ConEmu 歷史版本列表
ConEmu 是一個帶有選項卡的 Windows 控制台模擬器,它將多個控制台和簡單的 GUI 應用程序作為一個可自定義的 GUI 窗口提供各種功能.最初,該程序是作為遠程管理器(維基百科中的 FAR)的伴侶創建的,和檔案管理,指揮歷史和完成,功能強大的編輯。 ConEmu 免費下載 Windows PC 的最新版本。這是 ConEmu.的完全脫機安裝程序安裝程序今天,ConEmu 可以與任何其他... ConEmu 軟體介紹更新時間:2021-03-15
What's new in this version:
- conemu#327: Allow expand selection after DblClick
What's new in this version:
- conemu#2280: Let’s tripple click select long lines wrapped on several rows (same AI as in copying selected text)
- Correct double-click selection condition (was unselected unexpectedly in some cases, e.g. dblclick over comma)
- Let’s triple click select last line trimming trailing spaces
- conemu#2292: Programs failed to run with -new_console:i switch from existing consoles
- conemu#2212: Fix command execution from Far Manager (files with commas, unquoted batches)
- conemu#2279: Allow commands like -run "cmd /k echo Hello world"
- Executor: choose ConEmuC bitness according to ComSpec settings
- l10n: translations were updated
What's new in this version:
- conemu#2212: Fix executer in Far 1.75 (commands with redirections)
- conemu#2249, conemu#2248: ANSI: Fix new line processing (screen issues)
- Fix logging during ConEmuC -echo or ConEmuC -type
- conemu#2251: Restore WindowsXP 32-bit support
- Executor: Fix empty output of console app started from Far 3.0 on Windows XP
- Fix Far 1.75 default task name
- conemu#2246: Xterm child process fix
- Don’t try to substitute C: with env.vars in default tasks
- Remove RealConsole flickering while starting elevated tab
- Support ||| delimiter in single instance mode. E.g. run from .cmd file (^-escaped): start ConEmu64.exe -single -runlist ping -t ^|^|^| ping -t
- Stop selecting with mouse on LBtnUp when cursor is out of the ConEmu window rect
- conemu#1413: Improve scrolling during selection text with mouse
- l10n: translations were updated
What's new in this version:
- Far Manager crash using ConEmu.Editor.lua
- executing batch scripts from Far if command contains quotes
- single-char lines output in python
- Prefix console error messages with ConEmuC:
- run commands from Far Manager (ErrCode=0x00000057)
- ConEmuC -echo ... and ConEmuC -type ... commands
- l10n: translations were updated
What's new in this version:
FastReport.Net 2021.1.13
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2021.1.12
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2021.1.10
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2021.1.9
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2021.1.8
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2021.1.7
- support of .NET 5
- a new barcode - Deutsche Post Leitcode
- a new barcode - SberBank QR
- functions of converting numbers to letters
- functions of converting numbers to words for Indian language
- rupee symbol for Indian currency
- functions of converting numbers to words for Persian language
- functions of converting numbers to words for Ukranian language
- the Report.Prepare (int pagesLimit) method, which allows to prepare a limited number of pages* optimized work of VisibleExpression, PrintableExpression and ExportableExpression properties for bands
- optimized work of VisibleExpression, PrintableExpression and ExportableExpression properties for bands
- improved algorithm of converting RTF to report objects
- a bug with web response stream reader when connecting to remote JSON
- a bug while compiling the report with some expressions in the properties VisibleExpression, PrintableExpression and ExportableExpression
- a bug with font.list file leading to exception "System.IO.FileNotFoundException"
- a bug with incorrect checksum calculation in Deutsche Post Identcode barcode
- ReCompile (adding assemblies after Compile with error)
- fixed a bug with empty database name after reloading the report
- fixed a bug when double click to arrow buttons on report tab creates a new report page
- fixed a bug with exporting strings containing only spaces in DXF export
- fixed a bug in PDF export, leading to disappearance of spaces when there are tabs in the report
- fixed a bug with exporting page footers when export to Excel 2007 in seamless table mode
- fixed a bug with exporting "" character in Excel 2007 export
+ added correct view of script errors in ScriptSecurity mode
- fixed a bug with PDF export in online designer
- fixed a bug with ParagraphOffset
.Net Core:
- added properties ShowDbfExport, ShowMhtExport, PrintInHtml, PrintInPdf for WebReport that allow you to enable/disable the display of buttons in the toolbar of the corresponding exports/print
- now in FR.Core we detect WebProcess and StubClasses aren't added to ConsoleAppLibrary on FR.Core
- fixed a bug with RichObject expressions
- fixed a bug with exporting MSChartObject in Power Point 2007 export
- fixed a bug with exporting images in Excel 2007 export on Windows
- updated French resources
- changed dependency in project of Crystal Reports converter from System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization to FastReport.DataVisualization
- updated MongoDB connection plugin in Core and OpenSource
FastReport.Net 2021.1.3
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2021.1.2
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2021.1.0
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2020.4.11
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2020.4.10
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2020.4.9
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2020.4.8
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2020.4.7
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2020.4.6
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2020.4.5
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2020.3.14
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2020.3.4
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2020.2.17
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2020.2.12
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2020.2.11
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2020.2.6
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2020.2.1
- added property Report.Tag
- added "AutoEncode" property for DataMatrix Barcode. By default, if true, it encodes the &1; as a symbol of FNC1. If false, the character is encoded as is.
