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最新版本 The Dude 7.9

Dropbox 歷史版本列表

Dropbox 是在線存儲,同步和共享文件的最簡單方法。 Dropbox 就像您的計算機上的任何其他文件夾一樣工作,但有一些差異。 Dropbox 內的任何文件或文件夾將同步到 Dropbox 的服務器和任何其他計算機鏈接到您的帳戶。綠色複選標記將顯示在您的文件上方,讓您知道它們已同步並且是最新的。所有數據都通過 SSL 傳輸,並在存儲之前使用 AES-256 進行加密。 Dropbox PC 的... Dropbox 軟體介紹

PDF Studio 2019.2.3 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

PDF Studio 2019.2.3 (64-bit)
- Fast Search – Options to search in comments and fields broken
- Switching from single page to continuous page would go to page 1
- Switching from overlay to side by side would not maintain current page location
- Issues connecting to Canon P21511 WIA scanners
- Mac app store: error “operation not permitted” when saving without file extension
- Issue when rendering pages with negative font size leading to displaying some pages with reversed text
- IRT annotations not imported correctly from FDF & XFDF
- PDF to HTML – Convert lines with 0 width in PDF to 0.1 width in SVG so Browsers render them
- PDF to HTML – Detect and handle BIDI and RTL to avoid Arabic text or parenthesis being flipped
- Document Specific: ClassCastException when creating a field due to invalid field format
- Optimizing a PDF with JPEG images with Decode Array sometimes results in black pages
- Fixed issue where opening new document would restore (un-minimize) all other frames
- Word to PDF – Table header somehow duplicated at bottom of table
- Word to PDF – Auto resized columns conversion enhancments
- PDF/A validation did not catch fonts embedded as TTC (True Type Collection)

PDF Studio 2019.2.0 (64-bit)
- Scanning broken in macOS 10.15 Catalina due to Apple Image Capture API changes
- Dropbox update: security changes now require using system browser for authentication
- Save button not enabled when applying Fast Sign signature
- Fixed issue with some special characters (þÿ) showing in form fields
- Added support for dash array in border style for link annotations
- Word to PDF: Handling for transform & clipping on EMF images
- Word to PDF: Improved PNG image resolution issue due to “Indirect” color models

PDF Studio 2019.1.4 (64-bit)
- Type 3 fonts now supported in SVG conversion
- Handle saving & opening file attachments with invalid characters in filename
- Regression: Caret no longer displays when starting to type in text annotations (first character)
- Rendering improvements for PDFs created by MacOSX Quartz PDF Context
- (Document Specific) Vector overlay colors not blending
- (Document Specific) Text not showing behind the image (Color Key Mask + Indexed)
- Word to PDF conversion enhancements

PDF Studio 2019.1.3 (64-bit)
- Scanning broken by notarization process for upcoming macOS 10.15 Catalina
- Recent file list on menu bar did not work
- PDF to HTML5 now converts in-document links, supported by Chrome and Firefox

