoFocus" for appUpdater object to focus the button automatically because we need auto focus in about dialog but do not need it in preferences page
- Update MAR to sha384 past 56.0b4 in update-packaging Makefile
- There are some paths to find out if dwrite is enabled, which inits gfxPlatform, which requires information from PopulateScreenInfo, which depends on the refresh driver existing. At this time however, we haven't initialized our vsync source so we crash. This moves vsync initialization earlier in the gfx pipeline
- Handle case where chromeWin.getBrowser() doesn't exist
- Don't rely on gBrowser in nsLoginManagerPrompter. In bug 1266836 we fixed this code to properly work in e10s, but made the mistake of using gBrowser in toolkit code, breaking XUL apps that don't have a gBrowser. This solution implements a different code-path for non-e10s and returns a chrome window for consumers that don't offer a browser
- part2: HTMLEditRules::SplitParagraph() should insert normal
element rather than moz-
element if split element and/or new element is empty. Currently, HTMLEditRules::SplitParagraph() inserts moz-
element when split element and/or new element causes empty line. However, PlaintextSerializer ignores moz-
elements. Therefore, empty lines which are created by SplitParagraph() will be removed when it's converted to plaintext. So, it should insert normal
element for placeholder of empty lines instead. Note that moz-
elements are appeared as normal
elements in the result of Element.innerHTML. Additionally, Chromium always inserts a
element for empty block elements which are created by Enter key press. Therefore, using normal
element in this case shouldn't cause any compatibility problems
- Back out removal of MOZ_PRETTY to build Thunderbird 56 beta
- Backed out changesets 84f048b7dca0 and c261040950bf (bug 1389300) for Stylo svg-as-image reftest failures
- Backed out changeset 554f6e2674fe (bug 1388319)
- Mark ServoStyleSet dirty in its Init
- Remove hide event target flag from accessible when event is dropped
- Don't mix style backend types in nsComputedDOMStyle
- Inherit style backend into NS_NewDOMDocument
- There are some paths to find out if dwrite is enabled, which inits gfxPlatform, which requires information from PopulateScreenInfo, which depends on the refresh driver existing. At this time however, we haven't initialized our vsync source so we crash. This moves vsync initialization earlier in the gfx pipeline.
- Fix xml parsing error
- Preserve array in aria owns hash
- Replace NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16 by NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16

Firefox 55.0.3 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Firefox 55.0.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New features include support for WebVR, making Firefox the first Windows desktop browser to support VR experiences. Performance changes include significantly faster startup times when restoring lots of tabs and settings that let users take greater control of our new multi-process architecture. We’ve also upgraded the address bar to make finding what you want easier, with search suggestions and the integration of our one-click search feature, and safer, by prioritizing the secure - https - version of sites when possible

- Fix a regression with the popup menu
- Fix performance regressions with WebExtension
- Fix an issue with new installation notification for sideload add-ons
- Fix a potential issue when the username had some specific characters in the path