- added "OnScriptCompile" event that called when report's script compiles
- added new TextQuality: SingleBitPerPixel and SingleBitPerPixelGridFit
- added an ability to split table rows
- added RUB, BYN and BBYN currencies to ToWordsRu function
- fixed a bug when shifting SubReport to a new page didn't work correctly
- fixed a bug when the data footer break away from the data when property "keep with data" is enabled
- fixed generation of barcode GS1-128
- fixed public API for editing exports menu in PreviewControl
- fixed incorrect value of Total, if it refers to another Total
- fixed a bug where the table was not transferred correctly
- fixed a bug with parsing xml with hexidecimal values, e.g. "To create it: "
- added backlighting of the band that the selected element will located on when dragging is completed
- added an ability to open subreport page by double-clicking on its object
- added an ability to change fonts for Code Tab, Text Editor and Expression Editor
- added an ability to replace pictures with drag & drop
- added an ability to open report file by drag & dropping
- added an ability to scroll the report horizontally while holding down the Shift key
- when changing the window, the context menu now closes
- now during autosave the selected item from the properties window is not reset
- fixed a bug when changing parameters after adding a line caused exception
- fixed a bug with creating the Intelligent Mail barcode
- fixed a bug with JSON-connection in Connection Wizard
- fixed a bug with incorrect drawing of horizontal guides
- fixed a bug when the width of objects was reset after closing Preview with enabled right anchor
- added "About" button in toolbar of preview window
- added an ability to scroll the report horizontally while holding down the Shift key
- added export to DXF
- added support of PDF/A-1a standard in PDF export
- fixed a bug with printing of layered Html export, when the report contains pages with landscape orientation
- fixed a bug where exporting to EMF called an exception
- fixed display of objects with negative height/width for layered Html-export
.Net Core:
- added version of FastReport for Core 3/3.1 for Windows-only
- added MSChart support
- added Functions in Online Designer
- updated a nuget dependencies to release versions instead of previews
- changed access modifier PrintPdf and PrintHtml
- added a new way for saving reports in online-designer: DesignerSaveCallBack is obsolete, please use DesignerSaveMethod instead
FastReport.Net 2020.1.28
- Added property Report.Tag
- Added "AutoEncode" property for DataMatrix Barcode. By default, if true, it encodes the &1; as a symbol of FNC1. If false, the character is encoded as is
- Added "OnScriptCompile" event that called when report's script compiles
- Added new TextQuality: SingleBitPerPixel and SingleBitPerPixelGridFit
- Added an ability to split table rows
- Added RUB, BYN and BBYN currencies to ToWordsRu function
- Fixed a bug when shifting SubReport to a new page didn't work correctly
- Fixed a bug when the data footer break away from the data when property "keep with data" is enabled
- Fixed generation of barcode GS1-128
- Fixed public API for editing exports menu in PreviewControl
- Fixed incorrect value of Total, if it refers to another Total
- Fixed a bug where the table was not transferred correctly
- Fixed a bug with parsing xml with hexidecimal values, e.g. "To create it: "
- Added backlighting of the band that the selected element will located on when dragging is completed
- Added an ability to open subreport page by double-clicking on its object
- Added an ability to change fonts for Code Tab, Text Editor and Expression Editor
- Added an ability to replace pictures with drag & drop
- Added an ability to open report file by drag & dropping
- Added an ability to scroll the report horizontally while holding down the Shift key
- When changing the window, the context menu now closes
- Now during autosave the selected item from the properties window is not reset
- Fixed a bug when changing parameters after adding a line caused exception
- Fixed a bug with creating the Intelligent Mail barcode
- Fixed a bug with JSON-connection in Connection Wizard
- Fixed a bug with incorrect drawing of horizontal guides
- Fixed a bug when the width of objects was reset after closing Preview with enabled right anchor
- Added "About" button in toolbar of preview window
- Added an ability to scroll the report horizontally while holding down the Shift key
- Added export to DXF
- Added support of PDF/A-1a standard in PDF export
- Fixed a bug with printing of layered Html export, when the report contains pages with landscape orientation
- Fixed a bug where exporting to EMF called an exception
- Fixed display of objects with negative height/width for layered Html-export
.Net core:
- Added version of FastReport for Core 3/3.1 for Windows-only
- Added MSChart support
- Added Functions in Online Designer
- Updated a nuget dependencies to release versions instead of previews
- Changed access modifier PrintPdf and PrintHtml
- Added a new way for saving reports in online-designer: DesignerSaveCallBack is obsolete, please use DesignerSaveMethod instead
FastReport.Net 2020.1.27
.Net Core:
- Added a new way for saving reports in online-designer: DesignerSaveCallBack is obsolete, please use DesignerSaveMethod instead
FastReport.Net 2020.1.26
- Added property Report.Tag
- Added "AutoEncode" property for DataMatrix Barcode. By default, if true, it encodes the &1; as a symbol of FNC1. If false, the character is encoded as is.