Stellarium Portable 0.20.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- rectangular sensor crop overlay support [Oculars]
- support newly marker in Search Tool (Position and Settings tabs) [Search Tool]
- new features for scripting engine: extend the JavaScript classes corresponding to Vec3f and Vec3d [Scripting]
- options to be able to define and use custom FOV circles for Telrad [Oculars]
- VecMath tests for the new functions
- VecMath feature: Vector/QColor conversions
- feature to set current date and time as initial data when AstroCalc/Ephemeris is open [AstroCalc]
- notification for user when version of DSO catalog is mismatched
- support Trumpler Catalogue (Tr or Trumpler) [DSO Catalog, v3.10]
- support Stock Catalogue (St or Stock) [DSO Catalog, v3.10]
- support Ruprecht Catalogue (Ru or Ruprecht) [DSO Catalog, v3.10]
- support "van den Bergh-Hagen Catalogue" (VdB-Ha) [DSO Catalog, v3.10]
- support search by long name for Trumpler, Stock, Ruprecht, Collinder and Melotte catalogues [DSO Catalog, v3.10]
- new type of DSO objects: region of the sky [DSO Catalog, v3.10]
- special case for improve DSO regions visibility [DSO Catalog, v3.10]
- outlines for DSO regions [DSO Catalog, v3.10]
- marker of center of FOV on the sky [Special Markers]
- circular marker of FOV on the sky [Special Markers]
- rectangular marker of FOV on the sky [Special Markers]
- tool for adjustable thickness of the planetary trails
- tool for adjustable line thickness for ephemeris lines
- tool for adjustable thickness of the planetary orbits
- a column, showing the elevation of the object at transit times into AstroCalc/WUT tool [AstroCalc]
- new category into AstroCalc/WUT tool: regions of the sky [AstroCalc]
- new category into AstroCalc/WUT tool: pulsars (the category available if Pulsars plugin is loaded and pulsars are enabled to display) [AstroCalc]
- new category into AstroCalc/WUT tool: bright nova stars (the category available if Bright Novae plugin is loaded) [AstroCalc]
- new category into AstroCalc/WUT tool: bright supernova stars (the category available if Historical Supernovae plugin is loaded) [AstroCalc]
- new category into AstroCalc/WUT tool: exoplanetary systems (the category available if Exoplanets plugin is loaded and exoplanets are enabled to display) [AstroCalc]
- new category into AstroCalc/WUT tool: active galaxies (this category may include additional quasars if Quasars plugin is loaded and quasars are enabled to display) [AstroCalc]
- new category into AstroCalc/WUT tool: interacting galaxies [AstroCalc]
- new unit tests for DeltaT
- tool to guess the group of satellites by their names [Satellites]
- new groups of satellites [Satellites]
- method to check state of loading for the plugins
- column Elevation for AstroCalc/Phenomena tool [AstroCalc]
- default groups for some satellites from default JSON catalog [Satellites]
- missing tool for define color of regions of the sky
- regions of the sky into Lists of Search Tool [Search Tool]
- tool to export version of Stellarium through StelProperty and Remote Control plugin
- display of epoch of the TLE for artificial satellites [Satellites]
- new flag for InfoString of planets, comets and minor planets
- better arrangement of InfoString entries for planets, comets and minor planets
- highlighting for string literals between apostrophes for Script Console [Scripting]
- highlighting for regular expressions for Script Console [Scripting]
- highlighting for multiline comments for Script Console [Scripting]
- highlighting for exponential numeric format for Script Console [Scripting]
- highlighting for hexadecimal numeric literals for Script Console [Scripting]
- separate highlighting of predefined names from that of keywords for Script Console [Scripting]
- red highlighting for unknown methods of Stellarium modules for Script Console [Scripting]
- highlighting for methods of StelSkyDrawer and core for Script Console [Scripting]
- penumbral and umbral magnitudes during lunar eclipse
- comments for scripters [Scripting]
- radar cross-section (RCS) data for satellites [Satellites]
- calculate approximaged visual magnitude for satellites from their RCS value [Satellites]
- special case for set RCS value for Starlink satellites [Satellites]
- option to allow drawing of landscape polygon only, if a polygon is defined [Landscapes]
- option to allow a polygon to be drawn in the foreground (out of regular call sequence) [Landscapes]
- option to allow landscape polygon overdrawn onto the 3D scenery [Scenery3D]
- GUI and minor redesign of remaining icons [GUI]
- computation an approximated angular size of satellites (the linear size is obtained from RCS value and we use spherical shape for satellites) [Satellites]
- special case for computation an approximated angular size of ISS (we are defined linear size of ISS by "hands") [Satellites]
- tool to display a focuser overlay in the sensor view [Oculars]
- checking conflicts for keyboard shortcuts with informing user if conflicts are exist
- tool to rescale oversize textures on-the-fly
- show a fuchsia-colored replacement texture for wrong filename
- NORAD numbers in addition to name of artificial satellite in Satellites Import Dialog for available for search [Satellites]
- function to compute distance between locations, on a flattened planet, in km
- geographic coordinates of center line for total and annular solar eclipse

- security issue for jquery
- magnitudes for planetary nebulae [DSO Catalog, v3.10]
- data for "Part of a Galaxy" objects [DSO Catalog, v3.10]
- work for clipboard in Script Console tool: avoid effects caused by QTextEdit after copy-paste from HTML pages. [Scripting]
- telescope syncing for INDI [Telescope Control]
- “Uninitialized members” issue in Script Console [Scripting]
- VecMath features: moved vector/string conversion previously in StelUtils to the VecMath classes
- VecMath feature: moved un-inlineable definitions to separate cpp file
- proper motion output
- time delay with planet movement information
- cross-id data for open clusters [DSO Catalog, v3.10]
- designations for van den Bergh catalogues [DSO Catalog, v3.10]
- descriptions for van den Bergh catalogues [DSO Catalog, v3.10]
- crash in scripting method core.setObserverLocation() when planet is not defined or not exist [Scripting]
- core.setObserverLocation() behaviour: avoid duplicating a country if script programmer provides one [Scripting]
- object type info for meteor showers [Meteor Showers]
- crash when lens are deleted in Oculars plugin [Oculars]
- (a temporary fix) crash Stellarium when autoconnect is enabled for ASCOM device, but device is not attached [Telescope Control]
- wrong approximated visual magnitude of satellites [Satellites]
- guessing groups of satellites [Satellites]
- possible cache problem for magnitudes
- casting warnings
- topocentric/geocentric corrections for ArchaeoLines plugin [ArchaeoLines]
- crash AstroCalc/WUT tool when required plugin is not loaded [AstroCalc]
- docs and tooltips
- visibility of deep-sky regions of the sky
- work of regions of the sky in AstroCalc/Positions tool [AstroCalc]
- missing object in Bennett's list of deep-sky objects (switched to synonym of missed object) [Search Tool]
- missing object in Dunlop's list of deep-sky objects (switched to synonym of missed object) [Search Tool]
- visual style for dialog to define custom equation of DeltaT
- crossquarter declinations in ArchaeoLines plugin [ArchaeoLines]
- updating timezones when loading landscapes/sceneries
- updating location panel when off-screen
- a deprecation warning for InfoString of planets, comets and minor planets
- broken highlighting for quoted string literals for Script Console [Scripting]
- broken highlighting for line comment for Script Console [Scripting]
- indentation problems in the code
- crash when removing already removed selection of constellations
- jumping of the Moon
- visibility for telescope selector when image sensor frame enabled after binocular [Oculars]
- saving thickness of the planetary trails and orbits
- context data for unit measure in Satellites plugin [Satellites]
- a stupid bug in ArchaeoLines [ArchaeoLines]
- sign of one element in the matrix sequence for nutation
- Scripting Engine bug: a script isn't terminated properly via the stop script button [Scripting]
- crash when texture isn't found
- the maximum size of CCD: increased limit of sensor size to 100000 pixels [Oculars]
- visual artifacts on the sky
- bug in Vec3d constructor for scripting engine [Scripting]
- shader bug visible during Total Solar Eclipses only

