
最新版本 Process Lasso (64-bit)

Process Lasso (64-bit)

Process Lasso (64-bit)
Dropbox 是在線存儲,同步和共享文件的最簡單方法。 Dropbox 就像您的計算機上的任何其他文件夾一樣工作,但有一些差異。 Dropbox 內的任何文件或文件夾將同步到 Dropbox 的服務器和任何其他計算機鏈接到您的帳戶。綠色複選標記將顯示在您的文件上方,讓您知道它們已同步並且是最新的。所有數據都通過 SSL 傳輸,並在存儲之前使用 AES-256 進行加密。 Dropbox PC 的離線安裝程序跟踪對其任何內容所做的每個更改。它可以免費下載和使用 2GB 的在線存儲空間,高達 1TB 的付費客戶可用.

保存您的計算機上的文件,然後從您的手機上訪問它們。您在 Dropbox 中保留的所有內容都會自動同步到您的所有設備.

通過簡單的鏈接將您的整個婚禮視頻發送給家人。很容易與任何人分享大型文件— 即使他們沒有 Dropbox 帳戶.

保存您的照片 safe
從您的手機或計算機中自動備份度假照片。這樣,只要你做出來,記憶就是安全的,你可以從任何設備上重溫它們。下載 Dropbox 離線安裝程序安裝.


將電話留在列車上?您的照片,文檔和視頻是安全的。只需從任何設備登錄到 Dropbox,並且您的文件將在那裡等待您.

注意:您可以使用免費帳戶存儲高達 2GB 的數據。

也可用:下載 Dropbox 為 Mac


檔案版本 Process Lasso (64-bit)

檔案名稱 processlassosetup64.exe
檔案大小 2.2 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Dropbox Team
官網 https://www.dropbox.com/
更新日期 2019-07-31

What's new in this version:

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- New CPU Limiter algorithm to dynamically reduce a process’s CPU use
- Per-process CPU utilization precision now in hundredths
- Refactored SmartTrim, added ability to Purge Stand-by List
- Improved and more standard update notifications
- Arranged Options menu into categories
- Retarget all projects to VS2019 platform toolset
- Large number of other enhancements

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- GUI: UX refactoring and tuning (details below)
- GUI: Change font of controls on main window
- GUI: Change order of rotation through color schemes when clicking on graph
- GUI: Change color of graph grid, now less prominent
- GUI: Reduce main window margins by half
- GUI: Reduce RAM load graph width
- GUI: Fix core graphs display issue when odd size logical CPU cores
- GUI: Enable core graphs display for single CPU core systems
- GUI: Improve appearance of core graphs
- GUI: Sizer (divider) control apperance improvement
- GUI: Switch to shortened Uptime format
- GUI: Fix RAM load graph could get mispositioned after manual sizing
- GUI: Improve flicker of CPU utilization and RAM load graphs on sizer control
- GUI: Move Lasso versions to right-most status bar component
- GUI: Strip embedded tabs in processor name string
- GUI: Change ‘RAM Load’ caption to ‘% RAM’
- GUI: Default panel size adjustments
- GUI: Change the methodology for panel size adjustments with main window resize
- GUI: Improve graph legend ellipsis
- GUI: Rename ‘automatic updates’ to ‘update without prompt’
- GUI: Add registry option ‘nographgrid’ to hide graph grid
- GUI: Update German and Slovenian
- GUI: Other misc changes
- Core: Change module description in version block

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- GUI: Added Dark Mode
- GUI: Expanded custom color selections
- GUI: Improved filter edit control appearance and function, add ‘X’ clear button when populated
- GUI: Window painting and sizing optimizations
- GUI: Change default graph color
- GUI: Improved display of many message boxes
- GUI: Large number of cosmetic and control enhancements
- Assortment of fixes and enhancements

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- GUI: If system only has a single CPU group: For default process columns, hide ‘CPU group’, Set CPU utilization bars caption to ‘CPU %’ instead of ‘CPU Group 0’
- GUI: Improvements to graph components and sizing, especially for non-English languages
- GUI: Restore ‘Governor Not Running’ warning graph overlay
- GUI: Text, menu item, and dialog cleanup and consistency improvements
- GUI: Fix issue where previously used config profile couldn’t be deleted until governor restarted
- GUI: Show automatic gaming mode in rules column
- GUI: Restore color theme when GUI launched
- GUI: Invalidate target windows after theme change
- GUI: Status bar – Remove ‘cores /’ prefix on queue length per core
- GUI: Improve process tooltip formatting, especially for non-English
- GUI: Continued prep for full dark mode
- GUI: Add Slovenian
- GUI: Other code improvements
- Core: Allow auto-detected games to be children of framework (e.g. Steam) at any level, not only immediate child
- Misc other

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- Core: Refactored the Instance Balancer: allow for wildcards, allow for childof: to balance all children, e.g. ‘childof: boinc.exe’, re-balance if any PID in set changes, rather than net instance count change
- Core: Default to disabled process creation and termination log events
- GUI: Disable listview gridlines by default
- GUI: Add ‘View / Show gridlines’ option
- GUI: Don’t show ProBalance stats on graph if ProBalance is disabled
- GUI: Change graph overlay ‘ProBalance restraints’ to ‘ProBalance events’
- GUI: Add color selections for listview background and foreground
- GUI: Invert dark/light theme selections in preparation for dark mode
- Additional fixes and enhancements