- Added "OnScriptCompile" event that called when report's script compiles
- Added new TextQuality: SingleBitPerPixel and SingleBitPerPixelGridFit
- Added an ability to split table rows
- Added RUB, BYN and BBYN currencies to ToWordsRu function
- Fixed a bug when shifting SubReport to a new page didn't work correctly
- Fixed a bug when the data footer break away from the data when property "keep with data" is enabled
- Fixed generation of barcode GS1-128
- Fixed public API for editing exports menu in PreviewControl
- Fixed incorrect value of Total, if it refers to another Total
- Fixed a bug where the table was not transferred correctly
- Added backlighting of the band that the selected element will located on when dragging is completed
- Added an ability to open subreport page by double-clicking on its object
- Added an ability to change fonts for Code Tab, Text Editor and Expression Editor
- Added an ability to replace pictures with drag & drop
- Added an ability to open report file by drag & dropping
- Added an ability to scroll the report horizontally while holding down the Shift key
- When changing the window, the context menu now closes
- Now during autosave the selected item from the properties window is not reset
- Fixed a bug when changing parameters after adding a line caused exception
- Fixed a bug with creating the Intelligent Mail barcode
- Fixed a bug with JSON-connection in Connection Wizard
- Fixed a bug with incorrect drawing of horizontal guides
- Fixed a bug when the width of objects was reset after closing Preview with enabled right anchor
- Added "About" button in toolbar of preview window
- Added an ability to scroll the report horizontally while holding down the Shift key
- Added export to DXF
- Added support of PDF/A-1a standard in PDF export
- Fixed a bug with printing of layered Html export, when the report contains pages with landscape orientation
- Fixed a bug where exporting to EMF called an exception
- Fixed display of objects with negative height/width for layered Html-export
.Net Core:
- Added version of FastReport for Core 3/3.1 for Windows-only
- Added MSChart support
- Added Functions in Online Designer
- Updated a nuget dependencies to release versions instead of previews
- Changed access modifier PrintPdf and PrintHtml
FastReport.Net 2020.1.25
- added property Report.Tag
- fixed a bug when shifting SubReport to a new page didn't work correctly
- fixed a bug when the data footer break away from the data when property "keep with data" is enabled
- fixed generation of barcode GS1-128
- added "AutoEncode" property for DataMatrix Barcode. By default, if true, it encodes the &1; as a symbol of FNC1. If false, the character is encoded as is.