- default settings for InnoSetup Script (.iss) file
- Stellarium User Guide
- morphological classification of open clusters [DSO Catalog, v3.10]
- subsystem to obtain the standard magnitudes of artificial satellites [Satellites]
- method for load standard magnitudes and RCS data for satellites [Satellites]
- size of window resize border to reduce difficulties to their resize
- InfoString block for artificial satellites [Satellites]
- minimum height of artificial satellite to check the valid orbit [Satellites]
- default source of Starlink TLE's [Satellites]

- behaviour of GUI in Satellites tab in Satellites plugin [Satellites]
- AstroCalc/WUT tool behaviour: radiogalaxies, active galaxies, quasars, blazars and BL Lac objects was moved from 'Galaxies' category into 'Active galaxies' category [AstroCalc]
- behaviour of AstroCalc/WUT tool: let's use visual magnitude for all objects without extinction data [AstroCalc]
- "Arguments" to "arguments" for highlighter in Script Console [Scripting]

- obsolete scripting methods from StarMgr class [Scripting]
- duplicate code for InfoString of planets, comets and minor planets
- "Global" from highlighter in Script Console [Scripting]
Removed unused variables

Flutter 1.17.5 查看版本資訊


Tableau Desktop 2020.2.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- The use of Double Precision with a SharePoint List caused a "Malformed SQL Statement" error
- When connecting to Tableau Online or Tableau Server, "Error Code: 9F4C5638
- Internet communication error: SSL connect error" would occur using Tableau Desktop 2020.2.2
- It would sometimes not be possible to publish or create an extract when making a Relationship on a pivoted value. Error: "Unable to complete action. An error occurred when publishing the workbook. Error Code: 6EA18A9E Internal Error - An unexpected error occurred and the operation could not be completed"
- The date and time of 1899/12/30 12:00:00 AM was not handled correctly as a fixed start of the axis range
- When a join with Salesforce tables was created using one of the tables twice, fields hidden in the first instance of the table were also hidden in the second table after creating an extract
- View filters disappeared after renaming a field in a database and replace references was performed
- hen the Teradata driver was loading, a possible crash was experienced due to a race condition with the driver
- The create extract and preview join data window would sometimes be unresponsive with the 'loading' status when a spatial file was joined with a CSV file
- User calculations and parameters with fixed precision numbers would sometimes not return the correct results from the database
- Schema name list was not in order when connected to Amazon Redshift
- An LOD calculation that references another calculation containing a constant would sometimes have a different result after a data source was published
- In some cases, it was not possible to refresh subscription keys before the expiration date occurred
- The following error would sometimes occur when importing custom geocoding: "Unable to complete action. Internal Error - an unexpected error occurred and the operation could not be completed. Error code: 6EA18A9E"

TC Games 3.0.075498 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- The projection mode no longer requires authorization on the mobile phone, and the user can directly project the mobile screen after selecting the projection mode
- Power saving mode---add the screen off control function (vip)
- Optimize the smart casting of MOBA games (such as the Arean of Valor
- You can adjust the size of casting range
- Add the functions:sensitive operation, and you can adjust the character center and mouse correction, add fast casting and stop moving when casting
- Optimize the right-mouse moving of MOBA games (such as the Arean of Valor
- You can use the letter Z to lock moving. After locking, the character will keep moving, until you click Z again to cancel the lock
- n the character moves in the games, You can use the letter X to stop it moving immediately
- Increase the functions:sensitive operation, adn you can adjust the character center, mouse correction, and movement inertia adjustment
- Added keymapping center: You can share your local keymapping to the key mapping center, and the other user can download and use it
- The top 20 keymapping that get the most likes in the keymapping center each month will win TC Gmaes free one month vip

BirdFont for Windows 4.5.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Single stroke paths for CNC machines.
- Unicode 13
- Four letter vendor ID

Wickr Me 5.59.11 查看版本資訊


Duplicate Photo Cleaner 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- DPC/Windows: image processing now uses Direct2D API for memory/speed optimizations
- Other image processing speed optimizations
- Added Support for Canon Raw CIFF v3 Image File (*.CR3)
- Bug fixes

Streamlabs OBS 0.23.2 查看版本資訊


Streamlabs OBS 0.23.0 查看版本資訊