Process Lasso (64-bit)

- GUI: Add Processor Utility % to status bar (see this page for info)
- GUI: Add CPU Queue Length and Load Ratio to status bar (queue_length / core_count)
- GUI: Add Process Lasso version to status bar
- GUI: CTRL+C copy to clipboard support of selected rows in primary listviews (including filtered views and logviewer)
- GUI: Fix a small memory leak seen under some conditions
- GUI: Minor other improvements
- LogViewer: Persist window size and position
- LogViewer: Expand right-most log column to horizontal size of window if it would otherwise be initialized to a lesser width
- LogViewer: Move log listview column persistance to HKCU
- LogViewer: CTRL+A select all support
- Expand maximum command line length in places where an older Windows constant was used
- Migrate to VS2019

Process Lasso (64-bit)

- Add Instance Balancer feature that assigns CPU cores to multiple instances of an application based on a specified algorithm
- Refactor Keep Awake timer functionality
- Refactor persistence of Keep Awake timer and manually induced Performance Mode when Process Lasso is restarted
- Use performance counter for total CPU utilization instead of calculation
- Change CPU topology status bar format
- Maintenance to updater for server edition
- GUI Rules column now also shows ProBalance exclusions matched by path
- Improvements to session (user) name resolution
- Fix a painting issue with actions log listview header
- Add last metric (CPU use, responsiveness, memory load.) readings to graph legend
- Add background to graph legend to enhance visibility
- Add custom color selection for graph legend background
- Change order of graph color scheme rotation on click (black, white, custom)
- Make listview painting smoother during frequent updates
- Remove a deprecated registry key in server edition
- Persistent CPU affinities configuration dialog improvements
- Pre-order status bar parts to put dynamic columns first
- Defaults: Turn on process icons in Server Edition, turn on process creation/termination logging in Workstation Edition
- Misc cosmetic work and enhancements
- Update Chinese (simplified and traditional), German, Finnish, Russian languages

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- Default to more appropriate default log path when governor configured as a service
- Fix a rare crash seen in processlasso.exe
- Allow GUI to display more complex persistent process setting rules (pathname, command line) in listview
- Allow for smaller main window sizes to be remembered
- Minor other

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- Dynamically size status bar parts
- Improvements to watchdog configuration dialog (confirm close without save, formatting, text)
- Restore confirmation on cancel w/o save to all configuration dialogs
- Remove minimum window height and width during resize
- Always use OS default size and width for main window, first run

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- Add CPU type to status bar
- Make CPU topology distinct status bar item
- Continued work to processor group support
- Single-selection process context menu: Move memory priority to ‘More’ submenu
- Add processor group to CPU utilization and parking graphs caption
- Import sort behavior of listviews
- Add sort direction indicators to listview headers
- Save column states on mimimize of main window (instead of only on exit)
- Improved main window resizing
- Minor fixes and enhancements
- Assorted cosmetic and string changes
- Update Russian

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- Add processor group (‘CPU groups’) display to indicate processor group(s) a process’s threads are running on – info
- Change to CPU core graph ordering to adhere better to NUMA node grouping
- Change to default listview ordering - NOTE: These changes will cause saved listview column ordering and sizes to be reset once
- Show ‘KB’ instead of ‘K’ in I/O Delta
- Show blank instead of 0 KB in I/O Delta
- Fix installer unicode (Chinese, Russian)
- Update to NSIS 3.04

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- Fix issue with Hyper-Threaded/SMT avoidance current CPU affinity selection
- Fix a cosmetic resource issue in process context menu on Intel platforms
- Fix an issue where some process information could be blank
- Core process enumeration and management code maintenance
- Update copyright year
- Minor other

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- Fix exception in 546 when a secondary instance of ProcessLasso.exe is launched directly w/o using ProcessLassoLauncher.exe
- Minor cosmetic improvement to ProBalance advanced options dialog
- Update Finnish and German languages

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- Fix to ‘Induce Performance Mode’ (formerly ‘Classify as a High Performance’) process context menu item
- Fix digital signing of some modules in 32-bit distributions
- Minor adjustment to inter-process communication queue management

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- Add NUMA node selections to all CPU affinity selection dialogs
- Organizational changes to process context menu
- Assortment of string, message box, and dialog improvements
- Improvements to watchdog advanced rules dialog
- Change ‘Disable SMT’ to ‘Disable Hyperthreading’ for Intel CPUs
- Change first-time minimization to system tray notification text
- Include ThreadRacer in Lasso distribution and add to Tools menu
- Add CPUEater and TestLasso support for 64-bit CPU affinities
- Fix CPUeater and TestLasso support for greater than 64 threads
- Fix Del and CTRL+A keys in filter edit box
- Increase load rate of process icons
- Remove some languages not up to date

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- UX fixes for the 2990wx and other systems with groups of >32 cores
- Additional UX fixes and string changes
- Update DE, RU, PT-BR