- added "OnScriptCompile" event that called when report's script compiles
- fixed public API for editing exports menu in PreviewControl
- added new TextQuality: SingleBitPerPixel & SingleBitPerPixelGridFit
- fixed incorrect value of Total, if it refers to another Total
- added ability to split table rows
- added RUB, BYN and BBYN currencies to ToWordsRu function
- fixed a bug where the table was not transferred correctly
- added backlighting of the band that the selected element will located on when dragging is completed
- added an ability to open subreport page by double-clicking on its object
- added an ability to change fonts for Code Tab, Text Editor and Expression Editor
- added an ability to replace pictures with drag & drop
- added an ability to open report file by drag & dropping
- added an ability to scroll the report horizontally while holding down the Shift key
- when changing the window, the context menu now closes
- fixed a bug when changing parameters after adding a line caused exception
- fixed a bug with creating the Intelligent Mail barcode
- fixed a bug with JSON-connection in Connection Wizard
- fixed a bug with incorrect drawing of horizontal guides
- fixed a bug when the width of objects was reset after closing Preview with enabled right anchor
- added "About" button in toolbar of preview window
- added an ability to scroll the report horizontally while holding down the Shift key
- added export to DXF
- fixed a bug with printing of layered Html export, when the report contains pages with landscape orientation
- fixed a bug where exporting to EMF called an exception
- fixed display of objects with negative height/width for layered Html-export
.Net Core:
- added version of FastReport for Core 3/3.1 for Windows-only
- updated a nuget dependencies to release versions instead of previews
- added MSChart support
- added a "Functions" in Online Designer
- changed access modifier PrintPdf & PrintHtml
FastReport.Net 2020.1.23
- Added backlighting of the band that the selected element will located on when dragging is completed
- Added an ability to replace pictures with drag & drop
- Added an ability to scroll the report horizontally while holding down the Shift key
- When changing the window, the context menu now closes
- Fixed a bug with incorrect drawing of horizontal guides
- Added an ability to scroll the report horizontally while holding down the Shift key
- Added export to DXF
.Net Core:
- Added MSChart support
FastReport.Net 2020.1.22
- added property Report.Tag
- fixed a bug when shifting SubReport to a new page didn't work correctly
- fixed a bug when the data footer break away from the data when property "keep with data" is enabled
- fixed generation of barcode GS1-128
- added "AutoEncode" property for DataMatrix Barcode. By default, if true, it encodes the &1; as a symbol of FNC1. If false, the character is encoded as is
- fixed public API for editing exports menu in PreviewControl
- added new TextQuality: SingleBitPerPixel & SingleBitPerPixelGridFit
- added ability to open subreport page by double-clicking on its object
- added ability to change fonts for Code Tab, Text Editor and Expression Editor
- added ability to replace pictures with drag & drop
- added ability to open report file by drag & dropping
- fixed a bug when changing parameters after adding a line caused exception
- fixed a bug with creating the Intelligent Mail barcode
- fixed bug with JSON-connection in Connection Wizard
FastReport.Net 2020.1.18
.Net Core:
- changed access modifier PrintPdf & PrintHtml
FastReport.Net 2020.1.17
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2020.1.16
- fixed public API for editing exports menu in PreviewControl
.Net Core:
- added a "Functions" in Online Designer
FastReport.Net 2020.1.15
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2020.1.14
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2020.1.13
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2020.1.12
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2020.1.11
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2020.1.10
- added property Report.Tag
- fixed a bug when shifting SubReport to a new page didn't work correctly
- fixed a bug when the data footer break away from the data when property "keep with data" is enabled
- added "AutoEncode" property for DataMatrix Barcode. By default, if true, it encodes the &1; as a symbol of FNC1. If false, the character is encoded as is.
- added ability to open subreport page by double-clicking on its object
- added ability to change fonts for Code Tab, Text Editor and Expression Editor
- fixed a bug when changing parameters after adding a line caused exception
- added "About" button in toolbar of preview window
- fixed a bug with printing of layered Html export, when the report contains pages with landscape orientation
.Net Core:
- updated a nuget dependencies to release versions instead of previews
FastReport.Net 2020.1.8
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2020.1.7
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2020.1.6
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2020.1.5
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2020.1.4
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2020.1.0
- Added events to TrueTypeCollection object. New demo programm shows how to use them - .DemosC#FontHandlersExportToPDF
- Added an ability to change decimal digits for Number, Currency and Percent formats when UseLocale property is true
- Added property "SplitRows" for MatrixObject. By default, its value is False and in this case rows with the same vaues are joined. If True - rows are split (like TableObject)
- Fixed bug with trying to convert DBNull in empty string when ConvertNulls is disabled
- Fixed a bug when PageFooter with PrintOn=LastPage causes to print it on penultimate page
- Added ability to drag & drop picture in format png, jpeg, jpg, gif, ico, bmp, tif, tiff, emf, wmf and text files in format txt, rtf
- Added ability to paste picture and text on page from clipboard
- Added ability to create new report page using: "+" button on the pages panel, double-click on empty space on the pages panel, "Ctrl+N" shortcut
- Fixed a bug when trying to set an incorrect RowSpan value to a MatrixObject cell
- Fixed a bug with dropping color, width and style in Border editor
- Fixed a bug with resizing PolyLineObject/PolygonObject, when it's copied with Ctrl+Drag
- Fixed a bug with inactive context menu "Size Mode" for SVG object
- Fixed a bug when subreport cannot be deleted when page linked to it was deleted before
- Fixed a bug when the buttons in the "Panel" in the "View" tab did not match the "Visible" property of the corresponding windows
- Added exports menu editor
- > new editor is available in user interface options; exports can now be removed from exports menu
- Data source menu in Text Editor is now hidden in Preview
- * "Delete Page" button now disabled in Preview when only one page generated
- Added ability to split pages in export to XML
- Added support for Padding property in Word2007 export
- Now in PDF export with InteractiveForms = true: fonts won't be saved if there aren't editable elements in the report
- Fixed bugs when exporting a multi-page report in XML
- Fixed a bug when PDF export generated incorrect file when EmbeddingFonts and InteraciveForms properties equal True
- Fixed view of background on BarcodeObject at Pdf and Html export
- Fixed bugs when displaying Shape, Barcode, Polygon etc. with fill (or background) in all exports with table layout
- Added ability to change export settings. To do this, you need to subscribe to the ExportParameters event in WebReport.Report
- Fixed incorrect width and height for reports with mixed page orientation (Landscape & Portrait)
- Fixed incorrect view of background in ShapeObject
- Fixed lack of non-standard fill (Hatch, LinearGradient, etc.) on ShapeObject
.Net core:
- Fixed a bug with SQLite plugin if database includes null-values
- Fixed a critical bug on embedding fonts
FastReport.Net 2019.4.15
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2019.4.14
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2019.4.13
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2019.4.12
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2019.4.11
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2019.4.10
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2019.4.9
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2019.4.8
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2019.4.7
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2019.4.6
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2019.4.5
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2019.4.4
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2019.4.3
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2019.3.26
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2019.3.25
- Fixed a bug with the inability to return and cancel actions when copying the format
- Fixed a bug with breaking ManualBuild table with CanBreak = false
.Net Core:
- Fixed TrueType font name conversion for extended weights
- > font name conversion affected to FR.Core. The existing "font.list" file must be deleted manually, and will automatically rebuild on next export to PDF. Note that rebuilding of font.list takes long time
FastReport.Net 2019.3.24
- Change log not available for this version
FastReport.Net 2019.3.22
- added Bezier curve for polygons
- Added new time format minutes:seconds [mm:ss]
- Fixed image size calculation when AutoSize is enabled in the preparation stage
- Fixed RichText lists format
- Fixed a bug when font changed in parent report were not changed in inherited report
- Updated a polygon object: now the polygon toolbar is displayed not near to the object, but in the main toolbar and in ribbon; polygon modes are changed, new modes allow editing and adding curves
- > because polygons have got strong changes, we want to get more detail about the change, the polygon has 5 editing modes: the first allows you to work with the whole object, the second for selecting and moving points, the third allows you to add new points to the polygon, the fourth allows you to edit the curves, the fifth to delete the points of the polygon. For the 3rd and 4th mode, you must select a point
- Added a new Json data connection integrated into the engine
- Added FontListFolder property in the Utils.Config
- Added RepeatBandNTimes property for bands
- Fixed bug with changing the GroupHeaderBand hierarchy if it had a child GroupHeaderBand
- Fixed TypeConverter on the TextObject.ParagraphFormat property
- Fixed a bug with rising exception when double clicking on a TextObject
- Fixed a bug with shadow of report when designer is in Right-to-Left mode
- Added feature to edit the sql query for the Query Builder; if the Query Builder cannot process the query a warning will be showed
- Fixed a bug when Query Builder adds extra comma
- Fixed bug with adding extra spaces in QueryBuilder
- Fixed a bug with position of report shadow when zooming in Right-to-Left designer
- Now when the name of data source changed, its name changes in expressions of TextObject.Text, PictureObject.DataColumn, DataBand.Filter and DataBand.Sort
- Added the ability to subscribe to the PreviewControl.OnPrint and PreviewControl.OnExport events, which are called when the corresponding buttons are clicked
- Fixed bug with display on the penultimate page with PageFooter PrintOn = LastPage
.NET Core:
- Fixed memory leak in PDF-export
- Fixed memory leak in font engine
- Fixed glyph widths in PDF export
- Fixed errors of report building with complex expressions ("Requested operation is not available because the runtime library function '' is not defined.")