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- Some UX fixes for the 2990wx and other systems with groups of 64 cores
- Fix 2x restraint total count can occur in Insights UX
- Fix post-update revision history may on system tray icon click after notification balloon disappeared
- Update RU, PTBR, FI languages

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- Add menu item under ‘Options / Performance Mode settings’ to uninstall/reinstall Bitsum Highest Performance power plan
- Improve watchdog dialog initial appearance
- Fix Watchdog issue with CPU affinity bitmasks > 32
- Licensing: Unbind CPU core count from unique machine ID. Requires re-activation to unbind
- Improve terminate process functionality in filtered view
- Other small fixes and enhancements

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- Fix a GUI crash seen by a small number of users

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- Show message box on restart after ‘Reconfigure the way Process Lasso starts’
- Restore listview header right-click to select visible columns (in addition to right-click on tab)
- Add last four digits of activation code to About Box
- Show Status column by default in All Processes view
- Fill app name and desc with process base name if can’t be retrieved
- Fix filtered processes view didn’t adopt customized columns from All Processes view
- Fixes to column setting persistence
- Fix extreme date change could cause days installed to roll over
- Fix to CPU time sort
- Fix Dark / white graph theme menu item check inversion
- Change to default column ordering in all processes listview
- Enable minidumps

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- Show message box on restart after ‘Reconfigure the way Process Lasso starts’
- Restore listview header right-click to select visible columns (in addition to right-click on tab)
- Add last four digits of activation code to About Box
- Show Status column by default in All Processes view
- Fill app name and desc with process base name if can’t be retrieved
- Fix filtered processes view didn’t adopt customized columns from All Processes view
- Fixes to column setting persistence
- Fix extreme date change could cause days installed to roll over
- Fix to CPU time sort
- Fix Dark / white graph theme menu item check inversion
- Change to default column ordering in all processes listview

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- GUI now allows protected processes like Easy Anti-Cheat clients to be configured for Performance Mode by adding their basename to the list, instead of throwing an error when pathname resolution fails.
- Allow process basenames to be specified (w/o wildcards) in the Performance Mode list
- Add optional command line matching to Default CPU Affinities
- Fix to governor refresh rate slider in Insights dialog

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- Divide CPU core utilization graphs into 2 vertical stacks for additional display room
- Add some special purpose debug logging related to configuration file load disposition
- Update PTBR, Russian

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- Fix 5 second refresh interval configuration persistence
- Update German and Chinese translations
- Other minor fixes and adjustments

Process Lasso (64-bit)
- Fix dysfunctional ‘Notify of power plan changes’ menu item
- Hide Insights ‘Since …’ if no start time-stamp is available
- Add additional retries and increase time-out for UNC backed configuration files – to prevent their reset to default for failure to load
- Fix ‘Pro – Balance’ on advanced ProBalance dialog options
- Change name of ‘default’ profile to ‘My Default Profile’ so it is not confused with program defaults
- Import newer Italian, Polish, Russian, Finnish, Chinese Traditional, and Chinese Simplified

Process Lasso (64-bit) 相關參考資料
Download CPUEater 64-Bit - MajorGeeks

CPUEater is designed for load testing of Process Lasso's ProBalance technology but ... CPUEater 64-Bit ... Comments Screenshots for CPUEater 64-Bit ...


Download Process Lasso RC 1 - Softpedia

Set the priority of running processes, monitor RAM usage and manage active ... With the help of Process Lasso, you can improve the operating system's response time and ... is available: Process La...


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Download Process Lasso Portable. Improve your computer's responsiveness and stability by automatically adjusting the priority class for all actively running ...


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Process Lasso Crack 64 bit is a Free Real-time CPU Optimization and Automation Software for ... Process Lasso 64-bit is not yet another task manager.


Process Lasso Crack + License Key Latest ... - All Crack Setups

Process Lasso Crack 64 bit is a Free Real-time CPU Optimization and Automation Software for ... Process Lasso Full Crack Plus Torrent Key.


Process Lasso Crack + License Key Latest ... - freecrack4u.com

Process Lasso Crack 64 bit is a Free Real-time CPU Optimization and Automation Software for ... Process Lasso Full Crack Plus Torrent Key.


Process Lasso Pro + x64 + Portable + Repack - Rsload

Скачать: Process Lasso Pro Final + x64 / Final Repack TryRooM / Pro Final Repack .... Process Lasso Server Edition 64-Bit Beta


Process Lasso Pro Crack [Free Download] | HuzaifaPC.Net

Process Lasso Pro Crack is a unique new technology that will, amongst other ... Native 64-bit code for maximum performance on Workstations and Servers!


Process Lasso Pro Final With Crack [x86x64] | 4HowCrack

Process Lasso Pro Crack is a professional version of a small utility that allows you ... Native 64-bit code for maximum performance on Workstations and Servers!


Process Lasso Revision History

v9.2.0.32 – July 3 2019 .... Add CPUEater and TestLasso support for 64-bit CPU affinities; Fix CPUeater and TestLasso support for greater than 64 threads ...