- Fixed display of fonts in PDF export, reduced accuracy to 2 decimal places
- Added PdfImagesOriginalResolution, PdfJpegCompression and PdfColorSpace properties
- Added rotation for pages with landscape orientation in printing from browser
- Added event CustomAuth
- Fixed bug with export of bitmaps in ZPL
- Fixed bug with incorrect height of cells in Excel2007
- Fixed bug with exporting empty sheet in Excel2007
- Fixed bug with exporting the page with the wrong size in Excel97
- Fixed bug with exporting empty cells in Excel2007
- Fixed bug with strikethrough text in Excel2007 export
- Fixed bug with strikethrough text in Word2007 export, when using html-tags and conditional formatting
- Added Hyperlinks to RTFExport
- Fixed QR code position in ZPL export
- Fixed page init priority in ZPL export
- Improved an example DemosC#PrintZPL
- Fixed a bug with the same images duplication in the HtmlExport (properties: Layers, EmbeddedPictures)
- Added an ability to split pages with data in different sheets when exporting to Excel2007
- Fixed bug with the lack of hyperlinks in pictures, figures, QR-codes when exporting to PDF
- Fixed bug with exporting empty text to RTF, when using CanShrink = true and TextRenderType = HtmlParagraph
FastReport.Net 2019.3.21
- Fixed bug with display on the penultimate page with PageFooter PrintOn = LastPage
FastReport.Net 2019.3.20
- added Bezier curve for polygons
- added new time format minutes:seconds [mm:ss]
- fixed image size calculation when AutoSize is enabled in the preparation stage
- fixed RichText lists format
- fixed a bug when font changed in parent report were not changed in inherited report
- updated a polygon object: now the polygon toolbar is displayed not near to the object, but in the main toolbar and in ribbon; polygon modes are changed, new modes allow editing and adding curves
- because polygons have got strong changes, we want to get more detail about the change, the polygon has 5 editing modes: the first allows you to work with the whole object, the second for selecting and moving points, the third allows you to add new points to the polygon, the fourth allows you to edit the curves, the fifth to delete the points of the polygon. For the 3rd and 4th mode, you must select a point
- added a new Json data connection integrated into the engine
- added FontListFolder property in the Utils.Config
- added RepeatBandNTimes property for bands
- fixed bug with changing the GroupHeaderBand hierarchy if it had a child GroupHeaderBand
- fixed TypeConverter on the TextObject.ParagraphFormat property
- fixed a bug with rising exception when double clicking on a TextObject
- fixed a bug with shadow of report when designer is in Right-to-Left mode
- added feature to edit the sql query for the Query Builder; if the Query Builder cannot process the query a warning will be showed
- fixed a bug when Query Builder adds extra comma
- fixed bug with adding extra spaces in QueryBuilder
- fixed a bug with position of report shadow when zooming in Right-to-Left designer
- now when the name of data source changed, its name changes in expressions of TextObject.Text, PictureObject.DataColumn, DataBand.Filter and DataBand.Sort
- Added the ability to subscribe to the PreviewControl.OnPrint and PreviewControl.OnExport events, which are called when the corresponding buttons are clicked
- Fixed memory leak in PDF-export
- Fixed memory leak in font engine
- Fixed glyph widths in PDF export
- Fixed errors of report building with complex expressions ("Requested operation is not available because the runtime library function '' is not defined.")
- Fixed display of fonts in PDF export, reduced accuracy to 2 decimal places
- Added PdfImagesOriginalResolution, PdfJpegCompression and PdfColorSpace properties
- Added rotation for pages with landscape orientation in printing from browser
- Added event CustomAuth
- Fixed bug with export of bitmaps in ZPL
- Fixed bug with incorrect height of cells in Excel2007
- Fixed bug with exporting empty sheet in Excel2007
- Fixed bug with exporting the page with the wrong size in Excel97
- Fixed bug with exporting empty cells in Excel2007
- Fixed bug with strikethrough text in Excel2007 export
- Fixed bug with strikethrough text in Word2007 export, when using html-tags and conditional formatting
- Added Hyperlinks to RTFExport
- Fixed QR code position in ZPL export
- Fixed page init priority in ZPL export
- Improved an example DemosC#PrintZPL
- Fixed a bug with the same images duplication in the HtmlExport (properties: Layers, EmbeddedPictures)
- Added an ability to split pages with data in different sheets when exporting to Excel2007
- Fixed bug with the lack of hyperlinks in pictures, figures, QR-codes when exporting to PDF
- Fixed bug with exporting empty text to RTF, when using CanShrink = true and TextRenderType = HtmlParagraph
What's new in this version:
- New backends
- Compression remote (experimental)
- Enterprise File Fabric
- This work was sponsored by Storage Made Easy
- HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System)
- Zoho workdrive
- New Features
- Deglobalise the config
- Global config now read from the context
- This will enable passing of global config via the rc
- This work was sponsored by Digitalis
- Add --bwlimit for upload and download
- Obey bwlimit in http Transport for better limiting
- Enhance systemd integration
- Log level identification, manual activation with flag, automatic systemd launch detection
- Don't compile systemd log integration for non unix systems
- Add a --download flag to md5sum/sha1sum/hashsum to force rclone to download and hash files locally
- Add --progress-terminal-title to print ETA to terminal title
- Make backend env vars show in help as the defaults for backend flags
- Raise minimum go version to go1.12
- Add --by-hash to dedupe on content hash not file name
- Add --dedupe-mode list to just list dupes, changing nothing
- Add warning if used on a remote which can't have duplicate names
- Add Shutdown optional method for backends
- When using --files-from check files concurrently
- Accumulate stats when using --dry-run
- Always show stats when using --dry-run or --interactive
- Add support for flag --no-console on windows to hide the console window
- Genautocomplete: Add support to output to stdout
- Ncdu
- Highlight read errors instead of aborting
- Add sort by average size in directory
- Add toggle option for average s3ize in directory - key 'a'
- Add empty folder flag into ncdu browser
- Add ! (errror) and . (unreadable) file flags to go with e (empty)
- Obscure: Make rclone osbcure - ignore newline at end of line
- Add logs when need to upload files to set mod times
- Move and copy log name of the destination object in verbose
- Add size if known to skipped items and JSON log
- Prefer actual listener address if using ":port" or "addr:0" only
- Add listener for finished jobs (Aleksandar Jankovic)
- Serve ftp: Add options to enable TLS
- Serve http/webdav: Redirect requests to the base url without the /
- Serve restic: Implement object cache
- Stats: Add counter for deleted directories
- Sync: Only print "There was nothing to transfer" if no errors
- Prompt user for updating webui if an update is available
- Fix plugins initialization
- Fix nil pointer on copy & move operations directly to remote
- Fix parsing of .. when joining remotes
- Log: Fix enabling systemd logging when using --log-file
- Make the error count match up in the log message
- Move: Fix data loss when source and destination are the same object
- Fix --cutof-mode hard not cutting off immediately
- Fix --immutable error message
- Sync
- Fix --cutoff-mode soft & cautious so it doesn't end the transfer early
- Fix --immutable errors retrying many times
- Many fixes and a rewrite of the filtering docs
- Many spelling and grammar fixes
- Doc fixes for commands delete, purge, rmdir, rmdirs and mount
- Update systemd status with cache stats
- Disable bazil/fuse based mount on macOS
- Make rclone mount actually run rclone cmount under macOS
- Implement mknod to make NFS file creation work
- Make sure we don't call umount more than once
- More user friendly mounting as network drive on windows
- Detect if uid or gid are set in same option string: -o uid=123,gid=456
- Don't attempt to unmount if fs has been destroyed already
- Fix virtual entries causing deleted files to still appear
- Fix "file already exists" error for stale cache files
- Fix file leaks with --vfs-cache-mode full and --buffer-size 0
- Fix invalid cache path on windows when using :backend: as remote
- Continue listing files/folders when a circular symlink is detected
- New flag --local-zero-size-links to fix sync on some virtual filesystems
Azure Blob:
- Add support for service principals
- Add support for managed identities
- Add examples for access tier
- Utilize the streaming capabilities from the SDK for multipart uploads
- Fix setting of mime types
- Fix crash when listing outside a SAS URL's root
- Delete archive tier blobs before update if --azureblob-archive-tier-delete
- Fix crash on startup
- Fix memory usage by upgrading the SDK to v0.13.0 and implementing a TransferManager
- Require go1.14+ to compile due to SDK changes
- Make NewObject use less expensive API calls
- This will improve --files-from and restic serve in particular
- Fixed crash on an empty file name
- Box
- Fix NewObject for files that differ in case
- Fix finding directories in a case insentive way
- Skip long local hashing, hash in-transit (fixes)
- Set Features ReadMimeType to false as Object.MimeType not supported
- Fix case-insensitive NewObject, test metadata detection
- Implement rclone backend copyid command for copying files by ID
- Added flag --drive-stop-on-download-limit to stop transfers when the download limit is exceeded
- Implement CleanUp workaround for team drives
- Allow shortcut resolution and creation to be retried
- Log that emptying the trash can take some time
- Add xdg office icons to xdg desktop files
- Add support for viewing shared files and folders
- Enable short lived access tokens
- Implement IDer on Objects so rclone lsf etc can read the IDs
- Set Features ReadMimeType to false as Object.MimeType not supported
- Make malformed_path errors from too long files not retriable
- Test file name length before upload to fix upload loop
- Set Features ReadMimeType to true as Object.MimeType is supported
- Add --ftp-disable-msld option to ignore MLSD for really old servers
- Make --tpslimit apply
Google Cloud Storage:
- Storage class object header support
- Fix anonymous client to use rclone's HTTP client
- Fix Entry doesn't belong in directory "" (same as directory) - ignoring
- New flag --gphotos-include-archived to show archived photos as well
- Don't erroneously report support for writing mime types
- Add support for Telia Cloud
- Accept special folders eg camera-upload
- Avoid prehashing of large local files
- Fix uploads after recent changes on server
- Fix range requests after June 2020 changes on server
- Fix invalid timestamp on corrupted files (fixes)
- Remove deprecated protocol quirks
- Fix setting of mime types
- Add support for China region operated by 21vianet and other regional suppliers
- Warn on gateway timeout errors
- Fall back to normal copy if server-side copy unavailable
- Fix server-side copy completely disabled on OneDrive for Business
- (business only) workaround to replace existing file on server-side copy
- Enhance link creation with expiry, scope, type and password
- Remove % and # from the set of encoded characters
- Support addressing site by server-relative URL
- Opendrive;
- Fix finding directories in a case insensitive way
- Fix setting of mime types
- Fix finding directories in a case insensitive way
- Fix error propagation in CleanUp
- Fix rclone cleanup
- Added --s3-disable-http2 to disable http/2
- Complete SSE-C implementation
- Fix hashes on small files with AWS:KMS and SSE-C
- Add MD5 metadata to objects uploaded with SSE-AWS/SSE-C
- Add --s3-no-head parameter to minimise transactions on upload
- Update docs with a Reducing Costs section
- Added error handling for error code 429 indicating too many requests
- Add requester pays option (kelv)
- Fix copy multipart with v2 auth failing with 'SignatureDoesNotMatch'
- Allow cert based auth via optional pubkey
- Allow user to optionally check server hosts key to add security
- Defer asking for user passwords until the SSH connection succeeds
- Remember entered password in AskPass mode
- Implement Shutdown method
- Implement keyboard interactive authentication
- Make --tpslimit apply
- Implement --sftp-use-fstat for unusual SFTP servers
- Fix NewObject for files that differ in case
- Fix finding directories in a case insentive way
- Fix deletion of parts of Static Large Object (SLO)
- Ensure partially uploaded large files are uploaded unless --swift-leave-parts-on-error
- Upgrade to uplink v1.4.1
- Updated docs to show streaming to nextcloud is working
- Set Features WriteMimeType to false as Yandex ignores mime types
What's new in this version:
- Fix executer in Far 3.0
- Fix default task generation for VsDevCmd.bat
- Fix run cmd /k ... with -new_console switch
- Fix exception 0xC0000005 on fresh run
- Fix newline mode change using connector
- Hyperlinks: Allow use tasks in ‘goto editor’ command. E.g. {Far} /e%1:%2 %3
- DefTerm: Fix injects error -113:0x00000018 which could occurs during infiltrating program initialization
- l10n: translations were updated
What's new in this version:
- conemu#2212: Far 1.75 executor - fix run cmd scripts with space in the path, redirections or asFile specified in CreateProcess
- Create default tasks for all found WSL distributions
- Support loading tab icons for 64-bit system32 apps in 32-bit ConEmu (e.g. wsl.exe)
- conemu#2253: Fix ‘Run as current user’ radio box l10n
DefTerm: Support manual attach of the VsDebugConsole.exe console. If VsDebugConsole.exe was started outside of ConEmu without DefTerm, the process does not have ConEmuHk injected and - after manual attach it could behave incorrectly on debugging program termination
- conemu#2250: Fix sequence ESC[3J to clear backscroll buffer
- l10n: translations were update
- DefTerm: Activate VsDebugConsole tab when new session (run/debug) is starting
- Reset dynamic scroll range after cls command
What's new in this version:
Bug Fixes:
- accounting: Fix data race in Transferred()
- Stop tagged releases making a current beta
- Upgrade docker buildx action
- Add -buildmode to cross-compile.go
- Fix docker build by upgrading ilteoood/docker_buildx
- Revert GitHub actions brew fix since this is now fixed
- Fix brew install --cask syntax for macOS build
- Update nfpm syntax to fix build of .deb/.rpm packages
- Fix for Windows build errors
- fs: Parseduration: fixed tests to use UTC time
- fshttp: Prevent overlap of HTTP headers in logs
- Fix core/command giving 500 internal error
- Add Copy method to rc.Params
- Fix 500 error when marshalling errors from core/command
- plugins: Create plugins files only if webui is enabled.
- serve http: Fix serving files of unknown length
- serve sftp: Fix authentication on one connection blocking others
- Add optional brew tag to throw an error when using mount in the binaries installed via Homebrew
- Add "." and ".." to directories to match cmount and expectations
- Make cache dir absolute before using it to fix path too long errors
- Improve detection of incompatible metadata
Google Cloud Storage:
- Fix server side copy of large objects
- Fix token renewer to fix long uploads
- Fix token refresh failed: is not a regular file error
- Only use SHA1 hashes in EU region
- Undo Fix backend due to API swapping integers for strings
- Fix Open Range requests to fix 4shared mount
- Add "Depth: 0" to GET requests to fix bitrix
What's new in this version:
- conemu#2243: Fix arrow key issue in cygwin pseudo console
- Add ConEmuC -verbose switch to force called functions printing to stdout (debugging purposes)
- Don’t show MessageBox on injects failures in ConEmuC.exe, print error to stdout instead. May be suppressed by -silent switch.
- Workaround for Win10 bug leading to invisible leading 4 characters in prompt after exit from cmd.exe /k wsl.exe